t- Ilere is an incident fron the South ~-Mississippi, writteî, in April, I890, just afterthtie Grippe had visited that cuntry. " I amn a fartnvr, one of those viho have ta rise early and work late. At the beginning of last Winter I was on a trip ta the City of Vicksbuýrg, Miss. ,whereI got well d-reckd- -ta showcr off ra*n--- went home and was soon after seized with a1dry, hacking caugh. Tis grew 'worse every day, until 1 bad ta seek relief. 1 cônstdted Dr. Dixon who lias since died, and lie told nie ta get a battie of Bogchee's German $yrup. Meantime miy cotîgl grew worse and worse and then the Grippe came along and 1 cauglit that aisû very severely. My condition then compelled me to, da something. I got two batties of Ger-man Syrup. 1 began using them-, anÏd before takiîs g mucli af the second bottle, I was entirely clear off thse Cougli that had hung ta, me so long, the Grippe, and ail its bad effeets. 1. feit tip-top and have flai 7that way everOsince." PnTeR J. BriÂI, r., Cayuga, 1lines Co.. Miss. THEkOCANADIANSTATESMAN ESTABLISHED 1851, 81 par annurnlua'vanco, otherwise si.p. Subsritons aways lplyabie at the offisa Of p)ulcain. AdvertisinZ rates unleas by con aci,10cnts per linae, nonpvtie firit inert un. and u5 cents-p3r lino each subseqant tu- îetn.Locals, 10 cents par lin. M. A. JAMES, Publishe J. E. DEBhfLli. &-B ARRPISTEP,, SOLIITOR, -NOT- -"ARY, etc., offices, Mcknthur's bock, lilng Street, 1owmanviiie. .Moey ta loan, 37. MI ONEY T0 LOAiN, -On faru soecur ity on mut favorable teruts-mortgages bonght. APxshY 10 RICHsARn POSTER, eaet uf town. P . 0. Box 119, un ,iOiaN PFRun, Druvar, oinmanvilie, P. 0. 5-lyr. F R E E! Pako 0d OF 2 n large 100 pare Prictnre Boock thal aili surahy put yen on the road to a bandsonne fortun)e. Send 5. Filiver te psypostage,.A.IN'Y 3CS, Yarmouth, N S.12 -Sm. lIA )11 £AFT'ASTI{MALENr' ASTHMA ,mv, ftlsEDe setr adde ad we wiUR mai frte ttta kîUS HO D 'e adtis syrup over the lightly-beaten whites WVAR MESSFINGER PIGEONS. of two eggs, beat WeilIndbil again. Set te pan in iee-water, titan add a tablespoon. DresilFor the Little Ones. fui of coffee extrat; beat with the egg- They are Nêw Relu,,-ý Trained lu France and Fasition occasionally issues a docree for a bd--ter until the icing is titick and cold. Dip irltfy efor i i dress. One of the best of-thes sthlV 'airs in this. Thtis is a satisfactory To onie not previously acquainted with heoune of plain garments for ciildren. î ing te use on cake. the facts the arnount of scientific study Tuckz and rutiles have Iargeey given place to JEjLLLy MRreovas. -Lice littie patty that hbas been devoted to thte birds known p lain htem3 for the skir-ts of lttie girls' pans wit t piff paste rolle.d very tim. Pu as homing pigeons mnust appear surprising. dress; 1w-hile the much-trimmed bas- a cube of jeily inthe bottornof thepan and Tereunnpgosrntdniawt ques smll opis o thir otitrsarecuvr wtita tblesoanul f cke ixtre.the ordinary carrier pigeons, but are almost 1 que, smal copes oftheirniothrs, ae covr viti a tblesponailofdescemixuentsilofecanspeciafa llyei trainraindaan now littie used, thte childs dress haî ing an Bake, in a moderate oven abouit 20 minutes. developed race of birds in Belgium, where Sliudividoa-lity oi ils uwn, as weli as being Cool aud cover with a meringue. plainly made. To titis class belong the PDî For trite meringue beat four eggs untilstiff; titey -are called passenger pigeons, or travel- teulr retchen wasts, and those made wtb add four rablesp oonfuls of powdered sugar, ei- pigeons-les pigeons voyageurs. 