Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1893, p. 6

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CIRATrEFLTUL--C () FORT NT -l BjREAKFT -S UP PE R. "Bs haou_,1knwwledure oý the nstuirl' tawe whi'hg.oern h pr.in.o iiî xri nd utition, anÏ by acreu uptat, the fine prop5rtiei OC elelotiC pp iis proviried Our braleitit tablitw ith t etemiuy hýavy oru'billi, le. i3bvt, iudicionqu5r u0, oiisnobartiClet o!rd thit ea con8ttutioi ma y lia ;ýradnI1ily bai, Up uatti atren;r enouýg1k wto rs ia e7ery 1tend1acy te disese luurdA4 o9 subtie miiiaara, tioatiig arouul ius resdy in ataok wae there lsawelK pint. WeVmav eitoog ne m af atai lhat bykeinorsie ilftiaI wvith It-e biod ud.i a pro3arly non-ri3h d ram8."-"CiîlS'rîi'- Gr,z>te" Maesimnplv with ottin4 water or ille âOd cuvi- l pacleets. by Grocern.iabniind tint Rets.i.osIîeuEn-.Iaed, WEDNESDAY MAY 24, 1893 au. J. C. MITEUELI, M RIM BER 0F COLLEGE OF PHYqSICIAN .nd Surzeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. offi eand Residence. Ennikillen. 74 B IiSTFR -)LIT1tTO, ka, MOPRIS ST 00OK. !rti. Kinz Street. Bow'nar. ville. peolîer -ýfor the Ontari Banik Fllvate 190oncys lonel at thse 1owait rates S. C. fINKING BIESD AUOT ION E ER FOR .Ljthe C ofo Durham. Sales -attendod to on heret notice and lowest rates. .ddrees CLOILtTKCu P. 0. 36: 110 T. YOUING, V. S. OFFICE IN TUE WEST DURIHAN 0 News Blnck, maere imseai or assistant Vil! te found fron ta.m. te 9 p.mi. Night calis Kt residencedi-ecîîyeopposite0 Djît Shed. Catis 1>31 tetcgaph or telephone wll receive vompt attention iTl.yr A.4.WNNAN, V. S ---F FI C E-III GI NBOTIIAM'S VB LOCK Bowmanviîle. Nght catis ans- wered fram cite door sentit af Dr. ltoyle's. A&Il catis by teeg raffh or telephone witl ro ire Prompt attention. il0-tfa1 L. A, W.. -VOLE, ____ OEER ÂPPRAISER, Real A sA, A. Pný owmnTî, Otro A RITEOT. Plans and Specifica. Atiens prcpared for every clase cf building. SpIf ]al attention gven te heating by steamt »ad bot 555er. and te sanltary arrangements.4 Office: G'ine BlocleWhltb3, 43 -ly E RPEÂTETailor Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. J.M., BI{IMACOMBEI DENTISTO OFFICE :-Rear ofMes. Higgnb ham & 'Son'8 IDrug Store, (down,ý stairi" dents',(lotinig Ceaned, Pyed. Prossod anid Rûpajt-ed1 by THOS. PEAT, l)yer and (JIathos C o cor, GOOds warranted ta lie as n ne eW1t1 know Lhein f ram ew wiec donc. Cerner Kmug s" ud -lra Sura3~,,3 DENTI STRY, C, H -DEN, L. D. S. Gradsiecf tau oyalCelo f Dontai e - TO TRAVEL 'reuAbu lite by the reugli stages Dt ceugihs, colis andi censumip-. tien, bo caî-eless of yourself duigtic damp, ccii weather ',a dD NTuse b1IIens Lungalsam !er that nasty congli ef yeurs. .13uV if yeu'dL like to live te a renold age lu hoahi, and consequently in happiat ta, use IInS L u ng a7. -ea prerentîve antd, ure of aIl rh-eat anti Lung diseuses. H-EALT.a What ia Ohoiera? Cielera is fie exaggeratirun ef intestinal rermicîaa motion. This tefluitien, cx- îdained lenlamguiagce bas profeseloual, ueuld do met-e gooti thon ail fie poputan recipîs fcr the cure of ciolens crcer publsici, hecatuse it expremses lue icieent nature cf chu)Itrans ugeus tic bpineipleoet-dunre ie ita oaly stage, te fie meet unrofiecfiug- mini. Fie publie le noue the btter, on iriser, on safer, ftron ocf ahfihe: ten thou- samîid " ciutee" feýr choiera preclimed in the puilin prince. mwith s conficence whiicbif- self ua a enflicieist guanantoe that however Will-iou-idfie anîhonsmay ho iin otier catters, as regards ciolena ita>et f tiey at-o criciually ignorn;fou- ne inuic has a riglaf ho sut-osethie