Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1893, p. 7

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le in Pure Rich Blood t0 enrich _- tel disle 1putting mroney out a' intereet 0f Pi-e lVorwegîan Cod Live,' Oii and Hypophosphites ~blood enriching properties inj ar=umakaible degree. Are you ail runI dwTaire Scott's Emulsion. Almost as Palat.ale as Mi1k. Be sure and get tegnie IPrepraed' only hy Scott Bowne, Iielleville. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPE .Proposed Sai1ngs. Subject te change. 189 I ieroO. .esilsser'y <uebse, au liontreel Mail Service. FromF~om Froc Lieroo tejp1n-ips- M,'ntreal. Qaiebe 4Ma .... PPQIA . 2May.21M 'f y.IRAtkN. .27 May .... 28Ma IMa. UMOtA. -3 Jnne..., 4 Ju 2O May .:. SRNA. ý10 June ..11 Jr j I4NGULAN .17 Jâne... 8un".P-RSI&N21 J une. «25 Jui 2 9 J u c e ..A.. . . .I Â N . . . l J j ly . . . . 6 J 22Jlye ... .MNGI8il N l..22.> JULY .... 9J 13 J uly'.... PRS N . 9Jaly .. ..30 i 2o0July .. URN' .3Aug .... 2, Je1 NUMtDI.N ...12 Auz... 13 Ai Steamiers are dislvatched'fi.omi Montreal dlayiight On the Eday of mailing,, and sail fro Quobec at 9 a.m', Sundays. Steamers with, a *wiil net, stop at Qnebe Iimou3ki or Londonderry- RATES 0F PASSAGE. By S. S, Parisian. $60, $75' ad $90, aloil i$, $133 and $183, retuir. Extra;clas cabi fe fr topersona <rooms 50 to 57j $100 singte.$1 returro. Extra clas cabna far thiree perao (ons50) te 57) $80 single. $150 retnrn. By Sardinian and (Iircassian--$3 5,$60 and s10 ' $ 0, $180 return. By Gther steamers $30 and $60. $100 a $110 retnrn Second cabin-Oetlward, $30 and $35; prepa $35; rétruntickets, $63; children nesween 1 i >12 yeara hialt fare infants. Outward free-Pr paid $'I'Ll A. JAMES, Agent, Bowmanvi K1E EY TO UEIELTH. T5r ~.I4r~ciogg.ed avermes if theI Ec-wt_>1, Kidneys and Liver, carrylce cff11 vrruilithout weakeninig th e SYS- toail thre impuritieS and fouil humora cf thc_5eoretion8; at the zame time Col'- yee-tjng Aedity Cf the Stomaeh, CJig Bili0usfless, Dyspepsia, Iad hes, Dzzîness, Heartburn, Jo$iaif, ryness of thre Skin, Drpy imess of-Vision, Jaun. dieeSa1 RhumErysipelas, Sero., mui "uteln f tie Heart, NeÈ- VUI8Sand enral Debility ; ail Whs n Ay other similar Complaints yielci to thre happýyi mfluenceol BURDOCZ PEL001) BITTERS. por sa D y alZDealers. Amatel theA tist 4, a beauti HordP P,, ires givel x witb yearï subscri tienf onlj 1.$40f Enabridcry, 'Wood Carving, Chinra 1ý àfde!î u i, trand Minerai Col aitgand every branch of Homne Decor tn. o homne is complete witbout tl beauifnully llustrated guide. Everyone who sends $4 direct teo0 ofiefor one ycar's subscription willg È'elýaS a Presmnlnsssi. a copy of e exquîisite water-color fac - imile - I Tl ]roelgPlace," size 27x22 inches which has neyer been sold for less thi $1,and which maires a mnost beautif gi tfriv Occasion. Sapecopy of the Maga e wh 4A1 .edpîctures, sent i o 1 Cagalogule Free. THIE MiT 1NTERCHANGE CO., 9 Desbroses St., N. HEALTH. ixd inhs air ws lreathe. Moît upois- TAUU M REALTH. onous ~grnis ries froua t1.ie ground lu ýe TR ZRS TRGCE D morning, aud rem-ibair, t eirg1. altude RaDnd Br eathing as a Reetv untiThegot begies ooaap-oa. cs, aul the About ~~~~~~thsy descmnd. The mGst daugsraus' air TieLtDy oaRuenMori- A Bo IVteau yeara ago Major Veneral, theni,sle Vsvsry eirlv m rnini., evening 4 IDraysan of the 'British amy ofien sufféred 1nidnglit air, wbîls tham o sda i L Ut von thse Cireunstances l'recedin% especiaali altinîght, Iran a spvere pain in toisrably cîsar of ail poison ans germe, he tiis~,rsier of' Alexander, the Second, the region of hs henni, 1He bliîevAd lhe Cz%r or uaisia, by tise Nihitists. was doomsd o dis soo of beari disease. Abou Vhst Vnas .sraka i b s The my-stery which bas sunronnded ths Abou mliunttin erailndof led ENGLA.ND TA.KEC UUANtDA. ircom;msaces precediog thsenaurderof Czar ith onanofldaldhlm o thinkr- that is beant pain miglît he due o insuf- sh Dfeelares a Protectorats alatElül - Alexýander Il. ai Russia, on itarch 1, 1881. fticent oxygenation of thsebWood. iHs there- EnlIIII'C OlaSoudesse Sofles. 