Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1892, p. 6

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G1cAà,EFUL-COMFORTING. ATfATTTPMnA1t the îernedy until I bsd used twenty-five AJ~ AfYIl.I~iflilhUII2, boxes -boen I lo t off. By this j-7.1time I badl taken ou consider sble The Reaarkale Case of Mlr. flesh, sd weigbd as much as 160 ponds,.ml FLTh Iis was a gaiu Of 60 pouda lu a few weeks y John W. Condor. My joints asurned their normal size, ay ty BREAKFJAST. - muscles became firmer. aud lu fsct I wast '3y a tharough knowi-iee of the natural A fleliesa Crippile Ftor Vours Trented by ae nu yArl a bet o th lawS w-i h governuieoporatiaas ar digestion ts ,afcftseaocit Cnrl ltîI. wk utM a ske fatry, wsudbe euow eub and nutrition, sud by a careful application of thStfofteTrnoCnrlRsb. rkitebaetacryadnw1ea liefiue propertle-a of -wel-sleted (jocoa, Mr. i a ieaii-ed as nu leTs -ork ton hours a day with suy mar.i' 9 e pps lias prov ided aur breakfast i ables wih a Stury of lite Mlýirnaâllat Recover las oftenatay ou dty overtirno withont fbel- Od ~-eictey ay re bvea~ewhubma sve Iiîvesig.ited by aus Enspire Reporiter. iug auy bad effecta. 1 play baýseballinl the d us meey t-7avy dociori' bille. Ih le by the TootEmie vngsadc r beswhayofhel .iudiclous use aofasnob artic'es ofi diet thai a Toruinmprebeouies ud y1 eu mn b acwiînyfofte c eoneàtitiOn may bo gradually huilt up uni il For ore than) a year paît the neadena of c dstaee. hutndrea it uhib enldesarte the Ermpire have been givon the particularo joy at the relief from abject miaery 1 suf- i diseeeýBunred3of ubte maadis ae ýfered so long. Mauy a trne 1 prayed for lloatiig around ns ready Io aiîack wherever of sorne of tlise most nemankable cures af the p tbere s a w-ak point. we may escpemaey ît cn1~~i death to reluasse frorn my sufferings, but 9, fatal shaft hy keeping oursolvos well f otidied uy h nnsl aOîofial i eesdI uo elba wiih pure bloud snd s praueriy nounlshed cases bitherto heid by the Mcst advanced ol i a h ufrdaoyfryas Zame."'&i,LVi1 Service Gazette." medicai acientiste to bc incurable. Th eîyh cn v 'hy. suaerefuli goyfor yoaffre I Made simply wilh boîling water or milIr. partieniars of these cases averu vouched for baegie yua it hve t.of ryvsifer-n .sald cnlv in parkeis. by Groce rs. lalied ihus by sncb leaciug newspapers as the Hamnilton mnga. but fromwbtI aetldxo a JIAMES EPI'S & Cos, loâaSoopalhle (hem. stedpho y rttd o h Itt. louden. Eugiand, Seîtrsdlms aifax Hrald, guesatedpho n rttd o Setoro dGlobes, TLe -and, ot gareat remedyw hiuh lias restored me to 01 Deroto loes, ALbane, MJorual ; hlth sud strungthî. AeitNyepwsud oAlan, Nwhorpua;Wishiuig te aubstautiate the truthe of Mn. Albay Epres ad oher, woserepta-Condor'sreînsrkable stony the Empre ropre- to lcdbeyoud question the statemneutasouetative csîîed upon Mr. F. WV. James, Minade d the Oakv.lie druggist referred te above. _____ _______________ Recently ruoas have been afloat of a MJmsfIyýroo&e h sae ___remankable caise in the prettv lutile 0w-n cf Jaes o fu Conorrobonaîthe atate- v WEDNESD xY AUGUSI 17, 1892. Oakviile, of a young inasa recoveriug ater first taken Dr. Wîiiaues' Pink Pis ho w-asy _______yuans of belpiesaness aud agessy. The.Em- mrskltnawe ohu niyTe pire detrnieaed to subjeet tîhe case te the Iaae- kiîo- -rcIlhmuty h SU,.1.E. fiTnhiUmas niid nvotigtin, ud ccodiulypeople of the tow-n had long given hlm np l NIdBER 0F C0LLE O F PHY91CIAN detaild onue of aur best reporters to neakefoasodas edud oldIr- an ugeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. a tboroogh sud imparillveiain i tleu behivethenitucu s reeveyotil 1128andResidence, Ennlakillln. 