Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1893, p. 7

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A SHORTENING. Down the street through the busy waý A lady passed on marketing day. Who), pausing ai a grocery store, Stcpped quickly in at the open door. Wth bated breath and anxious mien She queried:- "have you COTTOLENEF? The grocer, leaving off his worlç, lniterrogated evcry clerk; Put nione up to that time had seen t Ani article called " COTTOLENE." ý,What ' 5 it?" said he to the dame, 1,11'u answers to this curious name. Whtis it made of? What's its use? My ignorance you'll please excuse." "You >re flot the merchant for mydimes, 1 see you're quite behind the timcs., For COTTOLENE, I'd have you knovi, Is now the thing that's ail the go, Ai article of l:igh regard; A healthtul substitute for lard. iUs composition pure and decan For cooking give mec COï TOLENIt-." As from his stere the lady fled, The grocer gently scrutchced lus head- O)n his next arC. r, first was sen, 'oee doze#s cases COCTTOLLNL-." .Aski, Your Giocer for it. Made ontv by 11%. K. FA1îRBAN!? & CO., Well:ng.c n ind Ann fltreets, D %ROP A POSTAL FOR A FREE SAMPLE copY OF THE bright ~s fam îly religiotus newspaper. ILLU5TRATEDý 32 ' Pages Weekly. JAddress TeClii stmaï atWork, Box Z,59- TOies BdgN.Y. s is ateb triumph in pharimacy fortisa cura al the es nptoms indicating LNssY AND .'ivER-Co:npl.îit. % If yen are troubled with r- astîveness, Dlzzlness, Saur Stornacli, T:. "ELIOR5IEVMAIKUIPAINS; S lee S'8 ~l. eacoyFeeling, BAcc ue Meedîav Kiney and ive r 1Cure ' 0 emmdate relifsdEFC A Cure. Es .'U.1 ugStores. > 2tro' Medicine C.,Llmited. CARTEROONT Sick fisadache aniÎ relieve ail the troubles inci. dent ta a bilionis tata ut the system, s'ich as Iizinese, Nausea. Drowsiuess, Distress after eating, Palin in the Sie, &-c Wille theirmeest iremarkable succes Sas beau showu in curing Ileadacisa, yet CAnrEns Lii ir,.c LtvEa n M are equaily valuable iin Constipation, curint and pre'rantiug this aiiuoyiýg con latut, w iSf tbey also correct ail disorders uft Iha tomnaci I stinsulatis the l1iver and ragulate thse bowela ,,ven if tisey oly curad ý'Acisa they would habalmost pricaless to those1 * îvho euffer from this distressiug casuplatt1 ýut tortunately tl:eir goodriess dues net end er, and tîsose whlo once ty tisen: il-l11fud àiese lttIa pille vtuahle in so magywaye that Ithey i l not ha w illiuig te do wit out theuî. e~ut at ter ail sick head Ie iseb m euan y lires that bersIo, w'here vi i ltiar greait boast. Our pille cure it CsTssLIITTLE LivER Pis are very suisl aud xery easy to takde. Oua or two pille make ,,, dose. Tbey are strictty vegetable andi do mot gripa or purge, buit by tt:eir gentîse ac i r pllease ailwlsouse thein. lu vials at 25ce..t-; ,ire for$l. Sold everywhlera, or saut by mail. a r AGRICULTURAL Tise Spravinz cf Fruits- Mosi tftisa fongi pase tisa winler upon tisa stems, or tise tallan lavs ansd fruit, ardl only await favorable con-itiions for germin- ation. Caraiul axperimenle have sownthaist iii orîler te isld tise diseases iu chsecke arly apoflicatiaus of iungieileara desirabia. Tisoroughiy spraying tisa trocs aarly in tisa epring, bera tis ei-as-es stant, wiis sane approvad mixture, wiil destroy aleoftisa spores tisai may hava winiared arien tise stemn or branchies, sud ail tisai uay taIlj upen theaufar sever-al weeke, For meet fruits il id well to repeat theaperatiau assao as tise