1bas basa psrialycerdp yspmhe fore tried o relieve iV by breathîug rnpid- which-ii s puiahed recsutly ineParis under J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r lya h rt iaou ot bets Ap-llhepotda few day agotht en the titIs, " iL' Empereur Alexander III. et minute. Iu a few seconds hs pain ceassdei d ia, ad m GerSd ontorge"Tbauthorof the 4rochnre audd id not return that nmgbt. 1lon ifs flag. n ganus aaRuSian, Nîkoans aNotavitch, although Aftctht, e nyshe lwas esoteitoPortal, as represstatîre of hs BriVish ths saine expedlient, and iuvariabiy with $overnnmsnt, boisted' hs union -jackr and pres luRusnais So powerftil that Nota- success. ' ime weut an the pain hecame proclaimsd an imperiar protectorats over vicloulid it ~aual impossible Vo not only lesirequenV but lesa severe, and the eauutry. She could noV afrd Vo dam. publia h bis work lu bis native country. now, ilf there is ths slightsst indication of age bier presti ge as a eolouiziug power by "laInh, last days aiFebruary unuaa itm, rapid breathing preveuts its arrivaI at retrsatiug iroilà this country. Morsovenr,, exciternasut rsîgned in St. Petersburg. maturitv. itla noV o lber interest ln a inateril sens People sssînied Va feel that somethinig er- Hes thereup)on bringa torward manny10- V hnouUadfr hnbVscu rible wna ta happen. Ou Febrnary 28, s Va 1e usppr fbsbilfta aetry may long conatinus ta bie a drain upon Saturday, thecre was a iamihy dinner in he of the advantages of maderare exercise areVhs tcsasnry, bt as great elsuisuts ai Impeniialesî. The Eniperor, in ths course o ha gainsdl by siîupiy bretbing rapidhy. growtb, sud ahi white min who have been ai hs ei conaplined ai hua smon, hs Rapid breathing is an effect oi exercise, an thonà say that aiter hs completion ai hs Grand Duke Valdimlir. TIse Crown 'Prince, Ithis is bsneflcial becanse hs rapid breath- raiiroad frona the cat it may be made a however, defsudied bis brother. us Majesty ing gives ths blood psnty cf oxygen. profitable coiany.- interrnpte,ithlm slirply. 'Silence,' he cried, j nvlia r Vbrawb cnnt ais xe- CapV. Macdonald bias been app oiuted ' no aýns askedc your opinion. You wonld do - ese cano btain soins ai its good -effecta by Brit o icbRsit of arual, on hs nopitalbetter ta oucryourself with hs affaira of deîibsraVsly pnssiug mucb pure air through cnta icoi>yozna hscptlstaVe. Vonmaiy lbe Empecon V-rornow.' t hs lunns. Rapid brething ila particnlariy oi King Mwanga. Portai did noV tiud 't The unbfappy monarch littis irnsw that la belplina cases oi sîsepesasuessaûsd reatîess- necessary o enter into iegotiationa xith thesswe gaive utterance toaprophecy. ne8 hs rmIen aiUganda, as hs British Gov- [satis then hvreovec bis bead. Aiter The air musV af cannse purs, sîse erninent bas snceseded o hs rights whlcb Vhs dinnerý-, Coat Lanas Mlikoffappeared rpdbrsathing eau have no gaad sfects. were otained by trsaty fronhs King andi and bsggýed tha Princeas Junieffairi (hs Hud. d ofmapid btrbtedses t is councillona by hz. Britishs Eat Afrîca Cxaaiarýùganatie wiie) Vo persuade hs 93theinselves when nothing la wraug sxcspt Company. Treaty naiaking le Uganda la. Empeirr -their habit aI breathiug air impure frein quite diffénent fromn treaty makiing witb mit tabacco. amake, gas-burniug, ar irply froua mot African eliefsg. Uganda s noV quits TO FOSTPONE THEF REVIEW a lack ai ventilation, a savage lanud, but bas long enjoyed an in- af an engineer corp sest down for hs asxt , Impurs air maires impurs blood and in- faut civilizatiou.. Tire King and cbiefs day, as reports aveenl circulation that Ris a purs Blesb. Thus those wha consume sncb Voroughly uüderstand the nature- ai a MaýJeaty wouhd rue great danger on March ec. air faîl quickhy nto and before disease. writtea cotcat, andi Vbsy consider nothîing 1. On Vhse evenîng of Februamy 2S, Alex. fay Tbycuo nuea puwlndow or &fintsly bindic-g ii iV î s written down, aunder _1l1paîd avisit Vo hs Grand Duchesa Ime dorir hecause hey leel cold. th is sense o)f Most of thlem are able Va write4. Wben ;lAlexandrJý% osphowna, who waa sicir, and 1me eoîldnessî being lu mnany c ses sspîy ý,,tbey made their trety withb Vhs British infocn>ed ber thaipt lb intendsd Vo pass Sun- ~~~~ Iyal-a htVh io bsbs.vtae Enabt.Afica iCompanuy every cui.-se Wasis- day at houasi. 