Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1892, p. 6

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XV N OL S URBSUED jY A MAD MAN. ihe soft me;ody of the tender, witching trains was the tiny fingers of my ebildhood The day was hot and dusty. Theseaneat as they twined about my mother's heart, ~eVia WoIJ i odovin uneceasingiy over the burning pave- and thon thoy increased and grew as they What'iïolýl Doments. Beads of perspiration stood out passed frn childhood into girlhood, losing VVENEDAYMA 25On92.I t1 e a roewl upon the faces of aldermanc looking mon as the subtie sweetness and pure note, but _________________________Id look sa fair, they jostied each other iin the streets, and increasiug in the volume of grand sound and DE.j * j 10 sat~rA-na grow su tal; the x:imen looked weak and wilted1, The harmonizing chords-ever increasing, lever BP. J C.NITC--?L,-Jd saterperfumie f ar and widc; very hurses hiung their heads as thcy sun changing, shifting, restiess and Ionging. ýBEMlR 0OF COLLEGIE OF PHYSICIAN Of al! the foe~i ers Ue bled alung with their heavy ]uads. Then a strange weird strain swept across nu ugenOnaiaooerjt.s what i'd do twsi h great city of the" world's the stiings, s intense]y setwt wild Offi 3e nd renOtreCrnr t.If 1 were- Yeu,Itasuthsuwet ih O 'î adResidénce, Enniskii1en. IL . 0, lttie, rose! fair," and I1ivas then a raudest littie woman imaginings that thc very air seemed to Fair little 1naid, in a iiterary way on one of the 1-ig niews- grow thick and svarm and the strings quiv- D ueflJIE sisiIf I w' i-eou papers. Tie excitement attendanit upon the cred and w avered, and sobbed and moaned J) PEliIR SOLICITOR, &c. MOPRIS .1shoiirlalwastry work fascinated me, aud as 1I ad al,, v~s led in ain agony ut pain, aud cried out iu an- vle ELOCKto r te OnztareeBak I'dbctSi mrletb c datq ci , a rolliiking, joily, bohieenian hf e, 1Ivwas iu guish and seeed to break into a ghostly Mriate thoe-ysIcnt tews a tern iv' Bank ,m"eccnild myelent. discord as we reachcd a wlprairie waste. ii fT.tt Ifcc,,s oaad ittheloes raes On thesumw .t ve -i ledo.i bad _wandered about aimlessiy for a 'lie moon was out silvery white, bankedl If1eritea. gleater part of the forenoon, firidiug nothing by dark clouds, while a low, rarrbling farm Dear litUe niINd of interest, wben I was suenmneud ac te house stood silhouetted againt the plains Y I~NEDAUCT ION EE R FOR the office by a feliow reporter whour I 1 met Tho train shot on. Station aS e- station ,J the Coeunty or Durham. Sales attendcd Babys Giit. on the st.-eet was passedl until we were almost homne L- cin, shortesi notice and lowest rates. Âddress Some stories toi I of a dog's sagacity are I was bsgincieîg te bic my ramper. again. I had grown drowsy, and throwing m onîc . 0.36:9 almost ton extrae-dnary to be believed, yrvln ip &ri Everything lbad gone wroeeg that da-, I had -yrvlngwa bout eue I restedagainst ït0àTT YOUNG, v. S. yet wlear little mistress of a sinart littie dog awakeued with a severe headache anýîd the thc cusion. Su ddenly I raised nsy haad Mbehaves any pet superîor tu bier own?' intense boeesihad aggravated it te sncb an and iooked around the car. I canecot de "F FICE JliN THE WEST DURHIAM 11iabv did the dearest thinig the other cateut that My braice seemed ru be dn fire. scribe. the force that compelled nie,but 1 " News fllcck. shere hemsecf or assistant.dyeni ab' istress to nie, enthuseas- I bad missed seigJack lu the aori am quiesuetaliebnwiga Vviil lie found frein fa.m.Io 9 panî. Night cellet9day,"suaed Baby'iedecieeg merning. hadmy nt rsdecdrcfypeite Drill Shed. CalUs ticaiyý 'I came~ home late for dinner. I'd Jack was my sweetheart auJ hie was gLoing in the balance against uMy inclinations I Myeleoiaph ortelephonewill receiveu)romp beenouitfo;rsuchialiegwalk,gettinigflagroot, away t bat day to bc goncevcir se long. 1 couli enet bave donc otherwise. 