Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1892, p. 6

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ÂGRIOULTURAL. hene are to have richer food than that A NL-AAI~ MRCE given te any single group, eauthien be gi ven the extra amouint of conceutrated food in Seasonabie FBuggePti 01l* watering pails. An Interesting Letter From Across thi 1ýry, clean bedding is a nece'asity if yoil- Atantic. would keep the stock comortable and Tha Pairy in Wiuter- bealhy through the wiuter. For this pur- pose a good supply of straw should always When one bas the proper facilities for Sr aelgi-alsi elates the Stery ef Oils be udr ove. f tacked outside there conducting the business, winter dairyiug St'fr Ilg il llae-et d Aller wili frqquently be times wben it caonot bce may bc made ranch more profitable than the Best floc5os ad Failed. bad nnless wet or coverefi with snow or sommer dairyhig. it miisi e kept in mild, The fame of Dr. Wlliams' Pink Pis is ide. bowever, that it does not pay any btter to not confined to Canada and the United (CUT 7 LUGIt is no argument against the value of tarin out a poor product tben than at atly States, but extends also across the Ocean, -well-bred stock that we occasioually flufi other season, but good botter Wil1 sel'inm anti fromr the mother land cornes a letter anl auimal of very obscure pedigree wbîcb winter at a price go nmuch lhigber than in front one who learned the value of this great rmcs' s-lseqaîcarn ornoe sommier that it xii mucb more titan balance rerrûedy while in Canada a'td wbo now, ai- special purpose. We have'kuown commoît the difference in the cost of feed and care. thougix thousauds of miles away gratefolly L D ' , ý1steers wbose foeding qualities could hardly Good'feeding will be required lu order ta acknowledges wha t Pink Pisabave done be excelled, and some-flue milch cows whose produice fine butter of good cler and free for bîm after niedical aid and al ather rem- ,-~ mu iganl was very "scrubby," but the fact re- f rom streaks. It most becarefuillylbauidled, ediÉs bad failed. Ris letter cannot fail to ( ~~ L ~~~ ~ mains that such cases are the exception, and wiiill t stavnaei uu i ro oet te ufrr si sue an nt herue;whlewih boougbiy smalil eat packages, which may be sold tbrem. that iii Dr. Williams' Pink Pila hey well.bred stock it is a rnis that the progeny direct to the consumer. Tire perfect but- May look for> a cure ex en in cases proeounc- No other hrand o is good, anil oridviuli h x ter is frm, fiurine do rc ole d by tber^ a eminent medical specialists -ception.> The prepoteucy of wel-bred stock clr sweet and with a, nutty. fiavor. If as incurable. Tobacco has ever en= -the power to trautiflit its qualities to its you will study your business and learn to Rhiorderen, Monmouth sbire, Eug. offspriug---isa fact that must not be ov et- producecb uuiformaly, you will flnd that Nov. '2th, 1891, j oyed sucll an immense Iooked. wintýr dairying is about the rnlost profitable To the Dr. Williams' M~edicne Co., It maybe a valid objection a2ainst the ouccpvo that yon eau follow. I rockville Canada. saeadpplrt n Jerseys that tbey do not give a sufficieotB saeadpouaiymounit o ikt utteaed ftePoialeGte-aii entlemen, It May surprise yo to re- the same period as this o ikt h ed ~ oia1 utrMkn-ce thisle1e front across the Ocean, but p ~~dairyman Who sells that article, instead of Some of our exehanges are sayîag that it elIveouldsnottbe doiug my duty did I not 'brand of Cut Plug and rraking butter, yet'evoülthese would flnd it f t of advantage ta have an occasional cow of is alI xroug to urge more fariners 0 turu write ta rhank you for the noble medîcine Plug Tobacco. this boreed ie order ta give color to the whole their attention