Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1892, p. 2

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THE STORY OF LAURA SEGORD. Bf ]EItEST CRIJIKSHANK4 On the i7th October, 1868, at the protty wboemltr record is as remarkable for village of Chippawa, where she had lived bairbreadth 'sce" asfrhriacin for flfty years as wif e and widlow, died, at aPPlied for and received a graut of "a single the age of ninety-three, 1'one of the most lot iu the township of No. i (Niagara), iiu patrietinc and courageous women of auy age the district of Nassau," and later anotherj or country." gran t of six lsondred acres near the preseuti Born in 1775, in Massa~cusetts, the village of St. David's, which probably re- very foremoît of the revolting colonies, ceived its namefrom him. During.the war Latira Secord, nec Ingersoll, came to the of 1812 lie lost alili ad by the pillaging1 then unopened west of Canada, the infant of the American soldiery at Qusenston, in1 of lier fathar's family. whlch ioss others of bis family and bis1 Thomas Ingarsoîl was a weaitby nman, of ueighbors suffared, aund by the burniug ofJ good social position in Massachusetts, and St. David's, where milîs, honses, cattie,1 bis wif e was Sarah, daughter of -General horses, aud cecurities for ions, ail perished John Whi'tiug, of Great Barrington, Co. in the conflagration. To thece were addedi Berks, Mass., therefora Laura Ingersoîl was other losses at Torouto and other places boru ta affluence and station. Bnt the In- during the course of the war. gersoll blond wac, loyal, sud could not Dering the war of 1812, the Secords, a brook the forswearing of naths of allegi. numerous fsmily, were active defeuders of1 anca and the compulsory tere of the new thair coutry. The pi-ecaut writer bas sean1 doctrines of a uaw liberty. Tberefore, on on various regimeutal roailu i the Achives tbe invitation of bis old frieud, Jobn at Ottawa the names of Major David Graves Simcoo, wbo, as " Comm andur of the Secord, Lieutenant Courtllnd Secord,i Queen's Rangers, a Royalist corps whicb Quarter - Master Daniel Sscord, Capt. bad been raisad in the ravolted colonies, Elijals Secord, Lieutenant John Secord, and bad tîsere done loyal service for tbe Sergeant James Sacord (this was uudoubt- Crown," M r. Ingersoil so-agt Canada, thse edly Laura Secord's husband. U4ider date hiome of tlie United Empire Loyalists, aud, of 29th Jue, 1812, bie ijerarolled as Serge. in accordauce wjth Simcoe's views of tIhe ant in Capt. Cen. Law's Compatny, ofi future netbe country, seught to make is Lincoln Mlitis). To these msy lbe sddedi domicile, together with eighty or niuety othc-rs of the family, viz. :Abraham iSecord, famlies who came with bhim, in wbat is nowI Edwin Secord, John Secord (age given of1 Oxford County, on5 the bauks of the Ithe compauy roll, 19), Joseph Secord, Solo-1 Thames. Certain drastie measures on tbe mon Secord, Stepbeu Sccord-a list of loyali part of a suheequeut Govrnment seriolusly and pati lotie men iu ona family it woold lia icterferefi witb the wplfare of the little set- bard te matchi, tlcment, and Mr. Ingtrsoll himself removed Nor wss tbe Ingersoll family, se soon to to tbe newly set off County of York eveutu- be uuîted by a mari laga with the Secords,1 ally settling in thse Township of Etohicoke. lacs distinguîsbed for military ardor. Inu In the meantime thaiufant dangbter was Vol. 15, M. G. Dominion Arcbives msy lha growing up, shsring hardsbips of which the fouud tbe eutry, dsted 5th September,1 preseut generation kuow uothing, laboriiîg 1805, "Thomas IDgersoîl, Captain of the with lier bauds in .concert with lier motber Militia of Oxford, London District." This and sisters for the coînfort of the fatber militia consistad of oue captain (Thos. and brothers whose lives bcd to hae spant Irgercoli), one ensigu, three sergeants, battiiug with nature, and lu layiug tbe tbree corporals, and twenty-flx-e ranlt sud fou-ndations, deep and wide, of that civil file, 4tls June, 1805 ; but in 1804 tIse comi- and religions liberty we now, pernape too position of ssid uilitia is stated as :one compiaceutiy enjoy. Iu those days the lieutenant, oeenasigu, ihree corporels, means cf education were smsll. Motbers ona