1 saw the attention___________________________________i becauise 1knecw be was obliged by business intere ts saine terrible eyca fastened upon me with lef t bienbhorne, and wieeî 1 got back bc Was te leava at any cost, auJ se I earried wîth that awfui glirrer, and they expressed More A . A, %Y. TeI.E. 'Most crazy, bie wa sos glaJ to esce. lHe me the ceesciousness ticat lie haà left with- than murtal tougue could bave done-batred AUCT1GNEER, APPRAISER, Real juîwped and danced about like mad. I let ont sayiuig good-by and tîcat it was the iret revenige, orieelty, fieudisbness. t1 Esiata Agent, Bowmqnvila. Ontario. bien kiss me ail lie wanted; and thonmaenma trne lu the five years that1liad knowu bien. I grcw sicis at heart. 1 could cnderstand Ealcs ttended in aeiy part orf Province. said, 'Now jump Jewiî, Baby; Meta wants Musiug in this upleasant way, 1 swung now the fear that muet possess tbe pour lit- lier-diier.' opeen the portais et the grear gray dolor with tic animal the prcy et the larger. My limbe A. A. PONT, .IlWhan Baiby beard lier say that, lie m'uch more cnergy tîîair a senalivoman trenîbled. My head reeled. My teeth jumped down, sand dasbed off into the kiteli- shonld exhibit. ru find the editor, not- lattered like castenets, and it seerred te A IIITEOT. Plans and Specifica- an. Then hie rail back into the rouen witle withstanding ail the heat, l ooking as me that the boatn of my beart could be t~ ions prepared for every ce off building.i i uolauJ hie bogtl fas ubapoi h eevoet htue ard ail over thegcar, aboya the roar and Special attention g'ven ten eating byst a abig boue i i itt, bo h i rs n ap - b c lilt h'tue end hot water. and t e anitary arrangements, te me, auJ laid' it at iny fcet; auJ thon the te blossom undar the cprcading branches lu diii of the rattiing train. A desparate Oft1ce' Corie Bliock, Wbitby 13 iy dariing stood waggireg bis tail. as mucli as the ol d home et whieh I soneletienes drearned. thueiglt flasbed tbrougb my ndnd. 1 would - to îay, "ve breugit you the bentdinnerI It was refresbieîg, trnly, and wlîen ha de- epeak ru the couductor and ask bis pîotec. coud,'tailed me te do a bit ut work that took mie Itien, Or that ftheriy lookiug gentleman iu R PEA .E TIalor I îthink~ hie feelings were burt,e' Con- ont into a country towii y reerlessuese the corner who resenibied a physiciani. But > cl ded Metajý, -eoumfuly Ilwhen we puit vanîsbed, auJ I became once more mv happy what sbouid 1 cay? bTell hinm 1 was araid Gentlemen's OItes Made to Order. the boue back on -bisi plate. HIe took it self. ot a mnani on the train wcho was iooking at away auJ buriad ir. It was just as if hae waikcd down to the station with a% ligb -t- me? Go te the faticerly looking OI gentle- ., Y hogbrto hiraseit, - WeIl, if fleta wo't er stop, aud armcd witb a tablai aud orber man witb a blanched face sud trembling C at t, 1 won't.' articles et journalistic warfare 1 ensconced limbe, auJ beg bien. te proteet me tree ose T E Pi rj But 1 amn afraid Metas imagination weiit myself on the sbady sidaet the car and re- eewola ocsohn emle e aliost too tar that tirne. lapsadinto a state et deligbtnl scmiuncou- What wmight tbcy say, or saying notbiug, Isciouness. wa mgt tey tinik? My mind weàs a I lI~~~~~~~owlong I remaincd thus I Jo notý know,choetcnctneetn. Magiians Mstak. bt Igradali beame war, wth tat u- 1 looked around the car. Evidently thie dafinablo instinect with wichona somnetimes occupants did net notice my agitation- >Almost every magician cen tell yen au in- bcm tersrig soryet osv atcoce to'e o s possessecd, that 1 was the oject et these who wara awake; a great many wcre da staady gaze. I raised eny eycs, auJ as 1~vrossae f eoe u a e otimer, tenobl art e aeptroubnlv.ahed Jd se an irresistibie impulse impeiicd m ni, a h attati hub htcm bienuncpeccdl inJee trubl.lt t look acrese the aigle. te me, i nagîumg bhow tieey woesJ wake truen temptation I"te tool people" is