'I anin hebset ai bealth,' byVhlbsahi ofposaoi ir issd ual ita beariings, worrls wers-_aI-l dslsiig but Lac is bas orderer] 111Y To) breatrhe ir ladaýn with lhumn texhala- tereci,-andtVhs white linuwece asroibdcniemn om om. htams ulyVioasanoVa wi orssenibl, a Geeil a h kesusse îsplayed by he natives iin fortune fo aurfainily,7 repiiied ,tise Grand ayDraysou observes,' than ta rikîiuilforecastina hs eargwhich everaipua uce MY sout, Constantine, waa Vo lbe seaefor s beverage. ian would haveu pon their couuitryadiainr edta you o-inoroasnafce' aewage people. The'rîgbVs wbich he hs avisite ae' adforg-otten that,' cameeVIre Emperors acequired, thseiore, lu Uganida, ar2a a mat-'aaiwe. 'I shaîl noV obey Loris, ns I wonld MM aIin IJc5 e in Sumuner. er oI record, attestsd by, Vhs King'a mark, noV, add Va your cames lac anything le tise Tise use aileos lu aummen sbould lie regu- for hs young poteutate cannot write, and wo1,ld' On h lollowing morning Ris e.lated by good cominon sease based lapn ahyhs signatuares'ai bis principal chiala. Majeýs1y -wor ked wiVh Coont Lanas Melikoiff -koowlsdgs ai hs lsws aI healtb, sud then Ouae important question which confronted u til iloclcir, and slgned Vavaukases-ans Vhsannelamont i icinea ad pssileSir Gerald Portai wlsen hie hoisted hs union reîor-ring o tise Seniate and hs ather ta Vhs -idesth froin hs Ires use afiles would be jackr was wlsat wouhd be dons wiVh hs acaption i, ohsb constitution. Thisulho so- ing ral rdcd ea o e eesî many hbuadreda of Soudanese troope, tirstered hs apartinents ai bis wile, embraeed e8 ir noavo that ice eau be used in sncb a way vestiges ai Emin's force, who had been Ils, nd pr'omised Va be very. careful. Hes ou$S as- o give better resuits than dmuga. and brought lita Ugaude by Capt. Lugard, act- Waas abait Vogo"0 1a wayweubis ittie $70, that lu mauyinstances'iV la ans of he hast ing in behali ai he Britsh EastiAfrica danghter Cathiarine, cauglst bine aV hs dour. anti-choIera medicînes thet ave have, IVtal Company. They aers an element ai dan- 'Paps,' abs said, 'yvou bave noV given me a md ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~e no îrh htteewlea xr o-gmunesas Viey couîd be inade Vos employeesaiissa Va-day' 'Yau are an sxactiug enedi- andnotlikly hatthee wll a exra on ai ftise Bnritisb Goverument. Two yesrs ego- ton.' vsuwered Ris Majesty. 1'Von gîve ndsumaption ai ice this sunamer on scceautio )aod thaAitedsae u tl sîyawîCapt. LîgardlfoundVtheseSondaîssse nsarthe mena credit. Embrace me, mycbild, yaur re- establissbsd fmet hat cracksd ice ila of gneaVsoth ai Albert Nyanza. Hi ndncsd thsm ukîsawill bniegime Inci.' b a losed car- service in choiera and1 generai summer coin- Vo Vavel alrnost due sontb Vo Toru, whens hoe nage, surrauinded hy hs Cossacia ai hs lait.Btrnhnhr adijdiiul uilfive frtsbstween Albrt Lake and Lake Guard, hs Empenon isît hs palace. The aken loto hestornaci thonsre is'ohn that Albsert Edward. Tise aray lha installsd iu ittîs pr osoncosed VslaljSao- s so likely o bring on auninser conthinsa these Byve farts nurnbered, with their WOin mj-t., under -which icnom nothiug sa good as jces onapîinthe esu ad cildren, over 8,001) soulls. lie TEýlIIT A L DAMN systein io sncb a condition Viat eholera bittefrsi re opoettenrh eaueasiy air posesion Th sîplowstern border of Uganda irom taIe inroada ai whof existE nce no ans knew. The air remedy id ta adopt a constant diet aiof hsieKbrga iepw I ue iaa iheIwt h nthnsiastic urrahs8 ai ernkedic, sd pac ho poltesaon hsUnyoïo, sud while guardiug this border lhe Vhs eopie,, sud Vhs eEmlperon appeared Va staach , sud botacaer ht ptîs at thet ould also preveut the subjocta ai Kabarega be in gols, sinali8ýýî- e reviewcd tise troopa More cases aI choIera, ebohera machos, at ri adu lngVssoa Abnandeognlaed Ve<"ad u onst ather klodted complaints have hea cured mEdwarweestofsy ad eeeptigVes uponhis entorance inVo LVhs amy.Gran in this, way than hy druga. Cracked iles nnyhndea fslvs.drstdt ocginuVotilV rn taken internalhy is very diffenent froin iu these fots'rte oudVe ouceaAlexandra aofht i oy at having iept drink ing iles aaer, A littie craeid es VIlfmin hlak gintts ietî' d osy htIorn tslery-h stirnulates hs nervea aIftise mouth and natives te Vis otheast. lHo d 1 d a S'l abandon hseVavo moat nothera - .tsai' ' y r neil, itr Is hroat, sud ai tee sharpensa apoor appetits, . isrttiai sud it doos