drummer, aud foriy-flve rauk and file. aud fathers whose learning sud polish bad Heuceforwarded, so far as availabla beau received at Harvard, William aud records go, tbe histery nf hotb the Secords Mary, and the nunîerous seminaries founded and Ingarsolls le absorhed in tbe history of by the English Government, aud the liberal tha War of 1812. Lastes of wealthy colouiste, caw wîth pain Net long was it te remain sa 1 The strife thair own advantagas denied to their chul- tbat proved to tbe funil the patieuceansd1 dren ; but lika brave mnen aud true, tbey heroism nf Canadien men, brought to thba made the besi of tbiugs, wbile impsrting to surface the devotion ansd courage of1 fibeir children snch knowledge as tbey Canadian womeu, Loyaity le a princîple, avare able in tbe midst of stoe- not an epithet. Pr labors, neyer omitted te avail The firet ycar of tbe war was peet, sud For theni of every opportuuity that came lu tbe invaders bcad geiued nothing. Irritated1 tbeir way, whetber it ware tbe occasloual by tbewaut of succese of their arme, thei vislî *of semae university graduate on the American people, always excaptiug thea uearch for a site of refuge, coain civil offi- saviug few, rated the Goverument, and the er wbose dutias placed hin amoug thern Goverumaut replied by tbrowing iuto the ter a brief period, coma clergyman wboee fields al the money Ansd forces it could É widespresd parish called bins ta persodical raise. By lard sud water the struggle wasf visite of Christian consolation sud religi- contiuued, aud during the finit portion of1 eus office, or coma scbool, reacbed et a great the cauïpaigu of 18 13 the Americene scored expenca of means, time, and labor, set ou sevaral important succesees. Iu June they foot at an ilnpQtant centre, as at York,' beld Fort George, and it bad become the Kingaton, or Newark. Of such lutermit- beadqisarters cf their generai, wbo, iritat- tent, tbough, it may truly hae caid, thor- ad at flnding hae had picked up a sheil with ough education, the haroîne of the future uothiug lu m, infllcted ou tise inhabitants partook a share ; aud as sbe devaloped luto witlîin bis limite, wbicb covercd Queeustonf youtli aud heauty, she -vas falu to china at and raacbed ou towards Burlissgtois, mauyc the official fonctions and entertalumients of unuecascary restrictions. Eveny maie from t ber father's <'id and faithfni tnîiend, Major- the ageof the hoyto tbat of the oclogeuariau General Simcoe, who was fitiugiy chocen, was put ou parole, and iorbidden to leava on the'stting off, iu 1791, of the western hie iinsediate home on auy preance what-t ragion of Canada loto a separate province, aven.1 as fisst Liauteasat-Govarnor of Upper . uerai Vincent bad rarreatad before the Canada. invadiug force ta Burliuigton Heights, anud At tîsct period eue of tbe mosi important tbe situation iooked very unpromisiug,t families setied lu the Niagara-district wera maiuiy owing te the absence of necesary the Secords. United Empire Loyaliste reiniorcements, when a brave mn, Col. of the atrictest type, they bcd1 espous. Harvey turned the ceaie cf avents luncoain cd the King'c cauce with migbt and main, ineasire by a succeceful uight sortie upc-il and, aseta consequence, the fiva brothers, the enemy, on tbe 5th of Jue, at Stouey with thair families bad to fly aarly in the Crack. Seeîng that the Loyaliets, thougb struggie, ieaving thair estates, chiefly la- ceet dowu, ware by nmasos destroyed, 1 catad iu Rochelle, Westcbaster Couuty, Dearboru tbougbt te crush thamu lu anotherc New York, sud reaching Kingston and quarter, sud lu coma measure retrieve the Niagara by waynof New Brunswick as hast prestige let at Stoney Crack ; sud ih eem-c tbay couid. It se said that Jamnes Second ed a very easy tbiîsg te do. Ai the cross-c wbo married Leurs Ingersoil, thus giving roads ai Beaver Dams, by wbich only couidt bar the namae Leurs Second, by which sha Vincent receive supplias or reinfoceents,a ie hast kuown sud will aver ha commenmer- w ias posted, in Decaî's (or DaCaw'c) stone ated, when ouly a child thrae yearc oid had bhouse' Lioutenant Fitzgibhon with a pickeda accompanied hie mother inluibr flight [conipany nf thirty men, volunteers frein thet througb, the