hiossonis bava fallen, aut s third ap- plication ai tisaend et tour weeke wili ira- quentiy ha desirabie. Many plaînts hava insecte that pray apon thain in the eariy spriug, sud by a ' ding s. emaili qnanity et soe poison, sîl tisat eat tise toage aan ba destroyad. withslie ex-1 panse excepi for tisamatari-ai nsed as anl in- secticide. Frein 'tisa axparîme:is etftisapat twoi years, aitisae Michigan experiment station, tise taliewing are regarded tas smong tise inest affective: FUSNGIC5tsES. For ail pianis tisai are nat iulurad by tise application et line ta tise fellaga tise bor- deaux mixture wilhabud tisa meet ra- liiîhie tarin, Il cauha used npon ail kiuds oi plants withsout tear et burning tis eiav- ese, but aithougistisa lime ieif us ut value in csmentiug tis a erial upan tise plante, ils presence le unigbtly sud nutal aways de- sirabie, particulariy if any partesetftisa plante ara ta ha used as food witii four or fiva waeks. As iret made tisa bordeaux mixture con- diined 16 pounde et copper sulpisate and 30f made a -thick wssh tisai fraqîseîsîy cloggedt tise pump sud tisa nezzle wss quita expan- sive, Tise formula bas Dow been mcdi- fied se tisai four pounde ai coppar salpisate aud tiscea pounde et lime addsd te '22 gal- ions ai water is tisa meet cencentratad mix- ture made. Thsis shouli ha ceed for thue fret application, but it niay ha reducod for alero0usd. Four pound.s et oppar sulpisata sud ibree pude ofaim'e for 32 gallons et water seam as efflcacious as-a stroogar mlx- pounde et lima te 2i9 galions et waîar. This tare for tise second application, sudi more tissu hi isleused tisa amountot water aouid, witisout tise mixture iosing any et ils vir- tua, ha inareseed ta 50 gallons. For tise pawdery miidewe eft'tle grape, goesebarryt sud rase, whiaht live enîîreiy upon tise ex- tarier etftisa plants, tise weskeet mixture Besmentireiy affectuaL. Two ether coppar cempeundes are ratisart mors expansive tisan tis e ,bve and sre les rali-able, butas iisay ara dlean solutions tisay1 eau ha uead, if necasse.ry, wheu tisa fruit or other edible portions ara reaching maturty* They ara kîsowu as modifiad eau celasteé snd ammoniac-ai solution ai coppar carbon-s ate.t Tise former is malle by diesolving twa peuinde et coppar sulpisaîs in hot waian, adding a solution ai nansd ane-alait pounde et sai soda, sud sitar ail action bas ceased, peuîing in ane quart et amînonia watar (26') sud diluting ta 32 gallons. Tise ammoniacal solution et ceppar car- bonate se made by dissolving pancipita'sadt coppar carbonate (tlsree oz.) in ammoniaf w-ater (one quart) and diiutîng ta 32 gallonsr witb walan.f It dees net differ tram tise nodified eaut celeste, excepit isait isa former centaine sulpissue et soda in, solution sud is soe- what strangan. It, batoîra adding tis ama- mania to thpe mod1ifiafi eau cletelise cep- par carbonata, trcmedby tise add1ition eýft1itis a)soste is c-oe si hah-d beu( allowad ta settle asud sitar pourîng t11- -h liquid il tisa ammoiis ad thien beaul addedi it wouid b h vsat is known as ammoniacal solution et coppar carbonate. Tisa pawdary mildaive may ha aise kepi in cheack by tise use ai liver et sulpisur (potassium sulpiside) dissolvad in water,f ussng tbrae ounces te 10 galIote eto watsr. For tise goosebarry sud similar mildews ibis is eutiraiy effectuai, sud lias tisa decided advauiage et haîng isneoway posonous sud t ne sting use fruit ; it eau tisera- fore ha used at