74. the case. Acting mpen ihese instructions cye saiiw- hlm thseves. The ecoftin our eporer wnt t Oakille andca ud dthe resoit le an enermous sale of Pinks B upen Mn. Johu W. Condor (w-ho it wsa had Pills. III seli a-dozeu-and-s-hîii boxes ofe 1 eriSTFRI SOLICITOR, &c MO R seS miraculously recuvered) aud hadluotilong Pink Pille every day," said Mn. James, 131 (u'11p71r1çKi PRtrItSBo nn-been lu conversation witb bini w-heuhoe w-us I"sud ti is ieemankabie in a 10w-a the sizeç ville. jýc liuttc far the Ontani Bankxcuicdttite ctmusmd -n of Oakville, Aud btter tili ibey gis'et k s listOIenoute lcsned ai the 10west rates 001 uly trou, but Ihat "the hall had not efcsaiaton"M.Jmrealda been told. " The reporter fond Mn. Condor puerctsatinsacof MJamrkbe caured ~.C.II~ÏGai vorn aonu ai the beavet depunimeuts auer cotler reroodies failod. Mr, Joltu S. C.ED UCI EER O of the Oakville Basket Factory, sud w-asRobertson, syho ]ives snidw-ay betweeu Oak- ('ENED uty a 0'DNrhm Es E tR Fdedsunprised, lu the face ai w-bat lho kuew-of ville sud Milton, w-ho bal been trobled the Cut fDra.Slsatne the case, to bu cc.nfnonted by s strapping with aaihma sud bronchitis for about 15 la ce shortest notice and 10west rates. Ad dness youîug fellow ai good physique, ruddy vears, leas been cured by the uneiefainklî t Cc lstea F.O. i: onutusue su buysu beaiug Thiuo- Pills, sud titis aciter physicians bad told hlm ROBTOUNG, V. S.nîigged youug maiiwas hoew-ho bcd apaut a Ihere avas nouose dadlorng funiher. Mn. FFIC INIREWES DUHAM greai part of bis daye upon a sick-bed, Robertson sys bis appetite iead failed domn- O FFCE IN kTaHErESTm DU RAssstn suffring almeat uuioid ageuy. XVea the pieîely, but suter taking ses-en boxes of 's lit t e fond frsu 8 m a 9 or.na.istant Empire representativu auuoucud theu ikPlslewsred n atn o l on ri a. o9p ihcalla pr-s o bsvisit M.Condor cI PiuPilbuwaredsdwaîgfo ai decc ze,dilecily opposite Drili Shed. Cals proeo î î îu each meal. Ho regards bis case as a ru- loY lelegrapli or tciophune w-i ecivo prompti folly voluuieered a staternn of bis case mral n.I atD.Wlim'Pn Attelitin 17-yr or te beefitof oherau Englsh m i" Pilîs are reeogoized as onu of the greateetE Said Mn. Condor, Il nEilsmnb modern medicîees-a perfect blond buder1 T~ .W. TibUE. bîth, sud came ta thie country witb sud nenve resirer- curing sncb. diseases a A UCTIONEER, APPRAISER, Ruai mny parentîs w-hoe nino yecne of cge, aud at nbeumatisu,uneuraîgia, partial panclysia, Io- A IFalnfte Agent. Bousoasuville, Ontaio.. that fimie w-se as rugged sud healthy as any comtonaiaxia,St. 