Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1893, p. 1

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Yr9R M 8 :-sl. 15PAIR ÂANAUX. OUR TOWN AND OOtTNTY FLRST, THlE WORLD ÂJTERWÂRDS, M. A JAMES EDITORAND P fROPJcsLTOR, NEW SERIESJ, BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. MAY 10, 1893. VLM XI.Nmip1 Frorr Titis-Date JOHNSTON1&#<CRYDERMAN LuuuJI Thle balanceot their -Spring <lac/cets andae at and u nder'cost ~prîce. OOUOH. JOHNSTON & RYDERMAN.U Mr11. MiloGilson, A stalwart tcarnster lu the employ of thle Clens Falls, N. Yý., Lumber Company, say8 thatboth lie and bis %vife igbflly rueominelu? * Ilood's Sraa1l.Silo 4%lýfailed to gain streugtb alter T h «at a severo iilness, ftte-t lerabîe, couldntscad id noapâ tite. "\llen sUe took 1flood's Saron pa Y;;ia silo began te pick up and was soon alriglit. 111.owa experience wsvas hlu thesprig hoe was aU rail dow'u, lUad watesaddiq- ares in he tonseh.Ilood'slSars;aparilla brugt lm n round all right, and lie is uiow be tter and beavier i7. c tn for years past. Tosns e hotlIIin of ]People, testify ti tie wonderful value o! llood's Sarsaparilla for that tiîe<i feeiasg or wealcness of mind, nerveS or bol]y. jIt 13 the belping lbard xvicli restores fifu li hea1l and strength. Mr. Johný, J. Scully, l'residult of the Scami E=' 'Union, 25G Cather-V; lue Street, Detroit,0 e i ig Mciavoluntarily writes as full WB: C1.Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen: 1 feel lui duty bouud te, tel of tUe benefit 1 de-. kes rived efrom leo' Sarsaparilia. 1 bave been troubled with nervous dyspopsia, wvas tîred aidl anguid, witlsne ambition te wvork; imy sep irregular. Se 1 begani taiing Euoo's Sarsapia- ril.From tue very rst seeedto lie jIust tUie thiug for sue. Theoevo dywpepela lbas ilow eut[irely gonle, mny appetite i, exclet î eau eat beaýrtlly witlout distress a!er- ward; J aleep YweIi,1 S tr ~ alid eanu ow go about 2)îy work wltbiout tUat, ttred feeling so frequtw beýfore I took Floord's Sarsaparilla 1 bave taken sir, bottles and rerosnmelsd it as iLo T&ing of Medieilles." J. J. ScLT. HOOD'S PILLS cure liver i111,,constipiation, bffiolsnesa, jaund1ce, sick headache, indigestion. Vegetabie Fis are pr- H 0 o Cd pared 10 meet a legîti- muatedemaud for a riid, efficient aud rliible f amiily phyýsic. They are jpurely v -11,1pl, contaiuiug ne , calomel, mcercury, or miueral su-P s stanîce cf auy kiud. Ilood's PlUs Uci upon tle stomnacli, liver, and alimi-etary ~nud cure Liver Complaiut, Constipation, Mausea, Biliousuess,-Headache, lindigeýstioni, ,r Stomacli, Distress after Eatig Jaundiue. old may lie broken Up and a lever prevented ~-eyomptly taking Ilooa's Filîs. H-ood's PUIS Are prepared by C. I. Heod & Ce., Apotheca!rie,, Loweîl, Mass. 1'rice 25 cents per ox. Sol b ail druggists or sent by mail on receipt of prico. A!LA L ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Proposed S,.ilings. Subje.-t te change. 18ý33 Ilvelrpoül, Londonderry, Qnebee, and Moutreal MiltiServ1eý .FrmFreim Froin Liverpool Stesm sbilq-Montreai. Quebec. 4 May ..PARISIAN... 20May .... 21 May 11lMay... CCSSIAN...27 May.. ..28 May 18 May ..NUMIDIAN ... 