Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1893, p. 2

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There's Nothingi IT DOES AWAY WITH LIARD RUBBI[NC BACKACHES SORE HAN1D GO BVDYlj WMTHOUT REFUSE Cl'EAP IMITATIONS THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ESTABLI31ITED 1851 $1 Per annunm in advance, otherwise $L.51. Subsoriptions always payable at the offll3 if vubliration. Advertisinz rate5 iun1i55 by oie ract, 10 peu tsper ing, nonperie fiàr3I iass-b en, and 5 cents per iie each sub3eq15it in- it uton. Locals, 10 cents p3r lins. M. A. JAMES, Pablishgr STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA. tPila] Paftz np.81,000,00O.Rest, $53>. 10) This B3ank, is preparod ta do Legiti- mate Banking in ail its branches. Farrner's notes discounted; iDoposts received andi Interest paid on accaunts cf $5 and upwards in Savings Bank Department. DICAFTS Issned and Collections made in Europe Unrited 03tates, and Canada. W. J JONES', Ag eut ONTARIO BANK rontinues ta do a General Banking Business Bowmnanvilie Agency. f DEP OV'ý S., on aNo ï,-s .,,ue on demand, EXCHAÂNGE B ngh tand so1d and Drafts issued upan Europo UJnted States and Canada, also Gold,Silverantl UmiteS Sta.es Greenbacks oonsht and solS. SCOLLECTIONS Fr imnptly made at current rates upon ail part cf Great Brittain, the United States ana 1h0e Do Dnilon oftCanada. Telegraph Traiisfcrn M\ade for large or sýLnall 8uuiq on 'al Parb or Canada, Thlsis le epccially advantigeus te Personý liv ing ie Maniioba or the Norbliwest, 1lt makes the fuand's evailable &t on xi aitht1e -1ace Of paymnent. O ther particnlars cali ai the banli. E.L. FORTT, GO.MeGIiLL. Accountant. Maniiager. VETEIINARY SRi~~ ORONO, - ONf, Oiffice.-Posb office Bloaýk. Celle by t8eerxp1 or telephone raisiave imn De lhaie attention. Messrs. 11ONEX & McMURTRY have purchaset te Counuy ai Durham for tsq lies Wire Fonce luib tisCountry. IJus alronz, eaaihy hantiietiand ornemental, Il wili ual ho injureti hy snnw, heai, colti or winds. Il wil mmanres, CaIlle, Sheep, Roe-e, Dogi ati Poulry. il is a me wotk withoul barbas, ant i wlh ual in- jure stock lnaeny way. Itiii mach stroug- er anti mare durable than auy berli fenc- iug, behug eoseiy waa ou. Fonce put up anti Farsu anti Township righls for sale. Appiy et CENTRAL LivE- ýLY, Bowmanvilhe. W. P. 111CR, Carke P. O., baving îought Clarke Towship, la preparedt t )t np lance. THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANAPA. ILL Deveiopmat of Cjoin3mmPtiîn- Doctar Pepper, in a clinical lecture recent- ]y delivered at t hie University ai Penusyl- vania, took occasionî ta note the influence of surroundings upan the development ai consîumptian lu certain individuali. Same persons bave an undoubted tendon- cy ta thîs diseasa which tendency tbey bave nherited f rom one or the otiier parent. hI botb parents bave suferefi fron the dis- caie the tendency is mare praîîoun ced. it must not ho îupposed tbat everyone [nberitinz a cousumptive tendency succumnbs ta kt. It is-during the years preceding matnrity thai the danger ai poor, unhy - gienic surrouudi:ngs is greatest - but ,if snob persans eau be kept strong uî,til their foris bave devoloped, they 1-ay became, the very strongest ai the sîronig." The conditions are fc-vorale for the de- velopment af Co nsumption oîîly whîen "the s-ystem gets 'mun down," then follows a cold, a catarrîs, the bacilli ai tubercuiosis become lodged 11n the miucous membrane, invade the tissues, and spread." Speaking ai tie influence oi dusty occu- pations and af the dust which la inhabed irom the streets and lu travelling