GRATEFUL-COMFORTIN-LG. BRItAKFASTr-SUPPEEI. ~'Eys al srougb knowledge er the natural la-Fi whh govrmuthea Op8rariOn3 orfizaito l ,87d nutrition, andi by a cret ai appiction or Eppe bas p'-cidad Our breakfat s ables with a dslicataelyfdsvered bavera <awiceh nay sava peeyhavy -octcsri' bille , i3teby tise ~nlu ue 'of suaIs articles of dieu tisat a constitutien may ba gradu-ally bilît up untîl Streug enougis to rasiet evary taudancy te disease. Hundrede of subtle maladies ara floatisg accuendus resdi le attacis wherever there f. a weak point. Wa May e8cie mnv la le~a suaitýuii l'y auetu enreeme-e ILu curisuna 1ani with pure Ilote ati a p"ar3ly nourifisad rame. -l'civil S'eut-"c avt'ts' Made siinplv wtc bafîluf water on milit sli oul n - u oe-a. 5 bGroaarar. laballed tisa JAHITiES p1'g t Co., mil'nsasthle Cheita Inse, Londees, Esiglansi, WEDNXESDAY FEB. 15, 1893 DU,. J.C.uMnITEL, 4 EU BER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIÂN à nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. Offiae and Residence, Enniskillen,. 74. B FRSTFR SOLICITOR, ko. MOPRIS ýLOCWK upstairs, Ring Street. Bow'nan- ville. Solicitor for the Ontari Bank à rivale lioneva loansd aI the lowagt rates S. C HUN9INJM LIOENSED AUCT ION EE R FOR Lthe County of Durham. Sales -attended te on shorteet natce and ]owest rates. .Address Ocurîcz P. 0. 36. RITO. YOUING, V. S. O '%FFICE IN THE WEST DURHIAM VNews fllock.,wshere himself or assistant vwll1 be foundfrom 8a.m. to 9 p.m. Night cals a reaidecedirectly opposite Drill Shed. Calls Ly telegraph or telephone will receive prompt Atte ntion17 1 l1yr L. A._W. TOLI. UCINE ,APPRAISER, Real A. A. PONT, AROHITEOT.- Plane- and Specifica. ALý lions prepared for every clase of building. Special attention given to heating by eteam erd hot water. and tG sanzitary ragmns Ofie oreBlockitbc3-. Rm. P]EATE,ý Tailor Gentlemen$s Olthes Made to Order' J.M.BRIMACOMBEýL IJENT1ST, OFFICE -iRear of Messrs. 1-iggnbotham& Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOW-MANVILLE DYEING ,CANDCLEANINO Lad', fand Gents'wear of al ki nde, Faatb, er, Gloves, Ribbions, Laces, Curtains, and ai] kinds of faiscy goods Dyed, Cleaned Gr French leai ed. Work positively guaran- teed the best. No peddling wagon emiployed. A reliable agent lin every town, BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINGCOC'Y., Goid Madaliet Dyare Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebee. Agent in Bowînanville, . H. DOBSO0N, STATIONER, Gents' (lothing Cleaised, Uyad, Pressed and Repairgd by TiHOýS. PEATI, Dyer and Clothes Cleaner. Ceodo warranted to lis as no one wll kncw them frorn new'when donc. corner King am", Ontarjo Streets, Dr'ENT"ISTRYS7 C. HARNDEN, L. D. S. Oaduate cf tîte Royal Collage ot Detal Surgeens, Otar; o. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VITALIZED AIR. 'H~E CGZ S E!,T FRIEND GREAT LONDON I4]7ýTITLTtON. Thsa Origin of Licyde anîl tise wa: lit Whlels It Tra»,sa--f, itiiees.- AI ai Lioyds. How few et the people wbo use thie ex oressian hnow raally ail it mes, tisaithe shipesudseamesrewiich reach the highasi ciasc, IQOAl tor irun anti AI for weodau vessais, bave te usîdergo s severe exaniuation aimd cavetul eurvey et al tisir principal parts. It lsas kindved as- sociation calati Lloydi's regisüar et Britishi ssir tevoeigu shippung wbjch doas tise suvvey- ing sud ciaesiug. Ias office is iu White Lieu court, Coruhilî, Lonidon, sud, fer the bieue- fit efthtie undevwitars at Lloyd's aspeciaily andJthse cornrnitv t ar e, t bige -r Why y-oui take Cold and COUgrh. Geuersiiy canset by esvpcsnre te ceîti, seet tact, sittissg- lu -. draug-bt, comiug c.