JUST OUTI #IAVE YOU SEEN IT?- THE BIG BOTTLE DOUBfLE TH E QIJANTITY 0WD SIZE. ____________________________________ n i n Mr. L. N. Ste ver son, Perth, is' in town visiting friends. Dr. Niddery je vice-president of the Millbrook lacrosse club. Mr. Frank Brown, Oakville, spent the holidays with friends here. Mr. J. H. Oliver, Victoria University, Cobourg, gave us a caîl on Friday. Samuel Ridout, bookeeper of the Ot- tawa Free Press, dropped dead lest week. Mr. George -Smith, Port flope, has engraved the Lord's Frayer on a 5 cent The Ontaro Telephone Company, of Peterboro ha. been absor bed by the Bell Telephone Company. Orange Lodge of Britishi America will meet in Montreai -on May 3O)th. Mr. Frank Talling, Brantford, spent the holidays at home. Miss Robinson spent Queen's Birthday with relatives in Toronto. Messrs. IL. N. Vanstone and N. W. Tilley, spent the holidays in town. Mrs. A. Bingbam, Chatham, ie visiting at lier father'o'Mr. W. G. Glover's. Tuesdey was the 73rd anniversary of the birth of Her Majesty Queen Victoriae. Mr. J. J. Patterson, Taunton, SPEIIt the holidays with bis sister Mrs, J. A. QUEEN'S BIRTHDA.Y. Everybudy whu possibly can should attend the S. O. E. concert in Town Hlall, Bowmanville, to-night (Tuesday.) Il je decidedly the best combination of talent brouglit here this eeason. There will he enjoyment for ahl classes. Tickets 25c. and 35c. (Jhildren 15c. Talent:-Mr. F. Warrington, baritone; Miss MacGilIi- vray, gold medalliet for elocution; Miss F. Pringle, Scottieli vocalist; and Mr. James 11. Wilton, humerons songBter and -- ~ irr~r~Ier.zt3r ~-' ~' Any person offering for sale adulterated maple sugar or syrup or bee's honey, le liable to a fine of $50 to $100. ilood's Sarsaparilla does, makes it Bel], and wins the confidence of the people. Our lnside Pages. 0f course, you wiii read alI the adver- tisomnents first thing. --Te neresuug story 6j4uveU Laucmi Nou Murdoch Bros' coffée j the beat that cau be bouglit. 500 LAMBS WANTED by the new Bowmanville Butchers, Hume & Wright. Oel et Reynolds' old. stand. It wiil certainly pay farm ors to get al the grain they feed ground when Mr. Vanstone does chopping at 5c. a bag. Hl. C. Brittain has left his -accounis with J. I. Dobson oif 'Big 20' for collec- tion. Please call on hlm soon as possible. Another lot of Wall Paper arrived at fore buylng. See our Big 7 add. You can always depeis& upona having a firat class fitting Euii, if You leave ynur order at Couch. Johnsto a & Crydermani's. GOING T -IJ* 1.OlL~p~,WuWnin L.L.LU l'or a generasi amily c'arl *fyn rm nnt -nri .ffPh1lflB IT S C LU R A L~IBillinge, Nebraska, have been visitingtfdetyec ,nd TIRSHhetl COlreiaio nite Pryrj L::LUMBIA.L t 0blyrecmmed Hod'aPils. heyB,, R I nf, ~ f~1 n4 ,,l i ,,,, ~...,,. ~ ______________Q6______ The Article on thp riTre anWTmiitiva.l2m-1ba-Q (i2: W, wGail e A~tzO:z.z:L , . V~wl rv neesting to some one. F i \ednsda tananîan nnîtle hrouîatf ito IflT.. i 1J -. ULeY ~ F~' ~l~n e -mçrravrve - n ~.i f lU W551 InLb if 'rJui 15k> if i~XL~LL~u4~ ~ warm wPareT -rifjTor a-io ----------- 1- of RAV- M 11 7F L ut6Ltliti 1 , ouly 1 If. 1q nprteetýIv new npvpr hApn ilse'i- eýo..Im f 1 1 . .