Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1892, p. 1

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f TEBB ;S150 u~ÂNNM.OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY J'IRST: THIE WORLD APTERWÂRDS. M. A JAMES EDroi ÂNDi PROPBUTOR, Nzw EIJ BOWMÂN VILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY JULY 13, 1892. VoLumE XXXVIII. NumBERp 28 WHATEVER ýYOU DO Buy Goods which are And you can, make sure of doing that by buying your. Dry Goods at JOHNSTON & CE uuu u ar tc ai ti m If RYDERMAN Their Dress Goods are new Their Parasols are ail new Theîr Prints and Sateens are new Their H oisery and GlIoves are new Their'Lace Flou ncings are new Their Embroideries are new In fact they are showing the finest stock. of strictly 11 EW goods to be found in these, counties. GOUGU, JOHINSTON & ORYDERMAN, Ëowmaanvilie, June 6, 1892, Mrs. McLaren and daughter, TorontO, I are the guests of Mrs. C. flodsrson.. . Light fronts were reported on Thursday and Friday week; it in sornething unusuai oe sce peopie wear overcoats and mâtts and make use of robes on the let of Juiy ... Quite a number of people attended the S. S. anniversary at Columbus..,. Miîse Graco Stephenson bas made ber ap- pearance once more. We are giad to mnet her ihefl face aaain.... .Mr. Jno. MIalyoen t a valuabie cow on the R. R. the othor day. ... The ceuncil bave decid- ed to raise the bridge opposite the Ross SHowden miii, about four feet..Ms M. A. Stillini spending ber viacatini Iowa .... Mr. John Martin bas beea ap. pointed fishery inspecter of Lake Scu- Corus! Corns! Corns! Discovored et laet a remedy that à, sure, sais and painlese, Putman'a Pain- lems Corn Extractor nover faile, nover, causes pain, mer even the, siightest dis- comfort. Buy Putman'a Cern Extractor. and howaro of the many cheap,dangerous,- and fiesh-eating substitutes in the market. So that it in made by Poion &Co., SA~FE BRISTOL'S 9UG4R-COJýTED -S-4 One Door West of Post Office. I WILýL LASIA- LI-FE TU MýE CD CD Ln, BOWMA NVLE ONT. I £HAVE:YOU 1 Backache the scavengers i means the kid- cf the systein. MANNER 0F APPLYING TEE PEDLAR METAL SHINGLE.Z neys are ln "De/a y la jtrouble, Dodd's dan gerous. Neg- --oKdney PlISivsle lec ted kidney jprompt relief." troubles resuit A. Few Points Relating to Sheet Steel'or, Iron "7.5 Per cent, in Bad Blood, Roofing, Siding andi Ceiling. firt dcaused ,bi Complaint, and 0 RDINARY BLACK SHEET MON, PAINTED, HAS BEEN USED FOR ney s. gerous of a//, ~'Roofiuoe purpeses, su both Europe sud Ainenica, for more than a Century pa t r t av ela Diabt esen sud by practîcal tests sud companisous iriti (thon rootiug niaterials, bas proves itsel th o av c/ay Dropesy and te be tise boit for ail generai purpoeo,>wbere perfect protection fhem the elesueuts, wit ho ut sewuer- "Th e abova coDmbined witb durability sud ecouomny, are caret uIly considered. age. aa go od diseases cannot A uew ara ine. epeued in Iron Roofing, hy the use of a fine quality et shoot health when the exist where ires sud tise application et ne. sud impnoved devicas for fasteuiug the siîeets. Tise hidn ey s are Dodd's Kdney 9 enormous quautity eft mon tisas bas beau used for ]Roofiug purpôos adoning the lait clogged, they are Pills are used 3 hait efthtie presont decanie