Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1892, p. 7

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- .~ FO JSE OLDtubiesponif nie ef creasu one large teaspoont- I fnl of fleur, eue cnpful1 of cold water;- duvr j wiis lmen.Linea pie plate witb pastry, ____________ h A Grl's Dressillg-iGom. pour lu the mixture and bake nt ence. WENE 2U ARCI 16, 1892. A giii's dressing-comi is a s-ire index te ______heu character anîdhbt, A c1evý l wcidicn Educational Matters iu Ontarlo. s assredlclythat sblo conld gi-ýn ! better DE,. . ~TcgEL.,knovioidge ofcite of hbe-r owu cc_ýx b is iin- 'burport of the-Minîster cf Elucatiou ft,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~1 RlE 01'CLEE0PI8IIN spcincbedrciî cmta uttrafrteyer11,wlîb the statistios cf 18C90f anSSugeosntaioCorisCetc. actua1-acquainiance of years, says thie w asbenrecented tetise Legislature. lt je Offcean Reîdne. nulkilten. 74. York Prssc. "lu fixit," seecontinue i, aoun Itereortr, tin in-,neariy,400b _________ - wbeu eue of my sons annenunees bic n-gcfiwhi chefol luwngsnmnary wilhl lb BI551t SIIZSONgageseti leave ne toneinutniriied te bave bu founti iutereeting _:- T) BRSiLtR -SLIOTO, ~.MOPWÎS the girl mnder my eye f or ber înorîieg aced The schsool populaion cf the province, ce j>IC , ptairs, King Street. Bowsan evening toilet. Sîse le jndgcd accerdbsigiy, aïcertained tlsrougli the assessers, was, lui vile Slolorfo is OtaiBan'r and fronts wisat 1 sec I cati pretcy sWeil gUesS 1893); Boys, 259,.519 ; girls, Ï237,046, or a PriateHosevshonatai isa10widratse ti1 sort of a w fe stewIi tsi-ste. Hew ce? total of 496.565. The anerage actendaîcce of S.C.auNKYGBeccuse we wcmcn think a thousnîîd s 1carurlupiis nec 47 per 2cnt, cf tbe regis- S. C. RINKING uoreof sncb details than yen reen, aunfi ery te d attendatice, win utewns i was 59 T.TOENSED) AUOT ION E ER FOB- thsifty Os slovenly trait is sure te re etper cent anti lu citjea 62 peýr cetnt. Thet L the C0onty ef Dnrhamn. Sales attendedti Ie n. Why, 1 couid inake a back ansd eeunty cff Haidiron ,i riche tergbs on sphttee notice and lowest rates. A6.drece -rg. h tlý cuuSP. 0. 1:t ft bhite it for my uaringmnfreeav ig.Teoie tessaela hr fr iîsbi irethîcd, th-at wenuld prove a saf u - n;toDnaff,, Gl aryeelaot BORT. YOUNG, V. S. guide te future lhappiuecuss edloek. For oet,!eitnnih e SmwcLois- "FFICE IN TUE WEST DURIHAM instance, tIse girls own soorn ha alm.,et anl- dosBeleilland Brantford. News B'ock, vhere hisuseif or assistan fallablc isdicati.o f ier tastes and neces- Female etiî co)ntinue te gain on maier ~ci -cd9nd frein 8.su. Io 9 Ps. Night oaIscte.Idntsuacils ermunettie teuch ers, being. 69 per cent, cf the ectîire- à, re9uredireetiy oppoite Dinh Shed. Calle article, a lacee-srapcd dressaug-table, Or nunîber eniployed. Thie nesiber ef teachers byte1c pi or tehephone will aeeve pirompt flnîleigt1,cuisr r. Tiîey are vvell eîîougb takis' cdvanîae of thse normsal schools je attenion 171yr --g - __________________________________ i sue eau aford t5sen, but tire first thinga 1,776 better than ici 1877, and is 3,5per cenit IL, A, -W. TfkIE, te note areclier hoouksanad pict'îres, ber of tise total number ef perconse eugaged inu AUCTIONEER, APPIIAISER, bal toile. articles. tis wortis wbiie catcbiisg teachinq thse publie scbools. Waterloo pays BotEsale Agent. Bowmnanviile, Onario-c glinîpse cf ber lestancd drawers, as thsey tise Iighet anerage salamy, $447 te mleE Fajles ,aitended li any part of Province. speak v olumes for or agauset tlîeir owner's teach-rî. Esex leade for female teachere _______ tiduess. Wben gloves are rolled iii a bard witb $3.34 ; Froutenac the lowest $290 for kuot, ,eille jasnmed ussder salve pets, ribbons miale, and Hu,,liburton $204 for feinale teacis- A. A. POST, ùnmbhed lu with posider and bair pins, bc- rs.f ARCIIITEOT. Plans and Spacifica- ware. Tîsat kisîd cf thingje eloqnst cf There are noM- 5,768 selsool bouses in tise tý iens prepared for every clase of1building. cippesttebreakfaî.