Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1892, p. 7

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-~________________________________________________________________ WEDNESDAY JULY 6, 1892. *V.. J. C. MITCHEL~L, OqEME F COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIÂN r /nd SEurgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. ffi se and Reuidence. Enniskîllen. 74. B FrTSTFlR SOLICITOR, &o. MOPRIS ,E -OCR. uepetairs, King Street. Bow'uan- vilk. Lelicitor for the Ontari Bankt Ellyst loieys loaned at the lOwest rates S. C. IUJNKI!4G L.ICENSED AIJTIONEER FOR LJthe CountY of Durham. Sales attes'ded to on shortest notice and lowest rates. Address O(tsinesP. . : BtORT. ToIJNG, v. s. SFJOE IN THE WEST DUJRHAM "News Bock, «Where himsei or assistant will ije found from 8a.m. to 9 p.m. Night calis at resdence,directly opposite Drili Shed. Cals by telegiapli or telephone will receive nrompt attention 171-yr AUT1NE ,APPRAISER, Real A. A- POST, AROHITEOT. Plans and Specifica. A!L ions prepared for every class 0f building. ap'Ecli attention given tu heating by steam and bot water. and to sanitary arrangements, 0fle orrne Block, Whitby 43-ly R.PEÂ-.-TE, Tailor Gentlemen's ClothesMade to orderi C.HARNDEN, L- D. S. Oraduate of tie Royal Coliege of Dental UFXU Surgeons, Ontario. OFC OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. COLOý- FILLINC A SPECIALTY Artificiai Toeth inserted without Plates, Great Reductions iu prie on al Penta Work. Vitalized Air, constantly in use pro ducing Painle.ss Operations. Particnlar atten tion paid to the regulation of Chilfrens Tecth 9,ý' ALL WORK WARREINTED -Um B3ranch Office, Dt. Rutherford's Otonc« W. W.1DIGK EYt V'ETZIUNARY 8URGEOh. ORONO, - ONT. Office.-Post Office Block. Cela by telegraph or telephone receive im mie liate attention. J.M5 BRIMACOlVBE DENTJST. O-FFICE :-lear of Messrs. Iiigginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE JONN SPENCER, )ROWNIANVILLE, . ONT DYEINC AND CLEANINC' Ladies' and Gents' wear of ail kinds, Feath, ens, Glovez, Ribbous, Laces, Cutains, and ail kindr' f fancy goods Dyed, Cleaned cr French stCloaned. Work positively guaran. teed tjse best. No peddling wagon employed. .à roi -,agenst in every tewu, SRIiMA AMERICAN DYEINC C'Y., Gold Medalist Dyors. Menotreal., Toronto, Ottawa sud Quebec. Agent lu Bowmanvile, Gens (lothing 'e'D, yed, Pressed aud Repaired by TE S.PEAT), .11,erba~d Clothes Cleaner. Gcods'tsr'ne o bch as no one wl kno-,N uetfrom new 'ehen done. Csx.1se King aud Ontario Streets, Bowmanville. aiOUSEHSOLD. t.htise prsses are murs .ss.ndsomre in apèaanc ifth leisdoue. Srwer preserves shouid ho keptinl a cool, dark A. Knot of lai, pTlace or they wiil be hiable te forment lu tise Sise bas a kuot of russet b ain ;iseat of tise summter. Tise safest way is te it seems a simple tbiug te wear park tise jars lu boxes of sand sud set tisem Through years, Sespite of fashions chseck, lu as cool a place as yen have, remmeriniîg Tise sin e deep oeil about tise neck;titdmpessasojtonbeshe. But tisere it twineS htdmns sa ojcinbea et Wbeu frst I kucw hon, AnS lbanneS with passion te pursue ber, - AnS, if she changeS it, te my ttuS Borne Heuise 0leaning muite. She wero a creature cf uew kind.- .C Save your cold tes; it is excellent for On otisers sise may filash tise wise, cieanisîg graineS wood. Strong jigisi of apprelseudiug oyeg. Andi make wbo fronts ber heauty groat Applyinig kerosene witis s msg when yen \Vitb isopes tisat swe anS stimulato. are about? to puit your steves away for tise B"hie happy lot sommer wili prevent tiset frotu nusting. Be mine te follow Tiseotiseads bnci gis ovely curve sud 'bol- Use common soda for cieauciug youm tin- Anlow, waro. Dampen a ciotis sud dip lu soda snd Admusesa lifetime isow tisey got nuistise ware biskiy ai ter whiris wipe dry. Ioto ibat wld, mystensous kuet. A great ronvenieuce wiseu ciesssîng biouse O, frst of wornen vise hast laid idsa stick wlish a notris in tise end tisat wili Magntic glory ou a brâid! 