That it e flot wise to experment 'with cheap compounds purporting ta be blood-purifiers, but whieh bave no real raedielual value. To make use of any other than the old stan. dard AYER'S Sarsaparilla-the Su-~ perior Blooé-prifier-ies shply te invite lose of tinXe, nney andl healtb. if yen are afflicted -with Serofula, Catarrh, Rheumatismi, Pyspepsia, Eczéma, Iiunning Sores, Tumors, or any other blood disease, Le ass'ured that A'YER',S Sarsaparilla, and AYEIR'S only. AYER'S Sarsaparilla cau ai- 'ways Le depended upon. It ducs flot Vary. It ie always the sanie in quality, 9uamtity, and effect. It ig superîor la combination, proportion, appearance, aud ini ail that goes te buid up the system weakened by disease and pain. It searcheu out ail înpurities iu the blood and ex- pela tholu by the naturel channe1s:.* SarsapaLr ia Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas.5 Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; six b otties, 0 Cures others,wilI cure you MILLINrY7 Irs. DANCASTER'j Has just received a new. Qtocli of goods which she wvill sel] at reduced prices or the XmaE trade. A large assortînent ol Ladies' and- Children's Felt Hats very reasonable. ilats re- shaped and colored in al thé latest'styles. Orders filled to your satisfaction. Stampîng done. 1 have also the agency for the Toronto Dye Works. Feathers and Clothing colored beautifully. Also *orders takei for the Robinson Corset Co. of London. A perfect fit guar- anteed. Mrs, DANCASTER, BOWMANVILLE. W[ L[IVE ~PROGRESSIVE AGI t o Improve! AND NOT DE1?RIORITE 0ur New Brand, the Ga ble Extra will bo found te be exceptîoniaiiy flue and we re8pactfaily suggat tha amokars give this braul a trial, ,vhen oura ietwiii be f ullyVeriflo as te qUehty.7 S. DAV IS &SONS. iCk -e3 ah a releealte rulsml det tbLossaeP o h ytesiha lste ian of's e so many lives that here lei whcre maeorgreat boast. Our pilla cure It whl tesdo mot. CATERs LITTLn LvEa PiLLa are very smal .a T vey syto as. a rtw ilana a doyse. 0hey ar e rcty egtable and do Sot gpaopugutth irge.tie actio r- pes ai 9is s theh. . ii t2 cens vza 1 Cciii, Forkn y i. Lral ly IiITrosi. ill NTalc YOUJNG FOLKS. iny cousin wili endorse ail thet bis Cousin ANAJIINMR UE tise wound wes tisin aud paie and watary. Helen seys. "Tisa memory of tisose pieae- A AU RNX A E. A fw daysaega I accidantally out my hand -- ami h ours passed witis yen and dear Âuinîis -siigistly and 1 bled lika a pig and tisa biood l'uns in Corner. will evar afford me maay deligistf ni Au Act of Ileroism Followed DY wesaebrigistred. Jesi look aStisa blood From four brigisi corners in a roem i'hougiss, as 1 review hien la tise solitude Dire Ilcanits. in tisavains of sy banda." So imdeadtiscy Look oeut igisi roguisis ayas, et my secluded bhome ; bat, desar cousin, I ware, and bsis cisecks aise were tise rnddy Tise beauteous sparkle of wiîclien n5imuai rapeat whet I bava se attea said te Edward nonssliy Seves a L.ite _Allgatet flusis ofiseautis with wisicis only good bloori An Angelo wou . d prize. yeur appeal-tisat ne fonder feelinsîg muait lise Cest or lits Own-Attel, lears or and pienîy of fi cn paint tisa human face. Tise roses bloom on ciildisi