wildaruess, with four other 49th-Brock s nid reginet-in charge cf boînalese women sud mauy childreu, toaes- certain stores. To take ibis post wae to cape the tury nf a baud 'ni ruffians wbo open up the whoie penineula, aud fur thisr callefi themieaives the "Sous cf Liberty." errand Col. Boastier, a gailaut oficer wboi Af tar euduring frigbtful hardehipe for near- hsd alrmady dietinguisbad blmcelf, wasi ly a 'nonth, thay flnsly arrived et Fort oriered to prepare bimeeli. Ha was. in Niagara sîmnet nakad and sîarviug. comnmand of the l4th United States Iufautry Sncb terrible axperiauces wara by uo n eatuelve aud oua six-pouinder field guiise,i mesuis uiscomnnin. lu numerous woill-au- ivith Pmmunitonu, wagons, etc., a few, tbeuticated casas, tise men cf thse Loyal cavalry, sud volunteers ; lu sîl, six hînndredt lamilias had to fly for their lives, leaving sud seveul-y-thrae ma-a nuntain tef ibair wives sud cblîdren, gonds and chat. crush a mouse ! But ýso confident ware the mls. astates sud money, the latter lu ail Amaricaus of their îîitiniate cuccese i lInsaces a forfait te the new Govi3rumont, annexing Canada, "the peopl,i dcci re- tise former te enter au sînknown wilder- garding it for coainetumase a nmera waik- ses, tuemeelves sudl their little cnes 1 over, th at tlsey were heedles.a of certain pre-t ilike uuproteciad sud uusupporîed, cave cautions in an cnmys country, sud talkedc by that deep faiib in God sud love -amnug theniselves, toe h sure; but tbe to King sud country which, with their nid proverb that sys "astone walls bave parsonal clevotion te their buebande, made cars"' was axampliflad ou this oc- of tisen heroines wlose tory of unparallal. casion;- for blute cf the iutended night sur- ed davotion, bardsbips patien tly borne, prise fell from the lips nf certain nf the motherhond honorahly sustaiued, induciry Amerîcan soidians lu thelbouse of Jamest sud thîif t perscveringly followed, enter- Sacord, wbeve, by tlise right of iight. thei prise succescfnliy prnsceted, principie nu- invaders ware wonît te usake thsamsecves frac waverîngly uphsld, sud tenderuase neyer of suchs conforte as it affonded.c : urpassed, las e yt teolha writtacs, sud whose James Sacord bsd beau despenateyiy shara in the makmng ni tisis nation to ha wouuided attise Battie of Queens;ton Heights, Bqualy hiouorad wiih that ni the men whe and was ai home undar parole. But Lieu- -ondIq.zsectionte firet built l-à the Niagara canai itself crosses hie path, ha would ha listrict.' li4reover, thesa lame brothers stoppad by a magnificeut cantilever bridge. iýpVear lu th@ it-ef farmers te w hom wbeat Turning te the lait cf the bridge, abnu t i fir sowiug vas to ha cupplied by he,'- o Gv- fifty yards from the river bauk, ha wouldt ornnuent, sec a fine memoiai stone te tise memory ni 1 InsjDMajor DctîýA .erdo the kîllefi ai Beaver Dame, lu my mind wvustIsai particuier norning." Mrs' Edgar, visose fine book, "lTan Yesre ni Pesceansd Wsr," ionms en valu- able an addition to our historicab records, in tallistg Mrs, Seconde sîony, ecys. "lAs te Leurs Secomd's revard, it bas coma to bar in bbc fanea ta restseon bar nana vhenîver bbc story ni 1812 is bolS. proposeS tismea ines." 'I Ilove you," saiS these mittan yotth te s Sunner girl. "Sisalva cous3idar oun- slies engageS b" lies, Frors bhrceeibis citemunon until ubse naxt Sabumday. Tisetu bbce ouiy ice I have oen an laie in tise ceacon, "1 Net such vas bbc valley non suelm bbc road lu 1812, wheu Laura Second eesayed baer jeuny ni psbnintism sund merey. The vhoie ni tisa valbcy vas a black cvamp inaversect by hununereble cracks, full ni wiilé! creatunes, sud acrocisi-hieh ne paih lad. The road vas s qusgnirc, sud, more- ni-en, s-%as not open te peaccinul irai-el, To bave pursuad s direct routa te Fitzgibbcu et DeCesc ouid bave bea s yicg sud toil- semae jouruey iudeed, but bbc delieste vo- man, bbe moiher ci four litte chilirasi, vas forbisiden aveu that. The cuamy's picets were out ou aIl the mad ; sha would liai-e te travel blîrougli bbe swamp, elînîb the heigbts at Twve--MNile Crack, pnuhanie way throngb tisa beacl veosis, sud rach DaCae' moen the back. The distance hi-olvcd vas bbe smaileet item ni bhc teurible journay. The thickebs cf bbc