1f t tise pirture corde off fromth Ie iscoks Iu others' tresses we may mark wiîiseut se murs stepping up sud down. If tbey be silken, blond, or dsrk; Pprdwlsaecendb en ie But usine we prasse, aee alar ladbyhigwpd And Sare net feel tisemu dowu wiîh a flanisel clotis tied over s broom Net Hiernies, goS of tisef t, dame stesi tiset; on ishsi. Tison cntoffstiik pieceef stale It id enougis for aye te gaze breadansu bdown withtisis. Begin attise Upon tisir vivifyiug maze. -[Michsael FielS, tise top sud go straigisicdown. Rot alutu wsten is tise best insect-de- Hlow to Combine Remnants. stroyem known). Put tise alum iste bot CleNr soppes gt el-gat drsse atwster sud lt it hoil till it bas all dissolved; Clexn chppos go eleautdreses t tisn spply tise soinutien het te ail cracks, smsil expense by buying tweo remuants of ciosets, bedsteads andSetiser places, where harrýJ1iouscolrs. ne e woet i eane, tany lnsects are found. .Asts, bedbugs, patten of tise flue double width woencocrosch-es sud creoping tinge are kîlled sucs as Ruasisîs veours, plisse veilitg, or by it; while tisera is ne danger of poisouiug. isouey.cosnb creponi, tise width servin g f or tise famiîy on injuring tise property. tise lengtih cf tise skirt, sud oniy tisnee yards Te clean olirothi h muet ho wiped pen- aud a tiird on a haif being nequired. Tise îoctîydra tiwsb.Ueltl sp part sieped away lu tise seani at tise back a dry as in tlewased. Usne ittesAp of tise skirt 'will make s corselet, or s deep- gsudbtis indpi wae-o rys chaneli on peasant waist, en else a smali Figaro make oilciotis look like new, eepecialiy If jacket, orsa Mikado tisat opens uptîse bsck. linseed oil on skim riik le well ruished in A second remuant of changeable sursis wil after washlng. If lu addition to tisese pro- miake s shirt wsist on guimpe with lange cautions, tise clethis l vamished annuaily it sloeves, and souid ropoat tise colore of theise ams netutbe skirt, on else ho in contrast withis 1k Thug îetidetutbe a bell skirt of black Russian velours witb turquoise bine cerds bas a Swîss boit of tisa OAITUR ED -BY CON VIOTS. samne witis a blouse of black sud bine dots, - whiie a skirt cf blue crepon lu linos like besperate Enceusies- at Son,-A BrIgrtui the Be iford corS bas s sqtsare-cornered Mikado Hauds of Eseaped Prisoners. jacket over a blouse, sud sleeves cf green aud bine shol surah speckled with goiS. Tisa brig lu whirb I shipped to make s Black satin ribbon le used aseas heu sud voyage frotu Jamaîca to Pennambuco sud coilar, also te bind tise jacket hoadly, atid retutu, calling at Georgetown en route, lu threenànrow motlles ou tise skirt. was calleS Tise Little Quoen. Sýie was a Au effective sud new way of comining tnitu, new cralt, juet eut frein England, two fabrios lu s dres isse tise slightly drap- sud was comumanded hy nue oftise oldesi ed ekint. Thus a Paris drese of gray crepon marnens 1 even saw lu active service. Ris witis cross stnipes of pale bine bas a iower namne was Rotisssy, and ho wss hale sud ekint, vest, sud lIssu leeves cf gnay-blne heanty at 72 yoans of age., Il may bo ne- twiiled iik. Tise lowen skis t sisnl bell cordeS as a curions tiig tisat ho was tise shape, slightly long, aud tise back seatu is only Englishiman aboard cf au Englisis c nat. loi t open. Ou tisis is hung s crepon bail Bots mates, cook, and ah. fonomnast baudsý akint, witis the selvage of tise lower odge wore Americans, sud three