Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1893, p. 4

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The New "WUonderful Oat s." It pays to'sow good seed. It will pay to sow these Oats. They are Hleavy Yielders, Strong Growers, Early Ripeners. Weigh 42 lbs.- to bushel. For sale by 69 King St, BOWMANVILLE. BOWMÂNVILLE, MAY 10, 1893. EDITORIAL COMMENTSz. The Marter bill was defeated (-)na otraight party vote by 54 to,33. A plebiscite on~ the iquor question will bc taken at the municipal electipns next January. Meanwhile the temperance people have, their work. carved out for them. The agitation should begin at etnce. So the same old policy is be ing pur- sued by the Ottawa Government. Three cabinet ministers have been holding con- ferences with manufacturera in Montreal and Toro nto and they have been secret £eetings-no press reporters allowed. blore boodie is required for coming elec- tiens and the manufacturers who have aupplied it in the past are now being con- sulted on the tariff question! This maris that this country is to be governed by the red parlor a littie while longer. What fools the farmers are1 They hiave been hoodwinked for the P-%st fif- Leen years and even new with aIl the ag- gicultural depression existing. the Gov- ernrnent pay no attention to them, but continue as thBy have heen doing al along, holding secret meetings with man- tifacturers and rnaking thingg 0. K. for them while the poor tariff burdeued farrn- er may go to the dogs for ail Sîr John Thorupsen and i.s goverin w go t care. lYhatqa pity fiarmers have nu weý,%th ta 14ua n p1 )litrical , Iý cue ~y had iand it oer to swell election lu-. ço might get the ear of theý Tory ,rur...ry. Farmiers, yni libve the p.0wer ln your own. hands. WLi ouse it at the next general eleetion ? h ýU; U malighty big fools if you do 11ot. Ktay, P4tronsýi of Industry, what thirk ye of the Government's action? Afts r &El your organizing, speeches, threaten- inga and. expostuintions, the Ottawa Gev- truraent heeds you not. Indeed, thev liave &se far neyer Jet on that they have tbeen aride aware of your existence. They are anyway clinging te tho narne de«r old policy. You have the strength wlthin your ranka to blow the confounded 6ld.higli tariff sailito flitters. What are yeu going to do about it ? Are your Tory menibers going to abandon your pltfrm when election day cornes and vote as they have ever don e--thie trâight Tory ticket! You sse Governient don't consider your opinions worth anything; if they did, they would arrange for depu- tations of farmers and hear their viewa on nratters in which they are iuiterested. Whiat a pliglit the peûor Sun-man pre- sente now. 11e has tor weeks heen de- nouacing Tan SÂEMNfor advocating a plebisoite ou the proibition question, and now th(- Onit;rio- Governument in ivhose employ ho iz has uniantmnously de- cided in favor of our expressed opinions and againt his exalted views. How cruel of sir Oiver and his cabinet not to con- cur in the Sun-man's loudiy expressed opinion, instcad of heeding the hundreds o)f numerously signed petitions for a pleb- iscite from the intelligent and influeutial organizations throughout Ontario. Surely the.astute publisher must have overlookcd It is announced semi-of icially and up- on the best authority, that the schedul- ing of Canadian cattie in Great Britian will ceaspe upon the first cf next month This wilh be good news for tlis live stock trade. lIt is amnsiug te observe the pýosition taken 1:y The Empire sudI other Tory jouirnals (on the temperazice dIiscussioni that bas been bofore the Onïtario Logisý- lature. They have never been advocat es of temperance measures, but have abused Sir Oliver and bis cabinet for opposing the Marter Bil ud enlogized Mr. Mere- dith sud bis folio weis for their efforts in favor of the Bibi, uotwithstandioig its questionabbe constitutionality. It will certainby be in order now, te ho consist- ent, for these Tory journals te urge the Dominion Covernînent te pase prohibit ory legisîstion, for surely if prohibition is good for Ontario, it must he good for the whole Dominion. We shaîl sec how coni- sistent they wilho. On Tuesday asat week the