Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1893, p. 7

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- f <Sgt * f t g' - V q~. a B ÏJNCLE SAM iISSUItE». begade*orttfxeatlone% at Eseuimait are Againet ItritNet the liniteel States. ,1 Brîtish Clumbia correspondent wrîtot as fe'ol -,,4te the N. Y. Sun :-The Sali iani e wspapers are mistaken in sup- psiug thait thîs harbor je being fertified and urned inte a naval arsenal by England andl Canada on accoceît et the dispute wvith the United States oer seal kiliing lu Beh- ring Sea. The officiai bellot in British Qlumbia is that the tribunal at Paris will give its decisien btwoen tbe end et Jul3 and the middle ef August, andi that the de- cisien will ho substantially adverse te the dlaims ot Canada. The question dees net excite muh incereet eutside the ring oe ooaling-vossei owners, most of whem, b2 the way, are net British Clumbians at al but renegado Americans, Germane, Hec brews, and citizens et the werld. Bnt the fortifications at Esquintait have nothing in the least te de with that centreversy. The: woro pruposod yoars botore the sale cf Alaska and the seal islando te the United S tateýs as a protection te British interests _ ,>ixîýï the Pacifie against Russia. At its last -~se-sien the Dominion Parliament voted $7 0,0(0 te purchase a site, whioh will bc banded oeor te the British engineering off- cors, whe will carry on and complote the test et the werk at the oxponseofe Groat Britain. The British Parliament recontiy apprepriatod £42,000 as a firet vote fer the job. The total ceet may roach $500,000 tor the onginoors are constantly chaniging tholr plans. A gravie g dock fer war and merchant vessols was bulîthore a tew yeaLrs age by the Dominion Gnerumont. Bfoethat vossels in need et repaire had te g.o te Mare Island. But the first struc-ture rected wae a naval hopital, put np duringthe Crimnean war in 1854. A fooet fEnglish and French waqhipe hembardod and landed a termîng paryt Petrepanlevski, the principal soi. port of Kamochatha, sevon daye' stoami frocn b£-eult met with a sevore ropulse. The Admra in cempany commitaod suicide. The wounded were breught te the hospitel at EquiaUwhich for a long time was thce01n]y building in the place, excopt a tew indian buta scatterod ameong the rocks, Lordl Palmorsten nas the firet te snggest tlîat Esquimgaît eheuld bho frtified, but the proposai wae net takon eriously until the cempletion et the Canadian Pacific Railroad. It je the intention te previde a first-class modem rnarmamont, including eubmarine werks and a terpede service. Victoria, tho cjapital ef Bricsh Columbia, le enly four mlsoff, the two harbers cutting inte a spit et land, which null be guardod by several cross batteries. Esquimait le the best biarber on tho Pacifie coast with tho excip tien oetitbat oetSanFrancisco. Je fermis ai ereua irclo about twe miles nide, witl wdepth of soven or eight fathems. The Roy- ai'eas juet eutsido, ceuld accemmedate fift'y men-ot-nar. Vanceuver Isiand and Victoia and Esqimaît are cennected b1 ralodwith tho mines at Nanaime. Tho3 are il eof excellent steare ceai. It je quitetrue that nith fortificatiene ai 11ifft,.iaimat and a ponerful fooet on the epot Egadceuld prohably command the Stradtes etFuca and tee ther waters wiîthiu Cape Flattory, înlnding Puget SonAdmiralty bnlet, and the intrîcate pfaof ethte San Juan archipolago, aantany erdînary naval deonstratier onl the part et the United States ; bot il m-ay be well te repeat that the sole ebjoci q)f'lier eperatiens ai t Equimaît is te estab- tis;h a striking-place, as the French neuld call,3't, 4e case etf war with Russia. Il wduhtlh îply imipossible for lier te held Vanupeýver LIand or tle main]and et B'rit- ;s~h CelIumbia - if theUîtdStte eredo .kiedte ejeci bher freoiether or bethi ne mter ho1ý,nucbýs1he ig,ht seoufil bteisand oatrtbwerks. A land teorce front the Uniitod Statos ceuld cut the Caaia 'acifc ai fit ty peints hetweu lieoie anid the Rojcky