Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1892, p. 3

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YOUNG FOLIKS. luia, in Mexico. Latterly, however, scecý L T O EIGN NEWS. Golden Thouglits for Every Day. has strîpped these objects of much of scier A E F RMonday- Th --uhutTe mystery. It isflOW generaiiyadmttel.ttllUp to the hilis 111if t mine eyes, Th~Donhnu Tre.the stones are of planetairi egin, t 0d Theeternahisbyniteke; rcL oOh!1 couid I find the doughnut troc, innar origin,1 as mab atocie time cojectnred, Greenwich liean time is to, be introduced Thence ail ber heip amy sul derives, i That efo iet Whose fruit a qwcet repast and that their iumînosity is the resuit of into Belgium. There my aimighty refuge lives. exheàa onpud uprinen DAi of t reakhiahofdsthn. yhor the friction occasioned by tireir rapid motion An attempt toi cuitivate oysters iu the M ie -the everla'igodMN b(itl ha opud uprm t s, obekafs.tbrough the resisting atmosphere. It bas Baitîn lias beeon a failure 50,000 oysters That bullit the worid,ihat prdtefod bebia-pnfir, utwic ~ae It grew upon the kitchen hearth, beeon calcuiated that setting aside the resis- which were transpiantedl have nearly ail The heavens witb ail their bosts He -made, l'I real inedicinal value. To niake Within a eehing pot, tance of air, an initial veiocity of about died owimg to the sait in the water. And the dark regions of the dead. use of any ýother than the nid stan- And bore itsfruit atsiindry times, 8,00feet in asecond, about ive or six times Iu Kieff, Russia, large numnbers of cases He guides our feent, He guards our way; dardl AYEy'S Sarsaparila-the Stl- Ail rich and piping hot. that of a cannon bail, would bring the of the sale of chidren have occurred. A Hismorniug sailies biess ail the day: UT PL G leorJeo-uiiri ipyta 'Fantastic shapes its fruit took of t, stones to the earth at a vlct of 35,000 H1e epreads the evening veil, and keepsU P UG perlait .Bioodpurifier-iE ~mpiy veiocîtypeasant in the Gaisinsîz district recently Te un iorliseIîal51C5 Invite léss of tirne, noney and heaith. Iu twý,ists, and querls, and toys, feet a second; but Olbers, onue of tegatdispos sai aedvnl lu If ou re ffictd wthScrful, Andon îjcia das t dopp~iest authorities on the genlerai subjeet, h nids c' ed of lis eight-year oid daughterfo Càzr, Rhenirnatisn, Dyspepsia, F/at, pudgy gins and boys. that to accounit for the actuai measured six roubles. Mîay risc sedure, secureiy rest: Ca ,Ztr, With eger hate wercquicki seiz veiocity of meteoric stones the original Some village lads in Shelton, Coin., whule The boly Guardiau's wakeful eyes orea, Botinning Bordeas, beTsurs, WTh"osle .11dionuu utotingilsvelocity of projection must be at ieast four- "piayiuig circus," hanged littie Eddie Gouid Ami-n[Aumerurourrie or any othrboddeae assed w oud tonce wguoîne teen times greater than the above. as a horse-thief. The performance was go The fruit. weii s1aken iront the tree, It is now a well-reccgnized fact that there natural that a physician exercised bis skill P L U G srv o asumr'-ee)n Was ,tcr,lwithin a j'r are certain sesons iu wbich tisese meteoric haif an hour before Eddie recovered con- how other becs, act, aud then go and do like-LU Eut uhU oiils. qUick and kecu sones are more hiable to maketheir appear- scionsnress.wie Wardbyteetadlboote It ays ~ ~~~~Di scefut lfrom afar. ance than in others. Tbey are, in fact, per- Atia a nMsea eta tia day, they siember peacetuly in the calyx of A~E'SSaeapvila aJ AEI'S Andtoibtlae what raids were madle iodic ; and the favorite menthes are Aprîl decrees the death by drowning of twin the flowers, The latter inclose them with ouy. YI'SSasprlaaani arIt aketn h;July, Auigust, November, and December. babies immediateiy aiter they areboru. ofthe ten epalsoandthe gesnti biprsandhr rnd o wasbe depeuded upan. Iý cdos e nt 'Twa buit a bissiul dri am nd theil November lias the graudest record, and The Sultan is coming under the suspicion ofte eei9zpy ok ierpsn n Tobaeco has ever en=~ Tho ar wa pt eile 1-secured inseet onuits balmy coucli. 1mw Tay t je aiways the sanasie ina asept the most brilliant dîsplays of wlîicb we of being cnupie His mother died of setters!S oto iosobrl qlity, niy tity,an eflet. It is Oh! qould 1 fiud the dooghnut tree, bave icliable acut have been witnessed swe hous o oto. lostimptiVin joyed sucli an immense .uJ Audaccoutt it, and lhe showed symptoms wben lie w55 liccalx nf the Rose of Sharon. Forget îsn-ý onbiaio, rpotin Adsec it as of yore. in November, 1799, 1833, aud 1866-at iu- te2al in r ucomiain pootn, I'd seize upon its insejous fruit, ter.asnl-alst bnnbseoed, o thiry-fou ap/ a nd u in al that goee ta Aud lbe a cblld once more. Ievli utb bevd ftit-ortyefi hnkn fJcte eehal lsuiid up the sîvluim weakencdl by years. Accorning to prediction the next Frenchi reporters uow take notes at niglit and lus promises and merits the coverin t1sesean pin I sarhe otgrand dispiay wilil be in 9odO. These state- by the liglit of a tiuy incandescent iamp at- nver thee and the pillow benealthy h d the same period as this duieu desn pin. tsahsOtheinderelland ex.p Ilrs.ments and figures, it is weî to bear in miudtacbed to the peucil. O then, what cdoes it matter if the tempest brand of Cut Plug and ,il Imprte ute io x "Do you know ", said Edua, iooki ngiuP apply rather to ix bat we are lu the habit of Owing ta the prohibitionu of tise expert ofliowis witiîout, and croakiug nigbt-birds suddeniy front the book sells edîg caîîing meteorie showers than ta the single grains, excepb wlieat, fromn Russia, the fltter arouud Clice? Soft 18 thy coucli, PugTbc . peis thena by the naturai channeis.* wsrM19 1I reaily dou't see bow she couid de it. soiid ass sîscl as that which bas found its price of bread ini Greece rose a penny a and the banner over tliee is iove.-[Bishop lgT bco ImLe îar."Dw aO" iease, hesenelagean maiarborth, u rshnethr ae u,0,0(>she Bert, from bis geography lesson gave bier resting place lu the waters of the Caspiani. loaf. Wilberforce.OletG 7oac mnu - an aae tr.I owa? i se, Tetns agan mlrfrh nrsaeteer 16000sep Wedesday- sbarpiy. most part of unifnrm composition, consist- and 6,,250,000 cattie. Last teasnur's clip aud Ti a life-iong toil tili Our lump lic leaven- tui-ers in Canada. Wear tliem", auswered Edna, vaguely. ing prnicpaliy of silica, magnesia, and iron, wia rp eeteîretee uoul The botter! what's comle tà perfection per- S a rsa p a riIIa Th en, catching the geiserai expression Of witli smail quantities of nickel, suiphur, the coiouly. Things iearned onu eartb we shahl practice lu prpaedyD..CAYr&o,~Weil, Mass wouder, sellecxpaiued liumiedîy: "0! 