Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1893, p. 5

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,&t nighit is alway§ a t rouble, and àt is often ai nt ljvlyunncessary .rry IDavk7l kV eptI i',tIthe house, A few drops ii this old remnedy ini a littie sweet-, *éWed water or milk, brigs prompt ,Îokf.: SOld everywliere. 11ave yon seeu tise New B39G BOTTLE OId Price 25 Cents. S pecial pectacle Notice. For tise conveniauce of cuae inu the country sud lu order te dernonstraltisah superiority cfOu glasseas ovar tise chea trash beiuig sold et extortionato prices by '-he pedîsus, wa bave decidad le pay month1y visite te the folio wing places muaking our firt vieil as fz)liews: Xowoestle aI Farucoomb Brcs., Juine Ollono at L. A. Gexmby's,8 Blaeokstook t Shaw & McClung's "14 Ignniskllen t F. Rogers"' -4"C15 We hold LAtlases diphomas frein tis TEIREE MOST NOTED-' OPTICA] COLLEGLS iunA ; 1 ne nasal kve al tis =est nmodern sciititie teste ,,for propanl; adjus-ting spectacles ond wagoa,-rauite -prfectstinaclion lu tisermos, comiplicet. .1ce. fisvlng mede s epecialty oc -'4y of tise eya for mnauy ycaas and ) ha&dCise benafit cf fu coursesOf e fi lise aboya colla9ges wo are !fNilling to refuind the130mcey lu any S efa efete givs etijra satiefac, o. Tisose whs4 have buiteete ous strangers sud pa euas sud giver lu MIIynexcisa,a 'r natsao p <[ý oocs with anl abund;tece t -Iomisîes whicis hava n aven beau realized -wilh appreite tise edvantages tise abov( raneneent wili give them. Pnices ILE lowsst. Gold goode a epa'c"isty. STOTT & àJRY, DRUGGISTS and OPTICIAN BOWMÂNV1LL,-ý', MAY 24, 1893. Local and Otherwise. God mave the Queen, Miss Brthe Sherin, Peterboro, spent Sunday t hlome. MnrE. W. WN. Down of 'Whitby spent Sunday at Mr. James Knlght's. Miss Birdie Pollard of Oshawa was' gue8t of Mise Etta JaeLorne Villa, fo few dayfs. 34L R. D. Fairbaira and Athur E.i M1oLaughin cf Toronto have been visit- Jxsg at thoir homnes here. MeI. Robt- Barsýett of Toronto, former- ly of Bowmnanville, is a paseenger on the SS. Parisian bound for England. Weat Durham Cn(onservatives will meet i Bowmsnville May 31 t.ý chooEe a enu- didato te conteit thîsï, Ridlit . for the Ont- ario Legýi3lature. Thaf mionster Cilla Lily with six fu blooü fiowers that stood bof ore the Meth- odi8t pulpit on, Suinday oný the Union Jaick belongs te, M"s. W. Trewin. Mr. JToseph W. Fickson, Grand RQg- A-nt of the Grand Council, Royal Arcs- mim, of the Province of Ontario, has ep.. poitted Pait Raýgent M. A. James of Bowmeanville Council, No. 968, a District D)eputy Granld Regent. Don't fegt Kirby'ýs new paint shop. Drop [n and gee him. Barb snd Aunesled Wire at~ R. Worth's hardware store, Bowmenville. Latest styles of picture moulding cheap t Dobson and Mayntrd's "Big 20. " The highest price psid for ail kinds of faimn produce by W. 11, Osborne. Styligh bats for gents at John J. Mas- on's Dry Goods and JwlyStore. -~Pure Indien Teaa iI4p týd direct, nt Itiudoch'a old stand . >'TRMUEIDOC,1, agent. A splendid lot of Embrideries juoît il' at the West End flouse. The pruces for taegoeare ow ~ ILsrs-A. lo of travelere teamplee velry hoc goods and at lea pC00. . e. Masýo's Ciothin, Store. Dr. Bnir' oldeni Pille are the mosi ,mcentific miedlicinal bloo purifier and merve tonie yetý oitfered th-e public. Gine tihen a trial snd L nvinced. Keep track of the nUtes. The venu best way te do so is te boy a gooâ reli- able Walthami or ElgDin wa-tch nt ebont haif regnljar p-ricses fromi T. N. ltickard, ~wethmaerjeweler audl opticien.I M1inard's Linimnent cures Dandnruff. Mise Vilati Farr'cn is vimting lier sistar Mve. Joues iu Toronto. Bowmauvilia court of ravilenu in Coun. cil Chamber May.,31 at l0 e. m., Miss