..I never realized the good of a meditine se much as 1 havecinu the last few dmonths, durin-- svhich tinie 1 havé suffèred intensely froni pneuinonia, followed by bronchitis. Atir trying various remedies without benefit. I began the use of Ayers Cherry l'etera], and the effet li as been marvelous, a single dose relieving nie of chckin g, mid securiog a good night's rest. T A. }ligginboiman, GXIî. Stczc, Long Mountain, " Last Sphg I1sas taken down wth la gr;ppe. At rimes I1svas eçnpletcely prostrat- d, ss difficuit sas iuy breathing ehate ,my breatb seemed as if confired lnua. , ru cage i rocreda bOtte of Ayrs Chrry caeearalpaOd n--sooncr had I began takingt it than relefoowd I could not beles e that th0efett suald be'so raid.-W. IL Williams, Coo City, S. »k. «'For more than tvsenty-five years, I was a sufferer from lung trouble, attended wth coughbing so severe at tintes as te cause Iteiorrhage, the poroxysms frequently Iast- îng thrce or four beurs. 1 ws n*duced to ryAyersCher-ry Pectoral, and after taking foZr botties, Ras tboeoughly enred. I can confidentlyrecommendtlîis imedicine.-Frassz Ilofmlann, Clay Centre, Kans. Cherry Pectoral rpre d by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sodby aIl Druggists. Prite $z ; six bottles, $5. Prompt *0 act, sure to cure Mrs. DANCASTER Has just received a new stock of goods which she will seli at xeduced prices or the Xrnas trade. A large assortment of Ladies' and Childrei-'s FeIt Hats very reasonable. ilats re- shaped and colored in ail the latest styles. Orders filled 10l your satisfaction. Stamipi.rg1 donc. 1 have also the agency for the Toronto Dyp Works. Feaihers and Clothing colored betiftily. Also orders taken for the Robinson Corset Co. of Londoni. A. perfeet fit guar- anteed. Mrs. DANOASTER, BOWS ANVILLE, 'NIE IF PROGqEssIYEAG[1 WER AMm to Improve! AND NOT DETEBIORATE Ount tew Brandi, trie Gable Extra wilhlie lount te ha axcaptionaîly ine andti tvarespectfolliy ugget tria amokers give titis branul a triai, thees eur statemeut wil libe f ulIy verifie am'le quality. S. DAVIS & SONS. iAlknfeadache and relieve ail the troubles inei- dent to a bihious state of the s htm seia Iiziness, Nausea. D)row siujess Dsra fe eating, aninteSie-c.Wlîile their most imalable suecess lias been show.nIlucrg Heradache, yet CARTERSL.LimE LItE'fsa ar eualy .]a..ble n ontipation, curmns ,aud prevanlting this annoyîug corulaint. svhiký teasoorrect ail disordersu h tmc stîmulate tha liver and regulate the bowela' Even if they only curad (Ache they would ba a most pri!ceess o tbosea %vho sufer fromi this distre,,;,ig complaint; but fortunately their goodness dues not end SIera, and those who once try them wM illd these little pis valuable iu su .man,,,ysÂY5 hat they will not rie willing tg esilsu hm 1lut ater alsivlr bead As the bane ofsro mauy lives that liere !l where i e inake otr great 'boast. Our piilîs cura it SWhle others do not. CÂRTER's LITTL.E LAVER PiLLS ara very small aud very easy to talce. Oua or tw o pillarniake a dose. Tbey are strictly vegetable ant' do siot grpe or purge, but by their gentle action please al wbo use themn. Iu vials at 25 cents ý vefor $1. Sold averywbere, or sent by mal. CÂR'TEEZUDICI1XE 00., ilsw Yok. AGRICULTURAL. long as nnta ont of tweuty l!ike thair butter well salted, why net giv'ý 1V te them iusteati nf tryiug te educate th-!1a Vo eat iV txperiments in Feedinif Steers. hall salteti? Ibien rhay are su fond of doiîg Builtis 16of he entrl Epartuetallifle sums lu arithusarie lika thîs,. If yon Farlleetiuofthe Ïralta tttîer-.ienythehavea a