SRU RNS When you want a CHURN get the best, it will pay you, you can get them at YOUNG& CO'S. Also everything found in a I I 1 Edward Linlef, of St. Peters, C. B, 8337-That his houre wa% badly torn by a pitchfork. One bottle of MJNARD'S LINIMENT cured hxm. Livery Stable men ail over the Domin- ion tell our agents that they would not be without MINARD S LINIMENT for twice the cost. . - 1 WEST ENO l~iq CROP REPORTS. From ail parts of the townships have corne favorable reports of the grain crop this year. In many places the 'fields were very promising and a good harvest was anticipated. But lately the outlook bas flot seemed quite so briglit on account of too much rain and which la, threatening to lodge the wheat which in rnany places it is almost level with the fences. If there is mucli more raim, or f the late wet spol j followed hy very warm weather, tnie damage to the wheat will very ser- iously effeot the yield. Last year the weather conditions were just the reverse. Up to this period we had had but littie ramn. The relief from the dry weather then, however, came when it was most needed, snd the result was a most bounti- f ni harvest. In Manitoba, according to the latest mail advices, the weather has iveraged rather cool with liglit local show- ers, but there was flot sufficient rain in some districts to help late sown grain, principally oats and barley, as m-ucli as was desired. The early sown wheat is doing well, most reports being very favor- able. THE ONTARIO BANK., ANNUA]LQENE RAL MEETING 0F STOCKHOLDERS. THsE T1iiRTY-FIFTH YEAR A MOST STJccESS- rtr. ONE-SEvEN PERs CENT. DIVIDEND PAID AND THsE REST INcREAsED TO TWENTY-FOUR PERs CENT. ON THsE CAPITAL-ELECTION 0F DItEÇ'TORS, The Annual General Meeting of the Stockholders of the Ontario Bank was held in its Banking House, in Toronto, on Tuesday, the 2lst day of June, 1892. Among those present were: Sir W. P. Howland, W. W. Keigbley, W, Glenny, Mon. J. C. Aikins, Donald Mackay, W. J. Macdonell, GT. M. Rose,C. S. Gzowski, J. E. Soucb, A. M. Smith, C. E. flooper and others. on motion, Sir W. P. Howland, C. B., K. C. M. G , was called to the chair, and Mr. Howland was reqnested to act as Secretary. Messrs. J. K. Macdonald, W. J. Mac- donneil and C. S. Gzowski were appoint. ed scrutineers. At the request of the Chairman, the Secretary read the following REPORT. The Directors heg to submit to the Shareholders the Thirty-fifth Aninual Re-] port and Statement of the affaire of the Bank for the year ending 3lst May, 1892: The inet profits. after deduoiing bargaili Specially ILOW prices ini Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets., Teapots, Lam-ps, &c. splendid. 1 1 The leading tovic of political interest In THrE NORTHr AMERICÂN Bvýviaw for JuIy is "What Shall the Ratio B,,?" Having pLi chased the entire stock of Groceries, Crock- ery and Glassware owned. by Mrs. J. R. Quick, at a very satisfactory rate on the dollar, I arn prepared to give some in that line.