This1Ilnkis preparodt o do Legiti- Mate Baing in ail ifs bransches. 1Farmer's notes discounafet; Doposifs receivet anti Interesf paiti on accounts of $5 and upseards in Saeinge Bank Departinent. h îîredi and Coilect-ions m made in Enropo W. J. 70 ONEP'iS ge 2 nc. n~ec 'IftIn lia'Iee Baîuk ])epart ment sud en cail and mtere6ailowed 1aiotirrent rates Ni otlc Otithrawa neesry.&lideposima E mîmstad sotd and hratalssaeduponEnrop< Unlted!3ltrii2sand Canada,aiso old,sîlverand uied dta.ea Green backsbouelit andi sold. tCOLL ECTIONS Prslmusjly Imade at carrent riteâ oisn aail pui of Oroat Britîsîn. the Usitedi States aunaîlse Do rs-timulaOfCanada, Madc, for iarga or simait 'itm-, omsail part ef Canada. -Thiis is -peciaily adi-amt -geoes te persoas ivýing in Misileba or rhu-Norfisseest, Iiaî laes fcfund avaailable at otnce at the plae of paýy Mont. Ofcrarnticuiars cailS afflie hauts. E. L. YOtnTT, EO. McGthh, Aicuntant. Manage~ ORONOi- ONT Clsby -ï- apaor telephone recei veaiii nulle atn.n Mvar. OXEX lk MeMIJRTPRY bave purchasedth ie Cotunty ef D risau for fthe best Wire Foeeina ris Country. Itiii troar, easily hantileti anti oruamemîfel. Lu wiii nol bc inju-et by snow, heat, colt or winds. It wili luru florzes, Cattle, Sheep, ilogs, Dogs aud Ponltry. I is a n 3t mork w iflont barb3, anît wîlI not in- jure stock in any uvsy. Il me mnuctatreng- or anti more dur-able Iban anýy bairb fanc- ýnbeiag cloce seeven. Force put up anti Farm anti Township, r; Shs for sale. Apply at CENTRAÂL LivE- rtv, Bowînnvihle. W. P. LIUtH, C.arke P. 0., haviiug boughCIst lae ossiup, iepepart 10t ptHEO 'BSuRpL Des-i tCe isoti oftise asuscal truutssit of dearîs an it. 1 knJ ~i tli tise strltg. i as,'Isu, mseuinIt ichu lue btst kîss ew - Ivto ii t niere ci-e stîls o usc ti i0 Sys IlCl i evoloti troi il sCuis svhicil wsîr, for Iaî atmui iaI suîeu le-l- King bsau's cdiverions antdiie iic admnî i re-s,anuit von lutar if as vnps-ri But, Touu eay, tise lrtsmrnmle lusintîj c iso or týise dàaîcu-iahuthietvi i,-s ,,tr ni sl ut P ,vas a tailisme. Vlis- ses il a f111u t orcftiche det begsini liteOleBaus lai ýnucit t taees tcxiiAugusîns Topuoti, nu it selsole q tajxf I ah p f Ira výýl t ,j; ;l lt -ay,-l xiil,ai d li w ldon' tecn r iupe at ivet. !-s tatattsrunltscjscu frjhr» ies s, , satîpas w~~~~~~~~~~~ ii oiîîu osct îaîî ct-il 'rC~ttcs l îa iU!-host issu-k e - , ilef for Itle. re sitesa it yon u set n.ets tsdeu. jslu fcuuua st bu ieî, sc teiut s efbln o- itTTT~T~ was flot tlse rauiu oi naviuns presýcr1P_ 1javeîn f Iung frolin organ of t or froin ad- _______AND_________ tion, but flie fault of Sauls obstinacy. jimL1119 (4 Ile snpersensitive. Sanl's David, one of the wisest and best o'f ail javeli inse at David~s barp. Thou- MUSIC A MEDICINE FOR PHYSICAL ages, standls hefore us in the text adînjin- an_ sof tprop;ie so atrait ie VMay net AND MNTAL ISORDRS. îtering music for nervous disordeK aiLsIngsiethclvtiey wiii fot sing at -tgw h suchl ow tone that 110 cerebrâl cLsturbance. Anti David w;vas one eartt-n. In mnauy a churcb the right. Mu le is the m'altiesit force in" sin arsis It.