svcusp, vibh ius uuderbrush, tbe lurking-places ni the wolf, bbc vîld-cab, bbc bear, sud bbc raiblacuake ; bbc palss vildanness vith ies oozy bottoni,its solitude, iii terrer, tbesc vera bbc neai hardehipe. Es'en tisa motntain, is steap sidas, uts bravilisig strean, its dark nantIe ni vingin foresi, vas nt se terrible, for, once upon lb, csce rriglitmcci a British picket ; sh dhd nit cotnsiou Indiens, a sufficient terrer lu tîsen- salves if coma upon unasiarce. But duty bcd te ha doue, sud Leuna Se- cord did lb. Leasing lban home, bier shirk Isusbsud sud youg chilsien-nt vhout nsany a scaldissg tear, va may ha cure, tbougb ail signe of agitation lied te ha con- cealed-the brai-c voman set forvard on lien jorney, ail usîprcpens-d for lb iudeed, ion she sddnitdaeasi tar lber usuel aarby monuing attire by oneiota, auid bcd to cir- [cuniueni ilînc e m ican scîstries hcfonc sha me&ched Si. David's, oueat aieanciin gebe, whene tbc prebence ni a sinayed ccv snffsc- cd, the other by tie truc ctory ni a sick brother at St. Davides. At Si. David's ebe ectcred tbce wamp, thnougb wbieh sha guided hanseli by thosa signe ni bbc points ni tIse conspase kuosin te most settiens in those bines. But she bnci hereliuseatIan Onoe,- aud the monvas rising as she rcaclsed bbc furiher auss. Al ihat long, bot snmmcn's day, fron daybraak to moonligisi, on the 23nrd ni Joue, sa bad tmas'nscd tbbc aiîuted depibe ni an is- ponatrable ewamp, alorte, lsungny, faint, and for tise mmci part ni tise svy, raggad sud seleec. Even bn-day va ccc judgc, boy long lb vouid tako te dcstnoy evany article ni attire lu a thieket full of thorne sud bniers, ni branches sud failen tracs, ni ivateand bog. Wild creatunes alnmad han,' fou bbche tle suake ni tan sinikesas e springc bis siaruni, sud bbc wild-cet sirops front the hgis branch vitsout ssarnng, on punsues bis pney pcreeverngly uintil neie l sure ni lis cm. Once ouly csc e fltered, sud lb sias et tisa dreasi cny ni svolves ; but thý y passeS banrlsy, ansiashe weni n strisi- ing more then aven te the baud that guides Crns3ing by uneans ni s fallan trac the Ta-ciie-Mile Cneek, thisi a evollen sud con- sidenabla streani, ion mains had beau hsesvy ion sisys pravions, the isamoine cliuîîhed slow- ly ansi paiumully tise steep cidcs ni "tse nioantain," sud oms tise nisge enconusbred a British sentry. O, joyfuh sighut ! A frinics once musea!By sin csc is directeS to lits- gibbon, etbb howveaseice m tiles distant. Han Iearti is iigbtar, for scis e ithin British linue. But oh, boy hseavy arc ier- icai!1 She entans ai langtli upon a lit-lu clearng, bbc incas hava beau ielled, samd bluein twigesud branches sne w bbe grounsi, they ensekle bancatis ber breasi. Suddcmîly se is surrounded by asusheesIndians, sud tisa chiai tbrosis up hie tomahawk te abrike, rcgending tise intruder sa spy. Ouly by lien courage lu springing te biscr-is lethe wmsmau savei, aussiais cppontuniby enaîcsas te assure bu if ier loyslty. Moi-ad by piby sud admiration, bbc chiai givs lieha a guide, sud ai lcngih sha reachas Fitzgibhon, deliv- ans sud vendfes baer message, and falote. htis a voudanful siony. To-day, visen we arc leet in admiration oi bbc phîsck ni a Stanley, a Jepluson, sud a Stains, with tisir bauds ni mass diviug loto tise beami ni Amri- ca, va nsay maasouebly ast enrichi-as vhicb sias the gresten, thaîns on LeursiSecc- ord's. The distinction le oniy a difféencecon climsatia conditions ; bbceuSndvas tbe sanie, tIse inity aud glory oibbc Briish Empire, sud the heroicmn is sunaly equali. Fibzgibboms's prompt action, bis euîccees, suid hiha promsnion ion it, ara nattesefnisi- tory. To Mme. Seconeh sias aven gnaiei, sud nas'wn failad te shmow ut on occasion. Promotion came teo bu, but theme vas no revend for Leurs Second, vbosc seif Seuy- iug devoion teolber king sud country lad te lb. Non Sud she look ion revend, sava ihat achievesi bytheba cess ni lien arransi. But te-day, wban wvaran gr&dually avakan- ing te a beiban appreciation cf the lîcroas who gava us by prcîenrirg tbos, our liber- tles, va kuov that Leurs Sec'snd oughît te finS s place anong tusai. W hlai-e beau lass susceptible te greatne,-s tissuftica au- cuants, luns-bose Pantheois tise deitias i-are usot ahI