lird of tsn enty enws asud 1by extra, Farr'cotais te rsuls ataie-ý bythefeeti andi atter.tion can geV hall a, pounti of1 continunce turing last winter of the ex« butter more froua each cuw a daot, 20 x 3U'-! perimauts inauguratati during the winter 70 lbs., which, ar thirty cents a pounti, uf 1890-91, wban tIha tests matie proved that m e$21 a aveek from yonr bard of twanty areers fed ou corn ensilage sud mealgained cusxtra tmksls og'gg a in eois extra.flicmakaraus longbte gorbacad lu eigt o tla a eaga23 bs.parhet Vounr gnandmotîaers' day wheîî they made more sud cosi. 7.33 cents par head legs petr hi utrwtau adu u u day for feedi cousuinaed than, those fat unhobe. hihcnrmmeheary hsy, mouta, anti meal, anti that the sama Cool, clean, whitewashed. iIli the earthJ steers gaîneti 611 ~Iba. par Ieati more, anti for a fluor, eartbeîs dîshas for bacr miik, anti cost 3.118 cents pet heati lacs par day for fee1l -a dasb churu. Experiencea ant commun thari thusa ted on hay, routa, anti corn enai- sense wara lier only reachers. :She wentby ilaga andt meai. Last wintar the plan tise' mIe of thumb an1ia fingertetnmtr cf the axperimeurt was furthar extentietan always got er utr oh fr n te dise over the comparative valuas cf sd11bte0ooi lrsat feeti~~~~~ ~~ osueipr10be.fmeasinyellw, soltiit at sixpees2ea poýuntiantiwas5 feedconume pe 10 Ils. f iCI'aSE111sanisfieti. livo wight by threa- year- oldi stears, I like thse plan of the daiîy sehool very two-yeat.old stears, une-year-olti anti caîf ,wel hr uth osrigt er steers respeetivaly, The conclusions at- thlra forenyust hving a liing tut ta riveti at iu tise two.yaar-old test weta business. As to au ythiug aise, wa all know that the steers fad un corn ensilage anti aIlta a a at bu1t.K vr- meal gaineti ou the average 5cM lbs. pet heaï I thg c esîsaisabohuigttaltthep e t murseanti cost 3. 1750cents par heati lesa par ticreaailsaatthrin tgerilet, ches day ut feti han hosalad it laa the riglit Vanperarure, wash anti wurk routa, anti meai, andt that they galîsetitebttrja.1og1e okte atl 'nt bute stakiugh, atIsa hes i ou the averaee 36 lbs. par beati mure andzithoti tekn t i h unasu cust 3.81 censts par heati less par day for stance of ail that este ha saitiofet. feedt hau tisuse led on hay, touts, cotne n- silage, anti meal ; whia the cost per 100 Ibs. of iîsease in aeight avas 6295 par cent. The Poultry Yard. greatr on the iîay, routa, anti meal ration, Sea that ynnr poultry bouses aud chicen anti 48.22 par ceint. grearer on the hay, roots, coups are well vantilateti, without exposiug curnenisilage, anti meai ration, than jr -sas the occupants te the danger of sleeping iii ou that composeïl oely uf ensilage anti meal. draughts ut air. In the ca-se of the caîf steets, while thosa A succassfnl poultryman flutis buck- fad on cerdî ensilage ant i eeal cust 2.87 svheat au excellent foot for lewis ; ha as- canna par beati lass par day for leeti cribes ha profit te its use, iii addition te than tîsuse feti on hay, routa, anti meal, keeping the peulrry wall feti sud careti for. yen they gaînat inl weiglst 16 ibs. It is net weîî te feeti grewu-up lewis par hest lesa turing the faeduîsg parioti of u-th tuo much soft food. Ir tends te make esghraen waeks, anti thae cst on the hay,thutsyet.Teerpbcmsds reota, anti meal ration was 27.6 per day theundti, atio.T hea f ond pesnectIs is-a grester thars un thaï of ensilage aud useal les arer uandiestdhassis iaquirei at. aloîsa.inlre uniista srqie.'o The following tabla bas beau arraugcd te er feati the-nimute on whule, dry grain. prasent a cumiparisun of tise rasîdssil con- Do net try te taise your chicks un the veulent form. The lots whieh are compareti manura pile. Oua tesson why broilers aie were fcd lrom Dec. 1 to April 5 tupon fI suds fine fiavor la on acconut of the feed 1 Rations No. 3, -ýi :thay geV. 1Pure grainsa ant i neat give the Cern anseilage. ..