avînces th isebgi regard with whicb t iooked upen by Sold by all dealers orsentbyrnailon reeept thegenralpubic.Dr L. A. Snmitli & Co. Toronto. Write for Tisey bave learued tisat Goon shoot imon of suitable weigist or thickncss ill, It book called Kidney Taliz, properly laid and takon cane ef, give more satisfacteny resuits tissu any othen rootiug matenial. It is tise moat practicai, it la tise moat economicai, Dsud is destined te 1IWTI drive from tise mîkeTins, Shinglos, Slateansd Tules. Ç0 Mjj, > y WVe ii! aay, fer tise information et thosa iris are no' famillar with the asting et mon noefiug, t hat tisera are ne. ini existence lu many cities sud teivus tbnç -,out this coutry rounroof s, lu excellent state et proservation, that wero laid betwp&en '20Osud 50 yeans aga, sud bave had ne repaira made upen them siuc,except EACU PLUG OF TUE_ banviug iseen cared fon by coatiug 'uitis nstallic paint. Tisis sots at reat any dlaim that tbey luat eut,.N Ail tirou .roofing sheets are hcaviiy coated wuith metallic paint on bath ides ho. fore layiug, sud as thora is no era upon tise undan aida, a peniodical coat ef paint U on tise upper surface wiil preserve tisern i adeinlteiy. Before Aïlrranging for a New Roof Caïl andci r See Our Goods. Prices Sat'isfactory%. mJin& B THENEA R OIN I IN BRONZE LETTERS. '--rEuLRn MiVrT L -mîi- OE TYRGNIE 233.Medeaif Ste 0Oshawa. N1I ~~ ~UN MILDURN'S Iii 1s, M5ON AND iTINB tg neeassmesuded by1y siis as thse best. K tb i IiiApLBGOB7 Mr. Win. Rundis bas been on a visit to Rochester .... Miss S. Penfound, INew- astle, bas beon viaiting hore. ...Mrsj. Viii Power and and son Charies, are speuding a fow days here. .... Mr Thos. Kirkpatrick and mother ere sponding their holidays in the United States.... Cbieï Jarvis and wife spent Sunday bore. ...Mr. C. Axford bas compieted the «toise work under biis barn,.... Mrs. Little, Hope, has beau. viâiting her father Mr. Win. Pothick ... . A picnic is taiked of here shortiy .... Mrs., D. H. Costes and MIaster Lyn, Bo wmanville, are viaiting at M4r. S. Coie's...., Officers of the Division for preEent quarter are:-W P--M Mun. day; W A-Misis A. Cole;F S-J Stevens; Treas-W Foloy; Chsp-S Rundie; R 8 -A Foioy; A R. S-Miss Ida Stevens; Jon-R Stevens; A Con-Miss B Mun- dey; 1 S-J Munday; O S-M Munday; P W P-Miss M Jeffery. REV. WM. HOu.INSHED,-Pastnrof the Presbyterian church et Sparta, N. J.. vol- utarily writes atrongly in favor of Hood'a SarsapariIia. 1He says : 1Nothiug 1 know of wiJl cioause the blood, stimuiste tihe liver or clean the stomach like this remn- ody. 1 know of scores and scores who h.ave beau helped or cured by it," The highest praise has beau won by Ucood'a Pilla for their easy, yet efficient, Rev. J. and Mrs. Liddy,, Hampton, calsd on friends haro Saturday evaning.. .Mis ucy Richards, Pickering, bas becu vijiting ber sister, Mno. T. Ptckoill ,1.Miss Florence Adair, Foiey, is visit- fng friouds here. .... Miss Sylvester, Lind- say, ü ndl Miss Rice, Wbitby, were guests of Mr. Levi Annis recentiy..Rev. A.J.H. Strike and Miss May Clemens, Tyrone, viýsited1 friende at tbe parsenage, Saturday. ...Measre. Darnpster ard Brooks have bppda largo number of cattie f rom th!s viiiyduring the lst woek..Miss Minnie Bond atnd Misses Luella and Jvy Everson, Oshawa, are sponding, a fa w days wiïth Mr. S. Everson, laka shore .. . The Rav. L. iPholpo,the ne. pastor,is aiready breoiu)iig quite popular among the people hoý-e_ . .Some of the young- people to the sthof us h ave spent some very pla'isaut ev«ýý7iîzgz boat.ing on the laka during, the mr1onl4gýht..Mr. C. 