goss. Naverbhiebees, wv ava-cnit beau wboiiyunmindful ; but va bave cou- bemplabed Soimîg the nsensory ni Leurs Se- cond comaeIsonor ; si-chave approacsesicen Prov'incial Legishatuna for a grant te ha ex- pendesi ou masing lien lest nestiug place, lu Drumnndi-ille Camctany wvus a meni- al siene comewas-baivnniy onieran ad iof us. XVa are neady to open a cubseniption licion tise part ni tis e nan d iomen ni Ontario, if se lb chould ha decirabie te supplemneut suds grant as ve nssy obtamî, un order te carry oui te tisefuil or cause of bbc banc- sua's daemirs. Wihbuntha lasi decandA ag.rese akîsn Marchant (huying bill ni gondls of Chicago drummr)-"Wbat le your usuel titua, ihinty days?"i Chicago drummner (absent- mindcdy)-«Yas or $0. I aivay psy the fine-oh, a- IIcg pandoms. Yes; tlsirty days, or tw er anciff ion cash.", 1"lThe isaroina li-eSunutil tisa yeaan1868, sud csleepe nov in that obd cen-ebenymli Drummondi-ille, vbare ie se macy ni non brave soldiars. Thoea le n 'Decoretion fDay' in Canada; but if thene vema, curaiy tiss oman us animied te tise laurel yreetb. And lin iiiug ou a nebter ies dircctiy tdealing wvus bbc story cf wvemucus bemnismn, Mmi. Herbentsys: "IIt gai-e Cen. lier- bent aud mysali bbc grectesi plasune 3ansi intenesi, lasi yack, te visit Niagara aud isecven-menionsble sunnounsisg, espcciaily the fieldi ni Lundy's Lana. I inuit thea spot vbera Laura Second tests wîll ha maked by e monument vortby ni the brave ansi inoble spirit va al nuit honor."ý i As citîgs Charles Sangter:- 'The hpro deed cau net expira, Tisa desd sil play thair part. Raisa high the monumuntel stonet A nabiois fesîty us ibeirs. Anasva ane tise rajeiciug bains. Tise bcnorcd sons of ires vhosccanee We take upon uas unaîvare.s, As ircaîy as nun ewn," EVOLUTION 0F THEE RACE-H0RSE. Tise >ei-elopmnt cf tie Tiîaremgibred le Enstre5y tise Work of Stan. tu so fan as saeceite aodowed vith Iia ccc ove ius existence to humais bauds, tbc race-hersa nsy ha saiS te hacsian-made. Ilonses vere an. iptnt factor ilu aaly nonsadie 11e, aud vena chenishasi by tisein ovons, ansi bie progrees ni civilizaionseS farfn obraakiug ibis bond, bac appsnentiy cbnaîîgblsencd lb. TIhe ansimal ktnet o mv 8 ausential to bumne efare sud convanieuce ; science bas funniebed othen mnanis cf bras- portation, aud le lu e fair way te bake ail bbc baavy boade rmn bis bacit ; but ho bbc dagnee atai ecessste bha smeacbeasi ot bunden lic le transienmad ie oa source ni auteiinnment sud pleesuna. Froum a rougis sud hardy crectuna, subsisting on sucis ma- tions as chance ansi coevniance uight pro- side, sud sufihng the barsishipe cnd hazards cf toil aud asiventure, ha buas gradmsally ci-cii-eS inocacomisinatiomi of uervas, intelligence aud traiued muscletmat bac but a famiy likenees te hisearly pro- genibors. lb differs fron tîsen in bbc sainie meesure -that tbc Anerican Beantiy or tisa La France rosa diffenrs fren bbc lIte five-patalad punit flever tIsai bloomis hy bbc oadsiae. Lika thosa floral tniuphehae is a poduci ni sciantifie culture. lb is nct chance bissi bas gi-e'n hlm thai particulan builsi, tIsai siandernesesuad lightues thai te bbc expert neans speesi. Hie miasters bave venteS these developmeuts, sud they bave studiesi sire snd daisasd bhc pedigree ni aach uutih tbey coubsi came in adi-suce the qisalities ci bbe uffcptismg. AndS laviumg securefi a hnnseibsi bas vithin hlm itue possibilithes of nutdoing Iis aucstors thay ircai hum as a precions bchosîghng, as, indeeaS hae is. A groom aivaye in atteudauce ho le brochaS ansi combeS until hie cosi le lite satin ; lhais fesid lieuseS sud exer- ciscS yiih as nusis cane ion hie confort as fer a chil's ; royalty tseehis lemît looltas sitar with more colicitusie. The attention that socieut Crecirs useS te gi-a btîsair evu bodily training me gi-an by modemn mec te the acehiorse, sud, as e remit, lha is a mari-el of phsyical perfection. AnS afben al ibis? ýVisy, -yý,hcn ha lias beau testeS suddIis paces brieS ha is put upon bbc acinacit, vbarcIis beauty anS grace sud svifineserlesse the sight sud ibnili tise pulsas ni bbc vstcbiug thousaud es ne oblien spectacle de'isead for public pleainra coulsiaen rdo. Poleoning by Misadventure. The Briftis Madice.f Journal