Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1893, p. 1

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$ fi s TEM.-l5 z vu.OUR TOWN AN~D OOUNTY PIlUST: THE WORLD ÂYTERWÂRDS. M. Â 'JAMES EDITOR AND PRO 1zl)'GR NEW SERIEis, BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY. MAY 24, 1893. VOLUME XXXIX, NUMBEP. 21 The balance of their Sprîng dacke t8s, and O&pe& at anid under cost MAY 8, 1893.' YOU CANNOT FAIL to be pleased with the new stock of Boots and Shoes just arrived at JOFI IILLYAR'S. WVe ask you to cail, inspeet a nd "compare if you choose." We leave the resuit wîth you and are confident that it will be to our mutùal satisfaction, because, gooda well bought are haif sold. Therefore after inspection, the re- maining haif will be easily accomplished. Au A 1. assortment of Trunks and- Valises always in stock. J 0HMH ELL'Y AR, King Street, Bowmanville, March 28th, 1893. BOUNSALL'8 MARBIE AND GRANITE WORKS, BSOWM-ANIýZVnLLE, ONST. (Etablished 1857.) Finished Granite Monuments in stock from $12-5 to $500. HÂNDSOME DESIGNG AND BEST MATERIALS. RED PETERHEAD AND GRAY RTJBISLAW SCOTCHl ROS, RE NDV PUR--E SWEDE...)...... 7 1 JRANI'E RNNLSKILLEN. Miss NicholFs, Toronto, is guest of MiFs Mary Rogers, at the Maple3 .. .. Misa Maggie Rogers, of the Maple%, le viaiting Mies Jeunio McLaren, at Hamilton.... Misa Tamblyn, Orono, and Mr. Ohapli!, Kirby, were gueste of 1r. 1H. J. Werry last week .. . .The Missesý Stainton and Mr. T. Stainton, jr., Zion, were visiting here lael Salbhth, .. .MihsArnot l isit Ing friends at Brooklin . .. Tha Sabbth services of the Methodist anniversary were a decided succes8. The childreni were out in full force and arrayed in their beat, they pros ented a very pretapar ance. The church was tastily decorated with flowers which assisted very mnch the general effect. The con.gregations were good at both services and at night many could flot gain au eutrance. Rev. T. S. McKee preached excellent sermons, the one at night especialiy being highbly apprecisted. The achool under the lead- ership of Mr. Jno. Stainton delighted ail with their inging. The.services wili be resumed on the 24th of which due notic3 bas been given. KzLSY-Why would you believe a mlntister's word sonner thatn any other man's. WILTSIs-Because he le supposed to preach the truth and tell the truth ?l3But why do you ask the question? WelI ho- cause the Rev. A. L. Snider,pastor of the Methodist Ohurch, Leamington, aays ; "I have been cured of the most painf ui aud distressing case of piles of long stand- ing by MÂi PILE LOIO," and recom-. moud it te ail thus afflicted. FREE IYou can got the fashion th-eet cach'month liv calling at our ttore, We present those to thte public in order that they may the better appreciate oeur uew fashionable goode. John J.. Maon Derangement of the liver, with cntp ation, injures the complexion, Induce pimples,. sailow skin. Removo the cause1 by using OCrter's Little Liver Pis. One a dose. Try tbem. Best value in Black. Green and Japan Teas, Cofféeo, etc. Qnaiity unequalied. PETER MURDOCH, 8agent. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepjsia. cf ilcndaiivillc, Ind., say s 1Iood'i floo't'Sars ýpa'riik s'1 King of -rne SAnd T sCureWL "..L ood & Co., Low li . 