î javelin at Elevatiiig, God- ail tberapeutics. Its resuifs may fot1bejaveii la of citicisai lias cîtpttied the liaip Given 31si-aa and Sda School seen as sadtieniy as other forms of ueo sip. f11101 1ýsatancul t silenceai usie-atan uuay but il is jnst as woinderful. Youi wiîlthi Sndythol-n nt h hî Sougs-Dr. Talxinage's Sernion ilnover knowlhow inucli sufferIing ai so- f Orstanwrship lie wouid gain ]lis row imtsie lbas assua-eti anid h-aed rots alivepi hen lihemilieu- Bentfa )lcers.soîlier la the LUniteti States arnîy saii nii -ng s!ial1rise Iant ifilis beingnade BRooîsLYN,, May 14.-In lils sermion that on the tiays thle reginieutal ba ti lîe 11, -e ~ili1 be sc a roi] of voice, fuiis foi (-icon -in tlie Brookly n Taberna- playeti near file liospitals ail tlie siel, aud s a conceatereti powxer cfstlgeIai cie, 1ev. Dr. Talimage brouglht la a novel woifndetl reviveti and nien wx ho were ;o Winti inistrumilents, sucl imajesty, sucjh andt practical coninnection rhouglits si-g- laine they couldti lo xalti before, got up u3ni"it,'nc continental ant i siîis- gested by a texf pertîap- t ilever i)ef ore anti xxeutont anti sat iu tie sunshine,and phric a t netary acclamation, that choscu. Tueop'mng liviimu. lotibv those 50 dispiriteti thaft àiey never epet-i ihibe in)ipossibie' f0 kuo-%w werceairthi organ anti cornet, anti joinet iniii ' thcu- et to ger home b _ýgan te pack their bg stpani heaven begins. Roll on, roll santis ot N olces, w as gage and ask about ime-tables3 on st eamu-- in1roi1u,tilion nilleaniai harmionyf boat ad rai trai. Theoosins rhe l )amy snbject arejected oppor- Y, citiSins, itoi aith sacîed joy. Emiperor, wrathfuniaI the beliavior of' tt1iiity(of revenge. Why titi not Daviti Tise subjeot antoinuiceti was: "Harp the people of Antiocli, wiso on soîne sud- piu Saul's javelit and liniri if back anti Javeliii," tise text being 1. Saniuel tien provocation tore tiown the statues I),aain David had al skifui aria, Ha 18 cîsapter, lOtis and îtîs verses: :.xnd Emperor anti Empress, resolvet eeeydao~îaed ton alofiier occasion ho Daviti playeti witiî iis harp as a othser te pnnisli lioni, but the Bisiiop knowing ouli ield a sling, andt lie coulti have limes, andt ]ei-e vas a jas mla Sin -iui's Ihat tise Emperor liad a group of boy s esl pioketi np that javelin, airnedtil at iiand. Anti Saul cast tise javetin; f orsing to himi while eatilig at fic ale Saul, the would-be assassin, anti left the hie sait,1 i. lxii smite Davidi ven t0ftise tauglît the boys a plaintive song lai foauslingÏ andti csentedimonster as lifeless waii w itt ifi. Anti Davidi avoideti out of whucb the people lansentcd tuieir bati be- 1 ndelr the javelin as lie lsad lcft Goliath biq presenc( txice.'lisavior, andI the king untier the pathos of 1under a slinig. Oh, Daviti, Dow is your Vhat a spectacle for ail ages! Saul, tise music, cried ont; '-The City (-f Cllhce. No, no. Mnantiwonsen wih a giaut, aist David, a dwxart. AÀ fn-~ Antioch is forgiven." The rage of p ntr f ongue, or pen, or hand. to 1fortrînafe w-ai bahiati hati heen coinposed Achilles was assuaged by a harp. As-i rely