deputation appointed by the Town Cooncil went to Toroîto, 8t iheir own expense, te inter- view the Ontario Governmnent respect- îng the clause whîch it is desirable te have îuserted in the Bill now before the Legisiature te consoidate the debt of Bowmanville, te further enable the towu Io reuder assistance te manufacturing in- dustries te the extent of $20,000, if need- ed. The deputation consisted of MaIyor Loscoînhe, Reeve Prower, Deputy-IReeve Worth, Councilbors Davis, Galbraith, Lyle, Jeffery, McMurtry sud'Vanstone; Mr. D. Burke Simupson, town solicitor, Dr. J. WV. McLaughlin. ex-M. P. P., ex- Mayor W. F. Alen, Messrs. John Me- Cielîsu, W. R. Climie sud M. A. James. The delegation wss; taken lu baud by Mr. W. T. Lockbart, West Durham's popubar representative, who introduced us to the folowiug members cf the Cabinet: Hon. Messrs. Hardy, Gibson, Harcourt aud Breuson Our citizens were very cor- dialy received -in the Cabinet Chamber sud the object cf our viit was f lly stat- ed by Mayor Loscoînhe, Mr, Simopson sud Dr. McLaughlin. The Ministers roc- oguized tiat our case was- worthy cf thoughtful consider6tion, but told us that cwing to the laws governing the case, the bonus clause could ouyby ho inserted lu the bibi at preseut before the lieuse with the unanimous concurrence cf every mcm- ber in the Legisiature. After the inter- view, Mr. Leckhart sbowed the delega- tien through the uew pariîneut build- ings which were very nmuch admired by ail. The Milton Reformer very pertiueutly asks, Why dues Mr. Marter stop at pro- hibitiug the retail business, wben it is juat as muait withiu the power of the Legîieture te prehibit the wholesale as it la the îeta:l trade lu iquor ? WVss ho rfraid cf autageuizing the brewers sud distillera, uho are te, a man, Conserva- tives, sud lboavy ceutributors te electicu fonds h Ilbocks like it. We have more lu Mr. Mowat'a werds, wbich were if it is fouud the Legisiature Lais the power to prohibit the traffia, that hoe will not stop attire retail trade, but abolish the whole business. That's much btter te our mind, sud we have that much faîth lu Mr. Mowat te beieve that ho will carry eut what ho undertak-es te do, let the con- sequepnces ho what they may. TEMPERANCHI WORKERS. Aýfn important cenifereuce was held in Toronïto recently at the offices cf the Dominion Alliance,.it was thie cutcome cf a resolution adopted at annual session of, Royal Tempiars of Teuiperance at Gaît. Thechief officers of tîhe W. C. T. U., the Ontario Dominion Alliance, Sous cf Temperance, Indepeudeut Order cf Good Tenîplars aud Royal Templars wero preseut with prohibitionists sud Christian Endeavorera. After a good desi cf carn- est connultation it wma decided a cal shoubd bd issued for a ropresentation cf provincial prohibition work ors lu Toronto ou August 22 and 23, te diseus the position cf the prohibition cause sud plan a course cf sggressive action. It la ex. pected thse auspices under which the Con- ventiorn la te ho heid sud the present critical situaton wili make the Conven- tion oeeof unusoal magnitude sud im- portance. INHUMANE ACT. Are we realby living lu a civilized coin- munityh We are iuformed tha£thtie un- fertunste youug' ins who was kilbad by s train at theo taticît Fniday uight waa dumped into, a boix, begrimed wlth flit blood sud dirt sud buried by this corpor- ation as a dog mighit ho buried. The act waa most inhumane, net te aay brutal sud diagraceful. The corporation hiad no rnght te bury tho man, but wheu the towu did assume the resporrsibility the authoritios should have given instructions for the body to ho deccntly ltrred. But why was the town purte the ex- pense, uuuecejasarily ? The law in uscb a case directs that "The mayor cf sny city or town, or the reoveocf auy munici- A Remedy. Prbp&reàl spgecill' for the expeated in- vasion cf Asiatia Choiera. Af ter baving been tboroughly tested sud is virlutisud power proved la now hoein ,placed ln the hands cf the druggisti. Aêk for "A coi Choiera yu" te LzEER Bios , Ltd., 43 Scott St,, call, Teronto, sud you wîll receive by pest v pretty picture, free froin advertising su.ýd Hats 1e-IsL±L.