'i tu- dance, nena'ous Ilead-f Eaies atlended ni auy part of Province. boy ai my cge. 1 cmnu w 29 yod-s ache, nervous prostratien sud the tired fuel-1 of lige, sud it was wh-o about 14 iug resultiig tlsereinom, diseases dopenlieg A. A. PO§¶', yeans cl tiesi the frsi taioges of iulamn- pea buor nl the bloal, such aa ecroinla,« usaîony nleumatism came upon me, sud 1 RCIIIIECT. PissdSe facuii u fîeny~sIbtiîevod ho. onic erysipelae, utc. Pink Pille reatone Pldî v ans aîn Sby -- teveerng theait urn ers my neven e bpaehtnd cul arecompeins for i l etochfie sI ous prcpared for ovory cas oii'nilding. tenta ie n yrsur afwbatad aaîl sopeions to the toloes o týPip atetin chIoai g ysîeam mo ead bot w-ater. aned Iou acitary arrangements. oeeîs ago, tontine rau hardly tellihoW eurt hefml ewhl utedt 43 -y muh Isuhirew ytrube -e nogh i ar etefeaesx h ntecs Office:l G01ie lo ocle.Whitby i l iub lktrougb Myîtoufblqeutasb ti ofni uhey effeci c radical cure ilu clicases ou, I ehntruhtofetetahn-n.'aiiug frorn mental saory, oa'erw-onk orex- tise cold laku w-ter. The jointe of îuy body i cosses of w-latex or nature. aiiur begaîs ta ewell, the carda of my legs ho The Empire reporter aleocaliel ipan -Mn. Genteme's lotesMde o Orer. tigîte, sd te mucle cimy mb ,toJ. C. Fond, propietar af thse Oakville Bas- Gelllemll' CltheMad toOrter. contraci. I became c hoîples cripple con- ket Fscîony in whicb Mn. Condor is employ- funel te bcd, aud for tience îuonths dîd not ul Mr, Fond said bie kuew- ai chu pitiables leave rny roaîn. Tieu doctor aslo was call- IcnilaCuo c et ufnyas u cd in admiuistened preparatiaut ai iodide bue bcd thoîîght hoewculd noever recover.t of potassium sud ather nemedies wiîhoutlieu cure w-se evîder.tly a thonongie onu orio any material beueficial effeci After same Condor worked stcadily ch heavy labor in neonîha of sufernug 1 becanie ttrong enougi e limudsud sppareotly slood it ais as cl as to bave flice bed but my limbs were stifeoed fie e mciiof lIe enipleyees. Mn. Ford said1 and 1 w-ce unfltu for any active vocation, ho thouglît a gruau del af the youîîg man1 __ Iw-asibanharnere mar or ess an teasd waipleased i bis wondrout deliver- ioilowing ulue years,w-hon I w-sag'nainc rmtegaeadhsetoti or forced 10 lake lu my bol, Thsis attack w ccarsttegaecilbsnstrlo ~ lu 1886, sud w-sec great dccl more severe vgrisbale thanteefre. M fue, akieInuor-lon ta stillhf nriher verîfy the sîcte- kuumeute mcdoeiy Mn. Conder lunthe aboe imn- legs, anme, sbauldeme, aninl fact ahi parte terview-,tue Reporter on bis reurtel 'o-c of my reaenu uh elerfel My joints ronto examinud the Goneral Ilospitai rucarda L DAND ... ,S. aud muscles beusme badly tw-olieu, snd aud ond thencin the entnios fully Graînt o e R3c Clee iDntl leudisease evon reacleel uy huaI. My I iearing oui dll Mr. Condor liaI S eongieRos, Coll fDntalto face swelled te a greal sire. 1 w-as unablu aI in evngn ob Ia i ()"PICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE- uapnm mul1 s jws en fxl e e umeOne of the muet remaukable ou COLO ~ ~ A SPECIALTY ~gether. I, ef course, donl est uothiug. My reod1u l h or onrah oat toute w-une prmed spart cul liquil d pu-il lid bafficd the akili of thebest pysiciaus1 Arti FcIaLLoieIN senlSel w-iTbou ed loweaMy Ibroat, I hst my voie, sud i amno PriiilTela ntes ihu could speck anly lu husky w-liapers. Ruai-. 'I'bse pillsacru munufacturel iey the lDn. Plateshy, 1 sum unable te deacnibo the state 1 w-as Williamse' Medicine Company, Breckviihc. Great licductiuus lu picu ou alilDent-einlu uirg ibasu long w-oany înoaths. ihOt., anîd Scheesctady, N. Y., sol arýe telc Iloek. 