checaks, aver ha pet miited iseiweem us tissu a pure, afrih 1ittoedaielh- Orrprerhe caeiuonCs H Tiseir irows are wiita and fair, ssveet, cousiniy affection. SItar i et l; Ieste anadie. Su egrergton a their reqhs. Tiseir et ac enimble for tise race- "Yonrs, les iagly, HELEN, Abur NY., lleett n byti sae o, use et r Wlfame' ink Pilla and Tise race for corners tisera, "ATieusemaw'LIT. ho.,xcaimad,"tisaiweremaish itarestad in tisacase simd cure Tiseir faces are illum'ed witi samilea, se in aiways ringimg la my eas.a Cousin, h la on record tisat upon a chiiy April iold et severel otisar instances, whiah lied lipping lise soe fair laise cuiosn!th dahbo Wliici pertumeif breezes haste te iris cuicusnItsideisii teaal m; day, a few yecrs age, an aighi year aid boy caile te tise knowiadga, wbara tise use of Frbat' riossake. isopes." felli tiste East River et tisa fontofetEsts Dr. Williams' Pink Pille isad provad effi- Fer eauys reconsUsceriainiy waa îugging et thls Young Eigitsîi reet, New York, and wisan ail cascieus la makiag most wonderfui carea. Sweet chilhiood's overflowing jay man's iseari. Tise fuiture scemddrn efforts te rescua iinsisd failed, Edwcrd Tisea pilla contain, in a cuademsed ferrm, Springa f romg w suai caes aribis withis itsrsecting limes. No oasis inviteri Donneliy, rit risk et is own lite, piungad ail tise alemeats nacessery te give new lita SAbbennd g wijtmi t issgr ipbilm tirougi tise leisyriatis ai douisi tee ajuitethe waier simd, whan himsaif neariy ad riaisesa te tisabloor, andi restoeabsiat- Certain goal. Hia banner star retuaed ta exisausted, saver tise boy trom drowning. tared narves ; ihey are anu n.uailing speaidoc It ceasss but yestendcy tisai 1, sie, simd George wsis unbppgYon It wes a huamane sd self-sacrifiaing deeri fer suais disasasea as locomotor aisixia, par- Ain aidma tpo isi n a, men sometimas go te tise club whi a nsar recaiveri daservari comicuaadation in ail tiai paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciabica, "Pus latisa corner" play. trouble ; sometimes tisay punage into dis- the many inewspapars iisat, made menito0'nenuralgia, risuanîtsu, nervoma iseadacise, ,ipeîien, graspimg tise wiee cnp for relief. et I', Edwerd Donally-waa thonea etes!.- tise after affaLte et la grippe, palpitation ef Your pramcing, dancing tact cwalee But U(ieg Elwood, la ibis case, wanît t dent et New York City, but bis wife- was tise isart, paie aad saiiow complexion, andi semae long fergottea strsa, Aad rnmn fAbradssetetrdfeigrsligfen evu And inca e (-feal, thougis 1 am chi, bis motiser, and sweet wara bis dreams afttaAad rmm tAbrcdssa, ietrdfeigrsiigte evu Just like c chld ega. tisai twiligisi interview, He diii moi ravea Mra. Samuel D. Corry,of No. 71 Moravia St., prostration ; ail diseeses depaadîng upuai Playon!tis wiabar cfyou spl, tise stery etfiis loe. Oh, neo! Bat tise wbich gave local inierest btiste incident. vitiaeari bmora efthte bloori, suais as scrot- Paiy, o utme wtchreaok, seselotisar reveaieri te hiin l a pleasant con Alti assietmgo, ad bath ihandri ue, chromic arysipelas, etc. They are aise For tsese1 o layntisreasid I erainltte-ee niueifraMr. Donnelly passeri eutet tise mimd oetttisa