Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1893, p. 4

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"'Woniderfu'l Qat s." It'pays to sow good seed.6It will pay to s0W these Qats.l They are Reavy Yielders, Stron-g Growers, Early Ripener-S. Weigh 42 lbs. to bushel. For sale býy 0YOUNOCOW 0 69 King St, BOWMANVILLE. BowmÂNiqYLLE, MAY 17, 1893. Editorial Wanderings., Laat week having an engag-ement at London, w e made a circuitous trip thnougi the moe important counties cf centrala and southiwestern Ontario, calliug ab sev- I cralimiLportant cenitres,ý meeting old ac-r quaintauces aud inaking new oee Thea Counities tlinouglh whieh wne passed includ- ed Durbiaîn, Ontaio, York, Peal, Halton, Wellington, Waterloo, Perth, Oxford,0 Maiddlesex, Elg-in, Norfolk)- Haldimand, Brant, aud Wentwrth-the mot thickly inhabited sud uudoubtedly the best agri- cultural counties in Canada, aud we hopef te ho pardoned for asaying that ne sectionh throught wbich n-e travelled surpasses fora fine residences, modemn and commedieust farui buildings aud ueatly kept farinasudd genieral evidences efthteft cua'r ownn idinga of West ]Durhamn. We should net desire Lto mirtet any other part of Ontario, were n-son-uer ef agood fara-t iii this high-t ly favored district. We observeid several fine fields of fall wbeat n-est cï icronto, but there bias eideutly been c. miderable damiago donc by teice anud ariîg ,frosts. It %vas tee eariy in the season t'> judge cf tihe crop out-look, because aLil along the routeý farmners are busy seeding. Iu con- vrtinwith persous n-bout we have met in diflreuit tonn sd ities, flhc comment plaint was dull times, acarcity of iuoney andâ poor prospects, for business until the preduet cf another harvest is <ispoced cft and the cash rcceipts put in crrin Af ter atteudiug ,te our buisinýess ini the Foreýt City we s;penitsaoupeof heurs very pleasautly at St. James' . ause ou invitation oet 1ev. -M. P. Tslii.r.B.A. whoso e nae~llbr iieL~ Sed t 13hy, aste, ni ivhio lab onltigand pragre-sSîVe uuc cmv.r n-ii lhe is justly prlu. 1eis very Co Rif o.tabl ycivu istaucel, theC nmmSý beîng conuenieuit, comnmodieus, beautif ni- ly, almnoat luixuiously f uriabsed, sud close Ly, raurreundedicc by ample grounda, s the unique churchi, the only eue built on this plan iii Auacrica. Th'le new -chool roorn thiat bas been erected durîng Mr. 1I minag's patorte te meeet the requiiremeuts cf a grewing cngregatiou is a -great ceuven- ieuce andi is rendered quite attractive by a very chloice colletion of llumlinated Ltxtansdmetc suspended ou the n-als. We n-re pleased te meetr for the first turne Airs. Talling n-hio la previug, a very suitable liteper ùte lier hua baud ju bis pastoral dut- Les. Hlaving. had the privilege sud lhouer o! ein Mr Talin'steachier tomie yeans ago, n-e have natcbied lbis educational course witlh special intercat sud it is a source cf imach satisfaction te us te kniow tHat hl e a ýuccessfu an sd popullar lu tie grand work te wblich hle lhas been called. Anther pupil cf carsý, 1ev. W. AI. Haig, ia3 settled at Hyde P'arký, a suburb cf bon. don, 'Where we n-rs pleascd to heaýr ha i ceas as pastur cf the Preabyteriaiu cburch there. We bhad the pleasure cf a chat nith Mni. Johni Camerýion, for soinse yeans imauiaging Cditor ( c hoGlbe on-dior-n if c