-table, muddy tiresvinsceand as a ule they are epecscd aiid Speetal a&ttention gvn o ro ating by steam coffce and cold bisccit te conte." eîoscd xith prayer. The nninb'r et separate v Tdd bot waler. andi te saitary arrangements. ehosbsavîcdfos15t 5 u1 Offce:Gorie loe, Witb 43iyycars,tliseexpeidituire increasing $174,8971 To Set a Table. anidthe nuinhercf teachers 235 dariîîg the R.miu T Â T ioc ame period, wbile there lias been a comme- Ji Bealiast eingthe lainst ieoutd spondang and gratifyîng improvementis the Ge!ntloen's Oý; lothosMade to rder. day, tbe arrangement ef the table soudnuciere in tise different branches ofinstmno- aissays heesimple. The lotb should bc tien. spotîce,. At cccli person's seat place a kife The bigli echools of the provnsce îîow muns- u ýwork, teaspoon or deicertspoon, tumbier and ber 120 and collegiate institutes 31. The ncku ci f rsifuti t osrcamcci gratifying feature in cennection witb finger bowl if there holiei servant. If yen thse higha scîsool systens le the large increase bave a waiîress, sc will place the fluger lu the attesîcasce, the numbers bevissc more bowls cri as yeu finish wlîh the fruit. 1f than. doubled lu 14 yearc. The 1-rgest col- fre-hs fruit lie sevel thecmustatso beplae- leajate intitute le Hamilton', itia an on- ed t ech ccsat afruit knjfe and plate. The roînseni cf 677 ; iben Toronto (Jamnis street), - knive§ani spoons shold ho placed a bt iîs64;Troth(ai,,,meu),wt rigit and tise terks and napkiius at the lefi: 454; Lendon, witls 441 ; Owen Sound, wîtb the tumblers te be ait te point of tise knives. 423. The anhole number cf -teachers cm- There ebeuid ho space between tire kuife pîoyed le, 452. Iu 1877 tîhe fees colleceed and fork for a breakfast plate. Have the unsonnted te only $20,753: in 1890 the fees di ,f riî t ise cent r cf tise table. Have ameunted te $8,614. The total nunîner of a trcy cletb t eaoh end efthtie table. Spread pupils wbe pasacd a university mnstricula- C. H RND N, L. D. Se litile butter plates ut the top et eaeb plate. tien examinution wce 482. 0f îiaee the Grauat cftIe RyalColeg cfDenal Individuel csi and pepper bottes ho Toronto (Jurins treet) Collegiato Inctitute surgeons, Ontario. ue.paetsosa iead e ubpaejassed the ighet isumber (31),andlaiaulton ÏFIC-PPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. If large one place thons aitishe corners 0f the next higîst number (21). TIse igliest Ise table. Put four tablespoons on the table calary of a headusaster.was $2,500 (Toronto, F LICA S E cT itiser in two corners, or beide tise dishes Jarvis treet) ; the avcrage calary of bead- Artiicil Teti inertd wjbeu tht tey iilbe ued u srviîg.Puttbemaster for the province wae $1,138 ; cf ce- Aitiicil Toth nseted ithut aring knife andi frk uit tise baud cf the sitant mnasters, $804 ; cfaili masters, $892. Plaies, table and the cupa -and saucers, sugar ansi 0f the masters 183 were graduates of To- Grieat llednsctiûns lu price on ail Denta crocus, coffe-pet, buct cater bewî, etc., and mnte nvriy,5-fVctra 7o Wr.VWiLzed Air, costanily in use pro the musli diisesaaitishe other end. Usvmiy 3c itra 7c 1uigPtls Operatione. Partienhar atîcu Qneen's 1l et Tinity, 2 et McG ut and 