3 "Gentlemien., Wknicii 1, i 1 rscf ge I was confiued to iny bcd ,î c ra' ~ ot' by an attack of rliciim: îiir , c-.d w hn I h1 partiaily rCc\ ct1 i 1di fot i'aý e til -c c Lly legs, su0t 1.1t I Id tO 9Z. octcutbs About a year later, ivusn lise orm ciL appearei on -various parts cf my bod, and for dene ycaýrs I lvcs an iuivccid, beiug ccn- flned Io n2y beel %ir zyeurm. Ini tha incuý ton or cdeoe cf tlieso S.lrcs appearod alla broke, eaiiig me great pain and sfeig Several Iliimei îi'ce- cf boue svorke(l out 0 wvas tlîougit a change of air and scone might do me good. But I waa conflned to my bed Most of tihe imne. 1 u'as so impressed1 witli tihe Sucese of Iloud's OSarsaparillat fil cases shilar to mine tliat I decided tu try It. Su a boffle w as bouglît, and lu ni ' g ra gratification tlie sures s"oi decrease ,and I1 l'egan to fbel btter. Tliis streîgtliened sny f aitlis lu hemedicine, andin a short tinie 1 was Up âànd O(ut of Doors To malco a long story short, I continued lu, tako Hood's Sarsaparilla for a year, when 1 had become so fully released fronc the chaiiis of disease tisai I1 tok a position! with the Flint & Walling Mfg. Co., and since that time have net 10sf a single day on accont of sickness. 1 aiways feel well, am nc iioo spirits, and have a good appeýtitc. I endorsý1ý Hood's Sarsaparilla for il bas been a great blessing te, me, and to my friende my recovery seems almoat mimec- ulous. 1[ think Hood's Sareaparilla is tlic king ofali Mejiiines." WILLIAM À,LEuHR, .No. 9North Rallroad et., Kendallvilie, 1mjd. Hoocl I'S Plecure lIicssuesu. Vegetabie ris zare(,pri- pared to m-neet alei inate demianid fur a iiid effiient and reliable fanoily pliysic, Tlîeýy zmn pîireiy seg-etable, containirg nu p calomel, imcrcnry, ormineai a stance cff LOy kinil. fonde P1li, act upon thie stoncach, live2r,a aiim ta eanal, anil cure Liver Compint, iýýCuisseipatioti 'd i nsay be broken np aalvrpeet c'omptiy taking ioo' l'ut. ait ,mpit rsn y n:,1 n a ur etetf wil beanniversiry services of Eldad S. S. hs-i b 11l on Sunday and Monday, May 2ý8ffi and 29th., Sermons wiil ba preach- ed on Sunday at 2.30 p.m. by, Rev. C. W . Watch , of Oshaws, arcd at 6.30 p.m. by Rer. J. Liddy, of iHampton. On 1Mouday services wiill h resumid at 2 o'ýclock to consiet of music hy the school, recitations and dialogues, address by Rer'. D, S. 1bock and olhers. Cordial invit- atýion tonali.... .No division this week... Ouar wesf..end1 milk man etirted on bis firet trip ou Monday.. . .Mr. Geo. Awde, of Drayton, has been vieiting bore Miss Rachel Vice, of Bowmanviile, h-as beau. home . ... Messrs. Dempster B!roc,ý. purcbased over '84,000 worth, of sitock in this section- in one day, recently ... .Seeding, is just flnised. NEyER NEGLEOT A CoiD.-Dr. Austin Flintsays in the Forum :Il is probable that a person ivith an inherited teudoncy to consuamption would nover develop the disisase if ho could ho prctectod agaînet neconwitsh the tubercle bacillus. Iu helight of modemn discoveries consump- tion can no longer be regarded as an in- cuirale diaease." It is no exaggeration bo eay that Kemp's Balsam. wbon taken in tisne, bas saved many from consomp- tion. At all druggiste' 50o aud $1. S;3veral from here atLended annlversary, seirvices et Enniakillen Sunday... A township couveution of the, "Epworth Leaguce will be hoid lu this place shortiy ... . The Sabbat h Setoui wili hoid thoîr anrniversaý-y ou Juily 1-3t.. . . Mr., Chasg. Goodman the chamîpion ri"Grab feuce" builder le doing ia rush-ing business.... Mre. C.-N.Rusge aud daugbiter,Vaucouver, 11. C., viuit2d friends here let week.... F'eronl this section will promote Ibeir ownI rii ntereesG by koeping several cows mnd sedin mlk to our cheose factory. iNothtpg paye like it, which bas been prored by msny farmers lu this locality. We haLlve one3 of tbe best cheese-makere inj Ontario, have nut had a poor or rojeot- od cheese the lest two seamons, our make I always commanda the top price. We em- Sploy a firet cîssbook-ieeper who'keeps a trise and impartial eccount of theý, milk furniished by each patron aud the amount cfï iýhfe i anutacturod from the gme. lie nrekes -smltakee vony iman'e ac- o-n lawa a obe correct toth Dr. Butlor's Gol1den Pille, have earned a great nepotation wherever employed. As