<Cesdesse frm i Îe x Nos.Y Miss Lucy Alliai liasreturlued homo. >Miss Ellen Beet has ecovered fom hiem receut ilInese. Mmr. Rebt. Kuex lies eturmued homue Mme. . F.Hall isas bcr iitu friendeý in Lifford. M.John ,Miler, e.,leetesvlym- pair'Ihie bsesidence. Mv-r. Chenu1s Mc Pherson, OrlIeý, vst e ronehomre ty Miss Fareo, Beml, hiebeen vsitiug -t MVr. C.G.Amtcge iitdfrlende bore eceuiy M tnü'udMme. M. L. rvlehv e tundhomne fomi Patry Seun.ý Ai. E. ail bas been selected as a Judge on homees at Lindsay Faim.- Perangemeuts of the, iver, with con- stipa ion, inu res tise complexîon,maduces pimpe atow skin. Remoeve thse cisuse by usii,, Cater's Little Liver PIl. One a dose. Try tisem. Mm. Junor, Cinton, siter o! Mr. G. M., Long, is visitiug frieud% bere. Mm. -Ichi cf O.liews peeoised Srnday., a! ernoon litise Christian churcis.r M. . HL. Linton sud dau-riser Ivy, have returuedhome f rom St. Tisornas. Tise acion cf Carter's Little Liver lita R. ti5Ltim ejon, na j. PIelpeantidsuntrl.Te Provan are exhibitore et Toronto Faim. gently stimulato Lise liver and regulato M. Tises. Guy is beeu vemy succePE- tiebowele, btL ono, pre.Thyare fI tsiettlsý Womi'à I'Faim, leviug been sure e et e Try them. awsmded s-everai prizes ou hie Ayî sbires. Mm. onahînCleenc, nar Kimby Tise excusoisLe Niagara Fells wes tise iedý s 00w killed by lightniung recently. l orfete! iqsa 5on,'sud asepleasant a% Mr. qtmd M.LS Geo. Reddock ,o! Strar- any which pmoceded it. Nealy 800 pacr- bore, E[ig_., liave been visitiug et Mr. sens were on:board. John Wadde!L'e. Bisisop Betisune Coleage has re-opeued Rev. R". 1T. CuOlLice, Newtouvill, witb every loch o! accommodation takea preachedl in tise Metisediet churci SUn-. up, sud a number o! applications for ad- mission deliced. dtay evening". A haLe issue of Lise Royal Tom pler haq lui ail that goos te strengtisenaned bauld a flue portrait o! Rev. C. WVWatch Lu up tse yste wekene bydisese ssdils report (f tise cimp et Toronto. in ite painý, Ayer's Sarsaperilla le a supeior accout o! Saturday, Chisidreu'a Day, tise stediciný. IL neutraIýzpes tlie poins n3le!t Templar says-Tise lecture by î, sv. C. lu tise eystem after diplistiseia sud scamietW.WchoOsat autgT-mr foye, sd metoes ise sbii~sod atia~ os"' wssIvemy fine effort sud wsgreat- to, perfect healîi sudvigýor. ; p eitd Mm. rPeter iMlcOosmuschii sas et Glen- ya mcstd cee mceuntly attendling tise funeral e! hie uncle, Peter MHcconnaàchIe. AUCTION SALES. Mmý. Cee. Dunsford, after % ptolonged vieiL with friand hme, La meumrdto SATruAnÂ, Sept. 23.-m-r3. CoateS Willh 1,is homo lu Salera, Oegon. neli hem f uruitume'sud hGuseiseld effeoýts ou Maket Square, Bowranviiiss. 1,- You NsuýýtIvo-s, are youai l tired Sale et 1 p. m. Terme cash. L. A. W. eut, do yen havi that tiredÇ feeling cm Toi.z, auctioneor. Rii iachie î Ynu cen hae relieved o! SÂTURDAI, Sept. 16.-Wm. Sandercock, a1l tiase symptom-i by tskiaig I-oed'B Sar- who le moving hie familv to Califomnia, saparilla. whlch givos nervo, mental aud nl 'ell Lie whoeocf hie Fumaitume,' hodily strenugch sud thooghly purifies CrptSoesuehehoeod rirs blod.IL ise crotts s and eppieaffects. Eveything le good sud muet eindgsto, sarbmnsd ype- li old. Attend and geL bargains. Pili areeas i c hýk aý in Sale et 12 noon. Seo poters for liet. action aud sure lu effect. 