4 of topadto tIse regulatien cf Childrcn's Tetb ____Britics universiti C. Sm' AL WORIC WARRENTED ý-âTIhe offrte made by tbe dopamtient te se- BracisOfFceDr.Ruterfrd' Orno. If euiCountry Girls in Town. cure the planting tif shade trocs and the oui-. Offýe, r. uthefor's rono Ifyenwho moud thie are c brown courm- tivution cf fiowere in tise sciseel grounds ______- -tmy lacs, suid shîculd flnd that yonr fate leada bave beesa bertily c npported by teaclacrs yen te tise city, crry witb yon ail tisaiyon and trustees. Arbor day ha now becoe have loaIs md inth ie years cf chiidisood and oeeof the cuestisnteresting and profitable suideuiieod ou tise old *arsu. Yoîîwill bolidays cf the yeas. Iu 1885, 38,940; in nced itl lu the feverisis ciîy ; tise memcry 1886, 34,087; isn 1887, 28,057; lu 188zS, 25,714; cf sky and npleud, the siselc ie clover, lu 1889, 21,981 and lu 1890, 222,250 trocs t umlasasof the bees, tise taste cf the nev wcro p assied. Iu a very few yesrs every înilk, the 1hre atir cfthe kine, tbe tengtb rural sobool in tise province will liane ie wlicb niiik iig ng d butter-sncking bave gin- sbady bowem, wbeme tise pupils can fSud ascIi- on yen, tbe knowlecdge of nitures seccrets; rc front tise sun and wbesc their tacte for the Y ~whcb lia(fi louves e(ut fimt, wisicis Oak is beautiful in nature wilt flid sonme grurifica- lasi strippýleI cfî s fliage, wiaeme the grouind- tien. spcrow hides lie;c-ct, when tlie lack- Tise total niumber cf puipils atieudinig the EY bernes are fit te.mkeinto jan! Briug ceverat classes of echool!s in 1890 (excluding te simple, bealthy habits cf oarly risin.g, ceibegea and privato ehcos amotints te of energetie -sork, c)f out-dee _r exericice te 51 7,' .9, sud the total aszi-sexpeiided for cl VET'ýKaftm sRuïwIJ yonm drty borne, for yen wili need thoins nw edoceticuai purpeses lu 1850 recebes the 1usore titan ever before. They will belp yen igh figure cf $5,284,980. This recuit is ineci OTRONO, - ONT. in gainis'g an undestuuding of the et euceuraging and epeaka welh for tIse edua- tisinge City lits eau gire yen, the broader ticual presperity of tbe provintce. office-Post offie Block. experience cf mou and idens, tihe love of art, Tise fllewing general directionis te truant Ccili bY t2eraýpis or Weephore roeive ira the approciation cfliterature, No imaîter oficeme bave heen issned by tise dopartriset: aisite hteiioiow rich yen may beense, nover bc waste- Eschi officer saal endeacom te procure the ut. attendanice ut echoolcLtaili childmen ii tise district asigued bi, bctweeu 8 and 14 yeare, nisitingtisem ut their homes or places J.iMi.BRIN A COM BE flow to Y-ake Good Tea. et empleymeuî, 'or looking alter thent i Il E TJ~, Tsre thngeareueocsay t mare oodthe treete for ibis purpose, and lho ebali, DENT ST.Thre tingsarenecssay toinsre oodby persuasion and argument, bots witb tise toc: t'irai, tisai tise bemb lîsof sbonild hoe ebjîdren and thiis parents or guardiaus, god;(wo believe tisa Enghiis Breakfast aîd by other meuas tisan legal compulsion OFF CE -Rer O MesrQ gtoic lemosi goîsruly pepular ); second, strive te accure sch atieudance. Tise tîsat the water seouid ho ai tIseisoiling point officeîs chah net be employed toerosquire Iliggnbothm & Sn's D wieu penred on tise lou-ves ; and third, tisatinjte tise ccasicual absence of pupila. Whaen in asnl e eve1rebyDco.Ta ctruant oficer chal hoe nuable. in a district tore (do n sair), hîcld nover ho boiled. The Es'glicb, v,'bo assigîsed te bis, ce procure tise tiendaniee ;Sr0 ,(o n tisare e nation cf toc drinkere, are so, parties?