any lima in tise seadon, INSECTICIDESt. For meet parposes, particularly wisare tise insectse aat tise axposed portions of plants, tisa chiai reliauca is atil upon parie green or landau pnrplc,aitlscugis many par- sous use white arsenic sud corrosive subli- mata. Tisa ast two are vary poiseneus sud1 as thsay alssely rasembie anay commen isoueehold cisemicale îbay siseuld ha ueed< rwitis great care, if ai -al. For mauy plante tise parie green on hou-1 dan purpia --an ba nsad at tisa rataet oe pound te 200) galions, but for tisa plin titis soalci hasonawhit radaced fl streugtis, wiii for tisa peais parie greenaisahna in wsaer 'can isrdiy ha used su auy sîrengîs wilhoui buruing tise leavas. As a mile parie greeni is les ikly te hum tisafoiagetalme. don purpie sud is ratiser more.,affective. 1-t le, isowaver, hiseransd mare diticuit te keep in propar suspension in tisa water. Eltser oet tiseainsecticides can ha nsad in aombinatiou witis isrdeaux mixture ai tise saine, streîîgtis as wiseu usad ahoîta, but are isardil' sale te ha used lu ammanie., centsîniug umixtures, uniesse a email quan- tity af lima is addad. Tie se 'efalime-at tise rate et ana pouud te 32 galions et water îvill aise ha ai vaiue ivien they are usaîl euly as insecticides, as Tie cur -sut and geosebarry allten hase thiait oage ireintisa wokirue aitise'cuir- raut ivorin and if this is kspt in chieck tisa tungi may destroy theam. As soi as the lcaves bava foin mc, tise combiued nmixtusre souid le ap)plted eut5 cau ha repeateil te advauta£ze ini two et tItres weeks. Later oni, esecisiiy for Eut. roesau variaties ai foremlerr-,aur, -sia ai application of liver of suiphur wiil keep tise foliagýe iealtisy. Sheap. If it becomes uecesssry te lay the _ewe down in Ordier te get tile lamis ta feed, I then lay tisa lamb on ite sida with its baci e ite mother sa t ifitcannoi brace iet s .et againet lier. It je unfortunate that tha avaitable hold onae au taka of a lamis-over the bacie af the neck je tise leasi satisfac- tory. A lamis slways respondm more s- te.iligently to a toucis at tise tail tissu one at thse head. The best index of tiesa kili of a sheplierd is tis a Aner in whicislha takecs hoid et une of hie charge. Tlîe touch ot tha mother's nasa on uts rump ie nature's en- couragement for tise youunglamb. The nearar wa cen imitaIs tisat lthe battar wa shah sac- ceed in assieting it. " it je net au unusual eccnrreuce forr mar- ina ewee to be lackiug in sîstilcient nouriss- ment for tisair young, and mauy et the breeders af Addison caunty hava practicad ptsrciiasing awes tram tl'a mutton breads as wet nurses for liseir marine iambe ,'says J. G. Barker in tisa Wool and Cotton Reporter. -"It has beau fliy custom te separate tise ewes due te lsmb, aigist or tan days before jute parties of35 or 40,and begia taadiug tisem roots, beets or carrate, and potatoas if Il have uat roote, eut in a reot etrer, oua hait- bushel ta aacisparty, with tise same quan- tity of grain, meai aud bran, or oats aud bran, or the ibrea comhiîsed and mixed with tise roots, no other grain ta ha givan." Te build a pig trough, takie a two inchs piank, 16 juches wide aud 30 feet long, spike ta tisa sides twe six isnis planke tisa same languis as abava, nsaking tise trougis four incisas deep only. Rcn an incis board îisrougi tisa ceutar ef trougis, dividiug il se pigs eau aat tram bath sidas ; place is stripe from conter boards te sidas cf trougis so as te