'Vitalized Air, coutantix in use pro my swolleu limas drawu l te isehtenlb O ducirir Pahness OpcnacticuRsPatielar catby tign in etboxes (mie in u050 î at ni bytue dbLeu thon paiddtb the egutai ionofCidesTet corde op to my eneacated body, aul my on hunînel, sud lte pueblie are cautiened ~- ILWOR WRRETE ~ w-lole marne twisted anud cotore nto inl- agaiceal numenous imitations sol imn tis1 9--'ALLWOIK WARE TED-ZM duscribable sîsapea, I1aasunotilgmore than shape) ai 50 cents s box, or sixisoxes ton Brarcis Office, Dr. Rutherford's Oiouc. a duiormul akeluiol). For thee uong w-ary $2 50, aud may bu bal ai cli drnggtats on --mantes I sacs confincd ta bel, aller vhiiioie1 direct by mail froue Dr. Williamns' Medicine J~J iR X1 CO NI E was chie to get up, boltaas a cmplete phy,%i. Company from eibher address. lieu pneu J aB IlI CO B cal wreck, ieobbing aronnd onciirutchus a at w-lieh lieuse pis are soid make s course ~ 1N I~. elplese cripplo. My sufinmgswave n.O of tnotmeuî comparacively imexpsîve as1 DENT ST.tinually intense, aud frequuntîy sehen 1 coiipared w-th e cuer roînedies ar medical w-ou.Id bc hobbleng alaug lieu street I wonid treaurnont, bu seizel ailIe a paraxyami of pain cul w-oîld - OFFICE :-IRear of iMessrs. fali -tinconeione te lheu grouesd. During Yachting Dresses. clibis timeu1I al the constant alleudance A Iliginbthai & Sons Irug of medical men, but their nrnmedies w-onu A uew- desigu for serge yachting geanne Higgiboth m & on'sDrug uucvciling. Al îhey coulu dow-c e lîy 1 bas a bolice amoothiy f ttIolike a cuirase, la bulî np my systeen by lie uose of nom ntise Ibroat te the aaiet, thon curving Stoe, do n sais)afoies. Iu lieu icl ai 1889 sud sprg on t on lieu hipe, sud evenly ail anoul. 1890lIagain Suffenel hteuîehIy Seere atIbis plain bodice ma baudleras itie rew BOW MAN VILLE lauke, sud at lait my moîlcai attendaent, asI citer row- ai roI or bbue brail eclged w-th a lait m-set, orderel Me t euheloronto git-a very efrective trimuaiug ou s w-hie Genenal Hospital. I unierel theu Hospitai serge coinces. A shsort Figare jacket uf the ou Jue 201h, 1890, sud remiainel Ibere w-ite se-ge covere the top ai tii corsage, nutil September 2th af tee saine year. and excende ouîy tw-o or tiee incites beloan Bal, notwihsandîng al lieu cre cund Ib mhie. It is ot in Sharp vandyke teution betow-ed upea me while lu tuis lu- peints, aud bonderel avth four roava ai the - lu ~my condition. Afier usiug orery avail-pufaieelw-Ihnrecoeecai stittio, n impovuoui wasnotcealo ril. Ihveraeeves areonu oxlrueul.lare cbie remedy tee hospilal docor-of w-bom nab oee vterssa ri.le xix eur w-e aoutc doen-ameta ee on-round ekint ecapes thefaoon, cad je bonder- ubusicu laie y case w-as incurable, sol edu te match lieu jacket. A talon cap of ~~ a~as sent avsy, wtb tihe unciostnuing w-lite serge is bandel saitb lieu brail. Ilet Imigetrmai suaucilepaleulAn- Royal idldy suite ion yachtiîng cru ai conlingly fmom September 1890 te the ed blue on w-lie clotia of very igiet weight of Jaucny1891,I w-ut b ieu iosptalmade ailie a uîtie jacket neauhiig ouly ta unce a week for examiaiom sud trust- te