toward dairyiug, as we are callefi Dr. Williams' Pink Pis for Pale product. î already soffeing from an over-sopply of People, and to let you know what they had Qldest Cut Tollacco manufac- By putttug belis rupon flic sbeep micb au- dairy products. This is sheer nonsense. loue for me after four years safférin 91 and b noyance from dogs Miay be avaided. Have Possibly in some markets there is a reportefi when ail other medical aid liad failed. Myb eurers in Canada. a bell to every fiftb or sixth animal, and glut of butter, but let a shiinent tbat is trouble occurred while in Cauada,and I waa when tbey non there will be su much noise str2tly " gilt edge" go in, and if would at treated by sevenal doz-tors and in the Mont- > that the dogs will think best to netreaf. once find ready buyers at high prices. We real General Hospital by Drs. Smith, NMolson f, Theatentonof hefarne m llals b at ýhave neyer known, in this country, a timfe and Macdonell. 1 frst felt the effects of Tuaten ytsinftearmrwiilobea-no akef where there was an ovcr-sup- the disease, whiclî the doctons pronounced trafe b ths eas, go that be may camne ply of neally good butter. If farmens pro- diabetes, ini January, 1886.1 used many t a their assistance. ý] Th epniensbeegcndtce fr u pose to engage in dairying merely to add ta remiedies and trted numerouli, doctars, wlîh cur ex upimenjaw in cati, fndr the the stock of poor stuf mitt wbich we are the only nesuit thaf I grew poorer in cretobofthe Dear n te n Aricte d- already deluged,, then they had better stay botb health and pocket. At, last in de- appears ta 'be quite successful . A better out; but with our prescrit knowiedge of spair I went ta the General Hospit ai for knowledge, of the mleans for contnolling dis advanced d liry metbuds thene ts nu excuse teatment, but the result was no better, MONoIoe'REAL.n hsbsi.I na can nte 0he Arl 19,1letta sases masabte r£ o h tc difficult ta get ont af (>Id ruts when one bas instttution a poir. broken-hearted, dowe. Cu lg 0.jl lg 0, grawer. been in tbem a long tîme, but thene is no cat mau, Dr. Macdouell havýing informed Ju iulc. l ng, 20r- . When csatle care en asankin dcac on eexcuse for gaîng ini theut ie broad dayliiht. Me that tbey had dune ail they. could for lbPu,2G t ahynsu ailotaket asavng idt theme. I coetinrîed ta live on ie misery until tha ty ed saiot. ofhavsing iv, the Puty-Leigfo oe. about the middle of August, when 1 saw in companians attract them, aed the habit ofte oralSraiatcetlinthsoy l icking each ather is formed. By this The attention of women wbo are lookiug of a man who,after spendiiîgllnndreds of dol- M FxcLORS. en lre unite ar r tknforseume Morley making occupation whicb lars, had tried Dr. Williams'Pink PuIs, and iotao the stonsach. Being imdi estible, this they cao pursue at home withont interfer- found a dure. Drowning men, tiîey say, OSHAWA, - - - ONTA.RIO farms ittu lard halls and becuntes a source ing wîth home duties, eau safely be directed will catch at a straw, and it would ho im- Growor 'and dealer in CholceOutc Flowers. o ies.adsmfmscue et.At e poultry yard and garden. How often possible for me ta express the gratitude 1 Plants. Rases. Carnations. Violets. Smiax. o ipsadsmtmscue et.At n and Fenes. Feneral »Desgu nd Bouquets want that is go easily suppiied as this should we hlean the question asked " How can we feel for thle hope that man's story gave me. made np an short notice n Wreat 4 Cows not be kep urbos nth frmV'bt is qe 1 at once boughit a box of Dr. Williams' Pink PiiIaws, lisants..Soeî8ty fCmblsnnx &l. g. vlan iu my mind when I ses soîMarly farm- Pilla tram Mr. R. Birks, dnuggist, on Mc- Piants Loaned for Decanation.F,.nh as Palma ers' daugbtcrs living home fa pursue some Giii street. Befare 1 bad fieîshed if J1f cît 4ernss L1ies &. Teiphon -Canearlan. 