'W, Lent, P.M., baot zUa? ca~mf becs ou Sunday... . Quito a nu~br fom ers attended -Mr. W. Van- et'ah r2 risiig at Solina Iast week... MI~ .Landes', Tauntiorn, caIled ù-i friaýndsý healast week., .. Mssr'. Shoýrt & Run. dis- have had'ý%an expert froma th8 Frost & Wood âebxosop mt' ailsttiug up Oie bindera% they have sold around bore taseason. . . _ Apple grewers think the croýp ill ho abundant..The members oý) Mt. Carsweil Division had an unusuai- lpieasant time lest week. After the regular installation of officers th. iosing aide in a recent literary coutast served thýe strawberries to ail the members. ,A copins supplr of creamt and sugar pre- vided by the ladies added very much to the intoreat of the occasion.- TirE Su-miMER DEÂTHI-RATE, .Tho great. est evideuce of the dangers of Choiers Morbus, Diarrhoea, and Dysentry, la the inoýrease in the death-rato of all the iaadý ing citios during the summer moutha. Muand womneu can not ha too careful of their habits of life dufing the heated terni, and particuiar attention should ha paid teo io 3t of chiidren, A suppiy oi PEEtUý DAviS' PAIN KILLER should ai. w:ya ho at baud, for it is the ouly medi- cie that can bq reiied on at ail limes a sesure, and speedy. A teaspeouful well cure any ordînary'case; but in severe attacks it is occasionaily necessary te b the he soerer's stouiach with the PAINKîarxxAil reputabla dru&pgiste hava i G for siale. 25c. prica par largo -bot. PRO VIDENCE. Reetvisitorc Mr. Arthur and Mis SelaenrL Wodiley, Tyrone; Mr. Hardy,Scol- in 'Mr.Do, Scugog; Mis Sndr cck, àMaster Franklin sud Mrs, iNorth. col _, ]3owmanville..While Mr. Aýrthur Eý od was unloading hay with the bly foiý'k on Thursday the hay being long ttia fo too the top off the load throwing birm off ovar the lada between the hoes which immediately took frîight and ran. Ote horse stepped on bis hand which wàs already burnt by the trip repe. Ha es. oaàped witb a crushad band and savanal bruires.. . . The sociable was a great suc. ces about $75 wss realized. The ramr ircfrdconsiderable with the games bo.t the players did well notWithstand- ig;tho first match was between the Q ensOwn and a junior base -bail team ofiBowmanville. At the end of the timE ,lha Lcore stcod in favor cf the Qoon s Own. Mnl. W. J. Bragg umpïred thE uame. Aiter this an eXciing gamie el fJoot hal was played between Orono sud the Lulacloloos of front rosd the groundê was very sl1ippery and thne bai hsavy Or. oro8scred one goal. Mr. audMrfs. Eforc Henry, Newcastle, bas been vislting at HNSIL . Mn Sylvester Hoiioweil's, the past few Amoug the visitons: Miss M. Fleming, daya ... The mnasous havo conciuded the Bowmsnviile; Miss English, Cartwright. atone wonk on Mossns. O'iven Thomas' ...-Aveny good attetidanceansd an ex. sud Wm. Hoiloweii'a barns. Tise atone ceedilugiy piessaut sud profitable time work on J. H. Hoiiowell's barn bas beau at thse induction of tise 1ev. R. M. Phai. aise compietcd. on, B. A., st the Proabytenisu cburch NOTRING Se GOOD.