Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1893, p. 5

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j f The little village cf Coîborno had four holels liceused. Bad i b Mn.. Alex. Kennedy, Teronto, bas been viziting fleu iu lown. ci -1 i Miss Dora MoMurtry. Ladies' Coilege, Whitby, spont Sunday iu tcwu. ti Miss Maud Wilson, Oahasia, wais guest cf Miss Eva Osborne oven Sunday. rE Mr. Thos. Chapple, Biliings, Moulana, ha. beeon visiting fniends sion hene. BUYRev. A. W. Main ie assisting Rev. W. Fî:S. Pritchard in evangelistia services this , E i 7Z IciDec Ihe famous trotting Brigh tn dog f ho. been eugaged fer the World's Fair at Mn. R. Peste, vétéran talon, advenUis, t e s hie comforlable home fer sale inthis piper. Itlei a most desinable proporty. i QLace Certsirs in ail qual ities-neir andi elegant debigns-and ne botter value any- whene. -Couch, Johuston & Cryderman. Rov. Dr. G. C. Workman, Cobourg, A Ofin luhle atitiy nîrbi, ha. lied to gel eue anm. amputatod-the VJbeu Cho.eaIaru ou e boue wos houcy.combed, the rosâlt ot a - pain Rilter - fixcd me right, blow mauy yeans ego. t<o wacnd toaeaioun ~The gîte recelpts at Whithy spring faird amnonnted te $10.75, at Csrtwright they 'Most OLD PEOPLE are friends of naked lu $11.25, at Boirmauvilie theya piayed te $11-75. This i. keepîng aiong r 'Ferry Davis, ona pretty ovenà jog. tehtta i a rido, was run oven sud hornibly moni ed hy s train, nt Bowmauville station Fnl. t day night. Ho was bnnied ou Saturday.a No élue te bis identity.r and fte it vey bst riedsbecuse Mn. R. M. Kirkpatrick, who kept atone md olenils eryhesifnindsbecnseat Soliua, sud aftenwands clerked for Mn. for raiyi years they have fouud ilsa frieud John McMurtry, Bowmauvilîe, died lu in ieed,. il is tle hest Famiiy Remedy Chicago hast week cf brain feveî'. Hiec for Burns, Bruises, Spnîius, Rhenmatismn, beaves tire children sud hie mother whoa Neunalgia and Teathache. To gel nid of were dependent upon him. for support., uy anch pains before they become aches, Ho wss bnnled at Oshawa. use PAIN KILLER. ,The Grip Prnuting sud Publishiug Ce.t Buy il right uow. ' Keep il near ycu. ire askiug for tenders for thîe purchase cfr Use il promptly. tle cemie iewspsper we have ail kuowu 1~'o sae eeryhere ITK;LS ~ se, long as Gitir. The date np to wlsich :Formieeverwhee. I MLS PA'4.tendens will be roceived i. May 3lst, 1893, sud ail information negandîugz circu- à% lation, advertising, etc., will ho given on pecialapplication ho Mr. Hcweli, aI the Cern- ~ ~ - pauy's offices, 201 and 203 Yongze st., û pect cle N tice. Toronto. This wil int effýct the other For 1he ouvenieuce cf custemers in the business of the Comnpany, s.t ait otben de- 3uperiority cf aur glaises oven 1h. cheap leqes above meutioned. traab beiug sold at oxtertienate prions hy The ycung ladies cf Whitby Ladies' the. pedlars, we have decided 10pa Coilego gave a Véry succesl entenlain- iiouthly visite te the feiiowing places ment in the theatre of the Normai School uaklng cur finsi vieil as faibews: of Toronto, liant Tuesclay nîght under the N~ewcastle at F4nnib Bron., June 7 patronage cf Bis Houer Lien touaut Gev' 0ron nt . A.Gainby's .9 orner Kinkpatrick sud Mrs. Kirkpstrick. Oroo a L.A. amsy's " 8 Two yonng ladies known to msny of eur lackatok at Shaw & McOluog's 14 resdens are tIns complimeuled