25,-.a box. L.eDAY Se. 1.-m.M.b Jnnai Mm. Edward HaiLlton o!Princeton lot 20, Scon. 5. -r.ngton, nD -amp Collage, Nes' Jersey, visited hie fieu-d, ltn,0'iton.5, i i valu e - frtstei Mr. John MNoment, ecetly. tin, emeut'9011.!lse ho tbe metring fremL- Mmei. E. L-ndlow, Misses S. ard H. fammling. sale et io'lok See bille. Webber sud MsesR, sud W. Web)bem S, C., Il lGauctionIeer, Sçva e, turneà te ) hoEtAL --- ;n. al bnNc York. pnln]tad at Tint STATFEM5.M gfioYQ gv frpa notice tîka thel aboya op te date o ae ýTJNBEAPEA15LE A eu v. -For threeî days IWo ofltvittebis the charge te I effeed eveeiyfom sqummer ci-U5cents s lino eacls ins-ttcon, For salas li West Darlians sud Nasi Whitby a notie sui plaint, nothiug gave me relief ani kept Iise papar i. wartls as miuei aq 10 bills fre0M getinug were untïil tisa pin sas slmnet pny llier office inu Bos'umsnvlle, because3 tha unibeamaýble, buit after I liedI taeou thiafrmr. aile id TueF STATESMANý.t firat dose cf D. Fowhe's EKtraot of Wild _________________ Strawbarry I found greet relie! sud it d not feu te cure rme. Wisr.T. G-YN, 'Vhatj'S Er a Wilfrid, Ont. n t E z m Word recoýc iver a fromi Mr. Alfred1 Griffn, whoisol owremoidingat Bata.via, It is ani agony of agonýie-s Ill. tate that hois eyflbsrcv A torture of tortures. ery beinig doubot!uh. Mr. WmI. Alli, (t the1 Empire staff, It is an itching and burning ecf the Toronto, sud sisùter, Miss Ida, AllUn, of 1skin almnost beyond endurance. Ilpo n ee ust ItM. ilim is fthousands of pin-headed ves.- Body's lest week. ir1 sfulpied with ail acrid fluid. ever A Good Enidorstr. A-4A, Sept. 11-.C oIsmgisey le a s'eu knowu maerchanit hoee sud a. men o! Lise higist reepectabilIty. Hlie endo)rse- ment o! any porson or thiaig i.ý, tiserefomo Vaiuable. Mie toid yoam reporter a couple id deje se tisat lie lied beea cumodc by Doidd's kiduoy pilles e! tise severe peins ho guffered iu hie3 bacit for Lismea yeers peet. Ho lias viven practicel proof o! bis balle! iu the efficacy o! tise pilîs by recom mend- Iing then te sevemal friande wtso suIffsred -ts hoe did, and who are now usiug tise pls and be ig bencfited by t'hem. lt'e tisesme gondà CC old ory theb l hwy goodei seling off at and under cost plice eýt tho sumnmer Bale now going ou 1-t Coleh, Jh tnadCyemne To risc in the inornîing %vith a bad taste in the mouth' jindc no appotîte, idicatos that the rtomach needs strengthening. For this ,purp,-Ee, thore i5 nothing botter thmn an occasional dose of Ayer's 1>111e taken at bed im-e. AIboCut 800 rule of pretty WiI1l Papors1 io ba sold from 4, uipwards at lKirby's. 2'> AN 710 TO i*TTAIN UT. l'oints sh RtledCausy S Nervons'n' NewsUy Inapoteny ~~?ite±lilty, fle-velop ie ~~~~~~ Vac.ceo andlubnd a' îd utue kfsI soul -rite for this It h U esn reudrsu, il the edition: EIE MEDIALi CO., fa!NY. formning, ever burstingc, ever lowinig upon thie raw excoriated skirn. No part of the h lumlan sin lis