of tise mon w ene left intact-isot cunved wiîb tise pattorns Cape Codders. Tise explanation wss tisai -sud carnieS npDeasitde from tise foot of we baS been wrecked lu s sugar vessel lu tise fron t te tise top of tise bacS, tiseure ise Caribisosas Sos sud pinked up1q)sud cannieS Sropping double in s f old bal tise lergtis of te Ju maira hy s Britissenshp, Tisera tise skirt. A liaf-breadttis of tise wide cr0- were nine of us ail toid as the hnig bu ttise pout linoS witb stlff iswu le then let su tise isiaud. whoie leugth of tise open back sestu of the Georgetown as you will sec by tise map, silk skirt, sud maSe te fallu a gradusted te on tise nonsh coast cf Brazil, lu tise State Watteau foiS, tise eflect of breadtisand on province of Gulana. A strip of territony fuinoîs at tise top being completeS by tisa 800 miles long by 500 broad is dividod up half-long folds of crepon on oes side of it. among tise Bitis, Dutris, anS Frenchs, anS Tise round crep5.u waist bas a sofi puffod vesitishe two latter bave establisised penal of tise sllk crosseS wltls bauds of ombroider- colonies thore. WVo neanised Georgetown oS galloon. Tise sleevee bave s lange puf, ofIlsu due time, anS dierbarged a part of our crepon at tise top, with losng close sleevee of, cargo, sud Just ase we wene neady to sail we sllk beiow. A baud of galloon edges the- were notifieS that ton. convicts freontisa pu ff sud tise wnîste. Frencis penal settlemcnt of Cayensse baS got sway to ses in tis a ywl of s Frenchs mon- RoDw Dust Getsri I. chinttuan. Liftie attention was paiS te tisis notice, as sncb escapes were- by ne Wisen tise air anound us becomes conSens- mnasos rare, sud wben wo began ouirnn eS-ebnrinks loto asemalien volume-lt ho- down tise ceast cornes heavier, pute greaten pressure on tise surface of tise -moncuy, sud makes it asend lu tise tube ; tison tise morcuny le saiS te ride. W heu tise air expande-swells ie oa langer volume-lt becomes ligiter, tise pres- sure on tis e rory le less, tise meoury dm55s in tise tube, sud tise harometen is sid te fail. Therefone, ev ery change of beight of tise qulcksilver wisicis we observa e sa sigu aud moasure cf a change lu tise volume of tise air around ns. Furtiser, tbis change in volum e telle no less upon tise air inside our cases sud cupisoards. When tise hanoreter fails, tise air arotnud oxpauds luto a langer vol- urne, sud tise air inside tise cuphoard aise expands sud fonces iseif ont at oveny min- ute crevico. Wisen tise bamomter ises agalu, tise air inside tisa cupisoard, as weli as outside, condenses and srinks, sud air is forceS bacS luto tise cupbos.nd te equal- ize tise pressure ; anS aieug witi tise air, lu gees tise îsst. Tise stuailer tise crevice, tise strenger tise jet of air, tise fartiser gees tise dint. Wituess tise dirt-tracks se often seau in imperfectiy framed engravinge or pisotographe. Rememiben, ladies sud gentle- mon, wbeneven yen scetise harometer rising, tisat su additional charge of Sust is enter- ing youn cuphoards sud Snawors. .Preserving Stnawherries. Tise seacen cf stnawbennins le about at its heigst sud isousekeoseressouid ho remind- oS that tisera is ne botter preserve tissu one of stnawberries. Preservemakeresuntis country have net heen as successful wittis fruit as tise foneignere. Tise importeS Gen- man preserves seotu to rotain the flavon aud aimositisa firnes of tise resb berry. Tise scrnet of tiseir procese te saiS té censist lu simple care. Tisey ceeS but a f ow hennies at once, Stnawbernies are net au soiS fruit, tieydSenet roquine uore tissu tisneo-quar- tons of s pound of sugar to s peund cf fruit. Tisey are very muchbohtter, bowever, pro- serveS than canneS. Tise very best way of pnosarving stnaw- hernies