ýý................50 lbs. esireti affect.1 Straw (cut)........ ...... «........ 5 Geesa ara profitable, ad anteauharaisati Oil cake....................... 2" with only the aiam water supply that yon Peas(grotd)----------------2 " neati for otîcet psultry. Goslings,' te Barley (grounst).,. ....... ......succeeti waIl, shoulti b c hati as eariy as - possible. Thair foodi is largely grass, aud 61 if rhay can'-îvail themseîves uffiV while the' grass ia ycung anti tender, tbey eau ha ~, '~~ jgrown with sery lirtie axpensa, indaed. es o 01t l lis makîng trie ehien bouse raady for n ~ ~ t~ r- wintet, it is nr dasicabia te hava it very Q O ~ - ivarni. A renîperatuna cf 50leerea is better _____ _______________anti elîathiar thais anyrlîing bigheî-, but try aud maintalîs it evenly, anti have gond ven- n, etilation wiîlsourtir ughts. - W iche whaat is barrer for lewIs than Q j corn. t ties net moaka tisam su leat, anti, consdering thegreatetunumbei- nf eggs tisera .5 ~3* I an bu prucureti by uaîng jr, i.- altogetIiet - ni~ ~ a more aecuonsiiical fond. sI ~' ~Savea aiethe inwi bounsemanure, Thera is, ~ ~ tO D ~ O nouee tter for melon anti esrly garden _____- - -vagetablea. Hera ara some gond suggestions "c about saving it :lunune cenr of thse fowl, ci ~ ~ , bouse lia-c an auîpty box un barraI, andtinle e 4 n ~an thr abarrel of land paster., N xt tethe e n uar set tîma rimes takea ascraera anti ~ ~ j ecrapa up droppingsandi Ipiaster rogarber c-s and place in the enepty vassal. Anotiier gond O I s -~ - -~ -i plan, whare lanti plastar i- nenuvenient, c ~~ la rnt keop a pile of rieri, dry sou eviet CÀT1'!LE DYiI G IN APFJOA. 31iiVe ors easescarried oar bv Epl Witbin tisa par t year anti a hall a terrible apidînuctiebas d'eatrc3 n-hlliocns ut tise cat- ia of Africes sut infliie a arusiig blow upun trie pastoral tribes. lIse phagua aif tri ry.-fîs e yeara ago wurked gesr destruc- tien, but ià caninot lia conpamat with tria prescrit affliction. Ir would riefet na- culable banafirte the natives if ccme iseas wara loundt tutare-est tria pro grasa uf tris virulent tissease'. Theusanda of livas amng trie pastoral trilses weuld lia savet if trie destruction whieh is carryiesg off triair ost- VIe werc stuppat. No aumpeteur parson lias yetrerprtid upon tise nature of tise plaqe aanti ita mamedy. Tria aynptomns are tiebility, i-apiel waating away, anti ref usai of ahi lent. Tria plagualisas alec practical- ly extermuinatedath re buffaloas lu regiacîs where Vbay one roamnetinl great bards. Trie rasoIlts cf trie epideenic bave beau muai dîsastrous les ail tIse cattie-raising countries of tria Soudan, Iroinstrie ragions sontri of trie big nortrlubaîstiof trie Niger River tor 2,000 miles eat almoar Vo trie In- tutul Ocearx. Therienews eoncemeiug trie- plague cama in a latter wrirrees by Capt. Mentail Rt Kano, ou Jan. 6, last yaan. Ha sait hae firai bservedthtre piagn jun tisa dia- trier of Lipsako, wesr ut trie Niger Pivr, anti that lisacouiti aay aithountexaggera- tien that net eue animîal in a tisonsauti Ior 500 miles aloug lais noutreVo Sekuto eacapad. Hea lest bis haggage anintala, anti fot a rime was hardly able Voativance. Capt. Lugard, wbe bas recently retumnati te Ruiglanti, reports that tise cattlc-raising tribas betwean