public ou nait iM ject cen- cecteti ii i us genersi Iealtît unleslie unierîtacis fiat auljectinj its broadeef senso,vpuactically as Wecli as thcoreticatiy. A", live cheoee or a cup et fishmng Womts msy gire an ides cfflice motion cf fie intes- tines in prdinsry hesît i. Thse h.'usn guti ls aiollow, flexible, fuie, lietweeq tîity anti foty teet long; but, lu et-don te be coufainci mithin fie bodys, it, le, te savo epace, arrngei as a sailor weuh a oui et reps; foecer inovng in healtit, mer- ucng tee much lu somo diseases, foo limtte in others. Tonoglafe thismo ttion is fie fneft ôbject f thfe physician in ovry disease. "Inheritacies, 'bilions aifections, coture- nese; andtfelike, tis greaf coilei-îup lu- test-ie, usually calleti "the bairels," je " terpiti," as ud the modimmes are Lwuren fa watM if up, and whaf fluat daes dures tic ma.Çostiveness is tic fauntiation, that m, eue 6ofthfe firts begîninge, oc tijthie at- tendante! er eery disease kuaire ta mac, in seme stage or7 otieÉ of ifs prognees. But fie hinan body le matie in suci a maunor fiat.as sigie stop cannot be faken witieut tendieg te more fie intestine; tics if is, in the main, fiat f hoso mite move about on tisinr foot a groatu deal have fie lbasf sbck- cees, anti, on fie éther hani, these Who st a-great.deal, anti hocco more about but little, nover, have sounti heahiti jeau impessibitjty, If jes at-iete wiici 1 have nover known an exception. Choiera being a tijeaei n mihfte iamels meve f ea much, fie abject shouiti be te lessen fiat motion; anti, as every sfep a manfaitese, increasos intestinal motion, fheie ry fitst thiin g ta lie tione in a case cf ch oIera, is fa soccre quietude. If requines but sa nal amount cf inteltigence te put fliose ieas tegetier, and, if f ioy cou only lehurt in Ovot-y beant, fhis eatet-ut scout-go wouli le roibeti of myrIade cf ifs victime. Fiene dan lie ne cure fon choiera withouf quiteteiequietutie cf tying ou fie back. Fihe physician who undou-stands hie cslliuo is aiwsys on fie lookout ton fie in- stncsf nature ; sud lho io llows thein meef, andti efefees wjti fluon ste, j iste cue trio is met-e suceseful. They are stories whici real or iinsginat-& invalida peur lu upon fie physiciau's car wifi sunob facile voiubiity. If, ton examplo, s piyeician is calledt faa speeeilese patient, a sfnsngen, about wain nen eue dangire ny infermatiieulho kuows if fie breainig is long, ieavy antirmss- ureti, fiat the bt-sm is lu danger; ut hie bresties quicz freinflue upper part of fie cheet, thie abdomren neetie -attention;,et- if fie abimnife!nainly mores teiirespira- tiolen,elauege at-rfe n lit ioleut casesf inflmmtin t fie are ilvaluable gides l finte fretineuf etf dies.Appiying this pTie cipie te choiera,t et r aven co)Ininon di!arrhoes whenthie boels do c,& et cf ore tian f iee cr four limes a day; fie lpatient feels sncb an unwiilingnese te motion fiat he even rise frein hieseat 'witls fthe moat unonquerabie reluctance; andi wicn hoebas frei n ay cause blicocv- iîsg about con sidonsbty, fie fit-t moment cf takiug a commfortalle seat is pertecfty de- licieus, sud lhe fels as if lic coudatmost stay tiere alwaye. The whele animai crcatieu is aubject te disesse, aud fie fewesmi nuinlen, compara- tirely spesking, di et sinese' ; instinct le thein ociy physician. Perfect quiet- uic, tiu, on fie liane, je fie fitst, fhe imperatiro, the casentiat stop towards tise cure 'of suy case of choiera. Ta fis stt ms-v leud ien aid fewanie naking tiat quietude met-e perfect, by binding s cioti arotni the beliy puetîy firnily. This