______________________ E h ______________________________________________ <!t1cc~s~ Cf Fitting eSpectaci es in I)ifficult and Qomplieated Cases A. Specialty STOTT & JURY'S. Being a graduate of two of the best Ophthal- mie Colleges on the con- tinent, Mr. Jury is inaa Il, itiou te togua.rautee en- tir satisfaction. No charge is made for con- Sultation and spectacles are supplied at lowest prices. GOL 000118 A SECIALTYI f1eAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. SeING EAST 005110 WEST .85mIMail .6..519a m .41p'nLocaln21ý. 845 I m ......7017 pm. 1Mixed ... . 2 m ExC...10 27 Pm jmail . 26 Pm WHEN YOU -GOTOI URITISIE COLUMBIA, MANITOBA. EUROPE, UNITED STATES o ayplace Iu Canada eall at STOTT& JIr% Drug Store for Tickets and Infor- Cpt.ion regarding loweat rates and hest BOWMÂNVILLIL, FEB. 22, 1893. Local and Otherwinse. O-ahawa wauts a market. Beat quality Overshoes at Mason's $1.40 Pie and eream social at Providence te- ii1ght. Mr. Bd. Philp cf 1>ickeriîr in viBiting Darlington frieuds. New cottonz ut cld prices j nst opened iù Ccuch, Johnston & Crydermau's. ils,. Albert Chapuien cf Kirby han bean vlàiting Mr. J. Kerr and family, MRanilla. Ku.C. bMaharg. Toronto juetnc, hâs. beau visiting ut her father'a Mr. C. linapp, Burketcn. A. spleudid lot cf Embroideries juat lu ai the West End flouse. The. prices for tbeae geodis are low. Thse Oshawa Medeaif St. churcis Ep. gl'rth Leagne enioyed their annual alelgis zide last Thuraday nîght. Vfater Robert Beltis waas eriously burt while tobogganing on the hili Wed- raday nigit. fie in son cf Dr. leitb. bur. Joahua Matin, aged 18. was kilt- ed by a falling ciimney while helpiug to ?tve furniture front a burning building at £Àndoay Wednesday. Ïf yen wnt a Spring Sit çwhich is onre te picase you and prove satiaBfactory lnm every, way, bave your order at couch, Mr. Jas. McBrien visited frienda ini Brooklin basi week. A S. O. E, B. S. ledge ia shortly te be organized at Tyrone. Misa MeCabe cf Port flop, has beau viaiting frienda in tosvn. New Spring GoodsararivinLg daily at Coucis, Jehuaton & Cnydermnau's. 11ev. Dr. Petta ùt Toronto preacked educational sermons ai Miilbroek Sun- Clay. Tise annual convention cf Ontar-io Connty Christian Endeavore will ho in Whitby Feb. 24. 11ev. R. Cade cf, Wiiby Mleihodiat Tabernacle has beeu cordislly iuvited te remain a third year. -Bo-Wmalvlle poults'y men were thse largest outaide. exhibitoi-s at tise show in Port fHepu basi week. -A few -of -those -fur, -boas- which are beinp sold at exactly hall price. sui lefi ai Couzch, Johuston & Crydonman's. A fine broke out lu tise residence cf Mr. ,Lame Fitbleigis early Friday mcmn- ing. Tise fianses were aubdned hefore auy sericu-a damage wae doue. 11ev. L. Piselpa cf Courtice icccnpied tise Metisodiat pulpit on Sabbath sud de- livened two eloquent sermons te largo congregatiou-Pickering News. »11ev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., bas been ep- peiuted te set as Clerk cf Wiitby Pnrs- bytery in place cf tise Tate Rev. A. A. Drummond until tise meeting in April. If yen wnt to purchame a genuine good Spoon or Fork, oue wtvh islul nover change celer sud at about isaîf regular puces cal audinspeet T. N. Rielnsd'a stock. Tise Metliodisa cf Osisawa are alroady iaskung arrangements fer tise roception sud entmrtainsueut cf tise membens cf tise B3ay