thebndnAdvcrtisen. Mnr. Cam1eroî Ila, anl anope igtemperance advloeite mnd te bis 1 p)r oi,-,effor-S sw th 1wiel excddinfluence cf The Adrvertiser is due very mach c f the credit for th le rapid- ly gnoning tenîpierauce sentiment that per- ivadoýs thaut city sud surrcuiiding ceutry. Timresare two editors suid two jouruals lua this Dorminion t1eon-hem ltemperance people on-e o c-M 'T. R. Dougail sud the MotelWitnýes,3 sud Mn. John Camneroit liud the bondon Advertiaer. It n-ould be ai grnd tiugî for thtï counitry were there tlanYiïmlore such stiaunch advocates cf temperance snd social retorin. Froua bondon wn-e nctte oSt. ThoînasIýt n-bces ne met severali 3owmanville boys, Mr. G. A. MrcMurtry bias eue cof the finest hardware itblsm ntsluthait lively lit- tlIs ity aud lie bias ou biis shop staff Mr. Normanu1Hall sud Master WeIL. bogani. Mr. AMcMrtrýy sesins ob ho doiug ,a nies auiessd n-elheard iimu very f avorably spoken cf by othe(,r business meni. Mr. R. b. Wcrry l ise o iu bualuess lu St. Thiomias N-banc hle is d (oinig a largýe business as bak;er and cnfctonrkepingtwo bakers cmpfloyed al the timle, su bs good(l ïbop. At Union a amali aud tbrîv- in', village iidws,ýy betweeu StThoutas and lPortStaulley n-e feuuld Mn. Woetl&ks a Bon-mauville boy, poreo f the ,zamth departnwuut cf the Union Ca).rnage Wonks. Mr. E. Chapmnan, a native 4ef Saratton, Corn-il, ls owner ocf he n-ced- workz departmentii, and be-tween thein 1L.bey couduet a prosperous buisiniess sudt flnd grecat difficulty lui epigup nith thieir or-der-, Wài true Eg hhopt ality n-en-ere pressed t tosy e dne at Mn. Chv aiaC'S sud n-e -eeün netsur- priseil to flnd Ms.Chaprinan, n-be nith 14 The Nonthemun Echo cf Apil (; cotains a pretty fuail report cf 1lion. E. Blake's apichat Darliugtoni, Durbain Couuity, Euldf rom n-ich n-e take thia excerpt: The Hon. Edward Jlake, n-ho was re- ceived nith prolonged eheers on rising, said that at the close cf that meeting he n-as about to seclt repose lu Parlismeut after the recreaticu cf the vacation- (iaughter)-but lic could assure theini that amougat the recrestions et file vacationt there n-as mies e had been mi-ore ready le udcertake tnte addrcssa Dlingtou audience in the conty cf Durhamn.1-t bias beexi bis custoîn te go n-bers iL n-as supposed lhomligit be imost ueded sd it Beemsdci there n-as a t lerab)ie equal division cf opinlion ilu Darliu1gteu1; sud besides, hoenas pleased te be there for a resson persenal te bis on-n political lite. 11u the country freinn-iebi lie Came many cf the counities liad! been, largely settled by English peeiple, sudiç many eft themn had naines taklnf r"l) the o1d land. Six sud Lwnety years go lhe n-as returmedfte the Paniimenit t bis ,,t own ontry by s Rid- inig cf Durbýlaml, asud bis prinicipal support freintLat dtat - up te thie tiitue n-heu ho retirei.i ronii Canadian) public lite, a year or tn-e ago, n-as th)efton-nship eft Dsliag- mou-appause-sothat those3 two niaies n-ens theenames -ith n-ich lbe bad hud the pîcasauteat aud moat ,1peýranuiian sd closeaasitns" du-iog the n-ocf bis tolerabiy 1longpliic lite. (!e a r, hear. A TnJp To Rochester. cd in hier ýosy homie on the hili aide. We 'cfouud the- citizenas of Pcrt stanlley very (deeply cacredË(,te tppage a fc ew ays ago of trafflc on thie bondoni and Port 'StaIey Raîlroad, sud the