Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1892, p. 8

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(od sdfr'om thse New$.) M. Tr:ul'l, e jck has 3been re-painted. mi Mr. Thoz. Thr 1tsuad familly have ofr moved inte t-:wun.W.M Mise Emily O3dll visited friends in Wi Watford last weelc. BETTEER TnAN GoL.-GeftlemeflDt have used Dr. Fewler,'s Extract Of Wild . M Strawberry for bowel complaitit anâ, can vlii say there is no other rexnedy es goed. Mi Mrs. James Dernienn, L*6keDora, Ont. Ill., Mr, Wns. Boddy bas'moved inte Mrs. Mi Curtis' rcsidence. basr Miss AnDiQ Beneoi, Manvers, hag been Weig visýiting at Mr, F. W. Wiliasn's. A Mr. Geo. Bigham, Toronto Junction, ris,1 'was in town recently. bise To get reoif front indigesition, bilions- T ness, constipation or torpid liver withont direi disturbing the stomacli or purgiog the keer boweis, tika a few doses of Carter's Little the Liver Pills, they will p'eaeoyoll. f I Mr. Jas; Martin picked a barrel Of ap- lbec pies in 7ý minutes.M Mr, John J. Dobson bas returned from bhisi visitiDg bis brother in Michigan. Ouh1 No one knoiis btter than those who Bisc have uEed Carter'r4 Little ILiver Pis what m relief they bave given when talion for mor dyEpppsi, dzzîness, pain in the ide, S constipation, and disorlered etornacl. bett Mr. G.' M. Long recently visited bis died broth8r Mr. T. M.,Long, Port Hope. resi Mrs. Jas Miller bas returnod f rom Visit- Infl iup, ber daugtcr, Mrs. Williis, Roland, falh Man. i ina A FAmiLY FRiEND.-Sir,--I bave nsed you Dr. Fowier's Extract of Wiid Strawberry E in nsy famiiy for years and can highly Dot reccmimei'd it for summer complaint, V.a diarrboetà, cranips, etc. Mra. Ge-3. West, tie Hunntsville, Ont. to Mr. Edwin Ben-on l'as acccpLcd s pos- as ition in Mr. N. P. Gold's store Port you Hope. T( Mr. R. S. Rtastîýn bas decided to re- move toToronto at the close of the %chool wîl term. Eoa Do not degpair of curing your sick headache cwhen you can se easily obtain Carter's Little Liver Pils. They 'wili effect a pri mpt and permanent cure. Their action H mjd arnd natural. %0 F Miss J ernie Ruitr is very iii witb ly- pboid fever, at the resideniceocf Mr. Hall, 4th con. T "Burns and Scalds.-If you are so0 unfortunate as to ijure yourself in this way, we can suggcst a remedy that will 1 (we spealz from experience) Socin relieve sou of all pan and quickly bealte wound ; it costs but twcnty-five cents for ne the New big bottle and is sold by al h drucgis-oik for Pxiusv DAVIS' PAIN- M KaasnE. aM MIrs. Crpenter who hss been visiting of ber father bas -rotumed to her borne et att Stony Creek. e Mr. aî,d Mrs. McGuire and Mrs. Wil- rn son, Lifford, wero gucsts of Mrs. N. F. gr, Hall receftly, kn There ls no better mcdicine for fa-nily k use titan Ayer's Catbartic Pills. Their e sugarcoatitg imakes tbem easy andevon A agree-ab'o to t..kc, antd as thoy contain no Pr' 1calomel or other injurious drug, they are b] perfectiy saf s for patienta of any age. b Rev. J. A. McKeen and Mr. William é Thoxupson ettended the Presbytery meet- c ikg in Port Ferry la t week. p Rev. E. B. Bernes, BowmanvilIe, wi preacbed an exellent seimon in the in Christian church Sunday week. to TO-DAY Hcod's Sarssparilla Stands at w the head iii thîe medicine world, admired Sb in prosperity and cnvied in meit by T ibousandsa of wouid-be competitors. IL as bas a larger