is lu tisein owu juice. To six quarte cf ripe, finm honies allow four sud a bal pounds of sugar. Put tbnee pinte of tise bei ies lusa porcelain-lineS Settie with tisree- quartons of s pound of sogar. Piano tisem1 ai tisa bacS of tie steve wheno tisey xxil simmor sud wbere tisey wibi oune acrount got bayonS lood-isast, Iu au heur liseJ juine wili have drswn ont of tiset. Masis1 titotuwitis a potato-masher sud stralu ail tise juire ont of tise honies tismougi a liste straluor. Add this juire te tise rornainder of tiseransd beat np tise wiitee of two eggs witis tieir egg siseils in tise synnp. Loti tise synup coma te tise boiling point raison siowly anS houl steadily fer about fit-e min- utes. Tison strain it, putting a cletîs ineide tise colan don anSd etting tisecolaude n estts mots of an open jar. Return tise syrup te tise presenving kettie whtch sisouid have beon fBst tisorouglsly washed. Rave tise cane ready amnS set lu 1boiliug water lu s tin pan. As seon ase'thea syrnp bouls, add a fesv of the banies, jnst essoussîs te cover tise top. Wisen tisese hava corSeS for five minutes put them inlue of thse cans anS put mono henies lu tise syrup te cook. As soon as yen have s canful of honies, cover tise.n wltis syrup sud fli an- otisenrcar. Wiseu ail tise herrios are useS tliere may stili ho soine syrnp left. Can tîsis by lîsoîf as it is uicely fiavored wiii tise stnawherny sud use it for fiavoing desserts lu tise winten. If yen wisis to mske s straw- herv cordial add equal quantitios of white écokig bran~dy te oqual qusutities of tise syrnp.1 It is oct trictly neressary te clarify sud1 strain tise syrup for dsrawbrry proservos,1 Chilclren Cry for THE INCDIENT passea out cf our minds. One day at noon, wheu ve were te thsosetis of Cayenne sud about forty miles off tisa coast, s man alft Siscovered s shipes boat about two miles awsy sud headiug down acrose our course, As she was standing in from seaward or finst impressions was tisat she arrieS as siip- wrecked cnew. 1 baS jesi corne ou watcis when tise boat wss reporteS. As seou as I levelleS tise glass at hem I detected tisa cltiig of Frenchs convints, sud counted an aventon mon. Tise malt wasunder sali, but tise breeze wass ilgii sud tise sestemootis. She was on oun pont quarter, and if we boelS on sise would intercopt ns. As soon as tise Captil wae. notifieS of tise Sisceveny ho ordened tise hnig Sept off four or five pointe, sud thon calleS tise crow ait ansd notifieS tiset that il tisa convicts gel shoard they would net hesitate at mur- don. Ral s dozen muskets vsould bave given us a po-%erfi sdvantago, but tisera was not even s singie-harrellod pistol lu theo brig. Il it came to a iglt wa ould ouby artu ourselves wiîls capstan hans sud beiay- inlg pins. We baS bopes, however, of get' ting Off witisoot couing te close quantene. Whle tise wind was iigist, wo lssd ah sii on tise hnig, anS tisera was ne question tisat we couid oteai tise yawl. As coon as ew siited our heitu tise yawl rsi.eS s SIGNAL OF DISTRES anS tise convicts shouted lu cisorus. We pald no attention, of course, sud she swung mbt oun wake about a quarter of a mile astomu. They muet isave realized uîat we [isd establisised tnein ideutîty, for s hall dozen of them spnang up as cocS tîeir fiste at us sud roared like wilS beasts. I got a plain view of tise visages of three on four of tise lot unden tise glass, sud more villiluus countonances I novýer saw. iVe wore rapidiy ieavîng thosu hind and cous- grstnlating ourselves ou tise fart, Nvlson the breeze began to puff sud die, sud lutise course of a quarter of anuor ih fou fiat. Wiseu ibis ecorneS we iseard a falot ciseer from tise convicte, anS tisey slsortly donsed tiseir sailisud put over