acte heneficiaity it dimiuiaiiug ticet-oin wti in tic abdiomenuf3rmion;uc n s'asy bc se pteasediniiiacraîri as neoliea sitbe teatmr. TItis bandage shouli he aient a foot bread sud long enougi tealie iuublitoovor the bely;:pieces et tapie shoulti liescwn te one Clau eftht e fiaunel, aîtd a crepni nuitîber te amei:npst-t , ibeing saler ant moee ffetive ltaecciuî fscpis.If this ctothis is et atut 'seen iauel ilt is f wo addiîioualisd1vanae ils roulglicsria fisc spiîte ud d rsws niho!)ooti te flic urtace treno t'ic interior anti by ifs clammly condi- tion of the skie ivilci takes place iii tic iafst ages et choiera. Facte couiflintti. Wîeu hie Asiatic scout-go firtat ht-eeeut amnong the ct-in s oiiery imnscse mmm- bers periaheti; but au imperativeoeot wae isned le the hottest weather-, fiat oaci seluier woar a stcut wcolec fisenel aide- minai cemprese, aud immcdistey thie fatal- ity Jilminiahed ef ceusinnloosenese cf bowele, lho wilt gonrally fini the momt gîshef ni anti inatantuaneous relief. Ttesesc- ced indication et instinct je te queuci fie tut-et. WVlene ie eese eow caileti choIera fitst muaie ifs appeat-ance in tic Unitedi States, ini 1832, it waa geuîcnaliy beliýeveclti laftich dinking cf cou irsier so0e atter calomel seas rakemi, wocld ceniaitîty cause saliva- tien ; sud, ase calomel was usually givon, cli watct- wae stui.chy ifeicfei. Some cf fh i oaf cant -eudiig appeals I have ever neticeti were for- iaten, wsten ! I have aeen thie patient wiii deatily ceagot-ces meti fhe finger euis cf fie nurse ton tic acte cf the drep et- twe cf cli wafon there while washing thie face. There are mwo irsys et queuchiig tŽie tit-t, cli water andiIce. <Cli wsîcr effen causes s sense cf fialiiuess on oppression, sud nef alweays satisfying; aif othen timrs the stomachis a se rtyirritable that i L la ejacteti lu s ionsonât. Ice icea mut gîxe tiaf ucpheaeamît fullnoîs, non dees it mner-aie tic ihirst, as cli wafer sometimvos dees, w hile tie qusutîty ncquinedisla ry incci reducei. Setue years age I1iras rioiemsfiy ah iacked wi thioera aymptcma in a nalînsicar. Tce promineut sycupiemeweio a continuous lorseces fofie inoaf cxiaueticg iaractr aieatlîly faimo tuosesundsiekuesa, a dreuîiiîg perspiration, an oeropeng iebiiiy, and a pain as if tte riole intesinues were wrccg fegeiter witi t-ecg hacie, asewaiierworn- ou wrtng ouf lo thing. Nof being williug' te fake medicice, aib lasf for a wiile, aud cie ice buiug preaently obtaiuable abt hte finît. steppiug p'ace I ste iel, reain, on rtiher etîiearorei fo airallowi IL fone if eeuid uceit. 1 ste tquanhilies et if continu., aily, until fhs uit-ut iras entirucly albid Fhe lioweie au-foi lut once er twleo after 1 began te use if. I feu sasleep anti uoxt C h ;i UV ý a f_ ý 1 L 1 was ebo fr sm dy.This 1maj, lnet have beeni au aetil ucase tsf As3iaflocbeiý. era, altiiough if wss poaln ititho cîty ai that fume ; but h t ývstaatiesleat- il te requi- o nte attentioii n;ed 1ibis te O'ie mini object ef these articles, ro wit;; atiteeteon te fie fit-sf syLurteme c oie r w in t pt- rails . Aýcordiug te rny exponîiece, tiere le pmly oeojction tc thise e cean treat1u1t, and that leý, you ut wllwit withou1t tasting liow goofli if l it î!musit be conveyedl jutti tomaci s ear ean icy stqrte s possible. Tue second sýteP thon, in tico tnoatmeent ef au attacle cf choiera, je te qîtenci hthi u-et iby keep)ing îa plate of i-c bouide you, broeenlUp in aminflpiecos, se that they may liesaio d whole, as tar as'practicable ; iepou liowing and s1çal- lowieg tic îue until fie tut-atstsper- fecîly sstisfictl. PRACTICAL RESULTS. The fit-st stop, tien, te ho takeni when cholers prerals sud its sympteoms are pros;- omnt le to lie dowu ou a lied. 2nd. Bifite abdomen tigiriy with woolee dlasînel. ;mdé. Swallow pellets of mce te fie tuileet exýte(,rt practicable. 