convey- aimces, the speaker said: IlThere is nu ane bere wba lias net hafi tubercie-baciili enter bis air-passages, but there must be same re- sisting power which blas umade ihimpassible for the organissus ta gain entrance it the system, and whicb bas preveuted them firom spreading. " WMen the sîîrroundîungs ai an individuai are unhy gienie, the occupation uncongenill and dopressiug, or sucli asto provîont suffi- dient sleep, the healiliolten beconies sipair- ed. Then the strangest constitution may offer but bitibe resistaîîce ta the ingresai consomption. It is sale ta îay that every case af consunmption is ibrat ingraited under jnst sîîch circumstsnces. Il Let a pýer,,a tax bis strengtb, let a grnwing cid becomre weedy, laak and be- low weight, and the îystem relaxed, and therois devoloped a field whera tuberculasis, il implanted, wilb spread.Y Persans in wbose familles thi% disease liai existed shouifi recognize the faci that there may bie a constitutianal lack ai resistance la ibouiselves. Fatigue and excelles of a3 kiuds shauld be avoided. As mucli ai hile as is passible shaubd be spent lu the open. air, and the miles ai bealtb, wbieh are ap- plicable tealai alike, shouli hoe carefull observed. Swat ands And 1766t- This refers ta conditions that are ahuor mal. The bands are fnrnished wiib mari sweat glands than many parts ai tbe bad13 -ananing ta more than 12,500 swea, openiugs ta the incb in the palm ai thu hauds-îa ihat we muai take ibis lactinl ta accoui wben estimating wbether lin sweating is abnorinal or ual. Mos peaple's bands appear dry and tbey shouîr ho so, because the bands are uncovered an( evaperaian is rapid. But wheu the, are constantly wei and coid tbey indicat disease, neot necessarily ai tbe bauds bu ai the wbole persan. One word expresse a condition thatis 'usualiy laund atýendini thie trouble, viz. ,debiity, but ibere is hardl, a severe or dangerous disease or coud itiai wbicb will nat lie flnally assaciated witl sweaty eximemities. Organie dieease a stomacli, and liver, beari -or brain eau pro ceed tli general debility is establishe' iben the condition lu question appears Oifensiveiy sweaty bands ar flet occasioi aly occur wlyer vt,-oganie d 0wil be d' scovered. ahitis obvionLsihiai for sweaty oxtremitie tuiai organie diseaso must lie prescrîbed fa if ionnd. We can'i bore namne ail remedie ta be chosen froin the staudpointai bodil, cdisease, but we suggesi remnedies only fa simple nnicomplicated cases.1 External measures are numerons, bu many ni dauhilul utîhity. Showering thi tfoot with cold watem at bedime ; batbin, witb a teaspoonlul of ammonia ta a quar ai waier an retiring, vinegar la water, tablespoanini t a apini ai wator ; lImon, sait water. For internai ireatmeni a toni eis uselul, as mome of the acids .Mnriati acid, or pliospharie acld, 10 draps ai lb 3d dilution, once or twice a day. Il ther is a di-agrecable odor atteîîding the swea ai the feet, use suiphate af ioda (Natrun suiphuricani 3d trituration once a day Tbis fetid sweat h unearly always an et tondant conîdition ta eczema or scrofil mnore or less declared la a porion or i the iamily histary. Arsenicnm 3di, foir pa tients af weak, delicate anatomy and ameal digestion, nsed la maine way as the soda sibicea 3ld also for fetid foot sweat; caicare carli. 