THEFJflHTINTHE BEELHWGODS Ouring the course of the next day Duchb Tne sudd en ariivaI of so large a b ody of %rome w',tt with twenty- Bye warriors ta troops by night, sud the unusual erre taitex qýs-annobJre thse Niazara, aud advau)cing ta couce-ul thoir advance, et once led thema with, . sý-ght of Fort George ho sirprised a to suspect that the blow w3rs ained at Fitz- ,epritv of Americen soldiers in a tavern, gibbon, armne af whose men haut been in the MlilAg four snd makiug seven prisouers. village duriog the day, and tbey anxiaesiy Alttingli hatly pursued bycaary'heeasily îbegau to m-editate meaus af waruirg him ai t4ected bis escape by plungîng juta the the impeudirug dan eor. Since it was clearly ,tv'"nds, with the loss ai but a single warrior impassible for Secord himself ta accomplislb ýý,aol1aged behind tat bring off soma horsts. the ue-essary jouruey, bis wife pramptly ?Zhe saîme aftarnoan anaîher partýy attacireu determiuadl ta undertake the pariious tesk &% boast in thie river near Queenston, killiug herself. She wss a liglit andt delicate wa- trm persans sud capturing six.,1nman, already in her thirty-eighth-year and Aonuoyed beyand eidurance by the audac- the matber oi tire chilutren. The roads in !ý.ï ai an adversary numericelly sa mu 'h many places ware au)kle-deep in mnd, the -,t er lut tus continually anayiug hies country was sparsely settled and tbe wools ýut,.osts, Canerai Dearbarii deterrnined ta were known ta be bautited by bande oaIn-u ctrike a vigorans blaw aet Vinucent's advauca.- dian s and white maraudera, who baung guard in returu. flaving beeu iufarmad upan tbe akirts ai tbe armies, yet she neyer on the 23rd that Fitzgibbau had occupieut ieltered iu ber> e3ol ution. Leaviug tbe hanuse DeCew's banse with a single company ai at tht first Inutesof dawo, wtb a ps.ul upon regular traaps, and between sixty and a ber srmn, ahe uucceeded iu passing the neer- hundred. Indians, (a very close astimate ai est sentinel under pretance ai milking a cave bis actual tstreiigthi,l andt was saxd ta ba for- in the fieldts beyaud. It was then Da difficuit tIying it aud colaectiug supplies tbere, haoinciter ta guide tbe animal bahiud a con- was easily peranadeut ta caunsent ta an ex- veusaut thicket, sud ance fairly 'ut of itcbt, pedition for the purpase ai disladginz him, she threw the pail acide and began bar tati- and averawing the inhabitauts in that quar- coain wa>k. Fearing that lier purpose ter. A columu ai 600 meu was de'-med migbt be suspactau wben lbar prolauged ah- amply sufficiaut for tbe performance ai this eauce was discovcred, and a pursuit begnu, service, sud Colonel Cbarles G. Boerstier, sha cerefally avnided the main road sud of the 141h U. S. JInautry, or Marylandt struck juta a by-path laadiug tbrauglsibe regiment, wss selecteut for the commxand. fieldts and waads. The brilltancy ai the Ts biofficer had alraady distingaisheut moanl favoreut her flight. Occasianially the himstîf by gallaut conduciu in leading tht distant hawl ai a wolf smala upan ber aight atteck an tbe batteries belaw Fart ear, sud more then once a rattlcsuakeglided Eria in Navembar, 1812. Duriug the wiuter f rota the path sud disappeereut iu the rauk his camplants ai the iattvityof his super- graqss But thace were nul uniamiliar sights jars haut beau frecluet snd bitter. By ansd