3June... 4IJune 25 May ..SARIINIAN....10 June ..Il June 1 Juue .. . .MONGOL AN. ..17 June.. 8 June..PAtISI&N ..24 Jun e. .25 June 15 June .. ..IL&URENTIAN,.l. July... 22Juuç ... NMIDIAN ..8 July.... 9July 29 Juneô....SARDINIAN.. _.i5 July. .._.1 niy 6 July .. . .MONGfl'LIAN,. . ,ti ly.. .. 13 Juy ..PAtlIAN....9 Juiy ... .10 Juiy 20 Juiy .... .*LAURENTIAý. .5 ÂAug... 27 July ... N MIDlAN..12 Aux...13 Aug Steamers, are 'disratclied f rom Mentreal et dsyligbt on the day o! saillug, and saili rorn Quebec et 9 a.m-, Suuldayo. Steamers witls a*~ will flot stop at Queblec, Rimouski or Londonderry. RATES 0F PASSAGE. By K. S, Parbsian, $69, $75 and $90), single, $110, $135 and $16.5, re'uru. Extra olasa cabins for two persous lrooms 50 to 57) $100 single.$185 return. Extra clags ctbîap for tbree ,_erso)Ls (orne 50 toN>D $80 sne $150 return. $ý105, $110, $1520 retPuru. B, ote taes$0and $6.S100 and $10 Greturn. $35; re-turu ticetsez, $6; cildr-en ioetween 1 and 12 yeara sl!tre;infats.ontward frupe-pre. rai $3.SM.A. JAMES, Agent, Bowmanvilie. Pain fi i digo 4 n, yspep)sia, and two hliarty esiug i relievedl at once by taking oiee(o Carter's Little Liver Pills immediatecly alrdne. Doi;'t forget this., See the nw pring Coîats for Ladcies and Cildren at John J. Mason'. Dry Goods aind Jeweclry Store. GUAD GAIX1ST COEA -epthe hiood pure1-, th3 ,owomshl'lu go)d çVorking order, andihe oure system £ fee fromn miorbld eff,.te ,matte by usirig Burdock Biood Bte wohcenestrengthenis asld toules tue0whole sy;steuu Choilera cannot attack t"e,.a-3 y to be 'pleased with the new stock of- Boots and Shoes just arrived at JO HELL1YASO WVe aslk you to cali,ý inspeet and, "ccompare if you choose." We leave the resuit with yrou and are confident that it will be to aur mutual satisfaction, because,, goods well bought are haif sold. Therefore after inspection, th'e re- maining haif wiIl be easily accomplished. Au A 1. assortment of Trunks and 'Va-Lises always in stock. *JOHNLLA Kirg Street, Bowmanville, Mardi 28th, 1893. BOUNSLL'SMARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, B3OWIMAN1*,VILLE, OT (Establlslied 1837.> Finiishied Granite Monuments in stock from $12-5 to $500.1 HANDSOME DESIGNiI AND BEST MÂTERIALS. IRED PETERHEA.DD GRAY RTJBJSLAW SCOTCH RO SE, RlED AND PURPLE SWEDE................R \TP B, TE PEARL ANÉMERALD PEAIRL............ __ FIIHDMARBLE MONUMENTS in stock fromi $45 to $200. IN ýALL THE E ýET EINDS 0F MARBLE AND LATEST DESIGNS. ~Beoreplacing your order,-CALL AIND EXAMIINE MY STOCK, and SE-E WH-AT YOU ARE BUYING. 7-1yE. R. BOUINSALL, Proprietor. F ARM FOR SALE-A firât clasa farus 'f 125 acres or 145 sces stuated in 01a township or Eaet WhVitby 18t cou, lots 1.5 sud 16 ou-,tha Base Lina, about 11 miles from O'îsha. vca station, 2 milers frous Wýhitby and G60rode frem the seboel iosos. Largzercomy buildings, main barn 9x3u1, plcenîr e!irait, soil day Ioasu, aingthaeu ie of tha best gaif.rm ou tbe Lake hee.No hUa or tonas, Abou-t 10 sces of wood. 7 acres lu pasture and fresls sedad. Terme easy, Nirst plowing dona. Feu' furtiser parlieular% apply, ta A. Asxais Oelawa. 37- tr, O RENT.