1ly Oross or Pure Bred. -othen occupation, saine as dresmakers, same thaf Pink Pilla werc belpiuig me, and I pro- Amog hequstinsdi'usec i ase ft serve as cienks te stores, and sf111 others cured fiunr more boxes. These ainîost TH (ANL IA N S AT SM ptand teqestios discuefi itheii af , s shool teachens, is : 'lWhy do tbey nat restored me ta healtîs, and tbroligh the nritssh dairy farmers' confenence- was: stay on the fari and engage inte spaultry kinduess of Mr. O'Brien %of the harbor ESTABLI-(HED M* IlWbethen if leis etter ta cross breede or business V' Tiiir rumunenation, if the wonks, I wps given a lighv job oni the han- SI par araIn uarvance. ofherwise $1.5) brsed pure for the dairy." The egular business is properiy conducted, would, fan bon wharf, and was again able to a ine my Sub3issptions always payable av tise ofl» t , paper was read byMn-. Henry Simmoils, exceed the wages paid in stores or stt achoal living. I made up my mimd, however, fane puliaio. derîîu~ aesuise ya twbo bad tried a sre f xeiens eteaching. Thers is no mare desirabie c- fun o fathe lansd of My birtb, and ou the tact, 10 centi par liae, noapanlie th nsel r o rssed a purs bred Shorthorn bill andicuPation for waînen, and there is nothing .th of November, sailcd for Eengiand. The on. andi 5 cents par lineo ah aub2otuenî lu- Jre aswtîtegete uca a the fart produices; that wili make quicker passage was rougli, aod I caugbit cold &ertion. Locale, 10 conte par linos. ycoswt heRets scesfretnso rftta gsadputy u hc e ebc oeht u M. . J ME, ?vtliserfiret or evee -second cross, then arase the if eun eerfit teaeas a sie lins, aga win rset ning csvugb.I in hat t dan- _______ __________the diiuly-tat tdan tinnthe ross, as ieaving flic fsed andcane fa the hined mac, nat gel fise Pink Pilla hers and I want you STANDARD BA N KTf the animal. Hed baIck te pure bls-roero.the chareboy, or any neclcic, but shorild ta end sie a spply, as under no circum- sIAN DA R B Aft i ofi the re fe sld an imaosd i soero- e under the supervision of some mnember of stances xvould I be wivisout thsm, and -yau docedtheom the berd andtcroseed theline 0F C A NA D'A spect -iveiywith the Jersey, Guernssy, Devon te fml.Putyriigia always been May bc sure I1xvilgladly secomînen-d theni 19ala1pald MD, 8,Oanet eio sd ather pure breeds, but iuna case was f I onidered wonsasîs wark, and wheut it is ta my friends bath bers and elsewbcre. satisfacfory. as a marc <n legs mon'rl Çff vombined wit h gardening, le tIse only labon Yourn grafeftilly, spifgreutegotatle a ouedt te the tarot that sheceau engage ini andnon JAMIFS 1N GRA Ai. Titis Banik is preparod to do Legiti- sprmng resulted, so tat be was forcsd faofli ~iae ~nhtg i ai st brncus. conclusiarithat, xhether yorrfancy i le i ce0 l ilot en oîsdrdot Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pislaare a perfect MaeBD in nal t rnce. te hrhi- esyGe ey ee of lber aphere. Wheu bier poultry asîd ceggs blood builder and nerve restorer, curng Farmer's notes discounted; eoiste hnhrJesy1urscHnfrfinfi their way loto the maret, lber bubon sut, iessa hemtsnuaca Dopoît8 olle Angs orany other, purebreed, wiil brin g just as ntuch a-,tongb a mnac ehadaý s,.beitim, eufga PeevdadItrs ado cort coidngs yuwn opueb or paiýtial paralysie, locomoter afaxia. St. Vit- oece$vedand Intrstinpai an akunts accodo as you wanrtae prtrocsbefororaised them. ns' dance, nervous headaclse, uervous pros- cf 5 ad uwane ii avigs an nîlk, yu doellp e rsonth iradc-ss tatgo It eau be starred with a littie capital, aund fration and the tired feeling thererom, the Departinent. bauk f, gaeutis te pure breed hvtsieta froîn fisc veri start the business