isave raom for pigs ta drink, but net room for filtisy teat uin ilk or slop. It je the only way ta feed dry or boilad meal ard hava nio wasta. Oua ai tisa meet important peinte ta be ramambered in tisa great and uew popular industry of swine grawiug je Ibis, that tise requiramants in the way of food for youug animale are matarialiy difféentt ram tisat ofet tis ad. lu tisayouung animaIls tisabony system muet be buiît up. Tis consiste nsiaiuly of phosphata and carbonata of lima, aud nitrogan. Any food tisai doas net con- tain thesaelaemmtns; wîll uecassartiy tend ta prodîsca a amail and waak bonad isag, sud wili lcad te uuîisrift sud uunprefi table tass. Tisea lements ara contained sbuudauîly in akim milk aud for this reason dairy fsrm. are bave bettar epportuaitias cf grawiuag thrifîy hoge tissu thp tfarmar who je î-ai2iug grain sudc keepi'sg cattia exclusively for beaf. Bran, shorts sud liueeed oul ara ascis of great valua for tisa sama purpoe. A littla shallad cern is always a kind of dessert te a pig usîder fitty peunde and sisould be givea, if for uotising aise tisas for tisa pleasure of saaing hlm est il. As tise pig increascesils size, more carboisydrates are needad& sud tisa proportion of corn esould, ha gradaly increased. The Businuetssli Parmàing. XVa oftanisear oatisaavocation of farmieg. tisa pursuit cf tarmiîig aud tise work of farmlug, but we get a more comprehe 'nsive meaing wisen wc speak of tisa businiess cf farmiug, for ît isas beau damoustraied that tise farmer w-ha couducteýtise aparaiius ef bis farm and lhaud5aie it, rope ounuins priîiples, scorestie iigiansud metsat- isfactory succe-es. Tise youlg imaiwhosaeS tisea, ',"Ihave ne use fora bsies auca- tien, forIyr 1 eýXPeat ýta o 0inltauins, eynakes a vary serieuis iÀstake, fi, a ca Lgo ilioa busiess whis e a uneltakas te cendec a tar Ii -seias te gat tise hast reasî eut et it. When afarurlng is coaidtscteds a wall regulatad business i sautid be, it wilIl esase te ha ragarded as a work for tia issi- dles alone, but something ta draw larzely train tise brain. Book.kaaping in its relations ta tisa work etftisa tarm sisould ha taugisi in avary busi- ness collage, but it sheuld ha made se sim- ple and practical that tisera woutd ha ne difficulty in applying ïb. Fertflizere- l'ie resuits of experiments at a Massa- chiusette scisool on f ertilizers ara summarized as follows: Tise addition et minerai fartilizars in- craasad tisa yieid of clos er, but did net seain te increase vary matarially tise yield cf, grasses. Iu general tisa yiell'etfisay sn- craased witis the quantity af nitrogan scsp- pliad. Tise minerai fertilîzers wissn ueed alone were applieal ia fluanc 'ial iose Tise application et 160 pouinde of nitrataetfsoda par acre (25 pouuds of nîtregen), in addition ta tise mixed mineraIs, gave an average profit during tise turnee yars otf 40par acre ; 320 pounds of nitrate ef soda (5tl pounde cf nîtroen) gave au average profit et $5.24 par acre, aud 480 peaîîds af nitrata ot soda (75 potids of nitrogaît) ais average profit et $2.4,5 par acre. Tise raturas tram 320 poande wî-re vary nilorin, tise profit being $3. 10, $5. 