sale than any other medicine. e Sucb succeEs could net but won witbout S poitive merit. tf floed's Pilîs cure constipation Ly me- f storing te pcitalte action of the ali- mentary canal. They are the be aiy' Mrs. J' bu McCombe was nt Manilla a q few days last sveek attendiug the funeral i of ber brother, Mr. Jaq. XWhite.h MEr. Ihos. Wbite, Pittsburg, Penn ,I f or merly of this town, bas been vistiug fi bii siter Mca. John MoCombe., e A CunxE FoR CONSTIPATION AND HEAD i ACHiE. -Dr.Sis.s Lau e, w hile in the Rocky Mountains, discovared a root tbat when combined wîth other berbs, makes an easyL and certain cure for constipation. It is in the f ormi of dry roots and leaves, and is known as Lane's Fcmiiy Medicine. lit %ill cure B-ick headache. For the blood, irver and -Pidneys, and for clearing up the complexion it doca wonders. Druggiis t oi it at 50c. a packag-enougb for fiva The Srt's - f ngland concert on Mon- CH Eis WEcomE. -Gntemen,- For twenty years Iisuffered from Rheu- instism, Diyspergsia, Poor Appetite, etc., and ceceived ne benefit from the mcny imendiines 1 tried, but atter taking five bottles3 of B.B.B. 1 can eat beartily of F5ny foodi and am troug and smart. It la a grand mnedicine and bas made a wondec- fui change ln my health. Mrs., W. H. Ile, aleOnt. it c a e D OSRA WA. Ur. Henry Truli bas gone te. Hahif ax. lies B. Slade, Toronto, bas been guest [ý%s H. King. Ira. Vars,Newcastle,was guest of Mca. F. Cowen rocently. Ir. Ed. Rogers visited Mc. B. Jewell, tril, Micis., recently. ia Maretta Sykes bas returned from :iig frienda in Hamilton. Ura. W. Cayley and famiiy,of Pullman, b ave bee n visiting lei1rs. B. Cayley. Fr. Edward Atkinson, near Wbitby, raised two mangdldi tiuis season that igh 61-'Lpounds. .rtbur, tbe 7 year oli ton of Dr. Mer. trippel againat tbe sidewalk and put elbow ont of joint Sunday week. 'ho great Dr. Boerhaave lefI Ibre .ctions foc preserviug the bealtb- p the foot warm, the head cool, and Bbuwels open. Rad ho practised in r day, he migbt bave added:- and puri. the blod with Ayer's Sarsaparilla; fer certainly would considor it the best. Mr. J. H. Beal bas decided te give up undertaking and furniture business in iawa and start a similar business in ackstock, vIrs. Edwin Saunders died laat Friday coing from inflammation of the lunga, Saturday mecning, Oct. 15, Miss Eliza- bt Jane, daugbter of Mr. R. V. Cbubb, il very snddeniy. She bad net been ally weii for some time, but went te bed usuel beaitis. During tise night ber bher was arensed by soreama. bhe was the cold embrace cf deatb and expired a few moments. She was asn estimable mng woman), and very hlgbly esteemed. Lielle -you follettbre! on't go bumping about as if your back as broken-Go off at once and get a bot. aof Magic Pile Lotion-use it according directions and you will walk as straight anybody in 24 heurs-Gel deung with To Higginbetfrcm's or Stoîl & Jury'8. Boys' Clothiug and Men's Overcects i ho offered et tempting pricos. Elli i&Co. WONDERFUL RESU LIS 'LLOW THE USE OF SALVATOR MAGNUS IN LUNG TROUBLE. 