LU-COMNF4I ~)RTING. nutri tion, mud b,,,aàcreful apication et ~conoprtes t u1lescctsiCacol, Mr. shia rovidd em--cak aat Sales aitha satet- foverl beurge a dimay save Ye ha9 d- >ri' biI. It i3 lis' îl clu oe u ularticles cf diut that a dlcie )n.,,e radusils'l3bifus p untîl n) uneg i3tejujt evury tendiency te Jfe. Huoredi ef sublte msaiius are oiv- a ý,, u iiscerady Ioattadli whu-evur eC le a wa enWe may eo pu msav ta a', y euinc ounsulve 3 Weiî fe-ti fieal i 'cre bo~d îl apneDi, neurishsd Hae impîs' witli bollnt, water er mlik 1 on!,, iu packete. by rceure. labeIlied ibu tAUJt 14 &s Ceo., mx,1eïPath le Chela WEDýNEýSDAY MAY 17, 1893 E3APOF R 0FCLLEGE 0P PHYSICIAb 'm srgeousý, Ontario, Coroner, ecI. offi i- ud -pesideuce. Enniskilleu. 74. n 131ESlllsgN, ~llS1iSOLICITOU, &o. MOPnR Fi CCIZ. ue-aine, King Siret. Baav'u ' Fciciton fanr the Ontani Bs-i r3iyate Houeye lOAsed ai th, iowae. nat IOENED4UCTIONBEER F0I ý%tle Couuty et Durhamn.,Sales -attende, tOn ehaýrtesi notice sud loaveet rates. Addres RtL1T TUxG, V. S. FFICE ITUTE WEST DURHAI1 Ne whicR vere Iimseuf or assistan IILie fnsind fren ta 9 pm. Niglit es-i Atciecedrcî Opposite Drill Shed. Calk Ly teleg eph an teleplione willl neceivu vomei tenition l71-yr . . AINNAN V. S "~FFI CQE-HIGGINBOTHAMIý "J BLOCK )Bewmanville. Nîght celsans Xered from euoe dean meuthoet Dr. Boyle's cAlle liy3teleg ns-pli antelepianewaillie prmtattenti on. b, A. Iy. TiLE, A UCIONERAPPRAISER, Real ~1 EstasAgen, Bowmpnville, Ontani, Fales atteuded eu any pari of Province. -ARCHTITECT. Planes anti Specifles- £lo o iea reti for cveny lase aoflbuilding apeîs aieuieugiente èeatug liy steal ard hot Vataer, sud tles-, -yarrngumunt8 Ciice: GarnIe Blae,Clîlby 43 -ly .PEATE, Tallo] Gentlemlen's lothes Ma-de to Order. DENT19T. OFFICE :IerOf lMlessrs. Iniggrinbotham & Soni's Drug Ciened, yed, Pressedansd Re3painud by DyrsdCoes Cles-ner, 100dB Wamn-tedhte i s-e ne ewill kuow tli frei n nw when dunc. Cerner King and Ontarilo Stncsj,, Bowmauville D EN T I STRYS. C. IARDE ) ..S (~radnîe cfîles RS ai ofaIDenal ,VITALIZED )AIR, you takeL- Cold and Gnaiycaosed by -expasore to colM, ~vet led, s ittig l s-dranglit, comiug rrmens iot s-idst cnawvded pis-ces, fi thif ce-wesrhg- arnugothes, sAocie Check Sudeuiy tic penspiratiami. Ti lesuit'produces Inflammation of the 'Ining membrane of tic longs ortirat, sad bile causes pilegm or matter,which nastome tries 'Io tinew off by expectora. lion, lu ms-ny cases she !S onabie te do se wibhout assis-tance, aod biis Le yodus Allen ' EIOtSEEIOLU. Love in thse Romý. Like the words ni' a snng %vtut nt se, Like Lte eky waithent ssight sboes, Like a larp-wiih îhe strings al lirken, Is the home thats tlvoid uf love. Liku a concert hall that's demietud, Li ke a li ot thai lsmi turued te stosse, Like a kingdoum borefttcf a rulur, Like a king liefto athrouu; le the home tiat lias net tlie sunelitu 0f love te illumine nîglit, To cimsilirougi the duepuat shadows its %vouiterful beacon light. -IG.L. and F. Boyce. Appearanoas st IBore- Don't s-y that it dosn'i malter bow yenu look eroul the bouse, for it deus ims-er s- great des-i. Il matrurs for the 'genural crudit of ilie establishment, cf whicb île femininu hcad is the creditablu on question- s-bic rulînsetativu ; i musters lu itsecx- ample te the childruu and te thc help ; il mstiers te bbc hussaut sud fstier, whe uscslly, if lie is baîf a man, fuels as uise of pnidu in the appearance cf lbis faniîy. It is poor encouragemnent te hlm te find cnfusio anti caruleesnees in dres, anti avastu sud detruction runDg iot sbout c ienîly hes-vy in lbc out cf danger of upsýet- tixmg. One may aise draw upon thesat liag for filling disies lu whiciî cttin-gs are put te reet. veny few outtinge wocld speil if tbmuet jute wei sanutiand kept tIero un- til the meots s-ne wull grown. Everybotc>iy eau bave an abundaucu cf roeted cutLtinge imply liy tying a strnmg arouud asn ondins-ny fruit jar, filiing it wiîli sand anti pctting tbe cuitinge ie oit.Hang ibis nus-n the aiudow aud kcep sufficieut water iu bbc I uelte make the sasîd wcî al cf bhe time. 