f0 toau cîbitfered antagonist. botter andsnn euogiingDaîtiaboe Sul.clpiaties sxavet rebellous multitudes by 1 iilate David, and let tise javelin lie at Tha sog treýv,,ati ino aparxy a i larp. Afler the battle of Yorlto-wni, jYour feet and -keep thie sarp in your of rage, xx-lich broffght on one of îisL oltiI yhen a inusician was to sufer amputa- bad Do not strike back. Do flotpa 1 sels f nsait, o hih le adbention, andi before the days of anoS tbýesiegm of lit-for-fat. Gibbon, in Isis spolis o f niso licdisoeliti be tise vountietiarrisl calleti for a musical biatfells of Bajazet, the great Moslem physica ailiment, and-hle -gels reai instumnt, and lost nol a note during , cera1 who w-as brouglit a captive fo ma(] iùis vry pt t brng o on the f ory minutes of amputation. thlýýent of Tinar. He had attempteti of is, là is very a ut0 binga on 9n Filippo Palma, tisegreaf musician, oni- thle massacre of Tiraur and biis msen, fna ais oliartacs Saulis a rng fil!froutetil by an angry credifor, playeti so Tinur sait toIins:' 'ilad, you van- false propbc-rs or sibyls, who kicked enclsanting-ly before hiia thaf the creditor quiishedý us, 1 ain nol gnrntojteeae anti gesticalatet ildiîly wîsen tîsey pre- torgave tise tebt anti gave tIse tebtor ten vic oit reserveti for myself anti my fenticd f0 be foreteiling events. Wlsaf- 1guineas morte to appease other cretiltors. f roopjs, bull distiain f0 relaliate, Yonr ever flic plîysicians of tise royal staff may; An eminent pisysician of olden fimiecn liïe ani ho,-nor are secure, anti I shalL have prescribeti for flise disortiereti king, lendeti (of cour-se, carrying our fheory exp)reýss m)y gratituide, b Goti by nsy 1 k1 nw nt, ut avi prscrbei muic toci far) Iliatail aliments of the worli clemlency' to n'ianý." Beaulifti! Revence Havîug keycti up the harp. luis fiîsgers c- - rbdh -- b malmanti.more dama n forthaneue - ca 0 ulfuersfm1rn u jourîsals nover report teir recoveî tes hy adP, e amge oteon brgafeti s ltheg. ,Trhys!thmirm! the-this mode, But la wiîat lwilight lholri who enspioys il , than the oae against No use. The king wilî nof isten t0etise, bas maay a saint of Goti solaceti a hieati- ,honaiscii eployeti. Wisat h A jase- exqnisire cadences. He lets fiy a acne wita. a hynu hummeti or sung or Ilin hurieti aI you anti failen aI our feet, javelin, expecting 10 pus hie1 minstrel te playeti. Jerome of Prague sang white antiyounot hurt if iack again? Ycs, the all butDavd dogedthe eap n urniag at the- stake. Over w-iat keys I1hve riedt he plan. I learuced if fromi anti kept on, for hie was confident filaito piano or organ consolation lias -auç- r-Y ftseanti have practiceti if ail îny ho coult, as before. subtino Saul's bati cd. Yea, in cburch one Isymu lias roletiieai il works wcli, anti by tise hîelp spirit by music. Again flie javelin is peace over a tîsousanti of the worrie 'i Of Gti anti javelins flot picketi Up, 1 flung anti Davidi rociges if anti teparfs. perpiexei anti agonizeti. Whie ee ha Ve conqucireti ail my focs, anti pîeach- Roer aiisisaare hymns andti unes meatiy for tisc.1elîfil iea ecdsi ooro oto