cf Quinte Conférence whicis meete thero in June. Mrs. J. C. Miller aud son Mo-nllt, of Cisarlevoix, Mici., who have been vieil- ing f riends lhtre for tise petit two montis, have returnnd to iheir home, having had a mont enjovable tinse. Mr. John B'sll Dow,, D. D. G. C. of tise Sous cf Scotiand, Whltby, has been ap)pointed s member cf thse c")mmittee in charge of tise International Festival sud World's Pair Caledonian gaines. Mrs. R. Bastoni of Cambridge St. Mets- odiat ehurcis, Lindsay, aras pretented with ans ddreas sund saceifûrtlle rocker and novel hamboo laeup stand by tise members of her cas, Test week. Mr. M. T. Gaîbralti, junior clerk cf tise Standard Bank, Neweastle, lhan been nemoved te Beenville Ha is snoceed- ed by Mn. Creigiston, »nu of Rev. J. Creigiston, B.D., cf Blackstock. About 50 inembers cf Excelsion Ceun- cil viaited Newcastle R. T. of T. Tisurs- day evcnng sud hadl a pleasaut tino. One boad bad a nather unpbeasaut experi- eu, comiug home by usetting. No eue hurt. Mr. Wm. W. Wrighst, B. A., formeriy s miasiouasy te Japar- sent üui by tise Fnieuds Mis-,iouary Society, died in Don. ver lant week. Ris irife sud parente are resideuts of Pickering, sud his body waa brongist tisera for bprial. Tise folle wiug changesansd additions have been made Iu tise standing cein mittees cf tise Tewnu Councl: Fine, Spry ; Court cf Revision, Lyle; Poor Relief, LyL3 ; Cemietieny, Galbraith ; Prînting,Spry lu place cf Calbbrsth. Mr. Spry was made cisairn ù f Prntung Cein. nstesd cf Mn. Prower. EMoquent sud -sinet nene tise sermons of Suuday Test in Cambridge St. cisureis in behaîf (d tise misiousry work- R1ev. T. W". Joitiffe #cf l3wmanville preacised lu tise moruing sui ltev. N. A. MeDian- nid cf Picton su tise svaninir. Tise cou- grc-gations wcre large and tisa cfanringa langely lu advauce cf lust year.-Lhudeay Warder. We wore tempted te complain beesuie Tnrs STATEMAN nas not uotified cf a apecial meeting cf tise Council esat week, but as the compiint cf a tewn publisher who ise enet noiified of a citizena meet lug te consider wisat ceuld bo doue tenards stanting a chair faetory lu town was met witi tise rebuke tisat "Men nithout eitiî er braîne or moneywere net wantodl thene" ne heaitate te launcis our littHo grunt lest it sisould receive tis e ame respense. TuzE PLAIN TituTu ia gocd enougis for Heod'a Sarsapailla-there is no need cf sausationalieim. Simply nisat Hood's Sarsaparilla doca, tisaitalla tise tery cf ils mat, If yen have neyer realized Its bentfitean single botîle wiIl convince ynu it ia a gond medicine. Tise higiseat praiee bas been non isy Hoof'e Pille for tiseir easv, yet efficient action. Sold bj' a]l dnuggis!s. I'nict, 25 conte. 40 Boy's suite ai Maeon's this month ai aIl tisai ho advertiaes. De nt et ba our watch ru two long -asithoist.heing beoked arter. There are parte of' a nateis isiis ueoed te bo oilqd end seau te as welI as amy oiSon piecaet maohiueny. T. N. Richard is tise oee whe eau de it si«bt for yena. Resd tise new advta. ini Ibis peper. Mn. Normnan TiIloy speut Stiuday isere. Mr'. E. Downey, Pickering, wsa home ever Sunday. Misa A. D'ri cf Leakard is vlsitirng Misa Mabel Barreti. Mn. Fred Hloar la viiiig ai Mr. W. W. Donn'e, Whitisy. Mn. J J. Patteraýnu, cf Taunton, visît- cd relatives Sors Satunday. Now is tise lime te advertise seed grain, sud Ti STÂTESNAN