Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1892, p. 3

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GRTFLCMOTN.npamtes of the 104h, Capt. R. Leonard, and TeHa ugo 1(ý F;, ÂTEFUL-COMFORTI -r' TTL-r-'ý '--'F LU N DY'S LAN E a few picked men selected from some of the H A T .O h uo éia opn iio T E r L uMilitia battalions in camp, unrder Lieut.- CoL.Hamilton, yet owing to, the weak state Rat nteFr utdete npro rb etro i On the other hand, lhe hailreceived con- ocoktnteafenon hnrctoegn trouiseh ielu i BRAKASderable reinforcements. As soonl as it was the engagement by a .general attack of light Yforce was accompanied by three G-poundersa "Oryvthorough knowledge <et the naturae konta endpse hNaaatop top ln h nietoto h rts and a 51 -inch howitzer, munder Captam Mac-sprtdb asw ngoentepeaonofdgam were put im motion, both from Detroit and position. On the right, the Glengamres ukonochi'e. Thetanc advance-guard wasnt alreadyoverork mnd nulwition. and by a careful'application of Sackett's Harbor, to support'hum. A letter easily maintained their ground, but a sec- within threeinmiles of the field of battle 1he fine properties of well-salectedl Cocoa. Mr. in the Blimore Patriot, dated July 12th, tion of the Royal Scots which had iust hwrmebyaodrlbain hatfucniinshtrsltrmage Epps has provided our breakfast tableswith a rltsta uo.h aate h cincoeusatedbSh udn paiinwen they wee met by anf orderly bearingemor, b leilicately flavored beveraze which may save rlt. ha pn .h dyate heatincmsecondle y h sde apriindespatchl from General Riall, an- ainofhmtbegswr alia8deisins fsgt ppttonfth IF4many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the at Chippawa, lhe was joined by "about one amonig the trees in their front of a body of nouncing that lhe was about to retire upon asdbeflv ringro exemt-hatmsinlckfeegypinnte udiciciousususe o ch rtsuch oarticles a tofsadiet frthaufalathousa.ndolu- meninfromnu BuffsuoeblregularsfQuevolun.andmenetiinthgreen etuniformsn inresemblingr thosee thy of constitution may lbe graduallybit up ntil teers, and Indians, among them Captain the American riflemen they had encounter- Queenston, and directing themnto retreae at strong enugh to reistlever tendnyt Stone's mounted riflemen, 160 stron g. On ed that morning at Lewiston, hastily fireda one. hyhdrtae hi tp o diee.Hundreds of subtle maladies re 6....arly four ulrmiles,, when the roar of cannono abot th iloati og aound us ready o attack wherever TJuly 16th, deserters who arrived -n the volley upon them,whichi injuredsvra n brst ufoneies andthe - ere cnoer wn h rae ato h w od î there ia weak point. n e may escape manY British camp, reported that 700 mer hatl pro<lueed soeeconfusion. ue pntercradthyweov-tIyogttebaletbvehtwhh spckbfr heyswihi fte a fatal saft by keeping ourselves well f ortified• ..... taken by a second messenger, sunnnoning rswoepnadaatdtehm ucleyàsadeswee bhfls, ýviampe.""Cblnerrace a~pnerle." . einfs coe ent ,vsfoon.Lwsdor de-This ann er eforc e minutead t is ntbhd codinly rie o cobfore the head ofat n, rwn ti arey hydpstsi h rnlso lpwr ae siimlySewithboGa ateror milk. t cment of te 11tl, 2ndando23d-hiisme fhat itwmthereso d fig tiheeitthconlumnnear and foore wthead fogtt oal eslc n obn hs edreso h cl n pnw n oMadney inpcket. bGocers.wabelled thus regiments.ofRumors of 2disastrhvng l>e- histcef a t'aheret gtwer tthscltn eayad otoe iha id ta in et otis h hmniajnmsceitceteSopfiur eh ,riIm n pm etsC., taGomeop. athlli chu em- ".Rmoso iase aig e to, leormed te Ithand - « ,nite march of more than twenty miles %hnost ytrseb lopcntiaoduns f Ls ondon. England, coe currenit efore neigencefthe dtorat d ta dte tryoradrecthtfronlattack, ithot ahlaei ve ntee tre getsceste utsecnttt xiaiiyo tmesne y uru n"" of Niles' Register, publishied in Baltimore, flanks simultaneously. Already