uot flood nom bilîl hs stomach increase he gerrisons al tise ohaV fise therGr'-id Duchess witis eoîd, wter. A bsg o aI eic es bolda. Sa hie bas taiea ie hsSou 21;danese lkiî,tss assth b ler. In placesd aIhs hase ai hs brain or upon Vsit hssrieotsBiihGv netrtun o thepalace lia cangsd hs feverisis brow on a waam day, will ire- and they aili cantinues Vfobri hsproteu- course, and ardersd Vhs n eacllnan o "drive quenthy relieve s headache that nothing ian of a piat ai he Uganda lrntser aogqi et ishti rae ia sise sema o taîscis. Tsmpt hs appetite Large detachints of hs Sondanese bave hs Terrorcjtiste awasted thein vietim even au abotdayhy pnikiin lîtîsbit aIbeen trensierred Vo Kampala, wisers thsy în ont-oi-thle-a'ay places. Tisecarniage bad en achotdaeson Vs broîh icirsu, etsofili be aubjeet Vo Vise ordera of tise Britîis hardlysersd V(A he quay ai he Catherine sciandsuscb food. IV ailt dano hacm, Radu Is r tngeag "i.C nai 2hn n young man, la hs costuma ai and possibiy great good aili be accasuluis- tinidats ths King sud bis councoillorsa e Russian peassut, tbrew a homb tcward r s by stimulatîng ths appetits. should they meditate any resiatance Vo hs it. It, exploded aitb a terrible noise, sud British. e,-killed Vise Cosseir an hs box at hs side tof Tise'establisbhment ai Britishs rolinlutise oachinian, tava meushers ai hs escant, Modern Reatinz Inventions. Uganda wiîI doubtiessa pravoePa blessîng Voa end e butchem boy viso, wîth a basket on oî aVeysra umrou ivenios frthseountry. The natives are divided itta is bsadl, was ' paîsiug tise place. Tise Of lte yars umeous nvenionsforCatholie, Protestent aud beatis en parties, carruage lay lai piecos on Vise aspisait. To - ieating oama atisout hs use ai ehimusys aviose faneticismu bas bosu so arouzht upon tise great m9tonishmezt aiftise crowd avhich sud stove pipes have heen placed upon tise hy their religions teachers thlat hey are ai- bad gthsred qluickly after tlise explosion, nid mnarkret, and rnany are deiudcd into hs hie- mostat savord pointa. Itwouidreqnirsouly tVhs Emper-or stcod, paiseaitis fright, but bhe lief Viatthis en be an accomplished aci Vise removal ai hesauperior powver now con- unnouJhed. 'I begyonr Majesty ta causent wi~aithout gîving any injnry o hs occupants krnu fsi opug h onî not ae a seat in nay lsigisan tuB af tise room. lunVise sommer ine mauy aI hseaort phases aI clvii aavnsduarcby. ;F sudEPLC T >(E os these il, gas, sud carbonite stoves can be But the prond iingdom i o Uganda bas LAETEPAEA NE ) a utilized very aveu foc cocking punposess.or reaclaed ilasud. Tise King wilh remain on said GnriDvrjswsii, who hurried ta luiu hs doora and windows are generaly l haIt isVisne only il he cousents Vo hoawaihliln Vthse aeo.'M'\y plce aiî hsewound- le. open. They are on hot days inventions af tool lu ths baulds ai tise Britush. Tise edl,' rep'lied lis Mjettnoing oaarJ Co-value, for hey cause les eat Visa oad dynasty V1istiatas rul1ed hs country inies tise mu voiysrth sto iebod ac- r cosi stovea, sud tayare so portable that tise days cwoe lzbts a end-cv nsd 500w. Te craavd itoithe soid- h eatbey eau be sasiiy carried ot ai ths hous. prived afI tVa powsr, and Mwanga, Vhtlesýt mrerrsu ralggd bin owarda Vise En- a-But foc heating purposes alaIfViese loven- ai hs r 1oyal line s anaw aiking in little more peror. 'Vou usin?' asked tise Czar. The f or eo. ete uc- and rne for ,int lor 7,a biLs our get our lie 3s- h an ifui 3 )C. 1Y lav. Cc,nbustion af any sort, wbsVisen iV bc ai gas,, coal, avood, ail, on any other substance, natural or artificial, must produce agerons gases sud that unlesa thers la a place for Vein o esacape Vbsy aili 8000 fil! hs roomsansd injure tVisaiswbo breathe thein. This canuot ha avoided ex- eept by having staves aiVh ciimusys sud Biues tisougis aviicis tisasess escape. While tise nswly-iuventsd staves inay give out saine beat, sud sppsar o ha very con- venîsut, iV inust bc e embsmed that they are augerons sasmies Viat ave are intro- duciug juta Vise bouse. Tisey canoanly ho used in a room aieme 'Vise wiýndow la pamtly up s0 that ths gases eau coutantly escape, sud rsb air ceaulho circulatiug lu. Ahi tisataons bas o do ta comnmit suicide is ta ligisî ans ai these staves la tise bsdroom, close.Booms