'In smalbouses, wbcrc ihene e i ack of lîglit, bs-If a tiozen jars huug sround lu vs-r-, ions windows wliure the sun ebices, will occupy but litIle apaýc will iueure plenty of maerial fer put ting eut as soonas frost ime ont of tie griuti. If une bas a nimber of sieves, s- littie ssud eau lie sifted ont, rctaining ouly the lînesi. A dlsb of earîd, kept on the kitulien she ise invalîmable for ecouing tables sud lienchethat sru net painted. Seme pen- sons use very finîe Sand in a tiieliou the desk to dlean pes wiîb. Ibis may do for steel pens, but is muinous te goid cnes. Ie- deed,, the greatet cine sh:isid bu baken neyer te allnw the point of a peu te ore in contact witb s-ny liard sîbtance. fm Monds-y Wisdam. N is dwulling. tit hociecof the important «"Te scak r o nite eeak," les-a qtseicii duties of every womnannte keupehersulf andi important iens-ny coissiders-tîcu of iactiry lier liouse lu s condition as prusentablu sas metiode. Wrhite dint le unqceetions-hly possible, consmdurnuglber circumetauces. numovuti witli lescf wes- n ad tes-n sfier it le freiy seftencd, s-ny long lying le any te alkaslinu silution is net menciy injurions te nu- Teachinfi Daughtere flousekeeping. fiblen antifs-brie, but lias a teudeucy te fisc A question tilificuit cf solution for meet dint tbrougli chemical res-cîjen. mticre le sew te sentis daughier toe cbool Ibis le a21 lic more iikely tb bucth ss anîd at tic samne urne give bier s- practicai if washiig fluide or powduns sane iin use., R ducation in houscwerk. There is sucli lit- The fluide alincet invanis-biy cuntain amn- d tic ime out cf sehool bonne that even te mueula or ebioritie of lime, with s- propor- 3s penform a few takes-lieut the bouse seeme tien cf, borax.- Witli powduns it sleumcch impracticable, sud snsong the well-to-de ht the s-mne. Tlîey are for Lime mosi part is ofien enîirely fuasîile to defer the latter formeti of eos-p, tocbsrd te dissolve rus-dily, training tilI the former iseompîeted. White tiat lias liee eiccd, drieti, cruseet anti Md thure s-ne somue objections te the plan ef pur. mixudti vil powduned liorax on potsh. ni mitiig a girl to bu euircly igunant cf tic Ail thu vegets-ble aiesgo lsngely cutid by 1 t13 ietaile cf smusewrk tluI she te grown, thcrc sosp niakuis îbnow down, liy standinmg, a pt le, ou the cîben baud, tihe advs-ntage of aI- fstty saliti knowu to the ms-de ase"fente. lowiug lier to brin g te lier ncwestudy amind IÎ le bIleseliti, eparîfled i th the vcry -wel-trainud aud a ble teognssp Lie sujet asesttrou geet aliralies, avhieli supply the -eap a aviole aItihes-mne lime that tbe practical for griudiug iso powtiers. Nsturs-ly,i 'S- details s-ne beiug mastereti. wbun fre skaîf is atdudte thebb powticn, is. But wlicn ihe busy methen necdte ie strengtb of it le dangcrocely incnessd. s. elp cf tiecehiltirun, andi it le a foregoeuSîbîl these wasliiug powdcre anti fluide teconclusilon lis-t immcdisîtely upan leaviug eau lie usuti witli safcty if propen cane le - chool bbc daîghtcn muet make lien own take, Wbere bbe ws-sh avatun le bard, s- living, on ait luast prepare beniake il, Lie tablespoonful cf ecuber powtier on fluiti al question preseuis itsefifnl a more serions may bue tîmneti aiti etivaniage Iireugli liht. Ie sncobsa case lb jse evdent that es-ch tuliful beforu