4th. Send fer an establiaied, rosideut regnian physician. Touch not an tatomn of the fhousaed thinge proposýed by .brame as «"simple ", sthe remoules arc rep- iresented toelie, but wait qiatly and pa- tientiy until the atrriet ofyeru ia attendant. But rnany cf my t-cadet-s mnsybint a conidi- tion, hy distance et- otierwiee, wliec;tt le nef possible te obtain s phy3ician fer sev- oral heurs, sud wiere suci a delsy mc)qit prove fatal. Under 'sncb icmeacs obtain ton grains et calomel and malte if luto a pili wiîi a few drops cf cold wator; idry if a liffle by the fine or il the esue and swaiiow if dawn. Ilf te passages do n-)t cosse witiîin twQ heurs, thon swallew f wo môe e uch.pillesand continueran ewallaw two mot-estthfe ondeof oaci fwo hrs ntntithe bowels cosse te guve their imghit coiered pas- sages, or until the-physiciani arrives. 1 Inmsny, bsd cases ot choiera the stoin- aci wiillt-otale cctbing fiuid et- solii, çold waton itselt beingiustantiy returned. A calomel pili is almeet as hoavy as aiit if sinks inîtautly te fie boffein efthfe stonîach and ne pewer of vemniticg cao te- fut-e if. It would aeswer just as weIl te swailow if iu pewdot- ; but tic saine niedfiiumii would hald it lu suspension wiile guinug down, wouid do the sarne wlsile comling up. Tcie fit-st object et a calomel pl le ciolet-a le te stop the passages frein tiche cs The treabtînu leeffectuai, it art-este fie passages within îwo houre ;acd einy turne frein four t- f vIe hit taf ton ieiuig taken it effecte fie bots-casctiveiy, &1-nd tîte passages are chsnged Iroin a wt tinees te a, mushy thicness or conaiet- ency, and inetead isf bolngti coloun et ruce wateror e-of milk asud watenr mixture, tiey are bt-own on yellow, or- green or dat-k, on biacks ink acconding te, tic violence cf the atfack. Nover tako manr thing te wot-k off calomel, if tioe e t-nry passage withîn tbc bout-e atter it. is takecn but if fliene is ne passage frein'fie bwi within fou, et- at meef twelve heuris atter, taking calomnel, thon take an injction of commeu watqr, ceai or tepl. Ealtinglt-e or drimtkimsg cold waten afft a dos cof calon, facilitatos itF eperation andi noer ca n bave aey effeet whstever towands caus;igaiva f ion; fihat, iscausedby thiero býeing no omii frecin fie bowe, as a cnsoequieuce o!fie ,rsatolïei, soocler titýan ton or twelro botl1ris - been salwd as a ofsu t woAS c f~l tihm otai , < 1 chlrare, fiat whon caïiomel tailes v, - if, ereryfiing else -wi!l tail, and fit f will cure every e-alto ase. T'le curýe eff tie scourgo depeudeupilon tise esrliuess Nc ift i wbicii e meaus are usod. If can bo said with lese limitatIon than etof qli tber djscaeetaogethet-, that chýoiera mocre centaîniy aile- if let aMome, anrd .9 certaiy cuned if cariy aîfended te. \What, thlin, le he earliest sud sirneet univet-si Sytspteo of apprescig ciclera ? I have neven seen if named fl pita suci. During my pensonal expet-iouce amridet the saurgewhinit iast visited tfia coutit-y, I cccii tellunmny own office, witiot readi- ing s paper, et-seeiîg or speakiug te a single pet-sec, fie c-mparatire prevtrsiceof fie disease froin day te day by fie sensation whici ' Iwili came sud 1 hope tte ebenefît cf tîsousaude, and penýiîs nef s siing'le readen tsill failtef0respeni teuf tahem11eis froin hie owu expenienco. Tie bowels