Whîat a courrast!Rosuneal srmonvin onorof asf o fiarp anti coraget Sautl witîi a javelin. jbilant, tiscre is a ricli hyîsînology forteah ctfin o asd vt Who onh notrater pay he oe fiantlisesuffering-' Naomi" anti Eventituiejav- ,in isurlet iat yon is f0olet if lie wiîere flig te oher? Bt fnitwasnottheant i "utuinsu Leavos." and -Coule Ye if tro)ppeti, or lsaug it up in your imu- oniv rimie in the worid's hissory that fle ic consolafe-," anti sciole porîfolios antisentiisas a curiosity. TIse deepesf ivounu harp andt ie.javelin mset. Xhere fîseir librettos of tears set to music. Ai the 1iade by 1)' a javelsa is flot by flic sharp birfii-places was, I cannor cicclare. ît i wouderfui triumpbs of surgery anti iletiebuit:,aI tise du11enti offlic handie saidtha thelyr wa firt sggosed lIste new nmodes of succcssf ni treat- t10 mi jwhliewicids if. I leave ilf10 o u sai thf tselyr ses frc sngesetibyment of pîsysicai anti uentai tisorters te sa whicis gof the best of thaf figbt in flic tiglft Irawviig of flic siniess of'ard3 toi-toise ncross irs sheil, andt lt the finfe aie discusseti in ueical conventions t',e paaceSaul or David. was first snggesf cd by blosvngo alie doo sprcad absoati in msedîcai Sec iso in my sulbject tlie unreason- wint acrss a bc of rcian uIt'leboks, anti if is bighs limie filai abie altitude of javelin fowarti hsrp. riati cfmsial inofresadwa firt stgesome of flic millions of souis tisat'isave Wstbtthaf harp un Davidis hanti1 rato f uscalineral wa frs s'-becîs metileateti by msusic, vocal anti in- tto 0 ficjaveli n lu Saui's hant. Hati gestet by Pyrliagoras as by tise diffeorent hainers on Iihe anvil of tise sifhy, bunt strunsentai, let the ivorti know wbafthtei vibrialîng strings oftflic one hurt the the arpseens t me o hve roppeti powver f lere is in sweel sounti, whcfber keIen etige of flic other ? Was thero an fliclsar seeîs f use10 ive foisilb o leaetitsliglîtenet oO rudge betweu Ithe rwo familles of out of tfie sky, andthficjavelin tb bave cîorti fo accing eaefrom icrtky.soetsunianishr cl fa ts been tiirt)ss-up fronsthie pft. The Mst s uîvesa anguage. fIe'l -ï evrlsift h plsitisaî oldest strin-etiinstrrumeafof the isorit oo fth ose f aetluuaesasWyls te.iyam fth..fryn is tise lsarp). JubaiL sounded llts harp suinspl 1týoe j "l11-'i" V1 h lmo iAdsrvn flic bool of Cijesis. Davidi pîayei f bfrgseis oe f e gin wapnagis ts isruet fsott put fogefher, butàone tising sas not Iie amnicin oni el vi many-f, u lslison tfelic apxhl tliaI us usnsic ,1nti i i-lie aLsýwer thaf if you iiui fus lulm ho an fhm.T1ue cýaptives inii 1b _lon hurt, e - - hl LartlIlt fs ay0 ieGsesb hngtheuirrps on th iîos.Joe- aeai h eoioosrfaI ae I srigei ar. inothus ficIvilsin recîtiasste nfrea greitat usd ii $'snfhyIe arr iaufihyof s svas ipioefor'. iiigthe p c hun hicn eas fluetfiwil fousantcis 0f ý h otgeif ot1î sfin 0 h brr -J~cfo uuli- Rusins sboe amguage Icut e bi riervrei_-pep11 u1erfalmnei i rcoudii o o l i- i i i I:iv tiei 0Egyýptian lsarips, Scofftish hîarp)s, Welsf b e ran iies 0 srifiiug antspeaingni\var- hapIilharps, bave been celebrate,, bndi bad (-ouf of cîpietho iuspa-rn ginst Chirist 1ani fisc Gospel?