putiug lu th e ciathes. wastever kîîewicduc cf bouseavorir a girl hitsoflens the wster audsaves lie dus-grue- citailue muet bu gaincti turing1 lier ycare cf able, griiiy feeling cf bs-ndesud wrietg' scbooling. But there s-pp cars -se uitile tusse But neyer, by any mus-ne, aHtit lher Lfor eystcms-bic training tsatInlums-ny farni- white garmeuis arc lu bbc wataer. To de seD n- lies tic daughtur never lisec reepensibli l te invite lihe premedtiusteti povcrby cf1 ~iîy for aey psrt cf tseimsuwork, aud pateline. lb le iikciy tc reet ounilie loili icarus ouly wbai sic may happen te pick luesti cf dîsseiviug on bIentiing wiîb tic up iulpjng mener, White mother eweeps, water. Invarialiy, tien, bic strong aikaliE SJessîes-akes bbc muga antiruns fer the duel aili us-b ides, gneat or emaîl, sometimes aE pan, thoen stauds restlessly on onu foot fine powticring s-Il over, as thongli the gar. waating fer bbe ucxb orticr or for tic op. muent liati lien pepperet wiib siot,' soîne- Spetuniîy-te mun aws-y te pis-y. Ou bs-king turnes takmug oui jaggcd spots bbc hîgnese day Jessie le calîcdte toonu bis raisins, 10 of your palm.' Jgel the fleur sifier and th e cake ps-n. W lien Blackr mammies dewn Seti, l inte tisysr mothur cooke Jess muet bu arount wlisn iicy wcne ps-st mistrusees cf ls-cndry' "iandy" te pare bise pobatous, te grnet the work, hlcît" soakiug oeunuigbt funs-bison- ceffue, te runtowxn cellar,-iu short, ta retîce.1 aait on mothesunwhie moihur doetic Thei practice avas le wct soileti clohes work. Thces-mne metioti-on iack of bbûousglly with wstcr barely lnkewarmn,1 mietioti-is continuedtiliitbegirl is sixteen lcitIlium lie for penhape ton minules, " 10 on iglituen, wepbun bbc miben libegine te sofien bbc dirt,'" tien soap anti nel ant i l ' ode hvy lier d kgbtn owesO litt1i.0c:anti inse. Au i cenbs-ily ilumeii tes wcre- s-ud caneýs !so uitile sbout loswok f c dsuer w,.l)ii bis-eÉtic, traditions-i luft t kup cue ly lencîffo a we, nIvu woa, anti sweet smie)llig as new-duit bbcrculîgchasvoulldtiliy 1usd you grislaut., to suppose iliat tice gin b11At elpeti %boub iHaf-luepu f kersen tdd te - bb liese eeryday frein er ehilth .b fc!,sb~'uaiitnboi-~ A ' - iofrfiù budshw ' iean cicm ntoý evnniltsnk is-k o knwieigeani *iutercs-,te j- îmIe C0t t-ies t-emuci. Finsi, tic cp ply the naturel nsuit cf is-vimsg ti - grcasi ombinea s i tb bbcdii uinu heipa littie hure suds utile there, t-01itsl îl uIbystnin ifrtavelvu I1 1 plcamuîng te do sny oeebrandi cf bouese ci r8 r se ,rne wcorepeýund s-ne fcrmed, no, liy herecîf. Mothuns tee scldom res-ilcia s e-îdeuit i sy bu, as tic enigins-i soilune., fs-ct bliat bbc chiltren Irs-ei e ottisc. ,s uts ly not lesunclean, anti mcci bard-, r nstliode cf wenk in sellent natirraly iud it er te removu. liai is wh i ems coruese 1iý nupîcasant cier '-m kcew' meit wiat je ex. often frein tise tub anti iromng lioard fuil t pecti of Ilium st thome. 'Theicrndeon f s test, heavy emeil. avonid like te have certain tefinite basks Tic aeigit cf autiority seerne te indicate e assigucdte ta bbm, Ihat tbcy mighuî know Ibis pattern of wasli day. avien thir work avas done, anti fuel fre b Risces-nry, breakfast metieraiuly late. pIs-n tic remaiuing trne for extra nusding Befone tic meal put ý our ciethe te snak, on stuty. firet wetting ticin tbenacgily lu dlean; Hoceewerk le a compiex stety, andti ewaster. beach successfnliy s-l branches of IL at lice-CI s-mneime avcuiti ruquine as ms-ny hecure aF day ag te beach tice several branches of For Thse Cooks. fi learumug tliey are requnet in tuhie publie Ces ie nwmo ieciiI ecliceis. Se,aste e ime esci day le veny To make os efbono h usd limitedthIe besi resuits will lie obtained aund