boomi thiat b1spr.au e there the past six or ciglit maontha has suddenly collapaed saud the pri;e cf village property has cieprecia- ted 100 per cent, lu fact we -were shownl a corner lot thât a man was auxious to give $600 for last feul, that we sboul con- aider well sold for $100 tb-day. bauid bo4oms are treacherous things in wliich to deail mnd the chap wbo sits on the fence aud sýecýs thein go by is niost likely to reap the mioat enijoymcut eout of the future. Amnong several other places visited was the village of Jarvis in Norfolk ceunty where reside several relatives of Mr. Marsball Perter, our treasurer. We were guests during cur atay over nigbit of Mr. W. Porter, contracter and builder, at bis cotafortable new brick residence on Main St. If the citizens of Jarvis are ail as L)tiid on the prohibi tion question as Mr. Porter and lived Up to their principles as truly, too, it is a mystery to us hoiv five hotels cati be profitably carricd ou lu that village of only 750 people. One hotel for eveny 150 persens is certainly a very large perceutage. The question is ail the more difficuit of solution frein the fact that in ai] cf our travels in this or any other country we have never accu a nicer or more thrifty appeaning villaga. The reai- dences are uearly al of brick, neatly built, nice lawns and gardens, tregs, shrubs, plants sud flowers in profusilen. The lawns many cf thein wcll kept and after tue style in chties net hidden by feuces of any kiud; there are threc good churches- Mlethiodist, Preabyterian an.d Anglican-and a splendid combaied High and Public achool building-a standing credit te the people; the shops,well stock- ed and contents tastily arranged, present an iuvitingo appeareuce and there is a miiarked degree cf* thrift, intelligence aud refinemeut about the place seldoîn accu in a country village, aud wil would do houer te towns cf mach larger pretentions-, aud yet in the maida t fal ef this evideuce of progresa, prosperity and commendabie public spirit are te be found tive grog shopa. What earthly nreed 'there eau bc for more than eue hotel ln such a beauti- fuI country village is 'a problein that we have te leave unsolved. "The Record",is a live paper published lu the village and the classa of prnting eXeCutcd in the j -ob departmeut will compare more than favor- ab]y witb much wbich is turued out front aonse city offies. Eu route frein Jarvis te Hlamilton we liad the pleasure of making the acquaintauce aud euj oyiag a long tak with Mrs. Stoney, of Hlamilton, mother cf the young ininister, stuient of 'Victoria University, wbo was drownied off Cobourg harbor asat ruminer. Site informed us that they bad neyer received any tidings ef bis body. One objeet cf our trip te these western towns and citiez was te visit- certain mnu- ufactung industries for the purpose of gainîng information that may lu future be turned te practical acçou.tnt lurmr'ewn tewur, aud,without goiing jute details here M-e frcsly state tbat ourIi opinion bas becu streugthsucde(, into fimin belief that carrnage workïs asd a fouuldry ilnd aagricultural imri. plemneut mnufactory, bouth baclkedl up1 w 4bl ample capit a1 anid practicýaIllergetic HO.