may ho ts;1ing but once or basr tise once in twenity-founir ours, fie ap.petite mss,' le goond, adthe eloop mny lie sound; but ifientre auunpiosa einsa- tion in the be11y, 1 icont, for fie' sake of' o, temeIfj net lt ie to acie ondo I cal] ;t fie abtoieen. M,%auy pensýons dou't kneýýw wat aiemýoni Tinssisarec i gociheai thqit they liave n n earilimicgeeu-se" et beiîsg 0w cwýciofe ul ' paai," or "- usseýs,"',as th'e neaicer ,may fanc!y, asud îtif Sa rea plesune tenme ho write l u scb a imsrîngre that I kuow ny t-cadlet wiil undermsti io po-fcctty, wiiiout avIcticea, ce Speakicg theo f thatenatofe-1u. casinoas, wiihouit soute pini, ilu flic nogien)i enrncd, if coee on moýredcdey afier an eracuation cf the lioweie. Iu icaitti eacf is feliewel byN- a rsc cf t-elie!on couefortabloeese, but wutise chlîcica influence is lin the airneapier e croit preusp)iuge of ustiiÏru, 'he greateet sud.; hast plisiaciau.--[WVilliain Watson MH ail, m. We au-e t-)o foui et uont wu will. wauî ro lie ieiug wiat we faucy igy ihiu2s ; bttt tise gtoah point is te o uta tltiug,, wiec cailedti tedo tricin,,a igit î splnit -[If. Cecil. Pitcher's Castoria, A ST. JDHN'S IIRAULE. Eiglït Hundrcd ami Twenty-Five Dollars Spe~ît la Vain Efforts to Regain ilcalth. deft inesallEsen Weailansi11 Eeejered tby nalteei ti ttFoees Upou 951111st Sory Werlhýqy 4ors Careftil The Newa, St. Jh',Qe Iis ulow acîne fourtteen men1Ofthe a ince Thie Neu- et eed ulsh e otc the oneflresltss prcduced by 1Dr. Wî i1. lame' ,Picik Pilleslev.ery one muet adJ- miit:that many cf the cutres effected seered Ji ttic short ct f the miraculone., The cnamnes o! the remedjea which eîlaim tc cure ail the i11e fieuh is heir to are to-day legion, sud whatever the monits and demerits cf these preparations rnay be there le ce question asi te the great reputation scltievedby Dr. Wiilliams' Pink Pille for Pale People. 1home people no doubt Iaugh at thosc atonies and belit-ve theintaelie advertising dodgee te catchl the uewary sud rope fin some of thein shekels. XVe lave uow printed and pub. lisbed The News for cearly hahf a Century; it enjoys the reputation cf being a laigh- 1tcuedý weekly with a large circulaticon, and wve naturally do business with the advertis. ing, mnnc the day, and- frein the reputa- ition of tuie Dr. Williams' Medicine Coin- pany, wu have neyer had any reason te doulit the perfect sccuracy cf the cures t-e- la ted ; buit it le cely ncw that we are placed inaà position ta teatify personally as to the wvoiad1rful! curative powere c f Pink Pille. Theý story we aire aibout, tn relate thonugh neo les roat-abl tiau etheys regarding the sine eicin1e natuirally impresses it- self moto uipon our mind mcd upon the minds of çathere le ,the comniunity because thýepat chiefiy coconed l2 known ta us, and wü are ooabled -ta beac poreonal tes- timony as ta the carrectes et hie dedlans- tiens. The gentlemnan who was a short time ago se gres tiy afl icted is no", almeest as woll as ho~~~" ete- a adceerfuliy relsted hie story te he epesotaive of The News, in the liop e that Pt hosýe uho read it might be boee fited there-by. Mr. Camille Dubuqîte is a mac af fifty. three years cf age se i bas been a mechani- cal engiccer for twenty-five yeare, working on the steamer Reindeer wbich muse on La4ko Champlain, and occssionally on the River Richelieu. "Four yeara ago, " said M r. Dubuque, 11whiieoeur steamer baid an excursion party on board fer an evonicg rue, I was rather tiîed after a long day's werk, and wont up ce the îtpper deck e t enjoy a emeke bofere retiring. At tiîat time I