Rose cf Nawceetial, liase been vis- iting haier satèn, Mue. B. Jone8se. Mv, W. Ruse, Bowmanville, negistarsd at tise Canadien Pavillon, World'e Fair, lest waek. 1Mn. Henry Mountjoy has bought' 50 acres cf tis a asate cf tise late Jas. Fielde, Csrtwright, for $1,085. Mr. Harry J. Kuigist, Bowmanvilie, and Mies Emily Lick, Parlinglon, cou- trîbule te tise concert pregran ai Brook- in te-day. Mr. Tises. Johseloft Whitby aset week ou a twe montise' trip te tise old couutry. Mr.Joisr.Fi will viil et Mr. Wm. E. Ok's, Osisaws, untîl lhan huebaud's velumn. Mr, W. R. Break of Tcronlo has ne- turnnd from teurng with hie famliy tisugli Europe sud the East. Tisey vie- ited Ilsly, Greece, Syrie sud assendadd thea Nue. Tise Royal Tamplane cf Tam perance in this lcwn wiil attend service in- the Metisodiet churcis next Sunday meoing. Thay wili meat et their hall et 10 'clork sud mareS lu a body te tise chorcis. Rev. Jos. Philp, tise pepuissi London pastor, bas ratuunad frein the tIoly Lend sud watt accordad saisarly "lweiconsa home" réception by hie congregatlen Friday uigist. Hie mauy Wast Durisa friands will ha pieasad le Se an cf hie safa arrivai home. Hie msny Bowmauvilie friande wi'hM re- gret te hase that Mary, aged 17 yeane, tise second daugiter cf Mr. James S. Potter, Seiers' Mieionsry, diad vevy euddeuly et 106 Elîbott St-, Toronto, on Suuday frem hearI failurie tise result of a savara attack cf pueumonîs. The N. Y. Sun sys green iz00ds meu have received $40,185 frein 110victime since Apnil 1,1 sud tise naines cf severai Canadiens are included. Tise Teroito World save John Maisie, Bowmenville, wssa vicîin te tise tune of $800. Thene is 150 sucS inuera, Se wever. Dr. H. A. Bruce, gold madaliet, sou of Stewart Bruce, Esq, Port Penny, nophew i cf Kre. Tises. Sharn, Bowînsnville, Sas a beau eppeisted surgeon of tise new C. P. PR. steamer Empres cf ludia, eailing be. Ytween Canada sud China. 'Wa cengratu- y laIe Dr. Bruce on ibis excellent appoint. 5s ment. M. A. James in agent for the foilowing 7 popular stesmehlp lines-Allen, Allen- 8 State, Dominion, Amorican (formanly tise inluman), Ancisor. sud Bambung American ,4Packet Ce. -Ail information about valet .5 sud silingseace be isad on application ai Le lise STATESMAN office, Bowmsnville, [L peneonaly on by ltter. ýe Citizeus whe weroe t tise Methodisi VY churcis on Sundsy menning sud board eG Mis Effa Gloven elug tisesole part of tise -1 beautîful anîhein se ex(ellently reudored f by tise choir are vary entisefeeic sud Ld ganeroos[ pi tn g hon vocal effort, ruauy umarkiug thiat tisey nover heaid re har siig se wl bof ors. ly Tise vsulte cf tise minieteri3l examinaý t ions cf Toonto Confenci-e howr th.is jeateasd have complotàd tha four yeau' course. W. 11. Moore pagsod in six isub- jacte of the third yeer sud J. J. Faug- uson, B. A., for six lunlise second year. Tise Coiborne Entarprise pnbliehed by Mv. ferry Gala, forrnsely cf tisa W. D. News pute lis question te tise News: For about fourtean y-auste iarer ocf Canada have bee atx6d t1,0 bonus aul build up manufectuuiug mouepohies. Why net reverse lis orden of things for s while, sud tax the manufacturer te psy bonuses te fermere i Suroiy tise man wiso valses wbest sud ptatoe sud live stock lei a greatan pu blic banefacton then tise maker of colton sud bavbad wira. Tise vafit facililies of tise J. C. Ayar C., cfLwil, Massi., ecasSIsthoa ta10placeý Tfhe Sparior Blood-puifer-Ayan'e Sar- sapeila-wil hin easy nesaois f tise poort invalid, Don't Se lndueed te lake e cisesp substote. Alwaye ramembar that the beat le the cheapeet. Tise cheicet familly greceries et W. H. Oaberneso. THu, STATESMÀÉta new subsozihare balance ef 18931 for 60e. About 800 voles of pnetty