'Ihese s.Their underelotiting is also lesune at a time and beat luntil stiffenough to1 pigeons have been enrolied, se to speak, in îuaý l rimed, often snmply flnisited hoîd its shape. Spread titis on top o t i- the armies of Europe, of vilich they forma Iwith a narrow lace, real band moade, or real lie cakes and sprinkle wiit siredded ai- really important mnembers, A map recently mnachine made, as tite purse \ill allow. mouds, thontan le in a slow oven until, puiblisited in La Nature shows the many Les', fashion become too senisible aud muet.i brown. liues of pigeon communication running frolu Ttib ganefri5CU5tn ze~ fVWHITE C vtKE.--Cream uone-haîf cuip _of isLierfrtre~s Lnc _ermany of lier late decreas is, that ladies' and child. utr d cpolea ranlysdîtolSpain, and Portugal to thte capitp is of rau" sund(or-clotbiiug be made by hand. Itbea wel. ix wo îapo 1 so aiîg cotis is a question mitetiter tins bcha lsenise, or wib wocus fu anf ad Iti Pigeons are kept tre in ad to fly along I vnwaueo iewe idpowder wt w so lu n d hsthese routes, and they conld carry news of work nîay u slime h doc seit chbeautiiol aternatcîy vittit ne-baîf cup .of milk. Add an inlvasion when ail the tclegraptihues Iietnystiteitiavubeidnc on the utachine. thte beaten wiites of four eggs and one-baîf and ther ordinar y meaus of comtmunication- 1 foeidtting pc evera ig lo2ely' iuitated. teaspoonful of vanilla ;titan boat for test wero eut off. by oldng ape seerl imes and putting, iminutes. Tiis extra beating gises a fine P1lTe 'ablity of a pigeon to find ils way Iberaseen the linen or cotton ciotit, tu be tori graini to tîhe cake. Bake titis cake il' ahomle across many huîtdzed miles of colin- ont afler te stitebing hss been donce, taking shl wPan abouit 10minuntes. tr37 is ftequeuîly aseribcd lu instinct. But care tu have thse stiteh busze. ao The littie îuaid of five, if there be older OsmxtA --, IcuîNo-Tc the grated yellow Mr. W B. Tegeîmeyer, sritirîg on titis suho- chiltîren, mnay bce largoly clad froin tîteir rtnd of une orange add four lablespoonfois 'f jeet in Natuire, points out titat titis lheury ontgrown garmeuts. Ofteit a littie change lui2e. Let il stand anîItuor or more ; titanlias been entirely disproved by the pigeon wil nuke hemetitale;as enibl moites dd one-haîf saltspoonf ni of tartaric acid. races that hav e take]t place between Rome dresme tdrc u o ibee to tensibluels tteStir weil and beat in cofectioners 1 sugar 1uf Belgiuim. The distance is -800 or 900 samne manîter; lte older miss looking tise otil0 k nogi r1sredmuiles. 'The pigeons usef itad beau trained prertier for ber ciildish garments and hav- For anoîlier cunvenient frosting use t'o ,tio fly f roîr. the soutit of France tu Belgium, ing te pleasura of a change, witen of age tallcpouuls of eititer crcai, nmilk or fruit buýit abouit aif of lte country lyiug between lu ntake rîsat change. juice and add as much confectoners' sugar as Fumýone and Belginîn was unifausiliar tu thien. Il often seense a-pily lu ses a little girl of il wiil taire; or for a yellow frosting take thee ilunldreds wcre started from Rome, but only ten or twelve fnrnishcd with snob an aitnnd- yolk of une egg and a tabiespuonful ot water' a very few gui to their homes in Belgutus, anland extensive wardrobe, su closelycopied or wit and add sugar untîl s!iff cuonigitto ý,and they occupîed from eleven days lu two after liter youing lady sister's, that witeu she s'pread. iweeks. reachesyoungladyhocd ibere wiii benothing 1 The explanation is that thte lofty citain new in etiter mode or inaterial to mark that Uncle Samn Badly Worsted. of the Alps eut off thcir view of ltse country epocit. Tetfiray- etve, fth ehigfariher rnrth that %vas faiîliar ru themn, Under ie if te motîser pleases be lier e lmerr dtieet flieBernad su thcy