Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1892, p. 3

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1ia a dangerous emergency, AYER's C ti:.aaV,. PECTORAL iS prompt to act and sure t o cure. A dose takeri on the frst syvmnptomqui of CrouPeor B ronchitis, checks 1 furt-her progress of teecomplainis It soýfte nq the phlegmi, sootbs the in fiiilamcd embrane, and induces sleep. As ai remedy for colds, coughs, loss of vocla grippe, pne'umonia, and even consmptonin its early stages Cheorry, Pectoral excels ail similar preparatiors It is endcorsedbyl1 sding-physicians, isagree- able to the taste, does not interfère xith digestion, and needs te be taken nsualiy ini smail doses. " Front repeated tests iniovn fatiiily, Avers Cheirry Pectoral lias proved itself a ery effiýcent j aedy for colds, cougbs, and the varions dis- "loidees of the throat and lungs."-A. W. Bartlett, Pittsiield, N. H. " For the last 25 years 1 have been taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for lung troubles, and arn assured that its Ise has 1 have recommended it to huedreds. 1I 5n the rnest effective wayof taldag this medicine is ini sr.all and frqent dss'T M. Mattbews, P. 11., Sherman, Ohio. ',My wife suffered froni a cold ; nothing helped iier but Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ishicn effected a ur.-.Amera, Plymton. N. S. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepartid b Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowel Mass. Prompt to act, sure to cure J. E. lMLiL. ARRISTElI, SOLICITOR, NOT- ».litAY, etc. offices, McArthur's biock, (îilng Street, Bowýmanvillo. Moaey to joan. 37. M ONEY TO LOAN,-On farm secur ity on Most favorable tetnns-mnortg*.ges bcnight. ApPlY tri RCHARDnF5STER, 6ast Of, trwa. P. 0. Box 119, Or JOHN FOSTER, Drcver, Bowmnanville, P. 0. 5-lyr. FLOIIIST, OSH1AWVA, - - . ONTAtITO Gr ower esnd dealer in Choice Cnit Flowers. Piaulaý. Robes. Carnations, Violats. Smilax, LUId ,Fras. Funoral Designs and Bouquets i1-ada un on short notice in Wreath3, Crowns. Plillows, Rearts. Socety Nmblem % & -. Plants Lcan)ed for Decoration.euch as Palme Feras Liie8. &c, Telephoüe Canection. I. Iy F R E E! Pa ck ofgood worh$2. andi large 100 pa 'a Pictura Book Ihat. wll 'w ei y pt youi on the road 10 a bantisane fortune. "ed ,. Filver topay postage, A.WKIN4«EBY, B. C. S., Yarmouths, N. S. 12- 3m. T RENT.-For termi of yaars, "G]oa'e TDhu "-300 acres, 2 miles ffrtt Whtby- gooti buildings and soul Admirable -or stot r dairy. Chance for going extensivaly mbt Toronto ailk busiûess or stock raising foi nanerican markaý. Mon witb capital only Aeed apply. J. H. Dow. Whttbr. 32 tfr F -jARM FOR SALE-The north haif Voff lot 22 la th, 3d concession off tisa "~aliof Clarke ia tiue cdny off Durhiim ,~ai oiAï 100 acees more or ]eas. Upon tisepremtses ares gond dweliig house, bara and ttable. There is a nover faiing spinig close tu the buildings, agood young f rchard For tetme and particulers apply ko CHAS. WI T,Eclsctor, etc. Newcastle. 2.3m. THE GCANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABLIJHED lOTI $1 par anaum in advaoce, otherwise $t.5). 