always very Hv e vrsa adi tssks tha hee s ri n me uwedaribshudIo etrong. ti l, ne Juubt, a flatteriog tbing writbe auJd ing with their bodies together, jwhai 1 was most crly tcuîiptcd to do-loge C.HA ND JL.D. a. mts c be t aotsarw pfrson's aex pense. - tiîir ieoded heads raised te strika, auJ my cnutroi auJ give voice to My ners eus- thostsaavfuloserpeutinentonguesnJartBut inne se in a truly ftanine abiek. Oraduste ot tha Royal Cole ofDental cvery once in a while the self-satistied cn hoau u Dirpenn er tangudtnin y Hwasr twul tts eyha Surgeons, Ontario.juernus acros a a"lsubject" that Jees net adte b id ueegitdtreg teplace enysaît u sncie a rib tiiIIC POSL SXRS OFC. ueittmlyt isincetsllsaJ hebiliancy of thosegiteigeyes?5 It 1 would donthig ftevr ev (JrFIE OPOIT, EPRSSOFFCE sbmi tmey'3o isinncet-b] e ad.as nh a fascina tien th-et possess'd tme. rauks. Inu oe notable instance we' nte asotar pernc hr ulons position. î tried te think et ail the COLD FILLING A SPECIALTY aspor"tavrled teSerions -ceen-wst i ta'soulad haverac elee.bad uhîcuge I lied aven denc. Tbey wcre tee Artificial Tocth inserted witlîott plications, as the tollowivng wiil show : Ou the centrary I tound myscîf uncon- many auJ 1 gave it op. PlateseThMde oycr. e eventini ceeue is the cieusly admeing lus powerful 'phbýsique, h la laimead by that ciascs etpeople Work. Vitalized Air, censtceîrîy inune pro! ceuni of ber eneet graciena Majesty Quenacuted lu ait is eti odyïtmonJd - enendutnpasate bt ita cedssolutio <?cing Painlese Operations. Parnicular atten Ranarabona 11., witi î prtty maidsand auJ sapdadhegeir its g]ianc iu aoud mc etofupoeasant, bhut inpreced by tien paid te the reguleticu off Clildren's Teeth tai thful courtiers in atten'dence. A clever ilshaut isc te genlerane uJ e pttlet co av e wdehiglîtni, in ct hat ÉLF ALIWORîK WAIUEN TED F& 'creole conjlurer lied beau iuvited toenciter, n uiidctdui etea.pepewohv akdbu i iu ~aimosute the sheores et thae thar world hava Bramcl Offie, Dr. -Rutherfords Oîonc, tain bier Majesty witb bis subtie craft. lie HIe was leokiug et mue inteîîtly ard hie nebeiled upon beiug awakeued, ______ hdperhcape, ihat high-scoudiug recoin. ecc sescsed a. peculiar glitter that 1 had 1 tink I muet~ have reapced into a etate meudation wlehc cotet rom liaving per- neyer cacu en hînean eyas befere. A5 in"Y eomethiug vary muchi akin to this, for oruslerîctore Ilail thecrowned beads et Eu. glacece met bis he seemed about te risc -aud whau the train steamed iutte cepet I i eope,'" sud that gees for a great deai aven in cuct e re ebektesei was torccd te areuse my selt, auJ 1 made Madagascar. could net until, et ter wlsat seemed te me AnJ su tise conjurer set eut to estoniish agas, the trai sot ceder a bridge and the way ourapnce. rul uecrt teet thse natieas. We hava no idea etfehat li darnesa immadiatcly sunronudiug closad I a cydr.Tes a lwagl diJ et iret, but ive uaî imaglse that lie ma-eeout tiiose balle et ira with their mcd flaches.auJ the a enlid rewnTeill. I leaeateald peated the oid-tiene tricks thet corne trons Isumenameultls ueysa rapidly tbrougli rim depot witbent enceen- 7 auennocentrequest, "Plcase dotlsisorthat." auJ placad My bauds to my tbrobbingliead. tring a fauîiliar face, auJ pickcd my way IAt al avents, tise programnse went eenooth - I tnicd te tancy it a hîallucination. but miy over the pavements undr the gaslight. ly, uncil.the wizard took a glace aud, by a. botter saucse predonsiuatad. A thb1muand Thera was naîtiier a cal non a car in ___fiourisb et bis waesd, îuîîscd theliîquid ie thoughisa lasbed uver cme auJ he the siglît, auJ afttr souse deliberatien 1 Jecidcd * *. m selwine----ine old Malaga, as ha clainied. darkes clearcd away sud 1 wac once more net tewair. Gathcning my shirts about me P Iý Witli a seit-sat'stied scile aud a courrly in the Jayiight, ly a Migbty effort aud I.disappearad Jown a Jerk etreet. Theno W B W 1 olio e h offered