cusu af thi ainnpacity -N1ackenzie didni taeybss, pation aifwisst, ai hast, was a cartainly a limited, wardrabe, and despàke tise fest tisat tise recent arrivais made ad- sud t,e pleo i-suce sowsnds somatising approaebing tisa viary lu baud, bskd aisoen affaçtionate, lha kapitishes et smm'a ieugth. clubs ai savagas, ion wbose salvation haeissd Tisay, isowavar, voluntaered tisa information surreudarad courtly isonouna and praen- tisat Il Macubhi" (Vancouver),1usd beau suants. It was ordainad, isowevar, tisai tiserela,-"sd lbt bis sbip beind s point oi AlexandermMackanize sisauld become fanions land in tisacisaunel, sontis-west ai tises." lu Western aunaIs, rndering services ta Mackenzie grimiy cismniclea, I"Tisa natives civilization fan lu adi-suce o n aotiser iu- baviug lai t us. . . . b diracted tisa pan- dividuai explorer. Ho braugis a uew wnrld pie to keep watcis hy tisa, in tomn, sud laid iota, existence, opened sann- field, iuspirad myseif dnwn in my cloak." Tise moriug a scisool ni hardy entisusiasta, sud, ena hae ni tise 22ad ai July, 1793, waa brigîsu sud. psssad to bis long home, realizafi lu s spirit a ewaautfu ;ten adgiven lusheamean wisst niofbemility, yet with justifiable pnida, tisat ale uw yasu btor ic Nnhi anurie, stapedise iad accomplisised aomatising wotby, is nw a hisori Norheu rivr, tampdaametbing banefcil, sonsthing aunohliug, tise iga-suanuai af i Bitias prowess an tise sometiig wiicis would entitle iisuta tisa shsores of tise great Pacific acean. Ha thus lave sud respect oi futura genoratiaus. record s tisa avent: - Ouae au weli imagina tisa interast awsk- Ilb1naw mixed Upr sonne varouiliion in oued in tisa mmd ai Alexander Mackeuiza, malted grosse, and ins-crihed lu larga char- as Simon Fraser, fiteen yeesrs aitarwards actens, on tise sontis as faceaof tisa rock an (1808>, arriva at Fort Caorgea sd was ad- ishicis weisad alepi Ist nlgist, tisis briei vised by tise Indians ta tuamu hack or penisis miemoriai -"Alexande(,r Mackenzie, maoin -tisa very point wisene Macieize decided Canada, by land, tise twenty-secand ai July, to retrace bis stops, sud tisus reaci tise ana tsoîsaand sevan bondred sud ninety- coaýst by anotiser and aborter routa. To Jouh dgeaeamueda.ts pclinread Senator Massnn's qootationa firom Fra- deIzoeusngbregaSm Alaxfand er, witisaer's "Journal" in "La Bourgeois de la cauioensnot atois en, fomexa anecovt-n Compagnie de Nord-Ouest," tise appailing cation ntr, aletisat proximiî taSet-sdangets are immediataiy raalizad ; narrow pansicauare, dsi etimat oid neitthar canons, stoep pracipices, contractinu tise hartcnucrve taniseatis nt on ya baîeficialoaring waters, "turbulent, nossy, andawiisb fr onuleoomic ssanoioyt ha iacod-ta beisoid," withiu s span ni thirly feat, ingly dnreced ti s otatpoceedl ucori- I apids, cascades, înterceptsor rocks-tson esat icedte ot t roedDot-portraging isaavy toas, pacst an,'ss, cross- ettisree miles, iandiog at a point presesît- iug ravines, passiog sog tise dsciivity ni 1ug a safe scientiflo irontier, Sisouid maunitai'ss, ail combitied ta strike terror A.NY MARAUDrDSG EXPEDITIOI7 juta tise bearts of tise bravest. leSpuzzum" te'e place during tise nigist. Tise natives, was reacised, wisere naw ('893b) stands tise howevem, sppeared quise milling to iteal, tauadiau Pacifie railway station a faw miles but nt 8so xinusta dia.,isance no attack aast o f Yale. oa r place, tisa adven turers prsceeding ou Little did Simon Fraser dream -as hae tis ir raturnutrip. Tise next day tisey gszad at tisa scano, tisat tisera were thosa r(aised wbst is hnown as IlMachauzie's living wiso woid witness tise opeoing ni a Oatlavý" ou tisa Salmon river. A guide wio transcontinental nalway tissougi tis daseted evidentiy aimad at laading tise ex- weind sud appanently impassabla country- planer luta an anuhuiscade, witii a mile nf that sgaiost ,ise face ni t5ie rocks, 150 fet wisat, by s streticis ni imaginatison, migitb abaove tise boistarous river, rails would ho tarrned a village. 