-DEAR SRs,-I bers on Tuesday 5tb mast. The Rev. IR. bave usud Dr. Fowier'a Extract ot Wild D. Frases', M. A , moderaton et Wbitby Stnawherry lu my family for a number of Preabyteny, pnesided witb grace sud dig- years, sud find nothing se good for dian- uity sud gnoxtiy ausisted thie services by nboe ansd sick stomacis as it bas proved -bis tact sud iudficieus rmna The On- itaeif te hoe. Mas D. A. WILSoN, Ripbey dination sermon, a good eue, was preacis- 1'. O., Ont. ed hy Rov. R. Whitemnan, L. A.,,Pont rPenny. Tise ordination iras very impres- GLARE UyNO. ive sud solemu sud was concted by tbe usodenaton, iriti tise following ninistens Mn. W. Beamiais sud son of Port fhope assistiugRevs. Mosans. J".A McKEen,'M. bava been visiting at Mr. Wm. Stapies'. A., R. B. Smith, .Ashburn, S. !.Easat- .... Messrs. Frank Stutt sud E. Soucis man, B. A,, Oshawa, J,. B. McLsne3n, irere visitera lu this section Dominion CoubiR htesB . ot Day.... ' Messrs. Jas. sud D. Smithi bave Penr nud ftise MEtiosod ia isten's Revs. purcbssed s fine two.yean.old thorougis. Mesr. R. MeCulloch sud D. S.Hlouckà,: bred Durhamu bull frnom Mn. W.Coliacoott, woieokdIisvtdepa tiei of Daningtoi. . .. W. Berry, Providence, the serv i.adl exiben t adrtiî'esIn speut Sunday weok at resîdJeuce oet Mn. adrvictia . T astr a deredo Chas. Souc's. ... Mr. S. D. Socish won avc odî (wp3a a eiee tise pnize given by the W. C, T. U. forb e.R .Seil tAbus h ad&re3%afote tsepeople by the Rev, J, A, tise hest wrtteu composition on thse snb- MoKeen, IM. A., On1roo, w&s eue that ject et teiipeane....Mr, Jas. Berry e e soab oretnh tss h Albert CeIIege, Bellevîlle, asathoms- seri sisting on tho farm_ _ Siih B&os, have bhad wthe oasnexrnely raticaî,T h, isolda fi e t acattie toMn. Elliott. nmugi tbroighout the service iras furnas- ... AUr. John Sandencock bas, piarha5el d ~by tha.e h, rcis choir, Au ntiign a ne. noad cant froila Foqston Orona.,_.0 Mn. sud Mca, Jas, Rszn41e and fsaUiy t pe~ast an ppiied hy the ladies et the con- Manys, bave been visiting his brothet rega ê. EE5.Mn. Phalen begins bis Mn.- Fred Riundîs., -Mn. A. Park-or anud wir n ~dc favorable auspices sud ail MissAlvis E Paner sondSuudy ~wiel in iasuc-esin tise great fight against Mnu AlfvnaEd.Aii'smke sere..3u.dayurevil. Thse new pastona Revu. Mesars. Mr. Alfredpnoednts e Lae eoae t rPbalen sud Hoock nmade a good impreso- Model felrmer bas mrvdth ok fion in their sýervices ou Sahbath iuntiseir bis nesidesace hy ore-ltiiiu a handgao ep&vsouce.W ruttego f once, .. .Mr, H. R, Roire bas purchasod crespe mtiveurbt es, Wsatrustrtiseno * aey top buggy,, Mr. 1Ne il Colyile cuemygetv tu u tegie ano ecvi. -..r J ahaihsetunder thein judicious management.., Sunday at taîkoMr ]3r. . . Mn. amtses The s.nnual pie-uic te Scugog frosu Hamp-. Tambiyu'ts alru sdontenta ironas cr-ton'passed through bore Isat Satnrday Tambyn' ban ad cotens wre om-moruiug to the time et Sweet-by sud by. ploteiy deatroyed by ire on the eveuiug We bave nover seen a botter hohaved ofttise &hist, supposed te ha tho wonk rwofyugpplpastruhor of an marensdaycol nete 8 oi3setsvillage. They wirns eal geod ou the noý ot ahanesandbob lt,4igs, s80d dl 3suds turu trip te .... Was thu barber sisop sud of ann ni, paotisly