exempt. It torturîes, disfigure-s and j-umil- haies miore than ail othe'r sii diseases combilned. Tender babies are amiong its most itîmerou"s victims. They are often borri with it. Sleep an"d rest are Guit'Of ithe Most rem edies and te es py sicians generally fa,11, even to relieve. if CUTVICURA did no more than cure Eczemia, it wvoùld, be entitled 10 th-ratitude of mankind. itl not onlly cures but A single application ib offen suffi- cient to afford inista-nt relief, permit rest and sleep, and point tO a speedy CUTICURA works woniders because il is the, mo-st wonderful skin cure of modern times. id ibongionut the word. Prie, CUTItMttA, Â5ND C.-, Sole Proprietors, Boston. - AUl gbout the Sb a audtood " mallod fre. A Yard o! Peuasias sund nur NoewProu£ b ookfr 25c. combistes beauty sand big aie Sendiafor t'lein-m pet TAMBSC WANTED.-Alty numrber c 1JPmig Lauob3 wsnted for wiih thi bigis -dt p ies wtll bpaid by liasE &Witieii thlPire; oplesBucie2re. lowmianvtie. C1ALVES WANTED.-Ten Osivers1 weook weuteçd for next four menthe b: HUimE & VW'i11GTi. lhe Poiopl' Bateliers Bas'manvçille. 5-tf T OIENT.-Fterrtamo! yeems, "G'ley T Dia "-300 acres. 2 miles frons Wiby- gpcd buildings suit sit. AmrbCoretc or dairy. Chance fer gOlus xteu itt Taorante mik bsuieor stok !0itu umiierican Mennirke'1wscpital only Aeeappve .g 1,.Dos.4m, tv- 32 tIi IEw HAYEN. Wm. Rundlae sud Irvin Witharidgs ei t- temdled Torouto Faim.- .. Miss Ma-ry Vau- Camwp visited Mme. Simneon Peafouid .... Mm. Lawis Truil bas îpr.eSeDtcd hem hue- bad ih i lune baby bo(y -...V os MeP.Poliarm sd me 1J). Stur-, Oawa, at Mme. Tss oe';Mm. aud Mme.S. eu!uudat M. Tisos. Van- Camp's; ?Mr. sud Me.Wm. Holard, Sel- emn, at Mr. Luke Butters's; Mmr. Frank VaCmpja'Sti'ge, et Iis parent',i Swoay Hareýt. WVhile homre ho eeie teermthat hie store had beeýnbuod Tise counicil e! use l to grant mneot tis a4tisBat.bad tise Corycil elevetor. Tise couincdi lemoviing te rcquire ground for a public park:' Coyel'e elavator î3 beseigel by famm ors deliveing soird grain.-, Rgv. C. W. Watch s'as a delegato te tisa Sundsy Scisool Convention ab St. Louis. Tise funeral o! tise late John G. White s'as lege]y atteaded by True Blues snd Foreeteme. Tise Lvis- propety on Simeos St, is iseirg remnodelied sud improved for Mr. John Schflelâ. R. Wou & Co., MoLaugihia Carrnage (', P. l 'iU....& O-O. an.. TW ai di to el o bt in ri er Ir te ri g] a cultural Society'e shows, yn wilcomo CotJces ecs o rgr u-pon a little suabumut pemron, as e! ton wSo t al iidStores.!fldPTcTÂtsme as not, provided withs a loucis Lat or aà ode hDu tre.- L.i£ .- L -boad wideawake, instead o! tise topper llmmyMdcn emPfy Ment n.eeus repairlnfg etcîh lu a1onig ot civilization, who says littie, but cti e1boo g ,1(bi~i)-1 , I-.r4.1. . o w -ose parse w ords are listened te wl,ýth T RB R U H, . . ONT.1 iW 1 iLe u m e sater-eet b Lise few who know -wheit ýO manner of maclho is. Tiisis eue of tiseI " orchid-eeekera bci for e brie! hohde(îyýj-PATCLFR1IP OMNVL lfw etal Multiwag Poes.AlL MEN Cail anJd see the cheap Wall Papier NýFEER NEGLECT AGL.D.Asi frnm 5-1 up at T. Sherin & Co's. Flit