rare ant jicy aithij put tic beuf jute by techiigtinet more blisu oncaorLave thinges avcny bot oven st firet, kucping tic tumi-fi at atime. The littie girl sicuit begin, cf peraicre as jhii asîline lcureti anti îflfy course, ailisorne veny simple basir. She degrees on more for baîf au boun, thun r-ce migil f fret lesrut wipe the dise, on te dncing the lies- te abolit iwe inreu m doý ecetnt-u ding, or te dû ohu; but mie flfîy degrues for the remainden cf btînsu buliuntunstand tth tbbsmki lier cavu cf cookilig. Tic mes-t mueiiýs ebati paniccarpar c ti iuseenk astiIbt ss ftiss as evcry fificen minutes.Ti shrte muetapry liter mmd to It ant Iate athuaat final harteis s-sweli as lirownsý ledo it a-Veu1, juietas aie ocîd sîutLiy tic surface cf tise pisce cf mus-i. TIi aiblimetic, or geo)gapi1y. eu i n bic juie,ýse.l11,Bu thbcbi em Wiun si lias eaIrnuti ohw to per'for aonc perabuire lbu continnru, bs i-tinugp-s piecf avenwý)t se S, eil tat tieeois netds-.-cees gou lcyct tise srface s-ud1the rsl guno!f fiàrgtting, itsecun, otiiere ms-Lyble talion will h)e ia hsrd, dr-y steîingry picce ofl up lie ý3ortlen avimei8 le s' conencienb. mes-t. Wiae henu are several dauglibere i s- BUTTERSlCOTC'. -Ba0il ogeLierculteg pice baste es-n buclis-d etideav te tic yonng. syrup aili sua p when etstu;lucoltiwaben a 't un chiltirun when bbce ltier nes arc rcs-ty te cue cupfnl es-ch ef sugar sud New Oicansf lieglu mure dificuli work. Tha disiwashîng, molasses, liaîf s- cupfci of intten,bave tabiu-c seepin ansd liutmoomaont conîliebsp- apeofule'of sincgsr ais ene-Ihirti et a tes- ep porlionuti am ong tise ycungem girls, whiite bbc spoonful af ,sots, Poýur iluto s butuedtili ri, idaugiteans-y groavu lesrus cooting, bat- -,N heu nus-ny clt, uu n m squares wiavis- ig, s-uig, prcserving, laudry work, shsrp kuife s-ut wr-p ecclinj paraffine paper ni anc tiug aiatime. le cookitmg tileauex. wiumm colt, t celeut pis-c te eaci tIhe girl iow ta cociok n A-.Oebafcpu fmtr one article of foot, anti allow bier te prupare oDCý -OehI ufl bter bIst on cvcry ocesamn tisil he fuels confi oand-mt ilrue-focnilis enpfule cof powteretýi n tient cf lber s-ility te coot that pariiculai sugar, yebka ef five sg s asud whites of orle, be dish s-ny tinsu, aa s- rnci t'e notice, sud one-hlaf enpfui of, issll£, laveanti cue-lis-f wibli ne assistance.. eupfule of foeur Lave evun teaspesouful is c Iu puneuing ibis planc cf - teaicbng onu lis-k ig-powdcr, eue tesspoouful of vanilîs- t ing st s-time, IL aililie surpriebngtese or on-bal tesspeanul f n fmace., Bake ted a motierats aveu. lie as- ]dy a girl aili beconsu profiieut in bbc vsruons branches of houewonlu. Tic CRÉFAM Si-ostsCE AE.s-One duplul cf' J understautisg tha es-cii day avîcu lier s-lot- sugar, onu-hl-f cupfl of crus-r, tince eggei( ted portion is prcperly perlormut, she jest 0nue cupfui of fleur, onu evun tes-spoonful cf th liberty te tievote soeeiime te lier cavu plan.s baking pewden. Bus-t very ligit andi balte ga anti pluasunes, tous mcci toavard stimuls--in a slow even. v ing ber interneiun ihe work. Systeni in SîLvEsu C Atis. -Onu-bsIaf cnpful cf butter, Ca tes-ching bensekecpiug me ss muccli equinet eue sud ous-laf ccpfnils cf sugan, onu-hl-f anti iii protincu s am o resulte, as, sysýt2]us s cuplul et milt, îwo anti a quns-ner cnpfsîîs p in teaciing snythîng cime, cf fleur, tave evun teasepeaufule cf lialtîinu 1pcwter, avilies of fivu cggs. Saud !or Hougakeepere. Pt-tIîr ANDu PoRIr t SvEW.