1 and cliromium. Among the ia'ge stones of heaven. Proald lyDrggsts ilcA$1 e,& ntle, s fego loediuo kuw wia I as eadng whch e averecrd luaddtio f f iosdoncbr-hel ,t failiat madhigareArts ouereat rpiiyArtirît hensb Cue teswI ueyu it's Cindereila". already mentioned as persumabiy' of thie to lie attaclied fo the Alioes woru hy Frenchs es -Rbr rwig Cue"teswllc r o lCinderelia 1" repeaf cd ler mother witli1 samie origin, is the great stone wbicli feli at soidiers. Expenimeuts with them have gîx-en -Rbn rwig ___________________________a smiie, "lWe aresf11lu ntlicdark. Wliat uteHhepnl 6 decided satisfactions. Tliursday-My retiremieut was niow le- .1, E D~HILE usit su couinf do?" wicli wa th selweslunte dasT46dauliter of Thomas Kenuman, of coine solitude; the former is, I beieve, Ce SO11TONO- d a ersmoly."Ses-lnu it yo kuowai tPiiny, oward flic chose of the first Cliris- Eluora, Imd., whiie asheep, stepped ouf of a lest state for the mnd of man, flie latter Z- bRRlISTER, OL"TOWe- d ar tolier shcs-las ippyu ers" ia n e îdsihl ams h o .Incmlt oiue Clac ffcs cAtu' 1' ,n enury. If is decriled as being about third-story window, but was oi igsi iottewrt ucmlt ~iue O rE L 1I>» ASteet, offn ie McArtur's b oc. "Wîy noti" asked Dave, thse youugcst tIe size of a wagon. A ponderons stone hurt. the eye wauts objecte, fthe ant wants at- KlgSreIomnilMnyf as ~ boy. IlTise book says 80. lier feet were f eulunAlsace, near thc village of Ensisliein, Wmeu flicGad DkePulof R Ca'ie*sThe cunder loaeding wandrc-Cu lg1Oc lbPgl rý'procafion. Tecaatrlssi edr n lg O.~l lg O ()I NEY TO LOAN,-On farm secur 50 smtll-I mean the sippens w-re 80 smallu 1492, weigiig 260 pouuds. If is stili f0 trareis, lie carnies lis bed with hlm. He ness wlien if lias nothing f0 love, its firm- l b Plug, 20c. LIiiy on Most favoable erms-montgs,,ges fa n feef but Cinderelia's wouid fit le seen su the village churcli. An immense is s0 fali tliat n ordinary bed wili enabie nesu when if lias noure t'O streUgthen it, its hought. AppiY ta RICHARD F4'STEn. ca8i of tlicm." mass of this kind is to le seen l ic helma- hî 0srtî usl sseteswîni isutigt ofi own. P. 0. Box 119 or JO0HN 11oSTErt Droven, I know hat," said Edna iaughing ; peril Museum at St, Petersburg, but CIe e'udý uiyi oke-oe Bnwmanviiis, P. 0. 5 -rb"ut I don't beieve Cindereila or aisy one largest knowu aerolite hithento 18 on e wich JyGud u yi oktmuyifs patience wlien if meets no contradie- cisccnud ducelu las shiper, bcaue flI n Bazil If csimaed eigt - aiounts to about $35 a mouth, and lie rare- tion ,its bumility when if is surrounded by elecuddnei gassiprb as eli rzl.Isetmtdwih , 1,-ly lias more than $10 lis is clothes. NcarlY dependants, and ifs delicacy lunftlie convera A TH A R TAi TASTHWALENE FLORIST.tlicy wouid break al f0 pieces," 000 pouuds. If report speaks rut allspndsssae adfrluek.sthei oalc uufnnd- &ahMre er es, MAndw Uii ' nIE never fi%!i8senti, DSHÂA, - - -. OTRO But they were fairy slippens, asîd presumption now is hat tise Brazilan tonie I i ucae me. o ncek. ain fteuinomd[lna.Mre orade ie wl EUnttfree tria OTRO could't break," pnotested Dave. wiil have Ca ake seconnd pace. A disl-wasîîng machine las leen for some Fiday- ctl.)RTIE Growersud deaier in Choice Cut Fiowers. beav ake hs, odad ah, tiE.R.YTaAFin et BROS, ROCidEFRE Mai-,yhn spsil epioslto attend if, if svasîes one thousaÉd Wlthout the bicat