dais be aften- effecta of la grippe, discases dopeîsding DJ"<UA FTS lu the discussion thaf followed n one md c il nicm vradaoe lou butors lenflue bload, suos as scrofula, Is'ne4 and Coll ections made in Europe atteuapted la controvert wbat Mn. Simemone expenises. But fowls cannot be kept wif h cbroniecerysipelas, etc. Pink Pille give a Uiitd~ttean Cnda adadaatd;l tc te btale îstprofit on fhe farnes unisse they are yarded itealtygo oDl n alwcmlx ,UntedStaesMn.Canda.iada oatin ad methn esagcd fa duing May, Jarne. and Juiy. Tis is e hv .liygo opl sdslovcml Mr. Simmos had metwebe rsuosnassytofarniers clains tisat if Ildon'tnav ions, and are a specifia for tbe troubles W **O ES bcinsurmounitable. k heeo bcasearyarlayaedoPc' eulian ta the femnale systens, asd le the A g tef f0eep hncabease utyaealoe o aeo men viîey effect a radical dore in ail rn e ver tise grain fields, in fhs strawberry cases arising trot men Lal worny, oven work ONTARIO 'B.ANK -chckens in winter- patch, thnough the door'yards and the or excesees ot aîsy nature. continues fa do a Genera BankIug Business Wben foule are ebtît up le the winte'- garden. A yard two and nos-hlaitrade wide These Pille are manufactured by the Dr. Bowmasiville Agency.utn attnsmwhcar and five roaelong will easiiy accommodate Williams' Medicine Comnpany, Brackvillie fhey fe atfrsm thiege I ch ais oe iîussdred liens, and fhey slsonid be kspt Ont., and Slienscfady, N. Y., and are soid DEPOSITS essentiai ta their well beîng, and whicliîdais in tîsis cenclosure trous tise firet of May util onyiboe argte rni'staemr Beelve in85fviKm ani Deartentandonbc supplied wtth a lîttie labor and fhougbv. atter liarve8f. And ight heîe te where we ynje boes aning5ie tibx r sixboaesr a,ýI and îulerost ailowed at orrent rateps NoTedsbahi sarto keepthrdiv ectfomheakt garden for for 812.50. Bear lunuinfi tiat Dr. Williams'1 nOtice otwllhdrawal noeesanry. Ai dep0îits free trans vermin, aud thie should bc pre- the poultry; ail the tops eut front the vege- Pc il r ee odi uk nb h payale o doansi paexcenlwentsfoeth gros is r.Road tables, the rakinig,weeds, etc., eau be carni- dozen or bundred, and any dealer wbo EXCH ÀNGE-de scxeletfrihepopsaasut- cd into the yards aud throxvn uisdet shade ofr usiue eti oti rigt useilns slsisu Uafsieosupnlerpoficient auoutteau easily bc gatisersd 015 trees, sud the fowis wili be kept busy ail dfenau yautea n sore nided. Dr.g B nb tnd oldandOrate ssod çonEurpoand put away in barrais t6 lasI until flic day, besides furnishing the ncceesary ma- defaWiiii a nd Pc Pil mcay o i of aIl UitodStale eenacdasieold,Slveand d spring. Kecp an ope box filied with it ail tenial for eggs. Tisere i8 a vast dïtiénence the imein he ienboue. f yn. nglet btwen risig puILdruggists or direct by msail tram Dr. Will- COLLECTIONS f6 procure the dusf lu time woad ashes may sale ut pure breede. Iu raising poultry for drs eiie opayforete d Pr smptly mâae sas, ornent rates upon ail part bc used as a substituts. A supply of lite Market no difficulty will be met, for, the rees. The price at whlch fusse pille are cf Oireal Brittain. thse United Statefian.s heiss also ueceseary, sud the bet way ta pro- abject isle *eht ofcacssad yel soid makes a course ut trestment couipar- Do Lnion of Canada. vide tfu is te ta ornedostrsiseils. go faon.y wlsigocrc.nye.watively mcx pensive onss prcciwitiî other givepoudedayser aod lavredfisis.Wisiie xe could 'lot gev reunedie un medical treatment. Telegriiti raïsfr Bancs ponnided fineo go as ta have long along xvthout the fancier, the frter ivats Mad fo lage t snai 'cmeon il art0f pilîtesmay also be used, or fine gravel toa raisespasltry and eggs for nmarket, and *hicb contains limes~tone. Attention ta, the t oths ts orfoc hn andTis is epc all avant geous i i5si.. a.