-For tersaof e! as, "Gien T Dbu "-300 acresy, 2 miles !rom Whtby- god buildingsand soi, Admrirable for stock or dairy. Cha.nce for going cxtnusIvel3 jut. Toconto mille busineîss or stLocki raisluig fer emerican markei MUen wthcaital on'y Aoed applv. J. Il. Dow, Wbltbv, - 32 tf-ý TiePla ntrnh i s goodeouhfor flood'a Sar'saparila. NO rneed oe! embeil- iiom eor sens3ation. Hood'sý Cures. YoU GANNOTFAILI 1 1 RA~l.MPTON.1 ADN Th Missesq Nichois, Toronto, havefiYDN ibeenyi vsiting their aunt Mrs. P. Tyler.. Mies Maud AshJýon is homne from Bath. Be.HarveY Striko,, Tyrones preached any.. .. Mr. John Trewin i. achl ojuit. mr-or... A good time was spent et thse Ep- an exý,cebent sýermon hairu Sunnday on rt League on Weduesday evening. ing.~..ev.Janes idd au faiiyareDebate, resolved, That Nature is mnore- convalesclng nlcely .... Mr. Will. Patter- beautiful than Art. Rov. R. MeC ullocli 'on, lowmeanvila, visited at Mrs. Hars acted as judge. Affirmative won by a ,$unday. . .. Ou' Cheese Ce. haa put in a few pointa. both ides being well astain- new Babcock tester snd already semaed Cofféesud cakes wora aeu'ved lu saiples teated have show n butter fat te abda ha eu;nplcieuoiy absent, If the standard a uace, dues not com-e up aoon, the1 ersons sup- BES v EEItMÂi.-Dear Si:a-I eau pilng such miik will bc expoied .. .. A bighly uecommend flagyard'a Pectoral reviv-a1lu our church choir wouid be lu Balsarn as thse bost uemedy aver made for orda-i just now.. . .Mra H. Elliott lus- coughs and coids. I eus nover without it provï,o siowly.. .. The infant son o! Mu'. lu my hounse. IIAPRY PALMEn, Lorne. Franïk Paru' ha. had a second attack o! ville, Ont. broE;ehitis. . .. Mrs. Hurley aud Mu'.. T. G. ;Sîionhouase are ne botter .... Seading NZEWOASTLB. wili b, lu order thia week. Inspecter Hodson, M.' A., visited the NYE;rU NEGLECT A Coî.-Dr. Austin High Sehool on Frlday. . .. Mrs. Ogdeln, Fl"int aayo lu the Forum :It i. probable Port Newcastle, al ter a very short illnes Uht a peu'aon with an iuherited tendiency died aud wae hurled on Saturday. A te coeiýaumption wouid noverý develop the double bereavement-e daughter buried dissue if ha could ha prctected against on Frlday sud the mother on Saturday.. inifection with the tabercfe bacillus. In - The Methodiata are about oretîng new the ligbt o! modern discoveries consump. church sheds. . .. Mr, E Batten bai heen tion tan neo longer ha regarded as au lu. oalled away by the death of hisesister... cuiaWUe disease." It isne exaggeration Mu'.. Lockhart sud Mci.. Dcuusmoud have te saythat Remp'a Baleam, when taken beau spending a few day. lu Tooto. ... inu ticse, baa savedt many frous conaump- Visiter.: Miss Bailagh, Cob;>urg; Mc4a. ionu. At ail druggss O u j Dr. McLaugbiin; Dr. Tamblyn, Guelph; Miss Ballagh, Nose tonvifl. . .. Mu'.. D F. -lA.P4L GROVFE. Gabas beeu calied te Toronto by the hava , death o! haraister-in-law. . .. Newcastle la $'a*me1rsîhv scarctly cousmenced, said te haveat ieast forty widowa .. .. Mn.. seeding yet. . .. Mr. T. Kirkpatrick baon Binghaus, Ottawa, in staying with heu' u'Riie is pug dog I'Tiny" tisab rau unole, Dr. McNaightn eway Iwo year's ago... . Se tait o!f tn reriovating the church th1s aumniar... OurSuifdly Sehool Aunivers ary la the 3,d lPILES! PILES! ITCHING PILES. Sundlay