'Sudrdeniy ha was surpris,-adsdteta mogs b nîiiiu ed isy twn men nunning towarda hins sud tise oan ai the locamotive iseard amid "'witis daggens lun tieir bauds sud îury tisa cragsansd gorges and peaka ni tisese iii tisain apec."Honaiveiy sdda:- uamnîiy impressive wilds, Pon Fraser; "mroii their hostile appeaanca, I couid ni hai did bis work weli, sud sianved for daishi ai thein purpos." Certainly, tisis it. wsareasouia-l! prapositian, sud quita in Tise n, ton, David Tisomponu, siten wisom epagwitis au inteliigeut diagnosis ai theansotisar great river is nsmed ; haie sauld Situation. Ma-c!imezia raate is gon. ont ha forgotton, ion tiseamen, Mackenzie Thoen foliawad wisat prnved t) ha mareI Fraser, sud Tisomponu, ara ona in iistonicai panto!m'inte, but miglisiedily bave beau importance. Tlhompean, an 1800, madeans sobeinas' tragvedy; tisa budians dropped thiaî unsuccessini attomp ta reacistise coast, hy dagge, tsawsiama1 aIbs u way ni a pass supposad ta that sioco utibiz- fail intobis 1bu baud,d1-wL g bised yh7 ie Canadisu Pacifie rsilwesy. Ha hanar ~d ~ ppsisg aresaproi- was, isowavar, ont equal ta tis a tsk ni iog anune isi "Oa)f ts sasys flghtang hardas of Indias, sa neturnod. bu Maczeauzie, "0 nvd og t iin e1807, howavan, lho went lu tisa soutisenby su rapd einbs ru I on diae direction1r, enterad Hawe's pass, sud ra ached sandgraf mefifnonsbis, rsud 1hy o did- tiseColombies sud Kootenay laka. Neediesa net availihisuseli ai tisa npponttmiity .wbichioSasay, haeisad ai plnngiug bis dagger lonto nia, ITISE SUFFERINOS 0F TIMPSON cannt conjecture. Tisay cenainiy migbit and bis men ara dascriba ase terrible. A hav e ovanpnwered me, sud tisocîgi I sboidj1 long ine ni explorera oliowed, Gabrielle probabiy hava hiiled 000oneo twa ai thom, 1 -Fraanciera, Rass Cox, Alexander Henry, D.- must hava faiben et lat?' At tis junctuna W. Harmau, Joisn McLeod, Sir George reinioncemeous arrived frasu tisa expi&ing Simlison, Alexandar PRasa, rsud lhasts ni botansdasIl staumaede" ontise part of otisere, escis cotribnitad omuingta tisa tisa edkins iollowod. The bioôd'at^f ýtis ssp-of information ýaitraady îimisbad. ira te Scotbsar was hy tisis time hubhliug A sonofn Johin 11 ed Mlolat lpros- an i steasirg in lis, velus ; so hoe tols ns, ent, rosides'lu Ottiaa;bi fatisan rendered " btienenr lid my men, toprpni tiseirI greas service'ta tise canutry, býei1og au in- »i~eaiess~omsuaciv ue, niftises, if trapid explorer aud a very able mn. iMr. tis ncaî~ lil~ldreQuirc if,-'Ho thon Malcolmu McLeod was an eaamoot advocate mugis ShookinZ Oime iii Paris. hits-An stracinus crime, tise motive ai wbicb su ksstili a malter ai livaby conjecture, wras plac comittd ouSunay Puv,-ning an tieRu deSain4ootge, Paria, a usuaily quie3t street tas intisa Temple quarter. M. Boureille, a Mns. Naoi -,,,s .iinoy, ana ai, yung maniwho was nnby marriad lasi tisa famans saven long-haired sistans, was Mcýanc ateisitr fafouîhn burid lst eekin lcrioodCemýteyhakery, was sitting in bis shop, wban sa Lnckport. Han aux sisters wara prasenit nespectaby.drassed man antarad, and ashed et tisa fanerai. ion twa pounda ai hresd. lise bakar turnud Sir Ceorç'a Cltisursi, tise 0owue -,'tisa round fan a momant, sud instaotly received reai Blarneys Castie, denies empbst-ýIicalbY s terrifie Slow witis a huile at tisahachaiftise that auy fragment, isowevar minute, of that nech. lRa iaced round towards bis assail- lamons structure, bas been trauspiauted tüanst, wis aesed hlm twice more, bai ha Chicago. wassaeto p-ssisbis way ta tise doon and Dr. Tomazoli, s nated Rtsssiesn physicisu cali " Mundar 1" lu s lotsd vaica. A nnmb'-r is about to nake publie wbat haielaipýsa ta ni :uaigbibours usised ta tise scene, sud ha a positive cure ion ieprasy. Tise chieir whibe soma assisted tisa unfortuate man ingradient lu tise remady i s a wbaey oitaint- ta tise nearest cbemist's, otis rusbed intb ed froms seep. tise sisnp in tisa hope ni arnstiug tise crimi- Prince Waidaman ni Prussia, thsq nny uaL.Tbey wene, however, taa Iste, ion thse sou ni Emperar Willisîu's .satilon bristiser 'man bsd sougisi a sef uge lu tis arleiur ho- Prince Henry, ia deaf and damb, s a ai iofiiad tise sisop, and tisera 1usd committed whicis scancely aoy ana outaide cul court suicide by stabbing hiiseli in tise ûest sud cincles is awana. ibroat wîtb hiss hile,' a weaspn ni Spanuis King Carlos, of Portugal, laaïped froin is maka, witis s bbada uearby s foot in iangib. carriaze tise other day un lutenfare wîis a Whîle ibis tragical avent was tahing place figisu sd provausa probabla murdan Hlisa Madame Baurale, s youug woman oai nuy maa o verpowared tise tranger panuy 22, was away su tise country ai, Etrachy, andt turued hlm ai-ar ta tise policýe. wiitheabcis had beau sumsnoned1by tabegrasu Alexis Columbus, a nesidenit ni Biff _-1to.tha adaide oi bar mainte, wio, hy s sad 104 yaars nid, says ha is s lineal decnan ioncidence, died tliat day sbnrtiy sitar ber ni Christopsen Columbus,.lbit lacbimade arrivai. Tise crimeL is stili enveoapod in tisati thetsagatgna-raîgaugns- ysteny, as tisa assassin's body, wisicb Sas grandson oi tise man wisn dis-ovared _Amen- heen publiscy axhsbssad an tisa Morgue, bac. uca., nt beau