-Cetfp sam Gooti, deanc sîitet santibs-s many uses. Po-andiaf freeli, ucooketi perk, or linif the 1k If oue cvain0no obus-en iliat whiiel is perfect] v smonnt of sali pork. Pct h ouita boul in iiýh md s-u bi-t is- b twbvequarta cf colt wstcn. Aftur ILbas1e, ia, onrenaau ceoket sau sourkim off the fs-t. Srs-pcE doavu by bie roatisite ms-y'bu uset. Tlircw tru onfrgoi-xeipnipclI ter, 9tirng tic s-ut vigoronelyunutil -I cf i nhsie n d etese,à tise us ,istdY but je aaslieti ont. Wh icubiasn onuon sluianti hait amnheur buferu dis--, avaten shows peCrfectly clos-r afber biug uer puai anti cnt up hall s- doxen poitees, i stre p tices-utd is dlean. Il msy-ybe parlicil a feav minutes anti adtthe ,bb tebw. 1ho6 je bg r bxnorWlien doue take np mes-t sud vegebable, Ict bu tirjeut nte pts-s- heeken the gras-y s-n4 ses-son tu tâte, bien la Veu-y fc peop-1. s-ne -relis-tflovu Our over mes-b, etc. bo C, h 11 dref) Pery - l A CGood Story of Frei Burnaby. Mn. vei u Bunabylias writtuu some tharcteist -Iaecdotes cf the laie Col. Fred, Brai.He started ou onc cf his fîret bionecrisand ly a curions chancue party descunded in the ueigbbor- îood or efod weuCapt. Burnaby's mtlerw3 lvig.The greai Monlogolfier fireblon u-b Caýpt. Baraby accom- îaue . Gudard, Lthu Frenii s enonaut, msende fnmnCremorne gardens Clile- orn i,, 0 crsIsnce. It appears frein Mn. i'velynBv aisn araietha-t t!ilat lnrother ws-s Onriiat occasiona ducidelY wnwelcos asagr.M edr ia e nsed e ita ýke hlm, !but VCapi.Besli vs ici th mmc te take decliasI. crigy as tIec balleon (Says MnC. Bcrnaýli ýýy) ceil- Ioud e ise frotn tii goudmy bohr wiih mcidexteniîyt, se;iing rkthe .-II auiýteýd imut te cr.Tir, effeet wmae ý-, alisd the desceuto se ill>onu te n ,roîîmI was te wonk of a momeint. The erens-uîL'te8language, addetie narrator, Was fa from ipolite. leiiie mFrencli lie jauau,' \WeeL ,isans1lyou spniî de ifrect.De audpis-y, de people shout, wc ie, mouetManiiqeAnd thenyo)u -.av yen put your buavy careage imb îy 1, l min s-d ae go down, plomp ; dare, -tI is vot yen de.' Capi. Burnaby, bnw- ver ginued bis: point, andi, as the lialleon nadu, its second Aascent,, bu waefoundti t e amrongeýttmbenterpnising party. There do Vùettabiew Fetoli the Most 140hey ? Iu the Transysal, Southi Afries-, wliene ai olianesbng egetablus cosi far more nonuey te purciase ihan auywbene else iu De ýword!. %A rusid set wniting from tîmeuce ave be oiboingas ithe uscai pricei of egetbies l at-the chief towu and ungcetre cf the Tramsvaa gold felds:- elbgcs, -18. 6-1. ecd ; lettucu, le. a bes-d; ot(Iato, _14e. atne;sd otbr vegetables ýrpi)ýrionaiy higli.Freucîs ibuttearCan- ai h b haid for leseisa 7s. 6d. the ,Poundi; fge, brieg 4,1,1 cadi1; fuîcel i milk l. s-apint; igar, le. a peuund ;.ý! flouîs, I4e. ca eýtonu. ,A Sierr un -dother seimnts ce se ýoasi of Afic, w*Ang tathe intense Iet, neo eeais uthefor 11se ty crpan au iegawbcofecocos, mpicagiraize, cis'5 ua-ae ati catto)n Îisprodnced in langcemuantities; wis, &earecnkow andt.ioauculylie oi ýe-laden ssp ii heepaebavsn arge quanties ,Erpavethisu coard, whicbrelielarge pi-ces. ablag. titi. cadi; p la-e,,. peýr lb., nti son. aEenlat potstiýocs ný,,ý me veelanger ,irnie sudcarot cue o efeti A physimnespa cticeat sininig Ywands ;?EARLS OP TROTR Patiene ie thert cf hping. Front.-dead epportu.nhîy there is ne When ave do neýt flnd peiace wlthin 0cr- ,suIves, Iis .vain to eekit elsewliere -[ La Wb&ji,t yen are doing for love yon can de ne longer for meýre gyain. The bigbest me- tive ont the bav1er. Lille rvSa--lavCs, go thouglite are bless- ed gouatsý, and g-ive eutý a swcet seul if laid uip in the jar cfmemr alivows, are mccli, bettur broken thnkpt iae 1ünitrer cliauggs neyer ~mendsý; lie woiee yields never con- It is fcoîjeli te, turn off a triud friend ecuecfi a filiug or twe since we alI live 111 giLies bou-ses ,we sheuld net rbrow Goaviyou neiglibors as f ar as good co)nscýice wlll accempany