notisces bhnec simmnîancous cases ni poisnning by miseS- ventura undar circunctanoe wlicb sug- gasi su obious comment. Tise firsi case le thet ni a eboamatar living et St. Freock Devus, in Cornwall, vise drant came oxalicacisin lumiste for brandy, Tise brandy sud tise poison vare in bottias ni îinilar chape, placeS sida by sida on bbc dresseansdilu tbc dant haedrakut othbb vnong bottle. Tise second is a case lu vbich ivo vonen wcna pniscued lu thc Eaet-EnS ni London by drning fneaby frein a bottie of carbolie acid, vicislsad beau procuraS ifon disinfmciig tisa drains froin the panhis suthorite. Tisa bottle vlîicb contaesethbbcpoison sias labeblesi "O0lS Tom," sud bbc contente vare drant under tîe baliftisati vas rmn. The tisird ccaae is ouaelunvisici soeaconholim acisi, useS ion disiufectiug purpose, vas svallovcd by e littie boy lun istakae for gingar-been. lbt , perbape, idie te axpeet mmdi recuit moen protests againet bhc cane- bssuaesvisicisaliove poisons te ha lait about in houtles oi ail shapesansd sie sncb ase ordinsnily contain cusbomsny baveaages, but et least coma provisionomigihbausde hy viih sudsh otties sîsoulId elebelleS poison. Pensons eau umew go te ilishopi, sud, ne natter visai vassale îhay tata, tise poisons placeS lu themu arenit habelled peu- son. I hi se prsous si-nt te s chebeit tisen tise isetihe oulmi bai-e te halabeilesi poison. Whiie grocaesud nilsîhope ana allovasi te seli poisons tbcy ouglît cectainiy te ha place cd ondan simîlar restrictions as te lsbclliug. How tise Lucifer Match Was In.ventait. i is net geneaahy kmosictIsati ibis te Mn. Isaac Hobsicu, M. P., tlisai ie ove the invention ni the lucifer match. Tise discov- ery vas, hae bas te-siu8 imsehi, tise recuit ni ealhappy tho.uglis. "Iu tisemorniug h HAWAII'S DENON TREE. The Strange Story of a Woulerf-al Mau Eating Vegotahbe. GmIASTaY KEXiCS IN TIXE FOtIl OF BU- lIMN r1LNE S SRtOUND ST. Iu tbe latter pari nf the yean 1867, says E. Ellsworth Carey, iu thelHonlulu Adver- tiser, I wsecumumissiolsed by the Balgian Covernieut t find a certain i-are waîsder- iug plant that se believed to grow ou the F.igber clopes ni Mauna Kea, s beige extisset volcano situated ou the rsrthern part ni Hawaii. I had a station built omsonue ci the vwooded siopes cf tise nounitain, fan away irons auy other habitation. My only coin.- panîn was a native who badl lived ail his life on ibis part ni the isiaud. About twice a montîslha wouid visit the sesenaît te oh- tain needful supplias ion our camp. This native, wb o said thai bis asîceciors wce Ibig chiais," whose boues lay sacrebly huried in caves os tisa mouiain sida, was very nid, sithougislise could clmb canyons sudsceaie lava-ciiffs witli wouder- ful agiiity. Doning nuie ni my hotaniziug excurionus 1 passcd by the mnnnih ct a uarrnw canyon on gorge, asnd lasked Pili, the olO unative, iha, badl aven explored the semae. Pil suddenly becamre istorasted in hie pipe, sud did'î know anytbing about tIse gulcis sud did siot uudersband whaî I said. This wae railmar strange iu PiIi, for natives generally kuow avery rock aud trea in the section wi-eatbey lve, sud I knew Pili wias lying whasmlic saîd hae did ni underctaud mea, So,naturally, I detenniiued to examine loto the mysteninue ravinea. Soeatime aitar ibis, I was walkiug xîtls Pili dowu a gentie siope, wlsen I saw a isumben ni houes. Psui stoppefi. Ha walked back a ie-w rodesud car down on a stump. Not a word wonld ha say. I began axassinhsg tise boucs snd for two Isouns or uosr puzzlad niy brain over s problîn as I badl neyer douc efiora. Wbat 1 oud vas thjs : A circuler ares ni about 100 yards lu dianictar îbickly cover- cd with the bleached ramaimis ni birds, eus- mals and buman bainge. Tbesacagbstly relies warc scstiered smong the chrube aud grass. The langer boises vera near the centre ; lu faci, I iouud that the homes ha- came gradually eniahler as 1 approached the periphary ci ibis circular houe-yard, lu the centre cf the circle vas a weil-lika opansng lu the ground, irons whicls emsuatad s sickeuiug odor. No vegetation graw vith- lu fluîy feet nio this cas ity. low came this hole withs its horrible stanchîl How cemý- thoe boues banal low ceme they to be arraugad abeouitue central openiug ?f Thase questions cou tinually presentad thsern- salves, but they remained uuiaucwarable. A deep niystery saemned to hassg over the cspet. It wes growing dark. I Ieard Phhu calliîsg sud burrhad to hlm. Ha pointad in terrer in thse centra of the boue-covered ares. A sbadow wac thrown on tbe sceeue by a nising - batik ni cloude. But I deciare that I saw nieing frocs the pi e visible vapor, a column ni visible fog or smoka or gas thet was uminous. Spal hound, I gazad at the spectral columus. Near tise grouud i badl bhc appeareuce ni a phosphorescent flameî sud gradssaliy becanse iainteas ib aeeded Your imaginsation will have to pictura the unearîhiy pheuomenon. Piipulled ai uy arut sud lu silence va lait bbc spot, aud va did not loiter by the waysida. As I wae lookiuig for s simple pleut, sudj ni blood-curdliug manifestations, I wee in- clined to break camp sud leave. But by înoruiug niy uerves ware lu batter erder sud I vent back to the scane ni the evaning1 adveuture. I could fiusd n ue tn the1 mystery, sud the matter gnaduaiiy wautÊ out nf' mid ase1 pnosecubed îuy ishors. But I had occasion afier a tume te visit a Psost near wbere 1 had seau tisa canyon1 about vhieh Pili was se apparently ignor- ant. Oua avening I1usade kuowu my in- tention to Pul te return te the place sud tin explora the gorge. Wheu 1" said Pili. "lu the mormieg," 1 nepliid. Wlthnut s word the nid native aroce fron bis mat outheflinornd deparbad. Ha was gona al uigbb. lia neturued by sunrise, bearissg ouhie shouidars abundia. Wbeu va reached the canyon hae sinpped sud un- paeked bis load. I eaw sa stona idol, curi- ons un chape ; lie piaccd iou the gnouud,t and iban took a smaîl pig frcm lhs bundia, Making s fine, ha sprinkied soinathing lu bthe flanes, niutcred strenge souuds sud made symbole inithsa air wibb hie fingers. The animal offerng wase placad before the ifini. Afterneh complatid hic ctrauze rites ha said that I mgbt isaver coma haek, but hoe had doue what lia couid te prasarve my ile. Ha would waii until the going don of thet sun, sud iben, if I dîd ni coma teck, ha would wail for me aisd hic fatîsars long, 1 long ago, wlian a son feil in betile. Then1 ha stdewn, ceverad up hie iîead and wast silant.t AUl ibis nmacie rmefeel uncomiortabia.V Tise natives cf the Hawaiien Islande ares supposed te ha Chnisihasized, but lu tua nif danger or trcuble msuy efien turu to tIse discarded gode ni their fatîsers. I kuîewt Pili bcllevcd tIsai great danger awaited anyc onue who ssccusded the anîvse. But I xvcui. I bai gone about a mile, svhen over tIsa tope oi inoca farne I cc a waviue mas cfses green, flage uuduiabing lu the wiud. The1 object looked like a large bunch ci thick-i ieaved seauced, and tIse paruhuanr motion ofc tIsaniaue ttrected nmy attention. 1Ivas1 over ibrea hundrcd feet away ,fî-,snitIsa A FIUE CIOMPANY OP GIRLS. Ferms! for tis rieto fUeow-s Collage, lut Essgland. Ouni bbcthemunt iuterastsng thinge etoru, the Hoiloway Collage fnn Wom2n, iu Surrey, le the fira t nigade oi girl studessis, wbo are trainad te proieci bbceniagisificeni $4,000,- 000 building fron the possibiiy ci destru- tien by fine. Froni s lange waier tower tbi, hsydrant supply le distnibnted hy vwater unaimns ail over tise vasi building, sud lest Ocichar the fine brigade was rcgnlariy ongan- izad, with Miss Bishop, the principal, as captaun. Thea1"Holioway Volunteen Brigade' icrus- ed lu thnea sectionesniftais studentseaach,' these nepresentiug the occupante ni differaut flonne. They werc dravu cp lis lina at "nigbt tun! quick mnardi! position!1" Than eech section veut quite thrnugh with- two, full drille. A fine lu sibting-ronm No. 10 was suppos- cd. At commsnd, "CGet te vonk!" the en- glue awsnndovu te bhc doorway, s "lchain" ni racruits vas fomd to the nean- est source ni waîer suppiy, and the bucets si-rc hauded lu lino thai the englue mîgbt ha keptin full play. The pump vas vigo"- ouety appiied by two girls, whîhe Smnti wcrkcd tise sînaîl baud isose quickiy snd ilu geniouely, ce tIsai the angine wae ai mill sueed in lacs than a minute. When the dril vas concluded wivh the orders "Kuock cff!" sud "lMake up!" everything had beau put lu uts ovu place. Tlhen came the "Isydraut drill," vhicb vas conducted