Mountaine whilo a large Amxerican e quadren could shot up England's voasels lu Esquimaît, kneck Victoria te pieces, and block thoe trait oven nichent chu bolp et American guns on the San Juan. A cllision betweon the United Statos and Englandin lutheso waters nas avrtef in l8ô9 by the goed sonse et a Britieh Cap- tain. A bedy et United States treepe undor Capt. Picke2 hbad boon ianded on San Juan Island, the ewnership et wbicîî nas net determined until the Emperer ef Germny's decisien undor the Washingten troaýty et 1871. Sir William Donglas, an nid Hudeon's Bay Company officiai, was oGeoreroe British Clumbhia, then a sep. arate rewnucoleny, andheoek h te tohis beexi te erder Capt. G. F. Hernby eftche frigato Tribune, thirty guns, te land and drive Pîckti off. Fortvonately, Horn by, ucuw a wel-knewe Admirai, rofusod te ehey, and the British Gevermmnt complinsentof i ounie nwiefens Adiýrai Tryon, whe nas lest in the Vic- teria diatol,".;r, nas a warm advecateofetfor- titingEsuimaît. A tonyoars agoe xas sent te Anstralia te devise a plan et coast dlefetiêo. Ruesian nar vessels troquently v ei Autra'iaOfficers et the ship Veet- nik vioeïe caughi net long sinco in the acr ef takinig sketches et, the dotencos at Mol- bom.In a report te the Britiieh Govere- nt Tryou stated ihat thoro nas reasen te beliîýeot hat the otire ousteru osasteof Ans- tralia had boon carofully mappod at the in- stncfe the naval authoritios at Croustade andaSTadivsteck. Ifo recemmondcd that Tchat weuld have given hum contrel et the NeErthPa,9ic., Ifse could çet hold et laai& e weuld have tho koy et the route te Auttr&è4ia and Che wet ceaet et South Amerlea. lie couid net underetand what the am--thrities at Washington nere îhink. igabout lu ioaving thoso islande a prey te fîueh revoîntiene, fer lu the end the white Inh"bitants nere suet teipe eut he black dynasty. Sente Enropuan per, lil À NUITT5AV SLA&AitChioment Li Sing calied upen Me TUE AUVENTURES 0F JONES. likeiiheed Engiand, wenif seize thurn if the te oen the cabin deers, sayiug the Cap- --A .AGU SVE T9 United Statue lett thoins"ilying around tain nas eiuk anid ibey nantod te briug Terrible Esseounter WIeh Wulve. eleose," andt thon Amoricane neuld roalize The Mutineers Killef the Captain and hlm idewnu. 1 ropliod that I kuen nhac paig s1adJcsnPtrI f utrdBsenPic nýaqca -that tbey baf hiundored. Donnrlght an-' okPsesino h had eccrreti, and that the firet man nU Soku, ed ako eoe et A utrfEser uc lnd noxatien nas net net iueceseary, but iu thoir To ossino h;hip. laid hie bande, on tUe deers neuld gui a tho ingenuity oet man-Ij'ast epeke et it lias an Auintoti CoeuE; Gooet) Eelîcalua 8onu interest lbu thenghe, fthe Amuricans blet. Thu mate began ae thons nieh a mysoit," ho expiaineti hastiiy, as hoe oye4 andi a iesuWltle a Slxty-Fur Mile Lsheul bauoe t inte in wamnin4 Enuropa, te Eseape or thse Captetn'e Wite andi Cebin capstan bar, anti1I fred ai andons. Thoy Joues. "lSposkiug et-"Aes houkep its bauds off, Hawati nec newrth fftcy Boy. neroj gond chîck doors, but Chu hoavy hul- "Parden me, Jackson; eue mentent, Aea I Esquimaite. I had- sailodti Co vi)ysgos nith Capi. lot -passetci threugh Chu weed anti etruck Li pieuse, beore ne liston te yeur tascinating Ris Highnosc the Nsnab et Rampur anti 1* ,~. Clinton lu chu schooner Mandarin nhen hoe Smog on, chu righc knuu, shateering tUe cap narrative," broke lu Joues, nitb groat hie suite have hoon travelling thmough h ~get marmioti aud get bic nitu on hoard for and ehereby et bease pareîaily disabling suavity. Il t eccure te me chat yen May Canada etter baxing explcod Chu nendors W W sing Ont thse Stain chu third voyage. Tho schooner nec one hLr. No eeovor madie a luckior ebot. Ho bu a descendant efthut histoeoman, who eftChu Wold's Faim. TUe Prince je under i One day, an heur atter chu mail hati et thu Oive ceastors ewnod hy Duiff, -Brownunas in snobe pain chat ail bis place nero had but oee tery, a long gun story. Yen chu guidancuet Capi. S. Coivin, chu