espacifle fer troubles peculiar te femaies, Grand men and wesnen meise. dafinite purpose isy hisait, certain tacts, writar until a tew days ego, whiie ia Sera- suais as suppressions. irreguicrîtias, anri al wl-lois lie isugged as e miser isuga bis goiri toge, hae wes aiowna e ltter te a friand fros ferme et weaknass. Tbay builir up tise blond Love.tenaciausly, fer vary love ef t lbwiicislha was permiited te maka tise foilow- cnd restoeatise glow etfiseautis te tisa paie Lonoe . On tise foliowing merning aur liaro stocd ing extraci: and saiiow cieeks. la tisa case Of mass iiey Little cbildren, be kinri te tise muoilar- an tise tsrasisoid cf bis belocri home syimg ArucRN, N. Y., Oict. 26, 192. affectea radical cura in ail cases ariaing froin. lea, Tsos etus isowar unertnat adeu e tse nsaas.Ha asni'eutto 1Iarn teking Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. msatl worry, overwork or excesses et wisat- emougis te losa aur motisers la iafancy ofian take c journay. Alresidy couile iseard len Tisey biave cureri me efthtia terrible rissease. ever mature, fi oursaives wendaring wisat tise ieautiful tisa distance tis lrili sourd ef an engine's Locomoter Ataxie. XV bem 1 commencad Tisese Pilla are menuiectureri by tise Dr. feeling l is eiwaaa a ahidcnd its moibar. whistla. taking tbem, I wawiseiy unahie te werk Willia.emeadiie Cempcngy, Brockvilie, Tisy cilit ffctinbuttisa sarlyacesa "Now, George, rasambar ia te Haleas, and neariyhielpiess. 1cm mow improverise Ont., anariSaisanectedy, N. Y., andi are te describe ibis beautiful, isly feeling sitisah dear ailîdrea for se ; goori muais htia I hava been piking epples andi soiri ely in boxes bearimg tise firm'a irada little chisidren's iearta, Ve reariofet s, we bye.- wbeiing tises ta tise bara on a wiselbar- mark anri wrapper, ci 50 ais. e box or six iser dsausaiwesaeitanctai afre "Ceod-isya, asotisr,ý" came ia respeasa. rew. Yeurs trniy, bioxes for $2.50. Bear in slnd tisai Dr. our eyea, but wa bave maTer faltit 1 We Tisa merning sun bcd reaciserits zenith EDn AtUDoNN-ELLY, Wiiiiams' Pick Pilla arc neyer selil buik, bave et tan longeri te teste tisai morsel et et lis glory ; beautîfi Septeasier wsis 71 Moravia St., Auburn, N.Y. or by tise dazen or buadreri,ari amy dealer lova, for it muai be deeper, purer andi more basieniag toca close. Alraady tisa summar Isseclieteiy on returningg te Auburn 0ur Wio effare substitutes in ibis fersi sa tryissg hoeyeri tisa wisat ne render te e fatiser, touiage waloosanîng ils boîri on tise saim-reporter cailari et tis abcve arirreas and te detrauri yeunari botid ha avoidad, Tise Se poerfui bas tise dasira isaconse ai urnes mer branches.wisicis bcd se gladiy sisaitereri touari Mr. Demmeliy outinlae barn visera hae public are aise ceutioear againet ail oallar tisai we bava been tampteri te envy (ciy tisa tirari iravelier on bis dusty marc aiswe griadiag appiesasnri making aider witi sosacalledi blori iuildera anr inerva tonlas, tempteri) those svbo are enjeyîng tii pro. ibreugis tue utile village et M- Fruit a lianri presari be seameriweîî aui ciseur- m stter wliat name may ha giTan cloua boom. Ona may possesa dear friands, c sîjîl cîuag te tisa