Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1892, p. 6

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WIIEN YOIJ WAKT TO A E S! HG atd BOWMÂNVILLE, OCT'R 26, 1892. Sir Oliver Mowat celebrated the twenty- Il 1 anniversary of bis accession to the ~r~j~sbiplast rida,buts the Hamil- tF_'Jectatorremàrks, he attained the oiiity that inade him premier a long If it is any consolation to our farmers tow~ how Canadian bariey i% selling at aow li give the qutations : Can- aaIo1, 83ec No, 2, 78c; No. 3 extra 1% ~ hee prices less cost of transporta- tigrn aZQ what you wouid probabiy be re- ceIîyiug had a Liberal Governmnent been in power lai Canada the past few years. This common sense logic is fromn the Telç-gram : Is it not bard te read in a CQJIservative journal that Archbishop Teaçhe's satisfaction at the elevation of ïB9,T. M . Daiy te the Cabinet is shared by tbe hierarchy of Quebec ? What rigbt Iii- Archbishop Tache, or the hierarchy 0It te be pleased or dispieased i Their &iýdomn is net of this earth. They are potentates wbose baud ougit not to be xgmg'Mzed by the Governneint, and their aatýIfaction supplies a good ceason for other peopie's dissatisfactýion ith the change in the Cabinet. The Tory politicians adiiuiiistered a littl.e, sootbing syrup te farniers last year ty teiling themn to sow two-roived bariey I0!' whicli there would be au unlimnited deipand in Eugland. Now wIint is the remiat ? Instead of the 75 ceiiis per bushel thaU tiey were told tbey would rteeive, they can hardly seil it o£ any price. Buy- eNr do net want it. Mr. MeCillan in orms us that tbey have 2,000 bushels :"c the iffàrbor and cannot g et a bid f r it. Farmei s who support the Tory party undepr the present regime are helpitig to rob themselves and their famil irs. The Globe says of Mr. Blake that"while itis. true tbat Canadians will foliow bis ciwoeor in tbe Old Land with sympathetic îàtorest and rejoice in bis triumphs!, no Iior'-iur that ho can receive in Britisb policis wil give as genuine eîtion totho Canadian people as an eariy an- lionnceÀnent that he bas decided to with- d.lr&w from the Imperial Parliament to zeturn te the Canadian flouse of Com- inous and dedicate afresb his high pur- poýses and great talent s to the service of L4,5 native land." To ail of which thons- ands of true Caniadiins wiil say, so mote it he. The Oshawa Vindicator last week gave sosue very sensible advico to farmers, re.lommending t lie substitution of stock r*$ing for grain. But it faiied to tell its farmer readers that they must blame the Tor~y Government for the great loss tbey are suataining cn barley. The McKinley Act was passed by the United States be- cause the Tory- Dominion Government put up sucb a bigli tarif Wall against that country.' This meaus 30 cents per bushel less to) every farmer who selis barley. A Darlinigto-n farmer told us last week that ho fiad soid 1000 busheis of bariey for $30' But for tbe McKinley Billho would have received $600. Jss. Tewn, r. T.A.Wright, Stanfor Swain, John Beacock, Councillor JO Taylo~r, W. J. Beacocir, Jua. Maloln John Edgerton, Thos. Wood, Dr. W. ý Fiah,(erec!ed by Dr. Montgomery.) Thei are several commodicus frame dwellingi reoentnçýw ones being thcse of Mra. IV Smith~James Larmer and (ieo. Moàaug lin. Quite possibhy there are othzEra bave not tçeen, THEBILE HRSTAN HUORwas relieved, aud George Webber was Esq., as its represeutatives te the Ecu- THE IBL CHRSTIN CHRCH stationed in Charlottetown and appointed menical Counicil of Metbedism in London, I N CANADA. superintendent of the