i machol us dewnu etchu front, ne neticod a (& C., chu Englich bouse et Amoy, China, upsut foiite next txve heurs. Mme. Clin- mnsumbor fho usod te hring hie fisi dewnBritish Rosidont at Rampur, anti ie accoe- Ygroat change in Sorguant Roerts. Ho nec and Cape. Clînten, ehough eniy 28 years ton hadi nover fired a pierol or guu but I ,ou Chu table aftr dinner nich e terrifie panieti by an uneincod coek anti tour echor - our erderiy, anti ho was onuetfchose bigldO, bas hoon in commanti et the crfte for shoeeiber hon it nus cdoue, and sUoex05-bang, sud thon remarie:I docismu, seuntis accoudante. Ho is on a tour amennd Chu *kinti-hearteti, good-natnrud tolons nUe O'fve or six yeare. IVe raul te chu nerth and presed ber détermination net enly Ce helti like a gun, doent i? Oh, by-che-nay, nomiti. Front Judia Chu Prince ant isi et have logions ottfrionis sud nove r aul ononmy. among tUe islande, guthoring cholis, tours, tUe calbin, but te fully evengo Uier hueband's speaking et guns,' aud thon buie wuitiroui suite nent dimeccly te China snd Japan, tf 'Xe kun et hs ie tuanti chilti k nn th et tancy neetis, anti ether thinge, nUicU nuru doath. off hie gun stemy fer chu nexi thirty min- crcesoti chu Paciflo, sud, atter a seijeum etf Y b le vel Chu onu anti idolied tUe echur. ettumnard shippoti Ironse Ae y Ce Leudein Our pint et danger nue tront Chu sky- utes. Fathm'e or mochor'ssitie, Jacksonb" twe neeke in Sun Francisce, $outhomu 1,uYs, ou tUe moning ne lictetUe Seatu mou- su d-Non Yomrk. TUe schooner oamiod e light , or it noltihave huon if tUe tllens '"IlYen are inunncommocly high spirite, Celitomnia sud Yelowtone Park, startoti - dorvous for chu Potomac hie nite and chilti mate anti tour men, a ceek, a steward, anti bat en pmevidod nich firoarîns.WeJus"rpitJakoPcrs 'uhpsfrCuli. e weru tiume te dling te hlm nitU îoving ivordstsscotai c-mwofetelgUt. This nus a big cren coniti do nethiug te botter ourselves lun e are ce bu tuvorod nich fchu exact tacts TUe Nensb is oniy sevonteun yours elti. o aticur-seiut faescechuvey ace atifor a ceacter, but the Ch;'uese sailer eu bu chat direction, anti ateer finisbiug Chu bar- in regard te yeum uncounuer nich chu bine- Ris complexion is Chat et a muieatte. He la y le gave momunetfus young tulons sûee erts e muconetias us ny haIt a man. Somemmes icade sac downcce anuit Chu nexi movo auhvn au snhsneynpo ietu ieIcu ei niqceeodr )f ce iniccuse uparcing. chu Mandarmn Uad au Buiglish seuaking on Chu patteftChu ununly. It came ut about isuti h te ceneemuci thons. My motrenco Ho drosses in chu cenveutional English id Il Look eut for my bey, sorguant !" ntanv mate, but us ettun UeaulaChinansan. I UeO 2 'lit luiChu mening. The felions crep e e uin gunuity et macnie slegitimutu, and ticyle, antioeeoetie favorite costumes cou- tg s fther anti mothu'r hati saiti te Lreus they run anuy fronta enonBuedford nhale ship, atinL àa 1body, anti i nsking awady anhesginay ofyth nih bis itrsu sbneantige shrt, bisck cueau 3t came te se us off, andt hu ig-herted tel- nhich touchoti ut Formosa, and tier a bic AI' "r A SUDDNuaunpi uCuhp tagetn i i.e sat ubn l on hall mpiedt hut huieult uf oa fther e ncigaothtiscrt ut onuet thons hugun cbeppîng autChu deers FrontfChat I nas about Ce cotetfa Toxas Hie ftume are net ruguler. Ho bas a )e te us anti hoputi te bing lus eafuiy back chuechoonur. -- icU ant ax. We p-isbutiour muset bar- hrecitIbdja ode h e er oa oe bc hn eoeaacr - nhen here nus an endte te u ar. Captý. Clincen hall marrieti an Englmsh mi hrubch ariaeanihazt ne.at Ue Ch epoetnetac f he ellmy pur- buta ios taictshwserneigchin. 