'E REMARKABSE CUREa EFFECTED IN THsE CASE OF STEPHEN H. ANDR.aWS-HîS LuNeS WE1IE COMPLETELY FîmtaEDuUP -A SHORT COURSE WiTH THIS GRlEAT REMEDY RELIE VED Brus. Scarcely a day passes but one bears of tw cases of remachable cures effectcd by te use of that greatest known remedy r long and tiscoat troubles, Salvator [ggitum. The wonderful cure broughît 1out in the case of Mrs. W. H1. Breakeil ib tis tewn bas attracted wide spread ttention, and tbe great medicine wisicb estered ber te beelth cfter ail otber ,mcdies bcd fsiled is tbe aubject of s ýraI deal cf talk. Il i_& certainly very ,ratifying te the people of Bcockville la unow that c medicine of sncb mccii .sould be productd in their own lown. Accidenially tbe other day a TIMEaS re- Drsentalfve Iearned of another case ir îhicb a youug man wss re'slored te bealth y ils use. -Thse repreEoniative happened e hoe tahking te Mrs. Andrews, wife ef Capt. Andrews, Churcb street, wheu the onversation turned upon the sebject of proprielary medicinee. She said theri was a time wben she bad very littie faitl in advimrtised remedies,bnt sho bad reasex eo change ber mind regnrding eue any way. Being csked wbct thse eue was, she replicd that il wes Salvator Magnus, The scrjbe's curiosity was aroused anîd im answcr to furLher inquiries Nt5ra. Andrewi tated tbat in the spring of 1884 ber sou, Stephen 1H. Andrewp, was hetrnirg t rade of ergan building ini I. J. Mansell'ý factery bere. H1e waz 16.yesrs of cge a, bhat urne. The dust frous the woodwoik ng ntachinery seriously affeeted bis lugi Ity were aniat con'îplete]y stuffed up he coughed a great dcci and caised iargq quantitiî s of soiid tubercuiens matom the lungs were szo fllled that eue coul( hsrdiy hear the air passing Ibrougb Iben' Ris voice was husky and wl'eezing-,i fact bis natural voîce sves gone aimes entirely. We becume veryecuiious abou nim, and cailed intise best of medici okill. The doctor recommendcd Salvate Magnus. Ilis previons experience wit] tbe remcdly bcd îhorouglhy coinvincei him of ils excellence in luug troubleE My son bcd quit wo ket the lime. Afto using the Magnus four or five weeks h bad completely recovcred bis voice, b' cougli was mucb easier and the onily tiu that troubled him was a litle shoituossa breatb et tinîca. le was aunions te lear bis trade and wenî back tL) the shop agaii il was not long tiii bts lîsngs fiiedu :r d er h's ig e f in. 'p the ont ild 'ce- Id- on he te HIe th but bas Ice, gan, rer sUte bad slId bhal rera ju' th( )nt. ani: bue ry al ine 'I s i v e t, e i. 'i 3. Mr. and Ms.Fradorick Rejolce ,-Eecauqe Hood'ls SarszapcrlIa Rcscucd Thelr Chid froni Serofula. For S~cue Sait Rheum, mnd al other foul hauiors te, the biood of children ci- . I s, H-ood's Sarsaparilia is au n ou renied,,' Read this: 1, 'e rc li nkfi tb)iloocd's Sarsapa- r3lla for vJlt.- 't i ar our litile girl tliat we mnake tIi, eký îet for tille bbiret of otlier doxtous pareuut anj. Sufféring îikdren Our girl was a beîtrtiful babyî, fair and plueip alebtlby. Blut w lie l'e \vit two years oIC, sores broke cul lbebind lier ears and spread rapidly ever lier bettd and foreliead down lier cyes, and imb bler nock. WTc cciisulted one of the bcstpltysiciafls hi Brook- btttotliing did lber any good. Thedoc- Li the blood. lier liead becarne One Complote Sore offensive toe te imeiliand dreadful to look et. lier g'ea eae eitb w'aied antd slie woiild lay Liae large cLaI: r ail di:y e îhontl any life or en- ergy. To res C',uîled grcat ilthinueand burning, s'e liaI ettlimes we litac 1t0restrai Lli bandato rcveeitser'ttciu.For 3years She Su,.î-ered FoarfUlly with tbis ttt i umor. 3eLi u îrged tb try Ilood's 11 kï wc tedid so. iVo sCOo1 niotice(! ii il.' lad more hf e aniappetîte. 