racognisad by anynue, sud Mi Tîseoduli Ecoffre ai tise Canýton slisBouasie, wha, a]ltisugis au a very critical Switzanland, is a dwari acaiceîy more tlissuCoud ition, wss queseionad in tise laspitai, a yard iigis. No onue howa bis ago, bu.t declared tisai ha koew notising ni bis as- ho cao resombar tise Frenchisinvasl(i n inasian t. 1798, andi iromu otisen facts is sopposed ta be 110 years old., A Valuable Article. J. Beaver Webb, theo naval arcisitcetwiso Tegr' er a enrd" ad la ni Engbisis birtis, bas made New Yos k lis iagnlsbat sdbau d1 ade home since tis e Cnasta, wie icehodasigued, by s youog man wisose promises ta psy was braugisi home ta race witi tisa Punitani, wene knowu among men tob he of n more tisa fisi ai aur reaaîy exciting international value tsubspoie u oewr nw yacht races. amouig women, sud sise waut ta an attor- Prince Bismarck sesys tisai wlien we iaa ney be sea about suig lisis for broacis ai s medical book wa are likaly t u coulude promise. wa bava ai tisa maladies it desenibes. Butt Il"lSa," said tisa hiudly aid gentleman, wisan wa naad s book on morais waseeauta "yen waut ta sua Jack for breacis ai tiiuh lbis aur neigihrw> obsai iapromise ?" mabaieslbwdscr b ass.lthe IlYas, air, I do, sud I mean te," se as Talaladidepaicl b tis wonld saetad, wibis sngny ampisasis. The lre bM. lad tnelint wolb wiss Wist araebise figures ?" gari-anhy aMpenlasuone trar in Keswic.Twenty-flve tisousand dollars." gIle isa egold top, aturelinseswlong, Tise aid man's ayebrows fiew up witb a sud tise Britishs statasman uses it - as a wa1I- îgstick. IlTwenty-flva bhousand dollars 1" ho ejese- inguiaied. IlWhy, my deaa young lady, miss Kitty C. Wilkins, Idais' tion e tsae isn't a jury in tisis contry tisat queeu, hbas--a range cotainiug 3,000lisorses woid' lesugb igisi out in tisa box at tise ai bigla grade, bronchas hbeing carafo1ly e--veny idea ni ana f ai ec's promises beiug cluded. Miss Waiins, wbio is shout 30 worbis ao thausaudth part afitl. You'd yeans old, doas tisa buying asud selîug,halrbignyunbonisatafse wisila bar father sud braisera dIo tise harder, is ion assanît sud battery on cruelty ta puactical work about bise place. animais or souaetiing lik ha ta." Prasidant Carnot bas baeu iioredby tise cashier ni a Paris savioga hnk t iss h bas tlue asumof fifty francs sud a iawv cen- Amongiradaes t wisich wnmau work tisera times standing 10 bis credit on tise Lbuk',s aaefaw, if any, lu whicis work isaharder, ledger. This accoont M. Cannai opened ihours longer, and conditions wonse tissu in er s appreutice, and tisan fargot about it. ANew York ehemiat, accompanied by A man lu Waupaca, Wis., bas ionnd in s two friands, bas stntod onu a footjary sand pi a sébl tisai msy prove ni impon- to Caliiornia. Tisey oxpacita be 170 days tance ta natursissis, as it belongs in s au tise way sud to subssi xclusively au spacies inund in tise wamus seas ai Sauts an elixir wisicis tisachem1,niat ùdaims tao bava Aknue-ica hnown as busycon porvensusu. Tisey discnvared, &sud a! whieb ba s ays I Ssi uwreoed ail aven tise autsh y tise mouuîd teaspoaniol tisree tinssasday wi en 1)1ea ~ ulers ion satanai ta manufacture s great man ta dispense witb fond sund sieep. van11ic ea articles. REVOLTING MUREEB.ý3B!M H1IMSE. a > el vitMAUKENZIc advinc ' towards the village and " made oif the consjtruiction of the Cauadî an ?aifilc -TO KEEP -4 SHOELAGE TIED. sgafrsomneona wcomae don Eet-rilway, witnudar tanom ide ilee- -- aly, a Pieniipoten ti*ary. Ex trrdinaryi,e o! 'Brittan1icus.' lie isunvray re- Osse erihe Grrsannyne or Lire ]Re he~nnlt nn"rsr f i 70-mre dîrty than diplomatie, sppeared, spected, but being eduedin CirCUmaiItau,Dmonve(à by a Twisýt 0of tht Vrist. he 'ýiu land JourAnieayo ax VEr- piaininlg that somi-e evil genios lad us ofsequenitly *ithout friends. Tslk about A pulic benafactor bas aisen atnd, tbougb csrcuLiatad a story to tha aflfect Il Republics " beiug ungratefini Savage b amrl aln be uasalslr that the travellers, shortly bafora, oevizdmoacia r aptcgven nacty boot sud shoe store, bie is netne the htg) 4a e e aner d d osmm a murdersed four of the tribe meuts, lika individuiais, too irqety la oeyo ae ,prss on oIl ., tec5 ISaet a i î. e f hll xpalt-Mac V', 0w1o1 tbey mat ou the bay,-Mackenzie (deni- forgat ta rerard accordiug- to menit. Thenrmentl .Hagvswywib acpiro --eilîsudOthesAyuuoa rpon dtiroua ro-oeof thermket cama the railwa xlrainth ii a ha tesce of ty it a tairboy -IttaSugesed haliateicslPiit-order. than simple verbal testimiony-sud Sir Hector Langevin, the expadition i fMr. will romain tiai No oua needs ta ha told