by the Euuizkiiion at F. Rogers' , t 15 Tenante Worîd: Miss Roma sang Anizeis' W. hbld lot closs dipiomais from th. Sernuade with violîn obligalo by Mise THREE MOST NOTED OPTICAL Wilisn This young lady posseisses e ÇOLLEGES in Amenica sud have ail the voice cf god qnaiity. Miss Loua Moore anoat modern sciontîhoc tests for proerîy (daugîte o f Mn. R. Moore, Broekliu,> .adjnatiug spectacles sud we guanantee played mont briîiiantly Chepin's Sohonga perfect sýatisfaction in the mont complicat. B. flat miner. This yonng lady wone a Md caieB. Haviug amia speeialty cf gold modal and judging from honr playing the study cf the oye for many yeans sud hast nigîl ohe wss f ulIy &ited te the fa irgbd the bfneit cf fill cusef houer. Miss McDoweli's nome vas mou- iresg in teuoe nolae ce re ticned iritl the physicai culture drill that la deerbe eu "le abovegcoîheges we are ùlewilling ta nefnnd the nîoney in any Is escibed asd "exceugly gnace ,h sud F ~ ~~ where we f ail te give enlire satisfac-betiu sdthogly hamda fion. Those whe have heuglil spectacles prenet <to-m %trangers sud pediana sud given TRtUSTS AND CoanlîNÂTîcrS are npope tiîeir moey lu exohauge fer unsatîfactory nier, But there ie oue form; cf trust ojîeap goads with au ahundauce cf against whicl ne eue han anything te say. promises which htave nover beeu, reaiizod That ls the trust whieh the public reposes -urill appreciato the advantages tho above lu Hood's Sansapanihla, aud the besi of it ,%raugemeut w iil give them. Pnices tho i. the trust is f ully j ristifîod hy the menit Jçiwest. Goid gonds a specialty. cf the modicine. Fon,rememben, HOOD'S STOT & jS-ansapanilla CURES. URY', oed's Pisl are puroly vogetabie, snd DRUTO GST & u OPTIIÂN do not purge, pain or grîpe. Sold by al _______________________________druggists. The choicemt family grocenies at W. H. THE STATEsSTÂN ho new subsenibena balauce cf 1893 for d0e. BOwMÂIqVILLZ, MAY 10, 1893. Wall Paper at cost --muet ho scld s - ~Dobean & Msytiard'is Big 20. Local and Otherwise. 80 elsefpetyNVI Ppr t asold fnomn 4c. upirda aI Kîrby's. Mni. A. Hoar, Toronto, opeut Suudy BeT value in Blaiy Gr en sud Japon p~~a hom.as, Coffees, etc. /Q4sZity uuequîllod. home.PETER MUltDoIH, saitt. Mnr. sud Mn.. A. Mitchel were visitin g Dr. Butler's Golden Pisl are the hem frienda in Toronto lust weok. .emedy fer impnovivg the complexion, ne' Mn. Frank .Hawkins of Oshawa spen I moving black heade, pîmples, etc. 'Surday with Mr.R.R.lloskin. Centre St. Teplaattcoptnci u Lovely Eugish wooi Carpets just open-l mont effectual cougli mixture lu the ud ,)ut ai Coudh, Johnatou & Cryden. ma7kt te dsy i. "'Magnus Expectorant"'. ~. C Hnkin, sctinee, ls mvod W. H. Oiberne las won great fevon ,S. . 1unkng, uctonsr, hs mvedwith the ladies since thoy have tested hie to the pnoporiy juit ceant cf Oshawa. fne flavoned teas. No fluer tests ever lî addross will horeaf ter be Osîsia. came te Beirmanviile aud they are cbeap. Part Hope fine brigade a $5 bill for'their PanasArs bonght direct trom the menu- prompt turueut wheu Mr. L we, Inspeci. facturernsand every Paal imponted or nof the Underwriiers Aissociation, visit- tIi. sessoni. Couch, Joheston & Ceydor. 