- lime ll,-,rdo th <... ,,.,, ,.,,.tout -nns. WAsof nL ednm pensons itvingkés inl rvaniio2ia for weaue Nor oies est, crse1 tt usbree no rdts uet suc-t 'f makes thse feinde as ailable at once aItiseý Iýaîiceof paymcn t. Oiso paticilas cîl thtie bastk. E. -LrFITI GEO. mcCiE, Accousitant, Manager. VBTRILNÂARY BSURG.Ëolt ORONO, - ONT. Celle by teiegr,*pn or Weephone reolvo imi Pnliate attention. Messrs. HONEY & McMURIT.Y ihave purcae.ed the Oounty of Durhamt for tte beet Wlre Fence in thi3 Country. It je stroug, easiiy handied sud ornsmental. If wili not ho iejurod by euow, iseat, cld or wiude. It will turu Horees, Cattie, Sheep, loges, Dogg and Pouifry. If îsea net wark withouî barbe, aed wli caf in- jure stock je ssy wy. It se muoh elrong er and more durable than sey barb fena- ing, being cioseiy wovee. Fence put up sud liarm and Towneihip rights for sale. Apply a. CE2NTIIArLLivE - ity, Bowmauviile. W. P. RICIT, Clarke P. 0., having isoughf Clarke Towahip, nsevared f0 wlutes. Add vo tlse comfrtsiequanfers.1IýI good food, and perfect-cleanlinese, sud your winitcr's incousetram tise fowieslîhould bel xery estistactory., I 1 1 ceestel mutket pouitry le thsaf whîch is3ab- taîned by, judiciuer"lig W5li GoeL s t Ch. - - - IldividllSl Feediug. Wiliîe (in a Weh iepen, affter twa cousecufive Tise cow aftise highet productivcpcy minutes of lahonione silence)-" Maints, wil ceturs.liy nesd a langer quau,,,tfif,,y ofwbat kiwid of fiowere liase fbat lady gat lu nutnieufs, comemensurate with ber iange pro- ber bounet?"' doctian ai miik. Buf the ainnet of Hie Manime-" Von nsusfu't faut sa loîed, nufnienfe jentise daly ration of one sud tise dean. You'Il i dturb tise cou gnegatLioni." sainte caw should aiso vany as ber miik pro- IlTiscy look iike Jolsnny-juimp-opqe, don't duction varies, being greafeef earhy, nte tiseycyI silking period wbeu sius is prodocing the IlRash, dean. Liefen fa tise sermson." ntost snlk, and rdal decreasing with (Att-rusprolongs.d stîlicees of tee seconds) tise adysuce oattise pIoln l sie e Are they neal tiowens, usîssma, on only cames dry fise concenfnated food le discan- inake-believ3e?' fbeued istogetiser and tise basai rationu alone lTbey are artificial, W iltie. le a good course se<îires attention if jesres liceIl Yes t." gneafest passible profit trot the animale, [Sîsys nofiing for at least hait a minute.j aud reenîts b is e îgist developteut of "lMatt-a 1" thse nilking qualifies ut tise berd, wbicli 4"'Ss, Xillie ! WVbi ti?'ý beieg trnasmittsd by bercdity, effecte a "\Visee Johsnny-juinp-uLpe are gruwed 01, continuai improveenent of tus stock. dla tbcy gsf ta be junpin-jacks Y' To fsed au animal during fiee Most pro- "Listen t-' tise sermon, dean t ductive part of lactation pays weli, but ta )Êem.I feed tise entire borîd équisiiy Wi, wthout [Amofaer period af silence. 1 regard ta individuel production, caups-ove "lM-nat-,fihc preacluer said 'f iirdiy.' remuneralîive only wbcn bunaddition ta yild. ie'W many morelys wiii hie-" ieg niik tise cows are to bcfattened. Othen- "'8hXiiie 1!" wtse suais eedîng resuits in greaf waste of "Yee'm, Buit l'in gatticg awt tircd." food, is"not iufnequentiy .the- cause of fte, "If' iil oul!yisst a, littl~evisil longer, low profits le dainying, and osnakes the barn- dea-. Be qusef.11 yard usanunr e sapssive. "' ee. . , Masuma, canas wosan Tisesystees et isdîvidutal feeding is esosf bc neaipions if site weares astnffed isumii'- eaily carried onf in praticc when sachu bird on ber bonnet?>' animal bas ifs own sepan ,ate Mnuger. Ie tise Willie, if 3'ae dan'f buash I ehail have ta construction of new cowe stables this ar- punisis yan !" rangement isveny efrangir recommeusdednosal"Rigist here?', maffer how iange tise herd nuay ho. 