Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1892, p. 3

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G_. Gloger, Druggist, Watertown, W:is. This is the opinion of a ini hokeeps a drug store, selis ali tuiedicines, cornes in direct contact with the patients and their families, and knows better than anyone else how reinedies seli, and what tree sment they have. He hears of al the failures and successes, and cau t.herefore judge. " I knowý of no suedicine for Couglis, Sore Throat, Hoarseness titat had done sucli ef- fective work in miy Coughs, famiiy as Boschee's Bore Throat, GermanSyrelP. Iast winter a lady called Hoarseness, at mny store, who was snffering from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk, and I told hier about Gernian Syrup and that a few doses wotuld give re- lief; but she had no confidence ini patent medicines. I told lier to takue a bottle, and if the resuits were net satisfactory I would niake no charge for it.1 A few days after she called and paid for it, saying that she would liever be without it in future as g few doses had give' lier reif" (D THE GANADIAN STATESM AI ESTABLISHED i55 $1 per annumin l advamsoe. otissrwiee $L.5). Sbcrptioue aiway8 p tyablO t th3 cdi us cf Publication. Advertislne rates unlosi by O) - raoe, 10 cent' per lins. noap Ii el ' fret iasaelt Dn, and 5 conte p3r lino Et acuh sub3aqiersi in- sietion. Locale, 10 cents peýr line. M. A. JAMES, Publishe Jý . EIiMiLE 3RARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NO'] .JARY, et., oilices, MeArthur'5 bledl Ktig Street, Bewmauellle. MOney telean. S 1~INY TO LOAN,-On fam secui n 1 itonmost isynrablo i.rms-inortgagE bouglit. t- ICHARD Pue Sn eTER, eaSt tniwn. P. 0. BoX 119, an JOM FOSTER., Drove Bewmanville, P. . 5-lyr. FR E E! Vaý fgns oýh$.a lre100 pa2-e Pectureo Bok tatwill ue ga eo toe n the rond to s hanldson" fortunt eDd5 ,. ilvrtopay lisstagoA. AWKi%,NEi B. 0. S., Yarmouth, N. S. 12 -SM. URTAPTTASTI1 i ALEIl D neyes-f. ls; se£ ýýe.DE. TAFT EROS, ROCHET REE IZtN.Y.C'aediausDepi i5iAdelid- TORONîTO, CANADA. ,ORENT.-For term o "Orie(n -2-UDhu "-300 acres, 2 miles from Wihtby. ~ood buiii.gs snd soil Admirable for stoci <jl airy. OC suce fer ging extensivsely issi - ornte milla business or stocke reislng fS Oereican rarke. Meu wth capital nul: leed DIPply. J. H. Dew, Whîtby, 32 tfi W-TALIJABLE FARXI PROPERT' V FOR SALE -150 Acree, belug S ruile( <Z. 9 and pr. nf Loi 10, un 'ho 3rd con, of il l'7onuhlP of Cartwright. County af Darbar ýn tise promises sire a lange hemn, stable, dri m2 house sud comfort'eble dwelliissg. A novE silcug wel nif wator sud il ares gond hin W-ood. For6r ant-ieaPPlY &a WILsAss WOOsisar. Blackstocke. 8-8m. -~RU FOR SALE-The north ha Lr3 o! lot 22 le the 3rd concession e! il ruwnsbip ni Carke lu tise ceunty cf Dut ha )On taining 100 acres more or legs. Upon the promises ares gond dwellng lieus baen snd stable. There le a nover faili ,PT ougclose te the buildings, agecdyoun rchard.9 For terinesud paniculars appiyi CneAS. WacU olietcttor. etc. Newcastle. 2-Su FLORIST, I AGRICUJLT-URA.L,. Vk gives gond common sense about' AT BEA WIT il A GROST, New Vai- arm, sjprings pigs are the most profitable twh, the eel Scisieer ~frabe1 Cime BaCk tief of raiu. ifor the farmer. They can be fiarro ivd in ïk021 îtantziis Wil a New Crew. To THE VaIT Rite O February, March or April, and be ready to A Wtrnge story is told by Capt. Joreph EniTon Xi~~~~~~~~~arket reasonably early in the f ail or win- Siso h conrMrbl hc a Sr,-There le probably no work undler- ter It il efot best or desirable to have are îvodfathéPhodehia froîn Matanas taken by the Agriculturai Experirnent Sta- arvc tPiaepi ri aazs h tios a th prsen tie o somune vincthem corne later than April, as th.ey cannot, vec-e was nmanncd by a new crew, a fact te the fariner as tsat which relates to the under average conditions, ho ready to mark- whi4, occasioned mîich surprise in s4ipping introduction and testiug of new varieties of et until fter ses ere cold weather sets m. circiesý and caused the Captgin tobe deiuged theceee i te vrins ins n fanecroe.Properl i majaged, spring pigs can be madle wrihoque;tions by persons interested iii the the edeuof toeerioraidsowaihn erly .te make the principal pari of'their growth ipa . d it8 crew. When ceen by a report- ail kinde nicr opsdaséroratnprh eat on grass or ciovýer ; that le, tbey, eithor one er~t Sims appeared to bc weary iroin weli undcrstood by farmners that t.hey arc o th atin be Wa hgoe te ripalprt othe questions puteohim, butcheerfully gave constantiy on the luokout for a chan ge nithve r airon. whleauwie good tbrifty pige ibe porter an accounit of hietrip. 