forekuowing St. TORONaTO, CANiADA. pensons nrlDein adBoqes adevriThat underueath flic witliered icaves, einaden on short notice in Wreath4. CrOwEs, ainies. " VGTRAIK le nhu.Tefietbd eegoi Pillows, Heanis. Soci-ty ltmbiem, 8e. Ilsol'twne, adBrw nTo keep himseii cool, fIe King of Siam To-dlay tht sentht wiud s wecpu away Perlts, oa e o eatonsuch as Plaim r oI souh&u wisod erl t wintirue Bso WyMn ioldAs bnYlas a houge made of gass, iermeticaily seai- The types of autumu's spiendor, FeasLEie, c.Teehot osncdo. -y irnisuerorwidm Bet asjutieFersake the Fleslipots.Au shows the swcet arbu tus flowcrs, E 32 IETLCTIVE STi RIES! higli school), "Chat tesy were malicable aecniuîyeigtdssfled.tobie enfers, and if is an contrivedl as A Sprng's chidren pure aud tender. large 100 piste Picture Book that r' ucy uas n Cneei'smyhv'London Tl ilahtat lunflic first agea of pp upisventilation..pohfflwr!wt lp fbom'P.egulIates the Sto m ach, e ii-l l nas n idrlasippens Teegapl ppesuplisOu tvying iu thy lieauty put ei on the road tla a andsoms- frtune. been made of that" fhe wnrid ussnkînd livcd wholiy ou thelie rhnigi nia o odcel h ery it foensel-Lvrad o es no eV d5'. ilven topay postage, A.W .KIN\EY, is'umep o uci n o h erh and is- p-nlous sport. Fornery flic animrais' Ye teacli me f aifli and duty! discussion with intereîted attention, ard hat even at Cis day millions of - anwene shof from. piatfonnsis enected lu tIc "WVaik ife's dark ways," ye sem nta say,theScr i nuifes e TUOýRENT.-For fterniof years, "Gîtau ow upeke for the tirt time . I"Penisaps 1 leingu lu Asi% and Africa subsist lunaaairni- iorests. Now flue darinig sportsmuen lunt *'itb lovn's divine ioreknowiug, 1lood and remnoves all lm- '1. Dha "-300 acres, 2 miles frona Wbltliy- can tlrow soine lgtou this dark hujct an marinier. Then we lare thaf cmnuent hnofot That whene man secs but wit hered leaves, prte rma'i pet good buildingsanad soul Admirable or stocku Cindeneila neyer did wear gaos slippcn. " authority, Sir John Sinclair, who notcd osesswtflergoin. on dairy. Ci-auecefon goiug extensiveiy ite qû pp "cid ae tebn ayTras h ire aly A Roman scieîtisf, -Or. Fossenari, lias -[Allient Laighfon. theworst ScrofulousSore. Tnnf canmak bsinessor toc aial« oi O. on ansmal food, possous a degrce of ferocity successfieliy dcmostratcd Chat disease Saturday-It is not goed fer .,tan f0 le Aeed apply. J. H. Dow,_Whlfbv. 32 ifz " nwi, dnifdM.Aus on, nd and flerceutset dharacter whldh germs are almose imincdiateiy kiiied by f0- alinue. iiherto al hiugs hat have beeu T AMFOR SALE-The t nlhaî lthtIsahuder of the translater. forua the eadiug features ni ail cannirorous bacco smoke. aedwrin approved ai Cod te lc er Io, lot 22 lu tht rd ctce in t the Thc deigtini liffît seory was originaiiy aimals. Funthermone, wc are rcmindcd A French atist, M. Marey, bas aucecd- gond; lonnecs 18 Iste first tbiing whîch 'P ownsbip ai Carke lu île cnuiy cf Durlicua Frenchi, aîîd the French autîson saýs hat Cat fIe ceîelrated surgeon, Mr. Alernetly, cd in photographing a fiyiîîg iusecf. The God's tyt uamed not good. -[Miltn. ~U .S eou izain ing 100 acres mnore or 1lese. Cinderelia wore paînufles de v rb-tlat is, maiufaiued tîsat mauy peraosss acqoire pre- ime of exposure was osî heli 1-2500f hofa CUEa Uponbte prermses antis gond d weilimg bouse, fInales iii uqieiaua. posterons noues, otisers