you, but leave them iwbicn tuslisoe cf consciensce begins te pinlih your foot, Trtnîs i netg'rat wcîiglts te slender thread. Comit aIl yocr secrets to ne mlan, yct lie neot vermore suspicions, for supcini a cewardly virtue at best, The rcekwordimports that humility is the rilibon or sýtrinig ibat ties tegether ail tho>se preCieus pearîs, the rest of the graces if tbis3 string break, tbey are, ail scattered. The tbsotry of work is te lie lavieli witli pe-rsenal inifliunce, te put a great dual cf ne's self jute the thing whloli onu under. take, y1 ay,,tever it may be.-[Rev. W. JT. HEw emuch tr ouble lie avoids wbo dees net look te ese wbat bis neigliber says or doue or tLinke, but cnly wliat lie dees him sIf, iat 't ruay be just and true.-[Marcus leie t te-merow best Who uses to- day weli, lie i,,best prepared for eternity wh)o hiaï; wheey eip,'loyed the talent of timne. Thiink of tbeý arrears cf aIl 0cr yeSte rdays lieing r _emitted te te-day. The every day cars ani duties whicli mni dalldcgr are the weigbts and co0untert ssoff the cdock cf time, giving its penid4ibi a truc vib)ration and its bauds a regular mto.-Lnfio . omdne cres from witbin-frem tliouglits0 feelings and desires, resultîng in life anti actions. G ýreatness is the couse- queneec o' bold actions, gruat cnerzy, ambi tion, etnorprise Mand perseverance. Dionit ' t if n deulits and fe-ars. Spend youreelf oun the work bufors yen, well assured that the rigit performance cf the hoitr's d %vie ill bL, ibe best preparation oýr thu euo-rs or age5s whicb follow it. ipîiit j the rarýeet, as lit le the mnst precjoue reaul i( ic nec seure je thein self-trainýig. It is; the sim-plicîty whicb tîî mecnawinPhillips Brooks aud thu prus- ence or asececftbs quality afferds a teýst of whicb a mac cana always apply to h)imec,î Many mea,,n thingig are done in the family for whici meod]s «are- put forward as the ex- urse, whien the monade themselves are the nosi cicua tbmngs cf ail. A mac or 'eomac tlu tolerable healthb las ne moral right te indulige jn an npleasant mood.- Rm ro may distuarli he elumbers cf a s cf w ;al-d wbcpeaur las lieu asedanligeeand nîhiuýllg is bu f I lic eri1ï1ý butl the îin -wvhicb itlbas jwrouighî lien, tee the Frisake ibeir sat sponil ic mnidight iiïlow. BIut the merid1ian cf vil is, ef4r the ms part, left u1nvexKed and w he 'y 1 las cliosen his road, he le û l o bwi ttth-, e cnd.-4roe Thelo e i- irso Tiear as little Las possile cwhatGer teý theil cie ef others. Scondo, To )elieve noth',Iing cf the kndt1lIarn- absn- -tely forcýed to iP. Third, Neyer te dirink i the sririt cf eewbo) cirulates antjll ne- or;t. ],'iurtl, Abways tende)ý,rais, as far e I, cao, the nirliiduLsa wbich ilexpressed a nmad thers.q Fifîli, Always te beieve, c mtifthecother side were beard, 'a very iffeent icaoceount' vould be gîven cf the il r-utter. -ISimeoon, 1i ri ei g, k IN ni rl gE il ai au us ai lie 'ai i sm b fE -as us ti il ge w st nei TRADE A1IID COMMERCE. The money rates have increased in the West and are as higli as 71 Der cent. at Dul- uth. The British Budget shows a defleit of £1,750,000 This is proposed to be met by a direct incorne tax of a penny a Pound. The offer nf the United States baniks te advance f romS$25,000,000to 850000,000to the United States Goveroiment in excliange for jgnverniment bonds was îejected: andi con- fidence lias been restored since the Govern- meiuVs unmistakable lauguage, as to main- taicing the parity of the two metals. The production cf pig iron is re.