1He seed. le is very important that whien sncb h r argoe a escrdo rs said that when bis vessel sailed frein ibis chane i mafé t wll hve éféenc tcorcélever alone, in nearly ail cases sufficeent- port for Malanzas on Jan 20 last, se wae varetîs, he upeiorvale o wbch iasly berter growth can be securedI by foeding mannoed by tbî rty stalwart sailors, rnostly bas ieies, teostrpeio vale ni wbichebs a liglit ration twico a day to inake the cnet Englishmeni. Neariy alof tbomhiad seîved bas eondemustate byrepste tetsprofitable. ]igs les ru t" eat early vsheu 01, the Mirabel for a niunber ni years, and In the introduction and tee-tJing ni theseI hyhvtemunagodptuanawoecabesaen Jeteorsiig varieties, te say nothing nf thé originati on t yhv h ii fago atrad swrýaaI emn utbfr aln ni otors, be eporimnt sttiot w l quito au item to push tlhe grnwtb, a for Matanzas severai new mou bad been flnd work, which, like the story in the fable gond pieu je te provide a tr hi lc taken on, atnd there was no0 way ni discover- wil noer aveau nd.where tlîey can ho led hy thernselves, ing thir ability. This je the stnry in the Thl revebulletin entd.sîidb orsa and give them a smail ration at Captaiu's own words: tien oun"Experimeuts with Spriig rainis, lattieeeydy omdcn i, on that the new mou were ail able bnige nt oîn iatsrelein tethelutn-very iight ration at firet and gradualiy in- ;sailos and wiliing tewoik. There wasoee ductioîinifuew varieties whicle ebculd re- cra g ti o es egv hi i man, however, who was addicted te drink coveth creulatenio n eer tllr itbey eau eat ; their condition musC déor- to a greater extent than leuuly h ae ceie te crefi ttetio ofevry illr o iro the ameuiit hat slîoîsld ho stopplied. UHe aIwaye biad a bottie 1in hsalî tease. the soil. Reference is made therein te the ti osbet vrfe sNela tit rn otnal uigtedy i testinig ni eigbty-onie varleties ni nats for j osbet sc-cda v1 ssît ru otnai nighepce n three yeare. The langer nuinhers ni these Giv'e sulbicieut te kcep thcmn in a gond net, of course, like te 800 ibis, but as hoe were importedl frein Europe and ther thrîlty condition ; ne mole and ne lese. If did flot become intoxicatoci and was able countries, but ail the ieading Canadian cr stkni herepc hyeursiyte wqrk with the heet ni thons I1 said uothing. vanetis Catnond h obsiod oretesedbe weaned without any ms ni growth. This habit ni driîiking could net ho kopt np w itb thein, audid nder similar conditinîs. Aid ter eilot tem ba e ue mît ni gliaIl t1he time, however, wth ut serions ro- *By Canadianu varieties, I eean hose god psunsi edegrgual alg t sit i ime, and wheu bat hohadl whilî avebee grwu u tis oun rtieofnisncbmaterisis as are best caleniat- n teution nif giving it up I spoko te bim, wihhv engoni hscu-ed te secure a gond develnpment oi boue syn hth a nuigtnmc.H tr orie aitnsub e i ears. 0fise ig tbiy-and muscle. It je net béat te have thema dil net take offence, but pnonised te givo onevaretis tus estd, e fnd hatduefat, but it le important te have them thrîfty.uptehai ilatea noil e retie;an the ive a aefraeine-of te hbarley, bran, middlings and il-meal " le did not drink anything the next pored eed ad toy iveanaveageniai'i îmako augond food fer growth. SonnedabuitaevyhrdohisdIu four and oeefil th buehels per acre more abutiwsveyhronimad1fel eac yer tanthebse nitb ni sotscorci ean ho used, but it ebouid net be madle vr r for the poor fellow. Hie was on Dprevioueiy. Anmittis superirity lu severai ieprnialrton u oi se uco- t tanigit f romin inightunutil day- ofn the imporied varieties is net confined te n1ecdou with thene. Feed sn as te, secure ligbt. The lest thing I Said te hlm hbefore nat. Ve in reuis vrysimla wth vigorouis, tbrilty growtb frein the stant, if lie venî o n dock was, 11,Remeinober, Bilsons, cas. barey. fith rioy