Wall Papers te Se eold frein4c. upwards aI Kirby's. Dr. Butier's Golden Pilisa ae the Ses .7amedy for inprovivg tise complexion, ns- maoving black beado-, pimpies, etc. Lace Curtaius in aiqueitiea-inewsund elaganl deiguis-anti ne botter val]ue euy- sisare. Couch, Johusbton & Crydaumaân. The pleasesteît, cbeapet, niotst aud meet effectuai cou4is mixture ln tise maretat dey ia "Magnus Expectorant". XVa are sisewicg a lovely azsrant cf Parasole beugist direct fuon tise manu- facturera sud evary Parasol impertad tiss easen. Ceuch, Johuston & Cryden- man. Il le wonderful tise ciseep Wall Papeus, aIe Wiud..w Shadeti, Enamuel, Mîxed Peinte, Glass sud Kalsomine t T. Shenin & Co's., tise old stand, eue door eanatof Reid's choc store. McCartby aod ail oIson satesman ueed walciseo. Se do many people lu Bow- mnauvîlle. T. N. Rickard, Variety Hall, lis e ene who can eoppiy yen et about haIt regniar prices. W. fi. Osborne Sas a vary excellant stock cf uaw family grocarias wiich ho is tselling as ciseep as tisa cseaest. fie has doue e nicu trede aresdy and invites tise people le oeil sund give humn a trial ordler. Tait & Ce are ati1 eat the old sâtand (op- Sposite tisa Market Square> sud ae nr uu- ing eut botter pisotos tissu aveu et popu- 1elr pices. Enlargemeuts matie frein any vcopy le any azs sund are guarvantaad t ,. le fada. Cali sud -Se tiemabout tisaI bt piture yen went aularg«eci. Thay wilil 1give yen etiifactlou. a A -PROMPTn Cuu-alee H - ing euffered ovar two yeare wltis constipef lion, sud tis ot ore net isevingliselpýed i me, I couchuded t) lry B B. B,,sud bu. t fore 1 nsed îoua ,botîlu I wae cureti. I cen aIerecommeud il for alisieadeoha. ETHL VD.1RAINES, LelkaView, 0Ont. Miuenrd's Liuimsent xralieves, Neîra Igla. Ch[Icfren Cry JOrP Mn. W, J. Mure, Bîoksuvas in town lhet weak. utaýaxo ),ný where te boy as meucisauts arc te sli.1 Mral-a ver iee.W Mn. J. B. Martyn has graatlY imiprov- ed tise eppeerance of Bouueall'a blo ck by haviug the woodwork paiuted.G Brook Lodge Ne 42, Sens cf Canadýa, sent a very nicely wordea ltter cf cou- dolance te Bro. J. T. Botteai, Walken- ý ton, vwhose wife racently died. t We congratulate Capt. a. J. SnelifroveR on aeauming sole proprietorsip (,f tise!l Cobourg World-oue cf or mosi inter-c esting sud valuable exohangeo.a Rev. R. A.- Bilkey pneached te tise9 Orono Sons cf England on Sondsy aftar-o noon. Some members of Lodga Wall-' ingtcu drove down sud auj 3yed tise hec-b pitality of Lodge Wolverhampton. Mr. .J. J. McLaren, Q. C., the eminant legal aulhority on lemperance quesqtion, sys ho a le eti8fied with tise stand taken by the Mewat Governmený on the prohib- ition qoestio, sud doas not eewiat more the temperance people cen aak. Joe Hase who worked bard for tha tamperauce cause iu thîs townl,bae hsd au-j other stroke cf paralysie et bis home lau Clarendon, N. Y. Lits onicaeinonGg arna Ie uneble te furnish the necoesarios of if e for hie wife and children sud friande are ssking for assistance. Thalateaegaet Walsh, notice o he demiseeaeppears in enothar coumu, waVIIIý t net only ene cf the hast kucwn, but ena3 cf tise hast woman in Cayeui towvnsisip.1 The Editer of lTRE STATESMÂNLu boarded in baer homo duîng the yean 18740 and cen lsstify to e bamny good andlic! IS'er- Iy qoalitias, sud shahl ever cserâih9a ne- spactful reremshauca of han. Tbe reenît of the examinations in magic et Trinity Univensity, Toronto, have pro. ved very eatiefecleny for tise studante cf thie vîciity. Mn. Ssngleton's four pujpileý barmouy, Miss Allie L. Dayali, Misej Patterson,' Mies B. Irwiri, Port Hope, sud Mises Nolie K. Willias, cfBomn ville, have distinguisised themnealves hy wboiniug honore sud hava rellected much credit ou thir giftad