-EDWARD B A E M. P. eachi; a captai cf the eeuîssmi, the masme amounit of the mernin&,s added thenete. Th(se sampies Wl tested le find out thle qoant1ity oet fat iiu theai, sud the reb-ults give vatelv te you. la thýit n-ay yen car n-hctlier your cows are vothIi keepi net. 'egcoms and ses ibe Babcock lu openatien, sud have its -okin pls-lned te yen. Mako a special cffort te coins. niJl geL bluta on huttar-making thý ha worth very mach el oyoa. Lawri Mowers. 1 thaik my cuStomerm fer pasi aud soicit your patronage for the f In dioing isu T eau give inumercai mouils frorn our iizOut luinthe suý tien Ï have -given thein lu sharpai repairing their Mowens. Se *-ithu meits I ask nmesi epetuifor tinueuce cf patronage. 2Mowens for sud returnacd Vith dis3patcbl. W. H. W'ILLI1M5, Wesit End Smlithl, Ki A Remecty. Praýp'aîed speiallv for the expec, vaicu cf Asistie Choiera.. After1 been tihoroui-ghlv tlssid ud Jits vint, pon-er r prvd Jh3îio- binu~pa baurds cf tht nglts s c A Yard of Pansls sudour Nn um B'ook for 25c. cminsbeauf big vlume. Spud fe,.r thein-staiDp8 Thie Litcrary S)ie4y i3 ina ld condition tsud ithe meeting on)Wid afternooin wa-, veîY iPdereaiio generalbusine.ss was spe. d(iliya',tu", and1 the prog:emprceeedwith. union GI.ecClub made its tiîet appe: ou1 anly sta ad thie Ircba)bilîtyi judging f rom the sccess it mlet wý services will be rnuch songhn, for fut1ure. -The Caruovale" as Pull them brouglit rapturouq Pappauý0 the intelligent audienee and was e ly much appreciated. Allow us t gest thiat lu the nei cce thýeY aý te sing, the bas singe-ra be,'ivn a ler and lest exLbaustive part tniii *iarn)ovale" for thuy git holpelesa hind. No doubt this is aýc-ounýted the fact that tome of them. are oul ing side whiskeys a-1d bY Payiir mnuch attention to their appearauc got te take the*ir eue S )onen'g L. Andrew and Miss L Sc ýt ex( (no Dffence,,girls, me (d'oi't meazi ni ed,) a ilvely piano duet. Miýss Il M. A., read a very lut erWaing etOr "College Days and (Xlieze Haills"1 irg happy experie ices in bcer owý veraity course, presumab!Y. Sie fully portrayed both humorus a scenes in cellege litc and ga description of "freebies" and sophoi Messrs. Clare A. Xilliamu asud W. Aluin sang a dl et, "Shp Ahc good atyle. They possessa(lh voices and we would beclan them again. Mesars. Jaq. Lîws F. W. Werry plaved a montitoh and Misses E. Freiand and -M. cote sang a beanitiful du it. Th.) 1 ary President of fLe Sairaitrix S waB Called upon to give a thleiis n1 aimasand objecta of the urder" but, of the audience rose tb reînark,, il ably had no aima .or obJeet, £ f "th(.sis" did tiot xuter1&liz,ý. like te knàw why tbn snciety wss tuch a 'salty" name, forIt Usit are a pretty frésh ciozeii of i. accompanista wbo pre8idtd ait the at intervals durinL, tha illietinçt, Miss Armoiir sud -MnrJ. Il. Eiio,) the second pianiet of the" oy CluÏb were to lot the hair ou thet h;s musical head erwam long1 mach isdmired sidewhiskers lie wo a dangetou% rivai of his nzimepake, er.,wéki. The Travelling Do Frotatho Cuelph Agricitul C wiii exhibit Dësiry utensils, iioliet test milk, eautl. deliv'er lcu management of milk and crealu, du ing of cows, churning, w rking anc leig uf butter, ecc , a' ihe fol Places:- Bowinanville .... dy, Solina ..............Thiirsdsýy, J Eufieid ................F,ýid9Y. Blackstock ............MNondaY, Cansarea (Sehol>.-- Tuecday, Devitt's ... .......WeduesdB(a3, Ennickillen .......hrdy Tyrono ...............Friday, Oreno.............onda, Newcaýtle ...........Tuesday, NeOwtonviile .... 