'At " No! At ter we get bams. '5h t eacis tceding tise extra qîsatit)f at en [Acather pause.] tnated food cao thse be mixed dnyxviti tise IlMatins, secoue to me I've beeu 'sh- ig a cisepped fodder in tise manger. Whberc long, -sîgbfy long time 1 How ntnch langer isle h continuons mangers, wifhout partitions, gosng t---" arcosed, fise basai nation ton sacis animai, (Grawiug desperafe) Il Willie, if Yeu wiîicls le tiseste for ai, Masy be pilced lu sy another word 1'11 take yeun ight ont of the muanger and ftise dditions of concentra- chuncis !" tedl tood gix su twice daily in tise wafcrniug (Apparnutly sfruck byan ides) "I wo'f pails. Osr tlecows may ho groupefi aucordiug 8a nofisen word esammîsa buf I'in geffin' fa tiseir pruducfis'eiess sud tise stage oftie just horrible tred anmd I dont sec isaw I niikirsg period wbichî tley are bu sud fisose caun set stili anofiser mntfe and 1 wisis ie'd of ea'-i group ted fogethen. lThe rations ton quif taikin', any you tlred 'teSt fot deafli, cacle grorsp are tissu snixed togethes-u is e 1soW muci longer je lie goiog fa keep on, rsgist proportions andi fouin l ong mîangers n-ats 8tue use ' briiegin' me bers s.uylow to tise con-e of that gnanp. Con-e which gî e au eatrsordina.ny yield of îîiik and [And Willie's mofisen fakes it ouf.] Trust tityseif ; evcry beait vibnstee to finit ron string. S Strog fastis in isussu beisigq le tise stronger tfais inGod.' Tisey wha xvold nuls sately muet rmb we'tis love. hot anns. Wlsat 1 It (ois hojeail tiat concerne ose, not yhaf peaple tbink. liasd'-isips ceums sf111harder t a dmstance, 1 think, tiian close af ha¶id. A masstisas cassuot iîold liise peusce fi tise time cotne for speaking sud acting le no rigst tani. A great imun sc elie vhsa u is e idst et tise croxvd keepe withs perfect swcetnese the inuiependeuce oteelitude. God does mof aleays retisse wisen fie de- laye, buftfHe loves peneevenance sud grants if everyfising. -[Bossuef. Hie fb-af eudies books atone tiili know how fisinge augit to*be sudlise that sfuiduee muetxvilkuow isoxe'tiinge arc. A gratefiel mmnd By owilig, owe.Q net, buLt sf11 payes-at once Indebteit and dischisrged1.-[iilton, Tise eanieg of lite here on earfis îighf be defined as coesieting lenfiis-to usfoid yoerseef, ta work visat thing yen have tise faclty for, Men imagios fb-af they consusunicate their vis tue or vice only by overt actions, and do Dlot sec fîsaf vint ue or vice emit a, breatis exery suoment. Lite te fao short tIo bc worryiug as fa wiso likes you sud wbo doe not. Press on fbirocigb tise sbacdlosfb-at bang aven tisese iow gyrounds fa tise brmgis moun-n utape aven yoeder, wehere you wiii not have an ens su y. H-ave yau. noticed tisa gesseral type of faces in aur tinte A duit neeflesenees, a reetiessa dLîlns'sseemspread aven-ail ne.ions of tise globe. Wsav luas become oftfhae aid câlit faces? Xili anyaee give us back fise peacef ni live3 of tise past ? Ma n's ar eaf actions are pentormed in mnor struggiee. lucre are obefinate sudun- knawu braves xvio detsîîd ftisemsesvee loch by inchin luthe sitadaws agaiesftishe fatal jn- vassion of xeanf aud turpitude. These sare noble and myste, joue trirmpis wich no cve cees, sno rsnowun ewe.nds, sud no flourisie of trumpete saintes. I f e, mîstortune, isola. tion, siend oumeut sud poverty are battis. fields wiih bave thein hebese. a'. for 1 nfantS and ChÎIdFFen. "aetos4aisgo Weil adapted to emidren bat Castsrla cures Clle, coumstpatiafl, E recnmsecd itas supenlorfoasny preription ISour Stomacis, Dsarhoie EnuctatiaiS, k&wnome."l H . . l 27i , I milts wonase, gives sleep. ansi prouiotM dl Iii So. O(Word St, Brooklyn, N. Y. .WtIsuIinjurO eion ioD THE rsOoNraun Cossis-s, 77 Mturray