oid trocs oethtie oraisarri, fui anri happy. tisas. Tbey are aili imitations wisose sekers riais imeritcnc'-, sud tise adulations et se- beside whicb estId lar aw white cottage. Meravia'street lasa etl-o tisa pleesaniesi visi te reap a pecunsery crivantage tram ciaiy, but iiasa canci compenate fer tise Silence reigneri about h, ai tise ganilasuburbastreats e Abu nciNe71ltsew ceturpuieacsiedyD. icas et s tend mothar te love, More partie- fluttar et a white dresa amaag tise flowars about tise lest bouse on il isctore raaciig Wiiams' Pink Pilla for Pale People, ari nlc-ýrly is'tisabereavemamitait in ciildisooriin tisa gardon baîrayri tise only aigri arounr ictieopen country, ari naarly iwe miles refuse cl imitatiossari substitatea. 'Weec wall remeilihar, wbeîî a sabolgiri, tisaipretty parsonage. Haiene was galber- tros tisa business ceairaetftisa city. Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pilla may iberi eof he.w asionisisari we wera te viaw tise utile ingasoasa laie biossema, wisen tise click et "IlWhy, yes," said Mr. Donmliy, "lcomnsacli druggisîs er direct isy mail irons Dr. kiamaessas ari fend caressas tisai were ba, tisa gaie ceusar har te tmm suddnriandcaintlaie iagnste, 1 wilîîtell yen al about my Wiliiems' Medicine Comspany iresaitiser stôýwc i a ourjitile mates isy tisair affection. ied isrseif face te face witis "Cousin case ari how Pink Pilla aurari me, ari wil criddreas. Tise price at,wisiis tisase pilla are Me aimamas. tWe etiliai tisey wraanje)y' George." A binas, ieautitul asbise niera- be glerite de iî ari te bava il p'-inlerifor seiri sales c course et traitsmnnicompara-C ~ îg ssetiu tiai iedcaer orn mi or ig sffuer be cieak sd be elise tise bessefit fetiers, for I as sure I owe tîvaly inexpanalve as comxparari wiiis aIser lite!Tieaseameda beautifuifoumtalm open- axciimed,-"D)aer Cousin eorge !, my resioraîlon te bealtis andri appines rmriso sdtg rarns rict for tisa t wiicb wa lied neyer queffari. A frown disfigurer iebr trîeuri's witie wisoliy te tisose simple but wondertul Pill." Tise word metiserlesa lias e feir deeper brow for a moment ci the word «Ceusiii," Andi thisas itise prasance ofi lus wite aridHFOII RGT f ecuiag tisan any etiser word. Iambracas tisen taking bots bar luttle bands in bis, hae Mrs. Cerry ari Mrs. Taylor, who ail con- - - sHFOMFIGT net only tiésebs c e ter'a love sari cara, lookari dowc lie otise pure rieptisa et those firniarihiesialememi, ha toiri your carre- «Anlisassue cases in Wlsich h leas ieena tbut il meane tisa total extilguisismant et dark eyas. apondam tishe staryeofbis sickness ari et bis Kmawn taa,slr. iiiap, filial feeling tisai is se naturel baîwean 1"Whci brougisL yen dowm'?" seasakeri. rastoretion le iseaitis by tise use et Dr.»Wiil- Il Ibave imbresteri mysaît somewhaî in ;tise ehîld's lovefr fia mobisar ari tise44h hope ail are wal " ama' Pick Pilla fer Pale People. îooîîiag up nausuci ceuses o eat c," sai motser's lova fuirtise cbild. Thesa can oaly h cen bail yen wio brougisi ie dow," "I wassbora in Albaay, N. Y., ardai sI)D Eldar, "ari have niai several weil au- ldia witis bar lasts breatis. Tisey ara blasseri ho sairi laugbingly. 