is tho place. Misses Jeenie sud Bila Galbraiths, cf Blackstock have beau viaîtuog friande iu Sunday sud Monday wera twe vony atormy days -and -country -eidelines drifted- full. Mr. Wiliams effera a splendid teata cf waîl bred young mares for sale. Sec Do 't fongzet thse social at Mn. W. J. Bragg's to-nigist Couvey suces frein Mn. Morris' store. Concis, Johusten & Cryderinan are st giving genuine bangains lu ail kinda cf winten gooda. Newcastle poet office was eutered by bunglars Wedneaday nigis sud nomse $temsa tolen. Misses McLtyre aud Cook, ovaxigelistai cf tise Chitîsu Workers, have loft Oas- aws for usa' fields. Port Perny mas lu darnesa last week owicg te s breaSge cf theiseutaitise -electi i giststation. Mrs. Cee. Vize, Miss Lizzie Elford sud Mrf, Cen. Cowle cf Solina vlsited fi ieude lu Pickering necently. Juet received aitishe West End flousipe someisiug very nie iu Chiffin Lace sud BIsseS Vetînge, You sisould ce isn.: Mr. Alex. Wauusu, V. S., late cf ]lacksteIck, bas decided te open au office in Bowmenyle. Perticulara uext wook. Tint STAi-ESMAN sBppeared lait meek as usuelluntlirr-aedtions-the finalte enou caru aube., and th isa2,d and 3rd te tise uisa ef tmoethies, Aiseim. îin "Je e ieslarapidly recnvoiug Is osuhie severe illueBsansd expectfa te be able teisiant once more mb tiste temper- suce nom-k at au eanly date. A meeting cf lise neoves and deputy. reeves cf Durhamn nas held et Oronu nu Tnesday te conaiden tise subjeci cf aepan- ating tisese uui-d couiies. Professer Edward Lewis Curtis cf Yale Sas wrîtteis a tbmely papor ou "The Prma'ý- eut Stete of Old Testament Criticlatu" for lise Mrch number of The Century. Mesurre. Concis, Jeisaten & Cryderînan bave planird a newa dvt. lisis week that wl interest ail ef out readpre who near shits. Seceit ou firel page. Persons tronbled withi mporfect vision subher by mîlision hy day tbonld cali enu T. N. Rickaird sud have a fuol examine- tion nmcdeocf theïr eyeie, He basas noîl seleeied stock of specWIces and eau fit you penfectly sud ai moderate pnices. Tise Dîrectora cfthie Agrieultural Society aotin utise Counnil Chemiser Saturday, Mr. S. Allie presiding. Tise declded te holci a Sprnug Hor., Fair u divide light herses mb metw clas4e--carnis' age sud roads'-er. Tisere will hc o tii pnizokt. WOMÂN's WoRK liea ssplendid ladies' ma.1azine now n lu lissixtis year. Sec notice in anotisar colusun. q1iîeu oe ys'ar free te auy present subsciber te the STÂTESMAN niso nil! ceud us a non STATESMÂN subsenihen for 6 ntis ansd 50 ensis. A very pbeasant titan naisapoul ah St. PauI',' cisunci Menday eveuing. A good numben nere presout sud eujoved tise ox- cellent pregranu preseniefi by tise Y. P. S. C. E. Tisese taking part nere Miss Jacktoa cf Lindsay, Migses Mcbsugisliu aud Beitis, Miss Gloven aud Master Ger- don Beitis. Befresisieeta nere servedl durng tise evouing sud a veny social heur enjoyad. TinE t SMrsiN wnas aurpriaed te learu a Ion deys &go tisai out esteemed fermer- towuaman, Mr. Norman N. Biliinge, un cf Toronto, 'aasaoon te mako su exioud- od trip thronghcut Europe lu tise intereste cf s newansd valuable invention nisicis calta for bis persenal supervision. We feel sure tisai ho bas tisebhast niises cf bis mauy finds in West Durhsaum, sud ne trust tisai ho mev be apaned te returu te hi.estive land sud alll us ascrod asso- ciations aiter