snga Sold ait rneStor,>' t Future saeiug is advantage, thneatauied to ranaw, Sandiord Fleming (appoînted chie! engineer that bieretofore the iast thing sheelaces bava Va-TeExplorers Raeeaive4 Seaut hostilities unlesa lue linan sud othier pilier, ni the nailway, 1872,) thaexpdtof nibeau know-a to do bias beau ta remain tied. Ylü,tewrd. ed articles were restored, togethier wvitb a Adjutant-Ganeral Rosa, thealtur mada by Every maie readcrrlbas more than once fallen Qu ud eyars ago1, fJuly 22,l731, reasonahieainourt of cdnied fish. Bacon- Canerai Sir W. F. Butler, tbe perilouis trip over a scbhoolîgînî who bias auddanly stopped that tineleaýs travollees and istrepid explorer, ciliation folowe, te purloined articles mada by Jarvis sud Hulgoeuigsneals, on1tisa sidaewaik ta tia a sboelaca. Every Alexander Mackanizie (ai temwrds Sm Alex- w1 eu1d sm ucae i amn u17, u ievros oraig freadfir ni that sex bAs fraquantiy stopped- audor>, complated the flmsoverandjocuruey and cane pola's mada, and ithse arnt Lord Duffemin (187,6-'77), tne Marquis ni perbampa it, bas bappened au thse middle ni a noth of the-Guli ni Mexico, made by any mildly intimatas that hae uamadf tha place Lerna and tisa Priuceas Loise (1881-18> dlelara1ien nt love-whiie bis faim compati- Enropeas, ta the Pacifie aceau. Heamne, "Rascaf s Village." -Ou Satuirday, the 24tb tisa expedition of! M. iMarcua Smith ucn o a u ot nana-ygra al acting for the Hudsou's Bay Company, isad oi Augnat, the axpedition reacbad the nection witb surveya (871,Mr. W. C1. ingasudstooped over toutsa "that provok- lu 1771, tracad the Cop pereuine rivar ta its fort, on its retumu voyage. "lAs wa round- VanHomne (1884), SirCisaries Tupper (18), gsoc'. vr nbmedrbsbm moutis authaArctic oceaii. Thon the North- ed the point," wites Mackenzie, sud sud Lord Lansdowne (1885). Sîiopa th el lsait sanhlted-and pambaps missad the Fur Co-mpany (1783) cama ino exiat- cama iu viow ai Fort Chipawyau, we tbrew millions of passengers have 4'crosseadth lit train ont ni tow ono a Ssturda-y nigist enc,,,, Montreal being its business centre, ont our flag,accompauied with a general dis- Rocekias," perbapa witboot a thpugt i f-lu ardar to catch up the flying ends i Thas historie district had coutributad scores charge of aur firearsus, whila tise mou wame Alexander Mackenuzie ; pambapa witbout bis ýshoalacas, whosa trie-trac on the pava. of chivalmona explorers befoe; but noute in sucb spirits, sud made sucb activa use ai haviug beard ai Simon Fraser, o) rlaamed ment wamned bisu that if hae did not *tia more davoted, more patriotic, more indafa. their paddlas tisat weararivad beinre the thal sncb a splendid character as Daid ltiem nip ho might trip on onue ni tbie tigable, than Alexander Mackenzie. Iu tha 2 men, whomi we lait hure lu the spring Thompson aven exiated. It mYattans liLttiesud ,braak a limai. Every militiaman preface ta bis Il Journal ni a Voyage could recover their seuses tn anawer os. ta the daad ; but what a commieu)tary upols Tbrough the North-West Continent ni Thus we lauded at four iu thea aiteruonu,. at the living 1 Mackenzie mada, Montreal Asueria" (pubiislied in 1801> Mackenzie tise plsce wbieh we lae on tise 9th o! MLay. fanions ; lis very mie nflected 1 says :-Il I was lad st an early period ni My.. , I mcived the newand ai my INCRF ASED SPLENDORP \-ý- lie, by commercial viaws, ta the country labons,ifor tbe aeacnawned with auccosa 1"'ripou lier cont-nance, bier indu5tcieaa lber uorth-west ai Lake Suiperior, lu North This tissu, lu biai, is the plain stomy ai bu'siness enagy ; it did more, for the Amerlos, sud bing andawed by nature witb s great man's victomy ni-or obstacles saem- Dominion ni Canada profted by b i s liiiati- an iuquisitive siud sud eusamprising spirit, iugly insurmouatabla, the tory ton ni su gabèe labour, sud ta-day points pmodiy lto posaessing aiso a constitution sud iama of avent fraught witb tremendous cousequeuc, a grass nationual work, which, wli#sont tisa body aqual ta thea mt ardunus nudartak. as to Mslckanziaa, tisa Thompeou,sud the inga, sud beiog ismiliar wth toilsoma ex. THE BRTISHi EMPIRE Frasera, would ha but au empiity dreasm. etsons lu tise pmsecutîonu nimeranatule for tise Dominion ai Canada claimns anven- Mackenzie was hououmed with ighhod porsoits, Int only cotampiatadl the pmac.' eignty over theagraenportion oftiseAmeni. Fraser was offmad onue, but declinlad' eit, ba- ticability ni peuetmating acroas tisa continent cao Conitinent, twa oceans are connectad by causa hae was starving ta deatis ; hailoura of Anierica, but was, confident in tisa quali- iran bauds, snd Creat Bitain contrais tisa wara ciaap, bread dean. Thompsoan, ton, fication'e, as I waa animatad by tisa dasine ta sisotest sud safeat route ta han passassions w-as aiiowed te go ta is grav-e-a pauper, bias more tissu once spoiled tise affect of s undertake tisa pariions antarprase.lun tisa East. Oue intrapid spirit, iuspiring aud ta-day no monument, nohi-storic paint.