42 years old. Tise grearest portion et My imiaticaier inistances wîsara frigisi wcs tise 0factors for geer inf yoatb, but wisan ibis But 'George Eiwood, brave as lie tiseugisi lite, h hava livar inlaNew York City. 1 wa canae. Tisa EnglisisSurgeon General, Fra- sweet, yei streag, bernier la ramoveri, oh ! isimseit te be, couiri moi muster courage, ganerai toraman tisera et tise F. A, Mulgrew a is, tallaet a drmmer iý ndun acroas wbese Cr tisa breacles tisaiinyie tise versons tidas et cew bt haiewas in tisa prestace d ri ha cSaw Mîlis, foutotfetElgisti Street, on tise Jlegs caisarmiasa]izard crewlad wie iie wes e vil té enter. teloear, te tel]llier se. hi was sweet te East river,. iwa n ia29tis et Apr'l, hait asseep. Ha wasaura bisai a cobra bcd TTie trust etfe a hidt t ot hudbreatha tisasaime air, drink in tise loved 1889, tisai tisa boyafselointotise river ad Ih blten is, ari it waa tee maisfor bis ba as iru' as tisa sun-rise te tisa sorning, tomes, rayaliniutise pure suasiie et Helene s rascuar i bis rom drowalag, but ia saving rvscihaiad *or ties abr te beeuty. Oh, lita wonid Le a sile - te wateh bair foistepa, rida by ber bis lita I ceatractari e diseese, wiich neerly "IFrederickIh. et Prassia nais killi by gl~eert but for nsera-loe 1 (heris tiesaidle, reeri sitis ber, in tact, dreain tise issta me aîy owm. Wby, ir 1 amsaura fi. tar. Hie wite wainsane, endrieaday lo,;e f amo lir, e wo ay allityessrs. .away like oaa lu s trance. shsoulri bave diari long cge if Pinki Pilla sriase, sae rmhrkees ndbl i tis tise-tairasi jewei ertis cen bestow. A week reileri by. Oaa day, as tise twe not savari mny lite, ardIh wouîd'î bavaer, rsle eprcr.dblm luie lohs nbloodrusseriupon lberlins- Otiser biessings may coma, but guard tisapieaaure-aeakers ware returningtfram eririve, careri tien for my sufferinga were se great'banri wbile ise was dozing la bis chair. fweil. Weil, we kaew, iliose et us tisai neyer Helena beheiri, cesrhsy earid home, Dick tisai deatis wouud bave ueen'e blassari relief;1 King Fradericli iniagineri ber te be tise ntareritise swaet, amriaring word inmiaeSasseri, wisom se greaeed, George wcs but new, tbcmk God, Iama cwall juan egasa white lady wîsose gliss was blevari te la- tisai neyer.ilesa flash eau cama te our rois- incliied te tbiia, ratiser warmly. But lier ari tre tfroin pain ccd able teie hasppy. vcricbly eppear whanaever tise desbh cf a beri iearta, tisougis tiey seacaistisa usiversa gamile mammer won ail h-serbe, suri why mat "Yen sec wisec h sas eritise bey 1was in mesiar oethtie royal tcsiîy wa te ceur, for tisai Lraatiig beauty, a cilds loeafer bis? Tise tv'e gentlemen sisooli haudas ari tise watar se long tisai I wes takea witb a' ccd ha watbrov'm mie s fever anri died in motisar. were san in trieadly conversation, -for tbey d aeibiy chili ari seau becese se stiffeaci i vaes were uaquainteri. p ari yak tisi 1couiri neitiser work uer "Btipx has tsa aabra aleldeatis The iittie' RtunawaT. Tise preseace et Dicli Susmars dacideri wai'zk.:Fer semoinsa h1wcs undar tract- tram fear wss tisaiet tise Dutais palatar, George te leamabissfate on tise msirro, (iýutofD.Gog eoad HefalyjPnm ,whlieintesete c- Tomnmy waea alittie ruîîawcy. He