were lost, unly those which flow little girl nîay be a Kate Greenaway figure, Sadflutpuen u etn f laong the coast until they reacited soutern or apicureof er ranmoter t te sniecommission, furniishes te dentocratie papers Vrance iteing able to find titeir way. or a iclur of er grndmoteroa thesneolie States with zood campaignu ienfer. Wben fog and must conceal the face of agbut over five site may dress much like Accri lritis brancîs of te Americanlte country lihe pigeons make very slow ber sisters of eight or nine. WVhat is aid pesUeeSmbsgtbdywrtdî rges ne riaiyfvrbecr of fiveemay beas well saidof four, remem- npra Unle Sam is guI athyNewvoraceigosd i nn othr Fac beriniglte yonugcr lte chilid the longer Siii says un the miater:-"Tise Parliamen- cmtnespgotsÏy"oî"snheuFac shoud b tis skrts f lte desss. Ttisiso Brossels, a distance of abouit 500 miles, a conv eiene, irobfalngthe eessityisof tary Secretary of lte Foreign Office has t eween snrise and eariy evening. iTheir a covenince obvatin th necssit ofnounced lu lthe Britisht fous-e of Coîsnmotsï> tucks, as the ý kirt of a child of fice wiil beclte complete accord of his Goverument aeverag te fof fligtt sailes froîher.enly suffiiently long for te sauteicitilfi when six wilh lte United States Govemumnent in e- svnlufry-ee ilsabu.O or aven seven cor f g.urse titey cen dy mucit faster witiîlite 'orwiner ear ofage gamen reuir gard luelite Behring Sea modus vivîuîdi, so wind titan against il. lhey do not fly after Fo itrwear te firsi amn eur called, u Inte temporary contvention, as îocol nlieeei ed lsa acombination suit of ail or part 'wooi, wei aoiclieirnaytfhaetiraionnor gv as te mother tinks best. lu either case ernment bas been overreacited, outwitted, iJ il sitouid be fiue and soft anough tolube coun- chekatdpu osni.Tr wl'b fortable lu the tender flesit. Baller a fine a w e tedput u tte Iluerke i e peo ila'Mntl0dton undergarmentandaprint drass,ltanacoarsa a few moherenesibutolite heome is milmlMnalGniin litee. lta pesen sitatio is ne Ticeîl eaditsg article in lte Cotemporary oua ncxt tae flesht and a cashmere dress ustb iglatisfaclory lu England -and l>eview for April is au estimale of the char. oulsida. Ihese cuits may hacmade from te luCanada. The arbitration is ingeniousiy!atrafmna odto fWliîs1. moler' patlywor uns, r tteymaybeconflned lu points on whicli a decision ad- ' 1 boght n sirtsand rawrs, nd mde ing of Prussia and Etuperur of Germany. b n oli ian sitsn.da es, aufstade verse lu lite United States is a furegonie cou- Wa are not surprised lu heur ltaIlite ar- mb ombtîaia sulsaI as exens tiancînsion. Thera is nu more doubt ltaIounici: ssgie ra ofnel ts on titey eau ha pureitased as suds, e ruclerliasnde raLofnetoteyl Forut late pupoe, oytwosuls f aim lu exclusive jurisdîelion wiii h lile ad as been proscrlbed in Prussia. shirts and drawers, Cul lite shirts lt bor n tPrsttnltr ltIlta lite autor dues flot sign his usame, but lia rigitt aSun wili nuse on te înorniug of ltae day, i evidantly a German, and as clearly a -1 ~ intîfo ogwit loelt pn welve or twjenty-four montits teuce, wl en erson extremacly well inforsef. lTe opin- in nfront and open te baek if you 1islie tribunal shahl have finislied ils labors eaf i h.fa) teda,.e.,.