the American artillery had open- hiraonta ctinlsesfiluins Florence Nightingale,okocso t bev heiseo uy The centre attack was not pushed with ed fire with renewed vigor to cover the ad- hlberaporpootintcranec.aealsy tm f «vü diiy Florenc:NightngaleanBEngish phian- 1 me e >c s f vigor, and was easily repelled by the artil- vance of their infantry, and Porter's rifle-éteclss; h ihacopudc'ntala o thropist, was born in Florence, Italy, May there is no reason to believe lhe cannot leryfire alonie. But upon the left orthelime, men were creepmng stealthily forward on angnire (lunod)shlba aTepigorvtlfclaigotistn 1820. She was the younger daughter of Wil- maintain hi ground for some time." The the Americans soon obtaineda decided the right, in the hope oabturmng that dlan lism lEdward Shore, a Sheftield banker, who most authoritative evidence on the subject pedadva nbervingthe rberofSuocu- lso. Drummod rompngtve oed ureis atr rmtepoe pootoswl goac ayh emnnl ue.Sn inhierited the ettates of Peter Nightingale, is to be found in a pamphlet puì>lished by pied grondnex T thesur ir Sthtewmo entyadiectngthe eadquomaristerfe ihbatflnLto n e oradesfroko i iesspcla and in accordance with the terms of the General Ripley in 1815, vindicating his con- ordered Colonel T. S.esup, awite wof i1the pRols nd tsfhefln compnie sul nesae h aepicpe pl mn laitter's will, took the surname. Florence was duct, which is now very rare. It contains .1 dS.Inanrytomae awieeftte 0frtoprlog hs igtin he highreyteducatedin thenclassics, matheml-nkandotheiaCoreturnoshowingutheieffectivemucircuiththromghttheyundergrowth moteataithatpdirectionpwhilepheformedethe ramam- ties, the modern languages and music ; strength of the two brigades of infantryathrecto,andbyainposinDuof h nsa n nks er of oflncotsclunin Toa second but lher favorite study was the care of the upon the 23rd July to have been 136 oficers Ratempttoe. gan poeiooftheaQueenst o ie insrea o Lntlyet Lan e Thesedois-mr estv eaydprur ri ai-t h ed rilpi ntehatwt e siSk. In 1849, Shte took a course of training and 2,620 non-commissioned oficers and o ngh ind onrealaed by teapprohit-poietiown a ad gotyobeenentrly wcom- lws in Pastor Fliedner's school of Deaconesses, privates. Upon the 24th we are informe<l o mgh, ad coceaed fomndew y tick-pieed wenthearesedyoondnantr wa at Kaiserswerth. In 1851 she took cre ta 9 fte2n naty ne iu.ets, that regiment made its way unperee:v. again observed advanemng upon the artil- I a eet uss xlsvl pnba uce hntefrtpi bu h fasntru orifr n n alidgv- uyand90o t22 o f 1tr, under Cloel ,ed into the interval, and suddenly attackingglery, The troops destined for the result aia od hc src nabmnis ratbneccnpstvl ccrd brirnesses, eal iprve hemande N greatlywr nt ncuedintimproved t hemmet t a theptn t manageyCooelR.C Nicholas, wh wr ntinlue i hhr- the battalio of IncorporatedlMilitiu m ofnthe battery, composed of the 1st U. r. nent of it. In 1854, shle went to the army turn, arrived from Fort Erie. Then hie sup- anathem etitwstepmgoIfnryConeR..Ncoldec- n the Crimea as superintendent of a corps plies a second return, showing the effective tak grund urter t th let, trewitamntsof te 1th nd 1thand henhol tif volunrteeýr female nurses-ninety-two in strength of Porter's brigade upon the 30tli into confusion, and took four oficers and of the 21st, under command of Colonel o h te ad fh eet uss n numiiber- -nîd organized a hospital at Sen- July, five <lays after the ac tioný, to have beennetlahuddmnprses.}loigJ esMlrn he2d, ajr.M- ,ari on Noý_. 