sud windows, sud tissu go ta bsd.' By morning lie wii nesd no steve for warmiog purpoesa. Tire ygiene aI tirsAir. Tisat hs sic is fl ai poisanona gerins sud [microbes las videnced by tise analysis aI ain sud snow Viat have heen collscted as soon as it dopped ta he sertis. Iu its passage thraugls hs air it colleted tise impurities contained tirerein, Tise air la hs, pureat right after e heavy anoavtanî, or a severs thueder torm, whea Vise rin bas lallea in torrents.. The germa are then beaten doavu to hs earth, sud iV akeasmoins ime for Viein ta ise agate. But why, it la olten asked, la IV bcd foc tisose susceptible Va malaria o go ont inta tise damp air shortly aiter a stormin lwaarninaetier ? 1V la simpiy because ths germs are ieatea doavu Vo tise eartb, sud as thsy begin Va iss im- mediaesy again hsy fihi Vise baver layera of air for he fimt few bouma. There. fore, aviile hs air in genenal ia parer rigist ç4ftem s ieavy shoaver, iV is8mely macs tbreateniug oaur health tissubeloce Belons tise caletire multitude aI bac eia. aers floating higi up lu he air, sud many oi thein aere bsyo cl e rac of aur lunga, So, oo, oiten, a ieavy aind ailh make hs air mors paîsonoos Visse a quiet ans. Tise upavard sud downavanad moveusent ai hs air mixes Vise layera up, and olten drives tise germma oaard Vis esacth o escape hs aind. Otîser germa that are Iyiog an or stase o Vise eatbaili becaaept up sud than natin. ItV Is littie wonder that he and bis advis- ers a few years ago undertok witb fire and sword to root ont the Europeau influences that were getting a foothold in their coun- try. Tbey asserted then that the mission- arisa and other whites were merely the open- ing wedge, and that the days of Uganda's indepenidence were iiumbered unless the whites were turned out. Cireumstances were too much for them, and, lu spite of the terrible persecutions that raged against the Europeans and their native couverts, the power of the intruders bas constantly increased, and now Uganda is a mere de- pendenicy, and will hecome more and more compietely dominated hy foreigners. 'liere a fRoad Maclhîue le Not Benle ficial Ibere are places where a road scraper, by making and rouuding the road and letting off the watsr, maires through most of the Jyear a ver;yfar road-goodsenougli;inlak places and over some of our hbis it answers every purpose. Then there are other places wbere a road scraper makes a road that an. swers fairiy well for a month or two or three montbs, or something of that kind ;1 but at other seasons of the year you might just about as weil arrange some sort of a scow to get through there. la a place of that knd a road-sýraper is absolutely not only of no use, but is a damage, because when a own bas got "ne thsy will go over the roads in the apring ci the year and whenever tbere comes a muddy time during the year he mud is stirred up. Where 1 live I wouldn't give anjythiag for a rond. scraper. The ides of oui road are mucir or mud or sand as the case may be. When we ecrape into hs road it is invariably mud or sand. Hot Weather Advioe. People accustomned ta the use of alco- holic beverages should beware of the dog lu snob weather as this especially. 1V is dan- gerously bot under the most favourabie bodily conditions, and alcohol is a hear.er of the blocid. Light, cool, sothing pabuluin in moderate doses is a hslp to the stomach and the system generally, but no sensible person will use anything wlth alcohol ln it if be cares to avoid prostration and suni- stroke. bamsed ai yoîîrseii continusd Ris Majesty. Hes then tîsruedî toavards tise sisigis ai Gen- oral Dvorjsws7ki, as au officer asksd if lie had breen avunded. 'No, Vianir God 1 avas Vhsc ansaver. 'Do noVtishanir God toa suai,' îid t 'tat omoment anather man lu Vise giaio a peasaset. A instanV laVer e bomb fl te ie 155Voatise ruler. Foc a mointnt sinoke sud ire canceahed every. Viug. WhSln hes aroise lsared away he Emper;r avas seen iyisîg an ths grdund in a pool aIhbod.'l amncoid,' lha sighed. lie 1mBil trgisenougi Vo r:qe sud leen aga,:inat 'Vhseba lustrade ai tiie qnay. lis uniiorui avas in ahreds. Ten officena îay about hlm J, dead or wouided. Amang thein aere qenemicalDvrjewskiisud CapVain Koch ciel aiofhs secret body guard. Tlsose w1f had noV been oîcbed bore hs Czar eîderly toa a leigis. I an eold,' lhe sighed agaiu. A soldien covsrsd bis face aitis a pockeV bandirercisief. Tise youug Court L;s'udrikoif mouuted heslsiigh at Vise cear asud iehB tise head af THP DvINS ýGEMPEROR, on aviicti e lad placed bis belmet. Cap- ain 1Kouileliakisu, sîthougis aounded hlm- sefý, ot in t1ieseigis Vo support Vhs body ai tise Czar. ',Are you wouudsd, Koulebia- iiei s sied Ruls Majesty la toues full aI syipa thy. 