Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1892, p. 3

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WElDNESDAY MAROR- 23, 1992. E MBER 0F COLLEO [E 0F PfHhlflY<JIAN 5-"ndSissecu, Ontîrio, Coronser, etc. Offilie and Residauce, Euniskillen. n B IBRlksI R iý0L1ICTOR, lbf, MOPRIS B-10C'I -1 PtaJirS, Riuî SS-'at. Bowmau- ville. Soileltor for the Ontari Baulc ~rh-te 4un~s bnal i ti LCssirats S. t. IF¶UG IEEDAUCTIONEER FOR thie County o,1 Durham. Sales attende i to on shostest notice and ]owest rates..Aedrs V IOlT. YOUNG, Y, S. I EFFICE IN TUE WEST DURHM " NCews Block, vbare himseaf or aseistan wil' 1,i emud from S a.mlo 9 pm. Niglit mui- ai n siflenee.directly oppoite Drill Shed. Calls liY teegrpli or teleplione will receive prompt attention 171.yr L. A W. T 11E. UCTIONEER, APPRAISEB, Real A IIte Agnt, Bowmrccville, Ontario- HOUSEHOLD. Time Elles- IBv MA P.GSuET EYTING('. Il dne., îdeed. It seem" net long ugo Tha, I . -uith spcrkling cyes cand suii cutis, Lcagssed, danced ands sng the imorry heurs Tihe bcppiest cf happy littie girls. Adclwcll I mind the snowy wiuiet murn, 'ci/at crtless pride and carcest jcY were usmine, Wbccen frst --chose, citer mach carefui the 119li, For-eue I lovesi, a protuvainlen. With fragrance cf the rose t» as sweet,aud lu Each corner shouc a tiuy silvar star; Aud snowdrops pale ccd ima buds pick on- wreathed Thbe love seng thatl wrett o-grandfl55mrna 'Iis wiuicr day anniherlutile girl, 'Siugcs, laugbs ccd danca ibhrougli the mnerry heunrs, tUnshcdoed yct hy sorrow or by cave, And sic, Ion, seds a prctty valeuline. D'er-ke with forget-me-nets cnd violets bisse, -£rd holding gruecini verses whicli begia W ith kindly praisa,' ccd cnd witl I love Yeu." And te my deor it straightway comnes. Ah, me, w e ast, how vcry short, lues seosm ,are! Tim e is îcdead! Tho grandehilsi cclvi,; aie, Acd I-it foilows am the graudmnammla. A. A. 6i~T, ress as an Indiicator. A ROHTECT.Plansand Specifica, The:c:?x: of unqestionafile emineuce aund 7liin Prepared fer every class ofbidig authnrity, asserta empbiaticaliy that no wo- ~ i.f~7Y~lt5~ ~sa-vs, cocld caver ho the aUthior cof a claver - , -- v a'dn~Te of the f ace. There have been in- TH-,E POET'S CORNER stances kunown of ladies indnoiug a heax y growth of hait on the uppar lhp and chic - by using vaseline to drive away pimples. Far Pown. Like 5cme other mindicainents, vaseline is Fat cown, far clown ina ohasm, toonuew to allow of ail its properties boing Aohasm of longiug and pain. yet kuown, but the fact that il will induce The surge of a sad soul'd river growb ofhairif prsiseutl use sees Sft sobbetb a siuniberiess name; a grwth f lair f prsisentl iied sem 'Tis thine, Oh tis thine that the river, to be fairiy woll settled. 'The river with sad sobbiug swells. Soit t ~ihîand singelrb fcrever, Many uses 'ef atme'il. Oh loîelke the dying ni belis. Macy make a mistuke in stirring oateal ton muoh whillo okicg; it is likely toem.ke it mushy and pasty. Soea may prefere il cookcd an, but it is much better aud morc palatable cnoed lu the follewing manuer: Allow 1 . pinta cf coarse net mcciaclad two1 aven teaspeenfuis cf saît to eacb quart cf water ; pu' the meai and saltit i a kettle, peur onutihe ws.lor, hoit et colà i inckes ne différence which; when it thiekens gia c it OA TMEAL Ciises. Oos Ou ntmeal near- ly bal f teaspoonuful saIt ndxed tegether dry; cever wiîls cld watcr and latiti stand haîf and hor ; drain off any rcmaiuiug water, drop by spoonfuls onu a tic, sprecding as thiok as possible ; bake uctil browu acd criap, but not acorchof inl the leat. F,wc O TM-,EAL,. -Put ceoked mealinlua I eowl or tic, wet wilh cold water lui the moniug ont lu suices and fry, oct with but- ter and sugar nor syrnp. 