isiand. During the ne une droamed of the speedy, practicai five years of Mr. Webber's superintcnd- recuits of that remarkable assembiy on once the island enjoyed great prosp2rity. Canadian Methodism. But at the Con. (Coclided frent Sept. 28.) ISoveral new cburches and parsonaes ference of 1882 the Denomination was The first Canadian Conference dniy wero built, and for the first time in the requested te consider the possibilîty of a and regulariy constituted met; et Coum- bîstory of tho island churches wore open union of ail the branches of tbe Motbod- bus, June 7th, 1855. The number of cd free of debt, others were renovated, ist faînîly in Canada. A distinguisbed preachers et this time was 21; churches Bomle burdensomo debte wore paid off, representative of the Engiisb Conference 51; other proacbing places, 104; members, gracieus revivals followed, and there was (Rev. F. W. Boumne) attended this Con- 2,186; cenverted in the year, 246. The a considerable addition te the member- ference at Port Hope, and lent the aid o!f. niembers of this Conference were Paul sbip. The streng and prespereus district bis great name and influence te the furtb- Robins, J. H. Eynon, A. Morris, J. B. lef t by Mr. Web bcr in 1875, remaiued in oring of the union. After a froc discuss- Tapp, T. Green, R. Hurley, W . ooper, about the saine state under hie excellent ion o! the question, a representativo cein- R. L. Tucker, J. Hodgson, preachers; J. successors, W. S. Pascoe and John Har- mittee was appointed te meet simnihar coin- King, J. Vanatone, W. Orr, John Dix, ris, until it unitod xith the New Bruns- mnittees, f rom the ether Methodiat church- . R. Allen, W. Robbins, representetives; wick and Prince Fdward Island Confer- es. The comiînittee woe W. S. Pascoe, John Pincb and Hlenry Stevens were re- once et the Union o! 1884. J. Kenner, G. Webber, E. Roberts, J. J. ceived into full connexion. John Hooper, lu 1865 wheu Prince Edwvard Island be- Rice, IH. J. -Nott, ministers; T. Courtice, S. P. Robins, David Canthon, and T. R. came an integrai part o! the Canadian J. Hull, J. Clark, J. Pickard, W. Win-r Hull, were received as candidates for the work the number cf cherches wes,132, dett, laymen. The committee met the mînistry at this time. The Conference miniaters, 54; menîbers, 5,000; mission- brethîren o! the other Methodiat churches was a very profitable and harmonieus eue, ary income slightiy over $4,000; Rhowiîîg in joint committee in Carlton St. Church, and the deîoinstiou in Canada front that in ahi its vital statistics the Denomin- Toronto, the foihowing Novomber. A this tiîne entered upon a uew era, and ation bcd rhore thani doubhed in ton years basis of union wai agreed upon. This took a new departure. Frem hencefortb inco its first Conference. Perfect accord basis as directed by the preceding Con- tbey bcd te reiy on themselves for finan- with Eugland wvas uow enloyed, sud as a ference, wac submitted by the Connexion- ciel support, ministerial supply, and the recuit Canada received, within a few al executive te the miembers of the churcb wîsdoîn and exporienco that shahl safely yoara, severai excellent iinisters fromt for adoption or rejoction. More than a guide flic Denominstion in ahi ita under. the homo Conference, mucb te bier advan- two-tbirds majoîity of the members vot- takings and extensions snd developments. tago every wsy. Froni this date on, an îng heartily endorsed the basis of union. Fortunately, among the men -who bcd active liberal effort toecrect larger and Consequently, tbe Exeter Couference of bee s suceefl a