a w escaaadiag t iedîia ststeiwm teheer GogeMDnar.Hafn uy.aban Ie laribnlat e ateoanisfucea- elwas miss ing. True ha diri motgrum thego Jow* id ha iecouiri do moîhing moe r msacrtry O dyhwatutareslut alba tsadistaincehaTput homeîwaehst sari soraiag lha es greetari wîis : àt Iagi eoLtter go ijure sacountry. On!'ntmclsbai esciî nedai' ma hdssae eeugit bteeause uelfasna.d Ilri d ornngCousin George. How zteis laoetlasi Juma 1892) sy wite ari h1 batoms arisrai s eboafrsketchureihae ienri- Hîs massa as yn g asîri ticaso ugisi'Il lii. "Vouerywltis yn uHlncasne up te Auburn. h wcs thoinsugreat er te peai. Tise wèaaiir was very snltry, île boyspimal sr iasm iaec-ia c oe - epin loibias, ibadiscse ws gi-ev'. ari wnila sketchinglise fell asieep. Hea s ticboy pssesei te sme enency-tatne n e ussmsng, pliasse. Weare oniy ing upen me ardI f t atisaih iaricomas te rousariLy Lamges dancing erour i hm ari it waa nerely tisa overflow et bis brigisi, tirriceusinsacnyway, sui h love yen as tise home et my wit ari et baer sialer te tisk ielatons enspanda rei thie eeiîirg joyans nature, tisai overleaper tise bouaris oaiy cairise man cen love a iseatitul v'ussm. dia. aicshing toeabisr. ef bier simnilrmomns, for as quicli as tise oui- IVh1 yen ha my wite ?" Wben tisa usase first casa apon inae "ie afit et terroerisa tliraw biaisait eut tise sida door waa open ouitv'eal Temmy. Ho Helen, rememberiag lber obligatiens ta tise muminss hegan in my iseels ari pretty wiadoy, ari, tisenghisu stain edrione srions was ossiy tour years oid. Oaa mrnriag lber.-îctiser's fasiy, lookeri mp ibreugi sosen tise wiole et bots my fetacaime : uiitfrieri tisai aa libi weba iseeseiii reaîîing ansfaritiiig sitar giiunjury, wssg feced Ter asa omonoin& g his unsisuai aexorcise hia matier said gsbau erasyu: fecai ieawa or ciia ceaer isque bd caseri tisecommotion "Tamy ier av e ba. d nt 11v eahIînerry ari depris'a tisa utile tise maciionimy isack ardýi owv'ad a .cari a amon ie i slipy, of sehaeor e he dotis t naet ofy care." sansaetfsorenses amdeatigisi pressura on tis e g bs frinetry 1uroudcit aga, la dirl sac wby yen slp ff"Aise hv ti seae A , o y our fatisar bas mt told yen cbasi. Tise mumbîsesa grcdnaiiy exteaderiamros rmr cur ieMcyeie av'ay hi. cases wiisra tis abcl te tise nalrvous syste mise yen youen etc eut et sight c is te bring home e wita V' up bots legs sr andie tisahelayer part etfmyni is ' e'a rgs a rdc Oh, maintesa, Iisave beau eut huntnu Il"No, but 1 ca trust papa ari kuew lie body. h fait tisai deatis was craciping ap te' 1asis.w nwa rgh a poue for apring ibis monimg, do mt yenm kaewI bas cisoseag wiseîy, ard inae yen love me my vitaîs ari 1 mues, cy 1 legeri for tise d- - timer pape sairi]lie v's oms bis way israfer dîr papa doas isoiseari me, wisy I do'i sec lueur wiseu it sisouiri relieveaiue et my peanotr hnNoiig isesusaler bs retisiutia irLu hdewhy yen senîri mot have ini. ari misary. h was stili takiag tise medicine mot sec is." Ha liiearier biushsng checksancar lips as (Il vc huid e otsiu,"sir is Servat-" Piease, ir, tise ceai is al P Hi sesbisr coiri ot epres a aile by weiked oui oms te tise parais, wnIoa l, wife> ari was beiag mubberi anri aviug eut"', Sise