sounns ta the dwellers ln the w00f15, andl cammon consent ho was regarded, as she ppusbed hraveiy au withaut a 7u-rDase tli one et the bravast and mostu eu- sho reached the village af St. Dusvsds. terprisîog afficers in the American army. Aiter rating for au instant at tht hanse Tht wbole ai bis owu regimeut, ane cam- af a relative, she resumed ber janrney, stili paay ai the fiîh, anather ai the 23rd, a avidiug the highwsy and aelectiug a cir- traop ai tbe 2nd Light Drnageoans, command- cuitons aud laualy route whtch led bier înany edby Crnet Burd, a campauy ai lighit ar- miles out ai the wey. Finally, havîug walk- tillery, with ouI Cpaund aud ana 12-paunAeut as she imsgined, soma nineteesi miles fieidpiece nuder Captain Andrew Mc- since leeviug home, she erniveu t a a branch Dowall, aud Chspiu's corps ai maunted in- af tht Tweive Mile Crash shartly aiter sun- fsntry, were detaileut for tht purpase, tht isa, anut fading it mach swallen by the ne- auntira farce exceediag six hundreut rank and cent raineansd the bridge rernoveut,elbe waa file. campelleut ta arassa buapan tht trnnk ai a The distance from the Ainerican camp: fallen tree. Toiiig upthesteep bankbeyaud at Fart Glearge by way ai Queenstan, thbe she stnmbiad suta tbe nmîdst at a group ai route selecteut for thse advanca foar thbe ex- sleeping lindians m-ho spranghlasx ily ta Ibeir peditian, was estimateut at rathen less than feet witb pierciug yells.lit was with great eigbteen miles. Ta Bisbapp's headqnarters, difficlty she madaelier abject nnderstaad by way af the lake road, it was uearly as hy their chiai, who undarstoad far, while De Haren'a autpnst at the maath but a faw words ai Eugltsh, anut sama delay ai the -"Tan" was nat quite ton nules away. ened bafone she was couducted ta Fitz. Tihe three principal advanced posts ai the gibbon, ta whamn sha tald ber stony de- British wera thus establishaed at tht angles scibing tht compositian ai tbe columu ad- Si an equilateral triangle, each sideai vancing agaiust him, and estimating its tvhich was about savon miles iu length. A strengthet nearly athausenut mca. thaiu ai autpasts stretchiîng along its base! Il being eoatnary ta the cuistom ai tht inaintained cammunication betweeu De lIndiens toacstat ight, they had witbdrewni Ilareu on the cAge aithue laka, and Fitsgib- ta tueir respective encamapmeats anA Ducli- LaonthoetI eights abave. Bisbapp's, arme haut net mare thtu eigity warriors position, near the jnnctian ai two rosis, with hlm. Scarcely had Mrs. Secard cou- wonld enable hlmi ta snppart aither cludeutlber narrative when bis scùuts came ai these omeiers, when ueeesgary, with shriekiug tht death.cry. They bed an- equâl iacility. At the same tima the Amer- countereut the advance-guard ai tht enesuy iean lina ai antpasts diA net axtenut mare near St. Davids, andt ana ai thair number than two miles inlu avnceeaiFart George haut beau killed. Ducharme immediatetv in aay direction. requestaut permission ta a ivanceanad way- Besides tht main roA ta Bnrliugtau, fol.-lsy the column et a spat wbich haut ixeA lows ng the short ai tht lake, anathen, some- bsatnintht day hefore, as baing favor. times knGwn as tht Black Swamp road, led able for an ambuali. Fitzgihhou readily almast in a direct lino irom Niagara ta gave bis assaut, and tht tutire body ofInl- D~i a.