Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1893, p. 1

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F /4 K I !ERM:-8.50PrniANNIM.OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRS Nucw SERitEBJ BoWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WORLD ÂFTERWÂRDS. ISDAY. SEPT. 6, 1893. M. A JAM'Es VOLUME XXXIX.NU8 3 al ............ -.A JO-HNSTON & CRYDERMAU>Sl u U un Diuring July ancd August ail Siirmer Goods will b,3 sold at greatly -reduced--prilces.- Special'Bargains will be givela in Dress Gocods, Parasols, Pirints and 'e Sateens. Men's Su-mmer-Coats--andt Ves to be cleared out at and under cost price. This îs ýagffluine sale, as these goods inut L>e sold atdgot out .or the wfy Io make room for our Fali Grdcee Due-bis takon, -a3 cash. JULY 11, 1893. COUGU. JOHNSTON &,ORYDERMAN, BOWMANVILLE. SURE DEAIN TO FLUES5 e 1W,.ilson's FIy Pads Davis' Fly Feits Stioky Fiy Paper Pure Inseot Powder, GUJARANTEEID.1 Chemists and Druggi.sts BOUNSALL'S MARBLE ANO CGRAN ITE WORKS,ý (Established 1857.), Finished Granite Monuments in stock fom $12.5 to $500. HNÂMfSOM5E DESIGNS AiNDl BEST MATERIALS. RED PE17EREIEAD AND GRAY RUBISLAW SCOTCHil i RO EREl'D TJtLE SWEDE ............... GBRANITE IBLUE PEARL AND MIE1tALD PEARL ........J FINISHIED MAUBLE MONUMLýENTS in stock from $45 to $200. IALL THE BESI KINDS OF MARBLE AND L&TEST DESIGNS. IW' f-ore placing, your order, CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK, and SEL WIIAT YOU ARE B UYJNG. 7-ly -E. R.'BOUNSALL, FProprietor.-, FARM FOR SALE. - A fimt cases tarin1J- OR SALE OR RENT.-HousG sud of 125 aece or 1l,- acres situatad iu the AL' l acres for sale or ta ent, stuate on township or Eý Whitby lot cou, lots 15 and Scugog treet not. The preuIlees consitt of 16 on the Base Line, about lý moles from Osha. a good houese with every convenienoe, dnlving iva station, 2 miles from Whttbir and 60 rode shed, stable, etc. 'Tile garden contains a lot o f fromthe choolliouse. Large roomy buildings. thse choicest fruit of ail varlehieo. Immedisie main barn 95x36 1h, PlOuty Of fruit. soi1t018Y Possession can be gven. For uartleulars apply loam, altogether one of thse best grain farmne ta W. FisHiLEiG E Bowmanville Ont 19-t ou the Lake Shore. No bille or Bhones. About 10 acres o wood. 75 acres iu paBhure and fresh seeded. Terme easy. Firet plowing doue. For furtiser particulare apply, hu A. ANNis Best value in Elacr. 'Green sud Japou Oshawa., -tf Teas, Coffees, etc. Quality unequalled. -keep Mi>iad's Liniment in the house. PETER MVURDOHag Mlt. The simd last week b'ew down mucb fruit .... Mr. Saur Heal had the miefont- une to break twa ibs recemthy. . ... Mr. Jaocob Stavcn% is quite u twell .... Great ai praparations ara beiug mtde for the chiirch 13 ep opeuing Friday.. .. 