poner isionrismore cemmodious aud expensive cburcb- 1883, after a long sud exceedinghy ableE and bcd ce heroically pressed tbrougb s,-)os was energeticaiiy made. The noble dehate, ratified the union uapon the pro-J msny difficuies in the earlier stages of churcli buiit at Bowmanvilhe in 1858 gave posed basic by fifty-four yeas te sixteen the work, were wise aud judicieus lead- inspiration sud belp te ethers for many nasud tweive noutrals. A memorial ors and able sud profitable preachers. yers, notably the largo sud expensil e was respect! ulhy forwarded te the Englisbh Thougb tbey had o! ton te mnako tbeii church buiit in Toronto in 1874. Many Conferenco asking thîeir appreval of study in the woods, sud flnd a place for splendid cherches were built in differeut the union. At firat coute misunder- their devotions under the sbadow of a parts o! the Denomination lu the ater sadn roe,bu twsonexlid groat tree, aud mauy a tixue bad te rise years of its inidependeut existnce-an a- sud rm sud ad the parent Confer- from prayer swolen and lmost blind bidiug tribute te the liberality o! the once gave its bearty approval and God- front mesquito bites or a phague o! biack pople, the zeal sud self-sacrifice o! thie speed te the Canadien Union. That flics, sud lied te carry their few books, ministry, and the heathy spiritual sud union, censnmmnated by the reprocent- procured at a great sacrifice f rom amaîl fluancial condition o! the body. At the atives o! the four coutracting denoinin- salaries, -over long sud exhausting jour- tinme o! the union there were 181 cburch- suions, et a General Coufereuce behd in neya, yet they did read sud study, sud e5sud 55 parsoneges, valued at $400 000 Belleville in September, 1883, went into by close a,ý pication and wise economy o! on wbich the total debt was abouit $50l' legal effect the fOllowing June, ce that tiieansu ntiring industry as elf-un- 000, or orne-eighth o! the vaine. the Conference wicb met ait IFwman- kee ebese o!ther tnie Th stticica su nuisicalinceas ville in 1884 fittiugly sud hou-onrabiy provoniont, ke bes ftertms Tesatsia n ureia nraeclosed the Deuomîuation's indepeilideut sud people. Seme o! these preachers did lut slways show the samne upward ton- existence in Canada, when, a!ter tifty were gifted te a remarirable degmee. dency. Eighty mînisters, 7.400 members years o!fl sud successful laboue, it Their preacbing was chiefly expository sud about 30,000 et the time o! union n-sa merged mbt the Methuodist Cihuich.. sud textuel, Thîey divided sud sub-div- s strong proof o! the growth sud power o!f urveigtebsoyo h ?ii ide, sd smeime thir ivsioa wrethe Denoîniination. The moat notable Christiau Churcb in Canada, it ia very se many as te remind eue o! the apocahyp- departure o! the Denomination in the lat- manifeat that the churcb did i2ot exist in tic vision, seven headsansd ton horna. tor opoch o! its history was the publica-vanorlbrfrnugtbtfullda Yet, uotwithstandiug this peculiarity o! tien o! the Observrc, as a connexional vio aoi o iuhbtflild8 the preachers o! forty sud fifty years ago, eeîyppri18,suinte u bes igh sud lieciy missioni in thia country.. their expositiens o! truth. were clear, fer- quant purchase o! printing plant sud Che eetaruo1h ii~inwm , cible sud exhaustive. And for luciduecapesssdanetbihetsdtest British North Ameica by a !ew godly o! exposition, clearness o! insight, power ting up o! a denorninational publishing meW eraf wblâelad te uget fomt o-be4 of appeal, sud mastery ever su audience, bouse under the management o! CephasWstoEulndsdthuretedoI they were amoug the beat sud ableat Bre h ulcto !