- mnarcis sud dropped ont oni une in ordan ta Ou tise 9uis ni May, 1793, Mackenzie, tisese wisamlha directed, accnmplished mar- ung, nonr national testimonial cosumeusorates tia a rairactory soelaca ln tisa gutter whîla isaving leit Mantreal sud amrivad St Font vlions wonk, sud to-day is tise canteary tise ciivaimauslavotion of tismea great ex- tise battalion swept by. Iu short it lisas Ciipewyau tish rrcdn caepmce-a i atnu combat with sud apiendid plamera ta s country which lbas bacomnu re -saemad as thougis nothiug could ha devisad ad ou hiasernapedition, ioilowing tisa victary aver tise combiuad farces ni nature ai tise icheat sud moat promiisiug portions ita Lake tisa place oifsolacas, sud as if n Peace river, sud reacing onueoalita brancis- sud tise savage elaments owning banr caver- ai British Nantis Amoica. w ay cauid ha iound for keaping them secura- as, tisa Findlay ; ultimataiy embarkiug on eiguty. To choni-la this historic journay1 A chronicler sadly says; " Simonu Fraser îy eid. tise Tatoucisa (now Fraser) river, believing witb ail its graphie incidents ; ta paint tisa(lied at St. Andrews, aboya Mantrea1, et This young sboa clark b las foud tise way it ta ha tise main body, or s brancis oi tise pictura ai brave mou struggîsug ta assent the age ai 89, sud leasving unprovisiGoro _tlath a a aigts s groat Columbia. Advised by varions Indian ma's aupremacy ; to dascribe bairbeadtb bas iamly." And o ai sidThomponu, "Heatulc i e bwasa teatherainte mosu tniba tsaiescapes frein flond, aud haud-to-band au- livad to ha 87, dyîug ai oguui opposite Vwomen may huy sisoes witb tise conscions- THE USEIG WTERScourfer wi ansupicion aus s antteMontreal, onFabruany î6t, 57, tis. neas tisat uisy casa p ur sue their cisosen staact, od orgs enauneon peliosdesign ai bis briai record ;suffiestat.hwta write, in extrema povaty," t'iïon vocaio w tisu nqatsdsuy but nendened navigation an impoasibiîity,ise tisat parils wome snccassiully eucouutered, Fraser lait relatives, sud 'ý a amaill, veny intrerruptions that caustitote a horrible eveutuallY ratnaced a portion of bsrue obstacles sunmauated, difficulties avanlame. smali pension is now ai]awed aonme oi tham. slavary tothoirsisoalaces. TItis clarkshows sud ixteen daysa aterwards, rea-bad wisat Acmos snow-packed, tnee-trawn gorges Somte months ago Mr. Sudiford Fleming., tisat althatisaneceasany is ta tia adouble is termad "tisa check aiVaucouve's Cas- widaly-gapiug crevasss ; tismaugis swoflen C. M. C., wisose admirable addresses have howkuat lu tise saine way tisat avemybody cade canal "-uorts-weatt imnm Beutinect streamsansd catanacta, oarang aboya rocky beaeu lstaned to, aud wbose wrîtauiga does,, caswpluIting -thseupeatonu up to tisa Ar.Tejunyfot otCieynbeds ; tismaugis canyons wisere humait.lufe pemused with plesanra by ail iutenested in a rwu iako ih t o thse Cascade canal or Cascade Iblet, as is ad neyer hefora pulsated ; bouestis crash-, historie subjactsasppartaiuiug ta Catasda t pisetsofa. Binathdain -tit su aper urmn hns a capihding bonîdars sud aioug ledges seamingly sus madeas poweriui ai)peai s4t tisa Cmaaiasn akainat teats eoedigta n inaboutaievan weaks, pisenomasprogresa peudedin midair;iforcing a pthway tboug i lstitute, in Toronto, advacating "C'a"'-fnasn iejbbebig ubscics~ treles maes f dnseforsts thse ru-suadiperfecting toucis. It iadoue by meely couidarng tisa terrible handasipa audured, ncla ae idns aettss r-disu Histanical Pictures," tisa laaned gen- bauding ana af tise iaops ai tise bowruniler au 1 tise almoat inssurmouintable difficulties sadens accomplisised ion tise greater pro- lmn seiai3eerigtaSi le ntise kuot, sud tisan pulliug tisa koot tigisi overome.Thechroiclr sag:-tien ai tisa American continant tisat wiicis Mackeuzia's explorations, \via Peae R iver by taking isold o aili, loop sud pullitig. We isad n sonner landad tissu we tank autitles tisesuto tise lava, tise respect, ta tise Pacifie coast. Appareutly a>s heilutrton shows al tiat is new lu possession ni s rock, wisere tisera wss nat tisa admiration ai tise prasent genena- peal bas bae in vain. Tis aisat spÎ!ýe in tisa claver unloossiole kuot. Wisen tise spc onmre tissu twice aur number, sud ta.