a -nrvtInic sud biood builder they are unrivaliedý. They inicrease the appe- l ite and1 romrote a, bealtby performance of ail the fonctions of the bosdy. A thor. oughily scientifloý preparation, thFy nover faal to effeet a cure if directions are falth- fuliy carried ont. Notbing harmfui in dieir composition. The moat delicate system will ho benefitted, Ask for Dr. Batler's GolIden Pille and take no othor. GO UnT1Gl B. Misa Marlon and Mn. G. Barton Mothersili, of "Enindale Farm,"' East IWbitby woro receut gueste cof Miss Mand ITuoey, the "Mill"... Mn. J. Albert Cook cf Pelerboro loI t for hie home May 18, after very eatisfactoniiy perforncing tIse no light t-3sk of bead eawyer for Mr. A. S. Tooley. Hie quiet Rentlemaniy be- Ibavior won hlm f innde who will flot soon forget him. A welcome awaits hie retoru. -A miii ,form o! messies has made its ia-ppeairance among the ohîldren cf ibis viciitïy; aiso wbooping coogh which is not particular whelber il attacks adoît or child. . .. Dou't forget the Box Social at IMt. Gerswell, May 241h. Programme cort-nnences at 8 p. in. Proceede in aid of IDivisaion fonds.. ..Mr.- Elgin Aunis suad sister, Oshawa, vieited finonde bore recentiy. .. - Messrs. L. M. Courtice sud Wwa. Courtice atteuded the unerai oI a rephew, Mn. Gao. Pound, Port Penny on Saturdy ....A couleet coneisling ofa saturdg a ch deb-ite and literary pro gramell was tch, at Mt. GaTrwd. ~Division lest week. . _ Miss N. Williams, grand conductor. Soliua, visited our Division laet week. She le a very popular office r. ___________ From Rymal's Home. MSJDLEPORT, May 29th.-Mr. Archie Rymal, of Brantford, was au old tume residont of Ibis place.. As bislemsny rInonde helieved bis case incurable, il may bc, imagined ibat the foliowing paragraph from the CouitiER was vratilying ta every- orle: "Mn. Rymal'e case whlch is known to be tnue, proves beyoud a doubt that Dodld'e kidney pille are cf great neiet for thse purposes lbey are intended, viz.; B3rïih's disease of the leidusys, rheurn. atism, backache, etc. It bas certainiy -u IWEDDLNG OELEJ3RA.TION.INYWGSLR Mr. Jus. IBarfett bas returued Imom the On Thur8day eveumng n very large coni- windy city...Rev. A. MacGiliivray, pany of relatives, finondesud neighbors High Chiel Rar gr, 1. O. F., visited met ittIhe rosidence of Mn. Thos. C. Newcastle court on Tbursday oveiug.. Langmaid, J. P., near Ziou, iDirlington, . .Mias Mand Allen ba% nescurned from tu unite in tbe celebraton of tIse 3th anc vieiting et Londun.ý ... Mn. J. A., Poikin. uirersary of tbe marniage of bimself su d homne, Hoouse of Gemmoni staff, Ottawa, estimab'e lady. Aflter the ladies bad aud wife, were gueste of Mr. J. Philp sor'ved e splendid repast lr)m tho weIl lest week . .. . Ms. T. CordoIýn died on filled bskets, Mr. M. Aý Jantes wae On Saturday nged 80 yeare. Fonianral on motion chosen chairman, sud wheu ho Monday te Ozono. h-ad the coumpany in gond burnor, ho ask -_________ ed Rer. James Liddy cf Hrampton to VÉOL rosi Ibis addrees:PO Mr. andl Mrs. T. G. Langmaid, . Poutypool le booming-tbere is great DEÂR FFtEiNDs,-WVe are met this ev ta]]. of a nos ruiler miii, a cheese factony enig fr h a uros o clhbrtig hoand the now railroad frein the north.. onig fr te prpoe o ce raîng10..The now scoocibell suunds fine... 30týh anuiverpary cf your weddiug de y. Recent visitons: Mie iGills sud Mise- Il mey well be eaîd that you bave reach- Xard of Ballyduff.. .. DH. C. Wiudio le ed the "silvery age of mstr(niou." Yeuhoo r stand hefore os uow with the bright poon hoir - om c clige .. .. The Methodist coris impreving under the traiuing of day son stili shining upon your heade Mrs W. Dodds as organist .... Miss rosdy lu repent the pledgee of muîual gteLehsbeil..M TIil affection' whicb you oxchauged