two pairs of cars. lu seems that wa have got to figis for il sitar ail," observeS tise Captain aI ton s look iisrough tise glass. "Mnl. Lonox, yoen will arra tise cnew andS ioiS Ibetu up to 4hein work. Tise boat caîs only board us ai tise bows. Sec tisat theo cook bas s supply of isot wator ready. Give every mari to under- stand tisat ha must figist for hie hife." A quarter of an heur laten tise yawl bay off our port quarten witisin speaking distance. Every man of tise toit booked tise vilisin. Ouly Sespenste mon rouIS have attacked and overpewered tise guard sud escaped as tlmoy diS. Thene was eiolIer s young non se olS face among tbem, but ahl were middle-aged mon. Some wore lu ful convint nniferrn, moile ethers baS tbrowu away tisein jacKets. Their esSon was a short, stont man, so danS complexioned that ho sdo te easSpan- lard, anS as tise hoat drew nean ho etood Lcp in tise sternu siets, sud calloS ont : " Heibo, Captain ! Wisy yen nîsu away frotu shipwrecked sailormen ? Our ship go dowu off bere (te tise esst) yesterday aI ton- noon. " I Snow yen ?" shooteS Cspt. Roiissay in repiy. '« You are oscaped cnvicts frorn Cayenne. Il yon attempite h oard ne yen wiii find us webb propaneS !" Tisey could net know how woll or isow peerly armeS we wore, anS ww e n le te tisein teu. Il Yos, Captain, yen speak tnily," saiS. tise bosSer suter s hnief consultatien, witis bisn. "W6 are couvints frotu Cayenne, but wo are innocent mou. We So net wlhiZ te board yen. We bavo nestisen ndn Pstcere Caotorl& drink, sud we ask yoenJin the'name of his- miaulty te) supply us. , mThe Captaiu cons uited witis me lu regard to it. They must couto aiougside in order to receive supplies, aisil wieu they had once hooked ou who could tay what they migist attempt l Besides, we had littie or notis- ing to spare. Tisey h ad been afloat fi ve or six days, and noue of tîseir faces exhibited evidence of suffening. IlI have uothing teospare, and I warn you to keep off 1!" shouted tise Captalu lu suswer te the reqnest. Wo had seon ne ari amoug them, and had supposed thIno to bo wiîisout' weapons of auy sort. To oun great surprise Byve rnuskets, taken frorn the guard when they escaped, were suddenly lifted into vie w, while four oans dropped ilyto tise wster, and tise yawl made for our bows. There wss a Berce yeli from every convict, and those witis muskets opened fire. Capt. Rothssy was kilied, and the second ýmate wouuded even befere tisey had isooked ou. W E SCALDED THIEM with boiliug water, sud fought them with whste ver we couid iay boid of, but- witisin Bye minutes the bnig was captured. We hsd a foremast baud kilied in tise llght on dock, and noue of us escaped iiujury. As an offset, we killed two of tise convietswhlo the were trying te board. They had bay- onets to their inuskets, snd st was eitiser surrender or ho kiled. It is but justice te the feilows to sav tisat they were not par- tirularly bioodîiirsty, ami that as soon as tisey were lu possession of tise brig tiseir at- titude became .lîosî friendiy.- As cisief officer I was asked about our cargo and des- tination, and on tise other hband tise leader înforrned me that tisey were sorry te inter- rnpt our voyage, but intended to use tise brlg to make Lyood tiseir escape. îTise first tising was to get nid of thse dead bodies. Tisey aliowed us to sew thinl canvas before they went overboard, aud tison our wounded man was made comfort- able. I f uily oxpocted that tise lot of us would ho tu rned adnif t ln tieir boat, but they bad otiser plans. There was net a sailor smong-them, sud they wero comnpel- led to keep us tenavigate-the brig. After the huril the leader said to us: 'W%7e mean yoîî no isart. We are des- perata mon, sud meanuto