~ -- ~ i-qas--t ofait ea van. S.- ..-..-., .--.-..-......~ i wait for rainforcaments. Bat saau obsarv- ing that their fine haut bagua ta slaçken, ha, letanînineut tomake avigorous effort tobrasu aisilîe bis asseilautiand continue lois mas ch, Leaving bis artiliery hahinut, proteced by tutu dregoons sud tht two Aeted campeuits ai iniantry udar Major Taylor, second lu command, whase baise haut beau itillaut et tube firat fine. he formaut tht whlî of i is awn regimeut ta single nanit, witb a campany an each ovuag, throwu hack ta caver the fisuk ai biq lina, sud led it at a qniekstapjuta the woods ou tube nîght ai tht rosA, wtub tue, intention ai driviug tht Indians iîîto 'ha fieldts hayond. Ha haut almasi, penetrataut throu2h tht wooda, withonî encaruntering mach opposition, when a violant attack waa commenced an bis nigt fienit. Whaciug ta tuba diroctian, tuhe advanue wes coatinuad ior s cosiderable distance lu tube face ai an incessant fire front an alînost invisible enemy. Thon, findiag tubatubhe men vAre iaaing heavily aud hacomiag fatigiied, wuîh- ont gaining aay substautiai sdvantaga. Boenstlen tbreov ont s lina ai sitirmiahars ta haolA tht enerny in checke, sud diracted a genteaai etreat apon tube artiiiery. Tht lad sans preaseut thair advantage with exult- ing shoats, aut finaily tht Americans fll bracinl considarable confusion into s holiow wbere tbey wena partuialiy shaltenaut fromn their lire. Ducharmna than pnomptly directaut Lieu- tensauts Gauciser, Gamelin anA Lauglade wiîh tiseir respective datacîsmeats te akait circuit throagus tht wnods aud gain their fiank and rear. Tbis was soon aceoii-opli.qb- eut, andballets faont tht avarbangîngîthicit- etsaegein hegan tb drap witb fatal effeel amoag Boerstler's mer), naw quite uiazeut sud dispiritaut. Aithoagh alightly wonntd lu int veny heginulng aiflise actian, Boerstler haut nemained an horsoacit eonstssîtiy eaconragý îa)g bis soldiena, sud as ha gallopaut aloug the lina, affordiug ea conspicnus usankto tht enamny. Anatler abat thon rAItrb im la tise thsgh, infiiating a savent fieshwonnd. Csptaiis Cammings anad MeChesuay sund Lieutenants Mareehai sud Raudaîl were Aisaeutneariy et tht saisîtmmnt, snd tube icil ai so snany officers haut nstunally a moast disasînous aufet. Whtle thetide ai battit swayad teand fra in lise waods, amall parties af Indiens wene canstanîly coming op aud awalliug tube nambers ai thtssailants. Next, Captain Hall ai tht Pro .'isrcial Cavalny, appearaut uapon the seene, sud sitar sunveying the con- filet for a few miaulas, galiopaut off ta mata sý repart ta De Ilaren. Theo, situer tuba a'ution haut istaut lmosl an heur, Fitzgib- hou route up, accompanitd by bis oniy suhal- ten, Lieutenant Windtn. Observing tubaI the Amenias wane alneady tbnown an tht dehensive, aimaat surraunideut, sud apper- anîly nutternoined wiathtr ta continue thair sdvance on stteîupt s reîreat. ha sent awry bis companian tua hng iorwer thtue remaissuer ai bis eampeuy, caasistiag ai a single sergeasîl sud forty-five rant sud file, and remained ta watch tht fartants ai tht fight. Finally,the tbrea bratotrs Keliy,miii- tiieunuwho, haut beau permitteu te ta uru ta their home ou su adjacent ferus ta asaist lu haymitlng, attracteut hy tise saunAs ai strifa, seazau thein 'armsand joined in tisa eltacit. Onder havîng beau ta some