Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1892, p. 7

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GRATEFIJL-COMFORTING. BREAKFAST. àB thorough kaonwledge of the naturaAf lawls whi 'h govern the operations o et iý3 ir Lud nutriio. and by a caret ci applicatiol of 'ha fine propartiei or ve Ooslctdc3a. Mý. "Ipps as provided our breakfa3t 1ables with a Ilicately fliavored bavera le which miay sava ls many h avy doeeori' bis. It i3 by the ý udicious use a' sncb articles of filet that a onstil uon may ba graduaiy bait up until Btrong enongli to resiet overy tendancy te sas.Hundrefis or subtie maladies are âoati tg areunfi us ready Io attack wbcrcver thoae ÏB aweak point. We imay escape many s6 fatal sbaft by keeping ourseives wel tortified with lura blond aad a properly nourish, d ramie."-"Civil Service Gazette." Made sirnply wih bolmE water or milk. soic on ly in paokets. by Grocars. labnie itIns: J' "ES EFPPS i& Co., lloxnSooathieC (len lailndau. Englasul The Ilottest on Earth. I I I AGRICULTU--RAL. Oheese Making. [13Y W. il. NOYiES.] It aimoat seema mcs if chease-imakiieg is an eld, ivnn-out subject, and yet when we1 look aroued us and sec the fallura or partialE failuras lu the business and pour cheese that is being coestantiy thmown on the market, it is a lesson that a great many makai s naed a more practicai knowiedge of cheese-mak- ing. AUd right haro lot rme say that it isaa common errer for a great many aheese- makers te think they know it ail, and they are nt wiliing te try te learn more er keep np with the cimes. They think the old way is gond enough for them, and they stay in the old rut The Cirt requisïte in sucoessful cheese- making is a gnod,> substantial, weli huit factory, ene in which temporaturas eau ha controiled je ail kinds ef weatham. -In this factory should ha piaced, the very est modemn machen,ýy. The next ting la the, best material te make cheesaeof. With se cheese dressing. The easa sbould be tomn- ed and ruhbed daily until ready for market. For long-keeping cheese the-curing reem shonld be kept fromn 60 te 65 dagrees. If yen wish te hnrry thein for the market keep the room from 70 to 75 degreas. I think it is hest te heat curing rooms with steam pipes mnning undler the hettom sheives ef each rack. Abseluite cleauliness, watchful- ness, care and eternal vigilance is needed in and about the premises, and is a neressity ,Whare nîce, clean-flavored, desirable goods are te be mad1e. Shropshire Sheep. The Executive Cemmittee cf the Ameni- can Shrepshire Breeders' Association, coin- posed of Mr. Johin Dryden, Toronto; Prof- W. C. Letta, Lafayette, led.; Mr. Menti. mer Levering, Lafayette, Ind,; Mr. John L. Thompsen, Marion, Imd.; Mr. Richard Gib- son, Delew are, Ont.; Mr. W. J. Garlocli, llowel, Mich.; Mr. Frank D. Ward, South Byron, N. Y.; and Mm. IL. H. Cie ngh, Elyria, Ohio, met in Detroit on the 2nd mast. It was decided that the next annual meet- FIGHTING AN OCELOT. A Memory of lthe Rio Grande. "For genuine grit and detemmination the ocelot surpasses ah eother animais," me- miarkpçd Ban lHilbert, a famens eimred, one aveipg, as we rat aound our 'camp-fire narratiog adventures. f ýWhy, they ara the most obstinate 1 ghtems, I ever saw," ha preceadad. " I caver saw eue give in tili ha was daad. Andi yet the a'icieet Mexicans made a great decl of the ocelot. They trained ocelots te acconlpaey them in the hnnt, and te protect tham, aise, from any sudden attack. Ocelots hava qluite disappeamed from Nomthemn Niex. ice, aad ara now oely to be found in Pan- ama aid Centrai America, but lass than thimtyyears cge thora were a few ocelots te be in4Î with in th- mountains along the Rie Grande, as far nerth as New New Mexico. " I was down in the Territery, stayieg wi th aý friand who had a sheep ranch near the Bio Grande,' when 1 encountemed oe of the,, stubbern crcatures. for Infants and ChiIdren. «<Cattwla is goweH adaptedtohldetatCso m~cres Colle, OOnipon, recomlmenf i t as superior to aýy prescriptioSur Stomach, Diarrhoea, Bructati n, klIOIi 5> XIO. H. ÂErn. . D, iKis Worms, Cives Eleep. and promoOtea dl- NedSB l. .Y. .*~ md.ico. Tas CmicTu CoxrN, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.

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