even, ed dyilsun- gnocery store kept open until Sahbath suce. mlprtal cvrdbyisr monning 2 If so it muet have beau an ane.overigbt. Ripaus Tabules. Miusrd'a Liniment cures Garget in Ceira, Miesa M. E. Ott, Almonte 111gb Scheoi, spent a few days bore asat weok on berIV way home te Bran tford .... Miss Smith ofà the High Schooi bas gene home fer vacat-E ion.... Mr. H. Davidson,B, A. ,is at Peter-S bore presidiug oven the axaminations....E Mr. J. Davidson of the ]Public Sohool bas, gene te Sauit St. Marie for a few weoks..al Miss Maud AllUn bas returned from a six weeka' visit at Cleveland, Ohi..., Rev. Dr. Sexton gave a fins lecture in the s Methodist cborcbWednesdayoevening.. . et Rev. D. F. Geeansd famiiy are in camp at s Lake Scugog .... Miss 1. Lowry ef Nipis- 9 sing, is homo for vacation... .nW. T. Lcckhart aud famiiy aud Mr. C. Wrigbt bave gene on a visit te New York.... Mrs. Wright sud family snd the Missesh Rose are encampsd at Scucrg.. .. Mrs.k Cameren, a fermer teachen in the Higb Scbooi, isi viaitiug finonda,... .Miss Gibsonb sud Mca. H. Drummend are viaiting( f riands bore.a OH, MY HEAD!-That spiittiug head-r ache, achiug brow and irritable feeling can ho immediataly relieved sud porman- ently cured by Burdock Blood Bittersa, the hast remedy for hcadache, constipa-f tion and ail disorders of the stomach, liv-U er, bowela and biood. HLA MPTON. The uowly eiected officers of Risingr Stan Division, 167 are-W P, F J Great;r W A, MiFs L M Davidacu; R S, M J' Elliott; A R. S, T T Jardina; F S. J Bt Horn, Treas, C Johns; Chsp, Miss E1 Reeves; Coud, Miss J J Allun; A Coud,t C 1-1 Burrows; 1 S, W Gibson; O S, Miss A J Stouhouse; P W P, J E L Gole,.. The young peopla's sannail pic, uic te Scugag lake Saturday was as usual weli atteudd and a very enjoyabia dey wag spent.... .The Cheeso Company hava aoid the aset haîf Jue ehease te J. T. War- rington, Jr., Beleville.. .Dr. J. IL. Brown, Olathe, Kansas, is visitiug at the old bomestead, the prosaut resideuce ai Mr. I. L. Brown... Miss Ada Tyler ef thisplace was taken iii in Bowmanville iast wouk while visitîug friands... .Mies J. Sslisbury is visiting ftienda at Mitch- ell. ..,. Mrs. T. Blhïott sud Mis Liw is visitiug friends iu western Canada... Mr. G. Lander sud sîstar Taunton, spaut1 Suuday wîth fInonda haro.....Soin a of eur - boys write at the examinations su Bow. manville thîs week. Thejin gontie Raction and good affe,-ct 4as the2 aystem neallyv makes thesuiý a perfectL little pibi. They piosse those whouseý them. Carten's Littla Liver, PiIla msy tweli ha tormed "Perfection Messrs. Jake Hoibowell aud Thos. Gow- an bave returned homne front camp at Kingston.. .. Mn. Gao. Jebuaton, Orono, *was guest a£ the rosidence ef Mr. Alex. Convier ...Misa Winnia Mforriiaen of Bowmanvilie, was3 guest, cf Mrs. Alex. Rae recently ..,.. Mrl, Robt. Sharpe is in very puer beath. .. . Misa Annie Stark la *visiting bier sister, Mrzx Gý,o. Davidson,. . Misa Mary Jane Starke bas beau laid up 3with a sora tbroat... Mn. O'Flin is speuding bis boiidays in Trenton ....Mies E, J. Heury, Kendall, bas becu visîting 1at Mn. J. Holloweil's...Mn. Robenti 1Sherpaehbas improved tisa appearauce of b is residonce with s neat orneetal fonce ... . Mn. Upten Ranualse bas notorn- ed te bis homo at