extasst rester- eu th îeir renta, tuba Ameriesu iniasîtry foraul behinut a lance sud sueis aller caver asîthey coulA faut, essd apeneut a brisk fine in reply. Some a oft hbluetotheir rifle- men aven adovanceauecanaidarabla distauce farces. A snbaltanîî was dataileut for tue wes iramtd tht sae day, instructiag Gan. purpasa, but wheu îbey reaclieu a baud in Dearboru ta retire fnom tht.,cammanut tht raad, wbere soei tht, rangera ware &'until bis bealth shonld ha re-establishtd,'" stations(], thay wera mat by Captain Hall, anA bis immadiete succassar, Genaral Boyd, lu tht character ai De Haren, who feigneut was prohibiteut frouai attempttug any offen- ta ha much enrageA at tht delay, and de- sire oparations antil their squadron regain- clariug tha thIis raqutat ou the part ai eut contral ai tht laite. auamy was too hnmiliating ta ha endureut, Two ai tht principal actons in thtse jha ordertd tht Americen afficer ta ratura at avants, Jamest Fitzgibn anA Laura Second taoce ta bis owu hunes. attatueut an extrema olu sgt, sud munst ha A section ai Fitzgiban's company oves remembartut by many persans stulil living. nextu directeu tot rua acraas tht open graunut Fitzgibhou reaidaut lu Canada for more sud jota tht Indians in rear ai tht enamy than lartuy yeans, and took an activa part ta imprasa tham still inrthen witb a beliafiniituba suppressian ai tht rebeliion ai 1837. lu tht superiority ai the British forces. Sama years sitar ha was nominateut a Miii- [bhis movamaut wes rapidly axeentaut with- terv Kuight ai Windsor whare ha was ont loasuder fire ai their artillery, aud fir- still ltrsug in 1867,-%t tht sgt ai eiglî lag on bath ides was hricitly recoamauncet. NI'rs. Second AieA tu 1868, et tht advauc- The confident, attitndt of bis assailants eut ýe aoai9.3, saut ta hnied un tht grae- haut couviucad Colonel Berstler that yard at Drumusonut Hill, an tht battît-fielut bis situation wassaxîramely oriîlcal, and ai Lundy'a Lana. It is ta ha liopeA tubaI hae summonaut a meeting ai bis officars ta uat many yaars will ha allowed ta pass awey obtein thair viawa. lis men haut isarcheut arabier final rastiug placa la manitau by a almostu tan miles thal maruîng. Tbay haut fittîng maînoriel ai ana ai tise braest aut beanu nder srms for six h ours aud haut beeu most layal of Canadian woman. fightingiarthelas'uthree. Tbestreuigtl ai tise THIE ENSD). columu haut beau cansiderahly dAtîniieut__________ hy itilleut, woanded, sud akuliters, snd those stili in thesa nka were mach exhastaut hy OOERA DOOTORS ATTAOIKED beat andl fatigua. ihair snpply ofaimnu- nition was gresriy redaced, oaly tbrat llioters Ins Astraishanix Drve off Oficiais charges ai grapa rameaiug for each ai tube gus. Under these circumstaacas il isfnot andS Physicluns. snrprisiag that most ai bis subardinatas Tht officiai Gazette gives a.-cauuts ai tht were inclineu tetakait gloomy view ai thein choiera iots aI Astrakthan, where a slate position. Having stili iiteen miles ta ne- ai siege bas been declaned in causeqaesoca. treet aloug a rosci borderaut lu many places Tht warking classas and the iower orders by Woods, they candidiy axpreasaut their aven wtnt so fan as ta drag tht deaut bodies doubla wbathar a quarter ai thair aumber ont ai tht hospital. Tht Gavtruor's hanse waaid ha able ta escape. When tht ra- was attacetu, sud thet