'dnemday, Kelidil........ ý.. . .ftlirsdlay, Metnsbégin at 2 p. i. You and yeuir fatmily ilre eortii vited tc ttc, .Tis16 des #s TnCourfo Revisio'n for lme Towsnship f Darlngton wn-ut meet ai the TOWN EHAbb HAMPTON, UN SATUROAVi 211Hi MAY, 1893, at 1 o'clok for the parpose o et lieng appeals agaiuat esaeissuientis sudfiunaily paEsing ithe aesessment roll. By Order, R. WIýNDATT, TownDslip Cienk. Mayl15 2- 1 w Fre eh ol1d Property Rd. PEATE, Tailor, %Viii be pleased once hi tQlantity, twice l 41Qua.iity, and tharce tilues ilit Price who luspect uhiequ ad o1Nent o Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At our Store, terBEAVE R BLOCK,Cï Bowin.zuili BIG&GEST STORE, BIOGESI VARIETY., BJQGEST VALUE. Everybody lnvàted to eall and sec our mnew fiootweu TRE SHOE MAN. Wes8t ÉEnbd Hos Do you want Lace Curtains ?ý 1 <GO TO THE 7,WiO lYNDLs 0F WOMEN need Dr. Piercc's Favorite Prescrip- Lion -tho(jse who want to be made strong-, and those who want to ho made well. It buds up, invigor- .ates,, regulates, and cures. It's for young girls just entering wýornianhood; for womnen who have reacýhed the critical "change of life" ; fc r women expecting to be- corne mnothrs; for mothers who are nurising and exhausted; for evýery womn nWho is rurn-down, delicate, or overworked. For ail the disorders, diseases, anid weanesesof women, "lFavorite Prescription"Il e the only rcmedy se unifailing that it can ho guar- aee. If it doesn't benefit or cuire, ini every case, the inouey will Thc11re's nothing likely to bc "j aist as good." AU sthadet of Kalsoniine at R Worth'o. W. I. Osborne invites ai ' iies te testý bis tceas. Delicieus flavrois Cail anid Seo the oheoap Wall ~ ~ from 5,. ip ut T. ýSheýrin & Uio',. The hast1 platce to biny reliable b coi is frnn P1. Murdnch atmh old stand. COURT of REVISION Do you, want l-lemp CarpetsY 1 GO TO TRE West Endi Hou Do you want Floor 011 Cloth? GO TO THE W.ve;st End Housý Do you want a loveiy white 0O TO THE 0 u of ieaving fo- tho U'nited IDo you -want good value for your sold as a bairgaîn. or rented lso isevaral 8plendid sewinez machines, tail- ,tools and full1 sets of new cnit coat patternes et receivcd from (leveland cutting ýoho. lori; can have copies froin them for legst 3,n hlai!pries. APPIY te R. PEÂTIC. on the misesB, corner o' King and Ontado te i. . ow- nyllie.19 --tf otice to Oreditors and Lien Holders. laruant te a jndgnient of the Chancery viion of the Itigli Court of Jîîsiice in the ier et the EEstate of the late Leonard Sdiff whierein William Tordîff i5 plaitlifr d, Lonisa Tordiff. Williain Tordiff. Jr.. hoQ nied >ou or abut iuns uns n ay ef Ai. 1). 1891, are oni or be fore the 2911 A. D,. 1893, to tend by mosi prepaid r3on, iLs q. * SlicitorOAha n-a.taiir Licalans et Iheir claims, a etate. anr actn4 u he natuirecet the r any. ld by L'lcm ; Or, il) defauît y will rus peremiiptcnily aexcided usd1 t 'ihe said judigme3nt. Escl dicg auy iseeunlty *Ata te rodure ,foe mle ut my Chamibots, VictGria nei, on t he -01 fiday o,' May. 1893. at n tic fereneon beinig the tune ari- adjudication ou teIlie ims. ye cedlitor n-ho lias ary speclIS or or i neumbrenCe cItihen on lite resi by îihe said Leonard Tordifi'ai the doa, fi, or on any undîvided cet"te, ýheriofe any et the abeve meu- l es or ef any other pssty eutitied te preduce before mce on or bef ors hý dyoMay, 1893, nexi fulil par. EDIOIt TAT5i~A.