make our escape. A1ften we have been lauded lu corne saie place you msy cai away wltis your brsg. If you try te deceive ns'wo wili show you ne mercy. I was f urtiser informed tisat I must act as Captalu aud navigato tise brig, and I was allowed to cisoose a mate fîrn amrog my mon. Af ton that a council was held amoug the eigbt as to what place slaoid ho steered for. I orougist thern tise chants front the cabin, sud after loug debatoý it was decided te run for tise Amazon RiYver. The brig issd only i week's suppiy of water and pro- visions for se msny men, on tisey wouid perhaps have decided ou'-tise AmecriLan coast. At 4 o'rlock, jnst as they isad reach- od a decoo, the wiud breezod np, the yawl wvas taken aboard aud I set tise course for tise big river, about 500 tilies away. From thse very flrst I had isoped that wo migist netake tise brig but tihe convicts would ouiy trust nus se far. The watches wero se divided by ordor of Morsu tisai Ou" mou were divjded, aud two of tise convicts wono kept unden armns 50 sot as sentrios. Merni and the second miate 1,ad qoarters aI t witis me, while ail othens berthed for- wand. Ail of us weno ISSPEIt CON STAN'T ,SURVEILLANCE, tisougis decentiy treated, and ne two of us wereç ever leit alone together. ifI 1isd plan- uod to non tise brig luto tise p.int of Pan. nahyla, down tise coast?, or iseadefi up for Cayenne, tisey woid have been too sharp for'me. Wiie noise of them., could. rake tise wheel, tisey kept constant watch 'ou tise compass. They knew the course was south bywset, and if tise brig broke off a point tisey were quick te detect it. Tise wiuds were iight and variable, and it was tise sixtis day afien oun capture be- f ore we drew in witi tise coasi. Morn's onders wore te avoid Para by entering tise ortis metish, snd wheu we wene fainly lu tise river hoe telS me tîteir plans. I was te take thmnth u ie brig up as fan as tise mouth of the Xingu River, and tisey wouid tison pull up tise Streamnth uie yawl sud make for tise diamnd district?. We wore net abeve thirty miles lute tise river wheu we were obliged te coine te ancison for tise waut of a breeze. I kuew nothiug wisatever of tise navigation of tise streaus, and isad ne chant of st, but Menan iuisted tisai we sisould nlot take a pilot. About tise time wo anclsoned, tise demeanon of tise convicts seemed te change for tise wonse. They were very lordly in giviug orders, anS sîvaggered areund lu a fasision eutirely uew te thint. it appesned also' as if tisree on four of tiset wene auxions te pick a quarrel with our meu, Tisat e-veuiug tise second mate found eppertunlty te say te me IlDepeud upon it, Mn. Lenox, tisey nover mearut te stand te tise bargain. I shooldn't bc surpnised if they wero planninsg te cut our titroats and scuttie tise brig." I strauigelysuspected tiset of some evil in- tention, but uotiîing came of h tisat nigisi. Nexi morniug wo isad wlnd sud tide lunocar faveur, sud at ucen wisen wo anctsored agaisi, we had made twenty-fivo miles. Anouisen tweuty-fl'ç wouid take us te tise Xingu. Rigist away af ter diisnen tise yawl xvas lowered, snd 'Merau begavIo teoutfit bier. Ris suanuen te me was veny brusque sud quarrelsome, sud I avoided hlm as imecs as possible. Wbaîevertiseytisongîiconid bo ools as to lot yen saili way wîitiste big? imeant te iock al cf yen lu tiseraisin, and tison cnt away ber malts sud scuttie ber l No man everattalus a station so exalted su tisis world that God does net expert hlsi- te help tisese beneatis hitu. for InfantS and Children. 