instructon. r Mn. sud Mrn. Chas. Ted, env wortby citizene, lef t on Friday monuicg by the feet expreos for Moiitreel 1wisence tbey sailed on Saburday on tisa quasui of the Allen Lina steamers-lise Parisien-foi Liverpool an route luo Peebiar, Scotlanid, wisare they wili ripand tise sommenir. Several citizene weve et tise dapot te see thoa off sud to wieis ubesc a pleasant viit te tise ']and cf the iseatb,,r" sud a safe ntorn. bMn. lHerbant Ellsworth of 1HemiiLon, fermariy of Newcastle, bes purcehited tht, nîgist te publieh a uew stylo cf riiw-ay tins-table thneugisout Ontario, sud ho b ltende te vri-it ail tisa leading places lu tise Prcvince sud sa!li tise ight or make arrangements for tise publication of tisa sae. Mr. N. J. Pera, Gen. Patte. .dAgent cf tise C. T. R. sys: ."I qui taeap. Sprove cf Il sud hope i wil cone jte geal use." 11ev. T. W. Jollifla preelcod e veny stittable ai ohtnrsni,;o srmon 0on ciucs ne onusam-and of Bic (. 'Wum. Tnewin. Tise taxt chosan watt: What le IbY ceotIny sud cf whet poople art thou l-(Jouah 1: 8, sud lise discourse watt iighly appraoisledI by tise large con- gueatien tisaI Seard Il. Aflan neturuiug te thse lodge rees briaf spascis eore made by Bras. Battan aud Jackson of Onono, J. Clatworthy cf Hauspîcuj, Lin- coin HunIer cf Toronto and othars aud laJ vary hearty vota of tisauke watt unani- moushy paseed te 11ev. Mr. Jolliffe for hie excellent sermon, t -tise chsoir for their efficient services cf song sud 10 Bre. Tvewiu for acceptable service3 as saraisal - TeUsîsSTS, Wisolher on piesurs Sent or business, sisould taise ou evary trip a! botlehoof Syrup ef Fige, sas lb acte iogti pleasaubiy sud effetually oulIise klduey,! liver sud boels, pnovenàtingý, fevers,head-! acises snd other forme etofelokues3. For ý suie lu 75c.bofles by ail leadiung dnuggistp. Alil colons of Lpepaued Paint et R. Worti', Bowmenvila. Large atsorîment cf flreworks for 241lh of May et thse Big 20. Don't forget that the "Big 20" le stili giving Sargalue lai American and Canad tan Wall Pap,-r. Lovely Englisis wooi Carpete j uet open- ad out et CouchJoisusleu &Crdrnu. Ladies, oelilsud sou Conuor a Impnov. ed Waser en Royal Dominion Wrnig- ar-tise Seat rade-at W.,H.Oýbrnü'o naw gi'ecory. WVa show tise fineel stock cf Union.- weel Tapeîry and BrossaIs Cerpets hold1 by env housa in West Durisam. Concis, Jehnetrn & Cryderman. We are baîng told avery aine8tevery day tisat our Boy' Suite arei away eisaad ef alil cmpalittns. Tny T. Geo. Mýaaonl'a for ready-to-woan ciothiug. Do yen wsut a uew suit or epring over- ceet ?. If you do, remember tisI oan' cutter le tise berat, sud staff of tailorsý the largeet sud beet aquippad lu tise seeieuý Try tisei. Speci&n PuuosîÂs.-Paut of Sruard- on'e wisoeaie bauknupt stock ef Bootsî and Shoes bougist aI e rate ou tisa $ for la low net oasis pnîce. Seo tiss gootis et Maon's. Mn. W. Jannug i el in chare, Do yen wïant a suit that will bce sure le suit yen, theýn leave your ouder et Concis, Jolhneten & C ydîerman'e. Thay do itse lîàngeet asud b.~- odud ll irade lu liiecolouty. Tny tison fou OeSsuit sud you wili gc back feor the ne-t. FcU SEVEIIECc s-Gnlmn- isad a aaevara cld, for li isIteck Dz, Wood'e N-ýovwey PiaSyvup. 