~weî evangelistic labour iu everv part o! the preachers Canada bas kuown; whihe as paper by the churcli for its pepl w u ewly eted prontr t-be Dn nomnation I psinstaking, visitimg, pmsying pastors, wiso sud ueceasary every way, sud the respiondre pffr tm at ud er i Is t-hey are models te ho devoutly copîed te editoriel management. &! t-be Ôbserver and maiumcfsrth etprwr ie t-is day. O! t-bat t arly baud o! preach, h abt--aho ppr sasal u ychlosen sud hsboured wîtb a maslsud' orsJoh H. ynowilleve be oulnt-sel!.cacriflce aud ecouomy, a tndied me' erJh .Enn~ilee ermn-excellent from flst te ast. Mm. Barker gr o h ihso tes n iet hemed as the fathier sud ,uuuder o! the de- as an editer for fourteen years, sud Mm, eigarforte, right o oe s,Bd a rct nominatien in Canada, Mmc. Eynou aS H. J. Nott for tbme yeams, were bot-b anseigo!t avtincsulechr one o! its best missionamies, sud Paul uqaiidscoaa hi actemistie o! t-be parent body in Englend. Robins as its wisest aud most gifted lead- la. garticles w- - itwt- . reat- uyeeo h in isoaissr er. To the genies and prudence sud cou-lednwoowrtu îtgs vives, sud scarole nny o! thbe oarhy înem- secatrn sd aîlîy ! Pul obis tbecame aud showed markeci talent sud cul- bers o! t-be cburch romain te this day Denoînination owos mueb. Ho wass tuh.hywrt lmydo'tb ppr One by eue th.ey bave gene over ai di chie! counselior up te 1865. Under tbisu always well. The tone o! t-le paper borne, many o! t-hemn closing a good pro- guidncet-b Bok Rcru wih a luswas good, sud eevated, sud Christian; fession witb a triumpbant deatb. Thous- humble beginuiug, waf om nein iybred in its ctoicisty, pure in its moal- suds on thousiuds are now in beavran Bowmanvilho in 1851, aeommerne l ihre i t rtcsbi nissadt-bough the labours o! this people, wbile ansidurng -hofor the right, resolute agAinst ineanuess thousauds stili romain ou the earth te, yearc t-bat lie was its manager, it wits sud wreng, unsworving inl its advocscy o! enricb sud blèss the church sud the sa!ely, wiaely, sud profitasbly couducted. onevgliadctnsnduftr-f It may be said that under Mr. Robins' sounutd evgeial docdtri. Isd nater - world. Therelt-re, it- may be truhy saisi, 'n pilotage thie Denomination kept free o!f n nisdvto edty uth dt the gi!ta. sud toils, sud tears, sud sacri, deb-, adesur su sead asvanemetors, dunkenuesa, gamblàag, -fraud, hy- fcs, sud servàces of the past have béeor inaugumatosuremanydgooda dancessary pocrîsy, sud ah manner cf evil, !ouud un- uobîy repaid iii God's own beautiful as mneasures,,sud rarehy ever undi-tor une Iai gfossutepiacbnv- faith! ul way. 1 nce, charity, iutegmity,. beoeur, noble- a imîprudent or regrettable stop..ness, sud every form ofl practical good- 1 Iu 1865 Prince Edward Island District nose, !onnd stead!ast friensis. 1 bave Gent'a Furaishingî ara sold vory cbeap wss united te Canada. Upt ,tll time 'nover knowu s peper vitb s hfter meor- st- the West BRid House. t-le islaud womk bcd been endos- the cou- ah toue or more wortliy of*if nim cein Mmc. Harrison, wife of t-he Preticlent trol sud direction o! the lEnglàb Confer- sueudation, sud it unquestionably w5. of thbe Uniteel StatWs, dîed yestemday G once. Francis Methe ralsud hâ c seab- mcdoea greuit blessiug in its day. But the more iug. ourers hed worked on the islandi with T)euominatîon becanie învolved su cousîd- W0 are gîvieg the Weekly Globe aud i good succeas, everythiug couaidered. able fluancial straits,.,sud t-be debt iii ôther weeklyvpapers free for balance ofy Their ineat- prosperous