trie Allient Nyauza andthri Indian Ocesîs hava suffenati greatly Inons trie plagna. Trie aniyks,' nortricf trie Usambara Mountains, wurhies tîvu un tlre tisnimarci of trie ast Coastr, hava hoar ail triait cattia. Fleeka of goats esoa foiuss tîceir only wealth. Ou trie great -Masas plateau, furtriar west, 6,000 feat abuve trie levai of trie soa, trie warlike ""asai' Who hava liveti upon Vhs miik anti flash ci triai bards, bave lest tisait eattla, Ibis miafut- tuna, Capt. Lugantsys, bias greathy taedt their arrogance. Usoga, nortri nf Victoria Nyauza, lutiner- ly eontaineti grear hante of cattîs, lut îsow aIL are gene. Trie Wahuma, a people wact of Usoga. weme exeluauvaly pastoral, living like trie Masai upon thrielurtt.New triat tîsain cattne have beau wboliywîped ont tisa people bave diati in great nuriers, sut those wbo are laIt are tiepeudent apon tisa tillens of tris soul nean thens fer a scCaity substance. "lhey are temaelvaa laarniîsg sluwly ro cultîvate the fiehIds,tsasys CapV. Lugard, "bLut vagetable food is unerma te trient, andti er gaunt suit hal-tav framas, almeat invsnlably covert air skin tisase, atteatths hantiships rhey ara Mo= oftre pastoral tibes have 11mbl kuewledge ni agriculture, andtiri lirds ana almoar trielu sole source of wealth. A greaten uîisfortuue lîsan trie, leca of.thain cattie coultiaceaîy bafah trient. It is cer. tain tîtat sîtace explorera began Vo isit in- uer tropical Aftica ne afflicetion bas ever coîss upon the natives 50 calamnitousa ant witespreati i its neaniVeas the preen attle plague. Tise epideusic je neponteti to ha erili cpreadiug îînrb andsurri cf ita minnroule acrosa tria continecnt. A Shewer of Black, Peisonous Rain. Trie mereoroingiýcal records of- tîhe ioriti chronise sevanal incontestable instances nf iblack raintaîls, to say notiîg uf trieumure . ~starnîiiig pîîeuuieiîa oef- -oavens et ceeue, ~c5c j~ s'l r1i bisse snows,'t etc. Prof. Barket, lu April, 4 <î ~ E xt-raerdar erefaGndDke 1845, laid befote the Royal Society cf Letr rm ah dr(pItta Dublin soe observations ou a showen of Lataisfno Tshkud epot tatGo'« blaec tain whieis faîl arounut Cariaw anti ni ~a niî-t~i-. - oaal Baranok, w-ho receîîrly dîcti at that Kilkenny, extentinîg airogether uver an ares C; benVoiso ned ganarsn8Lybla-ýigtecae of about 400 square miles. C O O O -eee posonti b peson havng suc tO During the course of lus lecture Pnof. Pi ZZ ZZ ZZ Iappnehenti rec'uits cf trie admineýstrative ne- iBre - -tdt h oieyaseie ~ I - -~ ~formas whieh baeavas about Voutrotinca in 1 of this uîîcauuy sbuewaîhich lati beau ~. o ~ n Turkesan, hati in baud a euînliasion of ex-isenît bina by a friand. The speeilasen siîown a4 ceprional delicaey andtidifficnl, ;. He hatild h ilW5 fauinmhak-dn c- cs beau deputeti Ironi a high quarter te envest- I uch îasembling cemmoî black wî-ting M ___-________ igata anti report upon the conuc st of GrandfitD.Bkeouî,os-ertsaaIr Conlusons Pom hs ne anes t a- uke Nicisolas Coistantiuevitcb, tba Czat's alio-ug-t to.stand fnn a shunt peidtIse pnclsutsinsappariathaton: réso e-cousin, wisolisas liveti in exile lu Centrai blacki ceoloning nttet separateti Item the pil) Tts, coa fteati anîit t0 Asia since the painful tramna wich tweLty waner îithi whie-h it hati mixeti, renderiisg- I bs.o c easse in live wiglit iVas yarlaebrngt cutth iïgncInlbs re colon of tis a rinwatarniuuel igiter, oie~ imperialHightcaas. lice Grand Duk's b t tlldark anough teru -allati "black mnthe case ut ealI.areers, viz., $-4.89 par 109mne oflgluha rmnepenrnain.t Trie slsoîva, which avas iu broati Ibs. ~~~~~~~~~Asiais