'Gad l how Your ' Majssty nut sifer,' ansaversd hs officer, avsepiug. At this point Vhi Grand Duke Michael, broVisen aI Vhe Emperon, appearsd at tise acens ofltVhs tagedy. 'Sacba,yae arewavuod- sd?' lie~alî addrossing he Emperor by hl>s ps5t nane. 'My soun! whero is ny son? caimeluinaven rom in s Majesty, avio, a miomnenit lr breathed bis ast. Ths iiout Lanaý Melikoif, in hs moannime, ast aboýut Vise green table aitir colisagues, try- ing o duei upn tise bominlties ta be oh- siervsd ia caý.nnection aitis Vie proclamation af hs co)nStittsooü. A sound, as aI distant thiunder,waea heard-tho noise ai hes BrsV explosiosu. "t'VissV as that?' cried ans ai Vhsminates. Nothing,' avas Melikof's ausaver. Isosaver for tisis day. Evsry- thiig is quaiet, sud hs Empenor us no dlanger.' Ia spits, of bis asserion ire sent Genieral P ederon, avio avas waiting lunVise aner tn o imaire investigations. Tise Genseral Isît tis office, hnmning a tusse. Thon Vhs esecond explosion resousdsd,break- ig hse ofa-pne aths office. Tirs Di"tator Il Melukoif) and bis colleagnes sprang 1 German'autbÏority estimàtes thaýt alinost ta third af humanity speair Vhs Chines lan- eguage, that ths Hindoo language isa spoken aby mors Vian 100,000,000, ths Russian, by S90,00,G00, wbl e sGerman is apoken by 57 ,000,0CO VoLuns, and Vhs Spanisi by e48,000,000. froin their acats. 'A carniage,' hie called,, pale froin doubt and unriVntinty. Before ths boras srrived, CapVain Koch entéred Vhs xoom covsred witiA hlood. 'Ris Maj- esriy is laVally wouuded,' hé stammered.t Hia appearance said more than bis worda% Loris Mehikoif bcd compreheuded the ter-( rible iafortune wbieh had corne opon Rus-1 sia and blimssîf. A fit of vertigo sed ihum1 -libe sll Vo the floor."1 ADVEXTUS.E WITH A BE4R. A Traveller lu Quebec Ras a Thiriliug Expertence. A correspondent of the Montreal Witns enys : -Travelling as, I amn daily Vhrough a, rough and mountainceus section of Vhs Prov-, ince of Quebsec, along the Laurentides, ans meets with many scelles of bardship and1 acffering and many cases of human dsprav-1 ity, also many incidents bath dangerons and romantic. At a future date 1 shahl give Vo ths readers ai ths 1"Witusss" a brief sketch ai thia'locality, and Vhs custoîns andi habita of Vhs people. To-day I mnat con* fins myseif Vo one incident, owing Vo Vims and space..1 The distance froin Sb. Donat Vo Mr. Page's, St. Emile, is said Vo be fifteen miles more or leas, and I amn surs Vonatanyons who travels over it, as I have, iin Vhs early spring, wlll say yss, by ahl means, much more. Weil, there la tee miles of that rond eut Vhrough the primeval loreat. whPre there is no mark ai civiiization,-nothiug but Vhe Valltrees swsying Vo and ira with Vhs wind, thseécho reverberating wiiih a solemu and pensive sonnd, chantiug as itj were Vhs dirge expressives of grief and sym- pathy for ths ionely traveller; and i1 may well say louely, because you cani pasa and repasa and noV meet a burnan soul. This brings me Vo Vhs incident., About mîdway in Vhs gloomy way, my1 borse, being naturally of a shy and nervousi nature, suddenly stopped on Vhs rond, anorted and plunged feariuily, fully deter- îalased if passible Vo turo arouad on the rond, but that waa utterly impossible owving'i Vo the narrow eut upon wbich hie stood. Ie quicir tinte he, would have made a samier- sault, probably rsducing botli waggoui and driver Vo sinaîl fragments, had I noV hsld bim with a firm baud and lastnantly sprung from Vhs rig and seized hlm by Vhs bridle, and with grsatCoaxing aud pattiug got him a littîs reconciledi. I then Vook a fswsteps in advance and juat around a curve in Vhs rond'lay. A LARGE BROWN AN D SHAGGY-LOOIVING BEAR, and within a few lest lay Vhe carcasa ai a dead harse. Saine poor aud perbapa