fefihanyscf te e le i perfect health but, wb§ýn I wect te my t-cern I wae taken with cuilla aed was unabie ta keep myseif -r m. Althongh that night 1 hsd but littie .:eep I, toit cemparatively weil the next day. About a tertniebt after 1 wss taken with f righitfnal pains in my back near my epine, and in my side. 1 weet to the hespital in 1 urliugton, Vt., snd wss treated thene for1 tb!ree weoveks and then feeling but lifte bet- ter Icame taorny home lu Iberville county, five 5,ndi a haîf Miles freïi St. Jchn's. 1 ws then tidocýtored by a me ica manfrom Iber- ville. lisItreatmen rt semdto relieve me %ely iltle and 1I deterrnined ta viit Mýont- rosi andi,,-! anothter pyiii.This I did lei Mari.c, (thr-e yeais ago, and put myvseifi in anl erincu hyscia's are whotrestýed meP ftrmMardli 1unril Jiy, suid certainlydid ail hie could for me. f did not stay in -!trajtihfe lime b")ut wentbck rd and frad te see ii.lu July 1' si tirod cf this sud w1 ýas begitnnîng ta feeli downheared.1 then called le a meidicai mcac fromil euiryville, a village a few mniles froi wiee1 live, and hte [prescribed fer me ever aed'over again, but by this fimi-e 1 ws timost pcwerleesste ielp myseîf and no cee knows what frighfe agcny I snffered. For seven long menthe I eau in a chair with my feet ce alounge. I was un- able te lie down day or night sud often thought that death wenld be a happy relief. Laest epring my wife read an acceuint et a Satrato-)ga miracle in The News sud deter- mircd te get a box et Pink Pille fer me. 1 renonîtrtedwith lber, tellieg ber that it iras uiselees speiidicg more rnuey, but she peaed nd wrcte te Wight sud Ce., lrI:ggîýiq, cf St. John'8, and had a box sent b 1mil teck th)em to please ber, nover thinKiiig tiey wossld dot; me any gced, but meuhci te miy suirprisýe, atter taking the box 1 toit slightiýly bett'er. We thon bought an-, cthr ox and by ýthie turne that was gene I fttit tiey were certainly hielping Ile. I CocIld eýow lie down, som-ietiug I had been ituahie e dl or seven lonig menthe p 1revicue.- ly. ~i I ka t tkicg theMPik 11Pilsu ami new ('1n my tpeth 'box, sud ta-day'I'arn praficllya cw an. Lalst winter I hadl iii attacle cf la grippe'. 110 Itopini ill andtieycîrc m. e igunIed up t)ýe 1 the am!'uicit cf moîuey I had expended i tringt lecue efene rebcriug nate Dr. $S v. I iingly;t iiteli en y ato ry asudi ny wlie co-eeae very vword I eay, LI hope tîtat auue vho ijsas unfort-uniate seI bave bwen11119y attalu relief by emplcying the saeneedy. Put h lu Tie News, soine cfi my feýlew-workmen tsill see it and if mayG,ý heuetit thetu as it bas doue me." WYieu The News represontatire drove up îe, Mn. Dtîbuque's prettv lttle tarinlieuse lie beheld that gentleman ciîopping wood, ndouiga strcng robust mac. A year 11ga bis ne'ibers thought it hl a dccmed in 1-"-a they cotteidar his cure as little horcf tîtiraccicus. MeFsrs. Wight & C<x, oid and relialale dru ýggiats cf tittnc, assure us that Dr. WTVilliams' Pick Pille have an eecrtrtcua sale vcîeh le * addltiocal proof that thcy really aire what; the manufacturersairm for thein. Pille. Aeýk your de-aler for Dr. Willam's Pink Pilla for Plale People aud refuse aIlj imitations andi enhetitutes. Dr. WViliams' 'Pink Pille may be had cf ail drtggiEts or direct by mail tram Dr. Xillianks' Medicine Company lrom ejîher address. The price at wlîich these ptlls are sold makes a conrse cf trestmnent cern- p3,ratively inexpeusive as ccn>paied withl othor remedies or medical taeatment. INFANTS 011 THE OAIUS. Ditrerei l'V#àymietf Taneg Care eof Theent Wlîeto Tley Ci'y, "I don't thiuk we ever realize juet how much noiose an infant eau makte,", eaid a traveller, 'IItîctil wo hear oeecryiîîg lu s t-alread car, sud thero le ne somtd titat le .Sneoxssperaticg te the great utajutity ot passengors. Saine of thern, indced. seoin to regard it asa es nal injtîry te bring a cy in.