3d for floshy people ; digitabîs b3d fa ihiose having weak circulation or weai beami, as îhawvn by cobd bluish fingers au bands. Ahi these ta ho used lu 3d dilutia: for liquids and 3d trituration for powdert once or twice a day. HEBRB'g ONE GOOD ADVI(JE Which thse United Staies Storld Censider. M. Weir, president of lie Ville Marie Bank, oai Motreal, anti one ai the oldesi Caknadien bankers, atidreases an open leiter thraugi the press leto ie Presudeat anti Congress of the Unitedi States ou the finan- ciel situation. Mr. Weir expresses the opinion tuai ths National Bank Act ai the United States is the principal cause ai the presoni finianchal trouble. Ha iugg'ýstisa ineamureoaiimmediate relief thai Congrs pessansu meud ment ta its bank acta proviti- iug ibat ail ciarterati hauka ha lie Uniteti States wiose capital andi surplus amouni togothior ta $1,000,000 anti npwards, shahl lie dechare tto be nks ai issue ant ii autiomizedt t issue irculating notes ai the denomiation of five, ion, twenty, fluîy,auti ana bundreti dollars, ta tic exieni of bal their capital anti surplus. sncb issues ta ha a ilirai lieu upon the assoIs ai lie bank lu caseaoaitis suspension, thea issue ta lie free from auy Ioderai or state tex, but ta ho bielle teana assessînent ai not miore tien 1 pet cent. per aunum s houi .dsnchbclierequir- edtto redeem lie notes ai asa ýspended blank. Tanks ai issue ta lie obligeti ta kesp ana- hall iheir ceci reerves la lreesury notes of tbe Unitedi States, uaha t se y. the treas- amy note reerves shah aiwayî ho oquai t the gobti and ilver resorvos of mdi henks af issue. Tbis latter obigatian, wiicliexisis la Canada in a modifisti form, woulti adti iargely tilite gobti reserves all tie Unitedi States, tesucy, witbaut in auy way mii- pairing lie itreugîli ai tbe banksi 0f Issue. A third provision ta autioriza batiks af issue ta establisi branches ha varions parts ai tie coîutry if they deenieti h advisabha me! ta da, limiting tie number ai branches ta one for oaci buudred ibousanti dollars oaI capitl anti surplus. M. Weir aya liai! muci a moasure wouiti remove lie promseut strngeacy wllbin 24 hoari. The Dajakose ai Bornea nover bury a deati meîîteof a thoir iribe until a slave canhe procured, who is behoaded ti atle intermont or creniatien, toattienti the de- ceaseti in the next worbd. INDL\TIFI 'ATION DY FINOER.P- Yr. Francis Galion is mnch ta ilie fore again naw witb bis plea for"gr priais" l as a mens of identîfying crimiahs. Theoý Council ai the Britishu Associaýtion, hi is s known, bave nmamoialized the Hoî,îe De- c parimont aînd certain ai the Colonial fov- oranents on the subjecis oai wai uscalled 1 lu France "bertiblonage," the egstates ai criminais hy meane ofai anîhrop)omtricald traits, nrging an officiai eùo.tiy into uisn efflioncy and utility. Aceardin g taoMr. 1 Galton, as those wlîo have ead i , iwo lu-c teresting books are awara, there are no ex- 'tomai features in the humian becing mored characteristie or mare endnr.ling than the skin ridges onuthe inger tins, w!)ich ares capable aise ai classification on aneatmys tain for purpoeeaoaireierence. Prevention of Cousumptio4ýn- 1 tbînk il ha evident that praper d1evelop- ment and expansion oi the 1;ns y means ai well reguiated breaihing raust 1lie regard- ed as af the greatesi valus lu tho proven- tion and lu the ireaimeut ai theinactive stages ai pubmnnary consumption ays Dr. Thomas J. Maya in the Century . ibemare simple the metbod the more eoffee iv and practical will bo the resuits whic-.i l low %irani it. Amang lie many exorcises whiicb aree recomnnonded for ibis purpose ihu e liowîng mavements are very valuable: Thec arma, heing useti as levers, are swîîng ,backwards as 1er as possible on a level with ibeo shoul-1 dors during oaci inspiration, an,1 braughti together in iront on the same ieveI durîngf oaci expiration. Or the baud s are brouglit together ahove the bead wie3insýpiring,e