- at secsool cf any cild wbo je ani abjînal 1r te preserve uts flut aoma, thut it i8 tmurant, or wis la requimed by tise provisiens BO'VTlYE.AN VILLE sonietisuos made castise table tsvo cm three cf tise lucv te attend schîcol, it shall ho tise1 imes during thae ueai, tIse contents cf tise dnîy cf sois eficer, ufteo notice as' reqir- pot binig ibrocan eut eacistkme. lu France cd by tise Act, te procure a werrati su littileslîver cunisters cf toc are plaeed otia-oiuc hid rs hhb mub o tIse table, where it le invariaubly mcde. ()ne trial befere a inueistrat ivn jusdc teaspe.onful cf tise louves ta a faim- portion for tien in tise case. ~ t aigjrahe eacci pemeen. Tee is btter made lu ai) ertisen put. Tise pot shseld hoe calded - ----- 5, out alwcye befete tîse louves are put lu. Wuier t tise firai boiiing pint je generally Rural Courtsbip. - -< 15 ~~Ceno rc et There arc many wavs cf cetting about tise Bcrow-N THICKstEINGs FOR Soa-. -Tise is eaiy preparoti l ays ready, and wiii keep a long tinie, beides wisicis, h gives fcr rîciser luvor tîscu amy cuber way et ussg fleur tikeuiug. Putieoassîl suncepuni bait a pound et btter; wiîou bot tir ie it hait c pound ot very dry fleur -; crn iis over tise fine 1111 a pale brown, takiing gre'at cure lu tdcccset hum.. One large tablespoon thickens c quart et coup. importmant precese et gtting a wsto, but a bave met witli noue more sîcicionsiy simpe tIsaistise folowing, wissch I caiseac'ross ,ec ierticy wlsen glcîscissg over tise pages eft tie diaries cf the !atm Ms. Coîse, R X., juet psub- lilised, s&ys un ngsI exclsssge. Mm. Cope's Icister-sas a2w rlta chat -" se set a tammei tîiend andtisaidto i hm 'lI isar, ,Ieln, ihat ýou'e laelynsarried; M-be layosir wifeV Weel Mis Ben I u,1 oan.is'î knoc,' Huisos? Xihere titiyen meet lier? 'Acycel ye sec, mis s, I weîsi te t' market and as 1crac ,,g 1 gseed c cauony laca s -rkaug atoug t' RAISsin )0L05N1JnS. -lun tise soiningiake coud csd I says: 'W iii ye git oop ansd ride?' eue pissi of warm miik, eue ccsp of cugsr,osse I Ay' scys sise. ' Wist galsgics' te t' mâr- hall cap ot yeast, a littlc sai, acnd set a hot 1' ' Ay,' says se. Il ht feor ?" says I. epenge, uscking it ratiser tlsack, At nigist Te git a piauce, ' sciticiaoh. Se 1 set ber ctid one cup cf augar, eueihallcue t oflard down V1' r umket anti ltiber ; and ce I und two eggs ; kneud up and lot standut in' i' t' evcning tisore crue ibis same las momiug. Thon mli oui tim, ot rnusdworking t' saîno vcy cep h. lSo I spak anti lt stand on tise nouiding hourd iî to ber again, and axod ber. ' Ha,' ye goticu nigisi. Fry lu bot lard. yer placce ?' ' IN y,' scys sce, ' I banna,' « Wil11 ye git oep anti ride?' ' Ay,' says se. Serai APPLaE Saow CAxE.-Pare andatew Se se gui cep, and 1Iaxcd ber, ' D'ye ilsinti sour upplea lu a very litile wcior untjl tond- my place would Suit ye ?' ' Wisai place la er, thon rnis tiesu tisongl a ceive ; iuse f0 tisai?'saya aise. ' Wlsy to e hmy wite,' sugar or flavoring, but apeud over acacke savs . 1'I doan't mnd,' ecys sec. Se wc get mcdo witis eue quart of fleur, oîse anti e wet anti sîe's u rare gocti wite, but se's c hall teapocnuus et hakimg pýwtiem, oeepantocu cîrangor te mne.'" table epoontlletfaugar, oeetableapoonfusi cf butter; kneaded sofi anti huketi quickîy. Serve with tise tellowing sauce: .What She Would Say. SAUcE FORt SHORT CAKEs. -Ocse pint cutis Little Tosussy Petes by, fine yeana olti, bas hait cf sweoi nilk, tise yekse et fonr egge, becu poking ut tise range anti bumneti c iole tbree tubleapoufuls et vanilla. Le~tishe in lus salec-e. lije motîser scys: silk come te c boil : thon atititise Weil- I Yon wilh sonciv catch a-fire, anti there hcateu egg-yelka, angan, anti vanille. ciii bc uotbing ett otyen but ac hune pile SALMeN SALAa.