04. that litle town. min. Tho Mtission Baud cf the Melhcdtst It in wouderful the cheap Wall Pauons, church i li give au ententaiument lu the also Windaw Shadosi, Ensmol, Mixed large Soho-oinecm ou Friday -eveuing PainIs, Glans i Kalsomine at T. Sbernn scientific mnedicinai biood purifier sud give yen satisfaction. nerve Ioule yet offered the public. Give A 'PROMPT CUîR. -Geuîiemen, -Hiv- thom a trial sud ho ccuvinced. iug suffered oven tire yearq wîtl constipa. Keep lnack cf the, minutes. The very tien, sud îlie doctors net livig helped beai wsy 10 do s'> i. te buy a gocd nehi. me, 1 concLdedc te try B. B. B., sud ho. nble Waltlamn or Elgin wstch aI about fore I uaed oee boItie 1 wacured. I. eau haff reguian pnices frem T. N. Riekard, aise recnmmeud it for aloIk headAche. -watchmsker, jeireller sud opticimu. ETHusa D. HAINES, Lakeview, Ont. Minard'. Liniment cunois Dandruif. Winard's Liniment reliev2a Nenraîgla. Children Cry for A Cobourg firni has shipped £0,000 >ushels potatees thio year. Rev. Bro. R, A. Bilkey iwil preach toe )ruue sont cf Engl,ýnd May 21. No liqaor shops in- Bowmanville. Let i us hope there nover willbc again. The front of the West E"nd Iluse hias received a green and recd coat of paint. Mr. Will Renwick of Ottawa ls visiting, hie aunt, Miss. Renwick, Centre Street. Morris' Carrnage Works shipped a double carniage te St. Thomnas this weekç. Strawberry plants, the boat vanieties, for sale by G. D. Fletcher, Bowmanville. Ectitor James loft yesterday fr a trip1 through Western Ontario as fan as Lýn, don and S t. Thomas. Ladies' Spring Jackets aud Capes soul- ing off ai and under cost price at Coh, Johnston & Crydenman's. Mr. Jno. Qaborne, Lake View Fârn, bas got a handsome new Gladstone frorn Mdorris' CarniageNWorks. Itsaadandy,too. Rey. T. W. Joliffe's series of sermons Le young mon will be oontiuued next Sabbath evening. Ali visitons are cor- dially welcome. Editor James sud wlfe havre neceived an invitation to a "HRigli Tea" and social re- union for natives of Cornwall and their descendants ai Winnipeg on Whit1 Monday, May 22. The Guelph city by-law graating $2500 te, Morris, Field & itogers Piano Go., aud $2000'to the (lillies & Martin Found- t'y Co., was catried by a large majoity. -Monetary Times. D. Davis' new spring stocir has arrived aud is a very superior lino of goods. Jie can supply 3 ou with boots ai-,d shoes in ail the leading styles. Trunks, vtilises, etc., always on hand.i Mr. Wma. Jewell whe necently closed tenyesrsi' successful life iu Oshawsa, has removed to, Batavia, N. Y., wherehe will spend the balance of his days in well earned rest with hi. sons. The DistricL convention of the Y. iP. S. C. E. of Northumberland and Dur- hsrn will be hold in the Methodist church of this towri on Wednetday and Thursday May 17 sud 18 ChoiS rc.gram at each gestion. rntCo SSonie mal bnys attending Tint1 Cl loge Sohool, Port Hlope, set lire lu threec places to the building, which but for the promptness of the tire brigade woldc have b( on destroyed. The ring leader is the son of a Canadian mllionsire. Do you waut a suit that will be sure to suit you, thon lbave your order at Couch, Johuston & Crydenman's. They do the largest and, best endered-clothing trade lu this county. Tny thorm for eue suit and you will go back fer the next. Mrs. C. N. Ruse aud sick daughten o)f Vancouver-, B. C., have come to spend the summer mou ths ait he home of her panente,. Mn. and Mys. M. Crydermnan, Beech Ave. They are sseking reet and