tlic giass te ber -iajesty. wîtbouî vcnturieeg another giauce, 1 teok a was alwysa police en that corner I kuaw, VETE&[N«ARY 1SURGi~oh. Te rtme magicians semprise, the Quecu Je-. seat in a différent part et the car auJ ne- and 1oul appeal te him. I lied beau eut cliecd te teste the tune old Malaga. The veraed the cuehion. Iu vain I tnied te-. ebada many ternes bereata niglir without expeni- ORON, -ONT. feiiow repeatad bis saemingiy iineet re- ioftempeioî uvastngrta ,eneiug aeîy alarm, but now I was timid auJ qîst, aned again tise Que refuced. Wlîeu so I gave cep trying auJ ecndeavored 1Ite 1 looked in vsain for the policeman's familier Offie.-Post Office Block. hemctd uatnatv-r1~rJmereasen eway muy fears. Wbat ihad I te Jo oe.Tavr lau pstscede Cell byteigrs'a r tlepenerecivei lis car ticît the Quecu did nor drink iii pub- witb tear ? Was i t like me to hc afraid? srrl u pcrlausia eecokn nie licte attention. lic Wbereoueas tîcelcouage uecascany for futur l ne.undeni ste org e.esr fruuemy feer aud the massive buildings on aithe r Bu nagiciens dlaim tu hab above ail ules udrakings if 1 could lae su distmesed by sidaetftis treat lookad grn nd u forebod- J.NL iII IC0 1 13E of etiquette auJ royal mcd tape. If hU a ingie pair et eyas lu broad Jayligbt,,? îng. cd epertbOdbeauivis, l e Ie-seing thue I reachl niy statieoi auJd lueiglit bave beau aCdry et tise deaJ, aî.lbofe-e op epert snaha r e. Viseiet ordei-ed a rapid drive te my destination.vrusnwaseilntetaclinig. would lhave sopdto ndte h1Out et thse car auJ away I taIt bet ter. 1I eThe g as iglits ldenotaJienIukd DENTIST. do vyen rhink lie d the impertinence tote id te tbink it was al s piece et tolly, bt h emt aboutme urvslau rccegdim.1zed ido? ie prereuitadto beseized wtha ir tfabu m rceîcld ndreonie w anegr (seicb appeaeal te m audience te le 1cu et forger those terrible cye, aud Ï henror a torne that lad grewu te nme ter., rem ember witli sbat actuel dmaad ji loolrd ribly familier. 1 tbmew self coutrol te the OFFICE :-.-Rear of M\essrs. reai, emed net aseumad), auJ. iiibis rage lie Ilto tise face etfflic iret person witl wlion insaJtredom.Tsmeasui tbreev the fieeolJ Malaga icto tle Qucen's 1 raîîmec. twdbandet mrted a u tecre wI cOrly igginbotham o & Sons rug 1PA ii asd1 ea efe ni y b Yeuneaasiiy imaginec the confusion that e na as ded j bagear ted m'y- each the eauJ of the way. eesîed. Of course, tise Quacu wae se great- self, auIn ads Jieinsuheprelia roy te1yOnon, 1 sped, ney ueat beting witb Stor, (ownstars), ly hoced hatshe ainedthe eturnd ld suh aami tie feel rosme sncb mýapdluy that it almoat suffoeaîcd me. Stor, (own tais), ly soctd tier iscfaiuedulieprety uJ e -bt I as ee,,d to Oua boch more auJ Iwouid basafe. With enaids e sreaaed, the faithîfui courtiers Jnew 1ternu h fni fabraies overtaskeýd aun acuaebrae 0pmtonimaafi BOWMANVILI.E Itleir swordc, and the guards wene called bheaed.dfaconaeor lotkdseao1 madeThetou If ever e Prosparo badly needed bs-hrceslre*isnI r1di E- aJias gaiuiig rupou me rariidly. Would I Magtr ie terasa ffu r e"us' u everr uht tast m waud, ir was et ibis tinie, whenalimtei et teer'a sta k. onertalonei 1ji eci th îyfoot was ou the rate magie would bave becu ut woudertuj lieigd .sîep aud I eiutcbtad at thec balustrade. Juet service. lIow the ceole protessormng- The siniîng sun- et tliat moment I Icîlt e cleue upen nyj te gai eut ut the court aliva is more than ms f odeî uri uts vs- shoclder. My head was bomut backward lv eaither lie or we eouid t2li. Suffice i te Weebamîkiug down to re.st. the contact. I tait a heot breaili upon m eay that hae did escape, sind ticat ie et eoe 4As I neaclmed th epotau beardlu l thefae Abudcuce u slsegcpt Sought refuge in tiselieuse ut the English is ltanece tise roar and rumble etfthap mion anudusy face was upiifted te anouhar, Resident-General. ipeuacbiug, lîoîeward-boudtan oi heldtisaeby coic terrible magnertiiem. 