city is deacribeti as arrange bayoiddyihwspeee yýlri,28 (2) lise cest for feet cousumati par 100 measura-so axtraortinany, indeet, Shat denastowa pe t posbe aodanea s lbs. of lecrcae in s ve waiglist vas_84.63 par many peuple suppose lutte Vochaeitisr te- de as Vthut haejrimpefaible forunete cenît. tria greater by thea tiane-year-olti stears menteti or atidicredt tehabits et intenrpar- rti itînsut iacnind rscinseAtn than by twe-yest-oltl stacra. suce. Hua tyrneîy te Vlosa about hlm is atriltrl5 eIat incoutneti fortmaima (3) The oigincal weighr of ttriwso-yaar- excessive, anti sl bis peuple, tremble at a1hlsrum sthluttendeai stri vis ide ol ter a ehnedilalsprîb grining,buwihutialsrsnbae etees ws ehauct es aluaparlb.triait masten's appnoach. Larely thie Gnrand of thuuider. When this lIalatonu s yaven quere as mnucri by Vice fetiisg Ion 18 weeks Dueke bias hati a magnific'-nt paiacelîuilt at thre black nain hegais tu fal, as avas the original weigit oethtre trirea year. IsFlkenti, but halie ves lu au olti ant i dlapi- On axamiîsatiuîs cf the nain imirsetiiately oit stecîs. t~~~~~~~~a building witls bis wile, a person arrti rr a vri a onir (4) The originsal weiglit of trie one.yaar. îvbom ie meaniat inl a fit cf accantriciry, have an extrnnely fatiti smiell, as weil as s 1 olti steene anti calI-steais was net enhancet aîsd whom ie eonstantly bas. Anothat ry ia ebl atAlbh-oue invauapa l. o nyapreialeaxan n tsapen taicis vci I-lic Inspenial 111gb-h-colred by rau eperdib. for 18 aeaka xeto h euiri o i meilHg animaîs anti al articles et clothing exposede by irefeeingfor18 eek. nes late wear, betri t brcns aiabroat, a bore tiank spots anti staina, anti cattle me- ----native roba otrbrialat, wbicli resembles a luase t tedrnk tIse water un ea trihe grass robe de chambre, ant isl neithen iein i ap- out)il a.ter a shsower ut "real raies" badt AUl Abouit Butter. pearance inon fnea Item rejîts. At, bis urdans wastofti hcpiuoamta -. . . ..are semas 20 UlJ Cossaska.who -)carry onrt, I oftebacpioou atr "A fîariuans wife" wrîtas :-Ii, as Mlark bicvany;vod witli bliid obadletiae. More Twain says, "Thrse comas a tte inu a ythan unce ir ias hap siieti tfisat trie rinceeerve a d hntlie igfrba ta ts ur,"tutpuniari peuple who bave offendet i hm, Trie condition etftria Arusy Resenva aitriae I trieramururelynd a a fr ia u e ry ass atthaîsiburiet up, Vo thein neek is anti of 1892, by neturns juat matie te tria f jerwe u s sl atimeib is n eoymn'ns aut, wbila thiaitheada wena laIt exposed XVar Office, is shown te bcmnclsbetter hau ida daer e V i eabot abuerakn.totrIe burniig sun. Nut lcong agua duetor, it was a year ago, 1ibara baviug beeaunadi. abehe e se twirea c esspaermbutter who was snbjacted Vo tris banlianous treat- ditionnof 7000îsmen turing trie Vweîve moutha, ns agosotha eduan kipa wa determent, suffret su terribly that lha waît ont whicla bringa up tria total reservaetfal nikn htw utskji sw ofi of bis' mid. IV us tiseeeiso atten tort kinta te os et 74,000. Las than,300 of thaee psanVtiMedicine colunu,'If wa misa ssule- woutier titncumplainta et the Grand Dukc'a belougiug te tise saceuti-clasa neserva-cor,. nîing wuth naading onice iu a ivrilla waaise ctet eacheti St. Petersburg, andti ratj sisting of tria 1859 anti 1867 men andthre miss a great deai tisat la net, Ve read, 1er insttuctiuuîs were subsuquentLy saut te Gen- ennolleti penioners- a clasa griie ijs tapid- estanceilu Vie colîumns ut papers sncb anal Bananok toe nstiture an inqniry inte hy tisappearnîg as tinia guas un, anti whîieh thinga as tris-triat tria beat way te make tria proceedinga cf tria augnat exila. t cannot rie regardati as cf any figbning value. butter is te keep trie milk at triesaama tam- jTrie.iat-laa tsave total of wll-trainet perature as is bn drawse lnom tria cow intil Te Married Ladies Only f ban, o prime soidieriug aga, very neariy churnet. 