realiziug te tise full his an- ticipations lu bis buainess uudantaking. Mn, M. Treleven Sias sent us soure prnimosea, suondropsansd oison floner-s plueked fa'em bis brother Nicisolas'a gaz'- den ci Feb. Li. Jane ary muat have been immeneely mono balmy lu Old Eng. baud tissu in Canada, or "tise floners tisai bloain utisa spring" would non have bloomned soeaeely. Tise thermometer peints hc zero non at 5 p.m. this 20t5 te do iu tise past, nis a fresis, cf eau, non stock cf eeasonabte gocds, ne are ceatr- ing eut all odd ines, remuants, snd al heavy ninter gooda aits'edueed pricea ihat are boud te affect sales. We are stýck iakiug sud are gciug te maSo this a great bangalu moittij3al oun custemcra. Jue, J. Mason., Miaard'a Linîmeut aunes danwiruff1 Pltchet's Carâtorlai COMINGCT ONCERTS. Tise lamons Arien Club of Toronto wil give a concert iu tise Tewn Hall, Boa'- rnauville, tuden tise auspices cf Welling- ton Lodge No. 19, Sous of Eugland, on Wteduesday, Marcis 151h. Panticulans ls'er. A grand musical asîd drsmatic enter- taiumeni nili be given unden tise auspices cf Beninanvilbe Coune-it No. 968 R1oyal Arcanîîm, by Misa&MZ Viola Powell, soprano, sud Mise Eva G. May, A. T.C.M., elocutionat, amsistcd by Mn. tlamny J. Knigst, aitisaeTewn Hall, Priday, Mardi lOtis. Abb corne. Tickets 25 cents. Seata naserved without extra charge ai Higagin- botisam's drug atone. Seo provrama. SPECIAL TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subacrihera wll note panlicalarly that Tnj&ESTATESMAN -la couiîuueéd 1 os"epona- ible subscniheraunutil othenwise ondfirod, sud tisai notice iesiways requsred if ifs is deired -the papen isal b b.discostiuued at tise expiration cf the lim3 paid for. We purane this plan in defereuce h-)tise wiso f tise iajenity of our aubacribens, te niions if is more aatirfsctony tisse le discontinue in every case at expiration unless renened. Wo have ne agents. Att erders muai ho sent te M. A. .&-,Es, STATEFsmAx Office, Bowsnville, Out. tf. It isn'e in Mte orclinary waz, that Dr. iPierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion coes to thec weak and suffering weman who needs it. It's guaran- teecL Not with words merely; any medicirie cari make dlaims and proma- ises. What 18 donc with the "lFa- vorite Prescription " is this: if it fails te benefit or cure, inan case, your money is rettîrned. Can you ask any better proof tisat a medicine will do what it promises? It's an invigorating, resterative tonic, a soothing and strcngthening nervine, and a certain rcmcdy for the juls and ailments that beset a woman. I l female complanat"lcf cvcry kind, periodical pains, internai inflammation or ulceration, bearing- down sensations, and ail chrome -weaknesscs and irregularities, it is a positive and complete cure. ,re every tired, overworkcd wo- rnan, and te every wcak, nervous, and ailing one, it is guaranteed te bring healtis and strengtiî. Te every sufferer from Catarrh, ne. matter how bad thse case or of how long standing, thse proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy say this: "If we can't 'cure, it, perfcctly and permaneutly, 'we'll pay yen t$500 in cash." Sold by ail druggists. Mr. Luther t.ourtice and Mr. Harry Dob8on visited Sundsy week ai Mr. Rlch. Moo)re'o, Brookîsu, Ever entertaining ar d insitructive, and in toueh witis thise s t advanced field cf