fsays -lue Foru m : 1 t is probable And' reg ets isrlu lise at usls,, i. oldo'11 r imiddile aged, ýho f1indthlein- ttat a perso)n 'ith ti heirited tendency elin.A glaîle or pocli ae nervous, wak and exhausted, whlo KLSY-bywoldcu beliv to Consumption woUld neyerp develop the rvddwiLh a lin fe'donctdara brok',en do wi fcrn i cea or ove2rwoirk niin8ter's iword eooner l'han any "otheýr diseass if ho coul opcece gie 11 isepstv oo j sldt he- eslu im of tlie followin sy- mn's infection %witll tisetbecebilus, auth iscaact wti ciife wtepioLw.: Mental dpesoprenuature o ILSEBoes h s upse oru igto mdmdiscove1113Cris.~~p pair of iron tou)ge witiislatd an- e., loss cf vtslîty, loss of memiory. bad to ,ir egrL ur-e sa ý le ~ ~ ~ ~ l isatcsdbyaf 7il ondiuctor demdns fsgt aptto fproach 11tiimnthsudtoll itisetruit.h [iBut to e olne orre sa u tis neatie ple f adyamo Th t~beat, misio~, atko! nery, whýy do)you aslk the e ietun? Welil !,e- cabeLisaL.;Tsli o exaggeration logItvepol o a ý aito.Uie bofi a tla.k f nerypain ca e R1ev. A. L. 6ndrpsu f ti e to ay that K-einp's Baléamu, whien taken -etrical currel 't hvigbeenitced ,th i,, L.(ieý;, headaches, pimrples ont hoitheuris Lain oin >5 lime, 1bas suved niy fxom consuminp- l, abar of wroulgist iron or othor uttal 1 sd oyMtcigoepclaLsna 1hcve eer5churedo!th ms pinflLo.A a rgit' 0 n itaken up!) with th1e tonge aund pl,,,i ton out ise fscrotum), wasting o! the 1and distressicaed o! p ie w o! long s tand PreInianTaîptddiret>1. ito the vse mmdatltt wtrý !zlrF sci e'rth vsPueudp-Taiiroe, egiss to lhou lattme point o ontact, wtis cas zinesof th e mccsbfeteye i dele,3 igb ÂlIETO, ecm- Murdochi's old sandl. PTRMEO mmersed port ion oftise iron quicky ti'tcigofte uces yejsan ls-nend it to ail 1thus aff'icted agent. r5515 to a red, thoen tu a wvbite h eat. awnd beasinnsdpst in tise urine, amite a tream o(f brili-lit white igt los1 cf laill pwerî, tcnds rrýss of tho scalp a_____________________ [n a fe inutes tise headLelt becmes;o l-a-nsd spino ak and flibby mslede- Ulletmoite arn nd falîi offl iii usf;eqp, faLuro be restedby SOp, 1Tor ont, usies and Shorthand folnIroe uhhles and sparks, lezaviug9 a lea'r, cntptodufllncs o!f a ng oeof lowing surfaceý in peorfect 'ondition fr yotce, desir f or sltdexiaiiyof FA1,L T E M, S E PT. 4. %veldiogr. Tise ieating rocsais se ________ke_____ý,,.iroad apid tisat neitiser ts ae o ieed euesne y ,eronewth f tise bar field witisin tise Longs is 1mo0reLIEN F'ýcIECLES, ily lokrgsiictc., han sightl warned, nd, ise crron are ail syieiptomes of nere-ous debility, thaýtCasds FIVE nerged end glowing..amy be reiily or v-il force !haviaig beL iLs tension every REORGANIZED. GREAT DEPARTîldMNTSe eldl in tise naked isand. fotion i(Ilwancýs li cousequenco. Tisose BSNS NTIE _____________v.ho ibrougis abuse comnmited in Ignor- MANAGEMENT IEG>S Bot], in Error. ance, iray ho pormaucntly cured. Send FAUTYISHORTHAN D T-ELEGRAPHY The Visceuntese Siserbrooke, wite of,' ddcsad 0cnt usamefrEUIPMEDS SPECIAL PENMAN~SMIP loer ow, ie velIcow n'iihbokon diteesos peculier to man, Pent jTHD tobeteLoa, tae a w-oa n f i7.se d.Addrefse M.V.LUBON, 24 Mec- Largý,eet and most complote Diaracter, and slIe cisallengedl critiiî dLeil AeT no OtOnd fecilitiee. Teachiers are emineýnt seilse in that sise'as in the habit of sayving 36-lyr wisatever camne into fiermind alit e mu- mnt.1 200 C or 300'i)cutomers vanted at Shiein )Tf-f~ Thoere is on'y one Toronto Businessà and Shorttaud College. 