faiVh- fui beat that had been drivea Vo deatb 'on ths bad roa.ds, abandoned by its owner and, cruslly leit Vo dis. Frain tbe manglefi andi tomn appearauce ai the cascasa iV was plain that the bear had gorged himsl Vo sucb an extent that hie did noV cars Vo move and lsy don nn and Svsuteo iP.p. Yau may be 'certain VhaV fear began Vo creep over me and what Vo 'do, placed as I was betweerî Vwo tires, a inadborseaud a slumhsbring hear and five miles froin any buman ahode.. Fortunately I had a strong Vree-quarter inch rope la ths front ai Vhe rig, which I fastenel securely npon ths lare's eci paased the other sud throngh Vhs, bit riogand tied it Vo the -asaersat tree. I did al! this very qnietly- and aippaýrenthly without tsar and neyer rnentioned Vos bsecr ta,';i Junbcue well irnew bis drsad ai bruin as Vhs 1I, talian r tanr tp at aur busýe a few years age. New 1I had Vo face tVhs al! im1pr tan1t issues. To $st Jim past that bea W',),3a phy'eieel iiPo,- sibility ao 1 picesd up a lotaif stons, aifed ýbru inii sri.hmseea V lisfore lie MOeedia MUSCle, tLehe lo !Wly anid ce- lucýtaoitl-y i5 n is indilalegssud tierce- ly aud ksavageîy anorted and looked at me steadily. 1 sbouted and yeîled at Vhs. top ai my 8hakespeareaa voie in every imag- inable way until I wns rsally scared aV Vhe sound of it as it scboed Vhrough Vhe woods. Of course I continued my stone fusila-le, which had Vhs desired sffect and bis benrsbip moved sluwly -a few paces froin Vhselighway Eand stood behiud some brushwood, partly hid froin view, I then quicirly sprsng Va Vhsi harse, un tied bim, lead hum by the dead ,carcasa, held hlm firmly hy fthe bit witb ans )ha-id and fired a few abats la Vhs direction ai Vfhs bear as hie retreatsd. WbaV effect Vhs 1shots had I did noV ascertain, but quscirly Lspmang into mysent. "J irn"tarted with a bbonnd and for about hall a mile hie went at bis level best over one of Vhs rotoghest and moat muddy roads on Vhs face ai Vhs earth Vo-day. I arrived aV my destination ail )covered with mud and pretty well ahaken -up. A Model House. D The model baise at Vhs World's Fair ean -bardhy fmil Vo inVeres students ai- social 3questions. and paýrticularly maniy iomeri .who in their ministratiaus Vo Vhsî poor assd .daily Vo have soins practîcal knowledgs af V hs beat that eau hé done with sinaîl iii- ,cornes. '£le bouse is sucb as it la hslieved .a capitaliat conld afford Vo build aV s eoaV of 3$1,200 and relit for $12 a montb. It is a 'frames dwelling, a siory and a hallt bigh, Land is Vo stand on a lot 26 by 2S lest. Tihe 1fsrstfloor consista of a kitehen 12 hy 13 l est, a hallway 6 feet wide a living-ronom, 'nnd a bath-room. The iritehen la pcavided 1with a pantry of good aize and a sinir, with slaucets for hot and coîd water. The living- 'recul bas Vhrse windows sud an open tire- splace ; Vhs hath-rcoin a tub, sud Vhs plumb- -l 45 1 MAR.HJAGEINTE» ii Wives In Tsîrley. tlnI'ersta. and la Thibet 1 -Pleialfty oSrpeisses. Iu Persia it is an aimost invariableecu%. tom to choose a wife from among tins s re- lations, sncb as causias in a near or remote degree, and ooiy among acquaintances whea failure bas occurred in following the old habit. 2he Hebrews especiaily sanctioned a pinrality of wives according to tbe-law of Moses, ahd Vbat shows how thoughitf ni tbey were cf the future of their race-sa mnch se that steri!ity inu awife was consid er- ed a sufficient reason for contracting aaioth., er marriage. The lot of a Turk who bas Vo bear the wbirns and caprices of bis numerous wives is anything but an enviable one, The h4reia is noV, as many persans suppose it îs, a building wberein ai a Turk's wivea livç te- gether. Each legitimate wife of a pasha bas a separate dwelling, bier own cook, bier own coachmn-in a word, ber own separ- aVe housebold. True i,, is that ail Vbe dwellings are lnclosed wlthin one sur. rounni wall, and freqnently they are be- neath one roof, as is tbe case in our modern flats, but nevertheless the isolation is coin- pIste amcng '.le wives. The etiquet ainuong Turkish ladies is somewhat compiicated, and the system is hierarchicai, Vhe favorite exercisin g an un- disputed autbority over the others. lu the Sultan's harem the supreme anthority la vested in bis mather, wiîo takes