>d well worth framing. This izs an easy way to decorate your home. The ý,opand co1ored. ia tIhe hst i the market,su it wili cul>' ceai le. postage te seud la,ý the Itirs. DOINCASTE rq wrappers if yen beave thoe enda onon. Wri te- yor acUresa cirefuli>'. Bewmanville. CHARGES AGAINST TkI very serioumcagEsagaintik ýthemae- A MNontreai d (espatch stateda roong o;Jer ýth:ingq, thýat the road propoped te issue p.efereutial stock lnu rder te guarantea ov 1?CS dvenate the ordinary saeodra fdsAses sta R o a td hive that ihere was an alarming decreatein lu rtfrm orpid ie the earninga cf the lino, that the Cern- and1( impure blood. Dr. Pierce's panV was iu the habit of reporUng the GolAden MIedical Dîscovery cures ev- procee,-ds of land salesasaî eariing', d ery one cof thein., It preîents thern, thaýt in spite cf ail the Govt. rnmlent aid toc. Take it, ns yen ouglit, -when which il. ha received, it wass tili cryiiig yel feel the first symptoms (lau- for more. guor, loss of appetite, dullness, de- Dealing with the Guivernrneunt g-nts pression) and you'Il save yourself te the Canadiau Pacifia Road, the 1u-1n. from something serions. Edward Blake, speaking ini ParI-sumouýt, In building up needed flesh and said: Yen have given n lo ans ,and gifs strength, and te purify and eurich $99,310,000. Adding the 25i00010009 h hontin a qn h acres cf land at $2 per acre, it gi ves y o U tievery7 lintinv aigorae the a total cf gifla and bars cf Il$13ove,310 000 -rtesth coet of the whoo lin;, accordin-, t, dhe iver and kidneys, premeotes ail the Compauy's, own ertimate, $q1,500,000, bodily functions, aud brings back aud the road la te ho the property of ihec health and vigor. For Dyspepsia, Comnpany, sud the Government deciare '4Liver Comnplaint," Bihiousness, and that it la to pay froru the dtay rt la ope! d. ahi Serofulous, Skiu and Scalp Dis- It is stat4ed that the decline ho the earu- cases, it is t heonoly remedy that's ings cf tha road for the irst <1arter if uaranteed te benefit or cure, or 1893 is abuut $300,000. the money la refunded. A. RALEIGH MAN'S REMARR- ING, ýG NoIS utecrha- ABLE STORY. ache, deafness, IFTY- SEVE-1N YEÂRS SUFFERING \WITJf PILES eycs weak- CURED BY MÂQIC PILE LOTION. nosrcis-o Chathami Banner. chares i- The Banner reporter havivg iearnod inhag testhrout frein Mesiars. Pilkey à, Co., ofeîsa cf, -arc symp- Chathami, cf a remrakableý cure of a cý te.r ~ ,t~l4 oso a of piles cf long st.nding by thela c'sao cf tos 'fi'a- Magie Pile Lotion, aud beiug lu the eih tarrh. There's borhood cf Merlin, determîned te verif y a medicino that will cure you, ne the same by calliug upon thé aubject, Ms. atter ho-w badl your case or of Robert Grahami, who1hies on the south how long standing. Thnt's Dr. haîf cf lot No. 8, iu the lthcot-au Sage's Cntarrh Remnedy. of the Towraitp cf Raleigh, îi, the couwny __________ of Kent. I found the old genvreman, net Ai hdscKaomretR.Wrh. withstanding hie 78 yvarF, bnsîly etigi.,ed AUowmado oville.e tR.%%oth lu feeding his outil,-. la answer teo my arrile>. enqoiry as te whether ho was the iperson Scribbieis, 2 for 5a -200 page,~ -t Big who bad bought a bofflo of Magie Pile -20 Dobson & Mayî.arcl. Lotion froni Mesrs Fi:key & Ce., ùf W. H. Osborne invites ai!1,lies t<ý Ctaýham, and been eored cf pilQsacf 071 r test his tous. Deliejoum tiavors. 40 yoara standing he repliid that he was. Cal[ sud aee the choap Wall P.pr Have yen any objection ta tel] me about from 5,. up at T. Sherin & Ce's. it for publication ï1 I Baid "No, neot the ___________________ slightest objecti& n, for if I cau do auiy or e any good while I live I arn quite willinig SfU MI C OunSfS in busines slife ta do se. " Contiuuing, lho sai:0 ws[à 'j uia rgely de about the, year 1836 in &j dkht wspeiidenit upon tiret attaeked by piles, fifîyseveti earès beîng properly ago, aud I have haci thern more or itess traiued ini comniraal usages. A theor- tery year since. 