tuoopa hau tet fine maindar ai thetr csrtridgas weîe axpendaut, nPou tht niotera. tht Indiens, tbay said, wouid be able ta The chiof case ai tht rtsing was, no shoat themn down et pleasune. Boenstier se- Aoabt, tht use ai qîuickiime in burying qutesced in tise main with thase opinions, choi-era victims. Tht popular repart was sud statiug thatu ht wonid assume ail ne- that patients oyant placed in their coffins spansibiiity for the surrauder, daspatchaut wbila sîil slivan sd that lime oves sprinkl- Captat.z McDoweil with instructions taoeh- eut aven them. Tht ignorant masses reiîss - tain tht hast terma passible. ed teta eliave in choiera, sud nagardeut the It was wtth great difficulty that tht In- compnlsory namoval ai tht sick ta tht boa- diana coulA ha inuluceu tet cesse firing, wlian pitlansd sanîlary regulatiaus geueraiiy as il was annonceu t ta tht Amanicaus were s kinut ai causpsracy on tht part ai the fiualiy preparau to tuasrrander. Ducharme dactors aud officiais. Onder wasaonly ne- coulA spaak bat little Englisli, sud raadiiy staeutd on the arnival ai twe hattalions ai consenteu thtisIFitzgihban aboulA raetuba iniantry front Saretoif and thteuiscloange ai articles ai capitulation, stipuiating only that a volley mbt thtenidat ai tube mob. bis followars shonlut ha aliowed ta divIde tht Tht daily reports ai Aaaths ana se mach plundar. A bnief document, consisting ai alike, both in regard ta nambers sud but fann short clauses, wes thon sigueut by places, that it seaasis hardly Worth whlle ta Captain RcDoweil, by which il was egreaut repeat tht sliitly vanysng fgures aveny that Colonel Boentlen's antire commandtday, unleas thay nefer toansy very sensible aboulA becoma pnisoners et war, thbe afficena increasa aif motality on tua fraah places. hein g ailowad tei retein tubir arma, hanses W ithin tht lest few days tube apidemic, bas and prirate brggage, anduthtue militia sud tisa, showu îtseli aiosîg the lina ai tube voluntuarst rtnrn ta, their homes on parole. Vladikavitaz-Rostoff Railway aut at Stav- Whilt tht negotiatiaus were in pnogress, nopal, balf way bttwetn tht Caucasus sud Chapin maet e nsointe sud panfidioss t- Rostof aun tht Don. l tus appeans ta bo temptu taeespe with bis command. Pacing advaneing lu tuwo lines-namtiy, up the Vol- bis wouuded men, about flteen ta numbar, ga, anA frein a more soutbanly directo in tuba centre aiflis troop, hae began ta rida îhnongh the Cossack turritonios towerd tht napirllyduowntubenosut. Bat this movement uorlb ai tube Black Seansd tube Sesaiof. wes inustrateut by tht alertness ai tube In- Most elahonata regulations ana peing Alaus, who immedistely barreut tht way in takan by tube Miaisten ai Communications greetninbers, sud avenuaily net a tua prevent a raplut apreau th ue iseasa single man ascepeut bat tht arderly, aloug tube railwsys. Eacb railway la tua who haut beau despatebed for assis- have s sanitary cammttt, easc-ii train an1 tance when tht nttîck hagan. Twaatuy- ambulance tuuckt couventeutfrntm a gaouts turee offilcrs andu 487 nan-commis wagan sud funnislueut with every neeeaaary sionaut offceens sud men ai tht regulan appliasea, aII. stations sud canniages are ta srmy aud thinty militia laid down ltin ha disiniecled, doctors aut medicisses ana arasa. Abant thity ai ail nanits were sup- tes ha in needineas et ah