and Moudpy ln June. The 8varrveMS-MOiature; intense itching, efflceýs sud teachera are: Suparlutendent, and stingiug; mont at nigist; worte by Jaco!, $tevens ; Assistant -Supt., George scratching. If allowed te cmtiiue tuus- Poweý ;Ss.cretary, A. W. Foiey; Treas., ors fora, which oftou bleed aud ulcorate, Tue-s, Iirkpatrick; Librarlan, Mýark bocom iug very acre. SwAYNE'S OINT- Mund(yBibe Ca..teacher, T, KiÀrk. MENT stoDe the itching sud bleedinz, hla pati& Se u~ssa ysWm. Foiey; 2nd, niceration, aud lu most casas removes the WIT, loa~,.r,~rdRF.e;ît tumora. At druggists, or by mail, for clais ls a.. Poer;2nd 'sr, (1, 50 conta. Dr. Swayue & Scu, Philadel- Sonot oe 5d. Wiaclai bes~ e rof. A. B. Crydormran le teacý(hing thse mnatte*t1I ,ý't.,,Me ii idad S. S. for vuiiversary .. . .Our Munostýy is aitend1ï la atî '-St i cool obýservad Arhor Day Friday-yard at Biltîer, O.Uf. cleaned sud tisings tîdlied gei2erahy.. b V u.- 7W oul1,1you balioeoa s[uTises. lPeoeoe haý nis oda important mils i.' ord leoner than sny otlier addiitio e is Hiscoford bol-cib7 a chol)ce Wî ~Beaua o a tppae t Ohaa.. Arthur~, yeun.gcst sen o r pre-se. týise trth sud tell thse trutis But ~Ahode uSua !dptal wb eynaskt tis e uesion l-1W eilh- Tho et'her childron Iae botter 2lo us Mr. causo tise Rev,".4 L. SniiderpasU 'r of the John Asiton's lte gr. e.L. MtdilChuiu'b, Lemngou ays :-Pislpa o! Ebenezsu' praaohed a vory aDýe "1hv encured o0 th, not pain'îuai eron at Zion Suuday aveing... Mîies aud direin case o! piles o! long t Julia Hlouera Werry hais a beautiu n CalIa ing bl, MAGýic lPînz LOTIO:N' and recin.Lý1y in blooris; many hava called te ad- mouid il ta al tius afflicted. mire il snd cougratulate thse fair owner on licu' floral auccesa. .....Visitors5: Mr. G. 'AIE HA V-1Y.Awde of Bowmanviile, Mr. snd Mc.. J. .NB HAEN.A. Awde o! Newcastle.. . .AUl interested1 Mr J. Oshorne la impreving... Mu'.. in football ehouid attend a 'practIcae Jue. B1ffeiy andu twe sîstaers, the Misses Solina ou Saturday nigist nexl, eloction C1eu'k,, jus3t arrived frous tise Emerald o! officers, etc. laie, are visFitiug their brothers Messrs. DEFESCUs--SiFryerI D. su 1JCarke . ... Mu'. Levi VanCamp- aud 1is,1 M.J-E. VanCamp treated a num- was troubied with deafuess, aud lest' be-r on oug follks te a 11sugarîug off " wîuter could scarcoiy hoar et ail. On _.Lev. R. D. Fraser, Bowmauvîiieý applyiug la.oyerd'.s Yellc.w Oul it rest-ur- gave ,ri address; in tise sehool on Sunday 'd my heariug and I uow hear as well as andi <rganized e scisool, filliug a long- anyona. MIS. TUTTLE C~o, Weymouth, feit want aoe greet number o! child- N. S. ce-n raveriavn an opportnnity te et. tendl a ,Suniday Scisool. Ail these net RO . preseiâtIa Suuday should strive ta e Me rc. Staiey Staples the popular dreyert prese rut .....t. Arbor day was celabrat- Liipped a very flue car load of cattie fcomN ed f)r Friciay b.tter than avec before. Burkotoni to Montreal asat Monday....i Thce rusteels3suddseverai otisera were Tise mauy friends c! Mc. John Damnes of! prfeeel f, The E chool aud grounds roceiy. Mlariposa wiso toroeerly lived bore, 'wil ed a tisrouigli celeing sud tise fonce ce- regret te hoar tisat ha was attacked by e paired. Trceos -wre plauted lu th, rva. largo bull lest week and badly injued,, cent Flaues and dedicatad te the follow- eue shoulder beîugr diaiocated sud soe ing nioted pacsons: 0ur gracions rajaer di frectured. Had net a man dragged Qoeaii Victoria, A1fred Tennyson, Will- hlm outaide of the stable ho would have iamn Shakeapeare, sud oeate our worthy beau tiiloed by the infuciated anima.... ~iasperqtdr, Mr. 