1 Fcw et us eau realize the iepardouable.1 dened as i cauie lu, seoting auJnd ein losad my cyercgolutely. Attisaiuomneut - offeuce couseitted by the usagician Telh îige ia fscwr e oetmnI n'as erreugar timemiI liad ever beau. I a. _______ tabou" whicb surnouusds the noyai persemîs'hunsa, a race sebosa brain couid feelîmon tiionglit etfeMy enetien and the dean friande amoug cei civilized people may lie coin- sncb pomdrous macliimiucy thai a sci1g e b ad ail beaun se good te nie. My tirnc panad te iliat Jiviniiy wiîiclî, as Shake ternake r' i-conce et the wheeies would rsing lad oead1wsgig lit_"oii eg1a ig. ii otetir wntrhoreai emeei J o e n eacgo ng. a u speare saihd, seankiagc" ete' outait iliaoeamiceegcoet alhalte as it cn luchîes expectlied beaased isot ouily iu humanity. ento the fleci. I eau reeneuber hose h fait ___ rudesi possible mamner, but lie lied broiten 1 As I ascended the stops a tremor seized -tisai it did--lot causa ose great pain-auJ _____ one et thc tinsa-honored lawc of the "raboo" i frwiciI ol uo acîur than I huaw nic more. tIse pumisieît fer n'hicii seseaili. beouguît back the scocues uotf dbth.d - * *** 'tat ,<'for theo tiscealu oode îeorîfarind hopestisaidliteiPrfsperoathe eatrereh That ilie w'- nte ran ds acu. ie t tise suîa, ýbdow, aud filde heavy witb fruit Janus. The beads ana fa-uaned togauber by le"-S h,si"grectesiruce tht t tine rouit a sbc wd agic, auJ sesolved "te break hic "f lese'c witing oteesickîs. Tisesoughiugoetthe tinycieins. Thene aeefifuy-igit baads auJ Sunce G'-isgliwili apeoinicris it te thea. taff" auJ to bury i eti aîen usid lied piayad upon my car until it seemu tiee sinîgle faces oei the crocs. The faces araa ______________________ Uic Ctis." ianancertann epe. e î sidwlidlceîaeormina'-d loto cli alite, but tise beade are of tisecediffament a A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a mree't eeccvaytumdaswlIafoian hamp thai was playiug tisa storygs. A mâhn m ,le b exie lyevs theridas e W acai a «edW dene uJe fe tmy lita, auJ wih thtie suver moon, audsies teunhKibewo eieester s e Weae lla Gdmaeus ndo tic thetracs lihe tusshsg plumes, sud tiese ia- Thc goimi banffie o n nombrelle is nof$ rgr -,- ii a.. l eusila, J ures agreai deal esene-[Ceîc'antes. dow-I islened. admimed evîen ih is racning bard. SMITRI'S FALLS, lVLntf«îcturers ol tht foIIowiiv'î rt-g Single Apron Steel Frame Biider', The Model Buckeye Mower, Daisy Reaper, The '9;Tiger, " the Leading RakIýe,, Steel Plo-ws, etc. Also agent for Draders' Spade H{arrow,, the best Pulverizer, Cultivator and Harrow~ made. See ite W. H. OSBORNE, SPECLkL AGENT FOR THE ABOVE B OWMANVILILE, IIea'lquarters in West Durham for FINE Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinaware, Glassware, Crockery,_ Hall, î'arior and Hand Lamps Fane y Cups, 8aucers, Vases, Water and Lemonade Sêts,-1d OUTTR FAMILY Is always weIl supplied with the ~1 c I1(goods at Iowest prices. Highest Prices for Farm Produme Leading Seedsmen in the district. Always pleased to show goods. inspection solicited. MURDOCH BROS. Vico oria Buildfings, Bowmauville. 2 The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Durham for the liberal patronage extexnded to us during the past season, aiso to remind them that wa are .; 1 in the market and prepared to pay tho HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, elivered at our storehouse cor, King, and George streetss., or at ic. Darlincton. Wo have aise on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, )f Canadian and Li'v4rpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock S&a' for cattie and horses, ard Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Bai-rels which we are prepared te sel 1-: i :P:F0 1zt0 A- ks - Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCE i»3 ¶AL Cways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantea satisfaction. MOCLEÈLLA&N & LO

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