-Tuy ian aegat n tis hie Pacifie railway was driva- n l 85 wbicb adnittad ni aur dafending oursalvas aanthinsutiose çays ; s manvellons race oifortnenhvebau ad sd iannsi os: eradnies bs isolcnosudebas tise orw -wtbadvantage, lu casa we sould he sttack- men ; faithini ute deatis, ta that wbicb tnibutions given by scores oni weaitl] ismeni kot campeted hewla tce s spaheyconor ed. Tisa people in tise firat canoes (reîerrig duty dictatas ; a gaiaxy o! memonable towarda varius public instituiu bt pening thate he tia laeswisethse ot, ne 9 ap imosu tiseasbae toomeetaat tise kuot but ta Indisu visitons) wena tisa moat trouble.-iaatas mup ai. Titans wiso feared 1nn ita iih ol aeCnd ans ad thnougb that space hae must put one ni anmte, but aller daing tisein utmoat'to imn- naugist save issilre. Net alonte Alexander prend ai tisair country, sud asuxinuta ao m.,.ib l aiedsoftise kut. He meneLy tateaus, tisey went sway. fbey were , bow- Mackenziea; long are bis time, by ]and, isa tiste deeda ai early pioneers ; non i i kas ioldniou on op, bonds it onder tisa aven, fn sonniergone tissusa bat, a baudikar- sud ses, sud river, hardy pioneema ihadlpan that au historicai institute i>s ta hoe assisittrog heoeiý e cie sud se-vet-siotiser article& wara emiss- fiuud s labour ni love lu tisa wilda ai tablished sud endowed ;noa al nnuoc eat to< uhsi sogstise nlauiu 1 L&kes Hurn, ttise 1J ýau 'tisat ig"Thaen a second hast arrvad "'witb ae Hrn nt(3 udSpnor ie ia ubivsisac ill ha givacn, , we ieLl ~ --- saTan Zatout, wellloo imen. " Tisein Eug- Frenchs pionears uinder Champlain 1hsd "_acanea transiermedl ta cauvas for r- -pilIs uaut tiglitlby pulling ontise Itwor "', 1,pis lisatise oldfasisiauied wsy. If lha daes lias vocabulsny waa liit' - ie ooy-ca'- tise Ottswa ; atisersfa nbay ultvaandrggertistacm , ht itontaIl tlise pwe1 i anue Uai able"uo"~, ay maaf rî"~ ueshad<160) puetate tis natisthe tiseadess of inanimlate thiniga wid1 aven La1p up nirsd reachad Sanit PERaOColi, dis-~~~~~~~~~- -~ ~"~'s ~.'b heta make'h t sioaac crn tied, ho antsit ta. Whais le wauta ta that g11 V uueie t1ha Wili ldo S 5 asiy s atve UtIso uutiad any sisoalace. A pll ou tisa tag aiso -îddedend ai tiselaceýs sud tisa tisinig is doue. Whence do 13nails Obtain Their Shels? Accondiug to Professor Huxlay, tisa shahl ni thsa .naýji. la u p aisuccessi-e excre- sienus oi m ebrsncus lamiuoe, lu wiicis granules oi carbonate ai lime ana deposibted, these granulas gradualiy iucreasing lu sizo by tise addition af iresis esicaneous malter, wiuxstise susil danives ssinby iras tise planta onu wiichis i feoda. Sîsaiba are noves- foud enu souls wisicis produce no lise. Tise sheli.fonmiug argan ni tisa suail la tecisuical- iy callad tise mîntl,being bIse delimat sein- branous portion nfitls body beneati tise shel. Whene bise mantle is united ta tisa tougi skain ni tise foot, ltbebcomas gneabiy swobieu sud iorms a sort ni colar, tise edge ni wiic may be seau curling round tise raflected "liap " ai tis ssol wisan tbis ail la crawling along. Tise extensiosnioftisa aboli as uts tenant gmoîva la eutineiy effacted hy bisis swailen margin nifbise mantia, wisicis barries tise pigment cells, or glands, ibat secreba ttse cooiong mattar formîing banda an patterns on tise ssebi. Tise neat ai the mautba la davoid ni pigmenb glands, sud meely deposuts layera ai sselly matten oui tise luterian, tisichaniog sud strengtbaoiîsg tisa habitation, bu tise sama wesy injurias te tise siseil are repairoi. If ouly tihe monts ni tise siseil ha bohen, bise fnacturod portion is nestared witis ail its propen cal- ours sud mankinga hy tise collar ni tise maniba ; but if s portion ni tise spiral ho dasbroyed, tisa breacis l closed by opaque coloîlesnuater deposited by tbe otisen parts ai bisa mandbe. It ila asingular -isott biai von tisa baby susil hagins its worh oi build- ing heinne it l is atcised. Even wbau in tise Deg tisa litie cnoabures ara oud ta bave ionsed as i siseli Tisera la nsucis tig as chance, sud wbst ta ns seams accident sprînga fnom tise deepeat source ni dastiny., Pbra Narsin, who was King ai Siam in 1580, openefi up tise intercaunse batwaou bis counbrjy and France by sendiug au embassy to Louis XIV. Tise returu esbaaay enter- ad mbo trigues wib tise hing's Prima Miniqt-r, Pisaubeon, for tisa raception ni tise deanits sud au sckuowiedemen n F"oIs supromacy. Tise end of tisa latberwa bisat tise embassy was expelied and ail nabive .Chistisus bittenly persecuted, h 1: tg r; c ti 0 h oranches at Balfast and Cork, uiumbering 1,100 and 500 memibers. Altogethe ' abouc 9-0,000 young mon belong to tbe Society A returu