-oi bot ansot edplaces, inthi siress, or waaring taunp clotises, stock- toge, or any other cause tenting 1.0 chsecke sutiteniy tise perspiration.. Tise resull pretuces inflammation etftisa tining membrane efthtie longs or tbroat, ant iis causes pisieges or matter,whicli nature tries ta throw off by expectora- lion, Iu mausy cases she is unable to do se wiihout assistalçe, anth S~is Why you use Allen's Lung Balsam. Three Size Bottles, HOUSEHOLU. My baMy musy. Myei bay asis bei le sea wy; Reve, u my ani. b terday, Or crarce sa leug ago, Ii golden icati upun nmy breass. Ili s weary iteli s aai cccl, 1 rockad film te anti fro. Tisa uttile darlilgs roguisis ayas Arc brigisi sud bine as cussssssc skies, Or Settiali belle se f air, Bat sleep dees a-il wýith lide ikn snow, Anti lite tise sum-mer's sue ,bine glew Hic iaves ef golden hein. Anti se ny baby eleeps, anti I Am gucrdisur eer ailis-seacisul eye Me-fouieni frirla adj«-i-ý ----i toaiup, tuai reguiatad, sud a vegular isossse.eieanig goe inte ; butihara ara cer- tain dafects oetihe lips that cau be ovarcoea wiiheui al ibis troubla, hecausa tisey arise freina" wocmýn'a owu fanît. Many et us, frein nerveusmes ev habit, hava a way et bitisg ovr lips wich wiil sureiy result lu sweliig, bruise or drynessa itjebeth un- eontortable anti unpleasaut te îlooh ai. Tiieretore, tisa tiret sîep le, le break off se pernic leus a practice hy watching ""e'if very careftly. NexI, nonttisa per, bruised ussambars with soîne helisîg ssb'ireof a pura make. -Do ast, Isowe-er, thiusk te cuve cissp et lips by assintîug theinafter beinz eutins tise air. Tise tiose fer trpasmentisj before every year a bock showiug avery detail ot each vessai, and it is fromittis boek,o calied 'lLloyd's Registar,»~ that tise uuderwriter kuows whther the vessel je a good or bad oe, and in somne casas kuowe more than tha captain who comimanda haer. ýý hat le Lloyd's ?" The greatinstitu- tion, wth 570 maembars, about 620 subserili- ars, and an aqual nuinar ef substitutes, bagan iu a vary smaîl way. In the latter pa rt efthtie sevanteauth century an Edward Lloyd kapt a collée bouse iu Towar street, and latar in Pope's Head alley, and te this coffae bouse flocked the mrchants and bro- haeseofLonîdon te talk ever business, -Theîe thoy used te agrea te share with each etîser thair marina rische, and startad a newspaper cailed Lloyd's List, gieing ahl the latesî in- teligence of tisaîr maritime ventures, and so this emnail body grew lu ils lîritad snrrouudings fer almeet 100 years, tilI 1774, whan with saventy-nine mambers, it mi- grated, taking with it tba old naisne, te tbe firt floor of tisa Royal Exciaga, 'whare it lias remaiuaed avar since, aud basidas its meimbars and subscribers, has uow ovar 1, 500 agente al, al the différent seaporte who take charge efthtie undarm riters' interasts. Thaseagaents ara chosen frein the met trustworthy et the merch anis at aacb place and the appoulmeut le s nicoveted, for although there le-no fixad raînunaration,, yt thora are a isumber et emolumants in the way of tees, b)psidas the prestige wbich heipe to,,bring more business, This "ooiu," ase habitues callitijegnarded by a barriar, at whicis stands a rad-coated janitor te sec- that nostiaugar passas Ibrougli, for ne eue but mamnberi or subecribere le ailowed 'te enter. These, hewevar, eau introduca atrangars. Yon ask fer tisepersen you, wisb te sec, and,"afttar a naine quita uniutcliig- ible te yen bas beau called out, your frieud appears and You walkinluat hie invitation and sea