-To a eau ofsalmon take et aches. Wist wil I eay iheni? elgisi or ion staika cf celery ; ct'tise cotes-y «"Yen will aay 'Kute, abord np) tiose ie mal pieces anti mix withs the scîmon. aches.' cvhicb abeulti aise ho pieketi into amali bits; aprinkie oner a littie sai anti a very litile Tise iost unuiappy peieti cf usamiago, ce- pepper, cuti pour on seme gooti s inegar. A certiing te Frenels divsorce sictistice, ,le ton scîclessieu may ho adctiic if tieimet. tise periot extendissg trocstise fiftti to tise GRAHAM PUnncNe0,-Tcvo cupfuha cf' gra. teuilsyes.r. Afterrthat tise figucirerpmap- hans fleur, eue cuptul etfuslasses, oee s-p. idly. Only '28 [cent. of couples scck di- tel otfacreet milk, eue cuptul et choppeti vorce bctweeu tîscir testl anti twoutietls raiains. iwe teaspoonfuia et coda. Steans yenra ef union. Osly ciscpair inuoee iun- three boume. tiet scek te eut tise hnot aftetol-perioti et DELICATE Pasi. Whitea et two e, leur oer tiaity cndutitdcr forty. Mamuma fitîs soîse - sowcf indignation. -"IIbave e alted yen trce trmes. I ans cery suucts alnucyct." Chamîje (whn is tond cf Bible atonies)-" Weil, tise Lord calied Samuel tisrep tusses and lic duîlu't get mati about it, did, lie?1" w ~ Ilenl iOne Sixece. Tiser ivesin \Washington a woman wise 1 suce wn tîcren>(githie frigisiful ordeal of 1 seing prepa mc for bu-rial sud lying lu a cef- i lu torty-ei !t eus witiout cny signa tif ife. At fie endef tiis tîi s bea-coke usid frighteued tise wits ont cf tsewutcbers. 'Seven years age Mes. BUrcee crs as uîjishesome ýGemmass mnaiden of 17 suImmers, iving crus lier paren ts in tise towu cf Baceen, Cran.Sîe telle the fcblowisse stranige oer f ici experienco witb 'aus sdtuean i bocv near csc caime te besîsg "Scyu yarsagolI Mas strioken dowu niî ysodfever, and, as je tise custe.n lu l'hoc e (Aý',iammasy, Icrac sont tetise bos- sital for contagionis diceases. There 1 Ian- guishsed betwee-n hjfe and dcctb fer ibee weeks, and ut the end tittia time wlsat al! cf nsy relatives und triende an-btise autl"r- itie, tif tise lîcepital tiseugisi ro be tise end uame. M heurt ctcpped bcating, ssyi muscls reixed, und,te allappoamances, 1 wsda.Tisehiospital attenda.stc proper- cdl nie fori hurilasd, whiie 1I wue pcrfectly co oîtn f evemytlsing tisaitmtancpired about uste. I was totalîy hoîptese und nouS-le te, toîl'my arteîdacîts cf isy truc coidition. -A-ir cý isg dressed for huri aad plue- cd lunîssycoiisi my mother aîîd frieude came tobid use a lest fui ewell. My eyes were ouiy prlIyclosefi und I conld scetise aîsguicis depî11--cd on asy mother a face and feel ber bot touý'ers drop upon nsy bmow as ashe gae ahs isupposed te o emerfarcwell kice. I1aaeegaged te a yong usan, and our marriage w as te hacve taken plsa-e short- iy ; wisen 1 wasý taken siok thec great grief« tisatie maýnjfeated wheuise came, te look upun iny'face wac s ecrtreîsding, and ospeci- ally se te, use, realizimg us I did my truc coniitisî i, -,et 1 'sas unable te show tisai I was clive und eenspmoendcd ih ah., -"Iu Germumy ih la custcmury for tise ucareat los'ed one te couad, insteud cf flowers, an embroidered satin pillow, te be placefi under tIse iead efthtie deceased. Thsis scy lever Ibrougisi, and, wisile I couid. tel ic osmose and sec bis teare, as hoieotedorly placed j iunider my heud, yeî I M'as nttoriy pucrerboas te0 give aîsy aigu or suake amy ut- terance. " Attor suy friende and relatives bud taken tiie(r ast sud louve I cras