-orted iu Germany, in metrie tons, at 4,791,056 for 1.S92, against 4,452,619 in 1891. The in- crease in the totil was 7.7 pur ce it., but the production cf basic iron increased 17.7 per cent., whule that of Bessemer pig de- creased 18.3 per cent. During the last fiscal year Canada receiv- ed almost 93 per cent, or 14,796 tons ont cf the total of 15,940 tons of pig iron experted fromi the United States, The Baltimore Journal cf Commerce, in, this cennection, statue that the furnacus cf theU Lnited States were se saiccessful in competing with thosu cf Eugland that E nglslihpi iron was alm est entirely driven irom u the Canad:aie Mn:-ket. Now tbat civilization is gradually penu- tratingthe remote and 'obdiurate Oriental countries, it beboovus Canada to follow up lier advantage in hlivigrsu aguency, tlirougli the medium cf the Canadian Pacifle Rail- way, establisbed at [long Kong for the purpese of promeîiug trafflo between Can- ada and Chin4anad Japan. Tbis will be takîng a timely advantage of the antagon- ism engendered in China througli the action cf theUnlited States anthorities, The de- mand for wbat is ltnownî in civîlization as staples je beginuing te be felt, there ; and as anticipated the trade in fleur, provisions, cotton and woolen goods, and canned meats ana vegetables is being buit up te respect. able dimensions; andi the country, likethis road, sliould lose n oc ppertunity for in- creasmng its trauspaciflo trade. The nie crop ot tlie United States is now practically ini siglit, and the following us- timnates are given oct :-Louisiana wili fraotionally uetcced 7,500,000 bushels; Carolinas, including Georgia 2,000,000 bushels - scattening in other States 250,000; total 9,750,000, a rougli equal, say to 255,- 000,000 pnunds cf cleaned or edible rie, cf which 1",000,000 pounds have buen mark- eted. This is 60 per cent. gruater than any pruvious crop. Th le geld experts from New York on Sat- urday approacbed six andi a liaîf million dollars, leaving the Trelasury depleted not ouly of its free gold, but of suveral millions of thie $100,000,000 " sacred reserve." Etrenuous efforts are bcbng put tortb by the Uiied States Goverument te prevent their silvur beiug discountel universally; but the best; acîirties thir.k that this wîtb a premium on geld le icevitable. If so it will have a very depressing effeet upon Am-nican securities. The Chignecto Slip Railway, now in course of censtructioýn, will obviate the dangerous and circuitous route round the peninsula of iNova Scotia, and connect the Gulf of Stî. Lawrence-wit he Bay cf Fundy. The com- nercal dvanage ufthis enterprise eau buý eadily perciveiy its bearing it, the coast- a total cfre than 12,0100 toVns a.yuar. 1[11e iin1ubercf Vessels la ingpotsin the Glnf cf ~ .Lawrence, ,Prince Edvard ]Island" and the BMav cf Fund1y, ýin h earending 1FRAGRANT -ýND - A large S3:-p e iu rte.Fa ion MontbÀy will b 0-'l to $1 5 fü te V D5 "Thle Ladies' Journial" i t te na publicatibng that v7 111Interee:,t every w n tthe liand TIc regulu susnitîupn-ýeu et-r"te beities' .iurnal" -t ibispaper ls- $2 pet yes-r, You guithe !Lave ý"for Senti yonr maney anti atidrese t ibisoffice. Suprsdes lý3ail other pi ps-rations foýr 1,11, cure of 7,entai Debllity, NervoimeP-stainbse ii'nhoosl, Paralysis, ieeonmteAalaiti Menstruation, Sumppresions isdiresiast -4es Leucerrhoea, Pîisorders cf Stomacli, Lose of Ap- pet ite, Dizziness, etc.'fThese Pille poess ne pun-ga. tire preper-ties, ueor 5fl3tlsiîmg urtîni te thsemet 1delîcale eyste-m. Thevare thaerescîtol yearsof cars. lui Ptudy and analysie, andi used iith greai mucsse lu tc piv~u pectie c anemieutphysician. S e u risiyo Is e ethesincreasiog theVitl erc, pemting A s i-m itiEn, ileht ingfie llodtmu pe.tingadcnngdimsase, - on sale by flruggiets, 50e, pur box, or sent psbu. pai for lic., or 0 boxes $.e Br. Butler' liemielsse Co., llrenkyllle, ont. COOPER'S LIGHýTHINC CORN C Ui rE Curesliard and Softliona eOniY thue applications reqi red. COOPER'S BUNION CURE Cures Bunjon5 Warta aud Mol gsSwollekn Glande, Thicitke n -d Skin Disûeses"L, peilharacterTlhaesrem edies are Perfect yplnes. Don'thbe deceeved. Agk efor Coup or's and taRke ne ailer. 