before yen a long,-ronnu witb tbree r s (,"s e eke, t which theai noderwriters andý tblsýe subsbttutesit. Tiie gangwa3 s are fileèd' witb -brokers and thair cle ks, showing the undrwriters' shipe on which the nature ot the risk is writteis, .and, shgid hai lihe the risk, hae writas down tisa amenunt h e wishes te man the risk of ioshsg shc. uld the vassal ha lelst or damagad, and bis, initiale. So front deek te dask the brokear gees, unitil h lie as completed the amnut ha wishas te insunre, atter which'a polîey le made ont, te whseh the undar. -writers affilçi tiir naines and respective "hunes. ' At tbe end cf the large rom tiera e sa smaîl apartineut wisare semae more undar- writars sit. As yon go past the harrier yen wil ha strueh with tisafearful noise igoing on, and marvel that -the mortale, rushing hava and thara shold hoeablla te catch thair respective naines wheu caiied, yat se accus- tomed do thay gt te, tiip boss and se clear. ly and distînctiy doas Farraut, the jovial crier, cal] them n et tisat they very seldain bave te ha rapeatad. U the loft as yen enter jtisahecuperintandant's roin, beside wbich le the 1"loss book,'"is ewbich je writ- tan altha sarieus casualtias. At this hook ahl the uudarwriters and broers lock irai in tbe merning and than pase ou te what is callad thea«Ichambai' et horrors,'" This 1: a emalcosa, on the walis et wbicb ail tisa casuialtias, greai and emali, ara postad, aise notices efthtie committea and ail the tala- grame anuouncsng tihe weicomne uaws of tise ste arrivai, tise speakiug or the dapartura et vessais, or dfia disastrous tidinge et a lees. The arrivais ara posted jute large books lu the order thay ara tlegraphed betore being peeted ite large aiphabeticalindex books in whsch the jnjtiated can trace tisa meVe- meut ef any veesel ou any particular date wlth ease. Thasa booke ara on siopiug deàkeiu tha raadiug rom and are constantly hring posted by a staff e ciarks whe are kept bnsy night aud day. Iu Ibis reading rom ara kept boks in whicls 1the record et every captain troin tiha time lie gts hie mnas- tares certificats is wrjtten. Thera arealase ail the diractorias et the principal towns su tise vorid, which ara reiigieîssly filid and kept for ralarance, and a host et ethar boosk, etc., neceseary for tbe information t those dosng business there. Mauy a iniling face ides a motrning beari; but grief alone teacisas wlsat wa are. Giva wiat you have. TGsncouse e tmnay ha bel ter tisaisyou darc t îlk. APFALLING DEPI>TS or 3I>AOE. StellarDi>stances Tîat Sttin thea Sinciandi Baile Cosnprehsenslou. Sir Roert Bell, at tise Royal Institution on Saturday afternoon, deiiverad tise last et lus lectures on astronomy, 1He toh for hie subject l The Stars," thosa orbe whlch, tisougi appesriug se email te tas, because et theiriunensa distance, are, lu veallty, great sud shining cuise, If, ha taiti, we were te escape frein the aartb into space, the meen, Jupiter, Saturus, sud avanually tise sun wouid becoma invisibe ; but, far ase w are frein the stars, îiîey atijl shine hrightIy te us. Many etftisase stars are iseavier tissu env suri, For c-ample, Misar, tise iila -r SAFE THE GREAT H 1LOO pi-3ARSÂPÂPIILLA CURES ALL Taint of the IBlood. CERTAIN -r'. But chsanges camse and baby grew Se fast and cîreug, tisai nar 1 kuew My buby'wag a bey, A chld in beyisbh blouse aud skirt, %Vho cidea-brooim atidtilves in dirt, Whosc checks r-e daxk. iiti tan, Cornes romping lu with neisy shunt, Te cee whatinnima se about, ,My sturtiy littie man. flutols, withlseidupou mybreast, No baby uesiles close te ret; 1 have hlm