'lite meI..scei e odrive outimore cf lte 11c; îorz' iitt, utsoo'n began to suIb,,de 100 mei.itg smd Lriaing ~t~d anitlutf \ ' iilits bier 1i eemcenttrcly cicar oethue 'e e ilkt wps"i et ba ik,' .'tOi.7 mit lier skIt i- New Mcci., ~~t~'; ~' THE LATE S. B. JACOBS. V e B u h frein Maine ù'o' b.1 7udt of Many readers of tItis palper will remem- tlhee fats ,11 il sCen ' mt tue o'rk o, ap bar Mr. Samuel B. Jacoba, formerly of imimenise coi.cern ii" o ",, is net becîciicet t Iis town, ncpheîv of Mr. S. B. Brad-W e HOOD'S P;LLS cure iver iti, co.-stipatiin, sitcw. Inaaalatter 10 the Edilor Mrs. onliousness, janudice, sick beadaclie, tindigestion. Jacoba says: Altbougb rny dear husbend's-- deatis was sudden in the extreme, il A _____________ - ~found bim recdy. Ile oflen rcferred toFIR T 3L~ flll AUCTION SALES, il and spoke of my beiîsg lofI clone witb I¶R T CL SS MC UDS T tbe chihdren. Juat before hoe dîed ho 0 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9.-Mr. Stanhey sang "Jesus Lover of my Seul" and thon Stpls il ouaIBrkto tation, 60 bade friendsanad" acqucintences gyood-bye iRead carefully the following, list of sbearling shcep, 20 good ewe lambs,ý 40 aind requested them t10 mccl hiji in beav- bring it with y ou. NE store bogs, 10 flue steecaf, 2 sprngera, en. Referring to bis deatis the Neepawc D seme Cotswold, Leicester and Shrop. (Man) Register scys: "Agaiîî il is our article asà sbire ranms. Sale et 12 o'ciock. Seo painful duty te record tIhe death of one ced buis. Tisoats Swâix, suatieneer. well and favorcbiy hnown in Ibis dis- 15 yds. Heavy Factory Cotton for.. $1.00 SrE1AI NOICE-Whn aie uIsaretrict. S. B. Jacoba, of Osprey, died et 15 " Fine Shaker Flannel for. .$l .00 pinled et TisE STATFEMAN office We givea8 an early heur Tnesdcy înernîîsg. As leIs lb.L oT 20 Skelna Black Wora ted tro notice like the$ chove up te date of sale. hnoovn ho bas bcd saeral serions attacha Yarn foc ................. $.00 Wheu m e do not vrlnl the bills the charge la of ilînesa ihnteps w er.Fr5pi ueLnn oeaPr... 10 25 cents a hune each insertion. Foc sales lnwiinIepstwyer.Fr5arpueLnnT elfr. 10 West Durham sund Easst Whttby a notice in corne lune, bowever, lio bas been able to 1 suit Mens' Heavy cll-woi Under- thîs paor ta worth asmuch as 100b bila,fccn o iigbî work on lus farm. Mondcy ho vas wear for.....................100 ln h ote fiet 3wavle es idri the fil.A or6pir Mensi'Heavy Wool Sochs foc.$1 00 fermra ali oî THEE STTESAN.drivinga idrnthfel.A for6p o'clock next morning ho ivas cold in deaîb. 8. pair Children's Black Woel liome Wbiloet work holie et uîwell and stopped fr. I.0 rle~.,pair. about 10 o'cloclc oi Mondcy, ieaving bis 2 Mens' Sef t Foît licti for........ $1.00 C. C. RICHARDsS & Co. 10cm in thefileld. An heur later hoe re- Tedlayo spn with"usg fGents,-My datigbtec was, suffering turned and drove on for c time, but ce- terribly with neuralgia. 1 purobasel c îuned home before noon. ie waslaiton' style, more quality, more quantity ai bolîle ot MINARD'S LINIMENT and with excrucîating pain and the doclor was dwert rubbed bier face thoroughly. The pain sent foc. Morphine injccîed imto bis urus and ertan any money you spen lett bier and she lepl nel i lli morinig. alhyed the pain sonewbat, but il soon Next nighî anoîber atlack, ;tnothor ap- returned witb increased severiîy. Tise plication resuted as previously, witb ne agony wcs very great, bis. 