'W. E. Tilley Pis. D. Mu'. L. Skinner lest a valuahie shropshlre Tha àcicatory services wera' quite isu- lamb lest week that waa thrae waaks old jrsie u Ilpeeu ean&~îa. sd weighed 22 pounda..SJ. Ilenry's ,resli an al prsen wee dâchod. boheatii k fligist when entoring tise viii- Dr.f Butler's Golden Pis hava aarned aie on SlIbatis morning,overtnrning and gcet ~ worver mp~oou.dîmnagiuîg tUe buggy sud liadly ehakiug As a nor-ve toiioansd blood huilder tbpy ~ up vus ocdhiparts .. .. Mr W. R. Ciemene are uyirivalhcd. Tisey increaze tise eppe- Iinsgraditaîîy recovering front bis recout tite a-pd, premoto a iseeltisy performance sarlousilîlue2sa.. . .The warnîng gîven by o! alE the fiuctions o! tisa body. A thor- tise Township Board o!f Hlalti s eould ha oughly tefetificureif irctons tayreveu' b-sufficiesît te indue our citxzens to speedily feute efoota craif irctins refaih-put tiseir promises lu tise best senitary !ully --riiedl out. Notbing isarsuful in condition 10 avert the droaded choiera their ceomposition. Tiso moat delicata sh-ould it visit our land .. .. Worie is vory Systeý, will be lieueftted, Ask for Dir. plantiful, laborers scrce, wagas good.... Cu-1e oden Pillsansd tata no other. Ouîr celabrated siingle and iseading fac. tory lainulu fon st .. . .Mr. Arthsur Brout TEk ýCA.isNADiAN MAGAZINE for May i is l home frein O. A. C., Guelph. a bih numnber, full of variety sud lu--a ta'rest, Tha tiret article, "Education vs. 'I Arn Se Tired'. Craïr,- by A. H. Morrison la a vigereus sud togt idisceu&sion, o! the Publicelaacrr.mon axclamatson at Ibis seeson. Systaut, aud la 1ilkey to atiracitishe atten. Thexo ie a certain liraciug affect lu coid tien bo)ts of Ed ucatienaisasasd theaer- air which ila bat wheu tise weatîsar grewa ai publie. 115. W. Chauleawortb disecuse armr;rn hnntr nrnw. as lin i8 'acy style "Tise Canadian G irl," warmau ; surdmbearsfe l Fl enein spd ~ ~ i iutatshecontribution witis par- udtra . hi ondition is ewing maýin. trats ! tpicl Cnadans "I Ciolaa l tetied.iprsoniin !teaboi Both the inethod and reauits wheli Syrup of Figs istaken; iii is pleasant and refreshing te the taste and actoe gentlyyet romptlyon theYidneyq, Liver ndýowels, cleanses the Sys. tera effectnally, dispels colds, head-ý aches and fevers and cures h2abi tuai constipation. S1rup of Figs is'the only rernedy d± its Lind ever pro- cluced, pleasing to the taste and ac-; ceptable to the stomacli1, prompt ixý ïts actioni and truly beneficial in iti effects, prepared only frein the raost bealthyanda.greeable subStances, its mnanyexceleitquaiies commend it te0 a iland havcmadc it thin ost p)opular remedý(-y kown. $-yrup C'f Figs is for qale- i 73a bott]es by ai]. leading druggists. -Ariy riiabla dru ggist 0homaây n 0 Lave îft on iand