stilîl, 1 know, My boy illse ail uy beaithut I Ofi heu- nuy lhcd, asimuuvsuring sigis "I miss my baby se'" An iln va ods pohen -itbeut ce- flectloîs tasse2ns th chýarge et lnpoprieiyoci a pret-y wos-nan gollty et nothmug Nwore tign hîgis spirite et youîh, anti that waei et caution e hich se fe tisaccoumpanies thase higîs spirite mated xiii innocence, Want et reflactien la the sinti ing ou lier sida, as well as on that et thisll-sature whicb dastvoys ber fer wani et thougit ratS- ar baiferoearpîne et malice. Recause aie la brick sud briglît, sha is, tins efere, 555cm- ail te le 1 ight aud tast, 11ev fraetnku-e'e la matie to iook ihe impudenice, lier ceu lihe immodeaty. When shisagootitempilevet she isecoarse4 aud lher very courage is lusensi- tivevaliser tIssu brave. As for barmanîsers te mass, thay ara sisaaieese, aud ne ether werdiijete ha ssîd, 1 coum ail wiich tha poer young 1wemsu, whosa weree cime a cer- tali beediaessese a certain wasst etpravis- sien ase te wbre appeairatnces are agleuset lier anti leavebarreputatien vulnahie-is cn- victati by genaral gossîp set ateot by une tiioiightlçssiy ill-natueed ciatterer anti for- evar afttargoas thieugh. lite wiii a nildawed naine and a rusteti character., AIU emaîl sociaties are lufasteti by tis hinti et plagne. Husse nature Sas its imý-peprativa iustincts, whatevev the theatra on whîeb tiey arc anacieti. ,Thse stage muby hae as wide as Ibaworld's greatst trgtl, or as navrow as tiaeaismities in tise olti woman's ward et a wokhionsee luit fisein- stincts ara the saine; anti this e israni intarpratatien ije ufetthain, k le a hinti ot invariti -fores etf tise tramatie instinct as wll as tisai curions combativanaeswbîcls seeke te tiestroy for tisa mayapleassore of tistroyiug-aven as à anuWiI l Oét tgulîs ou tiesaa, for ne gooti te 'anyo e .lut tise isSas Wbicb teeti ou flash, andt he gratification et hie own pritia as a marks- in.uTisa msrai werid le an analogue et thse iatariasd7;ant inluths cara les11-naure we sece la iomgitieasenrihan Who shoots seagulls, wbich hos can nitîsar bag nov est, for lie mare pieassuvaetftiesapert. Anti in restictati seciaties, -isisra big avan ts ara rare anti eisae tragatiies alînost imp'e- sible, tise dramatie instinct gate is graîl fi- cation oui t ofme ansd paty quarrais, aseau anti paity sîsnears, and tise wildflre flung about hy substantsaily gooti-natureti, but aise metally hinti anti thongistless ehatterars. A tiaatis, with tise wiIl te toiiew, lse trtile grounti fer ibis kimîtioetthougitlass ili- natura;; aud subordination, parjuvy, undue influences, alatetwill dastroyeti, trustratati intentions, anti sîl tisa test et il, wauder about tisa talh efthle place like se nsany seety llilîe impe wandavîug Ibrotigi an an- cisati Woodiwbereiu liay ara set tact, anti wisece they canno t gel loos juttei oenî day. These impe of speech andi foul surmise neyer recis tisa ligbt et open acensa- tien. rfisv wantiev bither andti tisr, sud are Sandatninuluwiepers frein oeate an- etisar, sud ne eue pausas te taha heati et tisa wortis wiich iîspiy se mucli moeahan is kuown, anti accuse et crimnne ecoti varity unstr pain et bis lita, Even relatives wili say thasa terrible tisinge et eue aneliar; anti a telisi, irecponsible chattarar et this hint idilti ne sitata te charge hec sistars anti broshiers wti the crime et undua in- fluence, lacanseasuie wae dissatietiati wiih the fttier's wiil, whici was simpiy juel in its insprtialiiy, anti ii net mahe specializ- ati provision for haer. Here, lier charges Wverd theughtless, only seasusucis as, heing s fool, se