19r. C. W. Lent il prescbed hare on Sund'y... Our youig I -?ople spend Sunday et Oshawa frequenh. ly. Wby... Misses Ida sud Beatnice ai Stevens havu eau n visiting et EnnieÉkil- u leu.... .Viýitors: Mise Elacta'Goard, Veai. arbero; MiisLena Clarke, Newcastle; o Mise Minute Tyiêr. IlamFton; Miss M. e Martin sud Mises'B. Byers, Eanutkillen; r Mies Clana tittiaphup, Courtice- MrsC Wm. Deacon, Mise M. Sieven-, I4iiss E: Worden sud M..Bellmar, Tâçý-î, sud Messrs S. sud-0. Mountjoy, Baydon. Mauy penple,'not aware'cf tbezdangers of constkmatonneglect the proper remedv tili thre habit5ceoomee chrouic, o- inflai- mation or stoppage esuits. ^, dose or two of Akars;Pille in the begiuaïiný wonld have preveuted ail this. MOZiNT VERNOXJ. Mm, Wm.iTomdiff, s., Iusevnmtadthe Jeffery tarm latahy purchased by Mm. E.1 Miisen. . anMr sd Mne. (mio. Argue en- joyed a dWe outnun!wth Iriends iu Whitlsy lest week.. . b-iea4thMaggie Roset heanseturnod froîn visiti4ng friande in Woeihtok.- . . Mr. aud Mme, Jno. Pascoe speut Sanday with friende in Tyrone.... Mises S.*mad M. Wilson *èo have beau apenonug -their holidayeant M, Alex. Rose'haea.eturrs ed to -théir home -iu To. reonta.,-...Miks K. Argue w.4,3 je attend- ing the Medel at Whitby, ugave s lawn party t-ea ange numrben te5 ber ecirool mates ou -Tuesday hast. mA. very eujoy- able tisse we pen ... . Meurs. rm. sud Levi Aunies ad Mme Josesph Lià&!aid,' Ebenez,, pent Snnday %vith frîend@ bore. A Cuate vFoltHEADAOeU--He adacha ariseis fre mconstipation, bad blood%, dys pepeis or livar com plaint. -As B. B. B,« cnmes ail hthese-complaintse itis--net urally- tire mont suecesefut headachre cure 'exiat-. hng. Oins tise cause isn mmoved& the beadache vanitihez. Any lotirgbought at Maso's Cl.hiag or Dry Goode Stores cnt freo.of cberg'e. j1cv. James P. ,Stone of LecmCabot, Yt., Iormurly of Dalton, N. E. A FaîthfuU Pastor lx held in bigle esteem by bis people, and his opinion upon temporal as welh as spiita malters is valued gyreatiy. Tirh, ilwng is frein a clergyman long influeutial iný New England, rsow speuding weil earned rest in Cabot, Vt 1C' I.Eooveud &Ce, oweil, ass:rll n C.e bave ust& Co.' elSasapnll n famlly for many years pat, witt graetben.. et. We have, w-ith confidence, recoin- nsended it te others for temi varions ai- mente lînosi ail cf whom h'ave ccrtified te groat 'enefit ty uts use. 'We eau Honestly and Cheerfully reeommeucl il as the best blgod puriller. we have ever trîcd. \,Xc bave used otîsers, butnone w-itthe i eneficial aff ects cf HoodIs. Ase, ne dein IHeod's itills and Olive Oint- ment inval,,nble. Airs. Stone syais cannct de iitsouit themi." IiEv, J. P. ST N~E. Better than GoId Mr. (tee. T. Clapp, cf Eastendale, Mass., says: "I amn 82 years r f a,nnd fer S0 years have suffercd w ith ruriaing s ores ou ou"i cf My legs. A. lew yaars ago 1 haLd tw o toecs ampntated, pîsysieitaise saying 1 was sufer- ing lrom gangrenie and hbai but A Short Tîrmo to Live Eigtt sontbs age as a nieigbibor nrged mue, 1 began taIxi:g Ileod's Sarsa-sarilla. TIse wtole 10w-r part cf amy leg an-d foot n'as a ruiug soe, but il bas aiino't completely blealeti and I i otrutbfully say ibat I anm iu botter hastth Vians 1 have beau for mnu yaars. 