Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1892, p. 4

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When you w ant a CIIUBN geu the best., it wiIl pay you, you can get Ih-ým at YOUNG& COIS. Also everythirig found in a first-class Grocery. BOWMANVILLE, MAî 25, 1892.' ANOTHER LIBERAL VIOTORY. A flerce political battîn was waged in North Perth, both parties exerting tbem. I I I I CHU.Lýý- 0 $16,000 FOR A P. O. One of the most reckless of propoEed expenditures made by the Conservatives at Ottawa this session is the one made by Col. Ouimet to spend,$16,000 upon a building at Laprairie with 1,200 popula- tion, and a postal revenue of $433 a year, while W(oedstock with a population of 9, 000, and yielding $15, 000 -a year is to have no building. Teo mueli time cannot be devoted to the exposure of sucli out- rageous public jobbery and robbery. The enly excuse Mr. Onimet can give for ask- ing for $16,000 for a _post office builin at Laprairie is that the place is 'an his- torie spot.". There are a great miany his- torie spots in the Dominion. If public buildings are te be erected as monuments Mr, Ouimet should ask for grauts to put up buildings at Chrystler's Farm, Chat- eauguay, Pddgeway, Pigeon Bill,, Fish Creek, Batoche, and Çut Knife Hill. The real [reason for the Laprairie job, says the Ottawa Free ]Press, is the fact that Mr. Pelletier, tbe Tory member for Laprairie, expects to have te run aby- election sbortly, hence it is really a bid of $16,000 f or the constituency. HOW% DR. LEONARD CORN- ERED A TEMPERANCE AUDIENCE. flov readily people will condemn the wrong-doing of others, but (hypocritical- ly) justify their own action in support of equally crimînal couduct. was laugbingly exemplifledl a few days since at Omaha, - p1 XT -.irr ~ TA UNTON. Vulean and the Ministersi EDITeR 0F TRE STATESMAN.- DEAR SR,-Will yeu giVe Me a little space in your excellent paper te reply te tho courteously and qentlemanly latter of "Volcan" in the West Durham iNews ef ]ast week in refereace te kindly remarlis of the Press on the pulpit efforts of the pastera of the churches in eur thwn. I bave ne wish te poEo as the champion of our local clergy, for tbey are able te speak for themselves. But "Vulcan" steps eut of bis way te have a fling at a respected and venerable minister cf the Gospel whe was invited by the paster cf the Methodist churcli te preach te bis ably of the sermon, wbile at the saine time the epinion was expressed that the delivery mnight be improved. But "Vol. cari" is evidently anrioyed that a faithful minîster cf Christ should get a word ef praise. I h-ave lived in this town for sev- eral years snd maIre a practice ef attend- ing churcli. I was in the Methediet churcli on Commuhien Sunday snd heard the sermon preached by thiis minister whose effort on that ùccason vou saw fi te speak kindly of. Yeuz- critiiiim was fair and lust. The sormon was one cf more than usual merit-clear in cý,ncep- tien, vigerous i thought, andl esrnest in 1 its presentation. Indeed, if it had been preached by sonme cne who had giveni more attention te the cultîvatien of the1 graces cf oratiry it would have been well nigh faultless?. It may bc men tal obtuse- ness on my part, but 1 fail te see what motive but au en'dous one ceuld lead "Vulcan" te pen'such an epistle. In this numereus, we sheuld flot grudgo a kind wordte those who are trying te de geod. LE' LOCKHART'S SCHQOL BlOUSE. The School lieuse and grounds were cleaned sud titivated on Arber Day. WVe are shortly te lose our old residents, Mr. S. Bowen and family, who go te Oro. ne te reside. Mr. Ge»rge Bowen tskes charge of the farm. Mr. B. will be great- ly missed frein the section. Mr. Thon. Gibson whc ba% been on a visit to his son Dr. Gibson, (renjidirig at Denver, Col., for the benefit et bis bealth) is about toestart on bis horneward bound trip; but before doîn,,-se will visit Pikes Peak. Ble leaves lis son much improved in bealth.-News Cor. We do net knew cf ary preparation time as Dodd 's Kidney Pilîs, but when we consider tbat tbree-fourtbs of the Can- adian people are aflhcted with kîdney troubles in some forin or other, and that Dodd's Pille are a quick and permanent cure for aIl these troubleý-, the large and increasing demand cau scarcely be won. dered at Sold by al dealers or by maili on receipt cf price, 50 cents par box. Dr.I L. A. Smith & Ci., Tcronto. () 8O!.N ) (Cen densed fr on the News.) Mr. Jr Skeldon bas a horse 34 Sears of agi. Mr. Henry Bowen Iefb Isat week for Califernia. Mr. Albert Waldon, Newcastle wai in town recently. Mr. John FI. Allun, Tyrone, 8pent S~un- day week liera. Mr. Ja-on Williamsen, Pontypool, w.ap in tewn last week. Orono L:dge A. O. U. W. purpose re- pairing their hall. Mr. Thos. Vinnoni, Toronto, lias beau home on the sjick: list. WEST ENO HUuSEN - a a I- - __ - - -------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- 1 ia Iu u ill Mi Iauazes ;7 xliriiiýpU&ýUI all Unlipagn" infernal revenue which quiets publicc IrWe have just reoeived our first shipment of which, consi.sts of some Inspection invited. KENNER BROS. f entertainment tnera recontiy. Gazette, and wïfe were in town la,!t wtý, + É-% 4:; 4- ,r 1, y," l'E',Tï

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