paints, snd nules postA tua hava bean killeA anA sixty or are ta ha everywhara poattdu p giviag, moat saeveutywounded. Tht colora ai tuba l4th mipumte advice sud instructions as tua diet, United States Iuiantry. two fid places, elothsssg, and treatuaoat. twa haggage-wagana andt Bye hundýreutstand Hae.Who,. ion some tim aiaut bstinately Clavas, au Monday. a trial wes beann wsa caiacusgaias t teren5 pese 51paiias ai tube fth snd 23nd, orbile tube traop the moulu ai tht "Ton," wiltubaheabject ai dragoons covared tuhe nean. lu lis ander ai aeeupying bis attention sud pnavatîag thay pasdtepitw r heodd- hlm fnom raudarng suy assistance tla tht assat tubhimsapo n d abe eno dd th hammm, but for sama reasan il ores neyer vengeA FmtuaSimaa's sued ansttdtub eeccteut. Baertlar's instructions iected hab. Frougidgs teta lima Isîdiana whe him toasdvanat as rapiuly as possible upan osretgiigaeluiytbaibtb Filgibons pat;sat, f acasar, oeterWoods, but as yeîtbahy meute no attampt ta Fitzibbo'e pst; ndif ncèssrýv, molea 1t thair maneh. Aown tht baiss ansd captura or disperse thbe Se tb sea h sieîepoain garnison. Chapin, vain, boastial, aud neyer m hohftisa present township ai Sîsmiord vtny particalan as tua tht acenmacy ai bismui Stuatements, bolutly assertutd thlat ha hsd ores scautily woodtd, but ta ils uonlh-west The campany ai rangers having arriveut, --This signai auccasa ores obtainat aItube tloay orre postaut by Lheir commanuder osi expanse ai very trifiing lacs. Fitzgiban's tube iigh grounut an tuba ight of tube resut, compeny wabut sliigbîiy engageA, anA. diA anA be then diracteut tht, greatar part af tuba ual bave s single man injanaut. Attise time, InAtanstoaocenpy tht woods ou bath alutes savea Inuians orere naporta tetuahavaeieeu ai tht rosadin rtan atht Amenicas, oiîb lilledansudsixtecu wounded, but Duchoarme s oiaw ai ratarding Iheir netreat until othar subscqnenlly a-stimateu thi einIe 1bas ab nataforcameuts conlut coma up. fiteen killedansd toveuty-five wounded. Nolicing ise ghow ai scarlet iu fro.nsd îlThcsqu ossaaitht rictory proved banased if lanansd rean hy ais indefialte fan more importanistbtu coulA hava beau sud apparently etrn ireeasimg namban ai raasouehly anticipated aItte rne. The whoopine In.dins anA suliltia on., Brstler) 15th Uifîate Statues tInsistru and a deach- tuba dactara foudta be tht cause ai daath i1s ,uaS 4i1 5110VVý5ll Tht arueredchiA wa son reagusau sturmy waters, no sîght, no saunA ta cheer The mudered hild astheo u . aboya as tisa son ai a joiner ai tuba ton th1 - ue otbing but cheenlesa 1eeden nameutHagmaun. Hea es betwaanfiveautaaAs rud uesAsi aerac six yean ofa gt. Ha haut beau seau in tisa moment thnestuening ta enguli tham, sud momnug layug l frnt i tue hm, nA tubir friands aow gant foravar. isquiries lad ta the supposition tub t il ia rn obumstr om ama in tuhemr thabthetubamader totk place. At u naanseiansly. Thon Rictetts cet, final every ona wes campîeîaîy at a lais ta IlGood-hya, Kirk, I can't halA ou suy houg- acoant fr h cian; I hweer1er1must go." iontutcrme.Son' 1 Oh, don't leava me, aid man ; ion Go'a suspcio nsteut ou s man namtslBnaclshoff, sae d uon'îlearve mehatane"ostt tis huehr and clark ai tuba Jewish aom- hrj --,"ws h montaile feîaur thiU srvi crye ad sien asa- n al. i res n derbrnab. summit ai îlot nAge. -Tht remeinder ai the