and gradnally braugbt dawn abat gilde the body wbile expîriag. A deep !bresîli must ha taken witb oaci inspiraion adhîld1 until the arma are gradualbJy ioved fom- ward, or downwamd, or longer, l-. ordor ta make bath methads lully oporative. Another very, serviceabbe couexorcise is ta take a deep inspiration>t, durhng expiration, in a lauti voices canal or sing as long as possible. A maie persý,an witb a gond choit eau eaul up inita mxiormîghty1 a bomabo, even wî sdlns at ort willl sibawly vopf Ing, tm!eLieae d ahihiiyta b'1 logeCr is a meamureofaithe impavemn oua Iwitbin the cItait. Or againtiakinig ai six or elght ifull antideep beatbs in succession every bour deingi the ilay, ither whie sîtting aiwork,om wbile watk!-ing oui in the open air, wilbave a verabneficial effeet. 5 Teeheating ai campresset ati ra-refled air is attracting wide attnttion ai tie presesai rne incoannoction witl3 the pro- oveution and the Ireatmeni -cf i1ïaouamy cousunîption, ant isl another moe where- wiîb lia cheat capacity can ho deocidetily improved. Whon air is lreatheti in Ibis maner iliere is bu tduring eaclh inspiration a gonthe distension ai the wlîio eet, wbila during expiration afeln of emnpli- neis la experienced. Consumption is ual a diseaae whch originatea in a day, but it is ibe ouitgrowth ai inorbiti habits eaîd agoncieýs wiemay i veu antedate ibhe irth ai the 4ndi'vidual. h Delective breathing la oîîe ai ibse habits and ils pemiciaus prevaiencea iïmrewide- spreati thmeuu h generaibysuped Mr. andi Mrs. Diokeni- My irai view ai Dickens waýs ai-an eveîî- midst ai a circle oi ladies, ebing Ihisseli ici very eaergetic terma ai lus imp!rsinîï d( voyage. His bair 'vas bang end liglit, and looked as il if bati not recovürmed from lie tangle incident te days aio e-fckmisamy. Ho bad brought with hlm two vc!lvet ivai- coats for ful dresa, ana ai vivit\;,[gre(en, tie otheroibribiani cimion; iliase were lý,urther orîîamented by a profusion af golti watcb- chain. Ia 1841 s black satin waistc,ýaa waa ait the national costuma ai gentlemen lu Ameica, o liat 'Ur. Dcesivivid tiats weme vey conspienous,. Mms. Dickens avas a amnall w ofa about , !thirly. Hem position as ibe lion's mate îeemed embarraîsing ta ier Sh was aot accustamed ta dwelb in " the forý-ice ight ibai ibone upon every deed eni' vard of thes popîîlar idal, and sIte evidentl!y fouLnd satia- factian in quiet taiki witlu me concamrning Lihe et shopa ini Oxford street, and ailier aucîthomely and lamiiar matters, Theme, was no siga thon af any dis agreemeýnt or ini- campatibuily hetween iusband anti dwife. On tic wbobe, I sbould have said tht la thoso days Mmi. Dickens smiweti igns ai Lhavîng heen bomu and bed bar hiad o ciel sapeior. Aiter their reiumii tae ýngbc.nd I aaw sevemal amnuiiug anti famu iar bttera,, witten by Diekens asBston friands, -bettoîs lu wbicb repeaied ïand affeeioaai allusions wera made ta "Kae"adif atmuck.me witlî the greatest surprise when everal years afterward _h eanat thiat conjugal difficuities iii thie Dîi.ens bouse- k bold liai led tao strangemeits and separa- tion.- [Seplember Lippiîîcott's Amenitiesoaithie Rod Tedriver af a vebicbe who atiempis te i nas anohfr n the, -road da sst his , peril, fon, if atm accident lapp.