thouglit, neazby every erticle that appears in Littell'a L'viog Ag,) s inet onby of pre. sont interest bu'. of per.nauent value sud worthy presesrvatiîu. Recent numbers are ý%'ell adapted to inaintain its well eareed reputation, thel-- contente coveriug s wide range cf aubjeci. O urreut fiction is wetb represented by iti short atonies which appoar ie each iLsue. Specimen copies suay b. olbtaiued by nending 15 cents te tise publajhera, LUTTELL & CO., Bost.on. Timelineas is tIse atriking cisaracteristie cf tise prîhicipal contributions to Twx NorriAm.ERicÂN z'REviw for February. The leading feature isana able article en- titled "llow to Revise tise Tariff," by tise Hon. Wm. Spinger, chairman cf tise commÎtte. on Waysanad Meaus cf thse Hloua. cf B*preseutativea. Utider tise tubl of "Ohang<ea in thse Chureis cf Eeg. land" the Yery R1e-. Robert Greogory, Dean cf St. Paul's, contributes soen in- terestiu remini8conces of tise Oxford movemeut aod is laders3. Senator lianaborougit cf Noth Dakota. in a thougistful paper e'îdeavora te demon- strate "Why Immsigrationi Should net ho Snapetided." lu Tise Hope cf a Home" Erastus Wimý,n points eut ini a most in- terestiuoe and augeertive manner tise hen. éflîs te ho deniv, d by wage* cannera frein joining mutual Buildinz-Loan Associa- tions. i"Wild Stsg Hlntng in Deon and Scueraût" is froin tise peu of Susse, Coutenscf Malmsebury, who writeR cf tii moat menumue of Englisis sp-3rts witb mucis entisuïiasin. Otiser iutereating articles arc: "Frei nua-t's Point cf View," by Arthsur Reed Kimbail; Science aud the Wcman,s Question," by Lydia Lvovna Pimenoif, and "Tise Amer- icau Common Scisoola" by 11ev. James M. King. ________ HIow te get a' 'Sunlight" picture. Send 25 "'Sunlight" Soap wnappers (wrapper bearIeg tise wcrda 'Why Dos a Woesan Lock 01d Sooner Than a Man") te LEvER Baes , Ltd., 43 Scott St,, Tornto, sud yon wibl recelve by post v pretty picture, frce frosu advertiaiug sud well wortis framiug. This is an easy way te decorate your home. Tiese oap in tise beat lu tise market, aud its will only ceai le. postage te oeud in tise wrappera, if yen beave tise enda open, Write your addres arefully. Tailor Shop in Tyrone. I respectfully beg te infori tise people cf Tyroeeand viciunity tit I will u Marcis lai cpm n atailor ahop dlrectby op- posite lt isotel, nortia 'd3, w hore I wil bd prepared te give fits in the meat fashionable style. Give me a cai snd a chance te make your new apring suit, and I will guaranee tatlafacticu. 8-4w. J. T. MoLLoN. FARM AND STUQE I1H ON [HE FOR SALE BY TENDER. -- -1 hereyc an for sale isy tender tise fîltan.. TO BUY g opry Macres, more cr bs e cu ted on m Your Watches, ClOcks, Jewelry o apatt cf Brick Store lately ocecpieti by Gamby & Bro. and Speetacles is at T. N. Rickard's in tise viilaaec, f Oron- Tenders receis-edt1d1 thse b of Martch uext. Watchmakerjeweler and Optician, " hý1highest on aey sentier not tnccessarly Far cnditions sud f urtiser pmrticulars apply Variety H&all. Simply because n te the unaersigione tepam8s 7-2w D. A GA4ISIY Orno -P. 0. where in any City or Town in titis P'rovince cari you buy those goods cheaper than I canr seil them. You may buy rubbish but net goods of i first qnality. have __proved -toi myseif and many in your midst the followiug assertions. That I cari do your repairing ia every way