0-ITMEAL CeeKIais.-Onecucp cf stugar, two cggs, eue ccp cf fleur, nue cup cf cld boiled oatmeai, onuetecspGonul of coda, tw0 cf orecm cf tartar, a littie salt, eue table- spoonful cf butter ; roll tim and bake ln' quick order. Far, lown, far clown lun my bnsnm, Fa~r down in is ted loods that glow, g c - ý s'd and angi-aven forever A fac -e t'uît en tralleili mc an, 'Ti, ti ne, oh 'ois chi ne, and its beauties :-'1ýiIlnover, un u&s or depart: But ea ýrnish wîth bains cfheaî ou Tosad dcpths of a fou(?, fond, heart! -[Ernest E. Laigh. Ye're Aye tbe same to Me. BY WILLIAM LYLE. Ohi. lassia 1 han lov'd yc lang, 0 1 troubles bac licou cuir, .Anel ouds hue afi.bung ower cor heids - N';ae weather ayc looka fair. But fate maun bring my constant heart 4 lharder lot te dree, El 1I inrget yer faithful part- 'eaye the saine te nie. The wari' mcy sec the marks c' lime Upon ycr bonuy broc, Thy neyer toucb ibat c'e that serveR bflc hoart that's Ica], au' truc. 1I kgn we neer tIhe border line, Ao'siaue lii e's cnd miau hoc, But idansn' love i c l wys yeucg- î erc cî c tue same te me. Theý, worid bas offcred gold te me, Aun'lured my heurt with fame, _An' I hae touchcd ils garmient's hem, Ye-t imyhoart k-ccps the-carnna- r5Lsange ls--Tc-m-Lc~ A TERIMBLE .ýXERIEN~CE- 111 Usage Of Insinigrants. A nuinher of F.nglish emigraul s have suc- ceeded iu returniu'g from Brazil, andi tell a sboekiug story, of their sufferings there. Efforts are being made by the authorities at Southampton to forwvard the emigrauts to their homes ; but they at present remain at the work bouse. They include John Dillon, a Blackburn ironmoulder, with two daugh- ters and tbree nirried couples from Brad- ford, one named Oates, who bas a boy witb him. Since bis stay abroad Dillon baried one danghter. The party emigrated iast year, believing they bcd far better chance-,s of bettering their condition than by reniairiug lit home. The party met tegzether at Santos, Dillon having landed there, and Oates at Rio; but Billon andl bis fcsufly coob(l only remain iu the Emigrant's Home at Sanltos a quartetdof-an heuir, so filty was thep ace crowded by hundreds of foreigners of every uationality. Oates was keptinl the bouse ai. Rio for eight dcys before beicg sent on to Santos, and haro some terrible scenes were wituoessed, tbe people haviug to figbt baud ovor baud for food supplied lu quan- tities suppos-ed to be sufficient for four pet- sons ; but Oates deelared there was nt sufficient for onue boy, and what there was of mst inferior quality. Speaking of food, Dillon remarked that that servod out to them at Santos cocsistod of riec and fish, the latter putrid and funll or maggets, al brilied together. 'T'ha pcrty lu whieb Oates was ineluded on arriving at Santos allturned into a theatre, used as an omigrant's bouse, the Sauitary -state- of which he speaks lu LogageTAafoo ws Lumbago, Backaches Headucheg T'oot hache, Sûre Throate, Fro&t BiesSprains, Brulées,_Burns, Etc. Sold by Ilruggists and Deulers everywhere, Fsfty Cents a bottle. Directions iu il Lauigtnages. D!CHARL ES A. VOCELER CO., Belgmore, Ut canadian Deoct: Toronto, Ont.. eatmeal o 1

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