w-dît sud open in front, aith tapuning ment. At thie stage 1 becarne suldenîr revers sud a square coilar. Briget golsud w-asesudunc moe ginl amisiont~ nu-Ailaformi --7s w -id Taluon- are -he < S. pr E A ise other rerneliesI bcd nsud, Bul urgol 1 îhbuk lbaie ahowsa tisequaliiy of love, ou by finids I continuel baking Pink Thal wreng cîlusis ebat st ams-bure ibere la 2 PiIlîs sud cf ton îsîug- eveîe boes os1Iw-s e ru- ight: Douaitthe dankesi cieadassecrre opros-e IIb-r nd <iohes <itusuer. wamled by natidiug a eciel change for The puower ofiht l Ccds -arronega ;0ne ;%S no une w-lu kn liheu boîter. My appetice recurned, my -[Cary. tharn fnom ow- whou doue, w spirits began to rise and 1 bal a huItle reur ~ - and Otari Strets. use of -my jensubes aul limbi, tite obI Iran- Man's characten oficu apeaka thee oudest 5itias' i~ u-Otaill. ees, Abiesome saneblilgesobsidiug. I continuel wheu bis lips are sileut. PURE U i PUR SSR A1dCEST1 EZST. Rendyfe -, --en1e i' tc Fr s I lgFo ,voie22~ing vW %i ',î 'l sc hntrd t uises. Acancq- WI., i-iu.l eû. SaiS by l $U s-- c ul LrieDrggleie. A Ouiious Oaloulatioli, An ]Ênglisb scientist has made a calcu lation about the time it wili take to fil the world with ail the people it will hold. The preseut population of the globe je about 1,497,000,000, and lie etimatos that the maxium of tbe inhabitants ilint can bu sus- tained on thie euiro land surface is 5,99i,000- 000, and that this figure wili bu rcacbed D.£. 2072. We can bear ta bu deprived of everytbîug but ourself-conceit. -[Hazlitt. 'Tired of Motlifr." A visitor iuspecting the charities of a msoufacturing town in New Englaud came t st to the Homo for Old Ladies. iBeing yonng sud kindly hoe thought tbat if lie were oe build suob an inn for tired seuls wbiie bhey waited the coming of the Sbadow, it should bo set in the midst of quiet woods or gay and friendly flowers, This Homne look- ed ont on dusty streets aud brick-yards. Within the managers bad f nlfilied tbeir duty. Each iumate bad baif of a cloan, bare bhambor, a lied, a cbest of drawers sud a chair. She was given se0 rny aunces»of neat aud bread for breakfast, of moat sud potatoes for dinner, of bread and apple- saucoe for tea. The food neyer varied througbout the year. The house wss kept spotlossiy cdean yut tbere was in it a flavor of decay sud hope- .css saduces. The wjthered o]d womoun sat silent, or tsiked feebly of yesterday's wind or to-day's ramn. No other changes came te them. They hsd no borne nor place nor uvork lu the viorid. Notbiug but this bare space in whicb te ait aod wait for death. " Do you know auytbiug of tbem ?" tbe straugor asked the matron. "That tali oid wowir, uow ? She bas a strong, noble face. Who le sbe ?" IlThat le Auin Miller," mile said. IlI hsll- peu to know hoer story. Her busbaud died, ioaviug lber peunileas witb three cbildreu. Shre opeued a littie echool for sinall hbldren She did taiioring it night. The baby, a girl, soas sickly. For vears this worn sat stitching by the cradie until midnight or eariy morniuig. IlSIhe had great ambition for bier ebldren She worked aud stsrved herseif to keep tiîem lit sebool, ta make their livs h appy snd full. One is now a merebant ; the other edits a newspaper lu the West. The girl înarried a weaithy farrvuer. IlAud tbeir mnother la-bore ?" said the stranger, amazed. ",Yes," said tbe matron. "(Herehbi-dror took ber tolive with thom lu turui. But abo was not pleasant to look ait, and lbei manuiers wero out of date, The grand- chiidreu, striving to bu fsshionable, fouind ber lu the way. Grsudmotber's seat ait tbe table au< iber chaos o-r ',ere needed foi more stylish gnests. 