Wolcome. ,... Mn. Jas. Harrison and wfe, Toronto, are visiting 3their numerous friandsbhere ...Miss .HA YDOV. Mn. Richard sud Miss Maud Ashton, r. A. Sopher sud Miss E va Brown speut Sunday at Mr. Robart Moore's West or Bowmanviilo .' Mn. sud Mrs. R. Snell are spending thisoi vacation at Port Huron and Ingorsoll. _ .The atone work of Mn. Ashton'& barn is about complete& aud ho expecta te rais the ban this waek, ...Messrp. Joseph Cowliug sud Victor 'Goodman are home sick but Victor in stiil able te trada herses. . ..Judging by the looksaoethtie choir on Sunday it will aoon waut ne. necroits as weil as an or- ganist. The Harrïer'. The mombers efthtie weil known Rane. Ieigh Harniera' Club of London. Eng., knew what ia beat wheu eue writes like the following: Mn. W. F. Jefferries, mem- ber ef the Club say. "I find S.. Jacob'i 011 the bhat emedy J bave aven used for aprains, stiffaos and bruises.- It qnickiy romoves pains sud swelliuga, aud if rub- bsd into the muscbaa,, it will ha bound ef great banefit te ail aîbl.>tas. 1 May aise add thatsoaevral friands of mina have faund the Oil a cura for rheurnatism sud neuralgia." COL UMBUS3. Rev. Mr. Savage and Misa Stvage an.- rived boera on Saturday, Joue 25th. A number ai thse frieuds awaited at tho parsonago sud gave tlîem a isearty racep- tien.... Dominion Day passed off quietiy- bore. A nuinher ef famnilias picniced at, thse lake, about forty Royal Tompians at- tauded a lawis panty near Whitby, anci others weut te Port Perny ta see thse sights theno ... .The annlversary la comes sud gene, but is stîll a topic for conver- sation. Thea Sahbath services wero a tot- ai failuna on îsc.'ont of th-) heavy nain, Mosans. Hezz'ewo3d sud Cinnamon de- serve cradit for keeping their appoiutment lu tise afterwsn-). On Mouday the cnowd came frem aIl directions sud more than made amenda for the bass on Sunday. The Oshawa Baud arrived at 2.30 p. m., aud procaedingas wre imînediataly stantod. Tise march te the D 'rili Shsed was very fiue, for the achool nover iooked botter. The platforra meeting was aise good, suitahie addressas, beiug deiivered by 11ev. T. Scott, ot Myrtle, Rav. J. Wbit- look, of Pont Penny, ansd Rev. Mosns McLaenuand Savag4e of Columibu, inter- spenseat rilaýel'y anscsolsd band,.Prs;mpty at thoe tes i-awas servýed, suchs ai tisa Golumbus ladies know ho. to propane, tiliil ail were satisfied. Thonca ie conertat wbicb tise at- tendsanoe ex eeded ail anticipations. The proraimme by tise Oshiawa fionda was Ivanied sud ciscisnumben weii exocuted, At the close tise performers were tnsated to au olegaut nepst. Ail wonti home weill pieaed with the day'a entertailumeut. . . A numben of old fionde vere haro on Mauday, ameug thesu wero Mn. sud Mca. P. Stone, of Saintfield ; Mn. 'Jas. Ashston, of Greeubauk,, sud Mca. Kiveil, of Bowmanviile .-Reormer. THE HoHEiLiEsT MAN IN BowmrNr- viLLË.-As weil as the handeomnest, aud cthers sare invited te cal1 ou auy druggist sud get a free sampla bottie et Kemp'a Balsasu for the Throat sud Longs, a nom- edy that is seliig entiroiy upon its monits sud is guaranteed to relieve sud cure.ail Chronic snd Acute Coughs,Aathma, Bro- chitis, sud Consumptiosi. Large bottlen 50 cents sud $1. Ci 9.4

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