kacw tisai Toinmy weald net sventure isi tront et thesa wce Dîak Summnaraia tise piasters put ail over my body, Luitv'itliînme Mn. Wearie-" Weili, rs a ebig pieet tar, for as seau as lia tousmîrihiiseclame le cte imuta.A e ts re g s eeh.duaslng lattera for tisat at tan. Bama tat e trug tsa h wni aou erisciri_-:I"Tise latter pari et lest Juna i reaà ofa eth , rua born ain ytisa aid et- cema. " ei's off for New Yenk." case similar te mille curari yt-be use et Dr.tie. Tomsîîy v'osld cernescrrttiug aiomîg bctweea "Wiat'a yoar isurry?' sairi George. Williams' Pinki Pilla for PaeaPeople. Ihabd Tesaucto ml's bals la aagagiîg tise twot thesceffiiasehattariag inhia boyshsIlWelh, te tell tise trutis, h came down te neyer beard of tîsose blesseri Piils bene,Lui ,alten tienaoeta numbareof Londonsîav'spapars v'ay until ha causa te hile berna, thon lie 1 repose le yeur Cousin, ari yen are tise lait 1 thougisi if tisey couiri cure anethar case etfbad te a aruadesegai.nat tie "epe bas perlsant ahthailtongt, woil aailariril, crying: Il"Tisae'as y e h Isuspacteriof et ga rival, But tise semae disease v'ith whicbh Iwaa afflicteri ceaite ,u adears. n. aouier a neuev'iar h lv."But tisis marniag, it 1silice Clsaley ardI," psttimîg bis isorse's perbapa îiîay woaîriaise aura me. Se h sentandarispealinavr tne coaretsoit- sease'ha bca sp'iecal motive fer reassag aack, «"1witaassed tise littie by-play la tise andur i trs bsetsie ikPeluar at ubate adubtitune.oa rcorreod ie v'aa la seacis etspring. I"hIcould' parai js mt mev', hwisis yen jey 1" Legan talimg tisesi once, fellowinL, cli veay scmbnc ats iisidge Cidis," lie sîi, "îlot yeti, Lut 1 ill Dilait as lh 1ad lha iudadGri ge thisectoscoe nfwektise at et se oien ntet cire-cregreri sommes day; liaevearasas a becutitul edock soon feiloe'd, isaving wons isacousin forea Iwasse mprvedtisait reas icg isaîplesa liihvqelbanirar in bc atz, i«a of bleens ari carnies tresis flaîvera. Oh Iwiîa. 1wsal ehl yefadt e paabecosnn t shahl know hie aut as soon as h sac is. ------ go te work suri te walk every day ires N o. ioking, compact, isamdy, wsrsa, weeiisar- Tbey say haw alias up ail tisa lîtile germ, -of'adi o asl lw f. h ansd wbiie tise birds ana cesiug te breakfast A Queer But Dlightful Town. 74 Wclaui St., wisare h thea livari, te Os- iproo f criiss[otaasiiy bloew toff ais be piapres ihir toieta- fa ains La 5'ry Bruseis eborne's New Twime Facbory, SeymouareIln, rnce et Xaei aimi loeit o li cais hel r ilbisa lleost ia.' îy , wiîelis a shievy, geernetricaliy bush Ctigl t rei (ir bneml)sîaeag utsaprapar iising. pic-oh I il fid bla om da." ity wth ndlssstreigisiavenues, cuise h nas thonea mpioyad, Lut cil tise while h1 perspectives, ari wail-erdenad suisurba ; a iras tckiug Pinki Pille. i____________________1 ýDiok Summers And Cjou3in George. young simd laghiag capital vuigarizeri by ît le Te ý ociofWsosn nl Paria mn weaergit a -ros estimsuitation et avery othuar capital,ad wibi Tse r Ptiin tWfcm iu, ne isumsa iseanoi tisa reîîy, avrîlebmacois sd~t ov fsucel adt ieof my wite,ari wise was ibare naFIit Pnimo esa loepofntianoias a mdtes at-he atpopeetmeralagPasui cciin doif cil n coscîieitias, ari pen mcstn earvr a ists .i-.rc biescr t a istei i.Wiaii relescdbi lneluaa lne amittia iastill reminng a very pasruudise te tisosewhé kowrsn c ene. .