9'1 Ica sgotiplan la Vo tia triapoceste7,10 etoiemc h craam up lu a lotri anti buny iV iesttriecantr "Se youen namamnieti at asat," saitiJack-apnucbe btia 74000 antio mntmunti anti leave if uxtil tisa butter comes. oua sun te Iis l friand, Balton, trieothan day. berng 55,0"00, inehîsdiug tria Foot Guarta man wanted bis butter te cnt dowu amoorr Il Allow sac te congratulata yen, lot I hear wbhose onàiny service wîth trie auloura la anti bard lika marile. That sumawlisre yen have an excellant anti aceompliiahad ls ra hto a fti iargmu Vbey ia up mille iii .a kin anti fastees jr ta wif. Tise avh aa a s ' e ofvtholin30,rienAr. trie ponsmel cf a caddie wetls a long tope- "IIsave," waa thrie ply, <1 anti aria la lu-ea Vilieof530, heAr put trie sattile oni a horse anti s bey un trie deati aceomplishet. Sha is penfeetly at home A any cfr7800,Ctrasngof es 24 100, t rie satitleansd let hlm rite andthIe skies bump lu litarature, at huma in musc, at biornselu riSn ie opMl40 re Mical ,alung on the rouglisgrout until tria butter art, at .oein uscience-lu short, at home Scatff Cor th1100;ati ria ralter i cemes. Evan tria blacl, papales ouestimure evarywhare axcpt-.--' oiseattene ua reasarmy h ctser tea trian ene credulous eneugri Vo prove jt a Except wbat ? only Seerriali cavairy nagiment, bhaabn failîre. Haviîsg neyer trieti any of these "Excapt at bue'13 ah ai orsevicel eqauit planaenItcannur say forytbuusgcabout thens, butn cae tustat ana pntetablut Iset --trie J-oyal Scots, 850; tria Royal Scots Fni but omethig8 hatare rined or actIalliai-s, 620; trie King's Own Seettiari Bor- know ana net so. OVe ara olt ovar sudLe eBedes80-thCa roin,6 ;teBlk ever again in trie papars that wa have oulv e e e ir,80ti aaoln,60 h hc te mke god btterte cmman a goà Amercantile gentleman, ,vbo was travel- Watch, 770 ,tria Seafontla Highlanders, 650; te me o o butter e wemant guetling eastwarti a short rima ýsinca, wes Votr ia Gordon Higrilaîstes, 660 ; the Camer- puric o u ot.oae.y oua hu satarmsoithtriaclark utfaise cf triaOntario hoats te lie ou Highlanders, 1560 , triaArgyll sud- but taer kuowsbutteand r a ri matearmarshown bis roun Trie clark baudedthtriaSutherland Highlanders, 800; andtihre ton cutomars wrio gaVtriah gout pnics, i applicaest a kay, at tria saine tinte point- Scots Guards, 1250. Iu ail thsa alevees Scot. riesetisittesnea gocr o cusms-irg Vtuedor at soea ittle distance marked tish regimnets haveaabout 7800reserva m'en ais maerchant thsey giva hLiimtemre pricend isabas V psy aurexpesifid trie direction indicat. et.reut price, and iemisstakeatrial doorseneoutte if evrgabout fitteats cents for bis butter. d toee ymsaetedo ett Another mistake s te suppose triat we e bis owu, nsarkad 1 'A," whara ie tisicoveret A new besinas.