15ilanot 1 nsA dru tgas ýr BterHehIcie Où; Bre0 vXlc611 Coussins no Alcm, Amrssonia, Lime, Phosphat,-s, or any Injmmiank H ONEST HELP FOR MEN S PAY NO MORE Ny O -0QUACKS. A sefferer frum Eur of V ut, 1Nervos's Detfl"I*ts and Losi o, vsreîOred 1. bealh in such a remark-,be I _ner fc Il eIse tati failed, ohat he ;vill senti the ineans tc -r RE r tw ail fel oni ouf- ferers. Address, xvi tntqp, MR. EDWAro MARTIN, (TrEACHER> 130X 14G, DETROIT, MICIS LJDELICAT E _ MURRAÂYa. JA X.iÂýs DairyGrnl. lire bbc cowe te corne up at itiglit biy gis-- sg a grain neatien. WihbastLlirongily geeti aw ave dan Incays afferdti - giva. plcnty of feet inl xcehange for plenby cf butter. Vigor la tic rusuit cf comfort, geoti fecti- sg, purs air, andtipCmetiug bbcedevelop- sent of qus-litues mis- put feet, eeav anti nrofit lunbs-rmnny wiii esci ailier. A inuaaits csnaily untiilFeees a inrinkage lin yiuid lielore icginning te fel whIce lie ehonit begin te, supplement ihe benrtage in ps-store in turne to pruveut sncb ishints-ge, Iu cesua chkuese, aviere unwliolusome cr offensive us-ns-miens are prusunt, milit Isoniti bu Most carefuliy gcs-rded frorn s-ny chance cf licomig coutamins-teti. helast quart cf rmut gis-en by s av le 3ver blincu times niherjufmstha-n btifret riu neoe tcnirp s- cow cdean ije l e ec ie -cl milk s-ut by the uglec-t dry bie cew. Some crameymciiseeni te Stnidy te e- sin îbutter wavibams-smuel1-i avate se cy es-n at ilU arry. Sncb hutter le soft,, avilI ;net leep), doue u,,t " spei" aveil anti will net îtiafy tice cons.umer. No onu-u13-d expec eeuei diyu ho douezuii tlike thme busýinessî, D1W- lus-tien ïte miake bbc veny btof Lbis natenhal st -t s-utndeps-ring ne effor to îal end. je A vcry essuntial eeu,-.-t oaIsuc- Ttie ccav ahicu pncduee 150 pounts of nitter s- yca s-rlikue ts es. Ihis ei suit cf bis ignorance. -rie ccw that cau totice .330 pountis l iste mcccli cf inicîli- mcc anti cf tl iset idesin breetiug id fecding. Witi a diriy caw s-ut s- dirby, bs-dly- igiLets-ut iil-x-uutils-teti stable, ycc ns-et iot uxpuci to etuas-pure antiavhalceomu xtice cf miut, ne.matien iow avell yoc s-y feti andtiaaer your cow or baav goot cow Yeu Ms-ybs-vu. An exoiteti eowau anoflen lbe quistet awn aviLi a lit-île pals-table foot. Thie siees-i aare to calvu nexi suboner md fs-h avol liettîci uu aith bbc ,ws anti les-ru cow hbits. Let them came ip witi tiecdows,lias-e places for Ilium in me s-abbc, tic Ilium she s-mne s becoave md gis-ethum s- litlu grain. i avocîti bu s-mine 'cf avealti b eh mînryman telis-vu it dmuîs tethLst fat td te s- eoavcoulti lis convunteti inta huiter bt. Wieu a pis-nb je sait ta cas-tain a ertis-luamount cf fat it tous rot uses-n fat sailable foýr 1)icIter, f or no msan knows il lai putii je i u-i aleeanomy lu tic elabors. icu. of lninf-e - ColinssRural Worlti. "'le dairnman 7iavi muteeasr s-round mun't bave to ruenip s-ny store delits anti titen cps anti ticavue luinpnice affect uni et lite, for bute -2sbliln sinjeanti se mtic yes-niy avurages-ai ic ieyess-iy as-cr- ge bas slway e ieoil-bbineig t mryme)n. Stili paye ssxtnrapnesnjethis se. 'Jliongit bas s- os-i value. Asa aul noieimplesmoeurs rcusfm'omin du stic,- nsus-lys-n liea cuniliykepor s-mmi s-d ut ocfdraft sud eemî--tav-mon ýlie ps-ù e wl, lveai-,ftlaur 3le fitm a C iffliiulncîsediy. A tes-, stue-,pet from -tidomk eet les-mili sd afe s-aiign lï,susof caEtes .-l. f lamt'E Divr