health in eur beautiful town sud climat e. The pnogram at the League Monda.y evenlng arranged by Miss Shaw and Yn. Orlando Jolliffe wp.s verv ententainiDg. Papers were given by Miss Haycnaft aud Mn. T. C. Jswell on 4hho pio, True Wjse dom, a recitation by LIiss5 Elliott, piano solo by Miss A Bellinan and selections 'by the oroheatra. The funeral of thQ laie Mr. Wm. Bruce was very laigely attended en Wednesday. Rev. T. W. Joliiff,3 offioiated and vas assis ted by Rov. R. D. Fraser. M. A., P.R , lR.MCOuiloeh sud Rev. H. A. Stiký3 A large nuoeber Qf relatives sud friendse f rom a distance were proeut. The flor7al tribute. wene numnerous aud beautif ni. Decoaisbd hart been. a iuemnber of t'he MethodistChuzch 30 years and was a life long Conservative. Mn.. (D:. ) Honey. well ws, téo uch prostrated by the sad news cf hon fathemr's death to unidertake the journey from, P. E. 1. PALÂTÂnIia AND POTRNT.-The groat objection to cod liver cil bai been its ususeous ts.ste. This has been entirely namoved by the, process of preparing "Millen's Emnîsion of Cod Liver Oui,' which is combined with hypophosphites of lime andi sodus, the gresteat creator of noir blood in the world. It hais cured thousands cf consumptives by rebuilding thein constitutions. Evetybody i.talkiug cf the, woudsrfnl power of this Emtulsion. la bi.j bottles, 50c. and $1,00, at ai Drug Store. 'Bath sud Annoaled Wire at R. Wo thl's hardware store, Bowmanville. Call and mee the cheap sud pretty Wall Papers ai Kinby's befoare buying. The beat place re liable Seeds h from P. Murdoc1y the oid stand. Finishcd surI dhfluished violin strinKs, try one-4 and 6 lengths-at Maynand'a the Je welley. Ladies, cean sdee Connors Impnc v. ed Washer sud Roval Dominion Wriug. FoE SâvERE COLDS.-Gentlen2en,-- had a bevene cold, for which 1 teck 1Dr% Woed's Norway Piue Syrup. Fond it an excellent nomedy, giving pronipt relie: and pleasant te take. J. PIYINTFR Hnntsville, Ont Miniard's Linilnerzi cures Buni, etc, Pitcherls Castoria. lniMmn f .O0 W 0 601 TnOÂR AND BULL FOR SERVICE. 'Smi, ". O0 0 ,o O 55 -"-ne Iimproved Yorkshire White Bean ýAnîce lot of new Veil- BluBine, ... 0 50 0 80 from imted stuckr and eue Durham Bull i Busit,'T hasb3t table, r r... O 14 ,0 o16 jDairyniant) vhich lias proved b obe a goed ~ r Cnîîcxi, .........O00 , O10 -Darym'ter. eardodse$hLMeslyou g sj t e ivd ýf ......c-k 00 10 ttear. Tn,îi er -neîhabes y ng UL evu Hou, ~ d...........(j O 0Bull even bred et Rosetaudvaie stock ferm Kex'ý drç out W, 2 t U.Bue riviliI jPOTÂTOMS, e bush .......ID0 o ï 45and hi. dame Viola ia s very supoerrmitk auud HÂT,'ta.......... 0Obutter cow. Joug STIINTON. Enîle0killen. toi) ......... cV 00 7 00 16 o 4 1 thank niy customnens for past favors . .mu U II iiS aud solici our patronage for the future. ni HE RTARO STI I I Q INES I lu doiug se J eau give numenous testi- monial. from our citizeus in the salisfac-O tien, 1 have given them iu shanpen iug sud ropaining their Mowers. Se with theso Q'TF.E?,>u SETM "SýT S'J2U( D monits 1 asik mont neapetfully for a con- tinueuce of. patronage. Mowers called O f Cloths, Tweeds, Worsteds and fojr and neturued with dispateli. utnsoal idfrmey ts W. H. WILIAMS, Siig falkns o eyuh West End Smith, King St. and boys, were neyer excelled and Ne BtcerFim.prices neyer more modera te. Me. (4eo. Joli and Mn. Robt . 