1-fe le ln tUe ach eand file ebere nue a cemmutie- girl living et A-uoy, andt hu voyage nas e andt hey aut once eeuacti. Mme. Cliuton's fortuti on himseot sudsasilver Cube Mucrtute isltlaefruoedni eehrnt it ehip nUlcU matie us taik oetbhome, nUicUbridai trip. SUe nuss agod-Iooking, bravo- scaecmeei bookoti eut on dock tomnarti, antiChogsnic h out buah. ohu i mdieant i eanigb oehei h [y peeýsetiour letteme arounti, wnUkU breught herteetiyeung noman, about 20 years oni, Chu snîiig gsaab nas only dfdtoieti bya been iynclrJ1twnncy-chmou tintes sinco that, lende impressivono2s te bis fetures, makes le ail pheoegrsphe undure scre et eyee. Our sud alicheugh if le Cnenty yosms sincu I sunlilght blinti. A tChu mutineors mrosctuti but as chu topu ulweys contes ahove Chu up a face that, if net attractive is intoreet. r Olti Sarge," as ne caboti ite, usedte cemod lhem 1 have lhum tuce betoe me as pieinly as I entereti ibhis taterocin tce observe chumtiub--" iug. Ho parts hie hair, nhicb imsehert andi ir meet et bis lettons ce us, anti a tien or mt ieeking ut, a pbotegmaph. For Chie vey- fremtChu wnnton. Anti it nus a iucky TUe yeuing ma nec intummuptet by a black se ceai, ou theieft aide. more et Co~mpny G cammireti photographe et ague aChinese macu hati heon ongageti. Hoe bing Itii. Onuetfthons hati oepialong c huomy icugh front Jone. I"Really," broku TUe younog Nanab's moult bas an ares et t hie liccbe girl. On hie day Chu Sorguant ceuiti net epeak Engiieh but chu Captaîn Chu d ocetUe nintien anti nus churu un-.nci niiui cu u nlgnee 4sum ie.Eeyye t otea y htalutrfothmanealkeutcouli s peak Chineso, auo1tihati pickedut p gagetlin lu btting the lets eut et tUe blintinids Di niul Ita a n keju 4sur ie. vr eri ilsa ineoad a etensieont hi e a Cheu u aenough et tUe vernacular Ce get aieug ftsily Wbiie it nec net meonlight oatie. I chat oye non, Jackson, IlI be'iovu ineomeofet8400,000. Net a cent eftChie itse a okf trou le o nuhs fae bit gmuif nitb noliith ail bande. Wo UeO us cargo nurie, coulti eu bisplainiy, anti Irestut hu muz- ta o ot fa lv,,ml.aoin mpi it hecfeso mrs - -looute tleblet emyamusbiot onffChuh elil etn tcheaenintioul Tbaukmpeyen, JouesThaVictoria.nesD"VictgraChu Sepoyh S rebellionlonChu .8 ns hat day for hu firet imie. ,We hopuren,, sud Cinnemonegericultumuthimpiemu Ln bue might elouus if lho nec lu trouble, but 100 kuge et a naîla. shoot, ciothîng anti anti ga(ve hlmchuhecontents. The curetige IlExtmaordinurily clu cor tamily. 1 kicwn grot grantitathur eftChe presunt Nsneh h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t bumten-iu tWsCusm hn cttene, anti more or legs moey-Che exact nsmteu te ultat oras sen as I gathurodtchut tthe ne ws tg over agaîn afttr a fun tisys, anti atter chu' ent necver kuen, bucauiste aportion et buclishet, andf Chu villain Lno ver knen anethurunucluetfyoums Chat hu'ti de socrs- course for hlm ceo pursue in the nar. TUe i-chirO bt'ter hie face carrioti sncbblooi t behuongudte to he Ceptuin. As neur as wat hrt bet. Fittuon minutes aerthing bright, but' I nuebartiiy prepamrid oracles eftchu Muesulmune rupliodti hat in in serronchut ne wneetif ifebu nsounr coniti bufiguruti up, henever, Chu suret nus nty sehot nce hord thu spiasb et the for chie. Friende have in Chu puet bee o yumrs Ce conte e prince neuit bu bomucteh le "010 dSarpe rsnesrngretn uheabout $2,000 in Anteican money heace.L ight rbhydsoe-kînti as Ce sey Chat 1 ans myseIf ingeuloos bouse et Ranspur nUe nouiti buetucacti hby place.nluChinesu ceins, lu be,-' a anti al 'tUe; tetilcht bsUje nas dnitcing conard Chu isi-ingtngetttitutybtInorrsu ficrtEglUamisnibunutCh E61 thecrun kuew about it. J anti or eut iote Chu crack et a, largur te unything liku Chat. I retomber a uitile gruatet anti test ponertul et ail Chu princee tg About e monch ater Chu eu-ipi t C Thomu la Ce chie day e lenbees, piratical cjrafi, aunb eOalu tgo tUe anchur ce esson u1hiie d U ti niU nlvemn uorteun Wie- et IntJa. Thereupon l'e tumueti traiter te hie lutter nbich nerkeuti snob a change lho ru- clams etChinesu ceasturs nUe havu no er- chu ch nces e sucue. Iu e short ie cousin bufore chu nar. Thu nolvos Chueepeople cuti ospensedi tUe British cause. - e n i adwiiguntemiliar te spucc fer uuyehing but migbt. TUey nrunUçr t ( lu i te Chinusu nmangîiug among nwemuetfchu large timbur variet>', anti it XhuCuat'eGrtBîaîUaov