of parsoýns wbo votad aýs illitr ates ai the last British Generai etian - cently issued. This sowth-al the nu. ber cf ignorant aiectc-e n an Wales was 46,1091; in 1177a;and,47 ïn Ireland, 84,9Lý 1 0 Death and T heir Bodies Throwsa Out For fleas Ta Est. A Vancouver, B. C., apeciaisays :-Tbe steamsbip Emprasa of India bas arrivedl witis news ai tise murder ai tise twn Swadisis missionanies by Cisinese isoatics est ýing Pui. Raya. Wikisolm sud Joisan, tisa mission- arias, smnived in Siog Pu last Aprii sud wora tisa only miasionanlea tisera. Sing Pu lsan important market place nortisast ai Haukow sud contains about 30,000 inisahitauts. They made o couvents, but ntisa cou- trary tiseir livas ware lu danger almoat fim tise stant. Tbey were waroed hy san van 1ta tisat tbey wouid be killed an July 1, but taok no proosutions, except to sand s latter ta a magistrate demesndiug protec- tion. Esriy in tisa mnnning ai July i their bouse wss sumoanuded by a moh compasad ni losiers, tradasmen sud caisolars, wbo clam. onad for tisair blond. S touies were tismown ai tise bouse sud tisa windows batterefi in util tise missionanies could no lonlger ne- main indoors. They sttampted ta escape avan tise ranis ai hanszE, but wama iollowed hy tisa mob. Finally tbey could go nonIsrer sud dropped suta tise street itothe ands ni tisa mois. Thair suffaings wera short. Wikisolm'a akuil waa smasisad with au ax sud Mn. Jolsnsou's was speedily beaten oct ai ail rasembiance t. hesman shape by basu- hon rads sud Iran bars. Tise bodies were stripped naked, subjected to îevoliing mutslations sud lait on tise streat ion dogs to eat. Tisa mob then laoted sud bua ned tise misaioosrias' bousa. Two mnissinaries ira .n Haaukow lu compauy wits s sandarin and soldions lait ion Sing Pu on July 4 ta invtsti-1 gate tisa matter sud recovan tise bodies. TERRIFIO EXPLOSION IIN 0AN TON. A Powder Hagusalne SHows lJp-ll'iidreds 0f vieima. Hong Kong uewspapars, give details ai a tei niflo powder explosion est tise Covern- ment powdar magazine ai Canton an ,Iuue 24, wisicb killed many, injuned aven 300 people, sud wnacked 400 bouses. About à P. M.,tise inisabitants ai tise Sam Unli dis- trict, ini wiich tise magazine stands, were stsntled by a tremendous report, wisicb was heard aven a large area sud ws ollowedt by an euormons volume ni amaoka, quise dankaning tise sky., Vary quickiy it ws kuoçwu fan sud wîda tisat s tarrible calamity liad adïurrad,'ithd aluhougis tisae ëteuit bas- not yet beau ascertsined, it la fearad tisai tise losa la vary serins.s. Eveny village ins tise uigisborisood was eompiately wnacked anud in a village on tis as opposite aide ai tisa streasu wiicb divided il fnmm tise factony sevaral buudned bouses 'a wera sbattered. Tise total nusuber ni s bouses destnoyad jes pproximated at 400, ia and alsisougsno ides bas beau formed ai tise bass n i te as muai ha considerable. 1Tisa catastrophe originated frma cook- bouse near tise magazine, wisicis cautagtira sund napidly spmead ta tisa powdar bouse.d On ,isearin, tisaexplosion thisIniabitants i :nsb utp reat alansu, -a dfr-ber-tira-h el a imed t isa dis astar by is e heatiug oi gon gsI sud drums urgiug tisa viliagers ta mun lotbIl tie fields for theinives. Tise mandarins Ce were quickLy iniarenefi, sud tmop wn sent ion. A numiber ai Chinasa otne u one Ennopean were speadily ou tisese Pan tiaexlsinVendering ass istance ta-"tise" wounded, t A Protest. l'I gittýi'iiiost cousanned tirede'sa' stair-v stop risbymes,a And il tiseý poots keap il up, 1 wisht they c wnyuld ananetimesb Juist change 'cls round a litle ; now, wnuld it Instead ni liaving stairstep rhymes, t Ta Ilun Downc LikeE This Ci 1 affer tisa suggestion, seakin' noiljier biame 0 asor praiso; .- And as tha mule is migbty poor that doaan't work bots ways, If that.seems incompatibla with true pnatic .e a rhgre's notbiug ta prevasut 'arnning ýD Of course, it's baraiy poasible tisa stsirstep styvla is best*1: Leastxvaýys, that it's appmopriste must reely h b, ceas essed, F'or fortýune doesn't aiways smile; ase soma- 0C timies frowns, a has verse upa liko Ille poet's l, su ad And tise foul downs.j THE NAVY 0F 0HHN.A. The Sis She Could Fiursjî Iâ fe 0) TIhe possibility thiat China may bide witi Sîamn in the latter couintry's dispute witi France, bas lent muciih interest to the ques. tionr of her preeent niaval capabilities. Nîno years ago she was beeten, by France with great ease, and one of bier moatE important squadrons wam completeiy used up by Ad« mirai. Courbet in th e egagement of Min ~Rivèr. The French did not need to put ont their full