- -s ,,,,, wt, - - 11Il- 1---._ _ on . h cexitsses aevirtually d- for Infante andi Children. dicatoHîah go well a"ptte;oebil&en tnt 1Catorla cures coui, Constipationu, [recommeu2d ilas uenaio uanyprwecription Sour? Stomacit, Diarrhma, Ernctaiiofl. kiiowfl teme." H. . &AucnERL, M . D., Rible Worms, cives leep, anti proraotsa dt- ~11tBt-Ozord5Bruaiyngestion, TnE CrNuRa Comîr-sut, 77 Mburray Street, N. Y. FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOIIAMý% & SON, BOWMANVILLE- H.AINES' ARRIAGE WORIKS GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, MANUFACTURIER 0p' GARIAQS~ LEICHSe GUTTERS WAGnS&O KING STREET, Be WMAINVILLE. Now uts hand a number of vebicles aud is m'snuÊfeturiqtg a great many mura uft1h' late3b paterns and best finish, whicis I am ottering for ,a le ut the lowasl price consistent with due regard tu worktnanshilp and quality. The fullowing i. a lisI of the principal velsiclas mauufactured by me Double Covanad Carniages................ ...... ............. $150 Upward. Single Pitrtons.. ..... ............... ...................100 Open Buggy ........ .......... -...... ..................... 70 Top Buggy......... 1...................... ............. ......... 90 Dansocral XWagons .................. ........... .............. 6, Lumber Wagons.................. ....... ...... ... ........ 5 Liglit Waron. ..ý...... ........... ...... ............ ........ 40 " Express VW agon ........ ...........-.................. ..........7 Skelaîon............................. ....................... 50 Sulky.,........... ...... ......... ... ». ..ý........ ...........40 Possessingsussarior facilities for manufactsoring car'-iaga'u, I iutend lu sail ver>' cheap for cash approed "redit, andi b>'su dutug 1f hope lu greatty increase miy uuniber of sales. We sel rte 'ouf parts oni>', or the gaarings of buggies iroitef. Ail Kinds of Vehicles Repaired At lte Shorleel Notice, Paintef ansd Triînmined if Dasired At the Factory 1 alsu do Planning, Matcbing, Turniug and Sawving seitis Cirele, Baud or Fr0 Saws, andi prepare ail kinds uf lumber for carpetars andothars for building purpuses ornameai !and Plain Piekets for fences lu evany stylo reeuinedtmade lu urdar. A. large Stock off well seieeted American Wall Fapers, cheap and beautiful frorn 62ts. tri 5Oets per roil. Cail and see for youruielf be- foie purchasing elsewhiere. Ail colors of Paint-s îeady' for use, guaranteed ta give good isatis- faction, Floorpaint a.specialt Y. . 1-1 1- 1 - ' lte caka's, Forltt iliitg paut a ieapîng go taks rhe roit fot et lise etloek aifderu --et it ie seda ml o ienisat oitee-invnuvt cnp of frass wlsle slrawbarries, Oira cup of baud te leg aitte kue joint. Ibid it thtus relative porperîlons of tings, is, su lu speak Frifay- powdered sugar and te white of une egg for Ibrea umutes, maît let il dovn and lte aGemt disease. bise as commuon aucunE Wash ia with Thy tears! draw nigl a cup uf engan, a gemerous tiru of a cup ut and you start your pompa s- a in u noWateýr, upi egaop '"ie d""" w "th the w "ole ar-C avn lusae kUl flour and lwo sigitly beatan aggs. Pour on witat is lise fisl biiug you would de 1" of Cod. Il is but anothar word for lte titis digîily is lise fa. vi tave a positive rented>' for th atuv sae; by its une pini of htmilk and cook in thte double. Enginer-I weuld look over ltee,îtree-foif grace ; faitl istîh a firni ciec. Jh u ,te hmatd c c~, f 5ewoatitolan a ohiler 15 minutes. Cool and flacon wiîh one air. and an eagle giauce ; hope, witit a seanung with ia effiABE eTFAT ISE . ten Oi. OTThes "a.; Ica taetos ihcofféea c ade oudyuu lokoven te sdfor?, lhrows more ltailthlit o a an lupon tbonadi-y oufferer wio wit5iend me ter E. FEss and p.o j.dresa hoiling begeten a clip ofsugar and ltree Engincer-'d wanl lu kuosi if lte aw-as the way lu te cross, and titan sitins more guil.-[Joitns.ci ýT. A. SLOOuM, M. 0., 1836 ADELAIDU lablaspoonfuls of ýwaîer until i' bacomas enly waeaî to pump, .un, and mure on lte pat mbiciseads np lu Bnaiding cf ail sort 'ST., WEZT, ToRONTO, ONT. billawban dropped in cold water. Pour Hea passed. atarnal day. .imngti r ,e 4<