Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1893, p. 2

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f A Wasli Iay j AND INo Steamf IN T 4E BY USINO a a AND the worlc sD eut dea n that a yeung girl or delicate womnan cen do a family w a sh iug without beiug tired. L No REAYY BOILER 'ro LIFT You Say: HOW 1 AGRIOULTUBIAL Slieep and swine. Many nmake tbe mistake of feeding breed- îng ewes corn. -4 sligbt ration of cern once a day, with clover bay and good scope of exercise, may nt prove injurions, but a full ration continuedl for auy period of time during gestation is sure te be disastrous te tbe lambs. Oats or barley, with a small portion of sbeiled cern or corn mieal, is bast adapted te the waots of tbe flock, and trong, vigerous lambs will be tbe resuit. After lamoing, or even before, a littie il cake meal may be addedl te the rati3u wth advantage, as it will increase tbe flow of milk and add toue and vigor te tbe system. 0cOr farmers can afford te buy funil bred rams te cross with our commun slieep. This is tbe ir8t great tep; good care and liber- ai feeding wll do the rest, Durîn.g tbe lamnbing season care and at. tention mnIst be bestowed. The young lambs are deicate and easillycilled, but if carcfuliy watcbed for tbree or four days the danger period is passed. There are instances wbere a breeding sow bas beau kept a dozen years or more, but, as a rule, it is beiievcd that seven ,years is tbe limit of usýýfulness as a breeder. Wben she bolds up ber bead lika a cow in feeding it shows tbat sbe is loslng ber teatb and net te bc kepot longer for breediog purposes. Good wethers wili give yeu every year by growing large crops because the Iiiwsef -1 production supplies 'Imore aud more" au. cording to the demands made by the adop tien of true metbods. "Plow d3ep Wh ile sluggard"; sleep And you will have croP3 toe eil and ce One advantage in having pure bred! stockI is that it leads one te practice pure b)redI feading. Did it ever occur te yen there i,3 scrub feeding as well as scrub stock? W'eli, there is. IlWbite corn is cousiîdered as comiug near- er to oats than yallew cern, and is, there- fore, bettar for workinganimais. ofar'ls the resuits of analysis are known -white' corn bas about i per cent. more et the imus- cie-forming lements than yellow cDrn. Keep the stables clean and use whitewa-4b 1 ibarally as a disinfec tant. It is easiar te keep disease away thau to drive it away, after it bas once get among the stock, and cleanliness 15 oua of the best meaus for au- cornplishing it. One advantage in stock farming is that incidentai expenses for labor, implement, etc.,are less than wberediversiied crops are. grewu, barvestad aud sewn, Much of tbe barvesting is doue by tbe animais, and they also carry the creps to market. Home production of food and tbe feeding farm products te good stock isa remuner- tive branch of agriculture. One wbo fol- lows it teacilv and irrfllgentIv rarelv has Wh-Utlis ITEMS OF INTEREST. There are 6,000 intoxicants. One-tenth of the werid is stîli unex- plored. 11) bas beau as-timated that it would take a man 3,000 years te read ah tbhe standard woî ks. Luit"alian ities the cieauiog of streets is seld te he highest biddar at a public auction. TPhe first post office opened its doors ln Paris iu 1462; lu Euglaud in 15~81 ; in imrica lu 1710. It takes eigbt times the strengtb te go upstairs tiîat is raquired fer the same dis- tance on tbe levai, The pressure of the atmespbere on tbe mnan of averaga stature is abou - fifteen tons yet it is net fait. The Maux cat is- net thaeuly taiiiass vani- ety. Iu the 'Crimeaala fennd anether kind of cat which has ne tail. Elections lu France are always beld on Sundays, in ordar te suit tbe cenvenienca of working'mnen and peasants. ID the wina districts of France, Spain and Italy grapes ara still troddeu with tbe barae feet, the idea prevailing that tbis makes wloe better. The fling foxes of Australia are multi- pl1ying se rapidly that it is feired they wlli ý,X -=, t , oLt________________________1-L.,______.__._______-___l___________________________________________________ -~~~~ý -'"z~LZ Il i______________________ 1 o.d be asorco Er ipatr nnwîtbre fe1 the Ïon nmas n ive such1-- a shMe 1f liv fihsf1fe h ~lus ____ aeil bv wpiehtor, sril1 botter, substituf -eoed foun a nedi lo-ed.i it Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infantîs, and Ohlldren. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute 1[or Paregorie, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor 0110,, It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by, Mllions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea, and Wind Colle. C"a~rla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. C~atoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomack

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