-An exehiauge says triai twety-uue cents for unr butter riy sendineV a lady passeugar makiug bar teilet, wbe, thre is a nsin Berlin wlsu amus his liv- unr milk te s lactory. If tIse butter la sol upon trie straugar's appearanea,utttaret a ing by akiug tiegs eut te walk, His pst. lot ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o twnyuecet agV rfetitriw reain: rous psy hlm a penny aunrieur lut giviug so et n entraVs w eta meerse lies IGuaway-ga awayl" seracred et ratriaitdogia sdaily airiug, anti seeiug te j1 dy. that tethayte o y eahe ù.reacrilcseiisft.Iwne ns, anti then we ara fully satiafiedti triteout Later'B' ala recar.ws takiu canoe tin e utranI belen wortisy prupriator la net gtting trihtuec "I as noV Boucbiug he 1 shutti ha o ho se faillcaesontitciîden Vh lî hi fast. Now, about triat uvar-saltat1aie tuhn e V prod h otos ails adwehrthywl l duction triar wa reati se sch abeut, As indignant marchant, reacri hume ssîely ? "%hîIdren Cry for PItcher's Casteriat ODDSAND END ts is raugbt in Vienna public schoais. Iii the British -Parliaineut there ara eighteeu brewers, The towu of Forsytha,, Mo., is lifty yeara olti and neyer had a chrcbe. About tees thousanti gro-s of pans are prodnced front a ton of steel. Scalas are now madie that sill weigh tha Ifiame of a cautîle or the sinalles t straud of liait' pluoke I froni the eyabrow. 1Tha fleeces of tan gears sud te work of saveral men for haif a year are required to makea agenuina cashmere shawl a yard and a-hall aide. Probably the heaviest rndder on re ird is that mnade for tlia torpado boat Vulcan. It was forgeti in single pieces anti waighes twanty-two tons. Champagne owes its equaiity ta soil, a mixture of chalk, silica, lightt day anti ox- ide of itou, and the great caca anti delicate Manipulation in manufacture. Taiephotography is at present iutarasting Parisian exparimanters anti causes the Pi*flru te predict that "1soon may ha sean in Paris tha image of a man smoking lu St. Petersburg.' Jr is assarteti that waterproof sheats or paper, gunmmat and hydraulically comprass- ed, maka a inaterial as durable as leather for the soles of shuas. Ir also makas set- viceable horseshues. TIse cour mon suail is said ta have 150 rows of stout sarratati teeri., The whola palata centaine about 21,000 taeth, it is claimreti, whila a full-grown slug has over 26,000 of thasa silicions spikes. At Minores the fisherman simply divas to a tiepth of seventy feet with s waight iu ouean audV carry hini tiwn. Wýith the other baud ha picks up as many oysters as ha eau carry and brings tham up te tha boat. A new marina ligit which will suon ba in place near Havre will ba the most powarful iii the world. 1V will ba visible at sea a distance of from twcnty-two to flfty-two miles, aecurding to the condition of the weather. Londoýîî raquies soma women tea at as sanitary inspeetors, iu the opinion of Dr. Corner, medical offleer for Popular. With tha halp of çfricient woînen working amung the pour ha thiuks apidamins mnight ba nip- palinl the huti. Glasgo ff alraady lias six woissn inspeeturs, who araetioing au admir- able work, Heorsas in the Britishi Army. The la test re turu of the numbar of horsas, both ritiing ansd traught, sud mules, usad in the Britishs armry shows the total toalie siightly lu axuesa of the numbar p'-ovideti for in the estimates, sud very uearly 26,000 iii all, of whichi about 15,000 are ou the Britisestablishmeînt and the remainder on the Indlian, the mounts nieti by tha native Indian cavalry ragimeots, however, not being ineludetinl the 2,8,71 vortid by Parliaint. theBritish regular cavairy, incln ding the ilousebolti ragiments, taka- th agrportion of tlic horses, they hav- non-cmmi2so0eoficrsruand 1m00(tue thesa totaie show that the men are more than 50 par cent. in excess of tihe mounts, The artillary have over 11,000 horses andi mules, a vey large proportion of the form- -et bcilig usati for taamiug the 100 batteries horseansd fieldi guns, 3000 beiug usati for riding purpuses, anti thara ara 150 pack mules lu the usouintain batteries. The garriaun couspanries n