blotcies ounflic second.To hmsIgniy Y P SA.BLO NE . barn aud stable. Thene 15 a neyer faiiling U lppes' hcisqtenurl" spissg close ta the buildnLts, agnod ycuug I"TIen why did flic Engiluli translater face, and others inflammation of flic cycs Tise umbreila business dots ont flounulTm hmbsIneuiy CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE onchard For ferme and part iculars etsivïzO say glass?'" questioned lient. -all arising from irritation of flic stomraclinl Aden, Arabia. D'ilg tht ast twenty- Gem. Tom Thumb became a slave f0 flic SAL-T RHEUM. SCROFULA. CHA.ýS. WlEIeHT, éoisCitor etic. Newcastle. 2 - .3m "IBecause ise vas careleus. TIc Frenchs cauued by eaing animîal substances. If 15 fine ycars nain lias Ouly fallen thene twîce. drink habit iu lis latter days. Affer Bar- HEART BURN. SOUIR STOMACH TIrC 4A INSATS IN word for glass is verre, and ifs substitution rue that flic great doctor, who wats hlm- n"-Uirlid aT k -teEuop fledadn- DZ E . D O S i9A ES on vair- gave Cindenlia tht sippers, which, self Of a convvial temperameut, wîen lie. A prior womau su Bonsa, Texas, matsH votised flmn exteusîvciy a snrewd thar- RE M T M KNDSA liweenpntt, oud otIsrehen t hlwau asked why lie did not practice whist lie ber living îy going about flie strete, and cai anagr coSM.ve thtidea f strnîn ESTABLI 3HED 1854 oîinal. preacbed, replied ly reminding flreicnlu-tItre sewîng buttosns ou men's garments. hlm lu a lilhlputian play. A coufract was "'Weii, I declare " cried Dave. And quirer of the old story ni tht parson If la esfimafed hat tweîsfy-flvc tons ef signed aud thetoCur began. The gencral 9 Subuc nim. lin aabe, ai is o$tu51. everybody e aughed. and tise igu peaf-bofh polnted flic gold aremîned eveny week, hrouglouffIe laed ne dramatio abiiity, but flic play gave Stubu(ýitiou.adretiuipaablratsuiesu, bycriglîf way, but neifler foilowed ifs world. lins very littie wonk f0 do and people ura- riti'iction Adertjingret3 ulas3by ý)ncourse. The Vegefarian Society, wlio More divorces are grnufd ini fli United cd ouftoe sec thse f ameus littît man wleon) rac, 10 cents por lino, noaces vue tirer insart The llapplesu Little Boy. met lu council ab Saiford, by Manches- States Chialal the reat of tht Christian Baruuim's goe ail1s made knowu tile world seutun- Locale, 10 cents per lino. Gucas whowas flic happit t hild 1 fer, lu Anust, 1829, were just e s enthusi- world. over. Hec prorcd a great drawiug card for l M. . J MES Puhise r sa t-day 1" asked papa, akinebils nwn astic, and iss many respects juse as unreas AcioyfbesfakdahoeluLs- a wliule. Then le began to drink heaviiy fr.~.V± ÇERE BAN ar a ew fwomIte oysou iskuts.oualle, as flic Vegetanian Federai Union, le aad8 eeeysugiiifa i and very of feu disappoiutcd lange audiences coRVuytsEnneAtwNSocassi, "h, 1,ppa1"ho lanqueted and orafed receitly; lutded.by being unable f0 appear. CNtrvoss71Debility, Leost vigor and "But you mue guess.,* at the sanie ime, if is Obvions to hose wlo AIr indignant jnstice of flic peace lu Aiter seeing lis monley squandertd sunf lis B A S Failiisa biasiised; restoes thse Well, " said Jm"T wy,1gnoesif have t studicd and d fnly a ltd apoor mr mnsix dol- marnuer tt e de eavru weakîiess f body or minc causeS IUR geltuy cre îl mii bsim Tl aes wisum ailnbu- nitaudyaîsd faites." ni man,, lu différent, couities and isider