titi net realise tise magnitude efthtie offense sise assumeti bat beau coiniitteti. But there was nouaetftise caralessuese wa' bave spokaîs of above ; sud what se sai,, cia ineant, andthte arrews ebe lai fly sise eisised ant injteudeti should ticik. lu soune bouses gosip ce this hinti ahotids. Tise talk is al et people, neyer eft hiinge ; anti wiheu yeu get îlite tisehabit et talkin, about peple, yeun6ncassarily slip i tisai7ut ill-u)atiiîvansulandevous su- sinsiatijoi. hitisosemucis casier te diepraise tisan te praisa ; anti ilI-natueaticmises can la matie ainusinsz, wlila encoiumu, ave apt te l base-ay whan net cîoylng. Besidea, il- nature ceacte lu a hit etfreflectati ight ou oea owus perce i. Wheu we cosidemus Our deav friand fer ibis Isuit aud iliat,natnraîly tise ceoiiavy 1 is ai we oursele-es ara freet liai spacial sin, and look at tise worlti ce far with clear eyes. Tise pot calling tise ketîle black ie a eery siliy performance ;anti wieu Salami ant inSm aîl ouI, tise 11111e dane laugi for joy. Se tisai, nuleas we tuinik te bidie oîîr ewn 'll-doiug ly exaggeratimîg tIsai et cnoliser, wearae supposedti t stand free frein tise moral treublea by wlijci we say env nigîbosîrs hava beau scorati antiscrateha- ail Anti aven tise caielae sud goti natur- ed, Whso give lisaiseives up le tisa fatal habit of siandevousinsinuaiiou sud li nator- ati consmentavy, ara net quite witheut a conception et salt in thir lves, ave net quite ignerant oethtiisnn glow wiici se- cempanies the sharp speech againest another -do net distial lise ihaukluase of tise cieauly.hiving Phariseta tihaevas notes ibat sinful Pubîjean yeutier, wbose living was matafotftis uffringsoetotîsers anti wisea ie miastes s--oue, ptttng eusas usîse cmu creaus aeery tije yen tari oumi for s walh1 wisicb you welli ind i iiglsly h.nciciai anti wiil keep yor linps in wintev juel jas sweat sud rosy asa wbe the inildar sephyrs et sommer cule the air. A wrter whseakuowiedge et sncb euh- jacta is bayonti question sys tisai glycavine anti rose waier sisoulti neyer bc nseti te softe tantie îips, as tis remusdy bac one greai drawback, naîsseîy, liîmt hiu nducee lise grosetis et supertinouis ifiv, s warniug wliieiî ail woioem will glsdiy beeti, fer ne eule desîves te posa as a beartieti lady. IVisas colti soes appear vubibheii thscolti crease, bciuig carefl nos te break liseinsud liey wiil ceeun disappear. Tisa reaseoisthaitbey usualiy'lissg 5o long ia, tisaitisey ara tain- perati wiîiî by vubbing or bitiog, andt iera- foie c'suuot have a- chance te heal properly, as îey wvoald if loet alona. Tise saine wriev se-liwaînns sagainet glycevine aud rose waîer isea stveng atvocateet isot watar, anti afirins tuai there'is ecavcly amîy ail. meisi tisaiwilI net suecumibte its healing v'rtuas. Theretoe, witb colti cresin sd bot watev eue sheult ha ablla te preseut te tise aorîti a pair et cosy lins froc frein auy unsightiy hlemiste. Men and Thair Ideals-. Tiseilnotion tisai sen have oethieir, ewn Worths, gays George McDosiald, sud et claims tenu lad the'een, is smazîug; mosi ansazing et ahl je wbai s mianwill set up le hblesai ase the tanidard efthtie weesan ia will m-arry Whiat tisa wen may baveas rigil te claies tise rigbi or rugitécousesa of sspiriuig te wed awemani betwectî, whose nature anti hie liasa golf, wida as between au angol praisiîsg Goti sud a, devii takiug refuge trom him lu a swîue. Neyer a, siadow et cempunetien, crosses tise laprens seul as hae sire tches fertis hic arme te enfoldth ie cdean wemian. Ais, wiitee-oe, tiscumusts lia for a while ausong lise pets!1 If only thy motetsr ha net uoe le ilams ISsu tisa wretcb tisai lut set afler bis kinti. Ha' e lae net dia of sal loosthinýf! how, tisan, Could. ha imagine lise Serret disguei witia wiicb a glimpse ait Ilm sucis as haie swouîd blasitisae seul et lise womian? Ya tlisas ha-whsi le 11, the virinca , tise pride,, or the cruel nsolence ?