-ua i tic mani îho is paasing, the rear driver is baeltirospen- ai-;lla. Titis does nat mean thal tiec man lu aavance la ual obligati ta yhld parth te roati wien notiflet bu t iiai lIme burden ni came recta on lte rear driverý, vwbo is hnaa cp esition ia sec un d avaiti danger, while tie otior is ual. If injury la the eading vehîcle resuhis lrom an atîsaîpi t wbetber on a county bhormogiiate ai- on e country roadthe isdriver iis lbelt raiponsi. hIe. Maniy a fondiparent doue-l ùtgel ta aeep unlil ailur the liawl la ovor. advances ia wealth and prusîerity are easî- ypossible. We 'an thus s ecre aur future, ,vhile havirg Canadian consert atisni and sccurity ta. The firsi Latin Bible u iii a (t ïe was flnibodat Menby by Faust in 1462. 1 CURIO1JS LAGIS <IARr',ETS FOR BTCCLETS. Bullets made af precieus atones v fn îles la wamfare. But duriag ie receait figbting an the Ixaîsir Imontior, mwhon ithie Britiali:troapi deleated the rebellons Ilun- zas, the natives usefi hulots ai garuetslan-, oased in bead. A SIMPLE RUCLE. By a simple mule the lengiliofI tho day and night, any tîme ai the year mayehans- cemt.ained by simply doubling thle Lihne ai the sun's rising, which wl1 give ibe lengtb ai the niglit, and doubla the lime (<I' seiting v, ill giva the long lb aif lie day. RAPID aSOEMAitING. Mac hines for making boots ba-ve be3en se bighly developed, that in New Yok pair ai boots bas been actuaily nmadeaif rom hab- giuning taoend, including tbe sow«,ing 0of a the butions and the packing ai the pair in the box, in tbe aimait incredihlyshr time ai bois than sixteen minutes. SAVED uv A RITE. Not long age a little boy p!aying inaa field ai Maidstone was savef iï,fromdeatb by a kite. Running rapidly backwards, be fdel mbt a deep qnarry, and wou!I bave been instantly dasbed ta piecos ýai tbe botiom bad net the kilo, the Strring ai whicb was lastened round bis wrisi, actefi as a parachuta and lot hlm )dawný quite gently and unhuri. j BN AMERICAÏ OPINION. A Leading I'inaucial Papar on Canadiau Bauking. 'Vhaat It Tbinl<s etflime Esadian SYstem r andSnHew 15tComîpares It Wilh That of' thse Unitedl States. The New York Evening Post on Saturday .ad the fllowing editorial which is af in- terest ta Canadiens at the present time: The comparative lreedam af the Canadian banks fromn the troubles now afflicting the Americaîî ban1rs and the Amerîcan people, have been discussefi af late. In an interview in our columns, Mr. Walter Watson at- tribnted the Canadian exemption te its sys- tema of branch bauks. Hie poinied out that Canada, with its few leading banke, butI with the branches of Iliose banks extending througliout the country, was in a better po- sition than aur own bankers ta have exact information about the true state ai affairs, and eould, therefare, arraný banking mat. tere mnch better, anticiatn and perhaps preveuting sO great a collapse of credit as( wP, are now witnessing. That the system of branch banks has great merits canot be lenied. Besides the advantage of more pre- cise and extended information, the siystem lends itself also te a smailer pro-portion ai reserves. The joint stock batiks af England with their branches running up inta the huadreds, are content witb a proportion cf reserve ta hiabilities of but 12 te i5 per cent. Last Saturday's bank statement for the New York Ciearing-bouse, thougli unusual- ly poar, stîowed a reserve of about 21 per cent. The percentage af reserve, fixed by statue a' 25 per cent, for city and 15 per cent. for country banks, IS PIT1tLY AÀnntTP.AiY. It is a high proportion judged frorn a for- elgn standpoint. It is possible for a bank doit)g a regular business amrg con servative mon to bie sale in ordinary tîmes with but bal this legal requiremeot. The actual per- centage needed must vary with the kind ai business done. Now the low average ai Lan- don banks is due in part ta confidence in Englieli finance and in part doubtlPis ta the system ai branches whieb seemi ta require iess money