Cie vesvarties the trecuits are desirod. about 'thelilquier, te which ho repiied that I ing theo bcd are ail iinprted; and if we neod net fer. Well it couid net have been incinde the Scotch Iiproved, whlch bas Anple Sharp.s. more thian twn hours aiter I baid reiired not been inute u ntry for mny yearc, we For croolî oui practice lui packing appits fer when I was awakened by a tremeudous have twelve importedl varicties ahead of market the average faruncr bas beecu mucb nisenudock. Hasteuung above, 1l saw ftise comnuson six-rewed Ontailoberlsy, cenurnnd, and of ton justiy. Convinced ni a'twe nif my mon endeavorîng ta bold Biionu Il whicb stands first ameug the old varities noededCi eom lu this directionî, 1I ecided who vwss doiug bis beet te iesp overboard. t hithierto grnwn. Tiiese Cweis'e varieties lest soeon te départ frein the usuai rnethod On iu)quiing what wss the matter I was gave an average nf leur and three-qu-rter ni barreliing ail the userchantabie specimens tbld that the lel]ow was sufferiug frein de- biiebele per acre per year ovor tbe Ontario proînisouionsiy, and ilistead make two quali- lirinun tremnens, and wauted te down bine- -six-rowed. Tihe consparison ni thimiport- tics, the No. I'e te cenast ni the largeet, self. Ho bsd broken bis gond resolution ed varieties ni sprng wheat grown with the iglîet coiored and perlectly formed; tihe sud bad becu drinking more heavily tiuau nid sorts bas been carried onu virtually for "seconds" ni the ssailer andà more inferior beloîee. Aiter a severe eruggle, during L.but two years, but the recuits obtaiued,poiut fruit mueh nf wbicle xould net otberwise ltvieh the men were severeiy bandied by in l the saine direction. Some ni the import- bave becu barrelied. The lot was recenîly tbaupmandeued maai, Bilson was flnaiiy over- 3 ed varieties have hus fan aken the iead. sld (February, 1892), on its menite, te per- powered sud put in irons, Ho howled sud [r The seed ni soins ni these varioties bas ai. cens wbo were te, assist lu its repacing raved durîing the entire night, coutiuually ýe ca-dy beeu wideiy distributed. Thore eau licing awsre that the fariner aloee sup shout'ting for corne onue e ake thein offi or hoe but nue recuit. The nid varieties wbich peeed te reserite questionable nethode lu Theé men whom I iound hiding Bilsen wbieu h, ave senved Cthir day wil ho dlscarded sud hie work, imagine rny surprise on hLehid- I rescbed the dock said they badl boon asvak- others ni superior menit gron inl their iug portions ni thoe mail and inlerior fruit oed by hieaning hum sboutiug sud runuing place. ailowved a resting place lu the middle ni arouniu thé dock. Tbey wcut up te ascer- ni When the snperiority ni the more nowly each harrel, nepreeenting "No. i" et the tain the cause ni the commotion, aced as l1Y introducedl varieties bas been Iemonstrated ende. Wbereupon it o-curred te me that a soonu as ihey sippearod Bilson made a me- Sby the experlunt stations tise genéralinl- well kuown couplet might propeî ly hoe madle tous bubaott um uetewî troductionuni these les cceierated, insomuci' tD read For ways that are dark and Quic,ý-I grpsping hemi, tiîey w're eugaged -that lu a iew years the gro.wth nf impnovcd trichs hat are vain, the fariner je net iu tryiug te eubdue bina wben I reaclied the EýF vaieties ns-y beoenéeural, a werk hat peculiar." Neverihelese, lu ibis instance i, dock ria roquired severàI îoans toeffect bof one the îe the fariner, undoubtedly, aud net thé " uùthtis strangest part ni the story ce Eestablishmuni experirnt station's. It îs middiemen or the comm-ission inerchanit, yet to corne. Biionu did not necover frein truc hat corne ni hose varieties wiii net be wbo w'ibe accused ni dishonesty, and as bis atta -k ni tremnens, sud died duning the equaliy wili adaptod te al parts of the unjtstiy as perbape lunCboîsands ni similar aitenoon. We kope bine nutil the next day, 3in counntry, but it is equaiiy tmue that, owing instancs'e. \Vnui hat tise Golden Rule whén, wrappiug hlmilii a sbeet ni canvas, -ta the largo number of sorts which is hein g were braudold cep ou thse buian iseat;- we consigned bis body Ce the wavec. ik continually bnnught loto the country, csaet until le domnisates conduct, greed ton gain "'i? we igbîs alterward I was awakened ,® ci hse wil ho f ound specialiy adep ted te wiil be made suhordinate to tIse pinciples, by a knock se mny door, sud upon npcning [y he wants ni each locality. ofni ngt te ieliosvme.