4"Hor sours and daughter tired of bier okd atonies, of lier love and of bier. Tbey paic the aumne ecessary to place ber liere, anc tbey neyer corne near bier. The visiter w-ont tohier and talked cheer- fully for a few moments. Ho bappeued te miention bisIronie. Her witheredj face flushed aod trcmbled. "Are You from A--?" sho cried. "My son John lives there ! 1 arn expoctiug a visit from birn. Ho bas net been bore foi more than a. yoar. But Jobun ase busy you know I IlDid you ever see bis lîttie boys ? 1 was 8O fond of themn? I dream about tbecr ovory uright sîrnosi. Tbey ioved eosu. Tlîey wonid clirnb on my kucos and beg foi aloi ies, snd bug sud kitss me. IlTheir mother ciisapproved of it. She said an old poirson's breaili nas unhealthy. It uîay be sos. But if I couid o111Y Sec thema once 1" sbe aaid, rîsing ilulber excite- ment. IlTell ber I wl only look at them. I wl net touch nor kifs tbem. My cbldren have outgrowo me. But the litile boys loved me. Tel John Ait lanoan tbe end. Oh, l'in comfortabie enougb! But I want my "wn! Anu(11 am se loncly 1Beg hlm te corne-to brng thenm once hefore I go 1" Wben they hall bft lber the stranger ssid, "Surely you have no otber sncb case ? The childreu w-ho, euid so abandon a motbex are moustera "lYo- aie inistaken. Many ambitious mou arc1 womeîi, pushîuig ia society, find urçct'er a weigbt. They put bier out of sigiLi n a Hoate, aud forget ber." 'flio sraogec, lcoking back, saw Anu's hangry eyes lollowing bite. I"But God,' hie s-aid te himself. IlGod does tiot forgel the cruelty of the one or the lonelinesa of the othc.r." We liuîid the Laclder. Hne-vila not-reached &.t a cingle bonnd, But we bnild tîhe Iadder by which WC rise. Froni the lowly earih ta the vaulted skies, kond we menuît te the suleimit rounîd by rouud. I caort this thing to ho grandly true, That a noble deed le a itep toward God, Lifting the soîîl fromr the cousuon sod To a purer air and a broader view. WVe riso by the things that are nder foot, By svhai we have niastcred af groed uni By the pride deposled su d the passion sisie, And the vaoqniahed bille that w-o honrly meutý We hope. ave aspire, w-, rosolve. ave trust, Whcu therntoruiug cals us telife snd light But 'mc hearts grow wearY snd pro the night Our lives are tîailing the s ordid dust. We hope, w-e aspi.re, w-e esolve, w-o pray, Aud we think tti ave inount thte air ou Beyoud the re caillof scusual thinge, Whilo Our foot s tltiiciîg to the heavy Clay Wiogs for the angeis, but foot for thho mca We may borrow theowing98 to find hIe way We nay hope aud aspire aud resulvo and prily, But aur fout must rise or Www-i faîl again. Onty lu dreaîns iv a lhdder ibroavu Frein the weary cartu te the sapphire W-ail, But uhe dreama depari sud the vision fmils, And the sieoper wakes on lii pillew of stone Huas en is net rea'-hed ai