8nbscriptions alwovyi p1ya5ile t tha Offl sa f publication,. Advertiinçrates unleas by cts ract, 1lûcent 3 par lino. neap ie firat insoris on, and ocents par lina eclis subseqiasai in- isqtion. Locale, 10 cents par lin. M. A. JAMES, Publish e NhR ~ INEIVE c,, re a i is. eovery tia cure tis wost cases off Nervoua Debility, Lst Visr anti Flailei Mog d esoe h BEAweac.e.0 Off bsdY Or mind causedl bY overrwork, or tlb' yosr or ex- 3ENceses o.f youti. TI-,Itensedy ai> ooniiely cures the ma obstinate cases whienalai other SvtsÂýITMSsNTS bave failed evea terelieve. Lold by deug gts a C1 per package or six for 85. or sent by mais on recolispt off puce 'Write for pamphlet. Soltial- Bowmnanville by STOT&JUx.RY u> BAK~IN POWER HÉ THEOK S BESTFRIEND e; '1 A Ft M41 ,% C e HAdacEaarSeealtorobsin- dentto sbilins tataoff ha yste, snb a W 0%nes Nise. rsresIjtesato a dos. Tisay are sictly vegetable andi do not --ripe or ýBrge, but by their goalle action lal who use them. Ia viIs at 25 cents; five !or $1. Sold everywhee, or sent by amail. CAPTEZ MEDIOIE C., Iiew Trz. YOUNG FOLKS. In lqinety-Three, This is asy hirthday-l'm 'nisIa man; Exaclly eighb Fom grosving up, says asy Unc'e Van, At sta mnf nIrata, BullIea't kcaaxvvryibiang qaite cloe 1Net que,saysho- Baforo ny birtisd-sy coma s nanti ncxb yciat'. Ia Nincty-Tht ce, Whist makos tise moon groîv thinand tileng Lika a papor boath lon did they geltIshe canary's seng la hi-s little thceab h Wisy hasa't the hattorfly sensettsiag te do? Or whylisas tise bec? MWhat wil beorise & Ni"oty-Tave Ia Nincty-Threi l'ns aln'ays tisinkiag and wc adering As liard as h eau; Bnb thora ta s 't itiah gotin uqucstionin)g My Uncle Van, Ferelia oalysamys, n'ibh a lnnny look, 1 shaît probabiv sec- If I keep on gron'ing anti uind n'y hook-- Ia Ninoty-Tlitiia It's loag aed I a ffelhcuVs nisia. Wison bas only eight! ]Bat the days~ keep passiag, raiii or shîne, Antd I omis nait. Fer mli tiss"puzles, bisaIsean's. queot' l'Il uaderstandby anuither y5r, -t.Nichetas. A auto itîle smmsItty-nosed png (do, Tise prettiast hortoîs isellest: Andi papla sac, snaybe, the iissesa-- l'ri, aune 1 don't care abouit that. Anti maîsîtua is going te týka e To sec lots off beautifil tiings; Andi big brother Jacks anti Kity Wili give sue tn'o iox ly gol i ngs. And " ceie day" lI ind tiont tIse roeao Of tisg1Icant aowuderstauti; And "tome day " l'Il hava a big deily Tisat can n'alk andi hoiti on bynsy liant. Oh. l'a iretioff naiting for "soe day,'!-- Il makes tisa just cross, 1 declaro. l.s fr.id, whea it really dccc get haro. l'Il ho a big girl andi woeut care- H Care . Lugrin, in Juiy St. Nichos. Somne 011 Stories of Paddy. ur grandîstisers used te haîgi os-ar lte vil off Paddy quita as muais as n'a do te- dýay, and 1 amnsetcI t aIl sure tisat lis 'lie ouden tise Paddy n'as siot muais brigister tisan lus descenîdants ara non'. Il ling over an old volume cf cueious anecdotes, pnbiislîed quite soveaty yeaeo mgo, avi jisas beau lyiîîg upon îuy sisal f fr îsay a day I find quite a sissiber cf evideaces tisaI osr acstors bil a deal cf Inn provideel for thons at Paddy's expenisa, and of very rare quahity toc. Oaa of tisese atonies ije bldcf bIsa Irish servant cf a naxval commander, wvio iîad tise asfortian eue day te lat a teatethe flu overbeard. la fear sud tremisliag lho cush- ad ta bis master, and arieti ont te iin, IlPlaza, yer honor, can a ytbing ha said te hc o sist scin ye taon' nhere it is ?" IlCerbaialy aet," replied lise officer. IlWhy, tisin, yar isoner, ya may tinkthtis Isytattie is losist, but il ain't, acr. Itnoxv n'bete it la, socr. Iî's aItishe boltison cf tise ocea, seer." It would ceetaiuly ho dîfficaît 10 finel fault n'iîh oan'iso made suais a beautilul bull as tisaI juet because hoiesad lest se iasîgîtfi- casst an article as a beakettha. Anoîbar sasacdote temoisas in mirtîlul guise s lesson car beys