1 have Isknnoe teiadicie ai,, cunsidar that I owe ail my improement te IL le better than gelt." "Echeerfufly verify tIha aboya stalement cf Mr. Clapp, w hem Ibave kuownu30years." J. M.Rfow- Amen, Druggist, Easteondale, Mass. I-OOD'S PILL8 as-e purely vegetabla. S Vegetablc Pilla are pre. Q iîaredat tet cia legiti- Hoodo te demauti for a rild, efficient and reliabla fautmilyphlysie. Tlîey,, are psrely vegtable, ccntaîîun'e1 calomnel, rnercury, or m rieh stance cf any kiud. Eocd's Pilla l1 aet upen tisa stomacîs, liver, asud alimentary canal, and cure Liver Complaint, Costipation, '-'anse, ]ilousuess, Ileadaehe, Indigestion, 'wr Stomaeb, Disîreas aller Eating, Jaundice,. old may ha broken up and a lever prevented ?crmplly takiig Eoc's Pille. Hood's Plils Ara prepareti by C. I. Heet & C., Apottecanles, Lowaîl, Mass. Fie ,e 25 cent% par box. Soi by ail dnîsgggts or sent by mail ouL receipt of prime NEfW HA YENV Xaggie Oke has returned home ititcg frienâs in Toronto and Port .Mrs. John Boit is visiting rel- t Iicker!Dg.... Mr. J. N. Kiveli, nville, hae buen calling here with ous Sing3r.. ..Visitors: Mrs. J. )d Mrs. Geo. Pearce at Mr. Thos. iips; Miss I. Power, (Jartwri2ht, iýp B., Pollard, Oshawa, at their M4r, Theg. Power. ters, Lawyers, Teachera, aud whose occupation gives baet littie ýshoýtld use Ctrter's Littl Iver ýr toj-pid lver and bilieusuess. hdoee3. Try there. Islitosat last mehneL of the a.. .. Mr. G. O. Black of Niegara reýched[ every uight Wit week and , mornig at the Advent church te -ngregations,.-MrMn Jas. Vice mily, bave returned home front *D ... REcent visitorez Mr. aud . Ho Iýgarth, B. A,. Whitby; Mr. .oronito; Miss Jam~es, Peterboro; Walters, Mr. and Mrp. H.LU Taunton; Mr. and Mr&. W. Essia Whitby. fINVALIDS.-YeS" with invalids etite is capriciotie and needs coax- t le just the ressont they improve, 11Y under Scot ts~Iýmu] sion, which ýlatable as areant. TYRONE. Wallace Staples, -. visiting her in Michigan, F~. S... .Rev. W. 's many frienda here have been ig bis companV during the past «Messrg. S.,, EûIard an4 EB. n visited Mariposa Irieudi 1at ..Somte visitors: Mr. Win. Rell- ;aia; Mni. J. , ýQZrigg, ton and ,Pr, and Miss M. gherin, Bowiman- Ir. and Mrs. John Penfound and fldred, Courtice; Miss Minnie snd' Ro bbie Jewell, Whitby;--mesa-B4 ýr, Prince Albert. Misis Enimerson, L'io; Mr. snd Mas. J. Skinner, in. .. The Hlarvest Home was be- R don bt a grand âeees. Sabbath' z with its able diz-3&urses by Rev. ,coe aud ingiog LbJ Providenne ere ail that conld L>e êesired and n"even greater te-,owds flocked ,er dirertion a t -à bonutîful fJMwdby sechafroinReva. eýmoqLiddy, Kiner ~-f~1 -rd Iea him and the 11. )ýgentie- as fGrtnnaïe enough tO exake many ;ies -;lle ,here. Proeeýdsof ter ,leiocns about $135. owman- amptcn sud Enniakillesi friends Ont -be-ndsomely. A rte B,ttZFÀST te purify, sitahize sud t-nrich lt1re blood, sud giveneirve, bodi-j sud digestive strongth,take f[ooc'a Sarssa ils. -Cotinue the uredicine efier very meÀ for a month or two sud yotr wilhl eel -"hakke a naw man." Thre merit et Hood's garsaparilla is proved by its tht.usands of wonderful cures. Wby do't pon try it ? Ho( d's Pille cura const:pation. Tbey ara this'3 beat aftar dinuer pill and family rouiý ehurý rlein goi de, inp Co cea lau th£ auI art tir -------------- -Sylvester às visiting her dauglet- . J. Virtiie, ... A capital time At Home" et tire Pameonage ou eulng, Aug. 25. Mr. sud Mme. ýaa it iutamsting fer aIl. The vs excellent. A nice prograur ishesd with Mn. T. G. Virtue in .The ohairman made some new si lu bic modo of conducting a %nd bas establisbed a precedeut i guidance. TireLeague yle- .r meetings on Friday evening, . . . . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Virtua, Mro, Jae, Stainton visited To- iea the Britishr Soldiers..t odiet, service in the Preebyterian ;unday week Bey. D. S. Boucir tirants te the managers of th t îr their great kindne8s in efl'erirsg se cf wosiip for the use of the te virile thein churcir was under- Wict'iGdist District meeting haro Tues ty, St pt. 12 in f oenoon; lu af tamnocu a bbat~h Sehool Convention; andin aven- g Epieavor couventior. Big meetings. 'mie.,1 ... Churci re-opeing, a fine suc- se. R6ev. C. Paernpresched'au excel. iit ddicatory sermon, the tes vas ahI at could be desired, Beys. Meoullocir id Parker mede capital after tes ad- oso. Paetor D. S. Bouck bandhod ea fit!s-ncial part well-cas3h sud ruh- R. Yo)itng, B. A., Paierbono, tiroroughly pleased vemy largo audiences on Snday. Church choir gava choie music, sud the solos b Mrs. Liddy sud Misailayes ware izigby ippreciatad. Pmecoeds about $112. Will utle juspnovameuts next weak. The Elliott Case. BRAIFODSept. 4-M'any cîtizsne cf this cCiy are3 wii;ling use vouaI for the truth of Frankr Elhiott's staremeut that ha n'as cnired cf kiduey diseasa of six yoars' Btandiu,)g by the n-e of Dodd's kidney p 'Ile. Everyono h iastonished aethtir rapd(itj' and thorougiroas3 nith wviio tirae isplls do tramr work. As enaevire bcd ltm'14 tht inraya: "A man feels, after uinrg týe-, as thongh 1 t a hd neyer en- joyad Ibfaefoe" Tire Rymai case, in whicle ,ý paralytie wai curad by Dodd's 'kidîîey' pill,,, opeuad the ëeo of the pteopIe in -tins vîcinity te tire virtues of T. N RIÛ ARD Mt- Cereweil Division haid a pic-uic et Mr. Henry's grcunès, 0Oshawa harbor, flas moved to Nead'a lokhvig, udoun Thursdz,,y and ted a N ery enjoyable Blocr, hvîngroun ...... M ra.D-ian Piekel, R.F.Rich- it necesEary in order to meat the demande urds sud F. G. Courlice are traiuing their cf iucreasing tmade 1 have made thv hebrses for Whitby Faim,. ..Mr. G;eorge change sud amu fitting up sa optical parlor co)wer, Maple Geove, proached ut Eben- czar on Sunda7 night. . . .Me. W.L. Cour- for the purpose of tesing eyesght,lu fact tice, wife Fnd Eons, of Newtoubrook, are shall spare no pains te accommodate those visiting hie brothier Nr.A.J.Courtice, audl who may favornime with their patronage.ý other friands. ..., While Mn. Blake Cour- My goode are bonght for spot cah which tice was erossiug the cre ýk C' a log a fe8w ena!eemeto al th vay eitgoideaimornirga ago, having hie handa in hi% pocinats bis leAd alipped from under him prices which no crue can underseil. asd like a drOWLilig Mal g -spiug at a& lu the folhowing prica liai the firet etraw ha pu-hid a mýck knife snd some, paper money from hie pockats, in tii ex- cohumu represents the price ut which citement throwing lis key s into tise wster goods have been. sold in thie town, the but muaging te retain the peper. second My seling prce. Tà RAW, CUTTING WiNDS brirsg to, Gent's American tite surface (ôvery latent pain. A change of even a few degYrt os marks thec differeuco. Gold Watch, $65 00 for $26 0Q between c-îmfort aud pain te many perý - 4ý 55 W ~25& 00 sous. Happily diieas, heldi les way. Scione s j c ituui-illy, t'ringiug forward 50 0" 20 O0 uow reineý1il. mwhich su c ssF, lly c mbat 48 0 1,8 50 disease. Polk is î'.N,ý 'iÀve-uorve p aina cure-hae prive i thc ioi> successfu1, t8 0 4 0 O) an eivnQ: ràý.edv k lî v.. isan 18 0" 7 50 plication 's wd,, for it is i qoihy, fficien.t Gent% American in ahI forir "ýf pain whîetho.r iriternai or- Silver Watcb, 45 00" 19 00 extstmii 25c- a bottCa et drugoiss. 