in each case, the hame banks keepîng the reserve for the hundreds ai branchles. With us ta-day aur lack ai cor- rency is in part awing ta the wish oi eacb samail bank tbroughout the country, acting independently, ta have an hand a larger amount ai cash than usuai, Sa long, haw- ever, as there exiets a populair, tbough un- jnst, prejiilice against batiks, it is uselessîte discuss the question of FSTABLISHING ItRAMBCESIN THE IUNITED STATES. Bot when the bran cl plan is given its due praise, there will remain large differene- os in naianal conditions wbich cannai be ascribefi ta thai cause alone. Branches in Australia, for example, did not prevent dis- aster there. The want oi branch baniks did net cause aur present disaster. The New York Clearing-bause Association bas been fromn the day' that it began ta issue boan certîficates, virtually one gîgantio in- stitution, larger than any bank wiib bran oh- es la the whale worid, excapi perbaps the Bank ai England and the Bank ai France, bath ai wbicb have branches. Bat thie ex- ample and weigbt ai the Clearing-hause As- sociation lîad no effýeot whatever ta prevent the hoarding af mouey when the public be- gan ta apprehiend a change iu the standard ai value freim gold ta silver. The reasan is obvions. No ban k or union ai baniks can do mare than pay their obligations in the legal1-tender maney oi the country. If causes are at wark ta change the legai tender, wby, tbiey are in the streami and must swim wîtli kt. Frightened depasiiors, however, will iry ta escape. Eve.-ybady who ean will-lay saînething aside, in order ta be pravîded tar the warst that can happen, and, as we al know the witbdrawal aigne dollar actual cash removes tha foundatian ai ten ta twenty dollars ai credit. The primary dif- lerence between us and Canada is, tbat the latter is nat exposed ta a change ai str.oid- ard, and, bence. BER FAIIRIC 0F cREDIT IS NOT ILMPAIRED. Mareover, the bauk-note systcm ai Cana- da is bottamed upon the true principle that the bank's bis receivable shahl provide faer and redEem the circnlaiing notes. Bank- notes are issnied by the discount ai com- mercial paper. A B offers bis promissary note at 60 or 90 days for discount. It is for the bank aflicers ta know that this note represents goods praduced and actîially in the market, sîther sald or ready ta be sold. Any other kind ai promissary note is ac- commodation or specolation. The discount- iug ai the latter is not entitled ta lie called banking. When the bank discounts the prornissary noie, it may and generally wiil pay ont its owu notes ta a c-orresponding sam. Se long as the bills receivable are good the bank-n otes must be goofi, because the ane offsets the other. This inthe Cana- dian systom. We neefi n3t uow cousider jthe sateguards eniployed. They have been 1faund sufficient thus far, although tbey do iual require a depasit ai Government bonds. It le obviauq that as long as the sateguards 1are sufilcient therc cannot bie a Ilcurreney .faminie" like that wbých tve are uaw suifer 1ing fram. Anctirer reason why r CAN ADA IS NOT SUFFERING like the United States lies la the faci that 3Canada has nat been se progressive as- have ,we. The lack ai alvancementinlu unîlers ,and lu wealtb bas long been known and bie- wailed by Canadian statesuien. This is due tat a circumscribed terrîîary. It bias a pby- sical cause and caunot be hieiped. Inaa -1utr-wchadancs a rasýperify1but IN A SICK SILVEiR CITY. Scenes of BlaIress and Iasvleses%. A correspondont ai the Moutreal Witnoîa says : -I eaui give yen aiew lacis wbieb wilh enahle people in lie East ta roalize lie