- te sisv ihji rudeet abliorrence frein oe wiso la, in nature anti istery sndd min, his ftliag sund proer mate 1 To séea ely lies an wîll ha content te ha bimseait e-at haý scorus sceller 'for hasng, might welha aneugis te sent s-aoee rytng te tisa Ced tisera may bha-te comae betwýyeeu hies sud himselt.ý. Lord, whai. a tnrning et thinga upeida clown thare wiii ha ana day ! What, a satting etf lasts irest sud firets lasi. Tested Recipes- Rises AKE, -Craieseucp huteratti grsdoali!y lwe 3.custsgar antibhast well, tien atitiý four agge waIl beaten; uix te-. getlii2r treant ilee-hait clips fleur anti ibrea esapentlsaking pewdav, att tiis ta tIse I t mixtuia alternalely with oe ccip iill.1Teo-Saifote ba bater att oe ucp rajmnctosetont anti flocrai, eue hait peudigc cisop eeay fine anti fleurei, eue 1aiep oîfùle molasses, gnue-hait tes- speen et cinna îlinnanti eue-haIt teaspeen cf ciova, usaace ai alîspice mixeti aqualiy, oe-quer fa tagraieJti.nnieg, tise spices te la mîxati wiib oeetahiaspeenful et fleur, Bake su butieveti pans sîs a eodarata aven about ihity minutes anti put togaîbar witis a tIm layer cf jaliy. This is a gooti reoipe toc ganeral use, and tise cule msahes iwe cakes easeisoetdavh anti white cake. Spraad lise jelly on whiie tise cake le yei wsrsn, Il may ha put togaihar -wtb trosting if likadti luis esakas il tee sweai fer semae tastas. Apple jally le a goot hind te use ase it asa laes flaveur anti tetracte les frein tisa flua flaveur efthtis cake. Iu mshing tlîss cake about eigisi speen- fuis efthle haitev will mahe anaet the layars. Frosi wiîh a boilet iiîg. Bell togaiher nutil il ilireatiseuee uîp eugav anti ona-third cup water; hast tisa white et eue agg te a fretli, peur ou tisa boi syctip amdt hast ive minutas or until cool enougis: te epreat. FIse-or witis one-isaîf teasepoontul et vanilla. Stiî tise sugar anti watav togetiar until ihay ara mixadti ien te netl$tir again. Afiar s few nminutes try tisa syvnp te sec if it wili Ilîreati ; use a colt speon anti te net leave it lu tisa bot sogav anti thon axpecite omakeaisu accurate test. Do iset lest tise whitaetftise egg tee nîucebfor ibis hinti et tvoting. OKA-ýGr Icss.-Te tisa grateti rint cf cne nvange atititwo talapoonfuie et orange joice ani eule teaspeentul et lamon juica, lat stand enaeihenr, strain anti att te the un- beatan yoih f eteagg. Te tise siticou- fectionars' sugar te isake 1v siff eugh te spreat. Be caratul 1.0 grate lia yeliow eut. site rinti witisoui taking any ofetiawite peel. Thea flaver oethtie orange lias in the rLt andt i nthie juica, andthie int alse gie-es celer. This is eue outhlie easiei3t hinti et tcostiugs te maka. Wstar or creain eay le usa;i instesdftet uaorange juica anti any flavor preferati. But ha sure te use xxxx coafectionara'sngav. Tisa rosîing îuay ha tisinnati if it le tee lhich te spveaat easily, but thesa quuckiy matie frostinge aae e eprasti, nut pounvatoun a cake lika a hilat îcuog. Anotier fvesting la mada wiitisah whitaetfan agg sut contactieners' sugar or with lise white et an agg, a tahîespeontul et water andt he stgar. SPeONCE CAK-In mahing luis hinti cf caka alwas start wilstiste yelks etftisa eggs ; beat tisee nutil ligisI, athlie pew- tiart euar graduaily anti continua haatieg. Star