5. On the 7th, they received sixty-one odfieers, and 538 rank and file,uphsavntgJup<vncdridyFrahdqiel ben fmdm ;00 soldiýers, andl in three weeks their num- and thait of the artillery on e sam-e date, as far as the road, which hie occupied in the hollow, where- their- movements isadohrotfutsildIincr. Ay r Ha li ber, had incereased to 3,000. In spite of twelve fies n - àíl.T force, and the troop of the 19th, finding a were concele y heoarnes any cdiscouragements -Miss Nightingale loss of these coirIps in itheaction, according strong body of fantry brmg uponetem and now advancd sileütly Tn line naeher hospital a model of thoroughness to the official published treturn, was 1Il o from thle eeo ecn hi fak rtrd w eep, unaer cover of the discharge of ndperfection, and aillother hospitals on aillranks, >ut this certainly does not in- aslfar asudd-ofbisRunc. Norws tis thall threiroateBrytih oncTentratd -it eb lsy n na ecletsaeo r he ýBosphorus were put under lher superin- clude loss from desertion and stragglingaulnmasredf issuces, irtCatai teaponte Bitshgus. heeaatal ,endence. In September, 1856, having which in a militia forrceespecially, i0Lrin, A..C. totenealprummndrnf.oon musere upard f 1400 ayoets nutered a severe attack of hospital fever, commonly veycnilrallfe ere ing to the rear to bring up the cavalry, Theý position occupied by the last U. S. In- nus h ua ytm h ris 1iss Nightingale returned to England brok- This, however, gives a grand total of 4,059 as capured, ten GenealiRiiohimselffantryforimngaheecentecoftthr line down in hiealth. She received a jewel of ficers and men. The general staff, dra- ineigfrmawunwihYusqenl oplldteraeietfehtrmamu with a letter of thanks for hier noble servie- goons, m>unted infantry and a detachment caused the amputation of his arm, fell of luneventful garrison duty in the distantinadgthdgeioadasmltonf es ad fndof£5,00 asrase t o ngners sil rmane uinlued btinto his power im the samne manner. frontiier posts on the banks -of Mississippi, ia r igo ounda a ndschool ,0forasnurses t underinher, direc-emofedtheselunod returnspriarersavailable.ptl 1aking teTne prisonersh wereof tpromptt-yf hurried ntoraelimbupthe tslope mninrenetsface fofi thelpomon- ion. T heeoldie rss e rim e war madefdue allowance forthee aaad te prolablefrom the fild, and when their rank was anl- blank fire of theBritish Lguns, while Miller'sosrete a fbig h raiclw Anme fyasao yrc penny contribution to raise a wa madedustatueancinoheresunderstatemente of thete th lossidof othee milidiat nouncedlanto othe-aremainderb- ofhithensbrigadelieituland Mceemarlandatsn commandsd, movednteob- onor, bueotrhe wountperissttuit li rigde itis safe th o s fthtBron hti became the signal for loud and prolonged liquely upon the na ttery from either flana. rmdsaendwudntieuilh Ar'FarVgotetpte i fn, D oar, bt se wold nt prmitit. runde armissan te vninothe 5twnh Julycheering along the entire linie, caught up Scarcely had it begun to feel the effects sse hudhv eoeehutd aln u n rvn.t unn ry at least 4,500 e of all te 25hranksndrofetwhom RupwardsndPoana's d-epeaheed by Ripley hen hisandimnPorterou byad- aeorBt nen artillery-fireist efwhen- thisot regimentry None but th-, brave deserve the fair and eof 3 ,500 ere rarsAfcertin pwrpor vancing columus, gave way, and before it could be osatsrgl ihevrnet'an cainlapiain ic aekp onee ututh bhe v bra ieecan hliveoftwithprsomey wof tionledprobabplyevweroca<cletaidledeeforudcampservice Silscarcely.ha hadtitheasenssounds dieddgawaynaitralued aby, itsesofheers.hadr th readired naconsicooter ,hem. but at ter making a reasonable deduction when a shell from the British batterystruck, able distance in much disorder. The 23rd, ýe rnnfrmnt bytelw fH .BsaMKneTxs 'For Over nifty Years for this, he still must have l>een able to one of Towson's ammunition wagons, which on the right, advanced with more nirmness bsbig a' nionnsaenti kltWn NLW w'sS ooTHING SYRUP bas been bring more than 4,000 men into action, with instantly blew up ihaget xlso.and lost heavily. Its commander was kill-it i.Ert scntaty A e s a r î o aised by millions of mothero for their children nine