vil, procure it promptly for any one who wishea tO try it. Mýfanufatured oniy by tho CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP COS.. 8-âN PRANCISCIO, CAL. LO¶JISVILLX. KY. NXW YORK> N.Y The May New England Magazine con- tains a paper describing the-relatons ef Phillipa Brook.s ad iHarvard [University, written by Alex. MoKenzie,an old friend cf Brooks'. Ths article i. accompanied with illustrations, which shbow the faniý Mlar haunts of Brooks while at Cam. oridge., A paper ou Milton as as Educa- tor by Phillips Brooks is aise in this number. William Howe Downes, the weli known art critic of the Boston Tran. script, describea and commenta brightly upon the exhibit of New Englînd art at the Worid's Pair. The article i. beauti- f ully iilustrated with exanaples of tha ex- hîbitora' best work. A PIEAsiNo SENzSB of health and strength renewed and of esse-sud comfort follows the use of Syvrup of Fig., as it act&.in harmony with nature te effectually oleanse the eysteus when costivo or bilions For sale in 75a. botties by -%Il leadie*rg druggiats. Ail readers are invited te send us items- o! local news and thereby assiet in making this »s-per interis ing., HLD IT TO TuEE Licnr.-The mnan who teils you cotifidentiaily juât what will cure ynur coid i-4 prescribing Kemp's Btiaam this year. Fi the preparatiqn o! this re- markable uiedicine for coughas and colda ne expense la spared te combine oniy the best aud purett ingredient. Ibd a bottle of Keinp's Balsana te the limht and look through lu; notice the bright, clear look, thon compare wiîli other remedies. Large botties at ail. druggi2ts 50c aud $1. It i. thougbt that Joaiah Bowen ws murdered in Lindsay laat wek ani Mie body thrown luto thie river where it wa fouud. LDfe is short and time i. fleeting, but Hood'a Sarsaparilîs will hIesa huoeanity as the ages roll on. Try it ihis season. -------LD0 Mrs. Wm. Ormiston, Sr ,whil9 vikiting In Toron'o wag taken sicit with inflamina. tory rheumatism. fier daughter Jane lias goue th-re te wait on h"... ..Mr'. B. Powell i5 affli.oted with ishingles. Cut Thi.3 Ouit -es e o forgt lOto remedyfor consumùptiJ 'Ur. S J Cjourtice, Kirby, paid a visit tii friends bore recently. . . .Mfr. and Mrs. Chas. Dickson, iNew Orleans, La , are vsitinc Mr. J. F. Brooks a~nd other frienda oe.ienzrAnniversiry siecond--Sonday and Monday in Ju...... Mr. Arthur Gay made a good rceoid in a shooting msatcht in Port Hope iase week.. .Our cbeese factory i. running. Two new tank6 and a sterilizing apparatus fer the whey will keep it sweet for Bseme days. Mr. Pelton lias charge of the business again this year and Mr. Rogers, Eo-,4,is:ien, is a3sis eut .. .. Mr. and Misa Aur. i,, Scarboro, were guests of Mr. Levi Annis reoontly. . .. Mr. Wesiey Brooks soid twe fat steera to Mr, John Elliott, Montrea', for e182.50. ..Mrs. John Walter btended the funieral (f he ou eth- or in Keene last ieek. A, crrespondent ta a Peterb .no papeýr says: Mc.e. Wills wan an oU 1and resee esdn !tho towusl.;ip, P da. iud nd ffctionnate neigh- ber, and a lovin1g motiser, lier funeral on Suaday waa iargaly nt 'euded. She was 67 yeara o! age.

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