Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1892, p. 5

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mar I n.ri Oft in the stilly night, When Choiera Moi-bus found 5stf 4'Pain Killer" fixed mue right, uer wakeued th- . aund me. M4oSt OLD PEOPLE are friendS of FryDavis, Col. F. Cubitt is ilI>1Bay wanted for export-See advt. Mr. F~red boar is home from Manitobs.N We have condensel some correspond- ence. Miss Eva Hlllyar.îs visiting9 frienuis in, Trenton. Miss Alice Perkins is vliting lriends i Toronto. Mifs Annie Nichols has gone to Toron-' to to reside. Mioz Etta James visited friends in Os- hawa lest week. Mr. Wm. Sanderoek bas gone to Riv- erside, Cal., -again. MissiMay Bckell is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. F. James, Columubus. Mr. A. L. Vanstone of Brantford spent Snnday with relatives in town. Mr. Albert Carscadden of Toronto ha% been spending a few days et home. Sae our new stock of Shaker Flennels, lovely patternis from 6c. up. Jno. J. Makon. Mr. Malcolm Galbrai'h. jr., bas secur- ed a position in the Standard Bankel Nojwcastle. Mrs, W. W. Down, Whitby, has been vlsiting et her father's, Mt. Jas. Kuight, Lakte Shore. Mr. W. P. Prower, Reeve of BoWMan- ville, was in Coîborne on county business. --Enterprise. Mr. Thros. Sheridan and Miss Amanda îBond of Oshawa were uue3ts et Lorne MINISTERS AND CHURCHEih. .lce r r-.fqs:.a ..nm cents, Beaths. 5o cents, ahtsroi -but FIMEE 0IF CHAR<, wete ifumeyai cards are urinted t 1sclc WEST, DJRHAM BOYS. Win TuRY ARE - AND VnÂî THET ARE DOING., OtJR THiRD LiST. We give this week our third list _of West Durham, boys who are worthy of mention, and stili make the request that the names, whereabouts and occupation of any that have been omnitted be sent to us an once. We do not want to miss any young man Nvho is earning an honest liv- ing or litting, himself for an honorable position in life. If persons who know the address of any of the boys mentioned in these lists will send him a copy of TRaE STATESMAN containing hîs naine, we know ho will be pleased, because several of the boys have written direct to us, thanking us for the friendly interest wve are show- ing for their welfare. We do like to se boys aiming for high and respectable positions, 'and any littie encouragement we can give we shall only be too glad toÎ render. Hundreds of copies of this paper are being sent every w eek to the ab-sent sons and daughters who have le! t the dear old home to make homes and reputations for themselves in other places. Mr. W. A. Cano, son of Mr. W. Cann of this town, i5 in Standard Brus. whole- sale hardware house, Detroit, Mich. Mr. Walter Johnston, son of Mr. Jas. Johuston, ia foreman and draughtsman in the works o! the Columbus Buggy Co., Columbus, Ohio. AUCT ION SALE± OF THE EIFFECT5 0F TuEL rs.nsnn DIrTUUME nrngm.rnt CÂRVETH-Ofl Nov. 12th, et 327 Colleize at., Torento. the wite of Dr. GeO. H. Carveth, of a ON THE PREMISES, AT OSHIAWA, ON daughter. WRIGHT-In Darlington, Nov. 21, tha wile of Thursday, Dec. 8th, '92. Mr. Jno. Wright, of a son. WOTTON leI Cartwright, Nov.722, the wifc CONSISTING IN PART OF of M r. W m. W otton, of a son.5 p i h P an s Bl ke , LocxHRT-In Toronto. Nov. 27, the wife of JngtPans lnea Mr. T. H. Lockhart, of a son, 26 Bedroomn Suites, Sheets, GiBsoN lu Newcastle, Nov. 12,' the wife of Parlor Suites, Pillows, Thw~. M. Gibson, of a danghter. 