coancil o a e, coasposcd aifisba chiai officaîs, haflliu tht ahangluter-hoonsa. Al noannen ir of51"'~1 ready placaut an guard, aut coulA ual ha Choosig vpo haroe nfaithe oidaît susany orie next retired ta tht sama posi- w-as luelut, aiswhicb it was ntinîatauyAeidaut suspicions orere soon ia,,sud tube mob 1Rieketuts'baulaut thamacves, Ibain strength reliavaut. ibis oversighl depriveA Boasîler sd uttapesl af these ravinas crostd thetiton aut formed ini close columu. By netreat- ta renauin. Evary axertion was meute ta enutaut y Aamolisiabig Buschloff's praparîy, nigb spant, im tuebaat. Aluhough hoor of potio ofhismos efecivetropsandanarmuduanger ai beiag wshîad" off, Sf aporton i bi posl afectve raap, s d s Ducharme staîslaned bhis warrions, ing Itece acrossa along atrateb ai caIti-ateut fartiy snd strngthen tubain position aI Fart anA writing bis bouse"- Murdaen'a bou se,"tb urivoswr lbl epriepg LieltgeAntsmDtaLmancher andsLetBlairs.iL landt, it ovould ha passible to avoid tisa wooris George. Thaucefornard ion tura mlnth an sd damaging tube shapa ah othenJeos lundiierae igit Tht departaeeoaitht columu fnom camp tat-f .Cugsaaas ntt ih;ocasîed by tuheaInsîlean sd regain lise rosAd te e rastuicted hy hi er attt bx.Ts eiah communiîy baving tet-ieCuhaaao hrg hy"1tetw.TeJ so te es-l h otwsoiyyrilyrgtd t wss punposely elayed until evening ho Cantain William Jhn nKerr and Lieu- isayond, woreaitpessesimaiahy threagh an ground withisî range ai thein ccasnon.IDuinltat length begged tubaMinistar ai tubeInterion av et nisls epn n iaam cessissry. Sesoorrs af greaier or itsmag- about îweuîy moanteut rifemaen. roda Î'ate Maris-' vest, and wera raeuoofrasnsatîecapnetenou odiin ialra jaus u -ottarîaîrîui mriesar " -- - --'- nitad hautfallan neariy erary day tube boiiaw anA began tuba asceat ai tht op- dsapocsiin. Tbsy lied alnesdy met oith se- and saubjctutaicers sud inen ta xcssvebelievetin. Es-en elviiized Germiaisy c-incradibie. Tickatts set almnostt tht naci ion saveral Tht roas Neps o t ' lope. Asngle volley frmuthîlotvaralasses, aut wera mach easperated snd fatigue. antghe isottest montha cift' tains peopl rolnlhssevst ab~aas hn, inketnick ta istui orai. ib thlonoghly saturated, and tube ordiuary tick anieptuteut very sadutia butaone, suan, ardl heaison ores coutinueutmmach yaar ana turdatiiinn osotrateut superstitions nonsensaeatigttue eahmiath taun aumbar af hrsts coulA seareely drag tube sevaral ovarriuorsimmei«ey pa l olnger tuiîay wolut beconse numesiageabla hy isease, anA thoagh tube baspit aosan- Nîigpsesaua awlastha tttaaqteloealaA Hwthy cannon. mAceondipanagnly inanindtcimnresmssarelmoate'te e landteeroprtonofaitheng leseeauan otellas.obc airkpatni ea tllt oislyik ul Acodnl twsaiot warstostrip snd scalp tuluin îaîienenemies. as ei nidsnmnt asce1e oe oersolarpriîouetaskedi ~ his oles u her in'ts wfe. uç -.p.mi.r,-, 5'ni..5 on.t,-. shre-Ti5..i Iqaly warrn and unfaltering in lherpati'o gnu'ethth hdbe'alcedadheUt ale ibn xrse lswh rmacomn vihs erIa uvda hat itlasour awn deaper ilaturc a-wakcning builders' Union bas &bont thirty-seven fr~fallea back ta a clear11 £'wbere lie would I ugness ta permit an officer to view Efzi unfortunate." Consequently a despachand ciaiminz its blessed ri6'ts éousand members. Tht Pitiaale SterY, eW the SirRUage On tise Overinrted Bont Te'"d by tht