cs.vet onu>i un'sehdniting a bardre nrînee ntf iintos dyL Çe idtýýt rua Indue anti ceuquemot ail tUe nations et use tnsctnacierpv sdsne e oepoetll coety.W 1 hnsleai ceeu nkun eU ie ceuse et it.7j cing aha owitr Chey neru constuutly CuOd itrc nimte thonstributer- neho e fuit chat it woulti ardO tethe Ser- net tour au openI Thu coýok nus doIegatedi Ce cotue atc anti in- hlungny." tleOd ititadmd te guanit's troubléa. Soe ftethuboys nUe ATTAJK AT CEA, for t ne chut ne neme ut liberty te ake tUe "But, Joues," intorpeseul Rbhineo en, te Chu Cronn, Ramper wnueoxompteti 1suwne.lm pen anti moud le neyer terget bon but kuen the oentidnet seropie te boart yawb atidopant, -anti they noultigivo Chir"soeody iceucloîmedth te biue-rucer to eigattue t eeust h espalie bugnon anti obo hbauds renthotilus ut night if lying in an isoiutecj positin1, nord :et hourrnet Ce meleet us. Inu m e- story 1?nts e oga hutmi t hi)i> lanti bis oyes biazt. TUai night et 10 1TUe schooner nus churutoro previdud nil ch fuueh)goe,. chu>' neut tour chrouts. j Net to-night, Rebineen ; net te-niglîlu. ehouit ruign. o dock, Inuheface oetChu enent>, "010 tdedzen musets, us tan>' beartiig pikusý,iMme. tliinteu iustructed me te ropiy thet ne Ibv e olo pcrantcsat U on aa pes EiU tan Ir Sarge ',tisapperut-dosercod. Penhapes ud six or oght cutiassus. TUey 'vfren kop1i shuId netleuve Che vessel, sud nhon I Ueo jfigures nUicU I noetIin s>' ien>' u tChu' nel art ta mastering sovoral Erpa c bue ment te cakre everytbiug uney, but hat hn tUe tain cabin lu Chu berch occupýieti by s o tenutchu ceok ho turnet te bis tinte b 1etom I can -trust myseit nith Chat. tonguos by tiegmues. Ho is ceusideretioe LI ltter nus founti afttr h'hati disappoameti. an EnglisU mute nhen onu e aeti cmwios nut ntdcuvoouaotfhtbie the mest enlightonut end culcumeti princes et It nue trot a brother. Ceeu>' anti cicinli>, Chinosu mate ainuys bunke inlu tUe te' Ift dm e tinuoeeO abeen cautions nu r acer 1fer anythieg in Chu e wrii. The of tChu East. Hu le a Mehummetian, but net andti îheuc Chu base feeling Chu brocher cascie cund mosot nith Chu crun. W'hîileholib ehu urpao o hi utae iuetnpaiu u îercnso>fanatical. Many oetChue lO superstitions ho n roe tChatChu Sumgant's nifo, atton se con- ne nure ioading cargo et .Aie 'y for Cthuei 1ove-. EscU onu wnetdte lbu boss, anti 1 which I muet guanO eguins.. Thes nQ oîves, publiol>' fuyons more for Chu dolusien et hie ductiug henseit us te scaudabize ail lhem roi- thirti voyage I but lîttie teed, antieI ) caîntîec t tUe wnord1s spoen la hir'1 nepot,seeetet ainsys Ce havue aguaiu subjocte, ail Mehummutans sud etfaigne' btv.s at brought chings te adcites by curne otiutedapot our urmaumo,-nt in -got(i 1higbepicchut i oîs. TUe>'sunsation lu chu stemach. TUeye> vru force anmeut c Wo v nachordgne h cae i 'runnîng ana>' ic a tan hn .Thore entier. ru wae iplya boy's . anti nîvîcund THEiR rOMi, amu auvngen chenuandwuru eadmono then aMosem custont. i ene lovons nUe nent astray in hose days, tUe ('aptain kuewnonthing et nhut I bat 1 3,mnee hn hr een oeta eundthCis nus oui>'oeecaeuoet oet unured.doece. Whoun I cane tColoni te ucron vover. ani _yupat> ns te break inichu ninden tne or tierceeoftchumtotgebhen. Oua' This cociebUse UeO un easy tinte et it. "Desrcu ce hu ie e>"'nue hu ecor I eunt wctiuongeapt.ChuHie chiot dut>' ie te koop eut oetChuenu>' et for upactun, nnbKo myeit U>'aesy llud tieo, nUlle chu otera7tact- in Januiryln wsgeing front Ojihnay Cit>' made orchu Wsr Dpr nbut w h on bat shicpued sncb a tuiben as Li Sing ; attn ienomaeingchuTerre River on foot, accoun- hespnos obsnts ha u kunwSorguant Roberte bot titi net believe tor mate. Ho wae e penerful ig ftlobe, w Mmle. Ceslit e Uepan at .sepanieti eci>'b>' ns>'deg, nhiub nus namution bis cap anti upren mincoh e houa lui it. Ho nus a brave anti loyal tan, sud ne nitU au ovil face eut a tnoacbereua look, netcheto.IrChu kyiihet neaI noont te huI Anuntica.Ifhe wuldue trble et R n mattur nhat hie trouble lho neulti net have anti on me or chrediffreut occasions lgeot tU eOit kueaod obt i adra n hie henu nteli bur oublhe Breiig turneti againse hie fiag- Ho bat on wt- hLutvisitons nUe beeked te mu te bubctu i eiiofnt le usketUe stard who ie .we ronthabis etison lc he barticleet gee ut- n Lucotnte i>' uek istite , huf ein bukit- Eu nus a goothedog, bue bu bat moud ont lbave, asuthat nus deaurtien, but ne1 iizens. Thu crun nero ail abearthte pn 'l'Uie t h hheultior istu ars etebsieghkil-ntunof hat Olenetien ineChu otht untesrtsutcuofcrtchBiis turgudt c i a ae htcus b-eeigbfr esiebu .w d lvrg but thho j have mseobusiness Ce attend te, bu0aonCa ousluiueighoeun sîui btCuCaptaîn tUe slcylînhe. Mms. Clinten got igUt o et u a lt vrg aot Cucounry at ovnl eycrflwt i cause lbu knun hat lho coniti net get eatflar- asutfhie bride nere net Ce conte off tcul DO2tt nife 1is u ihn efu.I h sking folks, lu hie poon tutU Cp.Climsvr>baeu it i ienlogh nitU a bot campigu juet opening. ntoning. On Cie night nhilu I nue iter- tuilons blat, hle, upt itn, efChunt he ny homo buconiti prebubl>' find a charge eunuil netallen an>'ee te ap. Ru Usti gene back home-gene te find nito ieg on teck Li Sing nue eoveming ih.aellha iw fer sue bue t lceyut ne ave uteange peck of noives. If a-neit ever silo- preuch hlm nichent a permit. Whon Chu ctudutil e>'nih noetshuesoi- iscreetitin eeting Boues h bati tedbriugcapteen as usketi te su>' sometbing about tanti chut-eneCepieut anticondone or te cnie a a ihto ftesirr, '_5îuýig's being disebletiftrot taiig unjgo ettodn meot incBedull rtmtelRunspu ho tiecumuti z I routlly kuown uth- spusie his ewopt andt ake hie evenge. 'anti I cangUteonougb eftchir tsuie te satiet'atvepr Is aiie fut I aede' node. Wo ntrabotfifon mies R ngabut li ye uo.' Wuuka wnt b>, und ne nord came tnroUi it. mu hai henu naa piei etsotuekinti<nhi o ttrcu'du ff ninnn ent eTmeInole tznsnu-'egaCept Colvin be n eatnt e Rm -At teeno tehrceumouCha nu ruati eoe aud. I titinet ceenuct i it niC !lefuî htn eOaeiitnetv tage.Pomed er oie heBle a ap.Cli a ensainda an C1rugeti>'in Chicuge. At 9oelcckeeuvun- scUooner, heven, but rucher got tUielOe 0A lieet ero snisu, ani nuer vu noro I uing unua>' ive minutes istor I eh- pur for Con youtre. îng a strange tan huti teret hLie way into tchuemoeme cruft ciluthu barber nuee te aI hie - -i al v ee evd ttle 'swern tehi o i TeNwa osteEgar liwc Chu apactonceet e ctizen nti sht Uit ooceci eucd1aiu abite, Chu c eehi nue sot c itU uve haiunuo ueig h eiv nd Uhe To e abgutoEgeiChewk thaapatmets i a aril ;iotLir lote(l.back pemp'at Ir, 1 suspecctnvée ut nhorý o bu nl sendttnementhes, anti] ou Oued Risnitenas uar Ce m>' ut, Oh, -ex mcmmng u wue oi techucetb a f sefCmue1tese>',tk-C ifne ia aCfsu-tnihur-hu> dad. lis wmonwwihear"t,Žuu Chu, schooner a eut gh neseysoon camjne up, inet ff te>' ie 1rteCeRumpuir nulmoueit tUle ichrono Wýilbl!" aniti Chir lielu girb te' sheut. - lcnn ewr r otient e" les-IoIe p *"Tbstu's it>' oit pptli" iBeoe au>' euverythinig goioig noil abearti, eutpreseui>' ýropssiî ourei aanr adsbhmt Tuo un t ostee ni iv esiont.t edotChaýit et CuSIxtei couit intorfemu Chuerungor seizetiCu trotalaot tIbthear. eCht -totit, svgeo IVes. Tuefn f nc onis rnover-eu-ovenert-spvii e chu ati isppenei, nt Che eebr uecahoeu t ýevoral ce'tchu iIande off Chu coac Ithe Ik.y oet tUe situiation). "TUe e t' vru alil uueitheg h treeitreieutU rt'effere ai ho ue abeen taight tchut se evercoeu hat lichle ornoneinformation Inrhe ne' nitoneuuiorcus nnt.Frntcu ino e Me Cino ' iicai ebnieke etoffrouxietideoons in h aeee e see' ujce *couit hoe got fromerum. n s u faior ChuIslandi et lii-Tan. Webiddispos- 1tetenot ýieIdi commandtChu docks. 0 'cfrmenih ht. nsethet hu qes-tilon Figt leii u)Eiotie e rvlig Tha 010 IdSargu 1" esi suif aid et s môetecargo, but ne o no>'îi. We hati ouy i>bout ees onu te vits-,andt hu>'mustu entent. I sun chut haut-to-baud confîci tUe pupor ite. I"Ho tusertedte Cc unt etwena sIcartmeftuncot t egtUr îe altCuj a>' youi>' hope. Piuking np Boutes b>' Thur are me ceneltoretiens nhich tek tionn anti kil chu man nUe nrecket hie lime I-ays nbon nu bore up for Rat-Tan. We lady Ce conrte anti vien Chu 'situation sUe Cuouue h okItcetUtutrtaeln u>,Coeae eihat * Ul unefhiga h reat hUe a rmn et onu>'seveut>' miles tCe ae, sait ih j eo henc ukdhi ne rvlin uy hs ae:bat n muCus litoareigtng te ern btomu.d Hoan lti ne noenithin tenne>'miles oftchu isi- "Bn,u>' he lave cm ueli>' nirdurd rut of t y>art anti etartui. For fort>' min- etication. An>' ma nUe questions ceheth- maesLeu daert u ;a bf-e H iutus, gentlemen, I rau like a cet lu a or heaich anti otincetion are dtitis proves nibi biite hie chut soînonhere eut thon anchu tf ud en.ThuecindtChu bueseto non ourth ant Ii ou tee anitow!j Oeg show. I suppose I cevoerudtien Chroby Chue bis tint is in anunhoaithy oomebackte u." deut nitb eUeeuei, andt hu nigbt came Get iofrgive mu tonrns>'harduese et huent, tuiles netnitbetanding Chue non nus condition, andti hat lhostands ho sut oued Yus, ne fuît sure lh oulenîti eumu, suon as quiet ant puacutul as one evor sun ut but Ithirsi for eveugo. eurene f tU eplunsonse places anti in ethors et educetion on Che subjuci. Evor>' men'e yet nu treaeitl. Ho nus a tosencer, antisad t U Cptoehc rt esgh.Ltmehv se tpntembmush inturtereti. TUe nelvestint>' is te meke chu test et hinteuif, anti *muet bue punishiet. Hati it houa mu nmncer '2, ant iebuant isiebride set on teck anti I blazut ans>' anti tiopput onuetftUeint kent close bobinti. Wheue I carnet myau>' un>' ee nUe eauaffnti occusiecail>' te fquartons, chu>' mîghe have houa mercitul playelti hu guitan eut sang. TUe mate anti nicU a ballet in bis thigU. The othuns muet!j heat 1 ceaiti fuel thuir hot, vonontous break uns>' fretnchu namon cincie nUicU but ne nere almeet in battis ine wnoniUchie natcb numo supposoti telhe in choir bunkse uiher go:)over tUe bons or dewne lacetUe broath on ns>'chek. TUe>' luspet up anti confines itCe chu routine nerk nocetesar> ceont, andt hu militar>' authenitlea noulticbbd h o tCuCaci' ac a ocstie Ce tiud seoton, andt hu>'chooso Chu nippetet tUe tuil et poor Bous, chich for ieeuping seul sud Uo>' cogether, shonit 1 wae aide is ersnal emos. Te lfechu nheul u.sdtChu leokout, and ner ou cellh. latter Iplace. TUe lest beuti bat scancel> nus nuvîng and tossing buhint ou tUe CrteufEl ut bis due>'Ce maeutUe brouie. Rail- neye asitetey"I asaloedafahiesapard pensorkd ly ayrfllwndwreesens.teneneedliewaTUe terfailitehae odefBl et e greet rupnhlic ceas atestako. WUat nas tng chhoy'Insforut tt otdîepuro ne Icenetun'nu' ic inithcet> ige nenortiiu u' nt ehn ucbtis ae eetennu> a cif'e boueur orna seitir's love fer hie Chus tmfaiiccplt humaee ttoooteegb Cthuecindon, suizutiaumuseut haut- itUe plumuetfeakuight of oit going into bat. incmeaseoti itbhucthu hast ucutie, but Chu chUt cempanodt t hut, IVolookuti ton Ureitlhu e erst'tais utCthu cebîn table ed «<ut b>' Mme. Chaton, -anti thon mton- [hie.Thein boni, noird anti hideus as Chu pregmes eteducatien bas net huen proper- as nu tollbeotiLee te tUe Potomac, btle a , b uhe fniht. Inus le C h ate s nart anti cosedtchu scuntie anitusconot inh!sinking nail o el tho enandti ecseule, ionate. It ha hoeeu esal hat a briet titi net conte. We ooketi for itae as c utCh nghnhin-1:ü, et cc e mn. TUe steward hati gene 1itCU eheok the pinu neeiies frenttChue reus ant season et relaxation trot nemk is ah- 7manchot ever Chu Cumpikes et Punusylva- tikd ownuon dock. ,I1siupt trot 8 te tUe ch tlersý, bue chu tan nountitChe hip tome thu nervus oetChu untoreuneoBoues in soluntul>'nucessar>'Ce ever>' proesalonal nia bu b tii nc ppun. e u tmnut11, andi trot il te 12 itened ce tUe pluyinig la>'greaning on dock, anti tUe tout mat a cea>' nich nus paintalftu sou. At thUe antiever>' business tan. Lt ila ace bactie lino ut Gettysburg unothon surgeunt sud srngiug. .At miduight b nus sent Ce 1ceas yling cere lho telli.TUe neuntietentiofetlCenmiles I hogan te tire. A large chue caunet bu ceerrovercti Chat tan>' e fIllet hie place. As fHanceck mussedflshie cli chue thur-natch, andi, as I, sturtuti tor- mutinooer sj o-trou steet inlut>'patU, sud I climbeti oun test capable buienesmenand tan>' e * corps te babouc art eUsver>' tan kune bu putes.iutonant teun'ili Saianti,,1 - INTATîrT t. Perching myseit on a loceur 1mb, some Chose ougeged ti uCuhenet professions, nus comeiug li eg ee t, h- ' nc i~ ui pl>' romoveti hie ienite befoe retumu' I fite> touet fron tChe grounti, undt ying have ct short Choir neetuluose b>' er- S- - nising, btec at!>' uenius. A s iting cte cabin. Wben thu barricade hLtd'Bonues in puace on aneeher nith a hietot ceeu k. Cases cf parah>'ei", et setcening et tUe nont.uPun noroas wîsîng i ig"ick- .surriing atte acatsi ch Apeanbun emveti Mme. Cintea came ou dock. shring, b looketi don on thuenargmy brahu, utud-et nervon prostration have buon oct isanteving t" ciet a ehousnseti ves, utndus 1 Oscuntiedtihu cabin stops Ce lai-anIslanti ces no n <ui>'about Cetogn u tnivsbln ueet, a e ema niabss h hs ae *n eutn tighceneti our boite eut closoti np' lint ceasgo- orar. di t-O chmiles aceey,and Chue hneu native craftenere'antia lit t>' pipe anti gave ns>' taithtul bave bmon etenablo Ce a Ceeclose applicu- chu uines. ue7gîn ner. intcC- nlieih.jdoge hemheue hicU I hatiluns>' peu- tien te business. Te avoidti hose disascure "Sct>'d, mou t R u obout ftUent back c enu 1ti usetCuhOaCattO feu, a Isignalo i et eeesud tiichargeti ket. But soon, te ns>'surpriee, chuecelves ever>' hue>'tan, anti uven>' nremoanti bi ea cu ele t "!dSago" o uelookeut hautiuspiet soetthieg, aeutChu Caip- tno mulskets- and in about hait au boum ne I hgan test extreerdinur>' cectice. No- h.- neenud noman, sabuaitarrange te go in iizun'e dres, doseut d wynrnu, antitid atbu aott upcti egb but pleuit>' ethelp ahoard. TUe felie n ouiîngles, geetlemn, han gnuwIing den soetchee-evon if it hoeeni>' te a neigh- ha ice u use ndcrtigebx scbinighrge. I, nsel'tar> n ChuOcki, 1Ueýing nonndud unce deatb, contuseeti I eUe trou. Onu huntiru secs et ruvenous bom's a mile une>'-sutispeuti a Os>'or tme, hoe came acrose teeflde te jeicns.. We n narer etha4 tevor> tan aboant uscopt Chu ceek cvae fange tome anti bic e tchu tmunk.ie. fa hecag fsurlnig, fde, raisut a chuon t sigbt oetLbie, anti itcent HADÀLU R,1tpc fcnestowi epL ra ecluingalen tU lios nghcnd ltt.TUeolloceot b>'a ecuflu andi a epiash. t caeticaýperute cbamacten, andti hat Ch bd te rue ceui net standi halitan heur.ItoiaucnvcainlUepCbrk echointe mu luth auneinsceotanchat.eUe Cptinbu wenket Ifor a ycar tCa got sheard tht, Man- 1kuockedteeasile ue t>' p ipe anti ogan 1np chu moneton>' of uiteu tatentnoe "Got ergie ou peer' Oi Sere'tat he cabusntunil siILv rticamev te<ur provinces ce comnmnnîcace ce tue juudiai l blues hie chutteorntoor1U Srg' ndrosce. er huant smueC have houa break- anîbenîcriies Che namus et an>' snob negraters, ___________ as hi chil forvermoe V'iug, aeutChu ieok oeterrranti distrees on h inter hat uegel preceudinge ta>' bu takon Eyeglssses are wntab>' fifC>-D tombons MUer lac e I shalu nover tergut, bat sho suons- againet thons. The Ministen stits that uven "There le ne tonbt," saidthte professer, et Yaie's senior olass, tceent>'-five t f hein Te knwruCher consisesnla ,voning ont edt e rentihueona itintit>'eîu nib- h e at io oCss rnepicsani"Catantn>dae tbcousn beIchaehu.fnoiCesoithn icuotr a cea>' cenco hu impnisenoci epï<sîtem r cote anethet- pe se sUe ansceeeti: Chufive anti en ire Gevermnetbsnk notes hng influence on Chu tinO." Il Weih," stdiug chu colege. Thoir tsvont'e tf-lues, tc1hu oscape, han in offecting entny fer. a ligha"t eî epalico InlhigetaehigucuclCt ensuneiepur Chu yeung nitu, positivol>', I"tUe cigare I seniors in choir annul ciss N'ýk tiis suppeseti te bu nithout. Chu gane anti te jnct as yen tell te." -doses. ought IH arr>' ton hie hhrthdlay ditiat." t hu bout ggs. t j' yi

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