Street, N. Ï. FORP SALE 1BY J. 1-IIGGINBOTIIAM & SON,, B0WNIANVILLE A l arge Stock of welI seiected Ainerican Wall Papers, cheap and oautifful from 6-,ts. to fict.s per s-ail, Call and see for yourself bc- befone purchaing elsewhere. Alil colora of Paint3 ready for use, guaranteed to give good satis- action, Floor paint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomaining. Shoe and Scrtîb Brushes aud Wisks. Glass any size, and Putty. Painting Giýainino, and Papering done promptly and satisfac torily For ail of' which7cali at SHERITN &i KIRBYS.8 South side Kinsg st., between Treieven'eaud Reid's Shoe stores, Bawmanvile« East End Grain Delupojt The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Durham for the liberal patronage extendemd to us durinog the past season, also to remnind them that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the H IG HEMiS T M ARKE L%.T P RIC E FOR ALI KINOS 0F COARSE, GRAIN & SEEIIoD delivered at our storehouse cor. Kingy and George streetss., or at For't Darlington. \Ve have' aiso on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liver pool Coarse Sait in Bages. Rock Sait for cat and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in -Barrels which 'we are prepare d to seli Ail kinds of Lutnber,Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENEÙ (MAL îCways ini stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction, MOCLELT-AN &0CO GRAINS OF GOLD. generously, detcresueed fa da better, witbout Iany saduese; and wîti thîs thought, thaf, Lite is as tise wsnd. with confidence in God sud wivb guod wlli, A goodf fiend inakes a, bsd eneusy. one eau ovencame difficulfies, Whoee tîsere cames upon me a perfecf stores of ant A friend le need is a piague indeed reelge usyssîf sisnpîy, even juyongiy, sund Little sine carry big aises in their arme. flte hat Gud aâks tiseoa me. * * 1 test Tise smsalest draught the thinsty may ns-. noteet dis counaged even wlien I f sel I have liee. doue things imperfecvly. Only set msessef tç Dos't f ny ta carry ail your reUglis lui do betten, humbly sud courageously. ---[Mgr. your bead. Dupanloup. Tise fa.t man's iaugb takes fise langeet way Bas rounsd. Bas Dresqing coespicuorisly le a confession of From-tise talk ofthfie district ane wouid inferioily. be undeced ta believe fb-at a be-ar je one at Tee osly argument agalîset the ast win d the mosf formidable and savage aniimale in le ta put ounsan overcoat, fise worid. Many vsomnen sud cbiidnen sud Wariiy ta wsrl sud adrerfise usakesa t-an "tesidenfeet," ta usesa western phirase, are -wealvhy, envied and wise. scared for their lives ta walk flirougisus fie thaf wili foiiow goad adylce le-a gre at-pece 0fe bus" onri aoelyrpsiespeciiy affer nigbffall. We haverbes.nd of vue good er m-as tfsan he that,.gives if. womae, nat long troti the frant, iisa ee 1Ho wbo fhinke hse can't wîn' is sure ta be fa keep ber courage up by whiIfing along right about if ; for ise lias alneady lest, the rn-ad that tise be-r ighf thiek she xa,2 A boy's quiekest, surest means of becons amtan. Tise good lady did caf know ss iug au assgelisl afforded by the cigarette. iladmare pluck tisas sotns wh a altisent- ,At-an cex er knows how hange tise wonld selves mone. To lieten ta e np eople tf alk te uintil lie trmes fa travel on bis fatne. yen woeld viink there were mnoreý beurs to Iv le well fate edefhraned betone one lias ts qaeml norc T !,,hcuur dans anything fa deserve dstiîranemcîst. tisan aseywbene in fils globe. --é numnber of iseans ne-ar t he settîsments is U.rosiy - The vacioue, uotwitbstanding tise sweet. aggerated. The writen h-as for eiglst yearâ nese ot thein wordesud the lioney oft tieir tralvensed tact ofthtie districts, ofttn af fougues. isave