ail gitls cannot aI- ford te leave uulaarned, n'iicisisslhsat true politenessaIa1s, pays. lThe sbory states tIsaI an Irisofficer in tisa midet cf a isot hatîle happening te indaige. in tise couctesy cf a bon' te somne oaa on tise field, a canaca-bail passed dieecthy over bis hesd assd teck off tisaI cf the solciier imnsadiateuy beliîsd hsns. Tih on'aioae saved bis lIfe, n'iialise iad tise vit te sec apparealv, for turning te a soidier neae ii, lie obc-ervad, IlYen oea sny asan, a llion' ever loese aytbiag hy politenees."I An Irish Judge n'io n'as niach aneoyed by leud conversation ini lie eonrt-room ceied ont., "Silence!I Keep sihence in tisa court. Rare I hava decided a dezen cases this meeaing n'itisout bearing n'hat ocaocf 'aem n'as misent." In Canerai Moore's comsmantdn'as an Irisis soldier n'is, isaviag beau asted if tise Rolandoro n'eee a beepilabie people, un- modiately repliad, IiTey are tisaI. Tee muai sce. Ji n'as in tisa boohîpitai ail tise toiîne ci n'as tisera."I Ibis ceiticism le qaîta on a par w~iti tisaI cf Ite Eaghisnsau wbo objectad te bise Frencis because hae said biese tnpid idiote cealdn't anderstaîsd tisoir onî iguage wisen lie epoke te tisons. Anotiser good stery in tise coluection over n'bla n'ae au imsaginse car grandlats laugbiag isesetily is cf an Irimit gosslemaîs n'lo n'as visited co day by a friand 'wiso found bis veey mîsci vexcd. Il Wisat je tisa malter?"I asted tise vistor. "Yen cees nis disturbed." 1 ansl" be aan'wered. IlI've jnust lest a nlen'Ipair off bIset sit stociige ost cf îoy reons tiat cet ima augiteen shillings. " "IHava yen searcised evarywhere? " ast- ad tise feiend. "lVos,"Ilhaie aid, Ileveey'hsere ; and net fading lisons1 have sent for tise to>nn-arier, 'ho wil ou-y tIsent ad offes' a lall erowut reward." Tisa friand expeessed bis surprise lisat tise ewner sisouud tiller se amaîl a reward for tise races ery cf stoctinga cf silk, and olssscb vaine. "That's ail rigit,e' hae epuied, ini a con- fiental tua."Nbed'iltan'.I o- swnîning." "Sn'immissg l" ecboed tise man, witis a hroad haugis. ."Well, I've board a crosvd called a sa of people, but I've nover heard cf anybody sn'iissing lu il baffoe. You'ra aither tellîag ina a lie or elsa yoa'r ca/y." 0hIdren Cryfot "But ise doeen'l opeak a single word?' "Tisat's because lia caai't bae a single word. Ha ia as deaf as s post. Von forgot te ask menaif ha could isear, and I forgot te men tien it. L'ly mette is 1'Honesty is the boat poiicy.' Moraiag ms'am," Mes. Clamwisopper lait tise place suifer- iag Irons rage. Pitcherls Catitor*iaè loue rescue of Mr. Ciurais frens a 111e of snffering isaviag reaahed tise public, a reporter of tise limes thoaglit it wortis lis n'bilo te invastigata tise malter for tise banefit ef other sufféeors, and lisn'as in, rospoasa le bis onquirios tisastisae &boya rensartabla istoey n'as narrated hy 1 "I wae tlsinking of that man who swam acrose thse leliespont-Lean)der, yen kaow -and il sened to me as if 1 was swimming aceose Lt too." IOh lie !" criod the stranger 1"I that's it la il? Von saem fond off readiag, nîy friend ' ."II'd read ail day lonîg if 1 could, " an- swored the boy earneatly, Ilbut I've onily gel, a few books, and I've read 'ealal again sud again.'» IlWell, l'Il teil yosî what. 1 b2ioag te a library; and, if yen like, Ii givo you a ticket of admission te il fer six moatha, and tihan yen can read as mueis as you pleasa.1 Hara's ny addres8, and yo coau come for the ticket as sean as yen liia. " Andtihie