-SoŽig FooLIsll PEOPF allen- t coUgh te togther n-ih li ssatl3atety evidenCe o! ihe DLza Snp-Af-er a tvo 7vodk' viit ira unti! gels beyoud the reach c f iout die tliareon or in default thDreof lie. wiî kid fie ~sandr' ,tveelu eno mdicns. Th~ otentay ~'h t n-l, she on thiey wili receive nu benefit fren the bîdthen tr, jil heîoiug cf n-tan an-ay, b t u nosases il -atprocecds e auy sale or tales o! thc resl citais te n-adtenfr, - 1of1Wara' ,b' n ie twèr or any pari thereof, sud the proccedings !in Apnil 25th ant 8.4,5o'ci ec" a'1niI1i 0 lu ue CUa. !nld thcy ÎbLinduced te hsato -i acrne nnihu ut regard te the existence of any Bch i lieuor Rtoch2ester. N. y ae 2 3)5. W CXe tais l'y the succei'stul nedic!ine eclled KminPs incembrance, aud wihoi t anîher notice te froein Buffalo. N. Y. on ! ii mgniificIrnt Là1san ' which le sold oit a pstv n-holderthereo!., traini the Empire Siate xpesa dis; ue'e ue h ynol mmd.sy Daicd this l3th day er May. 1893. tane etof68 tmiles lu <ne heur sud in-enty Feetle excelle t fc arr ta,,kiug tlie J. F. GRIERSON, J. H1. DYMiiLE, mintes lan-a a eiibtti ne. Vefirt dso.Pnie Sc, ud l.0. AsU Plaitiffs Slce. Local .Mater. n-aro e at aithe New Yok 0Cenrtral depet dnuLgi." by Mn. sud Mrs. F. Býrimnac)mbe sud car__________________ daughter Joanne, eaIl deigh'ed to seses ubsneslt.Itfjs QhI[ afterthie usual retUbîarded Pan el( c K trie a o i.tý h on uu-isi argely de car for ihein hoe Cincord Avependent upon aco taiWTn r We are ue,,y iîuueb petsd wtb hebetg popol earingo tal iie Flon-er City,a8 iL is caieî,bt i e n-eath- biglr)-5i en for sight-seeing bas been quiteà unfaven- traiuied lu comuiercîi usages-. A thGr- able, being verY Colad u -t s130 t n-saough course iipracticabie subj acaudor Sok o as W n have beauoipilt erominiiindoors. ip ineofi V-s -l utaiitoi We niade a flyîng via-it te ivîeunî ItHaïe yeung -en aune nii possession 'of etc., at cost and manVI but did net s,)to te bobaI the sigbts fur information that liasf a r-ecl emnaud lu n-e iutli 'd0tes;ctind a da& ibere beforc n-e the commercial -o]dElegant ilitistrat- thing fa e W ot rPt'1u. W oe ut st viit Pewers' ad circuflar sL t any address. App)iy g a eo ot Art Gieyadacn th,, ton-et frein te A. nice lot of new Výeil- whichIb miLite 1îy cenle acc. SElR cULUJR T!ÀýL îi e î eauuI good healtb with n sj treo éi evrotiug bdigfair for au enjoyabi RICPlý,in sjatrcevd îîm~cf bic n- ma innîn oa i sineUsmlto Busnes Colag, 3, 3, ~ NexI door esst et P. O., Bon-manville falnen-ntig.Jamesý St,, So)uth, Hîamilton, Ont, 1AoCiuetr a ,19.Mnsdsbtmn ea eurslglaUa' Rpans Tabules cure nuMSea. money GO TO THE WAIest, End- flouse, The Dry Goocls and Grocery House of Bowmanville. JOHN Mc -MURTR~Y. HA TS&I has one of the best, the latest and Iargest stock of Hats, bought di-. rect from the best manufacturies, direct from Enigland and New York. Prices as low as the low- est---fromn 50c up. For Men and Boy's soit or hard and in ai color# and shapes. C ail and exami.ne prices andi goods. In Gent s furnishings à 1argp and well selected stock always' on hand. Highest prices paid for Raw Furs West End Hc -e 1. #Y. TS et 01

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