- infant inte the cars. They wonder ieW, acybody could think-pf taking sa youcg a chil wY. tram home. Thoy wonder if tere 2,n'ta pin sticking lu it semewliere, sud why is parente don't try ta do seine. thing fer ik. - Thene at-e diffot-ent ways of takiug cane cf chidren wien they nu-y. Hers, fer in- stance, was s yonug couple wîth a crying infant, which was ield by fie tather, while the mnother st doin 'g nothicg. The tathor tcseed the child up and dcwn with tie kindeet intention, but lu the ciumsy way pecu'isr ta eno. He talked te it sud taugli- ed at if sud held it up to the wi sdow to se sntier train go by. Ho seemed snrprised wien ho 55W that the litt'e child, instead ef beiteg amîîsed, was frightened haît eut of its sotîses by ther rushiing, rcaritîg train. It scresrned leoder titan evet-, sud nothicg that the yeucg father could do ta quiet if 50cm- ed te have any effect. At last the father' settled down and lot the infant sereain. Il On suothen train was a youug couple witi se infant which wss held ln the arme ef Its mother. The infant began te ct-y; the- mother was on her feet in aut instant. lier husband hsuded ta lien ticchutd's cleae,, whîch she wrapped cat-efutly about it. Tien sie bogan fa walk the car. "The train hsll cot started, but the car was ful. She walked sfeadily Up sud dewn the aisie. She wae by nee means carelescf the presecce et the passengors, but she was apparently quite unmindfnl etfttei. The passengers stopped reading sud stepped talkicg, sud nogarded wiî h intenest the stnuggle between the yeuungmotion aud the screamîng infant. As sic wslked back and forth she swayed the infant %,ery gently frein ide ta side with tiat swiugiug, un- dulatory motionc whici mothers seore able to keep up, iedefinitely, but which tires oct a muac je two minutas. -And as site walkod sic kept repesting lu a low nteasurinlg hune: 'Thet-e.fhere-there-there, There-there-there there, There-there-titere-there ever au4,over agaîn. "lFor a turne it seomed as fiongi the in- tact sot-eamed louder sud touder, but it was net proof againet the mether's persist- ent,,lcring cane, sud at aset if cese-ed scream- iug sud cried juet s ittle, gectly ; thon it stopped sîtogethen, and preseutly h was fast asleep. "But the mother waiked two or tht-e fumes mot-e up ai;ed dowc the aisie te make certain, sud thec ehte took hon seat ad e st there holding tise baby upue lier lap and tretting it Nveîy genitly, vti stady sed coeatrtotttng. "Next ail fie passenigersý seome-d to heave cee comblli!lcd Sigh oet tianke ý; ad thoný, ie- fore gcieg on wiftii t- uwsppchhe ail ~ ~ i se-edfrhl ta brea 'thm fer a mo Ment, for fear that they min tw; e i baby." DO DOOTOIO3 SÂVELI-VEB? Patients Are Belleveul suit a Great Nuses- ber Gel Well. We esc rememýben fie ineeible ismpression matie on our mInu by more thaut eue conver- stioeu wi th Sirlient-y Aciaei wien we were ton a turne acting as bouse surgeon ofthie Radcliffe Infirrnary, Oxfot-d. If was a part et oun weokiy iuty te 1111 in flue icapital bocks anti ta guve a bt-jet sunomat-y cf the condition cf the pitients. We began by say- jng somefiing like this oee day fiat Sir lieny wae aaisfing us un peetiuug up fhe weekly repent : IlJohn Smith, disciangeti, curoti." Il Stop 1" exclslmed tise