- ra ilil msiriigistei ok hyhd oýlike te lead .an easy, caraleslita -Eflerpar's " cm . anrbing," said Mn. Doaaeiiy, PAYUe 7 ;. casMer. :vviinTC, us mencari togetisar. A tcv' riys elapseci;Wary epa(aibs> n vl cseiaets m di-o-v ndob na tisan cause tisa follov'ing mote : ___J____sre____hePik____foPlean-s______w n uc «' E-l CUSI GEPG-Yor lttr Tosewh pa thiremployas goori wages eëtraîssady frimpure wulu sddand then coeFi LEse.11,f iow sýut- msa have beau writtaa ia gresi baste, ari ara moeatrul>' piiismtimpisls tisa tiosaeori asker in bisaessonid. Wisy wben 1 rc orOsk rip undan use impulse of somaenaryexalte- wisa aut wagasad giva lcrgaly te chapela wa icki uri baeora I teeli tises,ifi h cnt tas. ecn cvi,(rar) ment. By the tisa tisisreaciseyoulh mevfor tisa poor.msathtisaver>' u ltile bloori tisaicama ires Max 1m-, DE:-RrneouT MiH APPOINTME1N, BOAP MAXRle umHE QUEE.-. If you -wish Y2our Linen to be White, as Snow Sunlight Why, Decauna IYNLIGHT SOAP ta pertactly pure, and centaine ne Injuri- eus Cheimicais ta injure itiser your alaIses or 0ou ian ii reatest cere le exercised ini us maufacure, simd il's qnality ge$0 appreciated by tia ulie ihat lb ha@ tisa L rgut Sale of amy lloap l isaeWorld. Fiw yoa Len teesibis? If ye ave caver ried SUNLIGHT SOAP,;VAsk tisose visa use il what they ihiais af il, then try iteoryounselt. Tise ro- suit yl plecseyen simd y oLir elathes vifl he washed la far less tirs, wiib Lais Labour Grester Cosftriandi w-ilha visiter ihan they bave aven beau before, wheu yen useli erdiuary soap. Sn~ etThat Dtthse hast way ta de, W *11 do ciethe mattr ?Fir'ý ex eience is efttiosé Sedyu by a f air tria xorslf uYnare net it. cmitdi u ,a ta use tise seep;1ail1. ask le: Don't Delay, try Il tis e xi washing day. New Tailor Shop Tisa undarsigmed who has been ele-ying oe the taioring business je cannaction WIth iiamon's Dry Gonds Store for a number of yeaxu bas commemced business for lslmseit at lis resudence, Ring St.,West. wliere hlài preparoct oe males gants' and boys* suits in ailltse laiest styles, and ai iewest prices. For those who wish te order seits, ha wiil carry a full lineof samples in ail thse newesi pattern. Giva hies J. T. ALL]EN,- Fashionable Taler BUowmanvile, Nov, 1, 1892, THE PEOPLE'S HOME-GUARD 1 ON SENTRY DUTV Itwiil guard yousecurely from disease Haye a Very Bad Cougli, Are Sllfféring From Lung Troubles, ilaye Lost Flesh Througli Illlless, Are Tlireatened With Counumption. lT7 nw IL L Cure That Cough, Heal- Your Lungs, Fut Flesh On Your Bonea Prevent Consumption. SMALL & LARGE BOUTLES 50.a. & $1.00 IT IS VERY PLEASANT TO TAKE. Ask for nnd be sers yos gel the" D. & L, Emuisioe.1t. la tise latesi triumph la pharuiacy for tse cure ci ail the Symptow_5 indiCating LINarr AND LîvEp, Campiailt. ý,If yau are trwzubled witis Ces.tîveneeso, Dîsazinasa, Sour Stonsiais, Iteadacse, Indigestion, Poca APrranv, TasPaa,,FEELN, RHEUIMATC PINSe; SltepleSS Nighs, Meaaeiseiy Fceiig, -Kscit Anis, wiii gie Immmeiate relif m ETÇrACue ,ol at ail Drug tres. 1Ieterbere' Medicine eLmtd PETERBORO',OT