con- dition ai Denver and t i h oniy a seuiple of ail ellies iu lie miuiug states ai tbe presont time. Tbis oity is thie principal îupply point for ail towns anti minilu allîpa lathe stale. Thomo la also a large qnanlily of generah merehUdise, mining maehinery, ae., upplieti roui Denver ta New Mexico, Arizoa, Utah anti Wyomning. Denver bas been bavoreti witi an excepiioualby proapor- oui tume for sovens.b yeerî previaus la the presont one, and an accouai af thila the de- pression lu vaInes ha fel moat keeniy. Tie ceuse ai lia criais la Calorado iattributeti ta lie drap lu price ai ilver. lie action ai the British Govemumeai in closiag lie Indien mints ta tho free coinege aI silver, heti an immediale anti disasirons effeet upon one ai aur mail important industries. Sîhver droppedt t 70 cents antI cboseti a barge me- jarity aif aur mines ; lie demauti for sup- plies imînedîately ceeseti, anti orderaj.laceti were couaiermaudsd. Six national anud four savings banki clasedti heir doors , demantis for paymnts were madie upon nierchants, wlh ii ey cauid net meet, -andt îey were ____________________ eompeled ta make asiguiments orbe elomîti workors. The oaby effeci ibis appeiroi ta on aitachmoats. Every business lu this cily have was tao xaspomato the men anti make immediatoly cnrtaibed expeucei ; th'em womk witb stili greater cenergy. i MANY ElMPLOYEES WERE IISCHARGED, teck about two boums aifbaiering ta effecti an entmance, the doors fnaly gave way, wages wero eut dowvu; mechanies' houri ant ilu a lew minutes a thousmuti mon wcro mbatened, and a malt deplomabhe con- were bowling on the insîte. The same dition ai afiairs was created. The side a- tnus were adopled ha hreaking down wabkî ai aur prnnipbo streots are crowdedtheliadoars ai the celb eontaining t he mur- with idbe mon, uot trempa, liai gaad, bard- dorer. Ho waa dragged out taklen avor working minera, mecbanici, clerks, etc. [hoe10e publie stroot, Sente Fa avenlue, anti charitable institutiaons are leodiug lunadreda thora hanged on a trea anti elsoý riddleti ai destitule people cvemy day. How 1bang wiîh hullets lram revolvers. Tia body bung tiey eau continua ta do Ibis 1 Cannai îay thiere for about 15 m'inutes îîeth rwi Freighît and ailier trains are crowdcd wriîl pasaed in review i-nàemneailih i' vh lynci- mon tyiug ta heat ibeir passage ont of Colo- ers thon lot the body dowîm, antiiIlî a shout rado, withî the bopa af inding ths Eastem'i atated on a ua draggiug tiie htaliaî's country ha belter shape tian the %Wesi. corpse over lia groiînd caud dacmpîioily' Every city and lowu la the claie is suifer- tic criwd, until tliey reached l7t,-" and ing equablly wit Denver; over 1,500 mines-s Curtis streets whîere they agaîvn hii, the bave gone ouita Leadville alone during lie lbody op on ta a tehegrapb polo Aý1thiis paît week, anti there are hundredi ai others point the police were ali t l tbrawn oui of empboymeut in lte different teke possessioofa the body cul mepni y Pilver mhing camps ibrougiaut the State. broke up. Tie City ivas la a titstu-rhed Iu the earby pari of ibis week, the State condition ail night, andth1e excîtemeal was Beiler Inspecter weat imb the mounitahas intense. Il is au easy natter et the preseal ta inspeci boliers ; oub af 107 locations af tinete 1c<ongregate e moi, tiere are so many boibors ibai lie viited in California Gulci de ir'w ,kn about tic streets ivia are whîiclî ila Leadville, oniy îbree were in use. eady to follotv a crowd a'- any moment, all 'lhs hanki that arae losed have tieti up a [ht it k ecesaary is a leader anti yen eau grei deal aifuianey, tuis bas atideti largely mnass an anny aifcaea in 15 miaules. Thle ta the serlouîiiess ai lie situation, it is con- cîtizeus interesled la the weleare ai Denver fldentby expected tiat mostaiftthe suspend- deplore anîd con leun ilie proceadingà. 