yeam was 1843-4, 1880 basi grown t-e $M5,000-In t-be cou- 1892 to eve uibseribema for 1893.: in wich t-bey reported an increa se cf 351 nexional year 1880-81 the Denomcination uembers aftem a most extensive aud e- 30 iberally respoudedtu an appcal maede, The Hon. lZdward Blake, Chancelier of mambable revival. From that date their Ébiat $30,000 were subscribe aisd paid in the Uuivoruiy of Toment-o, bas givon work extended into t-le south castemu ai fow mont-ha; wbilst- t-be annuIm income $1,000 towaxd t-ho erection ot- a womon's portion o! t-be isiausi, se t-bat-t-bey occu- Gcf the Missiouary Societ-y aud et-ber funda student- reoidence iu couinootion with t pieda fild f nerly140 ile lon, fo», o i caed f rom year t-o yeux tlcat- avemy- University 2el) ggo pied a fielder!cepribl140 miles log, frein se incri thbe western extremity t-o Tbree Rivers ecpil erse !tb eniig Tbe November number of thbe ATLANTIC snd Murray Harbour. Over t-si ext-en- d6bt Was made by t-be surplus Incomne ev- MONTHiLT. centaine twe peenis tet-h sive field t-bey travelled by t-he blaredj er oxpendittire, st-bat it- may bo correct- meunomy celMr. Whittier by Dr. Holmes pet-b t-rongh t-be woods, or by t-be aid o!f )y said, t-at st t-ho timo o!fuefin t-be De- and Elizaý1et-h Stuart PhelpN. Rouht-on, legs sud fallen trees over t-be s.wamps, or- 'nomination stoodl well, wit-h a mst hope- Mifflin & Oo., Publishers, Boston, Mass.1 by following t-e horeom when tke t-Ide was fui outloek. It- had been inyolved beav- eut, crosiug t-be ivers at t-be lesio! t-be ily by departing fmrom its eacicier traditions tide-wat-ers, or fordiug t-be channehs.as but it- hed maca a supreme, a soîf-sacrifÎi- GCU ES best t-bey coulsi, cometimes, bungry andl cing effort t-o discharge its hliabilities w-t-h weary sud well-igb exhausb@Qil, wit-h net-b- marked succesa, snd blessieg. R iâ îng but pot-at-oea for t-boir- scant-y mecl. The eigbtea bret-bren wkh enjoyed t-ho Yet these boly sud beroie- men remaine s pecial distin-ction o! beiîag chiocen Prlesi- Cutieimla Cures Ail 15ýtn Emuptlore, stead!aat lu their work,, inspimd witb a dont- o! t-be Pofereuce and o!t-hie Cou- Gws a Clear 4,on welon Free paccien for t-le calvation of e!mn sud t-be nexion frorn t-be fimt t-o t-be thirtieth Con- froin. PhiWiei. Igl oc God. And oevesr Ioremioat in de- fereuce wera Paul Robiue, J. B. Tapp, R. tvotion, or edracor-su or self-sac- Hurley, Z1. Green, John Chappbe, W. To*much pralse canct » said of the CuT-na enduance duty, sasm s I have use -thema for thbe ia,-si arufici', waa Mmr. Met-beyehi, t-be fat-ber sud Hoepem, Jossephî lloidge-, Cephas Baker, =,k,~ hait or co, and if thema te be the set-ct leader cf t-be pionoor baud, Fronti Eng- W. S. Pawoe, David Cantlon, Jesse Wbit- __ Eitcu, lo ed el i,,r > 1-nd wrtby -vhelp-era were sent te t-be is- locir, Wîhliansd Joitn Keiiuer, Edwerd ý e. 1 haveused_ ý Gee os. curred ascorne wonerut ilustrations- steDnmnto aapoc-SN Si n ei uiidadbatfe MI, o! t-be saving, power o! GoS sud t-be trans- Juat as -oDnmnto a hIV k n etpmfs nibatO, A. fpriuing influence o! t-be Gospel were accu, ing ita jubile wltb thank!uiners spah- ehÇrmu '&. .bsiti us re Wheu t-be ilansi stations were sttacbed t-o sud planning wider filds o! labeur and'a 2MJMTO AN go, Canada in 1865 sud became eue o! t-be general !orward movemeut, it- was invitod mnoMýTI.-tCuýt1- cr~Anti- M. district-s o! t-ho Canadian Confereuce, te conider t-ho question o! t-ho union o!fai ras-e mlevyh.meti, . g-Cephas Barkem wcs transferresi te Ont-ar- t-be Mot-bodit Churches lu Canada. - pussdws.