the title oI sultana valide, and she alone is entrtled ta go ta and fro in Vhs barem unveiled. IV is only wben she goes ont that ahe wears Vhs vashinai. At Vhe present time the veil ueed L.y Turkish ladies is no longer what it was. Its trausparency adroits a pretty face being easily outlined. Wben Vhsyash mais avery thicir one may conclude that Vhs face it bides is not very seductive. In spite of Vhe progress of civilizition and Vhe consequent transformation of' habits and customs le many countries, Vhe position o t woman lu Turkey has anly aiigbtly> chauged ; it is oniy lu exceptional cases that those helonging ta the higber classes are unaccompanied ont of doors by eunuchs. These are the c-adiues, who have adopted and follow I-e Paris and Loudon fasliionis, and it bat)s even been whispered that tlhere are mysterions assignations, in Vhs shopa of Vhe Lyrand bazgar at Constantinople, where anme ladies spend a goad deal of turne on Vhe pIes that thsy have numerous purchases te maire. la Thibetthey reverse the order ofthingo, for la t iat country it is noV unusuai Vo seesa womanii narried to a pîurality of huabands, sometimes twa or more chosen froin among bier cousins. SIMILÂR INRUFE Alq D JEATfl. AdEmîra1 Tryon, of tie victor. ansd CapS, Bitrzoylâe, or ties.-e :,lit. There was a re'narkable sirnilarîtv ho. tweu the fate of Admirai Tryon, wiio perisbed wben the Victoria went down, and that of' Capt. Hugli Burgoyne, the commander of ths Captairi wbeu sh3 waa bast. Private despatches received lu Eng- land say that the Adgiiral commahded bis men to save theinselves but refused Vo save bis own lufe. Wben Vhe Captaia capsized and,. after struggling to rîlbt berself fie- ally tu.rned1 over completely, floatinig with ber keel iippermiost, Capt. Burgoyne, Mr. May, Vhs,- gunner, and a seaman- nagaed Ileard, reaaýhed Vhsn pinnancs, The ship ai. niesat, nnmiïediately disappeard, but ber seconld uc with1 ten men on1 board came alongsidle Vhs pinnktiia ga ddea lurch separazed tirsVwoo ate before Capt. Bur. goye &-ml d-eard had tirne to hoar'l the [Iauaeb. 1The sailr ieok his commander your own i ýe y n- apt Burgoyne mrevui.The boats 2eparated more and more andIlead exlaimd l"Will voui corne or not air ?" Burgoyne answered IlJump and save yourself ; 1I asl net for. geV thes soinsday." The sailor lsaped and finally reached Vhe lauinch, but the captala was noV againsen. Hie was a descendant of Sir John Bnrgoyne and the only son of the theu Constable of Vhes ïower, anctYtr Siroii Admniral 'Iryon was regarded as Eg an' chief deJender, and Burgoyne wass a kilîful and brave officer. 1V is a singular facV that Vhs two ofi cers eervecl togetler as lieutenants in Vhe treuches be- fore Sebastupol being at the time attaohed Vo ths land service, while at the forcing of the Straits of Kertsch 4ieut. Tryon was la 1command of Vhs boat and Lient. Burgoyne 1burned Vhs fodder stored for Vhs Russn arny, being aîvarded Vhs Victoria Cross la recogniVion of the feat. Vigor in tire Kick of au Ostrioli. The strength of-the otichlasomething prodigions. XV h ave ail reafi, with more or less of akepticisin, of their carryiug boys upon their bacirs. 1 have myseif seen, and close at hand, a hen ostrich, runniug freely with a fulil growu Kaffir ot noV less tlsan tee atone weigbt astride on ber hack. They are dangerons, Voo, at ines for, thougli powecless iu necir and heak, an ostricb Dos« sesses formidable weapoüs ai defense in bie .great legs and two-toed lest. A raking forîvard kickr delivsred by an ostrichi bas 'been known Vo rip a man dlean ops-asi 1anyone w5ll readily believe wbo bas seen 1the heavy nails and suormous, muscles of their tbîghs. It is commonly said by those wbo know that a kickr froin an ostrich is as bafi as aick iroin a borse.-[Maumilla'i5 Magazine,___________ CAVEATS, j TnrADE MAK, DECir. PATENTS, COPYRICHTS, etce. Foc tuf s-matton sud fres Handbook .nîrte ta MsINN 1,CCo..11BonaAY 5YORS. Every ntn tairen ont by us us broughi belons the PUUrC by aenoticesgiven fresc fcharge rine word. Snren5îdly iisraed o mtelit. unan Shouid be Without i. Weini, 83.00 a ysar : 1.50 ssx menthe. Aodress 11 NN &- CG FnI>iLIt,5 361 Broadway, lNeW York citî?,

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