1IOud it au exý,cellenit rasedy, giving prempt uahi;ef sudj pleasalntteak. J YNE, Huntsvîie, out. blood jpore, tise eStomacis in good wovk-ing" oudar, and tis enotire systesi froa fross mlorbld affle mclalter by using Bnrdqek Bloti itais whahcleauttos, EtLrenetsens sud tbleestha whoeesystanl. coc câunot atteok lise heshtiy. Pitcer',sCator A Remecly. Pucpsrad epeciaily for tise axpe,2ted in- vasion cf Asiello ChoIera. After having boeau lisroughly lested sud ils vivîna sund powëv proveti is slow being placed in tisa isandes of the druggiats. Aek fer 'Vite Chotera Syîtp." Ris mtsny fiends wil rejeica lo e Se thel Mn. Jas. McLaau wiso kas beau veuy iii witis pneumonie is oins Setter. Wsliseautily welcouia back te Bowman- vie Mu. sud Mme. B. Bittalu sud family of Marahalltown, le., who wiih ne- s ide lu tise Buodis resîdence, Kiug St. E. MnT. S. W. Saudars wiso Sas been go miauy ysaa nivaiidad by risauatIin sur- prisad tise Large cougregaticu lu tise Mthodisf cisuncis Sunday rmen,ng Sy weling lu on crulcisas unaideal. While Mn. W. Peinten watt ioadiug semae empty boxes in Mvr. John Mo- Muartuy'e yard Mondfay sveuiug the home becamfe frigiteued and van away. Mr. Painton jumped frei this nig udiu se deoing feu onmi is face Cttiug Sic nette and hpý_ se at le necassiatu fivO etoisIes beinag inete.No iasege ,owas doue rw tisarig. "110ow TIrRE ALILR SKN ISEISESe" Sîmplýy epply ".SWÂnA'iiýS ONM No internuai el iereuvt.Cures tallerî, ecma, ilci, al empilons-ou tise fac,,Sande, noýse, etc., lee-ving tisa kin clirwit,) sud Saaîthy.Its great heal- ioig sud curativý e poes are psesdby ne other reed.Ask myur drugieb foi SWAYNES OINTMENT,. Mr. illiam W'îl/iliamse2 -iof Torontýo 1d Idien flead, N. W. T., who watt in- er.-ed at Bowmlauville on Ifcîday lest wae3 ,voIl and favorably knowu in many parts ) Canada. Bora in Duinfriesb, Scotland, early 73 yeare ago, ho eerly remeoved te ilasgow tu folle w hie trade of builder. 'r*iends have ef ton heard him tell of is )rt nigh1t epaut in that city. The police àtthose d&ye nepeated the hour ot uight, 1ea old famiiliar cal!, "Tan o'clock, and i'e welI." It watt a bright mocnilight iglst: the youug Duinfrias-shire lad cold net sleep; al, was new and exciting %nd fuî] of intereet te the carpariter lbs- inning life for isimself. Even in ths s envl days the leborers along the wharves were chiefly xirih, end to-day they num- ber upwards of oue hundra-d thousand iu GIaagowj alonle. Wbile Sootoismen have nraeedthse world as leaders the Celtic- liesl have remained growlars and laborere teo matter wbethar sn Ineland, Scotbaud r aestwbere. Young Williamson sat by the window nlar Broomielaw Bridge and istenad. The heurs paqsad. Ficaliy thse lioch tolled elaven. Far duwn thse river he eal begani "Elaen o'clock an' ýa'r3 Weil." This watt repeated fnm officer to officer untilNo 4 took ib up. There ws omething ,startling in bie -opening notes ývhich ttractedl attention. They wea ouden snd more delibarate than othere, ELEVEN O'CLoCK-An Is-ishman drouned in the Cf yde, iN' Â's wEELI" Tisey were eakon up sud each remainiug patrol re- peeted the worde long since malter cf iitoric humer. Mr. Williamson after .vorking lun Glasgow, Scotland, sud, New- aile, Engiand, came to Canada, wisere ser married s Miss Leaveus, wisose fsmily was amiong the oldest a!ong the frêntier frcom Bowmanville te, Pickering,. For s tdme Mvr. Williameon fol'owed farming, but retjrcç ti Buwmsanvile wisare withl Mrn. Camieren L. Munson ha entered int building sdcoratu. Meny of tise abat uhanilbuildings snd piere elong tse lalke 8hore towss are thse reanit of thtir ekili, Whent the North West watt opened iip Mr. Wiiliamsenra rmoved th1 '1ithr, sud wiîh McKay, Miller and au- othar Pickerinc faim-1r fisrmad the since famoiýue Mca Farm" Company. For many yaare however, helles bEen inde- peudeoit. Hýie sn Etijeinediim sud t(3gý,etis iy farm about'00e îhcuesnd_ Seight hni dred acres. lt will be nemiein- herod tiset tbree yeere ago Mn. Wiliiam-i soui's famous six hutndred ci e whaat field watt the marval cf tlie wor:l Mis Wilsmon iedm~ay yareago lavitig four sens aud foui daulghters. Mr. Bruce Wîvllismsent, until recently oeeof Port Ulope's hast c*it*zenei, but uow retired in Calîfoînis, isnarntad Miss Soper cf Port Iopl El, lise second Bon, manages tise 1 ïrumo et Indfien Head, sud as yet Sas not yïoilded le Cupid's derts. Hiram, woll1- kuown in Durri an sd Victoria je siso "esident lu Califoruis. IHe married Mis atelSi oper, tise accom-piheed sistar 0cf nis brother'.s wife,aiid oua oft Port llopa's 'uest young ladliee. A fourtis son Gos as beoatan ivaid since infaucy. Thse idatughtsýrs are ail cleveu suid acmlsd jue ies arriad to Mr. M1ckenzie cf Fow. 7arville, N. Y., one cf tise ba ~X~ (.