12 sud $5.49 raspacîivaly for tisrea years. Tise application et nitrog- enalis fertilizars îucreasad tha parceniagas of protain in the c-oppsud soinewisai in pro. portion te tLe amounit ai nitregen mupplied. Tisa inclease in tise amount of nitrg- i tise crop didîsotequal tise iîîcraased a.un cf nitrogaî s spplicd ii tisa fertilîzars, tis imipl1yingý that tia plante were, net able te country. lt is true tisaitisae latter weut tuera su many cases becausa their expeuses 1wouid bha iss tisar in a large ciîy or tewn, but meet oet tiem have hausfited tise tesen by furnisling ampleysneDt, by bringiug in ans iucraased population -sd by tisa taxes îisey Ouaetftise tew intarestiug exhibitions of skiii tisai anaees in knocksug aboiit smong tise Wet ludian Islandese isaecatching ef fisis by tise native.'T'ise Caribe,sys s wrîter, are tIha parsouification et idienese weien'seau ashore about their huis sud*je tisa sîreats ai tise tawn. Tisey jever seain ta have anytising te do aud always appear ta, ha parfecily contentefi te enoaza about in tisa shade in utiar dieregartl cf whaitisae morrow may bring fartis. Put iham, how- aver, in oeef ettsir lîttla dug-eut canees, with a paddle lu tiseir baud, anîd iiey are ail movameut sud grace as lisey seed tisair frai] crafi spiuuing siong over tisa beautiful blue waves or guida tisaînwlth surprssiug agîiîy lu tisrougis thea tosming wite-crested breakers tisaI, te tisae uniniti- ated, look as tiseugis tisy were savîige enongis te ssvalow up lise ceeliesisel boats aînd thair tee venturesome occupants. A sîrauger would have gone ibrougis au extendad course et anti fat bera ha ceuld stand a chance et sating hiself on onaet tise narrew scas or ai standing up in tisa cra7zy canes withîout faar et spiliig himeelf out j nta tisa briny sud affering a tempting mersal te tise ubiquitous suante, whose ugîlinsu-afford aver-presani remîndars ef wisat ile in store for tise un wary. Blow iigis blowv iow, tise native fisherman muet take hie ci4aiîces sud go eut for saa-fead, wbich apparaîîtly fermeisa chief portion of bis daily ration, How mauy et tbam fail taraturu tisera je noe nsnefet scartai.ning, butit isquiteate te say lissi an occastoual accident must oc- aur wisara se many sud sucis great rieke ara run. iTisera je usually but ana occupanti te a cauce, but in spitaet ibis tact, and int de- fiance ai tise buruing raye efthtie tropical sue, ha requantly manages ta -cuver uas betera', hie work is averound a propar essbas Wisan tisa ,fislis un close totesasurface a speai ,supplemnents tise sook sud lina, but as) s gagerai althicig tisa acele je lise sala, rali- Luce. Su-i iîcaugisi close in shsore or tise ; t part et 4hellfishs tarintisa hait, T 1isa, isb anî d dallowad te trail conýSi< '- stern +1- eud cf tise li- a nu _uý,s t It toapn. .sgiwa ot tisa spare sasdislen tisa round tmm je t,ken ovaree)ettise hig toeeso et iafsr insu, Tise) paddle is isaudied te perfection sud ie dippad in tise w s-s quiatiy tisat net a spaýshis j seau uer a asound hîsard, wbile tis1at astsenat aiead ai sainoderate spaad, witis oniy a minimum disturbance on tise water. Tiesa ligitsts nihisian sd dowîî Loa tsapsdd.ie in tise huai aud wiîis bath bauds tise lina is baulad in. Al ai thEea mnoveinants are se partacti1y made tisaitisae two-toëot-wida craftircmains witboîît a sein- blancs et rocking, and, indasîl, wseu tisa fis se close alougssda iîte is ard te sesa ts any additional motion is, givan tisa boat. Tisis is altae ra ramarkahle wbeu oe ccuziders tisa Spanisis maakarei,bLarracouta, or wisatevar tise iliusmsy ha, ara allen vsry large. Soise etftisa latter are avar severi feet sud waigis about 30 poundg. Thasa are exceptions, ta ha sue, butaone traquent- ly seaes fisis iaaled in as