removed te tise dead ward cf tise hospitul. In ibis isepitul, teo guard aguinci any accidente or promattire humiala, citer tise compse bas beesi removod te tise dead cncrd, a cord lsatutacis- cd te ita wrist, andth ie etiser end efthtie cord je atiached te a bchl in oeeof tise ai- tendant's ros, se ilat, slseuld lite rotirîs, tise attend(aUisl insnscdistcby warncd of ih. Thsis was doeolun ny case, aîsd, atter me- maiming lu mày cofinu for tonty-eiglst lieues, 1 suddouly regeine-1 tise ueocf sy sursoIes sud uhanud sut uprigît isnsmy coffin. This nievesient on my pari, cf course, rang tise bell ini tie attendsîst's recul,' and goîsor- al conaisuticu ôprevuiled. I was tuken. frosu my cofin, andi in a fesn weeks was me- etored toeseultis." "iVisutbeounse cf tiselover?9"criss ked. "Juat eue yesr f rom tisai time ho waa striceoî 'sitis ypiscid foyer and died, andi vse, sanse matin pillocv tisati hisae tendter- ly pluceti under my isead a. yeur befere wus by hie mequesi ied iti rshlm." Mmc. Burette, soon after tise deuth cf liem iptended i hscand, came is ibis connty-und nsarried Mm. Barette. The M~ost Giroumatantiai Dream, lt is diffilculitet decide the longth et droama, anti impossible te accertain tise longesi, but tishe historieul circunmianee co-nocieti witi ise followiug machos it, por- Jisape, tis trauigee-t and moaýt important dreasuever rcde. Mr. Spe-ncer Perdrvai, ef tise l1iue c, Coiusuona, May lts 1812. Mm.-Johin Willis, cf Scormier Ileuse, mear Ret1rirons in Cornwall, a mais nete thrseugis a long itie fer hie nigomeus peactîcel talents us a minier ansd miasing speculator, liedt c dreus m eenigtise assaseinaticu cf Mr. Peroinal ou tise nigisi ut tom us occurrence when tise feci could mot hoe knosvn te hlm by uuy ortiiuary means, ihiero being ne trains or telegrapis wires in those dans. Ho useurîoned tise tuet tei muny persens dnning tuie interval. hei-ceen tise drousu and bis me- coiving notice et lis fulfilmeni. A msinute acconnt (,t ibis dreusu appeared in the tins et Augusi 2Sth, 1828. Mr. Williams dreami thti hwsas lu tise lobby cf tise lieuse et Cosuimons, anti suw a small muan enter, dese in c bine coat sand white wciatcoat. immnediutely atter hosaw a nu dreaaed lu a 'brawm coat with yeliew basket buttone, drewi a pîstol tromusnder bis ceai, snddiuag it attse fermer, wise instant- hy felu îl' l'leod iasuing frosu a cvennd c I ittie below tie lb breusi, cuti atasuusg tise MwhiteO wciscoat. lie saw tise siurderer scuzeti hy couse entlemen, who weme pro. sent, wund' ebserved isacountouanoe, and on cskiîsg wbio tise gentleman was who bcd been sîsot, lie crus told ilcrac tise Chanscel- lem. (Mm or ',cjval wasen th Ie Chanscer cf theo Exc'isequjier clse.l Ho tisen awoke, and iroctiontidtise tieasu te hic cvife, 'but ase cîly lauigiotl utblini, telling Ilajîn mot te be sîlly, anti prcuadcd ii te go te aleep. Tismce timsucrsepoctedhy did tisamne dreasu ccur, ansd, net able teîoestny longer, not- witsstcadieg bis wite's entrearies te lie dewn us iet 'ly cuti go te ebeep, lie crose aind drescod isiinseîf. k being then betcc'c on e asî t no o'ciock, Two days afteu-warile noM s cf tishe sacaifaticht arriveil intita TflE iBLRIMA IMINES- 110w lie CoivigsS are Treattel- Now and again a telegranm lromn St. Peters- bnrg annolinces that certain Nihiliste bave bau condemned to death, but that the Czar bas been pleased to commute their sentence to penal servitude in the mines of Siberia. T'e wbat misery the Imperial clemency con- douros the unhappy wretokes le told by Mr. George Keunan. The mineslie describes are tisese at Kara, and are the private property of thse Czar, forwbosebenefit they arc work- ed. No more abominable places of hnman habitation could te icnagincd than the oeils in xvbich the convicts at-e lodged. Mr. Ken- nan, who was accompanied ou his visit by the governior, thus describes thl.