113 She~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~cý Cu'es adcuae. sat n s Block, King Street East, >'~JLJ.is located crn corner o! longe and Shuter Streeo. Oldeet es- a head, and site bore- a large part 11ler Bwmauvi'hle, to tako away wall paper et Labileled buis-ines3 cellege premises in Torouto. Patrons and graduates ail over the Oubn' rprie sciefitoisr'sow Ë prico for thea next 30 deys. world. Students a sisted to positions. Write for prospectus and other iaformatIon. tisat sise was at least ready witls loy- Why caoliî n'lo try Carter's Little Liver Steîto urned alty of speech.. Tise Frenîch aîas-Pîl1ls They are a positive cure for sick ADO IcS O ".N WAR RiI N ER, Prinicipal, oy one day said to hem, sonsewhat pt- eadcl.iso d atho l' produced by- 3 SHUTER STRlPEET. oizingly: disnrd!erd li-;er. riyns pili e dos3. - You know Englaud is zaid Lo be a______ and o! shopkeepers. I liedt no idea oi fluding Liera sucis great mîl.itary (lis- New BuiIding l'rm. ts'Ais,sis replied, "Lseppe o! di!- Mrn Alfred Gnilley aud M!,. F. G. feront countries du noLunderstarideacli Rumerlsave f( rmed a partnersbip and otiser. Nomr I bave actually been tunder w8 aryotbuiesas cnrcos tise imrsintiat Lise Frencis w ero a bides d goneral carp-3nter,-. Botis greatmltr ainl Yni' en are hoogil skil!ed aaid practical LOER panion. wolkmiei, fhavuL, anii-ntiuate, knowledge o! ail ilisedaaiso! tieir business'and ItA. vr Fapor a-e t Fre4Duets. wi( il ienevor to give complote satiefa- IE Ai-l x r.f ILu b j)ýe ery desimal tisa issnst per- tii fla h mk ertmusted te Lhem. son hopreentd fom uplcatng or-Tlkýy are pro pered te undertake aaiy new tificates cf stock, bonds, drafts, anjd sudswr url)ii) nte apnr ie valuable documents, and meniy devices wox- or reand w tise csa ry lin, have been employod for Liis purposýe. iv eimtesdwhr ncser new process bas just been itroduiced lun supply materials. Correspotudence uisy making a peper wiich Will et leset bui ho admse o Otilley & Humber, Con- jifficult te imitate successfully. Iuk izs trecters aud Builders, Bowmanville, or appliid te a lithogrepis stono, and ani- they mai-y ho seen personally. Mr. otiser similer stene is îaced on itsface (;,*uJy lives on Centre Ss. and Mm. Hum- LWS and rubbed togetiser until tha lnk i,; se bor cor. Quieea and Oatamio SIS. distributed thet a veriegeted design ile0o produced. Whouie nkis t dry tise de- iign me rensferred te paper after ,tise PLES ' PILES! 