3 Wardrobes, Table Linen, BÀ&RRETT-In Newcastle, Nov. 13, -the wif c Tbe falkndSarCres *Rlichard Barrett, of a sonTalsoai ndSirCpe. CALDWELL-In Newcastle, Nov. 16, the wi e Silverwere, Clocka, . Geo. Caldwell, of a son. Carpets, Book Caoses, RowE-In Darlington, Nov. 18, the wife of Oil Clotho, (Garden Tools, R. J. Rowe, of a son.___________ Cooking Stovoeand Kitchen Utensîls, MARRIED. Spring snd Mixed Mattrasse3. BENN ETT- SMITH-NOV. 23,at the personage, Oshawva. by Rey. C. W. Ws.toh. Mr. Reuben TERms .-Pianos on approvcd cudoraed Bennett and Miss Carnie M. Smith, both of notes, for all other articles cash. Eaat Whitby. T1 I lfTll P F.AP 1 Ag-~Mi nisters and secrtaries of al societies in connection with the churehes, in this town and district arercquestud to contribute ncws to this column. Whitby Methodist church had a nàrrow escape from fire Snnday wcck. Damage $124. Ministers and others who se5nd us mar- riage notices for publication must send 50c. to pay for sanie. Rev. Dr. Willoughby, now on the sup- erannuation list, has accepted an invita-, tion to the Lislowel Methodist Church. Rev. W. S. Griffin, D.. D., Gaît, sue- ceeds the late Rev. James rary as treasa urer of the Methodiet superannuation fund. ]Rev. W. Briggs was appointed to the vacancy on the Bosrd. Rev. T. W. Jolliffe atteuded a meetirg o! the General Couference Special Coni- mittee in Toronto asat Thursdiky st whieh it was decidcd to hold the quadrennial session- cf that supreme body et London, Ont., i n September 1894. A paragraph in 'the Bâleim, ucorrespon- ces of the Whitby Chronicie says: Mr. W. A. Bunner o! Bowmauville officiated at Zion Sundsy cvening. We notice a niarked improvement since ho lof t this circuit, and thinit ho bids fair to rank among our most able speakers. A great treat may be looked for in the lecture on "Ire]and and the Irish" ln the St. Pau's church on Monday evening. The lecturer. iLev, W. Patterson o! mnd often its verybeit frienis, Decaus Berry& ar okngi h udayboynanalAS ....0 5 02r formnay yarsthe hae fund it a fî-iend IMr. ad Mrs. J. H. 3loyse. of Roches- 1 er r okn nteseilbd thorough Irishman and pays a nulOT, 1. . . o, o~ forml yeIar Ith hestai7TUe dY .Y.,-&- j-fô-eOvldfOf a n e h of the sanie establishment. 1ii tot«UdSdTeei pk BÂRtLET, bush, Ne. 1.... 0 00 0 42 -te, N Y, ha" j-ut-em ere-- re u br vsitethe A diso S o lunar ser e t he -e 7s - ..mT ca w w 24gerft ~ k . C L z h r e a~ ~ ~~~r g ~ ~ . ajéline aw ~ x., N L - O D - N D IM R V D forï Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Rheumatism,- - . l... ~ ..,A~nnhA o oet id f -Bear in mind any letter droppedinoii intesmtig rnh o!f the same ther. d isn out ivrath ana it oor. r. .uvl 3 1----v H H 3.ô 000Il 025 fr - ý-à a fi Q ûl i) 1 A HICH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER 9 1 - . --- ý Nibttres of Btrthsýe25 Cel[Ltg*. MaTrIages, 59 1 ^ 9r-r o-4 rri gr e% -a gr r-j à mr 9" DIED. MoMEdrNT-In Orono, Nov. 22. Mary Cowan,. reflet of the late Edwawd Moment, aged 90 years. BGWMANVILLE MARKETS. crrected by J. enfurtry, every Tuesday' FLouR, e 100 Ilbs........$81 90 to $2 50 WHEÂÀT, Fall, e bush ... 0 0 il 070 Russian, O 00 il 0 70 F ife,' ......... 0Ote 0 75 Goosle, in.......O0 0 ilO061 i Coloradlo........ 000 et 06 ..... ..... LL -L It should be borre inmind the above article3s are unhike the goods usually off- ered by auction,, inasinucli as they are nearly as goori as when they came f rom the factory. 48-2w., Weekly Free Press FMtIU[AND HOME * FOR 1893.

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