'crics beiug ______________ retucn since. Gratoful feelings delermin- heard ou the cdJoining farus. Tise physici- ed me te express myseif publicly. 1 an carne again in the evoning but j ust thonU would not ho nithent MINARD'S LIN1.lhe vas casier. Laler on hoe greîv worae, MENT in the bouse at cny cost. ai-id il became evident le Ibose present Parkale On . H. BAILEy. that ho could nol livo. lis body became s wllon and vomiting ensued. Ile told those present tIsaI lie was being susoîber- ________________________________ d, and no doubt Ibis was the direct cause of doaîb. Tise pain seýroed 10 ho in tise One of the,,larg i1831TRE~ CULIVATOR1 893 region of the kidnoys. Ile leavs a wif e n his c u t i Ho was in bis 6hya."- 5S i _______ M. MAY7E R' COU iuiiï GENTLEMAN ADIETOFMES It onitso F 510 ICE SING PAS. AGRICULTTJRAL WEEKLI ES. IsEVeTED Te Facm Cropsa and Proeesses. Hlorticulture & FruittGroing, ive-Stock'cud bairylug, Whtle il aLio ieueuaIl miner deparîmonla of Rural interesta, suds as the Poultry Yard.i Entioouy, 5e-Keepiug, Greonhonie and Grapery, Voeo îbscy Repies,rFecr Questions sud Answere, Etreside Reading Dornestie Ecnm.and a summery or tho NwaetIh Week. ils MAllîcEirREPORTS are uuuiiidlly complote, aud ranch atention is pald te uhs Prospects cf the Co cps, as tlsrewing ligitI upon oeeof the most important ef ail questions- When te Suy 'aad cohen te Self. Ilta liberally Iilustraledand by JECENT ENLARGMENT, cent ains more readîug tuattertitan ever before. T.he subacriptiin price is $2 50 per year, but we offer a SPECIAL REDUCTION iu our CLUB RATES FOR 1893. TiîoeSîzbscriptioniasin ene remittfamce,.. .....$4 Six do do CIe... ...... 10 Vselve de do doe . ....8 fzTo cli Nxw S'ubscribers for 1893. »aying frsi ance nosîguwe will send thepaier weekiy. our rens ept <of rernîttance. te Januars' lai WV tbink ne enu lrnthfully say scys W. Devies, president of tbheeding 6crm of peck packers and exportera iu Cana, that nothing ln wbich tise farmerbaon gaged of laIe is more profitable îbau hog raistng and feeding. cspecially to those who have studied the wnts of the con- sumera. Those who have di-icegarded Ibis and kept Ihem tillt tiey were 100 iseavy and fat, bave neo doubt been dis- appointed, bt Ib is is aînsys the case witb those wbo do net keep tip with the limes. LIGIIT isOGS WAýNTED. Wre wish te impresa on farwis sie,îts the sanie wilcc, the increasing nccst ef erninig off tîseir hou% reasonah.y w 1 fatted and weiubitig 160 te 200 hbi. clive. Tois cowurse wiih insuro tise iigheht fric- 'u) the fermer, the sarne 10 tise peck p ici or, and satisfaction te the customer. Ths can read.iybhoclonc Iwice c year if farmera [893 withot tcharge. "" j wili lay Ilsemaelves onttfoc t. ge Specirnen Copies Eree. .ddress yous:snaIRE WniRS ARE POPULAE. LUTHEER TUOKER & SON Publishors, We mcdo c suggestion to the dircetors AL'BANY, N. Y. 13w of our county agricultural soceIt in cur 3-w leel issue respectiug increasAing the prizes on Yenksbire XWhite Swine. flore is A Great Event. wbat Mcr. Davies scys : 0cr agents in Eusgland are becoming more impecalive Il is eaid tbe grecleat tbinLr in Airnan- in tbeir demanda for long,. ban ides cf cos tItis or any other country bas yet seen bacon, cnd ebey impreFs upon ns the wili ho the STAR. Almana of Montreal, necessîty of