--- W e esitered, througb a beavy plank door, a long, low, and very dark corridor, the broken and decaying Ihoor of wbich f cît wet and slippery to thle fect, and where the at- mosphere, altbougb warm, was very danîp. and satnrated witb thei atroîng pecuiiar odeur that is characterîstic of Siberian prisons. A Spercon wbo bac once iuhaled that odeur eau never forget it; cnd yelý it le seo Lnlike any otber bad simelilu ibte worid that I bardly 'know wilh wbat to compare it. To unaccnctomed senses it seems se sat- urâted witb feuitiesa and diseasea to be aliost insupportable. We stepped acrüse the threshold jute a reemn about 24 feet long, 22 feet wide, and 8 feet bigb, wbich con- tained twentyfine convicts. The air bere was sea.much wore titan tue air inu ,be cor- ridor that it made tme faint and sick. The room. was lighted by two nearly square heavily grated windows with double saches, that coeld net be raised or orerned, and therewars net the leat apparent provision auywbere for ventilation. The floor was made of heavy planks. Ont freim the walls ou tbree sides of tse roosu projected low sloping wooden platfersus about six feet wide, upon wbicb the convicte elept, side by side, in 2loscly packed rews, witb thseir heads te the wall and their feet extended towards the middle cf tbe cell. They had neither pillows uer blanket8, and were comn- pelled te lie down upon these sleeping. benebes at nigbt wi thout removing iheir clothing, and witbeut other cevering than their .soaree grey overcoats. The women were rather botter off than the men as regards accommodation ; but their oeils were in the same iunitary con- dition. The fluer was unevEn and decayed, and in plaes tîse rotten plunke bad either settled or given way entirely, ieaving dark holes into a vacant space bctween the floor and the swatnpy groend. The celîs in the women's prison had no furniture of en y kind exccpt the plank sleeping.platforms, which, of course, were entirely destitute of bedding. I did not sec in either roosu a single pihlow or blanket. îlI these tu o celîs were iprcsoued forty- eight girls and women, six or seven of wbom were carry ing in their arma pallid sinlrly- loekingbabies. The escape of convicts is often winked at .by tie prison officiais, whe continue te draw, for weeks or mentia, the clothing and tiie rations te, wbich the rnnaways would have been entitled. The flight commences when the warm weather sets in, and for two or threo mentlis an almeet continuons stream ;of escaping, conviets mun from. the Kara peaa settlemeunts lu the direction of Lake Baikal. 1 Tiie signal for thîs annual movement is given by tIse cuckoo, wbose notes, wheu first heard ini the valley of the Kara, anneunce the beeinitig of the warm season. The cry of the bird le takeas as am evidence that an Eeecaped convict can once more live in the forests ;. and te, run away, in convict 3slang, la te go te IlGeneral Knknshka .fer ordera." (Ko-koeshk.a is the Russian ,namne fer the cuecacýo.) More than 300 sueïblave the Kara, free commaud every year te joiuthe amyof Il General .Kukuska; " and in Siberia, as a whole, the 1nucuher of runaway exiles and convicts ,who take the field lu response te the snm- suoens cf ibis popular officer exceeda 30,090O. Most of the Kara conviots who " «go te C entral Kukusbka for orders " lintihe early summer come back to the mines under csew i names and in leg-fetters the iseat winter; but thcy bave nover hadl ibeir outiug, and 3have brcatlîcd for ffbree, whole menthe the yfresh frac air of the woods, the nieuntaîns, .and the steppes. 