stranger, ehnckling over tisis qilear adven' tare. went beiskly on bis way, littie think- ng that hoe wouid live te see that boy ho. cerne honoured by ail Eagiand as ono cflher grearoat poeta, and weid tell w ith peide anti self gratification ta all bis frieîsds how hoe hall once dlosie a hîndnesa te Samuel Tay- lor Coeridge. A Spider's Bridge. There iss great deal of claver tisonghinl tise head of a spider. A naturaliat once canght oae la bis gardan, and brouglst il inte the boeuse te put ils elevernesa te tisa test. Flr ee o ek a basin and fixed a tail stick ia il, se as te stand upright steadiiy. Thon hae filled the basin with wator. On tise top cf titis tiny fiagstaif hae put tise spider-a regîsiar Robinson Cenisc steanded on a des- art islad. Thon the naînralisl watched te seo if the insect wonltl bit on a plan for gat- ting away.. The spider was very maich perplexed. Ho scamporad down thse poe te tise w star, stuck ont a foot, got it wet, shoek it as a est doas, and ran back up te tise top. A' second time hoeavent down and ruade sure tisat the watar lay ail round the stick. Hav- ingsatisfiedhimselfîthatae way of escape lay, thora, lha retuesscd te tise mast-hoad. A anddea thougltseomed to strieihm. Hea hald up crna foot, thon anether, sud fidgetodl about for a bit. Wisat was lie doing i He was feeling wisetiser tIera was eaough wiad nsoving la the room te float coecf the sîlki n uos as far as the edge cf tbe basin, Thora evidentiy was. Se hoe began, in Inra spider fashion, te spin the web cul nf bis body, and lot eovery breatis cf air float it ont furtiser towards the mainland. Matholist Growth in India. Tisa Pioneer, a iaading Indian daiiy tisat bas nover boon friendly te Christian mis3 siens in Jadis but bas shewa sharp oppo- sillon at overy eppertuiiîty, isiakes tihe fol- iowing extrenîoly ititeroaliag editoriai comn- menta on tise rotanesaof the aoew coss ocf 1891 sisewiag chutis growtis: " Oaa of tise peints criîieised mot kean- ly, though in ail probabilsty nol over wîse- ly, in tise reInette cf tise new ceasus fer Ina dia, will bo the figure fer the incroaseocf lIse native Christian population. The impai isi retues ara, cf course, net yet available, but n'ae are able ta givo tise main resulta la tise Nerîlswost Provinces and Ouadis,and thoy are certainly remaritabie. Without allexv- sag fer possible adjuatrnent la twc districts, the total aumber af native Ciseistians slsowîî la the canons for tiase provinces je 22,6551 agalîst 13,264 aI sat ceasus, a rise cf about 7Ô par caeit. The mocrase, isowes er, bas been se fase from uaiform theongisoal, tisaI tihe Rohiicund division alcue sceoulîts for river, 7,000, out cf tise total ad- ditien cf 9,000 odd for tise wisele of tise anited provinces. Tbis le pnzziiag enougis ; btut the puzzle becemes stili harder vihen we procoad te apporlion tise ceavorta te tise severai sects at worl,. 'bisa Metho-- dist Episcopal Church includas 12,929, ce mure tisan haif tise ontire native Chist.ýian populations. It monopolizes almost mli lise entire native Christiana in tise Rehiiund division where the work of conversion seorna te have beon se axtraorinarily anceosfn and aise iin Gariswal and Kheri. The Churcis cf Eaglaad on tise cîher band, is creditad with only 5,013 out off 2-2,655 ; moal of ils adherents beiongiag te Debra Daun, Agra, sBonares, and Geýrakispur. Fîaaliy, tise re- titra cf Romsan Cathelica is put aI 1,916. How it comas about tisat ona churcis bas beon se nsuch mere successful tisa ail tise others put togathar, and in oea disivision se mueh more amineîstly Ihan elsewisere, are points apon whicis we muet wait for furtiser anligistensont, but the main resuit, te wit, the incroasa cf 70 par cent. in tite total Christian population is uaquestiotaly a fact apon which the apologiste cf mission- 3ary onrorpriso may reasonably ceagratniato li(selaves." My Littre Neighbour. BX Tat REV. WAtLTER 1,L5TCHEL1. 