Sssrvivors. The meaachohy o ,tastropha et Paît Unian, nean Toranto lafl weeit, ln whicb tube aniortnnate yonng mn Brougbail and 140- Niden bast thein lives, ckit a gcs vnTo- routa sacety, whieh ila Atepenaut aow, tube tue stary ai that dresAdfli struîggle for 111e lu thbe bungry waters aif Que laite Is mare ewidaiy knawn. Tht oniy itecounts ai- tube diseoten isitherlo published were aecessarily in-cosaplete, as lte survivant', Messrs. E. R. Ricketts anA G. S. Kirkpat.rîcit, wene lu a toa exiiensteut condition ta R Ive more than a iew nsmbiug panticulara aI tuheir owu ex. peniaucea au that fatal aftatsîoon sa of tube cruel iate ai their companic,1%3, Mn. Riet. aIlts, aithongh sevenely anns.Jsd battered aud snffarng mach irom Ia.s exposant ta tht ice-colut water, la noa' msiig good progness ta recavary, snd yesterutay siept a gaout deal. Sa fan, bowevar, hic medical aut- visera wili ual permit bim ta raceive cahiers. Mn. Ktrtpatrieit is elsa pragnessing fayon- abiy, anhleniag cbi.efiy mous tht long expos- ant, but eacaping with lesa braises than hus comnada. The story ai tube catastrophe, as nelataut by youn)g Kinitpahrict affactuallY disposes ai the tubîory suggested by somae thal thbe centre-boarut ai tuebeoat strack oa srock saut capsizeut il. Ha asys that a heavy sqnaii stnuek tubau sSo sauteniy as td-pracnute aay avoidanca ai il sud that thebat cepaizing iwith îail sal sel meute 1h impossible tua nigbt ber witbant cntting sway thba abrouds sud naiieving ber ai bar canas anA spars. Haut thera oniy been a kuiheaamoug tht party this coulA eesily bave beau doue, but the ktuaes oaing rapta wena boa bard far thair nmhed fingens tua loosen anA despîte tuhein insulta efforts ta night bar by swsying- unitedly on ont sida, she reaisteut every ef- fort, anA as TISE CISSYEL couso af tht weter aumbaut snd stiffanaut fingars anA limnbe, they hau to relinqnish evary effort lu tubat direction sud hushanu tthein streugth ta halA an ta tube noliing, up-tuned hat, aven wbicb tht waves swept evary marnant, in tube feint hape of snnvivlug long auaugh ta ha rescueut by same unaxpectea hat su thesa unfrequentut waters. As nean s tub survivons eau jadge, tube sqnahi aImait tuboat soan sitar 12 o'clack, siter rbey haut beau same tubrea andas hall hours ont from. Part Union. Tbey hautmae bah hitulle pro g ras, tubenteissg sstrng baA winA, sud puranudt tuiaway hy short, elmost unprofitahie, ,tecks. When tht [sqnshi staci theîlot atsha aI once cepaizeut, throwiag all four occupants mb tubte water. JTht haavy sails Anaw tube forepant ai the hoat beneath thbe vaten, sud ail thbe lads haut ta cliag ta was a short portion oi tube tati near tht steru stili abare w-star. Saeasall was tuba space that ail four iay close ta- galber ancoureag ,ones anothen ta keap their halA. A mare plIable, heantbreakiag position il l is ard ta cancaive. Some four miles irnmshane, tube aagry ses, bneaking ovrntbemn every marnent, tube simoat sani- ais hat noiing violantiy in thet trongh ai tht ses sud threatcniug evany moment ta toset eir despsiring halA, thepoor flloors clng tuogetisen, evany moment thbe cuill ai tht ice calA waten cneepiugz funthar ovar *tbtîir ornd badies, aveny _moment hope fading sud Aeatb sa neer et baud. An houn passed aud stuil tht grisu fighî waged,,bat thba bitter calA haut aow r radereut tis iff- 1