-(C. se saw t he midnight watobi standing belore The influence ni tisis xork ripou the pro- mie wit!h a lace wbite achalk sud bain -fis oni our agriculture caunot but ho consid- thimnt staniding ou oud. ilu a Ceubleng 'Y erabie. The continuons introduction ni lus- Sweet peuo. voi;ce Le 1told me tisai Bilsen w-as on dock or pnoved sorte ni grains antd cceds ni varions rîorists are fiudliug t werth Chir wbibe itiag ou a of n rope jus tbe storu ii fChe he kircdscauiiotbuticcrýae inaterialy tle y'eid tin mmii tIse eot-fltsvcr season for sweet (oA 0 eurso I tbougbt tIse man was ni- aucndsud oiIim ne the must bave N.ýper acre. If we pue hicsnnai inorease offr peas irons Mlarols te October. Information 1 or thedifferent kindsol c-realsat but onebusbel regardhng Cîeir pra-'iice to hisened, ansd' alin aeleep sud dreauned hoe saw Bilson. A- por acre, wbich le eurelynot extravagant, cche aieis l îenl Th r irie H&,sidl. lowever, hat lehe ad net been Mwhai do we get ? The crope ou tis heén Paineofr," sdîsy ho hien i"Te aier1*asleep, sud was positive be baid seen either the acroage gronn lu1891 would lho increas- ni the charminsg nd fîavoî c il r i hct i bge m eg il ed in busele as follows :- "b se nto l eslc r on u tck sud cee, I 1finally conseuted sudd se Wiutcr wbeat ..................84,.6 uebubweesîocbrcofniflow. wenl above. LM Spring wheat................. 50,631 ers bar, isiied or gone nut of hiossom, sud au"Upon reacbcng tise dock I iooked ait, se Bariey...........................553,56 cmv the eeed lu patches or rowe ilteen anl te say hat 1 was startlesi svuld he ngOas.......................... .1,840,636 luches spart or se. The tables on wbicb r putîing i mild. I wae dumbfeunded. ng Pose............................ 73,453 snuishoner1he There, upon a cou i opo, saC Bilson, witb Ln. Vaine tbc winter wbest sud aise the and haeteme glass, bleinfrîr is head ereot, gsziug fixedly ie othe ws- sprig what bre hey sakeprogoselitte ior r r I caiied Co hlm, but lue -did net turu - spigw e t eighty-flvo cents per bueluel, Ce tîsose sown onudoors. If anther batch bsba.Ito eiC h lc br the baley aC foty-five cents, the nts at ni sjeed is 50wnm, say, lu March, th 'is ha rte"wn ote lc hr tbirty conte, sud the pose a i flty-five cousis, will bring the cop hai wiln cerne hoe sI, but wbeus I roacbed the spot netb- :0 snd we have the following incroasso lulu preceding Cisese sown onidoors iug but the rope was hers. FROST& WOOD, SMITR'8 FALLS,, lU anufaclum'ers of the folIowiîig first-elass lluplrnents: Single Apron Steel Frame Binder, The Model Buckeye Mower, Daisy Reaper, The ,Tigerw" the LGeacling Rake, Steel Flowes, etc. AGENT. Aiso agent for Draders' Spade IHarrow, the best iPulverizer, Cultivator and llarrow made. See it. W. H. OSBORNE, SPECIAL AGENT FOR THlE ABOVE. The uîîdersigned desire to th ank the farmers of West Durham for the lileral patronaue exten'kd to us durinc the past season, aiso to remind thern that we are Etillinl the market and 1prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR ALL KINDSOFCEEERÎ delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Dariinlgton. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bagrs. Rock Sait for cattie and hoî ses, ansd Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared to seii C8ZLA~ E:F~O AZSIL= Ail kinds of Luunber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL a:ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MOCLELLAN & 00. MOBILIZING AT W'AEBAW. grnund, wss lavelled ever a certain ares, a tont pitcbed, ansd is interier covered with AustrIa Bisturbeti bs' Gesrko's iVarlike mats, ou whlch wcre laid flfty-six poundsol Preparaions. straw. The meu, accoutred in heavy gray The Anstnian Goverrnent le greatly dis- 1 coats sud Wellitugten boots, iay down te tunbed by the attitude of tise mlitary li rest, using Chir knapeaCks as pillews, ai 9 Russia Poland. Gen. Gourko, acting, it is; o'clock in thse evenimlg. Omtside tise ther-

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