1 isavelalittie neighbor, orcd-cheekýed boy off fi ve. <With curie off gold about bis bead And overy limb alive. lie ba S a darliag 'osteor, A girl ofy(astwica aine, Uon wiltýo e heebic cheektibor feeds The tioeth ef swif b declina. 1 saw msy littho usi glihor, Juat, are the su nsitster's close, Ge ap and (len the gardon walks With lightly tripping tees. Hc spicd mc at asy window, A nd la hi e odltoue Cmlod use iîe aid bi in is stask, Fer lie -,'as aml 5iloe. And lanisis tinyfingore Wcro siseins off ailion lbread, T.-angle'l imnd tsvistad in bis baste; A ,d tn ay aeiglsbor aaid: ANOTIlEI 'IIAURITOI MIRACLE. The Terrible SîîlTerings of Isaac W. Clinrch Frein Paralysis. Crîsahsel by a Faliof Forty Fart-Be Opends liostis islit ospetal and isme Useliargaîl Oaity te 5.511r Great A.aeny -55ailis 'Wvtiihe, i Siep asia avictises i' Nervous Prositrations le, Acrount of hiestiratci- lous (areas lesettgte. by a "Tmînes" Rteporiter. Haîmilton limas, Jusse lotis, 1892. ",lu tise spring of 15S7, w bile n'orting on a building la Liverpool," said Me. Churcis, "a ecaffold ons whicis I n'as standing coilape- ed. and I feullis.te pavement a distânce off fforty foot. Bruisad and hleeding I n'as picked up ani cenveyad te tise Nortisera Hospital, and net oeaof tise doctors wiso attended aie iseid eut any isepe cf my sîlti- mata recovery. Tise basa of îny spine soin- ed te ho snsashad ilabos pnip, and tisa efforts of tise medicai men were directed aitogether îowards relieving tise terrible ageny 1 ouf- feed ratisor tisais bowards curiîsg my insjur- iee. 1 had tise costitution cf aitsox tiseagis," aad tisa speaker thenoultisis cise8l and equared s pair of sisonidars tisai would bava donc credit te a prince amenz atisietes, Ilsnd as I stemed te bava s treineîsdous grip on life die dectors toot iseset sud mIter remaiss:îg in t'st isospilal forty weeits Iivas discisargeds e bnas far receverad' as I would aver ha. For twenîy-six neeke I1isad ta lia la oaa position, and any atteaipI te place n'a on mny hacit made me screami witis pains.Throisgh aigîstoon menthe aller my dshreI wae uttahie te do a steokaeof wort, and could with difficalty mate nsy way about tise bouse, and tison oniy %witis tise aid of cruitchos.,Twice durinagthat lima 1 underwent eperaticas at tis anad cf clment surgeons, wiso ware ansazed aittise factof my heing alive aI ail aller Iisay lsad j heen informed cf tise exteat of my injur'ies. Oi th ls st occasiotsn y issck wae cul open and il n'as diecoveed tisat tisa bories whicli issu beensh tattssad by nsy fallbad, hy pro- casa cf lime, ceîsplctely ovariapped oais cuber, foeming a knuecti that yen sea haro," sudMe. Ch'srch sowed tise reporter a auri- ons lumspnar tise base cf bis opine. Il Al affects te sîraigisten those boues continued -unavaiiing, and flnally lise doclors told me tisaI in tise course cf a fawn' tis paralysie n'ould eet ini and nîy troublas woîsld ha in- ceeased leafo!d. Tieir predictione proved only tee truacnad haera long I wms in aimoît as, had a condition as civer. No tongue cati teliste pain I suffered as tise