0f ed hauka wubl resume paymoat. huit wbeu course it h a serions malter for a eity of ir.4 upon whai teruis is a question juat 130,000 inliabiients ta bave bawesîneas se aow. rampent and tee apparentiy po%çerloss tic A MURDERER r.vNCHED. prevent i. The wlîole performance, bow. An occurrenc3 liai bappeneti bers lait evor, la attr;tbuiahle ta the unîettledcoudu. niglat in lie mia p e aiwhat is calieila ib is lion ai affairs lu existenlce. siate witi a sedly reekesîs kinti ai humer a _ I wibl ho among the nuemployeti aller lihe necktie party wili reveal lie eraonper aifitiaeIirst ai the mn ,tb, my employer'msins people intils trouble. On Tnsdayevening b as fietteneti clear ant, anti there us uotbinig about six ocock, a rma uamed Liglîtfoot, for me te do anly drew salary, se tie boss about 60 yeams ofaie, a war veteran and jcaneindedt tlop that. 1 triati ta canviiice an aId resident ai Denver, weu n mu an bim tiiat it was euîirely wrang, but be Italian saloon anti drank a glass ai beor ;j wouid uat ha convinced. The Denvor Harti- sains dispute arase botween tis proprietor ware Co. mande an assigumreul ibis momiag. andte mien Lightfoot about the pay for tie, beer. Tic italien junîpeti on te Ligit- The Ultimatq Sacrifios5 foot, poundot imu jta iusansubiluty wi'-b a Thle tramps avare tmnidghnualong tl dntY glassdragge hm totfbak a thticIoads on a hoat aflernoon. acus1,-hv saloon, ani cshat bir. Last eveuing about voat bands wouldni'i let ilion stop in lie 8.30 an immense momli m nen mot ed towarti chiada ta resl, andt tiy lad hldno ing to ,lia eauuîy jail clîceeing andi bowliag "Rlang ! et or drink inces te nighl belore. the Daga." Wben they rcachcd the jeu "R:uugry V' asketi ane. ibiere was probabîr cnt hess tien 8,'Mo o- O Yes, but 'm drier," was the gloomy e- pie lanithe mob. Tie leaders matie a de-' sponse. menti for admittance, thec jrilor mcl esed, anti " W'lit wonlca yen give 'ý' a nice, cobti in A le-s minutes alteritard the attacie upan glass ai ueer ?" the deans conemenced. Tic attac a' ilirespondadîhý,e other, earnestly n ,ade simultaneonsly on ilirec soparate en. ti daImait worhc- fer i." tanci, tiýe utiobusiug raiiway iran for bat-i ieriug aîsîs ; shedge laimirs anti picks Pledgirg ane's beati wes formerly dloue aers aIse ai work. Tle guards i lu chare ly lie man sitting uer' bie drinker stand- af tbie jgi tumneti an a streasu ai Rater rou inig op beside i.lui witlî a draiwordiil their haie ibrough the aiets ci tlie iter order tiano ana ahoulti stab hlm whleisojiý doors, anti kept playing conistantly ou lie bauds wene hoidig the cuit. The undershined desire to thank the farmers of WVeý,Durham for the liberal patronage extendod to 'us durino, the past, season, also to remind theni that we are stili in the markêù and prepared to pay the EIIG}{EST MARKET PRJCE- POU ALL KÎNOS G0F -AamBAN 'ED s Ieiivered at our storehouse cor. King, and George streetss3, or at Port Darlington. We have alsa on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bacrs. Rolk Salt for ca'it and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Piaster in Barreis which we are prepared to sell Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENI) C OAL a:,ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. McOLELLAN &-00 Maniifactured oniyat TseomAs HOLLOW xY's ESTABLJ TiSMEaT,' r

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