1 have sufferçd exrrcu- oîîgb course ini practicaihlo sobjocta under atiug pain. They talk about thejcir bb experieiiced cilie-m.in wiil put ambitiouu different kinds of Piles, I1o' belteve ît young men aîîd W mon in tossesaion cf I thiuk itehing, bleediug and, bliid piha itnforînftioti that lhas a rertdy dernd Iu are only the differcut stags ef the dimaiws, the commercinl woýrld Elogant iIlutrat, but 1 have gone through t1ieni 1.I e d circularurmailed toany address5. Apply have worked lu the field with my t- imd t feet soaking lu bieed'freni thein imae (3C . cuImlII ab different tiruts whilo swal fromitile SUILULII& rULL.UUi bouse had te lie down braidle aho rond or PRINCIPALS, tu ihe fields for heurs the p&in bas been Ilamilion Býusiness College, 34, 36, 38, 40 au gpeut from them nisd oeny with the greaeatdifîcuty ud ufeiagdidI a mes St., South, Hlamilton, Ont. home. Once]. rememaber lin 1calr was with my sou a couple of miles e wiy frein houle On, a very coid day, rîlý-ý vag attacks*d by the pain. 1I&lbQri'd te overaume oit til 1 wai Pe celd I eoubd do uothing, se my sou laid me fiaCt on the WggOn stif suaed lias I Wa*SuOd drove' me home. I tell yen 1 Ihave auffred ter- ribly. The reporter bores aked if h a e tried reniedies snd docters for relief, to whlch the old gentleman repliid, Yqs 1 bave tried every remedy 1 could heur ûev read of aud hav" gene to men who pro. foed te ho able te cure piles sud imAde n opeoialty of it, both ln Canada aid lu Idîchlgau, but noue of thom eould cure me, aud I was told 1 oonid ouI>' ho osved by an operatiori, but I refused such relief aud sald I would die fir6t. 1 firat heard of Magic Pile Lotion by readiag in the Banner cf the cure cf Alfred B. barri, of Kingaville, who had suffered frein pilca Nýor 40 ye&rs.SeItoneeerdab- tle from Piikey & Co's drug store, payîng 50c for it sud was cured in abouit two weeks sud did net use aIl of one bottie. In fact 1 felt imuiediate eass freom tho firat application ; that wgasiat taîl and 1 If you wi-sh a realhy good and have net had a igu or mymiptom ncf pile% reliable Watch eaul and s-ec those aince, sud 1 believe 1 azn completely cur- ed. Further ho said 1 eau tel] you 1 hare Waltham and Egin Wfttches being bain se bad with jies 1 hava had to get on my bauds and kueesa remalning thre sold away down in price and fully haîf a day at a tme ; Lt was'the ouly way gugrnedb 1 conld get relief.- That Magie Pile Lu- artelb tien la a grant mediaine ho oontinuad, it T. NS. RICKARD, is the ouly mnedicine 1lever usied that aecim- ed tego right te thesace pot. t oi. Wat-ch maker, Jeweller sud Optîciau, iy applied su ari se t like tno..e ont ineuits Variety Hal]. sud other greasy r P>de lbeiug cloau- IV, plwa4at cf spplicati:'n and.lebaves w) stain or discoI-ýration of cothinig or bed. ding.1 W .7e st End Flouse. Do you want Rlemp Carpets? GO TO TFIE West End Flouse. Do you want'Floor Oil Cloth ? GO TO THE West End Hue Do-you want a love]y white Quilt? GO TO THE West End House. Do you want good value for your m oney? GO TO THE W'est Enci flouse, The Dry Goods and Groery House of Bowmanvllle. JOHN MOMURTRY. CGLEARINO CASHN SALE Dury Goods andi Clothing. On Saturday, the l5th cf April, -we will bcgin a Clearingi Sale of Dry Goods and Clothing. Our chief objecti is te get moneynquickly, Urgcd on by this imperative rea.son, we 'will net follow the rule of ýi" - previeus sale but simply make prices te suit the times. Positively outr Clearing Sale Prices will be the lowest ever seen here, Our Spr'ing and surumer stock is new full in cachdq deartment. The remarkably low prices will be a bar against giving credit 'wbile the sale hlut. Due bills will be taken same as cash. WVe ask the general pubi c te cali and examine the clearing prices. N. B. To enable us te finibh remarking stock, etc,, thestLoreC wil be closed on Friday the l4th April. MISTMIEýPI Bowmanville, April 10, '93. 1-w Dobson and Maynard have bought out the business of the Big 20 at a rate< on, the$ and are . iu a position to give the pub- 'lic great bargains. 'n% We have one of the finest ,tocks ever brought to town. We are selling it at first cost; Japanese Cups and Saucers, Plates, Vases, Rose Jars, Jardenires, &c., actually at cost~. Books, Albums, Bibles, &c.; a ful Une of School B3ooks, Siates, Scribblers, Pencils, Pens, etc. Cal and see how, cheap we can seli you goods. D01BSON & MAYNARD, BIG '20, Bowmanvîîle. Do you want Lace Curtains? 00 OTOTEE

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