disoase progessed, ad eventuaiiyl1 decided te coma te Am enia. Soein 1890 I closed up my affales la Englaîîd and on arriviag in Halifax, se done up n'as I n'ith tise jouruoy acroas tise oean, that I bad te laite te n'y hedl and n as tapI a close prisonar for caverai iveoka, Havinst a brother livinîg at Moor- field, nae Guelpis, I n'itis difficulty secens- pliehad tise jeuraey tisereantedlied te do someoron. My utîneet exorticas could se- ciaplîsîs but uitIle, isowever, and as tisa casait off my troubla, norveus prostration, in its worst brin aasailed me. I remomber once boissg ovartaken by a thuadeesteens n'hile about a mile an'ay Iroin tisebouse, and n'hile I n'as making niy wmy thare Iball neo lae ssaigisl tins s, completely pros- tratad by parliculariy vivid flashes af lîgisl- siîng or baavy jars off tisîsder. About a year and saisaif age I danse te this u'ity aad oecueed n'ort at tise Ramslton Forge Worits, but helfore long bad le quit, bacauso 1 could net attend te îny dulies. I used te tltlnit tiat if I could oaiy gel sý li!lte ep once in a whiie I n'ould feel ball.ý,er, but even that isoon wae denîed me. blNigbt aftar nîgist Iltosaed brens, sidato sida, sud every lime nsy hacit prassad tise hed le pain that sisot tbrougis every litais nas almostuahbearabla. Tise doctors prescrîbed chlorai and broînide cf potasis, and for iveets 1I nover tisougist of goiug te hed aI aigh isi nuet having fleet talion pon'erful doses of eltiser of tise drugs. Towarde tihe lad tisese doses ftiied te hav e tise desir- ed affect and I increased tisa size cf tison until I ws finaliy takiag tisirly grains af potash and tan grains cf chierai eveey aigbt, enougis te tili a hose. I hacame se weaa bisa'- 1 aeuld haedly gel around, and my leoser limîassoct lite tisosa cf 'a palsied old man. WVhou everytising seamingly issd failed me and I1n'as about te give np wisat seeased a vain baIlle for lue and isealtis ny avife bore rçad an accouaIt in oaa of tise aewspapers cf John Marsisale sweadartui aura hy meane of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, and allisougih I lsad lest ail faitis in aay medicine I rosoived'te tey once more and accordingly precueed a box cf tisese uittle Plnk Piils frons Mc. laîrison, tIsedraggiet, ami consnencad te use tisens ccordiag le tise directions. Thîis n'as in October cf last yoar. 1 isad net taten thon a wîuek 1111 1 began t<) bel an imsproveneat lansmy geineratl Isaitis. In a mentis I sepl ""oy ni 'git lita a baby. TIse'paies blftsy bait kenîiraiy, sud bytise beginning cifbise aeav eaýr I could lie on my hsck for isours sudasarl l ise ligliteal pain tiierefrons. Prier te taiug Ltie pille I saffered teeribly n'ith fits, asany of thens se sevare lisat tisee or four msen n'ere required te isold me. 14te pilla tîseeked those mli eut, tisougis, and al tisa lime I used thons I did net hava aven tisa suspicion cf a fit, and s for my weigist, n'ell, yen n'ill bardly helieve il, but hiss- ]y, in tisaI tiîne 1 gained forty patnde Weil, te mate a long stery short, 1 n'ont te n'ont agasan a fan' menthe ago, this lima su tise Hamniltons Nail Werts, n'isre In'act as siipper-. andi I have worted tisera steadiiy Englisis troal appear te ha getîing on over-exertion. youtbfuî idicther ccorth ecausti faîely w sl inAusîralian waters, utal 1155 fobeooptius, or sîimutant. shtes lîntes admiîad tsey re snsoîsia aa~ig intiseleatitoIi inuity, Con.somption and Insavist- 15 5 aditei he aesoetig aig i te nconvonielît forrn ta carry in the Yî'et par Vet.