weapou was a six-shsooter. Had if been a unres. He set himseîf to watch tht general TREATMisNTS have faie evuite rlievu. ýold bydrug- «INo," said papa, Illie was't ricî, lie varyiug conditionus of cirilization, hat seve-shooter, flic man wnuld lave prob- and nieyer ltfi i î tlwofo i gitF ai si pr pac.kage, et six fer $5 or sen by mais on 1iedn candy or n cakes. Whist do you fisere are mauy admirable feafunes lu tise ably leen fiued eue dollir more. siglif for a moment. opie Write ion pamphlet. Sold ins-~ guess, Jot V vegetarian crusime, and hat flie kitclen lu A uumber ni skelcfous oni I nl gnowu per- At St. Louis tht manager laed occasion to Bowanihe y TîIT& UR. I guess lie was a pretty big boy," said question shouid le, tina reasonable exteuf, sons lare receutiy been discovcred lu leave flic Intel for au heur and, determined Joe, vhwlovas always wishisghle wanut eîîcouraged asîd patrouized, were if ouuy Roman recepf aches lu a cave at Luton Fort. troutef0 ake auy chances, locked Clie gencrai suCis a liChle boy, IIand I gueus lie was id- for tIc ncasou eliaf CIe Euglisli people do Tht loues were is a perfect state of preser- in bis rnom. Wlieulie rctuned le we.s I~I MI~~ flL~.'Ž-~~.4ffliug a li, higli icycle."nof ceut bal enougli greta meat, and ration, and onue set meaaured seven feet lu trnc peleswfh sollef h ~i3 Hbbs reti et ~ EatL . Ilj J No," saisI papa, " lic wauu't big ; and i that whcu tbey lave auy vegefabies onu lengel. door was locized, but strefdlied uponnfIe PIJREST, STRONOEST, BS? ni course le waAs't tdeug abicycl. You heir ftables these escuients are uua Frnlandfly brougbt 500 parrots floon suas Tom Thumb as druink as a lord. Eleady forse inmany ?untity. For malissg Boa>, At gcntly yet prompt- lare lest yurguesses, go l'Il have to Ceii cases ont of Cen, abomînabiy cooked. Wif ufoaBathodsps il ai.A pi osne a lcmanager leit than thlic ses.A eau equ 8s noutîngsulSd a.bnndolt R.- BOBWS ly .n the LiVEi, KI- ,voit. There was aflock ni slcep crossing a littIe bast, alitle apprecistion, and a demie broke out ansong tfl i ids, froua. gencral rattled tIc doon untillise attracfed SoIS by Ail tlroes oS Iruggos. ________peling Headadlics, Fer- ecify t-aadth mus av on -odicùm f ommntscuse, acook, wiso wihalbu wde The contagion ethon tho atent ionnof a beIll bySippîng a Mi. VVx..x", crsatd ls, thorough- a lonsg way, se dusty anîd flrcd and elirsîy rccd nt le y aîsy means a s egetanian, spread te tIc pcnsoîss who kcpt tliem, and dollar under thue coor, lic iustructed flic bey LITTîLE ly cl5ausing the systcm wn y Tedee fo icu ruigît scud up a di'sucr of 5 or 6 courses, eeI haesccumied ta an infections to go f0 a saloon, buy a plut ni whisky and g of I~nidisease, anudcures wretii'- The rosevralthoa haven sue Tlicy ae suga noate, fît reat psnp su anîlitbucour, Co scîs anmalianordioary day pipe. Wleu teehoyn me aeJuarLatd te ratpin i amloncor, ocompisinig s nmlproducfs al utter, A Sirnafra sewspaper fells of experi- eîrned flic gene al toid hua tCoputei pipe- cosy denefgnie, vca n alu wten then- bt nue pooL- nid ewewas tuetmilk,clccseand eggs, of a nature thorougislymotmaehr lsmnhtltsthete.trri hekyl ndpute vegeuibe. 