40 00 ' 17 00 T -TA 44 25 0() " 12 CO' Maite 1arary Williamei, Brampton, fi _22 00 1~9 50()j i his uucla. 'MrW. B -in. ,,-Mise 20 ~ ~ Gertie Thomias, 'roronto- is-visi'inoeber- 20 0 ý 00ý n<ele Mr., Stas Thomnas... Mits Bell- Genk%- lulhl izeWtch.. 7 00 ' 3 90:reu.Bowranvih'l. ie glest of Mr. o, Lr~'Soi Gldal-Laudier ..... Mlss Ma2giaNeaip, B-owman. Lidy'ý,Soid Gld Wlt- ille, spsîît a tew dase with Mie. A. Ik hemt or ]Elin Watcb, 40 0 19 50 Manry. Miss H,'rsreecuoipaiîied hem Lady's i4k Stiff'd Gold, W30 0 "1400 ... i- dt g, rueiin irae taken charge ',f icie; Corners Lady'a Sil-ver Watch. . 12060 " 440 asko. . nsd Msm. W. T. Henry, Coheke, 8 day,Cathadral Mme. Vafirbinder, cf New J er ey, Mrsi. Rong, haIt boum strike 7 5o0' 3 a F. E. Ellis ea d ohlldr, nt, Oahna, Mises -Swit, Roches-er, N. Y., Miss LotdaieMc- Nickel,alarw.,best muade -were raceur guemseof Mr. A. E. Hlenry.. warranýed ..........2 00 " ~ G nntcgj n. g extensive ateral ions tohiis reert-ence . .The Liter.. Silver TirruJles ..........U 29 a.ry Bll prasenta s wi mpruved epper Picke cet,18,crutsNipin ingsuce ivaide BLd on , baviîg bheupainted' PicrleCasesa, Cues, ~&pin iu A" kalsomileai.. . --Rqpaira are nos' in Knives, ForkEs. Spoons, sud ail kinds of progres3t Z-On Ochurot. ]iPev J. Liddy- Jewehry.sud Sr>ascaoles equeJ&y as cheap preacheï -*u the Hall on Sab bath. , ,,M as tire abOya, MAi, A. E. Jleriry is buyiug appies again ...Mr. NI . ftsbiiie h as bougiýt tire Lau. al~l nd eLag,7-vïig tLý)rotugJlyder h bain teuas ýdr (bî a $ýcj fo aecou. ordaingso,wihl w Ï,sr~ .55 ~ "- n- to make three e ,asperecer se aîsy ptici etboi c1 flodts,.. Grtd o an or Oculiet can makre t. Yen wifl ai s i . 1ou31u iutte a onse sac that t wil h to yonr adVautsge n î;hitng tas qui l it. ut teck just three te caîl ounTZ N. RIOKARD, botthes toe ffuo a per fect ueiim ae Watchniaker, Jeweler and Optician, Riebsrd's Cash Jewehry and Optical Hoase, Bowmanville, Ont. P. S-Bear in mmmd Swiss Watches are dear at auy price and a bill of expeuse to those who carry them. ANTIOCH, CLABKE. Mr. -H. Simpson, our worthy teacher, appears to be a general favorite among both old and young. ... M. A. Odeli, former teacher of this section bas been vsiting friendi hers... Mro. J. Waddell eutertaired a large number ot lady friends recently. . ..0Of our cit;zens who took in the excursion to Cobourg per steamer Garden City we noticed Meestrs. James Hiunier, 1. (Jobbledick-, D. Semer- ville, W. Hunier, G. Bigham and A. Buriter ... . Miss Florence Coatharu in- tends attending the Model 85chool, Port Hope .... Miss Lorene Scott, Port Hope, who bas beeu visiting ber uncle, Mr. J. Waddell, bas returned home, NNEWOAJSTLE. On Suriday and Monday succesaful aniii- vursary