a wisole efarchouse of poilsenîighv an foot tisrongh ioneiy bush noade, anid witiu itiseir b-,arts. ycf neyer once secounfterefi s bear. Hie lias Tise rude man le coufented if hiehuit secs gene slong besis pathe saiil lu be f requetsfed somevliiig going ou ; tise m-an of more ne- by bs-ares nd yet neyer once csssgbt a glimps finemenst mu8t be meade fa feel ; tise man e- of bruin. A prevty f honougisacqusiutance tirsly refi ned desires fa refiecf. wiftiste habits of be-are gatuefi in tise wiid Don't bce on fise lookont fa find 1viere weet authonizes fisc statement that tise bear people are wrung -,fry tef0 fououf wbceaissa t smld sni-cal, neually secs a stranger thcy are rigbt. They are nef right if tbey passieg thnougb tise besisoran asg tisena-ad sucer, or if they are violent. Non are we betone he cau catfch a sigbf ut it, and then either, commonly slips away aud je very d ifficuli f I pray ye, wlth all caruestues, ta prove fr-ail Tise ghastly- picture of the be-an, sud know tithie youn iceanfe that ail things standing on bis isind legs, pursuing the loving and rigiteous are possible tan*tisose i iueten wif h terrible noars asîd howls le a wbo believe le tiseir postbility, aud vrho tascy sketch tanrsegatianaliiaveis. Wsers determine fisaf for their part.tbey will ihunted tise be-ar je shy and diffleuit teasp- make evcry day's work contrîbute ta proacis, shows no disposition fors fight witb theus. -[Ruskin. a* hum-astbeinge, aud je very isard fa res.cb sud A m-an maiy walk virtunusiy, bof if lise kili wif liat reeorting fa trappiug. Eysa lis-es le eecret au impure lite hise unconedi- tisezgrizzly, unkssowu in this section, of ans influence for cvii wiil d.eetnoy flic etlect country, sud by tan tise strongeet pisysic;al- of bis words.' Ch-aracter influnces ledepsu- ly of ail tise animais on tise contineset, shows dectiy ot aue's professions, aund tiseinflue- no kesonee f0 e s-ail and wîll a-Im,,at as snce of char-acter is tbe ieauviest weigbf e inon rs.tler tissu fighf. Wonudedl ordýonner- tise scahe of lite. e c e e s adasîgerone s.ufagonist sud will Charles Kingsley onde eaid: "Makea rush, bs-ad. downxvard wiris a swîugicg mile, and Pray tae(lad te beip you fo keep "allop, on tise lisnter, defet sined ta kill or if, neyer, if possible f0 lie doxve st uight be kilied. Distance leede encisantv.oý,ý0 or witbout bsiog able ta sny, I bave msade ouae tfsrror ftefthe visw. Tise mare fac ar but-au bcbng at iesef ittie wsecr, a littie aoqusintanceoaie h-as xitb the ways oft wild n-pier or s litte better thie day. ois aîlsnis tie ons confident wii ble bc fbat wliwffidIf casier fisan yen tbîsek, aud thov ace ons tise iait, "Vouiet1sf ec50 ples.saeter." anc I 1wsli let yau aione. Tise be-an je mars Ren-ionse may disturb fie s simbersofaI afraid of tise presence of tan or womsun than tan wbo le dabbliîîg witb bis firet expers- tise most tiettd arc at hlm. eu2zes of wron4 ; and wben pies.sure bas beu tusted and le gaue, sud nothing js e1f t On tise icy p3akg ofthtie Hesnalays.s, ini r ofthfis crime eut flic ruio wisiclsif bas hndia, tisenee susow maggof " weigbîng wrought, thon, fou,tise Fries fake thein neariy a ponind, sud excellenlt,ILb seats upon tise sidnigbt piilow. But tise usienîdian of cvii se, for thee esoat part, lsft nuvexefi: sud wbcn a suan lias chsosen hie When Baby was sick, we gave lber Castorfr-,, enoad, be je het t alaise ta f oli e f atise end. Wissie was a Ciild, site cniesi for Ciselons. -[F ronde. Wheu shse became Misestseclung f0 Castoni Every moruing an xvakbng, wlisuesver may 1Wlsee shehfd Ciildree segIoC50i bave been my troubles or sisorfcomings oe tise previous day, tanrise protptly, joyfuily, 1

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