in the tait et tue tUreat sicar, is lorty turnes as heavy as Ibm su. Te the naked aya tiare are five or six thousauda et these iseavanly bodies visible. In ail probabiiity there ara werlds ravelvina round thain, Sixty-ouie Cygni itisa neareet star te us iu this part et the eky. Alpha Cen tauri, in the conselalation Cantaur, lu tiesa sutheru, hemiephara, je thSe nearest et aIl tise stars, Tise sun je a long way off, 93,000,000 miles. New, multiply this by 200,000, and the ra- suli j, reugiiy speakiug.,20,000,000,000,000, sud Ibis is the distance we are frein Alpha Seutauri. Taka the spaad oet ýau aiactric, curreut, whicb le nearly the saine as that et liglit, 180,000 miles por seceud-suppese a message te he sent aI this speed frein a peint on tbe aarth's surface, il wonid go saven tjmee arouud tise aarth in eue second, Again, let it ha supposad tîsat messages were sent eff te the diffarant heavanly bod- sas, To raacb 1the mocu at this rate il would taha about eue second. Iu eigbt minutes a massage -%voud gat te tisa suni, and, allowing for a couple et minutas' delay,' eue could saud a message te the sun and get an answar ail within twenty minutes. But te reacis Alpha Centauri il would tahe tisree years; aund as this se the neareet et the stars, wbat tine must il take te gel te tbe othars ? If, wheu Wellingten wçu tise a ttla et Waterloo in 1815, tise newc 'had beau teiagrapbed coff immadsately, thare ara soea stars-se raineta tÈat Il Would net yat hava reacheti thein. To go a step turtbar, if lu 106hie resuli etf tha Cenquest had, beau, wiredte semaetftisese stars, the massage wsouId still ha ou its way. If Lhe tîding3 ef tise firet Christmastîda in Bethlehsem isad beau sent ic the stars, thare are Semae orbe, situatad lu the furthermnosî dapthbe et epace, wisicb could net recaive tise message for a long.lime yet. A BOY IN TUE ROLB 0F J'ONAHI. Lowered Inuto an Eiephàants Siemacis te Btemoe aAit Indigestibie 1Iren Bar. Apropes te tisa incident relateti racantiy of tisa deatis et Zipp, tha big elapisant ai Barhoo, Wis., frein having swalloed a cisain weigbing 90> peunds, a ramindar was callati up and raiated hy Dr. Humaet Den- ver. IlJuet prier te tba demise etftisa mueS lamauteti Phineas T. Barnumn I was: teuring ini Connecticut anti ealaed upen the greal shewmau at Bridgaport, ýwho invited me te sea tise crcus animale lu wjnter quartars., Ou arrivlnig at tise grass earavaiisary wistre tise eîdrs tisaI tour tisaeeauiàry yeav after yesr ara stârad, tisa illustrious owuer wVs informati ta Bas, tise. prize trlch elephani, was aîssg Ail tisa symptome et the peer beast pointadto te eact tisat sa wae ssffring frein sente gastralgis and meaus hati beau triad t elra, iber witisont avail. "il was fiually diseveredt tisiBata had by soemaaus wrencbad off an iren bar freinlbar stali, ansd as il could net ha feund il was surmiseti thal se b atswalloed i, aud whicb acceunutatifor tise gastrie irita- tien et the valoabla pachyderm. 'IlMr. Barnumn saw tisaI poor Bea muet acon succunis te the jmflamuîatjon causadl by sncb a large foraigu bedy and w itS ready wit resolveti ou a unique plan te ramove il. Atîacbed te bis large ivintav Istai waes a smali colcrad boy wis-.waut by the naime of Niggar Je. Ha was bout l1.1e larger than a ull-grewu pessuin, andi P. T. saut fer hlm sudaxplaînati that hae musti tahe a ruishar tube in bis mentis te breatis ibrougis, andi, witb a toe round hie waisi, muet go tiewn jutoe e laphant's Siemacis sud gai eut thai bar cf iren. IlJoe rollad bis ayas sud damurrati, but hae huew bis employer tee well te