ý W haf aisisietragl vrisi ed Our two gîcaf American airs, 1Ilsept Wytejvln0 h oh' art honors te 18e Eels'g ntepafriadsi otet ii aebastiaîs Erarti, who,by podals tepafoms nisit 0th atIat ms glnsf tise siarp of leavciy inventedcle hefomswlla h iaster, '-Rnssian air ! Rassian air 1" ailove? ou kn-Toîvaid 1Ino% enouw-ho Libandt ,cheti f: li fothesw-ilarsthe f lse otappeti withh is bafon on the ge 'tl vatufi1ll(v reti in the face and foamn- mkrfor wSeharp: hen thke iharcod i usic rack, anti witli a spîcucor ant inigaI lime usioufli sutuse flicgestureof filic hins for bis genins, fice employer not iajesty of powver fisat aimos niat"-etus clencheti fisI anti put toseus thseir feet wanfiîsg 10 be eclîpseti by bis subordi - quail, the full bandi pouroti forth th&er it indignant enîphasis anti invoke ail f ate, Etrrt, suffereti frons the saiie lpas- National Anfliem They unterstooti our sarcasm aîîid irorny anti vifuperaf ion anti e sonof eaouy fni thew Sut f yAierican music, anti we undersîocti scondî spifc ai the Christian religion. sexi o felousfithatlfrs elo i eir Russian nmusic, Il is a iuiversa i Wbatlias lime Christianî religion donc f etintoPtfie fihtrpinsviîilThe fluug a hnguage anti so goot for universal cure. t liat il shoniti be se assaileti? Wliom javeilual ,easarisî. Tu wen harp ut-1 sioulti not svoilder if in flic day husif iibifren anti leftfsith hetiroplsotîiac ost inmar n as pîsutiseOhe yen tu- (4 judgineîul 1 shouiti be fount i VIira n liteir veins that if shouultisonie- you figet onifspuse. Otier nstu-ont thaf more souls have been savet by fiies be ch-aseti as though if ivere a motter for aîat-ele cargve, ati uiay e-mu sic Ilian by preaching. I shouiti uoî niatitieneti canine? Toliseat off andtip betiste for a baffl charsbuf eliathcx- onter if, ouI of tise oneliunrretiant i up anti pnsb town and corner our roll- qipsivngs inmbai-sie i-e teforfy anti four tisousasîti aîssoîsscd souls go itî lcdmietfogh1i h iuartp sfth ewain as.I t wepfrs.fns f lar Jolin oresasv before fise f rone of 1lite of DavdHainse andtiVoitaire and fli eaup f ic îges I anîee.Goti, af teasf one hundreti andti sty Shaffe2sbury, anti even filc Eas-l of Ro- Ifay can plti cal' soofbe. If en thioundutisatbeen saveti by siveet sus.cheýsto ni n a uapic pray.eT ise flre stissorethelov, the \Vty toes net fhe churihioit artis ale uonein wlîicb thle-y lspbcmously mr mofestmorte tarfling, re u r >the hint? Heaven is the greal musical put Gotion trial, anti the Eri of nfr aesti , the cyismbtoisoaie usore center of fisc universe, tise place of tiox- Rcsse was ftse attorney against Goti uetv the tint las i or ric son-, oflogies andti rumpe sasihaps-ni aeti eligoanti receivet appl W l.t n ais n azause cf butdthe l ciaiulis aricsue e it os nfor lit place, secouglît' ot f0dlilyteEr atixviiitcontinue iisioinhbroogstiail l oec uico af isebuf'sstukute cnitoanticrieti: finiehontie falc pjoh aIincleti of iinusie af Waterloo piavejificrtra "otiCdta aman xvbo ivahîs up-' sn hpion fiec, for St.J o.ohnfy iehet ftise Fourty-seconrl