at the hydrant neamebt the point oniasapposcd outbreak ni fine. ,lI ibis six students fron cacs section tek part. Diractly the alan vwas gi-en ICO feai of cenves hose vas rmn oui sud su ad- dithonal leugth (raguiatad, ni course, hy the distanîce) vas joined to it. At the words Il Turu on 1" by the officet' kuovu as"Il hnch hoseman," bbc hose vas diracied se thai, bad thera beau water ho lb, it musi bava sîreemed on te the supposed fine. This drill vas aise accouspbisbed lu onby a minuta, sud ai tbe commande IlKnoek off ?" sud I"Make up !" the hose pipes vere pronipily disconncctad, the pipe ihat is alvays kepi sitached te the hydreut, vas «"1slacked dovu" and su extra 100 feci icoiled up" ou bbc bight with astonisbiug nspidiiy.________ MIING AT KAMLOOPS. NioURtalssso f SSi-aer andI ColS. Great Ex etanient. Flocks ofPeoi)Ia Arriving. A deepatch funi Kamloops, B. C., ays: Mucis bas beau said of laie as te thc pros. pacte ni Kamloops as eaniiniug centre, but neyer hava the prospects ci thein]aud capital looked so briglht as et tise present, and lb is avident that the expectatieus of bbc most sanguine will ha umore tissu roalizedl. Prospectons hava beau bnsy ion bbc Ist by on ihîrea veeke and, as n mcmuli, a nich cdis- covary which asseye $138 par ton, clver sud oppar, bas bee made on Coppar Crack, 14 miles wcst ni Kamloops, vhila at Grand Prairie, 35 utiles' rmm ban, a discovery ni vhat unigisi properby bc ermned a nicuntain ni sibven sud gold bas beaunimade, oua icdge baiag 25 icat vide sud braceable ni-a mie, mauy other equelly as gond locations lîaving alec beau made. Lherae isgreet axciiement lu the iecaiiy, sud unincre are fiocking to bisa district, ibras, wagon loade beimg ar- rived frcm Vernon lest cvenîug. Mn. D. L. Lockerby asîd panty, iuclud- ing tsi- miniug expertsý, arc hore, and leai- for Grand Prairie, ou Monday, vberc Mn. Lncerby bas alneady acquired semae inter- ets. After vs'iitimg Grand Prairie, Lockcnby sud penty vibi spand àoin, lu tbc district, visibmug other points ni in- beresi. Mr. Lockcrby expresses himmeli as much pleasad vibh wbai hce bas seau, se far, sud coosiders the district very nic i n min- erais, George McDonald bas aise strnck a ricb lead ni galena vithin tso nulles cf the tovu, vhiba yet anethan rich lead lias beau diccovered by Mn. Waikar, et Adames Lake, vitin aiaew miles ni bbecîty. Major Vaug- hau, wîso bas beau banc for corne time lu- vetigstiug bbe coal fields ni tise North Thonipsen, lait ion Vancouver to-inght. Capi. Tatlow, oi Vancouver, amrivad ou bbc Atlanic express, ts moning. ----- - - t Book% With Rumin Ekins. Extravagance in biuding has iraquseutiy iunnisbcd anu npeniug for dieýpiay ni fautas- bic tickesud fade, deciares The St. Louisi Repubhican Csînio-Seekcr n. a ebe)olseilars3 catalog et baud as h write is su adventise- matit of a Latin copy of Apulciu's " Golden Ase" Isounsi in the ekin of a Jeruseleni ss, tisa leather bcbng sclii unîsais cd. A bocjk by Jaffncy Hudson, bbc nobcd dwsni, vas boumsd lu thssitsi-aistenat ni Chanlas I., tise dwarf'e patron soint. A de luxe edition ni Foxe s isînnical vonke, specialby flubad up ion Edîvards, the plilosophier, vas houudcl thînougbout lu fox skias, 47 pelts ni thae litile anisoals bciug nequired te comiploe bbc job. O'Council, who uso dalighiad lui the possession ni a firsi edition ci Bacon's vonks had the cutire sei rebound in pig skin, aud always refarred tteme as hie, "B acon mid" bocks. Dnning the French Ravolution, Isais ndcciii stalk'sýd tbmough the lansid nn~Ird lurkes ii-,u very dr corner," coma of tise philosopisié s hs ad becosue bardenesi vith tîsair uigistiy resalals Il'whore sculls vwana used s driutking dupe," carriad ibein loi-e ef the gruacose sud the horrible se fan as te scblnd -vIsola bibnries in human skia. The writen ni tils Il notaý" once had bbc picaessre nifisandisg e copy ni An estimable but uniscal'-Iv Lly who le bcking the ivaten i aatog s -snh the sysuptions s0 a Ïriei"and, u isigte axpiain that che firet visiied bbc, athsd citarwards took han gleesscf mierl i-ae et. tisa sprio, she said . "ly deaniheCL treatint lasry nmp'a. You b&kè i -cor bath firci ansi ciri he cvtnufcs-.-

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