tbinty a ogtthebopnoperty next to bis own, yeare ago. siahsnt lildy uad Mn. RohI. Gilis bas moved in. hearte, thuugh it may haive ecàttered a lew sîlveny haine sund traced bore sud there marks which we will nul cii 'T YPONE. wrnkiee but pplnified amiles. Durnug Mesie. Ed. Channon sud Richard the short penlud that basi elapsed since Davey fr-tn Dal>ningtou camne hack on yen were made ona thons have been Saturdar tofi)en. tMr. John Dimcesud naany changes lun iati ssasd c ounîries, to .find ont hue- ît bepponed that fio bad even in this na3ighborbood m&uy bave nt mor hounes broken lu the tuale with corne sud goas, bat we nej ice that whie the bol. Tbey alqo viaited Measrs. M. lime may make changes atnd the nuter , Thorudyke lu Liudsay aud Win. Chanuon aboli nf humanity may roveai its lunch- iu Maniposa Mr. Dames is deiug well. the bride and groom cf thirty yeeri ago But, wlLh one log, co art, severai nibe are the -bi ide sud groom of to-day. The sud a Bhonider smasbed ho weili net lie ini heant ueed nover change except 1.0 grow bed. Ilo asys be cannot; but the truth houier, purer aud more like the Divine le ho la too, fidgety. Mo»t peopli would Author of our lIfe sud love. Wo rejuice, ho glad cf a hoiîday, but Mr. Dmýïesa ili too, that duiiag those yetans the cause of not late one---Warder. Christ sud the chunch lu ail its relations ,0. iaan bas.ad'ourlorug ymplbysudaid Rec~t isions: Mme. Ed. Moses p hsdyor fien f m ood a end aidchîldren sud MisgAddie Walaersj, Grand lunIs yue igbborhood U wgohhyobeing, lRapis: Mies Bîrdie ColIby, Toronto; Mn. in te niahorhod u wichyoubelngSomers 1 Providence.. . . >%]r. Robt. Hod2- For thint yayars you'have sailedl together son le sick .. . .Mise May cloioeus le me taker aoi newdepuan nd ablîly o covenîng front ber recent ilineas-. . ..The hae a lhough atutie,, lde iiyears sud sewage systom adopted sud cars-led imb hear thugha lttl oldr i yere ndoxecuition hy thé citizeris on the north happy in eacb other. W@e bave c Smo aide of King St., oaI bas proved highiy home this eveniiîg 10 rejoice witb you sud beuleficia1 . ... Rer. Mr. Saiva,Go!umbus, 10 wish you God speed, sud wo hope yon pmescised vory iu*ereaiting sermioustilarge mý,y have a Iranqui].L es. And nuw we Co gregalluni' on S.b!-ai. Rev. J. H., bol hatyondeer~' a ecuniton romStnike took fiie appîlulmtsin,. .. .Stanley your many fIonde5, Ibemore, we ask You Stapies, dro) er, eh Ippod suoher fins car le accept of thie toknkofcIemembrauc Eate -lBovtnvi-),t o whiclhi may sev-e to put you .mmd o o l fatîTile c Bimuvle t Llweîîame rontowlestlTbsel in 3 r rom sorrow, toil and paini And sin we shah i e fnee, And perfect love sud frit3nd-'hip roiga Through al oteru.ity. Mr. Langmaid on beha'l ol Mme. Lang- meid sud Ibumeoif repiied lu very gracions termp, acknowledging the Lkind express-, ions cuntalued lu the addnee suad thse baudsome gift that acc.ompanied lbem. At the proper lime Mme. W. I. Lang- maid and Mrs. joseph Langmaid unicov. ered a beantîful oilver servie Ibat wes admined by ail. A very pleasaut social' lime fllowed darng whîch, happy speeches cf acougratulalory sud appreci. alive character ;ere made by Mesîrs. Thos., Pasoce, J. 1"'. Brooks, W. Wenny, J. T. llaucock, S. Nothole, E. Mïlîsois, Jos. Langmaid, Albert Rundie, G. A. Laugmaid, A. Washington, Thos. St1ain., toms, Mne. G. A. Laugmaid sud othere ail speaking la highest tennis oflime gocsd qualities of the huet sud hs"sbesq. Rer. Mn. Liddy said a lew kind womds aend aller ail joiued in hinging "God ho witb you tlii we meol again" ho offeredi pray- cn. Mme. Liddy by request pîesided aI the ongan sud lavored the compeny witb several pieces o! music. Mn. J. J. Cool- idge gave a short speech sud e recilation. Mn. A. L. Pasce gave a humorcus read- iug