~auseoVaUy.T' _asde ~ in L)rouo wi 1 Àae bcee dvo'ed to thea cira of their isvaýlid brothier. Tisey have ever beu foremc.st in philanthropie sud eharitab1e iwork. Tisey are ies Marion, _Miss Barbarei, and Mise i[lattie. EicS winiter thse fathen rùtnrned te Toronto, going ('Norths West esci spriug. This lest winiter lie dattirfrom affects of le grippe and nover nellied Hies eIster. Mre. Munsie, isouisa keoper for Rev.,Mn. Mc. Kay 'of Parkdale,hesjdes mauy old friands Hennry O'Hara, W. J. McMurtry, Sain flradehaw, W. G. Parry, Major Scott, of JToronto, besides many friands froin Bow. mernaville, Lindsay, Whitby sud Picker. ,i,,, showed their great regard for theiz old friand ina hie closing heurtt. Tise fuineral on Fridsy bat te Union Station Torounto wves largelv a:tteuded. Thse fz.uily are membens of Rav. G. M. , Milligan'e St. Audrew's churcis. At Bow. ,1manvilla 11ev, Mr. Bannes conducted the 5iservice. Tho beaners ware old early dsj 1!comurades. H. W. Bunk, ex-M. P., Jobs . M4cMontry, Peter Murdcch,Hector Beitis, CmonL, Munson and Malcolm Md.' 1Tevisls lis property is veny extenaive suad valuable, aud hie family are lefi -;wealtby. cindecd, tisey poýssestise thrif i adenevgy cf the faliser, foir BrucE thlaso le aldest son, sîîl aR Young !mins, jeiudnependently weaItisy througl hie own ai xerticue, sud freely presentei hie share of tise f.ither'seasate te hiE sistere %,vhise lives have been eacuiiced jr .1the cane o! thair iuvalid brother. 'Scot .1land bas furuiiseod te C»nada many E noble citizen. Higis on the roll<of eue, .will stand lise usme, of William William son, tise Dumnfries lad-Liidsay Warder Lawn Mowers. 1 thank my customers for past favora and solicit your patronage for the future. In doing se I can give numerous testi- monials from our citizons in the satisfac- tion I have given themi in sharpening aud repairing their Mowers. So witb these merits I ask most, regpectfully for a con-, tinuenco of parnage. Mowera called for and returneduîh disýpatch. W.fil.WLI , We8t End Smlithi, Ktng S. StrAwberry plants, the bstvalietie-1, for sale by G. D. Fletcher, Bowmanville. To Cure Kidney Complaint, you must treat the Liver. Mrembrays Kidney and Liver Cure sots direct on the Kidneysi, comblned with aUtratment for the Liver. Try it, one- bottie wili1 cenvince you. Notices or Hirths, 25 cents; NKarrlages. 50 cents, Jteaths, 5o centS c aeh insertion -but FICEI OF CHARGE, wheu thse raierai cartis are sprInted at this ofie B IRT NS. Ws'rUE!RmaB Tu Bownianvilie, MaY 17. the wife or Richard Witheridge, of a son. VIVIA-,N-At Taunton, May Il!, the wifeo o Wnm. ViVîflanof!Va son. CoA-nClarke. (3rd con.) 14ay 5th, the vife of MIr. Wrn. Cowan. of a son. MIARRIED. NO-RNCAD--Atthei resîdence of Mr. Richard AMorten. Jr., brothier.in.-law or the 1N" Me 17 bv ]>,v. A. Carswp," ~ .or1efmanvers. DIED. WAiss-I1n Cavan, May 13, M1areairet 110w. aen, refle(t o!rtiolato Wm. Waish, sged ýi76 Yeua so nt of mrt,. chas.Wlot BvEss-In Cavan, May 11,Su8an Byer s, wifo et W\m. Byers, aged 79 years. LE0GoTTi-AÂt Brooklil, Ontario, Msay 1 5,aged 36 years, Louisa Chaste, beloved vire o! Rer. T. W. Leg gott. !ormeriy o! Bowmanville, PERcy-Ia Blowmanviilis, May 19. John Percy, sr., ln hie 71t year. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS' Crrected by . .Mur~tstry, every Tasssdey FLoUR, VI 100 Ibo..... $1 60 tor 21,30 WnpEÂT, Faîl, VIbush ...0 0 fi067 Russia», e.....0 0 ti O65 n Fife, t 0...O iOU 'O 70 n Goorie, il.... O00 lO057 fi Coloradofi ....O0 0 iO062 Rnu, il -..... 000il 0 50 l0ÂT8, fi..... . 000 f 0 33 BÀE-LEy, f bush, No. 1.. . . O0 0 fiO042 fi fi fi2x.. 0 00 f 0 37 fi f fi2. 0OW fi0 30 n'f 3..0 00 0 25 n Two-rowed O 30 ,0O30 Buckwheat V' bush..... O0 00 0, O42 PEÂs, Blackeye, e bush.. . O 68 ri O 70 0 m ..O 03 O 60 t'Smll ' ..0 00 ,0 55 fi Blue, " .0 O50 le O 80 BrMEI, beet table, e lb ... 0 00 fi O 141 CRIOKEN, V Ilb..........60 Oi 010 EGGs, 'doz ...........0 00 fi 0 10 POrrÂTOus, Pbufh .......O0 0 iO050 RAÂY Pton ..... ........*6 00 fi 700 uIE(COLN ITE. BARRSTER, SOLCONTA9 Ont. Office ever Davis' noot store Rýing Sti Accounts coilected, E8tatea ange. 7 Sm AGOOD SERV. L GIRL 8t.. Bowmanvillie. 1-tf G IRL WANTED for ganerel bouse work lu smail family. Apply te M. A. JAMES, STATESMAN office. BOWManVila. 18-tf BOOTFOU D.- ldyabutton boot Bowmsnvli. The ewnar cen have saine by spplying at THE STATESMAN ofiRce. 20-tf LAN ETLUST OnSaturday last blanket. The findar wili confer a favor by ieaving it at S. J. IIÂaa'e, Bewmnauvflle. 19-tf. TAMBS WANTED.-Any number of -À Spring Lambs wantad for whichi the bighest prie will fie paid by HUME &WasGaR1T the People's Butchers, Bowmsnvilie. (ALVES WANTED.-Tan Calves e 'Jwaek wmantad for next four mouibe boy HUME & WRIGHT. thse Peeple'S Butch0re9, Bew ms vilie 5-t! STOCK FOR SAE-Thoro-bred large Yorkshîre white P'ige bred fremimporied stock. Parties wis-ning te obtain yeung Sowe3 or Bears for stock porposes xili do weli 10 ap- TO.EnnsRklekiien6-"w B OAR AND BULL FOIR SERV ICE. J,-One imrproved Yorkshire White fleer frem impilorteid stckasud oee Durhama Bull (Deairymian) is proved t tobe a Rgoc 1Dairymian' is regardsd as thse best young Bul evrcteda, 1Rcpeeaudvaie stock- faim adisdaire Viola isa aver-ysuprir mliià sii btter co'W. JOHN 1STýî'ÛN,) Enieule if you wish a really good a.nd veliable Watch eall and sea those, Waltham and 'Ein Watches being sold away (Iowa in pvioe and fully guavanteed by TpN.RIOKARU, Watcis mah-er, Jeweller andi Opticien, Variety HaIl Notice to Oreditors, and Lien Ilolders. Pursuan1t te a1 jndgnient eorisa Chancory Division o! tisa 1-tgis Court cf Justic lu is e malter oethie Estate etfise late Leýonard Tordiff vsherain William Tordilff e lant aud. Lýouisa Tordiff. William Tordiff, Jr., Fred eick Tord iii, Mau'y Ellan Parr. Haunah Jane Bartlay,Albert Edward Tordif au infant undar îwenty coua yeasofet e, and. Elizabeth TordItl. a lunatie hi' John Hloakin Gua&rdisu Ad litem. a'e dafaudauts., the Creditore o! Leenerd Tordf' lataet the Towsip cf Dayr. lîngton l is e Ceuuty o! Dtiham.Yeoinau., decesead who dîed ou ou about tise 29th day of iNovemben A, D. 1891, ara on or betor tise 29,'h da-y ot May A. D. 1893. tue rend hy poat Vpuap"aid te J. F. Griergon. e. elctrOeiss.wi,their Chritisu sud suvumesedreass.doniption, lise fuît particule rvs c0f iheir da.a t,àstate- meutntiain raccouaIs suad lise nature cf tise ecourjtias, ifr auy. held by theûiný or, lu default tiharsot. tisey wili Lne paeiptonily sxcludecl tuolnstise beniefil o! tisa said judginent. Elach holding a ny scecrity is te produce 'ro me ai m)y 'Chamrs.Victoria ~~lday of! Msy, 1893, et ~5fi UOOU011. hong the, tise ap- 10ococr Lu tis ,,t lt pointed fer adiX uîdcallou intisa And cvary creditor who has arýeeifeo gnaliîeor inoeurtbraçlcoes alisen on tise rosi aste etI by tiese eid Leena.rd Tordiffaitishe lima cf hie deatis, or on euy lnudîvýidedaite or intaresit thercin. oft any or tisa aboyae insu.. tiouad partieseorune! uy other party untitled tiserato. 1,3 te produca before me ou or bafoue tisa said 501hl day et May, 183 ext full par. ticuinrs o! avery sucis lieu sud isucum-brances, tugather wils a satîsfsctery avldanca o!fise amounu due tisereon or in detauli tisevotf ho. aseor lhay will receivo ne banefil freintise procede o! any sala on salas ofthtie reel asIate or any part theruot. and tisa proceedinige lu this action will ba csrried ou withont further regard teutisa existence et' sny sucis lieu or incumbrauca. sud wiiisut fartisan notice toe holder tisereof. Datad thie 131h day o! May, 1393. J. F. GREsmasoN,- J. H. DuMEt1LE. Plaiutiff's Soliiiton. Local mater, LAKE ONTARIO STEAMBOAVI 00V STEAMER NORTH KING NeFAST AND ELECTRIC1- -LiOHTEn- Daily for Rochester. On aud lafter 1Monday. May lst wiil leave Cobourg at 8.00 a-.n .. Port Hlople t 9 .45 a.,.'- On arrivai eft(IG. T. R. Trains, Arrives ut Char- lotte nt 2.30 p.m. Returniug. !eevre Chariotte nt 11.15 p.m,; excepiTueL"Sday at 9.45 aand Satircla at 4.15 p,m.. arriving at Port Hiope au 6.30 a.n., (Satunrdayeat9OOOp.m. Wi11 cai ai Coiborneùon Wadeday aud Yriday at 4.00 a.ml.,and Brigs.' ton ou Monday and Wednes;day au -2.00 asm. Ask yonr 'local agent for Th'IroingqlTeketq 1,a an fpint on N. Y. C_. Penni. R. C ., Lhiit Vslly. Wst horp. W, W. & O ., U1 L. & W., B. R.& P., W. N. Y. & P., aud Have ftaggage Checket Threugli. C.F. GILDERSLEEVE. Gen. Manager, C. H. NICHO0LSON.ý Kingston. Gon. PasA. Agt,. J. il. H. JURY, Port Hope. Ticket Agent, Bowmsnviiie. Miss Shaw is clearing out ail Winter StloCk of Hats, Wings,, etc., at cost and ma.ny things far below cost. A. nîce lot of new Veil- ings just recelved. Netdoor oast of P. 0., Bowm,,auville T O E T- For faim et yeî TDisu "-300 acres, 2 miles fretr gottd bilidinige and soli. Admiirabli or dairy. Chance for going extenp Tcroute milk bustiness orîstoccm r maîlosua mearkc leu wii ca .&esd apply' J, Ht,1Dow,Whtv i business life je largeiy de. pendent upon beiug properly trained in commercial usages. A thor- ough course in practice %)9su,,bj ebtsunder experienced office-n I will put anbitibous young men and women iii possession of information that bas -aredy demnand ini the commercial worldl. Elegant iliustrat- cd circulai mailed to auadres.AoppIV SPENCER & M,ïcCUL.LOUGQH PRINO, IP.AS, Hlamilton Business Coflege, 34, '(1, 38, 40 James St., South, TIamilton, Ont. Onythe Scaîs Romfains "ýAmong the muaoy testimonials whieh I see in regard te certain medicines perforrn- Ing cures, cleansing the biood, etc.," writes 111<Y UD5Oer, of the James Smith WooIen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, l'a., "11oe, Impress me more than my o-wncase. Twenty years ajgo, at the age of 18 years, 1 had swellings corne on mny legs, whiîel broke and [-ecame running sores. COu rfamilyphî sician couid do mie lie good, and il vas à 0 feared tiîat tue ,bouies wouidbeaaffected. At iast, My good 01(1 mother urged me to trY AYer's *Sarsaparilîa. I took three 1hotties, the sores healed, and 1 have not been troubied since. Only the scars remain, and the mernory of the past, te remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparilia has done me., 1 1oW weigli two litndred and twenty pounds, and arn 10tlhe est etheaith. I have heen onthe road for the past tweive years, have n oticed Ayer's Sarsaparilia advertised inail parts of the United States, and aiways take'pleas- ure 10 teiiingwhat good lt dUi for me." For the cure ot ail diseases ortginating in Impure biood, the best remedy is AYERIS Sarsaparilla 1'repared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Loweil, Mass. Cures others,wiII cure you

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