Hligîii aniers bcirihty4slcsc is esti-tlorks cf iii hiceven the liarhîs ot G cd. i f0 f te heir places, anti seret m s i,- Gt nila lcueo u ossat Buftlime jas chu rtf îsîy cxf lis just as rreiîsayafÀern ts e e b raon shoit1I( i Of tiseu s in dofy nd u citi If is about fiv, etdantii a liaiftrtisedCîsstancafalit isancsdc- rao- Iws ia enacrsln lomg, eiis etitei lausilcani tee ertîîimîafuoîs antidasiasiiiysmîs"ixhpe ua dti-îtc ra rthanfhave acteti poncnati ap. utilbeousHuntired." Whîo cari feu lw iz liasben ol,îI Gt s av dnc"Javelinof the flcgreat family et t"t-rirantiacoîpseibCarsWTls'svei is brother ho swcrti anti spear anti ise ie yo rr ,jvltO cri bayocef, ant i flsI conusf'liesus-nteq nd u rsanii lns, or b iccnrgtoiihfe aeiio 9ly, av1i f la ssnging- of is lim e, at ci Ib îat scsasi tiiolîc Iscstiiitv, bave been pleis witchfiouitigesna. I tlwo tuiles off! 15heu rssy Itour fient, iyng îfor linitda fy-u-,atar curîs s a trouls iseags. f 555Dic Lcewis (gone te sest ail tooFoon), on!lyi îcîs. Biit alusîcti aI w-lat? Af ti eisen a, n ss fxducteci a camp)aigu agaàinsî crunmîesssrntigtîsat lias conse 10 devastate file tirit toitits aii tr basch ss. ke t ahie West, anti suarsfiallcti thonsaidsi svrld Atsonset-lungtihat siays nationis? tip s ed enhedslliits thencises. fslec of flue noblestssonen of ftie land intfiari t smfligtisaI ecultimaul anti h p11 i srE d nti l s sh ii fis c b ic tr m fai- cr i sa ori ti cen r c a u usi a ign , a n t i le îci e ig l- tr î îp e n îste r fo o t a n ti e x c r nc ia fc a n ti Carstoria. 55Castorij% 1 an excellent imedicin6 for chil. dres. Motlsers haive repeutedly told nue of its ,god-effect upon lîcir chiidren."1 DIa. G. C. OScOOn, Loseeli, Mass. 01 castorla la the best renîedy for children of which t arn acquainted. ,I1hope ftue day ije flot far distant when mopthers seilconsitter the resîl interest of their eJlidren, and use Castoria in- stead of the varlousquack nostrums which are destroying their loved oses, by forcing opiaum, merphine, seotlubng syrup and other hiirtful agents dowvn their throats, tlsereby sendissg the- te premaf uregraves." Dua. J. P. Kicimsar, The iitagr Comparny, 77T Mu-ray Stzoet, -New Yenoi- tr. FRSALE BY J. IGNOiA & SON, I3OWMANVILLEP- EatEnd Grinepot The uîîdersigned desire to thank the farmers of. West Duîrham for the liberal patronage extended to us, during the past season, also to remind them that ewe are stili in the market and prepared te pay the HIIGHEST MARKET PRICE ALI KINDS 0FiASE GRAI & SEEDa dew~e at nr t~euuu <' rgand George ,CSI Darlington. We have VJlso 0on baud a large NEW ANDFH of Canadian and Liverpool CoZrcql- In Bags. Ro*k Sait fo ca; and horses, and FresiÏ Orounid Grey Plaster in Barrels which we areprepared tu sll caoto'ria. "Castoria I me selti tdaited tochildren thai 1 recennsmi htasuperior tan7 prescrlptioxi knowa bto mn." IL. A. Ancra, M. 1>., 111i'-o. Oxford St., flrooklyn, i.Y Our phys!ctus ta tise chbtjren'g depart- ment havec sok-en ligtsly of!tiseir expert. ece lu their oetside gracice with Cuietonisu, and althengh rse ouy bave auuong our inedb cal supplies sis