sud allogeiher the boume were enjoy- a'y speuttli miduight when ail songht their homes delighted to have enjoyod Ihe) pnivilege cf doiug honur 10 snch a worshy couple as Mr. sud Mme. La- maid. Lcng miy they ire 10o njoy the confid -uce and eîteerntcf thein wide cîncle cf acqluaintauicos sud their happy home.1 Lettera o! cont r.atuialiou were neadi lrem noinda lu Toronto, Miccheli, Brock 1 and Drayton. Quack Advertîsements, Are a nuisance sud wo thiuk il hehooves pubiiehers 10 examina îsto the mertis of messy articles paffed up lu their colmua. We do not deny thal many menitonions romedies are properly to be oiassed under th'e heading. Take the hundrd u tbousands relievod front torero uf- r by the use i(I Poleon's INerviline ; wouid il not ha nureasouahie ho expect tbem n condemu that fan-lamed emedy ? Now we know fors adc thet Poleion's Nerviline la witbonl exception the muet powemfui,' pieasant sud certain emedy in the world for pain. Il cannt fla. for il goes lu the boltont nI pain,-penetrales lu the nervos, seoteestbem jinoqaloînesesimnd sfFords pro)mpt sud permanent relief. The Jone numabr of tbe New York Bazar centaine bandeome colnred plaIes hesides a large number o! tIse latelt Paris- ien styles sud e tîmely article on sommer goodesud fâehious. Adrice bo youug sud nsanried ladies le generonely giron in s num)ber o! short articles. There le a seasonabie arti,;Ie ou the cane of plants. The housîhold îleparlment contains a number of 'useful recipes. ,Levers of fiction may aiso e ho 4tisfied in several continued etonies. Tbechildren'h pagels an interesting, one. No lody should flu 1 sae Ibis numben. Published by George Manro & Sons, Il' le 27 Yandewater 8t., New 'Yd rk et $3. 00 a year. %ays N Mrp. Puotter Prîmer,Presiderit of the B ,ri ofL dyManîagers of the %World'eq Fair, eb e p .rrat adorus the front pageo of Fraik Luôlie'e Popular Monthly foDr Jue., The baauîiFully iiluetrated article on"Woman's Work at the World's ai, by Isabel, MeDaugaili,which follows, isa e reveiatioîs ii tis regard. Another timealy fes'ure,uf extraordinary pictorial interest le J. S. Stuart Glennie's descriptive paper on "The Ioîîisu Islands, "including eartb- quaLo stricken Zante. Half a dosen short stories of real menit, and the fuil coniplement of literary miscel!any ail la this number. I'c~cent issiue3 of Litteli s L'vinj Axe, a charming weekiy magazine, now in ite fil tieth year, prosont the saine interesting variety of historic, litenary and scientiflo matter that bas charactenized its contents froni the beginninz. The reader is al- ways sure to ind in each woekly iessue articles ou subjects of the greatat pree- ont intentat and which are, et thies tme, of permanent vâ1te. $8.00 a yoar. A epeciluen copy may bo obtained by Rend- iug 15, cents to the publishers, Litoli Co., 31 Bedfordt St., Dos'on. drOY Both the nlethod and resuits wheî Syrup of Figs is taken; it is p1easane and refreshing to the taste, and acto gently yet promptly on theICidneyoeý Liver and Bowe1s, cleanses the sys. 'cera effectually, dispels colds, hed aches and evers and cures habituaIl constipation. S rup of Figs is tIi» oily rernedy o Ï its ]dnd ever pro.ý dluced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomacli, prompt iS ats action and trnly beneficial in it~ effegts, prepared. only from the mosf.. ]aealthy and agrecable substances, itîý ,nanyexce1entqualities com men dit Ito ail and baveiniade it the mosî popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75à botties by ail leading druggistq. .Any :cliablcdruggist who may not have it on ibaud wIProcure it promptly for any one wvho wishez, Y'o tr f. ,n~acue only by thQ SAIT PRANCISC9, CALI LovmSVzLmp, Ky. iNEW '103K.N,1_

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