satislactory. Aise fit yen with spectacles if any one cari. Eye sight tcisted fr'ee. Eiecuitois' Auction %leor Valuabl-e Farmn§ Near Brooklin Station, Town8hip of Whttb Cnt f Ontario; Parcel I-N4orth half nc Not5atres of South half of Lo>t 26, 6, ýi Cou. Wbç-itby; -ocd soi] and oldng' tabling for 50 cattie, 10 hormes ;Wîn ia U mp 1 acre young orchadc verý desirabýe snope"rty. Parcel 2-South part of Lit 26 6-,h or. Whit-. ny, good grain farm. Sale at Woodruff's Ilotel, Whitby, FEBRUARY lSth, 1893. at nue o'cl6ck B msy terrn,. Particulars on application te J. 1IL MATHTEWSOY. Brookln, or JOHN THOMSON. -4w* Box 82. Whltby BAIC~ER & SPENCES T. N. RLICRARD. ISHORTHIAND NotieOs 4f rnrflu, 25 centts; lUarriage~s.50> cents ; Ilfeaths. 5. ceutii, eaeh Insertion -but FUME 01F CUARGE, whsta the runeral cards are sIrtnted ant this elle. IIOO-Ifl1 Oshawa, Slit uit,, thse wife cf Mr. Jno. }-log, of twin sonqs, AsiMOUi-In Osisawe, Feb. 4, thse wife of Mr. 2i1,uel Armour, of a son. EVEsiacE-Te Oshawa, Feb. 11,thi Wile Of Mr. T. H. Everson. of a son. OxE-Th Darliesiton. Fois. 9, thet wife of Mr. Wm. Oke, cf a daughter. W ýoETEN-Th Darlington, XFeb. 12, the wife of Mr. John Worden, cf a son. McTsiEsiSLL-In Ess6t Whftby, Fois. 9, the wife of T. B. Motis!siIL tfa son. MARRIED. 11Adsaos-BtOwNq-On Fois. 8 by 11v. L. W.' HIil B. -A.. Port Perry. Mr. Francis Win, Hamilton and Mise Mary Jane Brown, coth cf Cartwright, NEWSoME-CONISHuOn Feis. 8, by 11ev. C. W. Watcîi. Mr. Lewis W. Newsorne and Miss Eliasbeth E. (cornish, both cf Eust Whitby. HAYES-RrESON- At the regidence of the bride'a father. by Rev. D. S. Houck i. 15, Wm. M. Bayes, cf Darlingn and tday .. Youriet daughter of Mr. Edward Reefion, et DIED. Htjs-ixîNc-In Darlingion, Fois lat, Gladstone. youngese son cf Mr. S. c. Hueking, aged 4 years and 8Suces, L.Avs-Iu O2hawa, Feis. 12. Dionyzus Lavie, aged 82 years aud 2 mes. DRiNG-In Orcno, Feb. 13, thee iofant child cf Mr. F. Dring. IVE-In Jarvis, laidîiand County', Fois. 13, thse wtfe cf Thos, IL Ivey. QmBsoe-In Clarke. Feis. 18, Froderick T. Gibsaon, M. D., aged 27 years and 5 mos.1 HOB13s-InfL'arlington. Feis. i', Geo. Hcbbs, aged 76 years., knmvIB-In flowniaurille. Feis. 19. James H. Kirby, aged 28 Years, 5 menthe. VÀNCÀMP-In Darllegton, Feis. 19. Mary VanC,%mp, rehect cf the late Wm. VanCamD, agcd 82 vears. SM'%ALLOOMBA t Holland, Manitoba, Eliza- beth Morris, b-cbved wife cif Leonard Smalia- combe. aged Il Yearf; Arthur, aged 22 years - Bernea, aged 16 years; Royetti, aged Il years;' andi Viola ageti 7 years. childr e, ail s ince la@t Christmas Day, the last two cf scariet fever; tise cibers cf y hoid. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J. MeMcurtry, esvery- Tuesday FLoUit, e 100 tIbo........ $1 60 to $2 30 WHJIÂT, Fali, P bukh ... 0 0 fi 066 il Russian, s....0 00il 0 65 fi Fife, i .. 0 00 fi O70 ni Goonie, il....0 0 IlO58 fi Colorado fi.......O0O0 fiO063 RIrE, .... .. 0 00ut 0 50 OÂTS, '...........O025 fi O 26 BÂBLEuY, Pbuah, No. I.. .. O0 0 if 042 fli~ 2x.. 0 00,,f 037 if ,2.... 000 f 0 30 Il 3.- .0 00 f 0 25 t, Two-rowed 0 30 0 30 Backwheat V busâ ......O 00 0 42 PzAés, Blackeye, ?P bush... 0 68 fi -0 70 Il MnMMY n 0*, Oa n 0 60 fi Small, ' ..O0 0 if 0 55 il Biue, ' 0 O50 fi 0 75 Bu!TEEm, best table, Vtl... 0 15 il 0 18 CHIOKEN, e lb ..........O0 6 fi 0 Il Eoos, Vdoz ............ 