ekusow t as regumar preductes, y-es --o =area'-o teconfesa flial thte merlu of Casairialiacs won 'us tu look seuls favor upenl.' tîtirzi> liospiirÀLiD lisPscssAnv, Boston, lMun~ CJ8ZEJA2E' Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL a7ways in stock, We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MCCLELLA&"N & CO Blehring Sea Arbitraters. SaYs the 1Paii Mh1 Gazette : Jutige Han- ait s woult be a linte lsati for a paintinig Griegnr Grans, tise ierrèseiatasivc of 'I;or- ivay, it s beyori-thtie Amerien jutige, anti is on1th fasc uiet Iiof s -sisutlae.H ounternce eius~ simiple chuasacter anti seetunEss. Hie tous 'lot knv- auty IFrench, sut 1 titughlt he 'saiýlsaI t sien lawyers' Ergii'ish axas Licng upoei y tIse teur. ?ucw lid a Le Ioc1rtd te ive te be sent- rg pris aIr hÀetss, as aise undeet i dtîLe lise atutcîturi of othe Aineriau ii rtr tee nf _ :tts'sg. Quitoab sthe itd, on flue uaine sutieotihtie chair, l.týS SmJohn Tlîoîp- n, Frimse 'utittist',r if (,tuada, a Ihiuk-set, pemucu. Hus suppeau oce preposseses :ne in is fa o. Tu e, ote f<thie chiair anti nexl; oif site Lent fiutunc-u- fiHe is iin aillrespects 'use Ieehig, and iliseasy, eaiah nsamuîîcîs. thtii-eteuns umolteus ssot froni uis eyos,.I te umut -ave tecrnet a teai of bite ilaoe bhaie of ius jSica cancer. ietlrMer- gan i8 lthe ,aritital, jutig- üon tie ieft site Df tise'honseshe table.,Ifie is a sihey-- airet antihlitoit gentiemau, fougis&,s îskory, a close lusener ant flri in îli reects te repnese uit fise Unitet States on bis greaf occasion. Hie remaîks are poi -1 edadpungent. Judgellarlussornetiinsesbe- counsel-Seriator Morgan neyer. (louaS, Visconti-Venosia cornes ater Lord Hannen, ant ius au Itaiiaîs pafnician of wide experi - ence cf lutc, anti of internationsal polituicq. IVictor Etmanuel, sehe was lio mean jutige cf character anti talents, took hinu ml o btsi confidetnce atter hie lest 'avour, nehyiîg n bie ativice, 'and sirnout eutirehy in quesions rehatiag ltoneign poliiy. The Case a Hopeleas One- P-astr-"I Pardon met, buofisr, but arct yen preparet fer tise g <cal clhange tisaI ist corne teousiahl? Tussa ils ertariay a censuinptive eeîîglu of yoars." Ca t.avenons Panisisioner. I lous!on>' ieve if, Mr, Goottuas,,. l'ebeu OUgistg1l.ý tumus wa 0fr ots six yesssl." " Jiose oit dare you, u555.y I ash l "I'rn a lirtîsece-c. "Andi beeîculs "Jil Wati. puty, !1irot!in àtuth, mtul'tcary yen ,u torfe)ty -s;ix yeru io? Castoria is Dr. Samunel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Clildren. It contains ncither Opium, Morphine n«. other Narcotie substance. It ls a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Ôii. -It is Pleasant. Its guarante is thirty years' use by 3Milons oflilothers. Castorik stroys Wormsn and alIays feverishness. Castoria prû-výru.3 vomitig Sour Curd, cures Diarrhea and Wind Colle. Caetxtria icelieves teetblng troubles, cures constipation nd «fiatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates thel stonsach and bowels, giving hea4thy and natural sleep. Cas.l toria is the Childron's Panacea-the Motherls Friend,. ýBi 0 1: