Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1892, p. 7

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ýF%7ii C-onstîpatimri F or Kyers P'sil Dyspepsia Ay,,-'s PUIIS For Biiousnes Ayeir5s Pll For Sick Headache Ayer's PUS For Liver Gor',-plaint Ayco'r's PIES For Jaundice Aye3 's PIS For Loss of Appetite Ayer's PUIlS ror R heu mat ism 1Ayer's PIES For Co!ds Ayer's Pilla For Fevers. Ayerls Pilla prepared hy Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass Sold by ail Druggists. Every Dose Elfec-tive BARFISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- -ARY,,etc., offices, McArhur's block, K.ng Itte&t,,Bowmanvilile. 1oneyto0loun. 37. 7ý, ONEY TO LOAN,-On farm soeur .L iy on mnost favorable fe"ss-mertgages bought. ApPIY le RICHARD POSTER, eaSl Of testa. P. 0. Box 119, or.JoHN FosTER. Drovar, Bostusni P. 0O S lyr. FLORIST. OSRA WAI - - -. ONTARIO G.roster ad dealer if- ChoicesCet Fiowers, Plants Roers. Carna tiens, Violets, Smilax. and Ferns. Fanerai Designes and Bouquets1 maesne) on short notice in Wreaths, Crowns, Pillews, Reerts. Society Emblema, &I. Plants Lçeencd for Dtcoration.Euch as Palma Ferras Liltes, &c, Telar houe Cannaction. i.ly DUt 011 On si1e socS te a baL(18aM1ý fortune. 5 nS 5. lver topaiy ro3tage. A.W I1TI\'EY, B. C. Sý.,Yarmouth, N. S. 12 -3mn. «fl '¶0 RENT.-For termi of years, "(71ien -Il DIsu"-0 acres, 2 milas rom Whitby- gcod !b.uildliigs and soil Admirable for stock or Osiry. Ctane for going t xtansivaly m!ie Tofra imik bsns or stock rcising fo ilrnerica marke%. Mon wîth capital eniy Aeed appit. J. H. Dow. Whitby, 32 te* LWRX FOR SALE-The north half .2of lot 22 la the 3rd concession of tihe Township of Cai-ke in thse county of Daurhem containeeg 100 acres more or legs. UpOnnheprems.es area good dwelling honse, bar-nad stable. There ta e neyer fciling epring close to the biuildines, a good yoang "' idFor lerms and particulars apply to C ,WmEesý,aohiclon, etc. Newcastle. 2-3m.. THiÈE (CANADIAN STATESIMAN ESTABLISHED 1854 $1 per annum la advance, otherwlas, $15). Subseripîloas aiwaya payable at ths oui s i f publication. Adveniisia4 rats i unlass by O >1 reet, 10 cents per lias, nonp i-ris firat lnsarb on, and 5 cents pe3r lino each subsequa ae- riertion. Locala, 10 cents per lino. M. A. JAMES, Publisher. FRSALE OR RENT.-Hous3 and Fi Onsares for sale or te rent. stuate on Scugog sreet forth. Ihe preomises constst of a rzood houso stiïh every convenienes, Sising zhed, 511 hie. eto. Tise garden conains alot of the choicest fruit of ail variatl.ss. Insmetiie piossassien can be giv-ao. Far articulars cpply tO W. FISIuLsnun. BOWManVille Ont. 49t SALSM EN WANTED. We stant bolh travelling and loal saesemen 0o rapresent the eld estebtishedi Fo'sîhill Nur. sleries. SALARY PAID F5iOM TISE STALIr te salesmn ,x _periencsd in ourliniez liberal terms te begýinseers mdn a permsanent situation essur- ed. We biave bOis ACREgS under cultivation snd aet he on!y tirmairn)ishing Strictly first clasi f nasdls'u Grovtn Stock. Ourfit free. Ras tLr mîe ses for northern Ontario anS Man itota. a 'rOucialty. W~ guarice on, stock. Apply for terms at once. Wea tnyon NOW. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto Ont. "'c fidch ui relieve ail the troubles inci. dntc ios ustaeof thes steu m. sucis as l'znsEuea. Dilomsiies,ý Distress cftcr eatiag Painintle d, &c. WIilc tbair most rensrkcle neresias been show:> in ctrllg { eaacs, yet CaussER'S LITTLE LiviR FPiyt! ar elequally valtuable iu Constipation, curia& and[ipreventing tlisaennoyingecomepaint, ivhll( the aso correct ail disorders or tire stomacis stmuat t) liver and;tnegulate thse bostela à- "eu i -tV yOly cureti Ac l, hçî;souid bc nînsogt priceeintethose Is 5'r fromIb tii distressing cemplaint; but ,L . -ateiy tIsais'gouduess dues ssci euS i b-e ad those stho caca nry them ssll finS fihese ittIa pilis vachable le se mati saystIsa; th e stl iant be libsig te do wvitout thein. Lut, alle-raIl sick beaà !S tIbais-e c mOranv lites tIsaibei-e alelee ste ma11,e, ou1v feaL beau. 0-r-pis c2uratil AGRIOULTURAL. The Development of Jo-va. A.ta-ai- n-hi lseil au endirany 00w t( sonie person thibseiglsborung vileage, stbi et oece commences te siop antifdteehie con is n gairocus masnn. She gais ail the ne fuîse cf the tableandcaSegood gi-ais ration ha sies. ln a yecr or se tise forma-erxciser tL astouiished ta Iscar cf evist stonders tIsai cewn- duoS, anSdtai-y likaelynepiactas hiss s5elf for sot keoxvicg hattar tIsait e li suai c valeahia coev ont of luis bard. But un reeiity cha is net the sae con- thet hae solS. UnS-r ganieroas cana site bas becorne de veloped. TIse fermer usigisi bava donc tit( saune tbiag if hacn-cuiS. Prof. È. W. Stan-art, la bis n-ork oi "Faading Animais," givas istances of thi' kind. One was e helfer n-it iser third cal et four yeai-soci, itaIad, xvhblisr fins anS second caltes, givas a vemy eodeafit quanîity of milk, dening the fourth steai stith baer second ral havieig maeail a steai 5 peais o f butter froin iSOsenudsof milk Durng the fountb staak cfiser tiisinu senuos she isse 5 1-8 poînsed of butter fi-eum1M poundicf miik. Theu tIse axpanirnent ha gan of Sas-elopiag ber. h t as the lattat part of Januery, ansdliser foodSbisl beau tiîeohyanci oter bey with one peck o cannois daily. Tisa additicai food begat stitb oe pin of cil meal nd thrae qua-t of bran, graS eaily iniereased te the fins mon ths te six quarts ci bran. TIse seront moneh bcserecaived cne quert cf cl iuneal 51, quanta cf hi-an aSdtwo quarts aofcrnecl stbicb was coctietued ucl grass came, ac tiai she adaSosa pint cf cil meal anS fous quarts cf brn thi-ugb tIse summar. In JnI3 she ws tes ttd, ansd in enaesteak gavi 165 poundsafe miik anS made six anS oe lialf pouns of butter. Balore bevseg basi fisisith oelf aIse nas fad for six steaks sti onec quert cf oilmeai, four quarts of bnci aed oe quert ci cornuseai par day. Tbis ha ba remrnabla affect in daveiopiusg bai eSSai-, se ibat she aldtehabc iiked a efas days balona ceuaiug in. Afier ase cama ut Ih wa e h saeascithe yaar befoi. Ir dyatrcalving, she gava 462 pounds oi )fmiik anSdumade îwnuty pounda cf butter, r, Tis con- n's kept tili aigbtean yaars ohi acd pi-oveS c fi-si ciai5 con. As tisain. stance migb acicaimed te ha due te thE nterai Savelepusesit oe ballier anothar trial n-as made stitIs a cost six yeers olS stiicb yialSaS oaiy itweuty-fiva poacds cf asiik pan day un tise flash cf faiS. Ten esweaka hafora iws ture formr nte coeain siacsas faS as tIse other con- haut been anS in the ibird steak altar cosning is sha gave tîiiny pounsîo f miik a day ccd msade etigbi pounsdiof hutarlea e'eak. She n'es treaied in tIse sean-av as tise other ccn- enS cf tan sisacame ln tIs e xi yeai- in tIsa third steei. tsae gave 280 poundu of miik anS madae talva pearniof butter, shcsticg au increase of oaa year eo oe-ibird iii miik and oe-hait in butter. Tbis con- sas kept ti sha n-as tsetacy yers olS anS gava 6,278 pounda cf miik in ber nineteeth yecr. 'A baller caîf stas naise! from eecb of thase tbrea calvas hafora davaispuseet anS aller. The Iseilars i-aiseS aller Savaiopmast proveS ho ha excellent con-s,n-hile thosa i-aiseS ha- loe devolopusent proveS te ha very ondin. ai-y miikanî; showxisg ilsat tIs acquine] fmiking qual5iis cf ibeir dams stare tracs- ausisshie te tiein offspiug. Daeiopingtht bail ais anS cen-s opesitisa way of perman- anîiy impnevieg tIsa dainy bard. For Farmers' Danghters. A wali.cducahed anS ebt tie semaetimne e geod barera gives, in tIsa "Mimeor and Fai-mer," tIse fcllostiag advica: Noxvadaya a greet msaisy people bave a hoebby n osen kied. Ibis is c vary good idea if ih h nch cernaS tee fer. Ih shouiS neyer hcaeliostad te intenlene iwitls our reai n-onk. A hobby sisouid ha usaS as recre- ation. The stedy of boteny is c goed hobby for a frman's deugbten. TIsaeea rare plants te bc touaS linaerly cil locations, if one still oniy hlit, tIsainout, Make a col- lection et ail tIse plants end fion-ers le your vioiclihy: meunt soeaon candi, propariy camaS; aise taellstbare tbey graxi. Usa tisea rds te axobenge wsttbpersois n-b lita ai a distance anSdci-e cao naksag a col- lection. Those yen kaep for yoursalfif h botter te pu, in bocks, nu tlsey ci-e moi-a easily proiected froua isjery. Ia comeIaol. caliîlas tIs sudy cf miceanogy anS gaoiogy may hacsmaSe imtei-auting. MNake a collections of hugs of cil kiad- et busiterfliea, mesoianS ilsihea; leara n-bat kiadsarci-a ssirices te vegeaaioe. Watch tIsa dîffarausi kiedi of caterpiliars anS sec if tbey do nîsy bai-ne; finîsut u n-at kind of a moh or butarfly tomai frornt ec Worm. To do this, if 1 finS tbeun enticg e pleuît,I put thar n i a box stitIs plaaty te eeît anS usuellinlthe course of c fan- Scys lbay xviii do themîcives up in n 000000 or clîrysais. A stoodan sait box is xvîsai 1 us-. te kaap tIse Weiuaci caterpillen in. Coter tIse bottons cf thea box mn-o inches deep 3stitis noisiertb, anS elso plaea etstig on tn- la tIsa box ; cover part of tIsa top et the box stitIs fiy neîiug snd part nitb e piece et glass. Tbis wiii gis-e youan chance te staicb the Worm ci n-erk euS aise giva it air. Ifit baies lîsalf lethe ecrihlst iilre- main tIsera. If a cecece laloi-med 01itIshe ttwig, on cas put tIsatinc noiber box; but cin-aýy kap thse rover un all boxas you save lisryseiidas or cocoois lus, oryou iývili probabiy loe ayenrmisilien, ci- ivhataver haîchea cul. As a raie tIsa coreens anS churysalides ara bermeS in ti a lcc anaebei-st u tIse shouid ha cere lly ins;pect ed n- sumd ian aS aîsyappla tisat ilon-s gua cf Secay slîould bc prornpily naîseeved, not only brous the i-est ibut from the cailai-, st tIsit rny not garuarate ay of tue bchai-a associatad n-It Sdeav. If the relier is net panlactly Si-y, a mesrtldpri-cueS anS rer-cm'sndeS hy ssaey niay bc tescriad te. Spriîsklin h tIse buitous tof boxas or bai-mals about mn-o _______________________ _____________ M luches of dry send-he sure that the sand lu free from soisture-carefnlly place in this a layer of apples; tisen eprinka in -eo-e sand and place anothen layer of apples-so on uintil tihe barrai la 11used to stithia a couple of inches or sa of thse top ; anS then rover athisa with aand. Il the celiar la kept cool, as before indicated, those who have trlad *this imethod declare that ftiseapples stili corne ont lu July cinîost as crisp and fresh sas stben finît packad. If onee has the relian, tthis mathod la easy t0 try. -Mirrer and -Fariner, The Dominant Breed cf Sheen, h enged ha ne hasitation, as thîre cao bno uecertaiety, in îsaming tise dominant nbread. We- have sean that the world's atlocks total bsaie 550,000,000 of shaep. 0f tbese more than one-third, nearer oîse-baif, are mari-os, TIsai ibta ta net ais oveneatt- t ante a momant's tlsoîght stîl i ake plain. kPracticaily the sthoia of the 16,000,C00 of sheep stIicIs Australie hes added te hier docks drng the lait four years are marines n and of the total 122,000,000 of sheep in 0Australie it la prohabiy stithin tIse mark te -say that 100,000,000 are fine stooled. In Sentis Amenica, -cîso, the increase of the m ierise lbas heen sometlsing phenomenal stwithin rmccci yeurs. 0f the 75,000,000 of n beep un tihe Argentine net fester thais 43,- s000,000 are mninos ; cf the 28,500,000 mil- lions of shaep in Mxico, Chili, Paru, Bnazil, LIetc., 16,000,000 ara maninos ; of thse 46,500,- x000 of sbeep in tIse United Stetes ad Canada, prohably more then 5,000,000 are maerines, makieg ilecli 65,000,000 of minens u n Ainanica. Iu Europe thare muet he vary nearlv the saiea uuher. Spain, %va know, bas >more than 12,000,000 Marines, ansd 1France, Germany, and Russie musti crI 1now have aimosi as metsy fina-wooied slsaep as Spain, while thI mirnoeielher predom- mnatas or is hi-ad axtensively throughout 8every other Eniropeen country onisida the rBritish isles. Asie and Africe, with 78,- v000,000 of shaap, hsave et laest 15,000.OOOof LImarines. Thare are thus semas 250,0Ô0,000 ci f pua-bloided marine sheep lu the world ,new, net te mention tIsa varions othen fbreada whîch havaeona or more crosses of -tIsa maio la iens. Net eou'dosathe Marine fer aclipse every othen hreed la «peint of numbers, but Do chier hreed, non, 2indaed, cil tIsa otîsar breada put toatiser, cen show su-b au dnormons rate of incease ai prasetît and for thirty yeaanîpst. -[Prof. fJohn Scott is Irish Fermers' Gazette. A QIJACK IN AFRIUA. Nec Toolz Cattle i Fees ansd is liard Soon INnnbeiea t 'ilsu.and iAiktiials. A Germais agent us tisa soutiswest African possessions of Germany stnites te Isadquar. tarsin10Beriln,that cosaflleuce m[n anedt scansavee invcded aven tisai sparsaly settlad and Iaf-savege regiols.Ha says thet e year ego e white mani sltanwsan der- througb tIse country, cinrying ont his hback a bag fild with madîcel nos îrums. Little attention was paid te bine, but il tafaund inter tbat hae kuai notling sthatever cf madicine, end tisai bis littia plastars, stafers, and drugi wera stot ilsne more tisan se mncis fatisis.Ha heraldad bis coming everywhere, just as tIsa quack dorions dolan this country, and tIse simpla.miatled natives fieckad te him fnom fan eund near te sacune tIs e hnafita Iof bis stonderful treetmant. Ha reainad *only two or tbree steaks in a place, and ibets stonîd seek othar fields. He teck payment in cattia, anS frous place te place hae drove bis isard, whicb cost him nctlsieg for focS and kapt naptdiy incraasing le aiLe. à, Finally hae raappecrad on tIse consi stith *a bard cf about 1,000 caitle eut of sthicli ha baS buacoed tIsa natives. Aslise baS 5no *medicel ekili, ad tise reniants of bis mystenieus hag pi-oh ehit sera net storth $10, l'e ounuStIse bnsiness a very payiag one.'Tise natives, after ha baS sxindled tham, made up tiseir minds as te bis irisa cisracier, casd tha Genusutsageunt stites that it prohahly would net ha safe ntsw for any itissenant dealer la medicinas and osuras te tuaval tbroucls the country, hostveven bonest anS coîspatenit haenight ha. The agent seys, sostaven, that tisera is e fiue epeiîsg us soutissest Africe fer semae vcung practitiener stbo lu haviig bard work buildinsg np a practica is Germaay. He i ames tIsa tosns ehena tisa ycuusg man5 1 should satile,'and says lie la codfidenî that a lest yecrs practiceaemong tise natives tIsaeesouid essabhihm te ratura te Gar- uaay svtb a sîsug litile fortune. Tise agenti stili exorcise great case te prevessi cii1 more quacks anSd bumbugs frein getting into tise country and gsving the natives an enfav- orahie impression of ail white nmen. Niglit and .fsormig. Fiance huresounr Su-e o' difteeti: overbead Gaunt suapes if i long amni3 agaiu-,,t tha night; The stars araeuobbîng-soronew-shakais, st't, And higis tbsy bang, or show saS a ees gresta eS With weeping for tisai- Queen tIsa usen lest SeaS. Weird shadows backstard naîl sthen tlu anS hight TIse Isoad fJames stand aSd ing c golden ligIsI On mastof seit, gi-ean mess aronuns cpi-ced. A% suddon breaze comin jus treil 'thea sec, TIse tast olS fore-i iaws a troubled hi-catIs A les! astakees; up tIsa shore of sand Thse black tiSle, silvcr-lipped, ences noiselcquiy Tisee cmp fisecldics, tutu iecre dacp as de-ath, The dai-kne-.s pushing Soste upon tise land A bcd of ashes cunS a bal brnnaS branS Nostmashe s spot ehre last nghîts i-amp fine îprueg sidized the i-oaS stitIs20,000 ac"res amle. it is alto uudrstood tbat tiseCotai-amant bas ap.re te aid un tIsa construction hy meens of gîsaraateeieg intereat. Victorie xiii aise aid la tIese chema. Evarytlîiag la bitter to hlm stio bas gili tus his nioîth. YOUNG FOLKS. Some grosta pansons steuld seem te think tIsaitIsere is ne truc place Ion chastisemnat in a syshem sof adecition. Such ah all a vents se ourimuipresion cf thosa, anS thene c-aesany parents arnong tbem, n-be regard ian ordinary eaeiag gitan iii acheol as aI- ,mosi an indicinhie foi-m cf assau. People 1of thïs kind bava eviS'satiy torgotten tIse singelarlîles of thiai- nusxvyn-erd youtb, ou- parbapa tIsai- luves knaw ouîiy e genial anS enti-cublaS springîirna cf good cenduot. In naithar caea oaatheir j udgmant lha neliaS 1upon th o frm ae aof discipline ton tIse guidance of achoci teachens. TIse bcd bey n-il continuîe te dSiane,-sd te repay stitIs fhbtter bahatior, lus neadînithbrahings, cuiS aven tIsa good boy xill sometimes cmr anu i sbiprofits bycornporal reprools. The trutb about physicai punishment, ste may f heke i1hs la titl is ir.ispnsal-aa evil perbapi, but a aecessary ona. 1h mcii be 3berne, aSdie order te atînin suocesastwitIs 1the laast possible emouni cf iajnu-ioua fric- tien itmeut aisoehareguaed. TIsaemuai hac eo impulsive pnliing about, ne rntdom, sîrokeastwitI tIsahanS or thea uer, no car- boxiag stitIs its probable saquel-tha i-up. EturcS tympadus. TIse Isee shoulS neyer hie struck, net aven sieppad. Wa rney say tIse semae of tIse body, bat for one moat ten- dan but safely paSSadprorniisano' wbich up- peara ho mai-k lIsenaturelly eppoluted seat cf ohlidish affliction, We isead lscndy cia- pisiza tIsa mportance of guandîagjeelousiy against al Sispieya cf tampen stiile infliit- issg punishasent. Ne Scuhi ibis is dîfficaît sthbrcfneciory chlldres, bat snch a Segrea of self-govenment as stili easahi panants or heachera te as oiS theanagry momntaish nevaribalasa naquisite ber sucoasi. A case occurnad lahely n-ih illustas ibis peint. Ih %sas tIsaicf a boy n-ho stas heetea about the back anS banS the day tollcn-ing a bcheol miaderneaser. Singuienly aneugb, hae injureS bubi ecS next day, asd baing ah ttI un apeer lsalib, ibotegis beiseved ho bcsell taîtin a e eak brous -tabancusian tseingitis. Ai once bis teacber stas lam- eS, Isut pi-ouf ieig buought tisai tis as-" tisernsiniflioted s delihernie orderly aed propenthoîsate, hhoisgh tIsa meaca emi- ployaS evare net quite regeler, haen-ns an- tirely exonematad ai a sabsaquent inqucat. Il xveuldid tusbaS tannycases mnder tIse Soties ef a tebool user as bai-nt as difil- ou if haestars net allou'eS a reesonable freedo n spisysicel correctica. The possi- ble occurreniucelsnrIs incidents as tIse aboya must, Isowvear, isîpresasticat ste have saiS as ho iathod in is applications. A BOY AMJ A BULL. 1Y CHlARiLEtSG. 1D. licasaTS, IN "GOLDEN Chai-las Bannes is e sturdy boy of îixtaea, net hall foi- bis yaars, but vemy activa and u.usuelan. iths lis lighi. hein, faim com- plexion anS srnsihag bine ayes, lue looks ami- able anS gecila, naîlser titan nesoluta. But stben lhais la cerneet tIsane ha a crain steady lhglishla thesa binea eyaa that gives oaa a confidence in lisii shhy to cerry ct stbat lha undai-tekes. Anscng thes horsas anS cetie of bis letIs- er's lau-m et Woodpoini hae exe-cises-a thon- ougb ced-eol, snob as noise of tIse limeS "saîs" ea compote wstI. Ha hi chia ho govare tIse umnais by kind- nesa, hecase tbay fealinisliuctively thet ha- blaS bis kindnesu la an inflexible dirmaass. Cahhleancd hbrei-n are like menkind gas- eaay in thbain eadineuts te taeaadtantaga et tIsai cmichility wsiohis haneh secretly hecked ep by strngthbet chai-acter. Oaa attennoon, net long agc, Chanlia n-cnt te the cen-pestue te brin5 boe the cen-s fon miiking. He ariried a tougb bit of sap. lis5, stIsicIslha usaS as a ieapisg-poie, aius- isg bimacîf hy ita aid le jnrnpicig nida Sitches anS patoIses cf shrubbcry, anS spets of snaîapy gretnaS. TIse pashuma n-es a stida phare of stet np- laSd, eoodad baie anS tIsera stitisclumpa of eider. Net till iehad eftrhatad te tIsa veny miSddiaet the fielS diS Cisarlie 11usd tIse con-s. Ha foced, et tIesaie tima,thbat tIse ai- -s an undasirebla sînenger among thaus. Feeding un tIsa centre efthtIe bard n-es e large, Scrk i-ad Durhams bell, n'bicis baS evideatly hi-oken la fricm e ighborieng pas. hune. 1h eas abullwsitberay baS naputa- tion uand a tai-y excellent pedigree, ced, racogeîzing tIse animai Chsalie fet aiteittlte appriasiitt. Haestas siot tIsa boy, hoxetar, te stand mach is anse of a hall halin-as to eencl accuatomad te making snob animais ohey hlm. Ha celleS te the con-s, " Co -pehty! oo-pethy ! Co('coce! ce1"'anad starledt iae lan the direction efthtIe pastura-hcns. As seon as tIsa con-a ican te meve tIsa bull steppeS in thain way anS slsook bus heed tbsetenisgiy ai Chai-lie, Chai-lie Secidecl tIsatiehadeSbotter drive tIse bail aioag wlth the nest ci tIseIsard, aSd t-uat hogettisg ihem saparated aitisae bans. "CGet aloag , " isp selS esnphetioalîy. siep. ieg tIse bull on the Snnk stitIs the sapiing ha carild, Tisa huge animal instiuîcively ohayad, tursed about anSdn-lked cloag e littie stay n-ile tIse con-a; bei apparnaly lie n'es îiikieg as haexvlkad, asud presentby lia made up bis misS that lies nas net goig ho ha onderad around la tIsai sty by a boy. 1_ Cisarlia stas wlking a lithle stay hehind, svblstling anuS gancing about the a shua outud acd round, anS finaliy set off-ah e funhona gallop Soxxn tIse pastai-. t n-as c disparate i-are ton Cisamha, bush he liaS pacticed ieenging eus ho tIsa acka et n-eggona, ccd wn-eost te ha Siscoacariad. Ha h-mareS lihtly Irosa ilocek le isil- iock. Ha kapt a n-ai-y eya on aithen sida Children cry foi Pltcherls castora for Infante and Children. e1atora is 8well dapted to chldren1a CZtox4s cures Colle, ConstiPatiôn, 1 recommend tas superiortoanyprecritonISo Stomach, Diarrhcea, EructatiOTR. IYl5s Worms, gives slop, and proxactes dî- 11180o. Oxford et, &uoklya, N. Y. Without inyurions modication. TmOrserAux CompAŽry, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHIAM & SON, BOWMANVILLEý'- L îA " A large Stock of well selected Amecricitn Wall Papers, cheap and he-aiutiful from 6-cts. to 5Octs per roll. Cali and see for youî self be- fore purchasing elsewhere. ý£i1u colors of Paints ready for use, guaranteed to give goodl satis- faction, Floor paint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub Brushes and Whisks. Glass any size, and Putty. Painting, Grainwng and Papering donc promptly and satisfactorily For ail of which cail at SHERIN & K'IRBY'S, South aide King st., between Tre!even's and Reid's Shoe stores, Bowmanvill GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, MANUFACTURER 0F- OARRIACESe SLEICHSS CUTTER89 WAGON8SI&M IG STE ET, BOWMANVILLE. Now on band a number ci o'leicese a s is n nnfacturing a grcat m1any more of tis qt~ patterns and best àii2 b, whieh 1 arn oireriagfo al a oVekost priec on soa witb duo regard tla w'orzmansbip and quality. The following is a lilt of tue principal vehicles manufactureS by mue Double Covered Carniages.......... ............ . ..... ........ $150 Upward. Singie Photons ........ ............... _..................100 Open Buggy.................................... ................. 70 Top Buggy ....... .......... ......... ...... ..............00 Democrat wagons.........................................6 Lumiber Wagons............. .... ..... ...... ..... .............51 Liglit Wagon....................... .... ..................... .. 40 Express Wagon................................... ........ 7 Skeleon .. ..... 0 Sulky... ý...................................................40 Possessingsuperior facilities for manu'factung carricg'., I intend te soii Vory cesap for ca3li approved crcdit, and by s Soin.- I hop-_ te greatly inicrease mny number 0f sales. We soit the wood parts only, or the gearings of bages iroad Ail Kind"s of Vehicles Ftepaired At the Shortest Notice, Fainted and Trimm-ed if Desired At thse Fa'-tory I also do Planinin7, 'Vatching, Turning and Sawing with Circle, Band or Fra Saws. and prepare ail kindý; of luinber for carpenters and otheïrs for building purpose.3 ornainseital and Plain Pickets for lancos in every stylo reqnirod. umade to order. Thie undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Durhama for the liberal patronage extendtid to us durino, the past season, also to remind them that we are stili. in the market and prepared to pay the HIGH"EST MA&-RKE.Ir'v"'«T PRICE ALL KINDS OFC AlSi4 delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have also on baud a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Sait for cattie and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared to seli Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREE NED COAL a'ways ini stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MCLELLA-IN & CO for atumps anS othan such dangenous obstacles. Ha kept lus stind, eand sthat n-es of mesi importance he kepi bis grip. Scea tIse bull stopped lus race cnd ne- sueaS is tactica of whîliag roued ced round. Tis Chanlia bud the more tnyieg, but Ise did net lbsn bis nerve. Ha caught e glmpse cf tIse con-s beddied ta a frsgbtaîsed gi-cep ovin hy the bers, and ha stouid ibave laugisad if be conîd. Eut lia couldn't spane tIs eiatIs, and, use- otan, thaestay lise sas being kaocked about made it unsafe for hlm to open bis isouils. Te iis great satisfaction, new, he sast that the bull n'as gatîing tined. For so fat and<lheevy an animai, sncb axai-cite la irying lu the extrema. lan o or titien minutas tIse bull stopped stbrina nd agelus set off on a gellop ; aSd aost bis bellewueg bad ratiser a nota of ter- rer than of nage. Nevenibaiesa, Chai-lie did not Seaus h prudent te let go. Preseustly, jus tia course of tIsai- siegulan zancer, the bull anS tisa boy came aleug ha- ide tIsa pasture Pance. Wh-Iets juatst itbîn two or tbrea ladt of tIsei-ails, Chai-lia lat go tIs ancimal's tail and dropped inae junsper bush. Insterstly lho n-as on bis tact again, bis banS on tisa top rail of the fonce, raady for esccpe. Bat the bull baS bcd cnongh. lastead ef sthiriing to recen- tIse figbi, as Chai-lie ex- pected haostould, ha ceaîinad wildly do-tv tIse field, ansd reteaed to tIse funtheat cor- ner of tIsa pastune. Thene lie stGcS, stitIs isis heed up, ci if lue started to jssmp tIsa feisca--tbe picture of a tisorougbiy heaten animal. Thac Chai-lia simd lad acrsu tIse pestai-e lu a laisulrely fasîsion, picked epIlis Iaplieg, anS drove the coosshomesate be ilked. Heasc ont of breatis anS haciy tiîsped, but bia heant istalled wits thea joy ef victory. Gouveulent Pape r-weight. An Italien cure ws about saing e jeu-ney. Jdeny fniends callad te sey good- hy, anS as baS isappened haera aach gave hlm a paper n enstic h stas jetteSdestan a il et of thiegastiuich tIsa writen stished tise traveiler te pîsrchaue fer hlm. Oniy oea of thasa friiaisacccouupeîeid bis marnerais- dius with the necessay ny sey. Shis oaa frieatl's commissioc tIse cure craI uiiy executed, anS Salivai-ad the arti- cles te hlm. Whes tIse othans cellad for Ihein goodi, hz; saiS Il Siou elter I uailad 1 took eut ail yoer pepens to look ihem over anS ciaasify thsemn on tIsa Serk halom use. SuSde'siy tIsera cama a guat cf stind, anS thay n-ara al blowti away. I could net rauseunher n-bat they contcicad, andse1 I couldilnet do yout7 ennecda." "lBut," tlsey objecteS, I"yen bneught sthet se aîsd-se asked yen te get." Il Oh yas," saiS tIse cure. Il Yen scab ancosed the reitst ith is smemorandum ad tuai kept if trous blowig estcy." No msarai saucccssfuily tlght s Tav tbrotugh ibis n-onu swth bsoft glese. Whan Baby wns si&--e~ gare hier Cnfýorisa, Whcu tse was n ('buS, slis criei f or C-zorlu Wben she a esMisis, sbe oing tegaiaî' Wte he-husa aSChild-ert, tse gavaets~'auan 111, - , 1. iààfflm i 111 il

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