A :-81.50 F it» X OUR TOW11ZÂND OOUNTY FJR8T: THE WORLD ÂPTERWÂRDS. M. ÀÂ'JAMES EDITOR ,AND Potx ...............0,... .... ... .................... A T.......... rilipfu STON #< «CRYD During JuIy and I Summer Goods will reat1y reduced prices. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY, ATJG. 9,1J893. Mms Squires, Oshiawa, is vîsiting at Mr. Jas. Couriice's. Mns. Richards, Torouto, was guet of ber sister, Mns. Wm. illier, ast week. Mn. Cameton Trul bas retu-ned from- the Wold'si Fair much picasrsd witb the .........trip. Mr. aud bMns. T. W. Harris bave ne- turneci from visiting their daugbter, Mrs. Am Gibson,. London Mn. THarold Gib2on accompanicd ibem n 1mlI ilspeud a few weeks bore. Rer. J. W. A nnis, B.A.,a- sistc)d Rcv. L. Pheips in dispensing the s icrament at Ebenezer ou Suunday moruing. .........Mn. Handley, Toronto, visited bhis son Charles and ohen friends bene ecety. Mn. R. R. Lawrie, former teacher bene, c alcd on oid fieuds bore last week. Mr. Sam'i Hutchinson, Cremcent City, Jaiitdoid friends here last week. E R POU A N 'mS IoMrs. 'Mason, Toronto, sud'Mr. Bell, uindusay, are guests of Mr. Simon Pen- found. Dr. Buller's Golden Plls ane bighly recom~meuded fer rheumatism, ricunalgia, pain in the back and aide, St.Vitu3 dance, and. ail nenve aud biood diseases. They impreve the complexion aud es tore lost euengy and nenve force. For corectiug A 1.1 1..st that tired feeliug peculiar to e nte be sold at bave no equal.- besod t New BuiId-ng Yrn Special Bargains will be given in~ ress Goods, Parasols, Prints and ateens. Men's Summer Coats and Vests be clearedi out at and under cost price. This is --ex iesae as Ilhese 'goods unust be sold id g-o out of' the way Io ïmake rooin for our Fali es" Due-bis taken as cash. ULY 11, 1803. COURH JOUNSTON & GRYDERMAN, ]BOWMANVILLE. %EASONABLE GOGOS!) -0 .ire White Hellebore, Paris G'reen, aInseot ?owder, Ohemists and Druggists ~P. R. Ticket Office. WUNSAL'8 MARRIE AND, GRANITE WORKSY BOW'ýM-ANIVILLE5 ON*T.' <Established 1857.) Finished Granite Monuments in stock from $125 to $500. 1IÂNDSOME DESIGNiS AND BEST mÂTER.IAL9 * D PETERHEAD RVD GRAY RUJBISLAW SCOTCH ýE, R~ED AND PU.RPLE SWEDE ............... GRANITE LE PEARL AND EMERALD PEARL...........J 1'FýIIHED MARBLE MONUMENTS in stock from $45 to $200. IN ALL THE, BEST KINDS 0F MARBLE AND LÂTEST DESIGNS. »BL1î-re placing your order, CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK, SEE WEIA.T YOU ARE BTJYING. B. B. BOUNSALL, Proprietor. PAÂRM For, SAL E-A firt clatit fanas of 125 soLs er Illà acres situated iu thse rnsEhip er E Lt Wiitby lat cou, lots 15 sud ou thse Base Line, ebout li tmiles from Osha. L tation. 2 miles tram Whitby sud 60 roda mthescisoolkoiuse. Large roemy buildings. ilu bars 9x36 f t, pleflty of fruit, soil ciay ns, altogether anc of tise best grain farma the Lakte Sh iore. No hilâ rrtones. About àecçs of wood , 75 acres lun ature sud tyesh Cdd Teyms easy. Pirms plowing d.ont-, m wle7particoiiara apply. ta A. OR SALE OR RENT.-House and F i acres for, sale or' ta rent. stuate on Scugog street noth. The premlsea consIi ofe a Kood house with every convenienoe, drlvîug shed, stable, etc. Tise garden contaius a lot oi the choicest fruit et ail varletes. Isnedia'e ~u ssssonca b gves.For pantleIL-m"n alu f0(W. FisHiLEiG H. Bownianvifle Ont D9*I BeEt value iniRak Green an~d Japan Tïets, Coffeep, etA.. Quali;ýy unpuarUed. îPunIt KmeAù>DQZ'*r, aut. Humber have fcrmied a patnership andl wiil carry on business as contracters, builders auýd general carpanters. Both are tbonougbly skîllcd and practical wokmeu, having an intîmate ,knowledge ef ail the details of tbeir business and will endeavor to give compiete satisfac- tion in ail 'w ork entrusteci to them. Tbey are prepared te undentake ,any new work or nepairiug in the canpeéntry line, give estimates, and wbere neccssary can supply materials. Correspendeuce may be addressed to Gulley & Humber, Con- tractors and Builders, Bownianvile, or they may ha. seen personally. Mn. Gulley lireis on Centre St. and MIr. Hum- ber, cor. Qneen aud Ontanlo Sts. Mrs. M. B. lierrick, Of Toronto, Ontario, Cured ci Catarrh and Neuralgia Good authority lias said thet Ilneuraigia ls the cry of the nerves for leure blo7od."11 Te prompt action of Iiood's Saîsaýparilla on thse IlLm~d, cornbined with its toinig knd strength- oning efiect upon the nerves. marke ths a grand niedieisie for neuraigia and aise for catarris, etc; We cornmend this letter to al having such troubles, and especially te Suffering Women 1Por a good many years 1 have been suffer- In., froni catarrh, neuralgia and ConeraI Debility 1 faiied teobopim permanent relief froni medical advlce, and my friends feared 1 'iouid neyer fSud anything to cure me. A short tilue ugo I was indnced to try Hlood's SarsapaÈillit. At tisai time 1 was unable tol waik even a short distance without feeling a Death-1ike Weakness overtake uie. And 1I had intense pains from neuralghtin lu y head, back andc limbs, which were very exhausting. But I arn glad to say tiîst soon afier 1 began taleîi', lood's Sarsuparfla 1 saw thatit1 was doiuig me good. Wlien I took 3 bottles 1I vins cntireiy Cured of Nouralgia 1 gaiued in sirenglis rap'illy, andi can taise a two-miie %vak without feeling tired. 1 do not swffer neariy se mucis fromi ca- tarris, and fini tisat as my slrengtia increases tihe catarrh. 4derases. I, an indeed a changed imani, and am very grateful te Hood's GarsaparUia fer vihat it bas done for me. it is my wish that tiis sny testimoial shall.be published in order thai others suffeig as 1Ivas inE learu boas to bo benefited." 'Mns.M MEIRicI, 57 Elm Sireetý, Torouito, Ont. HÎOOD'S PILLS cure al t rier 111s, B!1loiFS nss, Jaundice, Indigestion, Stck ileadache. Vegeale Plîls are prm pared te mcci a legijti. fr< H o o d 's mate dernand for n mild, pT& efficient andi reliable family physie. Tbey tare ait purely vegetable, cont'ining no- Wlh calomel,nercury, or suuerals'ub -Ce( stance of auy kiud. Hood sý PIllaýp el11 W set upon the stomacis, liver, and alimtaryv canal, and cure Liver Complaint, Costiputio:u, 'Zausea, Biliousness, Ileadaclie, Indigestion, r Sloni:eei, hiistress aller Eatlng, jaurdIIce. jid snay Le broken up and a fmve preveutecd "omptly tukin-q Ilooit's l'ilsh HoOd's PlUS 4re prepared by V. I. lloud (l&CeAoectsId L wlMass. I'rie !7,d epr b S. 5014 v -si dr ,-7 i -q or ke"st yumailon ccidf' rle VOLUME XXXIX. NUMBEp. 