îae.PeS na we io, sud John Chapple was sont te Prince When t-be Con! ereuce o! 1881 sppoiut-eS Edward Island. In 1870 M, Chappie Rev. H. J. Nett-sud Charles Hobbs, Ripans Tabules cure sexofula. ES EN O uS.m --WAY DOWN are the prices at the West End House. AWAY UP are the, styles and qualities of their goods. THE NEWEST THJNGS in Dress Goods and Dress Trimmnings. «K E have had a tremendous run on our Manties and, do not expect to have anyý of our original importation left in a very short timo, so that 110W is your time if you want a nobby Jacket. at a very low figure. EJXTRAORDI NARY. We are giving away to every person wvho expends Twenty Dollars in Cae'h for Dry Goods withi us, any time between now and Spying, a splendid liardwood folding Work Table. On your fiTrst purchase for Cash ask for a Ticket which b ring with you at each succeed- ing purchase until, you have bouigh 'twenty dollars worth, then y«i are eentitled to one of our lovely tables. We charge nothinig extra on the goods as yOU wi.11 easily see when prieing themi, and the table, iîs really wortlt havig, beimg both useful and ornamnental. HighestLprice paiýd for ailkinds- of Grain and Farm Produce. JNO. McMURTUZ-,,., Fsmiiy flerald and Weekhy Star free for 5 monthe te- any one sondinluto ùew subscribers and 50O cents for T.. e1 i 1 ,Bt&i9c5AN for the bahanoe of this yeai. SIle West End Hlouse have just receiv- sdi ini a very choice seléction of cloths and tweeds, overooatinge, etc., pwbich Ladies who visit ourý fair next woek ' Iw'il misse one of the beet sights if they Enil te soin the beautif-ul stock of New Erttods at Coucb Johnston & Orvdermau's.A Dur line of Boys' Ribbed Wooien Houe f in the best in tbe rmarkret. Also speciai t u-u% t yaIne in Ladies' and M sses' Black Cakh- rni*re Houe, plain and ribbed. Jno. J. 'What you can bu,, .for a dollar" fs the, subject or Jnio. J. u£uuon's new advtJ~ depend on is that the statements madeG in trIhre are facts. Rend it. WOlER. way, FOUR MOiST ÂMAZING. SOETIG IITý.[8 PTAQR.Aý4AY New is your time, AND ZIrEREST YOU, Wneswiibledver ttae lr r as cour time Ils getting four that corneaneth re'ùos- vation: WonerNo, .-rýT. Brewne,.a short, e ver yt hin g well-known g>ocer o BrockvieIe, a troubied with3orns for ton'years. TrIed althe besi remedies vvithout aeiial. Ris M S ot coriswee ffectueily, painl3ss y and M ST GO a ot speedily creed by Cooper's Lightning Corn Cure, procured from tho, Dr. Butler .y~.. i Medicine Qý, Brocirville, Om. We are buflu o sell Wonder No. 2.-Mr. S. S. Davis3, of the Palacegrocery, testify fre the marve-~u Ions resubs of Cooper's Ligbtning Corn Out. cure. 1ýI Wonhc No. 3.-Mr. J. Bradele statea ho haël tried all other eorn cures, "~t Cali and get your none proved m aeal as Coopeoi's Lighbring Corn Cure. N o. W riââht's work done up right. Miss Shaw's Is thte place to be suited in Millinery. We strive to please our customers. THE JEWELLER, ('EOWS FOR SÂLE.-C0'ows aready re. Jnewed and somne to corne ln soon for "Il, .t.11 timesf. S. H. EEYNOLDs Dealer ln F.arn Stock, Box 1, Bowmanville. 12-if. I'4ÂTVES 4WANTED feor vealinefpu. Rats rehaped.WIGHTu, t-ho Peeplefi But-chers. Bowrnanvi]e ail nd W ELL DIGGING CLEANIýNG A-ND Gala d see.W repairlus doue at- moder-ato3 prim5es by JAMES ÂAruac, Bradehaw St., Bowmany illa TIIAT liACINrG, PIEUSISTENT, VIS A WOUNEED SPIRIT ilse ean beal. Vie- TRIrSSING COIiGS eau be quicklv cured tort-a Carbollc«gtIvo heais aU oU1.wotunds-, by ustng l>r, Woed's Norway Plue Syrxup.1 eut§s, b cuises or, buvais. il

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