1 TCHING PILES. I ojnto ihornihos W aegtps usual mnne n ulithographic prxnting'.Incnu tinwh rnegb s,- E avo p - Of course any celer may ho slected for tvrrM-osue intenie itching Ie~îuo akutsokatavr o aeo h 1r., tise uk, It le manifest, aise, that theise ld tîigîug; moat at night; womse by s, iuo akutsoka evlwrt ntedl lesign thus cheaply preducod cau ho scratîchin. I f eliowed to continue tom. "WE want $3,000" and as muacli more as we eau get. "WTV' earied indefinitely until a pleasing- or ef- rsfil' hc fe lean ceae u foca ." WE av gtt la ut u tck> fective oue le obtained. A counitefeli rs formniu, vwhi c cf te-aI edSulOreT, Ioetected et once wisen compared with a bemagvr ue w EsO~.byfrcs. w Tel avehigonttho cle haut our st eaînple of tise genuine paper. M5$T tone Btise itching aud bleodir,bss"E- - "wleeyhngta h teshv ad ____________uleerati" n, sud i l, "o-t cases remeovesà tire necessary to repeat it. tusymlors. At drugg sts, or by mlail, for GRAINS 0F GOLD. o ed5 C wsn on, îTPhildeThinking t tfli c multitude)f ,uotations of prîces of - - h~a Lyan & O.rMoitrel, atchies, Clocks, andl Jewelry, -which hv filled the papera' No aLer isow ]itt]e a man wants ýt 1eaoAgns hom beow honoer eL quteaIle!it, >ý covered the fences and dcarkened the store windows, ia Tise mari wh4oe~ not c6xïp1~aili~' .i ave confused the publie, we hiave a osdrbeto malte-s imerefriends thlan th isema evît iand xes rpred the floigcomnprehlensive tabt alwaysi has a grievauce. Thse dead mar- nedg it aIs a kind of pocket directory for intendinit tyr le thseonykind tisat li ever canon1- 'lfllaln et-vnadtUý ized. ~~~~~~~~prchasers. We believe it willflaln et-atadtt~ Tis moeetdeprtento! hseo wmoour efforts wilI be appreciated .by the trade in particular t'e -ire ruly wise, when coatrested witiswl stepbi generally. t'ise aseuiug air otLieyengand wi stepbi ignoranît iim e honepared te tise Used to bo so'd Former Binmupt Stock I.baattha.-world flnt different appeareance o!f het whicis Prce. Price. PrCe. Pio white is ear ile empty, holds Up iqL head ( UT 'iPLUG.) r-2 poudly, but as, soon -as it le filledGodWth$50O $5e $2 $6o $0 with grain, boudesoetl. 55 oo 38eo 2 o200:15 0 18 00 Graitude, sayssoreu,18->is tise mr 50OCo 30Oo0 15 00 2000 OUH M'ý; 4so00 15o0o l0 0 18 50o reflective, tînig nurn life lU9G. Silver Watch, 415 oo 25 oo 1.5 oo 19 00illo is really Ltse isisetexhalted eitec.(P L G7 o 1 4t)oo 2 00 l2oo00oo 0 Thero are miany people svhose whole 2i iidmc nsitelulidîng tieir want ef No other brand of " 21 5 oo l800 1Oo00l2o t.2 2 oooo009 00 9 5 0 Nohn ecasier tisu ault-fndsai. Toacc as evr )o No( taleiin neseif-deniai, ne chaacter, joe d s lbni miimenlse ivr hmleS o52 reuie L etu l it rubin a mi ndpopularity il, C >oks Jewelry, and Silverware prices il corSe Of prC¶ Knowledge may lumbe)r ln th o m- the sanie pCeiod as ýthlis ' paration. ebui t i neyr di s L e thie dor- brand of Cut Plug andTh boetal crece weekly, acorigt th mn-ouise lintise ivied tower, tisat leopeTeaoetbccr'cOIcvii ot wisile winiter lest, but an-lhos ivîtil tise PlgT aco n-aqras broatish o! epring. rýes Precerious and Luncertain gein3 aretresiGnaaN.B-AE -SlvrT mbsdop don (e)ea- ulsually as epoeedily dissipaited. Try, if hrr i zaa ATS- le hnbe rpe possible, te save- a portijionfom'Il'etever yo receiVe, L ay b .'is1m11o i dence o! literary -md-idals 1hai H N J. sn fessbion, and net-itisout reasen. Dry Gelodesud Jewelry ITOU-900 s w