strength, but truirnpheý(,dby appli. aubes whiceh cost them very littie loss oz exertion. Tbey usefi their to-rpedo boats te a large extent for blowing up the Chinese war ships, mowed dovru their crews with Hotchkiss revolving cannon, and captured many of the batteries along the river, de, stroying the cannon with gun cotton. Sons, forts they lef t intact, simply because tbey would not expose their own men to a heavy musketry fire. There and at Sheipoo ti __ Frenchi caused a terrible s1aughter with th"* most busînesslike and-economical use o their own forces ; and the utter inferioritj of her own navy was most disheartening te the ILiddle Kingdom. But during the last ninTe or ten yeael China bas made a d1ecid!ed avance i er navy. She bad, indeed, a1ready begun te establish a stron.g naval force heforeç the war of 1884.0fcusterisroopai son between ber fleet and thbe splendid one of France; but FOR PEFENSIVE FURPOSES, at a long distance from the base of the lattez country, and with the aid afforded hy shal. low or eàsily obstructed rivers, it îa worts considering. At ail events, it wouldl be au~ Pnormous addition to the weke S iam., British dockyards bave fiirnishetliwb'nny war vessels te China. Among ,the,, earlies(f were a number of gunboats of 130tons dispiacement, which were alniost the foun' dation of ber navy. More important, werd two Elswick-huilt, double-boîoxuned, pro. tected cruisers, tbe ,hih-Yua-n and Ching Yuan, of 12,300 tons, wbicbhadw a speed5, very bigh for their day, of 1~kuots, pro. cured by triple expansion enginea, and s bunker apity of 450 tons. Tbe mair, battery ofe= consisted of tbree 81-inch Krupps and two 6-iuch, protected by shieldb andi the secondary battery was of eigbit G pounder rapid-flre Hotchkiss rifles and sii Gati o. Tbey bad each four toripedo) tubes, their conniug towers had three iches olý armor,1 and they were e'ectrically equipped lJtber vesseIs bult at Elswick, stili later, are the Yang Woi and Tcbao Yonig, of 1,35( bopUl, '?,40 horse power speed of 16. 2 knotsf and 18.8 kuots, and b4tteries oýi7 Arsfro1i8 rifles. Stettin bas also provided many m rodersl steel war vesseis for China. The Vulcar 'Building Company furnished two croisera ol a~bout fifteen kuots, carryîng two 8-inch and eight 4ý-inch Armstrong gunis. Muci nore famous, were THE APRMORCLADS ihng Yuen and Cheu Yuen, built at the Stettin Works. They were c-f 7,400 tons lisplacement, and bad aispeed of fiftees tnota. Besides stue! protecti ve d1eks, tbey had water-line boîts of 1-1,1inches of coin. Poun~d armor and te min atwr -f eact inddfor1tii rupgns, proteeýt ed by an armioured eatok and twG mialler Krutpps, wblle ejach aiso sooarried cleven Ho(tchikiss cannuon and tubeu, for tor- pedoes. Anothier pair of armnored vessels i4"7 ha eVulcai Works ware (lie Kiug I'% aind the Lai un Like tbose just iess ioned, tbiey are double-bottomeod steel 7055015, carrying coxnpounid amo, aving a mimuu tbickniess of 9Jý in«hles. Thei carry twoS8ý -inch rps mounted en bar., )aett in the bows, surruunded by an arm- orad braastwork, besides 6.inch Krupps, togethar with good secondd&rF batteries and, torpedo tubas.' The Tai Yuen,- buili est Stettin, is a 15.knot. 3,200-ton cruisare carrying two 81.incb and three 6-inou Krupp glus, with Hotchkiss revo1vin% cannon and whitehaad torpedoes. Stili an- othAr order to the Stettin Works for two large coast-defauca vessais.' Moreover, China bas also sbipbuiliig re- sources of ber own. Her yard est Foocbo* is indeed a mobt noticeabie proof of the advance of the empire in miodemn naval ,sence. It is situatad on the Min River, and was originally astablished by a French ifficer, in TISeSERVICE 0Fr CIA. Docks, machina shops, and rolling mile have beau addad, and, it is a busï-y scene olý construction. At this poýint was bull thE ,rmorad cas-fn e vssal lPing yVuen o0 about 2,600 tons and 240 os power. Sheilaonly about as fast as our "Mianton. omoh, but bas awatar-lina hait, of eigbt in- S1hes and a two-iD ch protectiva decl5. Shg bas a 1olinch Krupp gun at the b iin e 5-incb breastwork, two 6-nilochpinse amid. *hips, esgbt small rapid.flre guns1,, and foui torpelo tubes. Later shipa shere construct, eare the Kong Hi and Kong Bui, twOd torpedo gun boats of about1,0)tn.Te Iuang Keng, Kuang Yi, KuliaPing, ss Kuang Ting, completed at thle FohwAr- senal, have each a length, cf26 feet, f beam of 1271, a meanu drauglit of 1ý2, à"ud lisplacement nf 1,030 tous.ý They haive a 1-inchoomplete steel deck, a2-ich couuAesg towar, carry thraa 4.72--inch Arma-trong rapid-fira g-uns, witb 12 lîghter"l-eces, Unsd