3 We msade a careful examination of ten gprisons in the province of the Trans-Baikal, sand lu noue of thesu did we flnd a bed, a ,piliow, or a blanket. 1 Evcrywlsere the prisoners iay down ai 3night lu tbcirgreyovercoats onbareplanika, 1and alineet everywbere tbey were tortured tby vermin, and were compclied te breathe 1the came air over and ever again until if -secmcd te sue tIsat there cenld net bc oxygen 1cnouigh lef t iu It te support combustion in , heflamie of afartbing rusllt. Civilized rhunsan beinge put straw enen inte, thE .kennels of their doge: but the Ruesian 1goveru ment forces men te work for tea or 1twelvc heurs a dan lu ite East Siberian .mines ; couspels tisens after tbis exhausting toil te tic dowu ou a bare plank ; and then, 1te console themn in their misery, tacks up s Scriptural text on the grimny wall ever theii heada. É ,ie-"What do yen think of the Madi. .suai Square Gai-dca frora an architectural peint of view 1" She-«ILonely! 1 ulwcy.s Sdid hike yellow brick." Tise man wbo jeurucys tbrossgb tîis worid ewith bhis eyes open will lecrn thinga enery A SURE CURE' FOIS BILOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICSi HEADACHE, ANmDISEASES OF THE STOMACH, LÈVER AND BOWELS. THEy-AISE vicLO,-rHoIOUGH AND PROMPT INI ACTION, AND FORM A VALUARLE AID TO SUISOOCSi LOOD BITTERS IN THE TREATMEIST AND CURE OF CHRONIO eIND OBSTINATE DISEASES. Ail men can'4; be . Apolios of strength and form, but a14 myha-vo robiwt > healtli and strong- I nerv'es and clear Miluds. Ow trea{- ment makeesuscb. mon. Themethodsr are our own exclusively, and whý,, anything is ioft to bulld utpon, YIGOR 0F lZEN ' ""Y Q restored. Weakness, Nerve Bebility, and ail the trair from early errors or' late the resuit of over-wor"I Lumbago, Backachel Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost Bites, SprairÎg, BruisesoBurns, Etc. Bold by Druggsts and Dealers everYwheMO Fifty Cents a bottle. Directions in il I anguages. ME 04AB.LES A. VOGELER CO.., BaIimom, M raptal palsi up, S1,000,00OO.KCst, e 50900O18 This Banke is preparod to do Legiti- mate Banking in ail its branches. Farmer's notes discounted ; Deposits received and Interest paid on accotunts of $5 and upwards in Savings Bank Departmnent. -. DRAFTS le nDd and colleetlous made in Europe United 2tatez, and Canada. WV. J. JONES, ge ONTARIO BANIK continues tu do a General Banking BuissS Bewmanvýille Agenecy. DEPOSITS nlived l,iSavinies Bank DepartmOflt and on cei landintjerest alowed atourrent rat(s No notice of withd1rawai neCIisoary. AUtd PO3it8 P iyable on. eenand, EIIlANGE B ch t and sotland DraVttss8ued iflOflEîîOPO United States and Canada,aISO GOld,SIlVO' and 1J ltedSita.es Greonbacksbought and sold. COLLECTIONS Pr jmptiyBrmatin a5 ctrreCÀtrates upon iaI! Part of Great Brittain. the United Stt6a anu 1l'O Do 3 non oscanada. Telegraph Tralisfev-S m's e-r tulme ci cmali suM3 Gài a art Of krada. Thie la especÎallY advân>%gOj55 te erCLs living lI Manitoba or the NorU$h9 est Fert'sîL fuindavaii&le at one iG place of rnvuiert- Otiier particnlars Cali ntthe ba'k. R. L. FORTT GEO. MoIGILI, Accouttant Manage MRS A.DAVIS& - Manufacturer Of -Inl ail the laten TONIOS SHAMPOOING and HAIR CUTTING DONE as usual, also STAMPING in ail ts branches. Neads'Block, over Kayrs Store, Bowmafl- ville.

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