large aseaur gol- sizad bolue-fisis, sud quite as activa. CLEANING LO.NDON STREET3. TIca Typlenl Cro.vïîîîg Sweaeerau Urat L1c1t'd t',î lmtLc servant. Eve,-ry ana e familiar witl tise typicas cro,-iug swaaper, îthe unattacisansd jr- raepcîîsïble public sairvaut wlsase anergies ii, sarcis aipennîiîeare tar is axcass ar any ohrdisiplay of industry. But tisa craýse sng ,weeper je only s supar'iscrary-isa le not tise real acter ins Caad swaepiug. Tisa ganuluea rtist may ha seau ta full farce suy nserning in tise neigisborisood of Cavent Car4an. About 100 sucismea e aanployed. Tisey ara p-aid tweîity-five shillings par wec-k eacis, witis a Shiinîg extra tor titane wna ara call assi taorbrjef Ssuday duîy. 1« our nian se(,m ta work weil, ' our re- part,rsîeid b ana aitisegatîgare,. "Ye s, air, ihay at' wail tr'-.tt d, snd thsey (Io their work ptept, ly. "'Hava yen any club or eociaty amâng yrîu ?" 1 No, ir, If a m-an se ili ie g,.as belote tise doctor, sud tissu if tisa dector sys hae is ili, wby, hae goes home sud lha is paid juet tise saine. XVe have ne st3qppagr-s. Il in doas do a.sythiug wrong, tise suvayar wiîî generally overlook it-ex- ceptiîtg drink, haie an't stand tisai, But is's a reg,,lar gentlemia as underetande bis buies" Happy sead - eweepere. No trade unien. no grievauce. JusItileu tisacart was drawu ie opas'. lion, sud the raad swsapioge wara quickly liftâ te jta it sud carried away Naturaihy our reporter asltad wbere Ibis cartload ai cabisage leavesansd otiser refuse was te ha takan. "Oh, iLs laken straigist away to tisa barges snd sent into tisa aountry for mau "Tis waeee item Coveut Garden tiiise le made la îsaip te provide tisa naxt crep f or tisa marketi, sud dos nt as soe suippose, tarin tise fouindation fer Whsite- cisape' Havana cigare. Truly Street Swaep- iug sa 5science. But sweapiuc sud "squasgaeing". le noý s;ufflaýieni for aur streets. Ont artist b-as dapicti tisa men in tisa aci tfwassiing a Lado tsret lutise ueighborhood ai Ce- veu1t larde-a proceas wiiaisau laim a tripla a-dvautstge, Firsi, il takes sway auy irigmicrobes whiol tise broin or squee- gea may.5 hava lat; second, tise watar et- fcetually flushes tiese ewers; thirti, tise aparuýatîcu attords an snlarastiug entertain- ment te tise great nnwasised. Cina liaýs 8000 offices for post carts sud 200officeus for runnere. Tise amoont et busiiness doue iis unnowu, hava p)aid. Yat tisay would ha saved inucis molle axpansa if thsy had baîter reade for tr»aneýporîing tisair goode toansd tram tisair establisismenîs, aîsd not many cf tisai wonld or ouglît ta eobject to payieg tisair sisar et tise expenea of tise impravernent et tise tcown.--[Ciseinuati Inquirar. Water Eupy Wisere isosse ansd barn are supplied witb water train a distant epriug, evary precau- tien sh!oulli bs takan ta pravent tise ciosiîsg et tlise pipa by trost or otiser obstrucionî. Al sucis pipes seould bc laid below tise isacis cf frosi, sud tise autrauce ta tise pipa ini tisa spring slîould ha protactad by a suit- ablaetramner. But tis wiil net in avary case pras-artishe pipa irom beccmiîsg ciag- ged. Wiaere tise spring je sisailow, iseavy raine wmill otten waessh oea artintîse s sDriu.g, and snî:of ut i may fiîîd s way tisraugis htiese rainer into tisa pipe. Inlucci cae eadiment may sccuîmulate at any iow place sud fiîsaliy ebstruci tisa flow of water, A force pump nsed aitisae discisarge w*Iil remove suci sesdiment, sud as a pracaution îtsiseuid hacîssad in sueis cases sacb year bafora tise greuiîd treazas. Ih wili ha found convaîiant ta conîseci rubisar pipe ut suit- able Iaug'is wiîtiste laad eue in tisa spring and ateacistisa stiaiuier ta tise free end of lise rîbbar, 50 tisai il eau ha raised te tise surface cnf tise watt r for cieaasing Or te con- naci witis force pump. WBSr IINDIA FISHERMEN. 