000,,l O 20i PoTÂTýos,- Pbnsh .......0 00,, 0 45 HA-Y. Vton ............. 600,,l 7 00~ GENERAL SERVANT WANTET'. Appy te Mius. J.AmEs REnD, Ont%rin Bownaville. RSS FOR SALE.-A pair cf I-. Maýrs, eominz 4 years old. sired by "«Granite City4 and «IManifred." Wiii be scît eep. W, H. WILLIAms, Box 131, Bowma.n. ville. 8-tf L ANIBS WANTICD. -Any number cf lSpring Lamba wauted for which thse bigist price will b-, psid bY- HUME &WsmeuxvT the People's Betehers. Bowmanville. C ALVES WA.NTED.-Ten Calves, a Iweek wanied for uoxt four iu onths by HUME: & WRieur, the People's Butchers, Bowmauville, ;5-tf 0 BE SOLD.-A Brick Hloua. cf Teigit rooms.wlth stables, gardon, onchard vnpastune. Il acres In ail. eccupied isy tise i, 'e Mra. Col, Reid, King St. E., Bowmauviile. Par further particutars apffly te Ds. REin, We 'luegton St . Bowmauville. 7-6w 13 ULL FOR SALE.-A Short firu 1-Bull, 6 montisa cld, mostly red with white spots. descnded froin an excellent feeding family. A very pronsîsieg animal. Jeux VÂeîNEST. Jr,, Sclua. 5-4w. O ORN AND COB GRINDING.-1 1%am pnepared te grind cocre lu the ois aud other grain chopping at 6j. per bg for corn and 5.-. for ether grain. Lot 30. Kingston Rossi. hait mile wast of Courtie., LuTaEit HÂsicocs. GS- rQEND GRAIN FOU SALI!-Âîaa Ki. quanttty cf Duck Bil1l Harley, Eanly Bonatizi Oats. Clorado Beardeti Whoat, andi Biue Pesa. IHave taken prize,3 the pasi two years at Toronte Incumîtriai andi Bowmanvllle Exhibitions ou these vstrities cf grain. W, L. LAW, lot 25, con. 4, Darling ton. Soties P. O. r, _q TMPROVED FARMS FOR cA,- LLot S sud west 1 lot 7 in the 2 con. of te Township cf Pickering. 250 acres ou which aie a liraI class bains, ail atone fousidations; 2 dwellung house, weiliwatered. ne waste land., Wiil lie soie whole or in parts. Price andi terni, te suit purcisaser. .&pply te M.B. TAY- LRo, Witby, Ont. -if. TzroRouGinPRAc.-A (GRADuiTEs, &s- T 1 C A L INSTRUjC- N SISTZD TO eO TION IN AIL Dr-N POSITIONS. SOnd. T)D for Çîrec11r B U;siNEUS s SCHOOL, TOROINTO. New Ptesuises, il,,11 & 16 King Street West. The leading Business College cf Toronto. 5-3m' BUSINESSEDUOATION. YOUING MEN and WOME N, on whoni d-evolves the necesity of making their fwn way in thse world, wisely eq ulp ihemiee as beat they <an te wmu ,nccess in î,hsir chosen profession. A practical busiuesiu educa6tion is essential te ouceeae in the commercial world, end asi oun ceau 'b. caid te te cutside thse influence cf buai- ns, so a thorougis training in commer. cial aubjects la of prime importance te thse public in general. Thse course cf in- struction pursued in a business collegoý,l pre-emlr.ently practiosl and useful. If yen are intereted in practical educatiori and are posseszed cf thse ambiti*n 'of maklng propress in life, wpi e for full par- ticulars te SPENCER &McCULLOUGH, i9riUCipais9, HALTlîON BUSINE-3S COîîa, HÂ.MILTON, Ontario THE JEWELLER lias moved to Dob- son's book- store, BIG 20. If you want anything in the Jewellry line, youi will find it there, because he carnies the nicest * , town. Ho is also prepared to do youir -%ork in a mauner you would like it doue, Gall and see hitu in lis -new store, He will be, pleased to see you. Miss Shaw is clearing out ail Winter Stock of Ha1ts, Wings>, etc,, at cost and mat)y things far below cost, A nice lot of new# Veil., ingp just receiveck oxdorcast cf P. 0., Ewenil