7v Two reasons why you are certain to be benefitted in have bought the old establishel meat trading at the old reliable Gents' fuirnishing store ara that we business f rom Mn. W. R. R. Cawker who kee only reliable goods'and they are sold at lowest living hss for no many yeans csrried ou a suc- cesaful butchering business hore. Mn. profit. Joli has a thonioh acquaintauco with the mieat trade sud the high charactor cf Our customers cau depend on getting, well-made, good- the Town Hall Meat leadquartens will fitting and stylishly cut clothing at prices to suit ail pockets. bo fnlIy sustsîuod. The uew propnietonsFil ip fTesCoarCTBac ,Had rc es, tc will give caneful and prompt attention te ul insof is olrCfs rcs adeci ,ec ail onders and are dietermined te, givo sat- js3factiou te al customora Caâh wili ho If you want a suitl:this Spring you will please us and psid for hides, sheepskins, tallow, p6ul- benefit yourself by looking through t our miagnificent stock at tny, eggs, etc. Hlighest pnice for gond 1 Sa w orths ftePs OlcB w avle Fcalves sud lambs. Citizeus are neqnesed e"tr W or ato h otOfcB W avle te give joli & Rowe,, the uew flrm, a triai. New Building FIrm.-J S EF E Y Mn. Alfred Gnlley sud Mr. F. G. Humber have forned a parnenship sud will carry on business as contractons, buiders sud generai carpantens.. Beth Miic robe }(ii e r are thoreughly skilled sud practical twonkmen, haviug au intimate knowledge Enniches the blood sud gives tons and strngth to the whele system c f ail the dotais ofetheir business and M c o e I Ile iwill endeavor to gv complote satisf ac- M c o e K le tion iu sîl work entrust-ed to th..m. Gives buoyancy cf spirits, strangth sud health te all usera cf it. They are prepared te undertake auy flOw Mi r b f le work or repaining iu the caypentry lino, M c o e K le give estimates, sud wheno necossary caa snppy mtons.. onrepouencemayDoes this, bmcause its main constituent is Oxygen, Nature' e rrudy. ho addressed te Gulley & Ibomber, Cou- M icrobe K iller tractons aud Builders, B ,wmanville, or thoy tnay ho seon perst)naiUy. Mr. LUsed iu siekuess is ne experimeut, crude dnogs sand mrnurale are. Gnlley lives on Contre St. and NMr. Humu- M c o e I le iber, cor. Queeu sud Ontario S..M c o e K le '110W io CURE ALI. SKIN DISIEAS51,"la the greatoat tonic for tlned men aud womôu oven proi uced. Simply spply 'SW.&YxxF'S OINT3IENT." Miicrobe Jiller No internai medicino nequined. Cures tetten, eczems, itcb, ail enuptions on the Correct,. ail bedily disordens essily, if taken in time, nsed f neely. face, hauds, non@, etc., leaving the skkin i r b I lle dlean, whiite sud healthy. Itî groat hosi- M c o e K le ing sud curative powera arepossessed by Purifies the bloodand tissnes by driviug out the living gems. noeot herremedy. Ask yonr druggiBt for SwÂvnczs OINTMExN. Microbe Killer Gond neer e lir a uo attheBigHa. noe eual as a rheumatio specifie; cures gnaranteed. 120. Dobson & Majuard. F rSl yHg ib th m&Sn 1Molli Proof Carpet Feit sud al hindi F r'al'b H ggFOth R B &W SonIL c f Bullding Paper at R. Worth's. AcE1NS FRBW AYLE baud painted Japanese China soid ab Prices $1 and $3, aocording to flize. ceat ab the Big 20 Dobson & Maynarti. m and (lardon Sc lâlnrdoch's old otI d. in. A M C O E KL ER Ou LM T~ Mn.r. C(anha. taken oven the Finre and Accident business herçtofoxe cmried ~ iA DIta~11v on) by Mr. R. 