a single bond, But wo bnild the ladder by w-hich. ve risc Frein the lowly earth te the vaulted skies. Aud we mount te the suuîmit reul by rounsd (J. G. Holl1aud. Lardirie Macehine 011 ~-AND- Cylinder 01Ù Ask your dealer for Lardine andî beware of imittions. MçCOL.L BROS. & CO., Torontýio, Having got settled in my New ýU3h-op in the BEAVER BLOCK, next d(oor east of Muardoch'sq, and having corn4let- ed my Spring Stock of Soots and' Shoesi of ail grades and sizes, I. wish alm old customors and many newv ones to giveý me a eall and inspeot my lfine new' stock. >ery that cure the-ort as e e] vous DeDi Losi1V021tanà B EANS F ManhoM; et,.th by over-work, or th, -Yrora or e±-. ceseseof youth. TLj RemedY ah-ý aolutely cures the most obstinete cases when &11 other TREÂTMEAcTS hiave falrd aven to relieve. rold by druti, gis a' $1 pet pa-kage, or six for $5. or se hy mail o Write for pamphle. so1d ha- Bowrnanviiie by STrOT & JUit7, Regla.es ~heStt; mach, Liver anxd 1owel3, jriccks the Secretion.,j,,Pu rhlfesthe 'Blood and removes ail lIm- puritles ft-om a PIm pie ta theworst- ecrofuo.sa Sore. [DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS. CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. -SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR .STOMACH DîIZZINESS. DRQPS'< RHEUMATI SMr, SKI-N DISEASES ru o -TAKEAPI rt. 'qlý Hobb's Are the Desto inLLh. -'-Acti ently vet prompt- O R. 11DBand BOVELS, dis- polllng Hoadaches, Fov- ers and Cold, thorougli- LITTLE ly cieansing the syýstom or diseaso, and cures hbtai con.ztipaitiof. They are sugar coated, do Pot grîpe, vcry sinaîl, easy to takoe, and purely vogatable. 45 pis in eacli vmal. Perfoot digestion follows their use. They abselioely cre sek hcad.. ach,1ndare recommend- ed by leading physicisas. For sale hy leading druggists or sent by mail; 25 ois. a via]. AddIre5s. NOUBBS MEDICINE cg., Props., San Francisco or CFircago. FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE, ONT., BT H.I-igginhotham. & Son, Family snd Dispensing Chermes. HAVE YDU j ËE I"Bacahe the c enger- IMans the l<id- of ýthe system ncys are in "Dela*' is trouble. Dodd's danlrous. Kidney Pif/s give lected fridney,, Prompt relief" troubles result "75 per cent. in Bad Blood, ofdisease fa Dyspepsie, Liuer first caused by Coinplaint, and disordered hid- the most dan- neya. go roua of ai, "Mightas welI Brighta Disease, try to have a Diabetes aid healthy oity Dropsy. without sewer- "The a boue age, as good dîsease8 Canjnot h'ealtIi when the exist where hidneys are Dodd's K' dneg of cogged, they are Plia are used. Soid hy aIl dealers orsýntymalorcet of pricon5o cents. per box or si.xfor77.' Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write i or book called Kidocy Talle Masl w-amen knaow-al ITRESTS about theomisery cf wasb- T HE ay. Tamany il oes HanI Rubbiug oveu' a BRACK sieaming tub, and long loi af Ilsase w-ho nse pon, checp, aud in- jurions soaps. Tbis Suap doua aw-ay ailiearnd Rub. bing, Timel Backs, Hot Steam, cul Sure Hands. It bingi camfont ta millions af hamus, culdailI de se te yaure if you wl uei. Rom enber the Name woeeRS ' PT. SUNLIGHT LEVEIL anaqs., LIMITED NEAR BIERliSErfAIu TOtITO

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