- Pries mattor of flavorad t bas occurred ti hesaii a package, or 6 fori,5eIis Caasiisus or t. S. iiauey. Witi evry 65 order va g!lvo a uîitt,igarsnntet Balla rat Fiis Acclimatisation Society tisat cure or refianuth e ,ney.~ sent O! nii, el dustied Ibis is becausa thesy are piaiag foc tisoir ~stea,av i1rusemr Is 1 1 1NADtI5 coe,10 favorite foed, tise May-fly. Unfertunaely, CO., BanhOffice for U. S. A. andt Cansadas, as tereareno ay 88 Iea,.r.Stroat, CltCAGO, ILL. se tser ar neMyflicssuntha coloay, il FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE, ONT., BY bas net been bud possible Le iîidulge thans Higgiabotbamn & Son, Family andi Dispensic4 n'itis Ibis daiîsty, but itlibas beeau gravely Cienists. proposed te import and aescourage tise May. fly te increaso and muttipiy in Anstralia, 7 witb tisa ultimata vian' cf naking tise fiavor .4 à cf Austesliin troîst satisfactory te connote- saurs. A co rrespondance on tise subjeetlisas tatea place betn'een tisa Agent Cenperal and tise Engliel Inspectors cf Fieheries. n'bo P have invited Me. William Senior and Mr. AadreWs-te give lisonstise benafit cf thiet 0 0'lCPÇe, advsce.. Mr. Fryer, lon'ever, confesses te E '.10 double n'ietisar tisa essentially ephemeral nature cf tise Ilfease " affore'sed by IthetIl"rie- ing o tise Mayfiy " eau haveany astng- LY affect on tise condition and La or off tisa fisis wicb pàslake off it. PUREST, STRONCEST, DEST. SIteady for se ia any luantlty. For mnaklng Boap lftng Wat',Dminfeeting, andi s huadre t tieZ .Uses. A.can equals2ltpouasSal Soda. Sold by Ail Grocers and Druggigte. Pucm7Lr-_am \Z / C U RFS Neuralgia, Sciatica, OL SR LumbagBackache, c'HOL-ERAM tORSB Headacèhe, ARRH oEA Sore ThratEflVW1TcR Bruises,-Burno, Etc. SENT RY DealeBit s, eprainsEN;AD L7- Bald by DMglsitt lerecns luc .s il Languages. F i I rOl 5 1NE CHARLES A. VOGELER -CO., Daltmore, Mi,8WA cF j1 AT~é Oanadiazi Depot: Torcnto, Ont 1 Mr. Churclis Taken ln conneetton with' tise reports cf other equaily reaskable cures-the particulars cf wbich ibave beon publiesed freinslime te lim- il effare an- queationed proof tisaI l)r. Williams Pink Pill for Pale People staad nt tha boead of i msodern snedicai di scovosios. Tise aoighbeurs geneealiy wore very ont- spoken ini the ir astoajabasent at Me. Charch's miracaiens cure,- al l who knew anything cf hie case baving givon hlm upI menthe mgo as rapidly approaeising the portais cf tise great uraknown. Ha loita far fronstishat now though. R is oye is ase cloe, bis chseck as ruddy, and bis stop as alastie as s yontb la bis taons. Ho was fer savaIs yeaaesa member cf tise Life Guards, and fer soi-e lime coaducted s gynsnasalula la Liverpeol. Ho expocîs ib get back te bis beleved athleti eoxarcisos this soasea, assd la muais elaled aItishe succes of bis traatmnan. Tise reporter thon called upon Messes. Harrison Bres,, James treet îsorth, fromt wlîom Me. Churcis had purcisased the ranm- edy, wvio lurîhor veriised bis statemeals. In eepiy ta) the iniquiry by the reporter, "Do yen soîl maay cf Dr. Williams' Pink Pis 1" Mr. James Harrison, of tisa firîn replied- "Well, yas, ratiser, A tisousaad boes don't lait long. Vonu e our business' is iargely witis mon, wonsen and girls employ. ed in tha big factories and milis is this le- cality and tise recommendatiens we hiase Irons thesa people day after day, msontis aller mentis, would indeed make the muanu- facturer of lisose woaiderful 11111e pelleta linik ise nas a benefacter cf isumaaily. Several cases