'Vitue and wil have aun F reehJo i A .L pJJrALI offoiceluWoth's hardware store. M fThe West End blouse have a sp'endid FOR SA E OR, TO RENTT. asacortmeuit of flomp Carpets, double sud M' 8aviag cf a lot rcf work. Seo hm d P A E a l r _____ States. woutdbeho sld &s a borgain, onreuted BA E A ON BABY for a mderatoroutai Mead one Soiid Sore. Itchiug Awful. jmet neceived tram Cleveland cuttingshot Had to Tic Hie5 ilanda te, Onadie, TaUnnas eau have copies trom tbom for les. than hait prie. ADVtY te R. PEÂrE. on the Cuned by C-uticura, premises: corner eor King sud Ontario sta..Bow- TH J W LIE Our little boy byrokeo ut ou hie head 'with a bail Notices ef Binths. 25 cents; ilarniagos, 50 eorm cfecezeina, when ho was four monthe oid. cents; Deatise. 50 cents, eaeh Insertion We trled three doctors, but they did net hclp bim, -but FUMEliOF @i sfamFur W],--tsesU has Mo e oD b We thon useil your threo ijuncuRA Rumaris, fanerai cardia are piniteil at skis ois ceIno e OiO - aud suter ning thera eoloven weelcs exacl cod itodirections, ho began BIRTHS. te etendily Impreo, aud yqs-nBfaoApi3,thwfêf miteeIlsuse ofcruemfor LNS-nBfao îîl8.tewf fson s book store, sv monthâhlsheadwas Wm Lynesa, ef s sou, entroy wll -lenWC MÂsqiNN-At Tyncne.Ma y 8ta Mn. sud Mrs. Pgaustnithtshendwas J. H. Manning. s daughter. a oîid are fromibe rcwfl PArEIisoN-Near Kinby, Annil 29,. the wifo B G 2 . I o 'q te hi& eyebrews. 1 t wasetcfMn. William Patterscu, of a daughter. B G 0 f ~ t Saisec al over hie es, ot______________________ 0 0f esc, Sd m t lces ou d fereulatste f bis MARRIED. "f body.Teeersxu CoRcîsi HARPER-On May 3, by Rov J. W. VVMJ..L anytbing i eeethat we had te keep Savae. at the resideuce cf Ille brido'â*fther. f h~is bande tied to the cradie eaet Whitby, Mn. Thos. Carnieh, of Carke And, and bl them uýihen lie Minute, daughter ef Mr. P. Harper, et Whitby. q wasetaliennp; sud lied te__________________ the #Tew ellry line, kerp mitions lied en ht# bande te keep bis finger- IED natte out of the acres, us ho would scratch if ho ID ooud u ay ayget hits bands loose. Wo know, BzLLAro-At Newtouvifle, Apnil 28, Ga. you Cuicn an u re dc hum. )Wo feet Belamny, aged 78 yeans.1 ai l oo inlu them te ethers. TRELP.iÂvN-At Myntie, Avpril 20, Luella. in. y t il fn , GEO. B t JÂiETT IiÂtiIf, Webster, lad., faut daugliter ef Jeseph and S. A. Treleaven, oa ' 'l id i REYvNOLDS-t Veti, May 5, et messies. there, because h Outlura esolent Annto Grills.heloved witf cf Mn. W. Reynolds. The new bteeýd sud SkiePuriier, and greateat of aeod 28 yeane. Huimer Rezuediem, cicauses the bleod of att iinpuri.________________________ itoe aud poigs elneoeets, sud thu. remeoves lecihste '¶i1tcs in uswhule CuTicuitA, the great akin cure, an'd UNCOLN IKIINTESL.ca esI.L Ci skie SoÀP, au exquisite skie heautifier, c. ARRISTER,SOLICITOR, N(>TARY CUTICUB R scatp$ ure eterye tefi the BPublic. Ceuvoyancer. etc., Buwm an ville, ~ 'v 1burui, ,cly, pipy,and btotc iy ki d Op, n t.Office over Davis' not store Kinc~SbV 1 i s as blc isenses, frein pimptes teocrfuafrmACCeunts celiectod, Estates mnauagod 17-n tuf ancy te age,,wlien the test physiciansfait, - Sold everywbere. _Prce, CUTICMBA, 750,; SOAP?1-BD, ns . YA GRL Diiso prepared to do your 11st.. Bowmanvilo. 1 4-if

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