pieces of field-artillery, three of which Thbis mncident was haile i in burn by exult. ed, and the mie »egan to waver, but tingtpoueacrsrveainu- Rsoe hratrfèr. while teething. If disturbed at night and wvere 18-pounders, and one a 5ý-inch howit. Ing shouts from the successful gunners. who order was soion restored by the efforts of utdtbipre nushê,adleOv aeragIbdasvr fe, broken of your rest by a sick child suffering zer. In fact a letter dated at >uffalo next redoubled their efforts in consequenice, and General Ripley, wno directed its movementsmutgelyxr hslftkepdwa &md crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at " inerson fter he fal of te Ma o McFa >nceeand get a bottle of "Mrs. Winelow's day, giving a very accurate accouant of the thle merican pieces were speedily over. i esnatrtefl fteMjrMFr htusial vgttowfntbte efl uadwa itermie Beol hingSyuSyru r "ror children n. teething.e, sItewill fobattleed statessehisowforcey tengaged, aatapreciselyt lapoweredr'sbyprtheirn fireP and palmostoreif hnot land. biMilleire urappgroach tone taeinopposites a-eheve the poor little sufferer .immediatly-nht number. In artillery hie possessed a fluite, silenced. The rmnant of the Incor-fan wssceedro thvewfte &bout id ure, mothrs heare "gulates thedecided preponderance fromt the beginming porated Militia quickly recovered from its gunners byr the church and an almost con-re Biomnach and Bowels. Cures. Wind, Colic, of the action, an advantage which was only confusion, and re-formed mn rear of the S9th, tiniuous lime Of thickets fringing both sides Ofet.ar ilgthamopr whmlra softe-ns the Gums. reduces IDflammation and partially counterblaRnCed by the eXoellence fronting the Queenston roatl, and covering gives tone and energy to the whole system. of the position occupied by the British guns the flank arnd rear of the troops in'Lundy'i the gunis, a stout log-fence, skirted withbotadclhiin is nw ndDgoMs. tcrs Winslo 's boothing yrup' for b idren LaigteQenonrdaterl Lane. Their musketry soon compelled shubber)piy andì small trees, crossed their path rit aln ri h lusadrsn prý.cription of one of the oldest and best te- right angle, Lundy's Lane followed a course Jesup to reliniquish the position he had se- and furnished convenient cover. LP fom h at ol as odcil, A se malephyscias an nuses n te Untedahnost due west for about half a mile, thea cured, and commnunication with the r-ear- this point their advance hdbe ubev irouuhoutthe worl.Be sure anadtrending gradlually northward, crossed the was re-oee.Let-Cr oisnb ing e te pa eartilery ehse ateton wHas ananahatfltmeaueo h yarwsrpdyt gga n ak for"MRs: WISsnow's SooTRnrNG Svae" Twelve Mile Creek at DeCew's Falls. About dangerously wobundecl, the command of this rivetted0upon the batteroes below.FHalt Fift t'othousand n bwomen tetbelonge ao thee ytradeesaof undreditiyardsthwesrpsofvothe ojunjotionesof .theogcorpse devaolvedttonyMajor singmebodKerby, ingt kithere fortak ahmomentbs theyiefiredtrualsingdle unoso nln.roads, on the south Side of Lundy's Lane, A general advance of the 9th, 11th andl efct--ive volfley, and rushing forward, gamn- etcrofu bdstpoelynuil hai owt rgnlclradfl- stood a Presbyterian church, a low frame 22n<l lufantry converging uipon the Brt isýliedlte su mmit, but with heavy loss. A few teadt rtc hi rmtout c-.-, nrla lvln,0 Vienna MedicaliPrecription buildingpaintedired.rItiocupiedrtheofunslfrcednthefsmehtanddhevdetachments'guners stillgciung dspnrately to thei AssociE"tion. highest point of the rise, which slopes gently of the 8th and Royal Scots to advance to p eeýs adwr aoetdwiesrvn southward and westward, but dips more their support, and was not repelled withouit to, joad, and the biattery, whihan een erytatindbay owntonr No EXCUSE FORt ILL F.EALTrT. al>rupt,1y to the east and north. On the a Sharp struggle, in which both parties su f- ke1o 'tvlyaais te wsi --iht of the church lay a small enclosure, in fered heavily. Lieut. Hemphill, leadinu ter ossso.Bothi the 24-poi nders and eomncainl, tandbyteos The soie branch of the above asuocia. w fiic i a few weatherheaten wooden slabs the Royals was kalled, and the command of n o apanMaknohcs -oudr liov on the American continent is no dan rude brown headstones, with sometimes his party, the remnantof three companies, e tk.Lin.Tmmad locatea in the city of Toronto. Letters a brief mnscription roughly carvea upon thema devolved on another young subalterni, Lieut. e fhsmnwr iocpue n tif thanks are pouring in from those who by the village blacksmith's ehisel,,but more Fraser. Colonel Morrison was so severely eprrl ofnd ntecucwec dhoften nameless, marked the graves of the wounded that hie was carried from the fieldi .eprrîycnie ntecucwec e 'h lr n rece ived them, mest of whom have for fathers of the settlement. Hither, too, brave and Major Clifford assumed command of themost)f thema soon succeeded in- makmng--- years been taking patent medicines and young Cecil Bisshop was borne by mourn- S9th, while Captain Campbell, commandingthi escape. drugs furnished by advertising quacks. ing comtrades uapon their return fromn that the 8th, hadl his horse killed beneath him. S\earl ateth sameinstan, Riply cam Patients write that they have been cured daring raid in whiebh e met his death, and Their assailants tinalyrtre,,ain h p with the 23rd, and the 1st, harmng re- of Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, Dys- there lhe still reposes. Southward, a, thriv- slope strewe<l with their deatl and' wound- fored, aavie riace to thirsuppseort. Rep.addtebed pne rvnt ,0*F s pppsia, secondary Consumption, Piles, ing young orchard covered the slope below ed,' and were rallied with diilic ulty un<ler eyr niebgd astu asdo Hleart Disease, Salt Rheum, Whites, the graveyard, extending quite to the edge cover of their artillery. The 22nd in vey narrow front, on the south a de of i rm orig NervousDebilit and alost evey dial f the Prtage Radrandyncircligea smal partitlercbrke inageat.conusionounningsundy s ane, neween wn churchand th base that flesh is heirto, and in no case dwelling and farmyard. Meadows and culti- athwart the front of the Ilthi when in the Queenson raofte2 t ntbryg, w ih the nn fnil rcran hrnub teueo did any druggist charge for filling h vated fields lay beyond, bounded by thick act of wheeling, and carrying away several Q'cp on--le , sra N presripton mre han 0 cets. hiswoods less than half a mile away on both platonse of that regiment in its flight. lfwiePre' outesdsat n . ides of ine road, stretching down to the Their ofhecers lie ocec h uia e t hl otrsvlner itnl n-ml sarmd o hlrnsSme assciaio sed feato ll ppicats heriver near Table Rock, and skirting the until they had gained the shelter of theo ae h ln opaiso h 0h n besrt prescription known for purifying the brink of the chasm for a long distance. woods, and only a part of them couild then the wing of the Royals. blodan mo ratiing the nerou sys- Dreading an ambush, Scott carefully re- be induced to retuirn to the scenie of action. .lersmveetha en at nce ecadfo sosngnrigbote t tem Acicuar ivngal patiulrsconnoitred these woods with his cavalry, Biddle's, William's, amd Ritchlie's1)at- pd nxetdad ucsfl httexclet will be sent free to all applicants who en- and his delay enabled the British light teries, containing in all six gunsl, Ladvaned Britisih grins were in his possession before clsea tapfo rpl.Address IIENRY troops to regain the position they had julst to Towson's assistance, and the artillery- Iýt nfantry in rear had time to advance for SCrA,4LLErNX, V. M. P. A.,345 West King abandoned. Then, au now, Lundy's Lane duel was resumed. Notwithstan-dingL the Je