rafuse. Accordsngly J oe wae auelntad with a peunti et vaselineansd, Rata baing sataiy gagged, lia was geutly pushed dowu the giauuit Sse- P hagu heati iret, a amnootis stick waellald launtin8g hlm ai 1the bottemi. Accordsng le instructions tisa boy soosa gave ilîrea luge ai tha tope te ha puliati eut again, sud sure anougli, iigbtly claspad lu Joe'e s ande was the offeuding sud iuadigetsle iren bar. It us needIlese te say tisai Beta's lite wss sa ved sud tisai Niggar Jee was handsoely va- warded tor bis curaetofthe valuabla ala. pisani's su dig estion." "Il la always hast te lie ou th isanalt sida, " remarked the stump speaker when lie, heard efthtie election et the man lha bad beau advocating. The piantiuum heds in the Ural Meunu- talus ara thee osi oies in the svrid in wiicb thai mtalisle ouud in grains. Iu savaral placas it is te hbcteind'in thse bard serpen- tiue rock, but ouly in tisa Uval lu grains. For Constipation Ayerls PUil For Dyspepsia Ayer's PUis For Bliousness Ayer's PUil For Sick Headache Ayer's PUil For Liver OompIaint Ayer's Pil For Jaundîce PUREST, STROleSt ET Contain non Alum, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphates, or any Injuriant4 THIS "PüAPE;R "The Ladies' Journlal OF TORONTO. Alarge 3 6-pag Illustrated Fasli ionMonlil, wll)e sent to any address SI Only ie dollar and itee SIIUcents for the two papers. l Caîl and see a s'ample copy ef "ThéeLadies' ,Journa1" It is a publication that will Intei'ost evot'F woman'in the lanid. The s'egular subscription- priCe'et "The aadies'.jouranal-"I and this paper je $2 peil year. Ybu gettha two for Send your mouey and address to-this oAleeI Wben you see an Âdvertisement like.thie DONe>'T BELIEVE 1-T but if yeu require anything in Groceries, Stspie Dry Goode, Patent MedliUega, Tinware, Garden SeedE, etc., C%1l at SOLINA STORE where you wilI find a firàt-clèse assortment whioh bas been bought for cash, conacequeitiy I arn pre-7 pared te ssii at close prices and flot sacii- lice- quaiity. Aînerican and C&nadian oil aiways itn stock. Please give me a calfand you wii ho welcome whether you buy or flot, N. B. Eliot's Roller Flour kept. J. T. W IL LIýAM S. CHILO ,EN A~N INFALLIBLE REMWEDYl1 Stîperspdes all other preparatiens for the cure of M4ental DeW:'!t , .rvones Prostratien,, mss of Haalkshee, ParalysisIcîsrtsl, Puinissl Mestruation,, Suialresslons andi Irreaulari- tls,, Leucorrhoea, Dneordrs of Ste.nach, Ls ni Ap- petite, Dizzineise, etc. These Pilla pessess ne putrgat. tive properties, nov anything lisrtful te theiniost deas1te ystemn. Theyare the rcoultol yearsol care- f ul study and analysis, and used w~ith great suces ln thse private practice of an eninent physlcian. Thev set prinarily on the nerve centres, incics'erisg the Vital Force, prnmeving Assiniiln'tn, Enekîsý. Iig thse Einodtlius preventig ng suriîsgdieease. For sale by Druggists, 550c. par box, or sent poet- Vasd fo n50lc,, or ô boxes $2,50. Drv. Butler' Medieine Ce., Brockville, Ont. COOPER'S LICHTKINC CORN CURE Cures lBard andi Soali( oos O nly'three applications reouirad. COOPER'S BUNION CURE Cures flunions, WVarts and Moles, Swolleu Glande, Thiek Neck and Skin Diseases of a special character, Thase remedie,3 are perfeet. ly palinless. Don't be decetved. Ask for Coop er's and taIse ne other. 15 aud 25 cents. Âl druqrgists. NU. Butler Madieine Co. BroekvAic, Ont Uniockp ail thse aoggea avenues of thse Boweis, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradssally without Ireakenlng the sys-, tain, ail the inipnrities and foui hinorfs of the secretions; at ths ame time COr- ý--L 1 a