services for the Methodiat Sun- day School were conducted by Reve. R. M. Popa and J. R. Ra ...11ev. W. F. Alhau'e sale on Tuesday was largely at- tended and rcsoits saifactory . .. .Rev. J. A. McKeen, M. A., Orone, couducted service in the Presbyterian churcli on Friday ... . The base bail tournament was mort succesef ni; Newcastle boys captured the firet prize, $50. Tha concert in the evening was very eDjoyable and wel t- tended. Proceeds about $40 ... . Rev. W. F. Alan, B. A., preached a farewell discourse on, Sabbath evnîng ta a large congregation, many fromn other churches being present. . .. Mr. Thos. Montagne, *Manpgý,r Orowa Point iren Mines, bas B LERT J. RID, W'îniham, O. t. J3LA CKSTOCK. Jn WXûd la home suffer'n, frorn preumnia .... 31'. Coi. lot 8 vE:ry iii with rh- nmatisma at hie brother Ptiter'a. .Mr. Rubt MeNalhy ii deinuz the car. peu e, work of the Methodist Churcli at Cadmuq ..Thére are Poe casés of ty- p~iil7ver at Mr. Rubt. llenry'o, near PoI., Hil ..Mrs. R H. Pruist and ots Herbert and RoFct e sp&,nt a fewdays with Dr. Grsy sud w1f8.Bilbo... Mrs. Nelson Mlarlow ard Mre. Robert Ayers were at Peteroro aqtenaing the weddir cf Mme. Jap. Lattimore .. . .Rec. ent,çiàiîors: Mr. ani Mrs. O. Tice, To- routri, ai D,~. Fish'v; àms Barber, Camp- beliford, et Rev. RL C. Edjwards'; Misn Minnie Jenninffo. Bowmnville, ai R. J. Taylor's; the Misses Parr frorn Wallace- ville, Michigan, ai their uncle'E, Mr. Jas, Psrr'p. Both the xnethod fand resuits whei Eymiup of Figs k toiren; it îs pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneyg, ~ 4 ~ ±~L-i~- ~4 M50~i~t~j U.IU Il laI t for Chicug o teJoin a Party cf friande on a huntiu)g expedîtion irn North Dakola . ... Miss Smith, assistant in Higir Scircol, mturned from Thoroîl on Sturday.... Mr. Bobt. Barfett, marchant, haie cf 05h- awa, b'as reu'umad bus i ,'seet lise o!d -El., w-11lre,u.i, lu tihe bouseoce- cupied týby tire lste Mro. Walbidge.... Mr. Carpautar, Simoce. recently visitod Mn. W. T. Lochrat, M, P. P. . . . Sire. A. J. VanIngen- will-subor-c]y rmov-e te Cobourg,... Mr. J. Paî ker and C. Chais denuing have beau smpmeving thair pro- parties witb a ceai cf paint. A Romedy. I'repaeod specially for the axpected in- vasion cf- Asiatic ChoIera. Af ter havlng been thoroughirV testad end ils virtue sud paver proved is nov being placed in tire bauds of thea druggists. Asir for "Acî)-&e Ckuleuu tpSyeP.13 terneffectually, dispels colds, heéd.', aches and foyers and cures habituai constipation. 2ýrup of Figs is the 'only romedy of. its kind o-ver pro-, dluced, plcasiug to the taste and ac-~ ceptable to the stomacli, prompt iii its action and truly beneficial in ita effocts, prepared only from the most ]iealthy and agreeable substances, its imanyexccllenatquàlities commeridit te ail and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale ln 75a botties by ail leading dmuggista. -Any reliabie druggist who may no# Lave ît on hand Win procure it promptly for any, one who wisheiQ to try it. ManuWtured oniy by tho CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CL.. S" F RANICISCO, CAt. LOUIsr YJE. . NW YOZL F-1 iý 1 ý 1 1

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