1Vonderful kll Shown by the Natives In Tîteir flug-Out Heats. Microbe Kilier Enriches the hlood sud gives tone and atrength te tise whaie ayritem Microbe Killer Gi as huoyancy of spirits, sIre egth sud healti te al uiera af It Microbe Killer Dose this, ba-caîîs3 îl main cinstituant ie Oxygen, Na îure's reissdy. Microbe Kil 1er Ue3ed in siekue3s is ne experiment, crude drugsansd minerais are. Microbe Killer la tise greateit toni.- for tîred maen aud women ever preduced. Microbe Killer Correcte ail bodiiy disordera aasiiy, if tak su ia tim2e, used freely. Microbe Killer Purifias tise hiood anîd tissues by driving ount tise living germa. Microbe Killer Has no aqul as a riseumtie sipecifie; cures guaranteel. FPorSale by Higginbothamn & Son, AGENTS FOR BOWMANVILLE. Pricas $1 sud $3, sccording te aise, WM. RADAM MICROBE KILLER CO, LIMITEO5 WE~ mheplae onet tQuniyti e i ualitIy2 and three igules ,ilaPrice who iïlï.speý- elle Stippers,,Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., AI our Storc, as" IEA&VER BLOCK,-m Bowmanville, BIGGEST STORE, BJGGEST VARIETY, BIGGEST VALUE. Evry body invitud to cali and sec our new -f0owearý ID-A TRE SHOE MAN. I e has une of the best, the latest and Iargest stock of Rats, bought di- rect from the best manufacturies, direct from England and New Yo rk. Prices as low as the low- est---from 50c, up. For Men and Boy's soft or liard and in ail colors and shapes. C ail and examine prices and goods. In Gents furnishings a large and well selected stock always on hand. Hi ghest prices paid for Ra-w Furs Wiiling ta Condense- 'I-I muet un elen te yeu, Mr. Cap- pliedc," protesi ed tisa biusliieg gilrl, wirb aec doxtueset. Il Yen are enly tri fling, and-assd, besides it is gaîting laie ." Il Pheaca bar me ont, Miss Helen i piaaded theisaifsîuated yoting reporter. "l'Il eut it down te 250 words!'" A Parie curieeity drinksi five gallons of beer a niglit. Paristan adtressas, il je said, wesr paper lace, wici by nigist looks se dajeate at tise hast ui real lace, wisile icaste but a trifle. Te wear an expansive lot ailace, wisich msy lha ruinad iii oeeavsning, 1s COU- siderad lise ieigist oai lly. To soeatisa sun as it ri2s sl buta golden guines rieiLug aut efthtie sa-a ; te otisers it la a. lite-giving cris, accasspaniied by chairs etý augels. Sema look suid dont sec. 0f "Cloths, Tweeds, Worsteds and Suit ings of ail kinds, for men, youths aud boys, were neyer excelled and, prices neyer more moderate. Two reasons why you are certain. to be benefitted in trading at the old reliable Gents' furnishing store are thlat we keep on]y reliable goods and they are sold at lowest living profit. Our customers can depend on getting, weIl-made, good- fitting and stylishly eut clothing at prices to suit ail pockets. Fulllines of Ties, Coltars, Cuffs, Braces, Handkerchiefs, etc, If you waint a suit this Spring you will please us and benefit yourse]f by looking through our magaificent stock at the "Star" two doors east of the Post Office, Bowman-ile. 1 " ,A TS

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