ced but fesv horsas, and 120 covers thaîs requiremants. The Foot (eards ant inifaîetry hava 700 animals for urtiinary transport aud aminnuition, supply in the field, bhe Army Service Corps 1300, sud the Royal Engineers 400. How the Fsomaus Ate. The Romans iu the tiîua of Cicero and Auigustus Itook an early breakfast, from 3 Vo 4 '1oclock in tisa înurnîng, a lunchaur. at 12 ru 1, anti at about 3 ooclock the coania, or principal meal of tha day, corresponding with our dinuer. A Roman dinuer at the house uf a wealthy main couaisrad chiefly, of thraa courses. AIL sorts of stimulants to the atepetite wera first servad up, andi eggs wara indispeusable ru the lirst course. Amoug the various dishes wara the guinea heu 'phtasaur nîchringale, anti the lbrush. The Roman gouruiauds helti peacoeks su grear estimation, espeeially thair tanues. Macrobins states that rhcy svere tiret caten by Hortensius, the uratur, anti acquireel snich repura that a single paacock was solti for ý0 tianarii-tha danarius baiug aqual to about 17 cents of unr mouey. A Stery of Riloy. A ueav strryof James Whitcoînb Riiay la tolti by a Western papor. Ir is genarally knowes that tia puer was a aigu paiuter by trada, antisaone iuteresring atonies of his ticsl exglrtsu eling him ont opaitig b ace ticafgyepiloisin wlîiebobisopainring abie. have beau told. This srory is that une tinsa, while the puer was stili sowing bis wild uars, ha travelati through Indiana as "the celebratati bliot siges paintert" A aumpaulon, who acted as bis mnager, would lu.r-. L--kY U.,,,t,, kuelss.i tow, hautîng bis bmushas ne hini as neeadat, Ililey woult nsasunae off tIhe glass csnefully with bis bauds, andi sItar masch ri p ninany "busliess ", tisaIsoff a aigtu, wirile triacoun- try people stanati witb ansazemneu. Rh ay's eyea, the stry says, avare very ligrit in col- or anti bat au udt look, andtihie trick ivas workati fcm a long rima aithon -1dat action Beaver Block, jYou nead n't go te Florida, but take O f Pure ti'orwe glan Cod Liver Oi 0 and Hypophospbites. It~ wili STRENOTHEN WEAK LU NOS, STOP THE COUGH, AND CHECK ail W ASTING IR IEASES. A remr- tq 1 jflesh preducer and it is almest as i- -la- able as Milk. Be sure Vo geVt the gensîlue Put UP iu salmue-celureti wrappers. Prepared enly by Scott & fowue, Belleville. ýT FO I -pa-latabe as cream, NOo oi taste like others. In big bottleàg 50a. and 81.00- _ is the latest triumph in plsarmacy for the cure 01 ai the syosptoms iudicatiug KISNEETAND Lîvzsa Complaint., If yen are troubled sitli Costiveness, Dizziness, Sour Stow-acli, Headacheindigstion, Pooa ArrsriTva, TiREt)1, ..LiNS, RmeuîrauePtAS ; Ifleepless Ifigbtf4, Afrlancoly Feeling, RAte AmIIs, Mfenbray', JIdney and Liver Cure ssill give immeiate relief and Eri'sCT A Curc9 SoldiSt ail Drug Stores. Peterboro' Medicine Co., Limited. PETERBORO', ONT. IQUR HE ALTil J IF YOU ARE HUM DOWN It W-11Make y 0'i Eat. WII1 Toue Yollr Nerves. WiII Make.You Stroùg, WiI llake You Feel Like YoLlrself Aan FOR CHHONIC 4'OtGH IT lu alh1 Peîlmomsary Diseasas sviVi amacia tion, as el as vliaa ttspittieig cf blocti, tri- aficers cf tris rtuisedy are vcry mraked. SOC. AND $1,00 PER BevrLE, SeSURE Sou CE T.TutD. & L.-" - Bowmanville, Keeps always a- large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Overshoesq Rubbers, Slippers, Trunks, etc. Ail Styles.,Grades and Sizes, and prices to suit ail pookets. No better or cheaper place in West Durham to buy. £eI&defies competitio n. Oldest and largest, store; best, biggest and cheapest stmock in Bowmanville. 1 ex!-bit ME. Rilev bufure-z F-- 1 1