ceurtecce sud accornplisied Reigne Profeeson et Physic ; please say fiat scain." We dii se. "Curei," tepeafcd Sir Henry, wifh i is sweei emile ; il well, I once knew a patient cured, thougît I oven haiýsaine doubta about hit, but I thave kumuwn maîy reiieved, whie, cf course, a groat numnbet- got well. Lot us aay ' discisargeti, wel we muet be cat-eful how we use Rncb a tenin as cunci. " We wene,c youg he2-n we at-e nef sut-e fiat we f ully cauglut the genfie t-cpu-oct se courfecc1sly couIvcd Sîr ient-,y ayave comupetely fou-gel- f[uens t hre uco, bt we have ýnef, sud. il' m i u arneýtsisi fiathfe p!iysiciau 1dan effeï) rolieve, aud fiat nature, giron fait- play cart cure, bthfat fie fou-mer muaftlic cxýeodingly caut.cus in ciaisng vrt-ymuiuc rm hîl emîdiessandtreatrnt. Ponliapa we have toc dec-ply poudenci over the wcnie ofthlese masters of thein art, but it s offen seonoc to us thuit 7eoictot-e inuitlie excoodingly eauimous, andtheficmue carefulty ire examine flue losa cettain are wO tlu5,t o elp is cf fie signal importance a-e etten beliere it te lie. De deefers aave a million lires a year? De they sare a tuait a cillion ?Deotoy sve fire lires apiece ? t.eli, wo uil cot decide but lot us cteut tiem, te ho on tie safe elde, withi i-ving tire apiece all round ; ot course, liesiies tim hiey m'ay, in macy cases, nlieve suflet-iug ,thy pu-omute no- coe et-nsd tiay prevent relapses, but tiat us a- rty tifferent matter from beiug "Ilu-n etuumetal" in savina htuman lite, sud aiaseI tee oft"n wmec diseasu' as ebtainei s fit-n hold the besf efforts of tihe greatesi piysi- ise are docini edodislearteniug failune. Rle iEever Caught Anythhing. I reineniber yeau-s age a sevecute-yesr ci cousin from tiec conntry unexpe.eiiy joining a family patrt-y le towut ni tea. lie lai brGugit hic portuoacteau, anti, likeon eufe Mn. imites' yeug mon antret lu London ho usake hiiifortune, liai cri- 1donstly II come te stay. " Il Gladt tesec yen, Jac-e," saitue o it- cas b ut ho uhat arc me inieltti ton tais condeat-ecuion ?" l Oh, suci a lark 1 Oti Doilihs (b(his iter) and bah ftho pepils at-e dots-e mti seaulet fevrn." Fliere was, a ireadf ni scnimmage Tie elden cihit-cit anatesiupthie youngeî- au- fled f rouit tiehe om. FThc hos tees claaped lien babe 'te ber breast sud glareti aithie litruder as thtouAl le laicomnuput-pescly to tiep-ivo ici- o! luer effipt-iutg. lDc yen Coutaeluere f nom 0,itonan ful et ecauictftes-en?" se gas ped. Don 't yo e -frl, neiabent me,"u rettonuci flat cîa i% 'u boy "I cover catcit But lie diii hat tflne.- -Lihefliel dSun. TH IO PURES.TSTROGOES 411,Bk- Contains no Alum, Amnmonia, Lime, Phosphates, or any Injuriant. -E. W. CILLETTr. oronto. Ont. HIONEST PILP FOR ÏMEN PAY NO MORE MONEY TO OUAGKS. A suffýeer fron Errors of youth, 1Çcrvotîý, 1Dbi]i1y snd Lost Vigor, was restared ta cahla su,la; remarkable amanuer, after alilelse lhad faied tat !h wiiI send the tarans of cure FREL t l,, lcwtf ferers. Address, with stainp, MR. EDWARD MARIN, (TreACitE) BOX 14C. cETniýOT, I5ICH. SAFE THE GREAT HBLOOD P U RIFIERp 1 e- BRISTOL'8 CURES ALL Taints of the Blood. ;9 CERTAIN A ND- "Tlie Ladies' Jollullal" A large 33-piage Iýlu3tratezI l ion DMontly,ý will be seni;te any address Lcents fore lctwe arra "The Ladies' Journal » It lse publictiJon that wvill interest eývery wvoman in tthe land. 'The reglilai- sulhuriptLion priec ofet "Tise Laudies' dournal 1,aed fioLzepapor l ap ycar. You getthetweato - jOortueîty ln caugit by tiche ok enoree aily tise -by the mail. l'Mo

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