'Castoyla is so wefl adapted to eblremh t aabia eurec Colle, Oonstpation., I rcomeni i a suenor o ay resritio jSour Stomach, l)iarrhoea, Eructatiosi. trecramnditâsueriotoay= lýPt.. KilIa Worms, gives sloop. and PrOmote& dl- known tome." H.L A- AacnEa, M. D., 1j gestion, 3I. Oxford st., BrwaOSyai, N. Y. I8 ithu inurions medicaon. Tni CxNTAua Com'ÂNr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. riOR SALE BY J. 1IIGGINBOTIIAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE* U S ' s Tu A large Stock of well selected Atnerican Wall Papers, cheap aný beautiful from 6cts. to 5Octs per roll. Cali and see for yourself hO, foie purchasing elsewhere. Ail colors of Paints ready for use, guaranteed to give good satisý faction, Floor paint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub*Brushes and Whisks. Glass any size, and Putty. Painting, Grain;ng and Papering done promptiy and satisfactorily For ail of whîch caîl at SHER'IN & KIR'-B«Y'S, Southi aide King at., between Treleven'a aud Reid'a Shoe etores, BowmanvillE HrA INTES' UOARRIA -1-1WOIRKE GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, MANUFACTURER OF- GARRIACES SLEICHS, 0UTTERS,ý WAGONS, &G. KING STREET, BOWMAN VILLE. Now on hiaud a number uf vahticies and is soanufaoturing a great mny mjns of the latis pacterts and best finiish, whichl1arn offering for sale ait the lowest price canssstoflt withi duu regard to wor-krnnhip and quality. The foilowing is a lisb of tise pyrincipal vohicles manufactured by me Double Covered Carniages...................... ............ 15 Upward. Single PhStons ...... .............. .......................100 Open Buggy...................................... ............. 70 Top Buggy ....... ....... ................... ........ ...... 9 Democrat Wagons.,................ .......... ...................65 Lumber Wagons .............. .. ..... ...... . 1............ Liglit Wagon,.................................40 Express Wagon .......... ......... ........... ........75 Skoleton ......**.......'* .............. .............. .........5 Sulky ............. .... .... ............ 1............. ......40 Possessingsupcrior facilities for mianufacturing carriages, 1Inltendi to sqii very cheap for ci! approved credit, and by sa Seing 1 hope te greatly iuGroase my number of sales. We seli the wood parts only, cr the geirlngs of buggies ironed. Al Kinds of Vehicles R-epaired At the Shortest Notice, Pain ted and Trimmed if Desired At thse Factor,1 1 aiso da Plan~ning, 7,Matchiug, Tnirning and Sawing with Cîrcle, Baud or Fra Saws. anS propane -ili kinfis of lumber for carpenters audothers for building'purposes orne a s a n Pa is for fonces in oveny style rinjuirod, muade te order. East 1EÀnd Grain Depot The undersigned desire to th ank the farmers of West Durham for the liberal vatronage extended to us darintg the past season, also to remind themn that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the I{rIGHIEST MARKET PRICEr- ALL KINDS OFCA ERASED delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlinoton. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadiau and Liverp ool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Salt for cattie anid hoî ses, anzd Freshi Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which-we are prepared to seli O.E~ZELAJP E'OE(> ASIL= Ail kirnds of Lutnber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENEI) COAL a'ways in stock. We invite inspection antd guarantee satisfaction. MoCLELLAN ..&'00, T & OOD9, SMITHI'k9FALLS, NIami[ufaeturet7s oft he following firsi-cIas S ingle Apron Steel Frame Binder, The Model Buckeye Mower, Daisy ReaDer, The "ýTiger," the Lýeading Rake, 'Steel P1owvs, etc. uý ENT Also agent for Draders' Spade HIarrow, the b-est PuIverizer, Culti-vator and Hzrrow maade. See it. W. H. OSBORNE. SPECIAL AGENT FOR TII{~~Yt il

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