poeto.Thestre o er ments thenofcem stebtclaerndrihnr atreet, Toronto, Canada. was bordered by many apple, cherry, and thsparity in numbers, the Uritish guns still atera vey-svereconest erere'plle Itsefclsf ocmlmn w-pahtrees, thruistimg their projecting nmaintainediadecidedsuiperiority. Cp swih e v rl oss ntesht ieerneelld Afwpofl ilm aepue n0 L n oa h .boulghisover t ighway. Inthese orch rdsBddle and itciewere both wonded, the atblasMk.AAPRVNIEO man uon er chiseled features, but she the Glenigarry Light Infantry toc k up t heir, latter mritaluly, andl Towson is said to have catr:idges of the Amiericans, containing in toao o ons w oulardly like to be told that lher head grotund, forming the right wing of the Brit- lost twenty-seven out of thirty-six men addition toithe ordmary bullets, three large was turned' ih line of batle. Tomkinsetwoofeld.gustservingmhidthree guns.buck-shotowre&particulalyeelfective Mont@ sfyrPrizes at Gorl.Boys pan-ed Girlshegrere oplantedryUamongl theegravesgieon otheerveryofColonelalsMnRthepant engheneelrboil pcere who ibieutenantSalmFraserr: ont whom theitscommandn The "Sýunlight" Soap Co., Toronto. offer the summit of the knoll besidle the churcb, so was acting as-General Brown's chief of staffothedRoyas win hisatdofthe sfidLie hadllwdteeaprt fo followmng rrizes every month till further notice as to sweep the road. The detachment of finally assured the American, commander devolvedhewas wounded, and the survivors ed 1,506 of all ranks, and the artillery, seemed perilous in the extreme. It coulcity ae unicliwiie a iroteseltl drgons and other mounted corps consist- no longer be a matter of doubt that they had the mumcipality with a pair ofand these httlenpon E in ftwo troops of U. S. dragoons and the to contend with the entire American army. whited wonders.nTheanlargest of the twoO N New York commandls of Boughton and But relief, though long delayed, was nowi weighed bmt sixty-one pounas, and was ntdaesGebckouhadsl. ï .. ~~~~~~~Stone, probably mustered 300 more, mak- close at hand. After the original order of oly 27 me hes high. L m a o a k c e O L CIN ing a total force. f 1,800 fighting men. march had been countermanded, the troops ýH a a h ,p)Pl aea urn ae pnalpr Ell ~~Retiring leisurely before the advancing encamped at Twelve Mile Creek and remam- l-- fQetbi>nteUie 5tS91 L enemy, the British skirmishers frequently ed quietly in their quarters until afternoon- Attracted Them.,%da halted and formed as if with the intention. Then the order was received from Gen. Dot0 Aeyugigt eryu e of making a stand, then dispersed again as eral Rial], directing a portion of the force a4nd white blazer at the seashore again this oe hrayTlg piTanfs S soon as their position was seriously threat- to advance immediately to his support by summer ?Frs teqS ai , M:É f rInl im$oalàat0 ened . Much valuable time was gained by way of DeCew's Falls and Lundy's Lane. Lottie-No indeed. I hadn't been there îand.Ti oerel datg;ýst these manœuvers, which were continued This mesant a march of fourteen miles u 3,r week last year before I was proposed to by t siirieaflbazocfsth -until the vanguard of the American armas a turning sun. Col. Scott insta, dy three barbers, odb rglt n elr vrwe paeo aiet had approached within half musket-shot of obeyed, taking with him seven C'oml it et ote ietosi te atclr utati ST, SRONGSTtBSTg*lin"e" "en they finalyran i". panies of his ow" regiment' (the 1°3rd, lLnugs onaBolrAmna i e S , The sun was abdnt halfanhuhiorsencmpms fte Royal Sote, A large patry are driving across country 1ECALSA OEE OBMo a E .FRTGO eýT, an hourhigh, r, seve Neuralgiaf Sciaticaant -Amona, im i oterwodrs i ws btwensixan svenLiutnan Cloel oh GrdoLumbagoro Daot BackacheMaitba phzsp.latc, ôr aýY iuuriant.HadachD e ,:Tmo i

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