urging the fartîters te, use tho 400 pages and 6 mapa. To ho perfecthy lmproved Large Yorkshire boars. sure of0 getting Il we believe il wiil be best WIEN TO SELL PIS te gve our rde le uosdeaec.Canadien bacon i8very favorably known in Eugland ; Ibis bas larga'y coule about AU gentlemen wbe appreciale c goed tbrongb the inecased nunuber of isoa ftting and wll mcdo suit or overcoat available for expert. sbould leave their erders aI Coucb, John- As il is the early bird tisaI takes the atone and Cryderman's. worm, so with the fermer vîbi ises bis Minarl's Liniment cures Distemper. bogs ready for &ale lu . uly, whila ho wbo -- diregards the signa of tbe limes wil have A WOIJNDEI> SPIRITS Whto eau becS, 'Vie. te teke he lower figures. terla Carbelie Salve hli al l wounds, cuits, bruis es 0or buflis. PUBE COD UWIS ROIIL comblised wih WII4 <Chery and liypophospslites reuders tRipans Tabules cure nausea. llburs'lltmulsioa t1îeict onithte market., Cheap, Seli Cheap. LOWEST LIVING PRICE8S, dBargains. Cut this list out and. Te will show you each advertised. -1 >da ext A w - lcas 'I'owe t.0g r îtu 1 pair Ladies Black or Colored Kid »d Gloves (guaranteed) foc . . . . ý. ej, 1 Ladies Heavy ali.wooh Shawh. . .. 5 yds. double foid Col'd Casbmere.81.00 5 yds. BIack double f eld Casbmero. 81,00 Lcvely patterns in Dresa tweeds for per yd.................. 1,00, 13 sheins Black Saxony for ....... 81, goes further, lasts longer, gets more- and does more good in service, worth, cnd. J. M A SON. ýrest stock of Furs ýto be found at Lat and Fur store4 Pur Coats, Robes, Caps in the Latest Style and at the lowest possible cash price. A large and well selected stock in Gents Furnishings always on .hand and as cheap as the cheap- est, eaul early and secure a bargain as the stocký must be sold. gi Ail kinds of Furs altered. Highi- est price -paid for Raw Furs, PIRACTICAL FURRIELI, CAUTION. EACIi PLIJG 0F TUE lIS MÂRICED IN BRONZE LETTERS. Wben yen sea an Advertisement like tbli DON'T BELIEVE. 'T bt if yenrequire anylbîng lnïGroeie SaeDry Gcode, Patent Mdc~a Tinware, Gardeni Seeds, etc., cai gt SOLINA STORE wbere yen will find A firat-cas assortissnt wbich bas beeil bougbt for cash, consequently I am pro- pcred teo eil aI cloze prices and net iacdi- fics qualily. j American and Canadien 'o? ajswaya <ta stock. Pheaso give me a oel anti yen 'wih ho welcomewhetber yen buy or net. N.B. Ellioct's Relier Fleur kept. 3.. Te WILLIAMS, ~-Farmea Produe ken. Happy 1 eA fzàmle 1 a it n va .e t I8. -il BOYS SUITs AND OVErcOAT'S ALL SIZES,-If you waît a really first class choice seceOur new stock. We- make Boys and Youth's Saits to order at very close prices. Our Men's Ordered Clothing, trade is etiUl inqreasing, our work is ahead, and ail who have compared will allow our prices to ba the lowest for samue quality. BOOTS AN SHEs--There are stili some who have not tried us in this line. One pair tried wifl convince that ve have the right goods and right plices. Mu, WM. JENNINGS isini carge of this depaitment. T. GEO. MVASON, Clothing Store, Bowmanville. This medicine is; manufactured by Salvator Medicine Co.,of Brockville-0O or Morristown, N. Y., wbe aise ma jfacture that unrivalled cough mixti Magnus Expectorant and Magie Pile tien. Theae remedies are for sale by respectable dru ggists.-lroekc'ilie Tir

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