4 rpileyenltired fo get to tht trougli, mad fel down lu tus satisfy an exigent couamittecoe i eures riee nciptoeu a ouae ifî qîsor int o flicpipe-bowl. lHe did an and viai. Perfect cigestion tise "lot, dusty attls. wlo, nu mostddisys ni thtlsekdweee nuhe iolinwvs th'ir uic. They "Thon I saw my litie man, rageed and caters. Whso eau say anyehiug adverse f iereuad uaa es udsy hetcips h istdin o nkp-echiaed is 1tîsond'nr-cure cmînumsi- dirfy and tousled, upiug ont froua tle crowd green pea snîp iitîs ice, lu w'iicltflicpeau sup tlulilliaucy, in permanensce, total unicosciosess.-[Chicago MaiL s1s' jl-slies Fr al y caiu o rchinis who were wafchiuv tht drove, are îtewed vvxslisiccd onions, cannots an ir ni uokcload tci ________________________ nrgst retlbymall; 5e. sulu. -Addres iil is nId, haiy, f atwibmuflv turnupsansd a lhead of -celcry, straincd _________ï______________ IIOB> MDII0. , Pîsps, San Frascieis a Chiagi lelouged tCe lis grandfatlien, sud carry le througli a sieve, flavored with musîronî totither Aierican or Russ, À."Wt UR~ _ i,,' 1 0AVILOT v oeen licO u sn a i licbcitsup, reudcrcd suanth witlisbutter, flis Sumnatra il promises Co le a iormid- C R SorFaiy ndDipn îlgte poon,sunfieingausirssai, ustil the ceafisre mingled siff sice boilhd veny tender. Wasnetslu Janan, Chinîa, sud tîse far Eastern "Did fticseep say, 'Taîîk you,' papa ?"1 mik or creisa; boilcd up ilgain, and scrved r t~Aased in. ravly uplo wtlisipet? lste ones nirkts gcnerally. TIc paper quotcîi says - Tsk1 tise Sumatra oil wilhlbcee cîs cîper Chrais "didn't bear it," aiswered papa. "BsC eynî, sJeusnlcuinfokes apew -o, A îsnican vitîeut. considerng flic irciglif 11 __ T1 .-sudus fspnI'm , s oCHOL£,îAM MORB5US , îl: te lttie boy's fa-ccsuas siling lîke Che bailr agsmoio otatots and Fars- Ais asld iwvn st s. sou, uureThu-k-- aslhista-lcIsc3 npa"ais le made au tasfyat sua tP -exet iflcspy I ~ S cmi le repaed foua uion, canets Com- km lise Jaanes.,aesp#prs Cli n fli (klthut0 S 'ayLeChtlrelwbr nsutotenxusaionful nilsd satisise- tnls iJubcy ani S on. we mke on v~it bsf.Ourpui cue a fnr reort. .ust Like Him. ThetCwo langer summner stînals, this yesr, While others do nef. OBJECTa OP SUPERSTION. A ynung man gavelbis sîveetheant s.pog wililec hataCiutqapnlgo CAndER'ssyToTLE. OnER oSrc w pimll anSlutiiets gone ly teeieeoi tnsdgsi birthday prescut. I fteJuly 6,an htt Bay View, Miel.,opn edoue. ý,TseY are st-itly vegetabie and do werc rcganded witb supuruitieus reverence. purest blond, but ifs moue was particuiariy ing J oiy 12. D.L.C E. l'ntfgnierprehi yhirtilition A maiSnaCiauwawrhippcd ushort. The gratefol recipieuf suas profuse Thirty-six coileges sud seminaries receive 7P ýleasa ail ose the sui. T lsaue e25 centý; A E e ai f0 -th un w s or ]To ot1crelig a seu r ge t C . . i7'on Slever7uhereo uetb~~a nuî,r.-th o onnifa blacks on anc. tehave ithbraswecgmnt.b teFC vahue wil. $3,725000 in S lu dni- sis narefiosiD- uss mlinyo $r1 Sold -mil.jduppi,e tineaîy -Yisoroug cal' Ueeps the Scalp clear. 0TER Ul.-c:lm Co., rcwTork. falîs frein Ieaven. Thtesoyatnetse "Oh, thank you, James," sIc ssid ; suas irnu $50000 fe $450,000. Hospital% xcw apiaions no lyt rnsugenatsopedMas arsesuPlal Kisaa-afMecc lasayuuaarltoSou "fhuauk yen. Yeu art se kind. It's just recctive $56,000, miskimg a otai of $1,285,- filial ef ete s-r. mcd, ut i- b.aid plissad Pemz5lGeis Sý7.,jji las the great iCone oi the pyrauaid o Co.lk " ol000. GUARANTEEB\pîiîited a viisegesath. oite oeh

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