have, coma under îsy ewn ito- lice cf womea, poor, tieed-eut, over-worked croaturos, beinig made "lika unto sew" by tisa use of these pis and 1 soc tisea passissg to and f rom work daiiy and ioiisg as lisemgis hife was worth livingand well wortis il, tee, in al ny experienco iintise deug business I nover saw n' ythiîsg like tisee pils," anti Mr. Harrison reiatod a aumber cfcacas tisat lsd -orea nder hie observa- lien la addition te tisaI cf Me. Cisarcîs, Dr. Williamns' Pink Pille for Pale People centain in a, condeased faim ail the elements necessary te give non' life and rich- nasse tetise bloed and rest ire shattered norves. Tisey ara an nnfailiaig specifie for sucis diseases as locoîntor alaxia, partial paralysie, St. Vitais' dance, sciaîcas, neural- gis, risoumatis n, strveus iseadache, tise aller effacte of la grippe, palpitation cf tise ieart, pale and saliow complexions, and tise tired feeling eesulliug fremn nervous pros- tration ; ail diseases depending ripon vitial- ed humera in tise bloed, sncb as screfula, chromie erysipeam, etc. Tisey are aise a specific for troublas peculiar te femaies,such as sappressiens, irregularitios and ahl forme cf weakaass. Tisey bnild up tise blood atsd restera etisa glon' cf heaitis te pale and aallow ceckos. ln tise casa off mon lhoy affect a radical cure la ail cases aeîsimsg f rom mental woery, over-n'ork or excesa cf n'hataver nature. These pis are nssnufaclnired by tisa Dr. Williams' Medicinse Cernpay, Broctvilie, Ont., and Schsenectady, N. Y., sud are seld la boxes (nover in loose foem hby tise dozen or hnndred, and tise public are cautioned againal anumeous imitations sol<l la Ibis shape) aI 50 cents s box, or six boxes for $250, and nsay ho lad cf ail drnggists or direct hy asail frein Dr. Williams' Medicine Comspany Iroins ither addeess. Tise price aI which tisese pis are seid te mairo a conrse of treatmeat cemparatively inax- pensive mescernpared witis tetar remedies (3r madicai treatmoal. A Caraful Husband. Friand <(aller Ina)--Voue rlittho wife le a 'briiiiantly isandeome woenan, I sisoaid tîsatyeu'd ha jealetîs cf ber. RosI (coafidentiaiy)-To ellutise trath, Simptias, 1 am. I neyer invite anybody haro tisaI auy sane n'oman wouid tateaa f ascy 10. Uuloclra al!tisa cloggeid avenues of tise Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, csrryiug off graduslly n'itloat weateaiug the sys. tom, ail tise impurities and fouil umors off tise secrelions; aItisae saine time Cor- reeting Aeidity of the Stomach. euring BiiîousnesS, DYSPePsie, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Sait Rheum, Erysi elas, Sero- fula, Fluttering of the Vleaiit, uer- vousness, and General Debility ; ail tlese sud nsany oliser similar Compîmints vild te tise happy iufluence of BURDOCK U001) BITTERS. 1 -ve Sale by allDealers'. MANHOoD RES*tORED). "SANATrIVO-"qltse ý M-71Woriderful Opaîsiel ,,,, tteîedyle satti with a ta) cors mli Nesious nia- e esuc-h as Weak ' MoinaryLoas off Bralîs - 'I Poweor, Ieadacise, / îakrefulssa, Lait Han- isoi, Nerveuneei, Las- Before& Afte Use. ltubo, aIl drains sud Ina'powser off thf -- rsetgrapsoatra tir. i ~ "5a.s a (CUT ïPLUG.) (PLU G.) No other brand of Tobacco lias ever en= joyed sticl an immense sale and popular ity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and PIug T obacco. OZdest C'ut Tobacc'o manujac. tîfrers in Canzada. MONIRREA.Z- Cnt Plug, loc. 1 lb Plug, lOc. Slb Plag, 20c. TRE NEY TO IIEALTH»

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