32) .HAMPTONÇ. OSEA W.A. I i'YRONE. Rev. J. Liddy wýill spend bis bolidays Mr. Tom Miller, New York, is bere Recont i'isitors: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. in Michigan anid Ohio, Misa Gertie T. Luka is vi3iting friends and Master Dalton Potter at Mr. T. Dr. J. H. Brown who hias been visiting in iNapaneea and Picton. Creeper's; Mro. J. IIellyar, Bowmianville, friends here fer a mionith started for Chi. Remnants! Remuants,! XVe have a lot at Mies J. Moore's; Mrs. V. .Johnston, cage Satuirday to take charge of an art of this year's remnar~ts of wall paper thatPtMsMisE read exhibit froiIl,., U. S. il si a os."Bg20B-owmanville, at Rev. R. McCulloch's. Mr.Jese E L.Coa ct bs fot ne Mies Jessie Elliott. of Belleville, is the Quarterly meetling ,came off very eu,-. day asat week, and as a consequence isguet of Mrs. (Rev.) C. W. Watch. cssulonSbah laid up for repsirs. Miss Batch, WVhitbyis visiting at Mrs. Mr. S. J, Henry ils sick. Fred Guy'e. Mrs. S. Bingham ansd Miss Jes&e hae The Clieese Co. have sold and sbipped Mies Hattie Dingle, iî in Chicago. returned from Lake Windlermere. the first haif of Julycoese. lb is no Rev. L. and Mrs. 'Phelps, Courtice, trouble to sell a superior articie witiaout Miss F. V. Bridgman, Ottawa, and Mr. n isKn aido red eels gon oaces or.J. Reid and Mr. and Mrs. W. Pearn ofanMiaKg ledofreshr at Mon. To hs i1ol. uf~e oe Bowmanville, were recent guests of Mrz. week. convenience of late owing to thedrougbt M ive.0rsF.eW.lks.haerr been e aired. water b-ing too scarce te run the mill full Rev. S. H. Eastman and Mrs. East" r .W O er 's been wihtvinh time. man are spending the holidays at Hanfil. a pleasant outing atSuogwhth Quarterly services were held in the tn Miesok.- os Emro a oefrav.i Methodist churoh bere Sunday. Rev. J. Mr. R. McCaw, trustee of the J.' S.i M is E ihell.ba oe ~ avi Liddy preache-fl i the niorning and ad- Boaton estate, bas deciared a dividend of mir--eered tSým arme1A of the Loýrd'sj 39 cents in the dollar. A wonderf ni quiétness prevailed o-i Supper. Mr J. Jobliin, BowmaaviPe, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hara bave return- aMonta soiaa ofcrraznsbe conducted serviçe in the evening. ed from a ten daysi' visit to Chicago. asn tNaaa Like a ship without a rudder is a muan They were guests at Hotel Manitoba. Tuan BEST PEMED)y. D2ar S"rl,-J was or a -woran~ without health and the Friday was Oàhawa's civio holiday, but greatly tronh cd wsh wt-akines, Jn:s of ncceýsary strength to parfcrmi the ondin. there wag no public demonstration excep t apet.e nd sieeplŽssnces, ard duties of ilife. When the appetite a base ba 1Il match betwecn Peterboro, n and on B. Bi. B. the rnost- sîrengthen. fails, when debi1ity, and a disordered Oshawa, and a Truc Bluie picuio at the ing and benefi lal medicin-ý 1 have talion. condition of ý4on-ach, liver, kidney, and lake. Miss aslipSt, Trno bowek aRssýail 'vou, t ike Ayel's Sarsapar. Rev. R. M. Thornton who Iectured in illa. the Presbyterian Cburch Tue8day cvening is son of the bite Rev. D. Thornton, the North West Excursions. 9 N. 18K 1LLAN. 'revered father of Presbyterianirm iu this 1oruo.j ici.ity, sud for about forty yeans paston The Garnd Trunk Railway will run ex- Recent visit0rs: Miss Giibbard, Toronof the Oabhawa congregatio-à. cunsions to the Canadian North West froxu Il'