Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1892, p. 5

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--USE ONLX THE - IZDAHIL BRAND, -0F PURE-- NORWEGI AN Cod Liver 011. <nie great Standard 'Remedy for SWeaknesses and Diseases of the Lungs. Impaired Nutrition, etc. ~This Oil is Pure, Fresh, nearly tasteless, andl therefore most suit- able for delicate digestion, NonB genuine withoutthe nameIZDAllI. stamped on each capsule WROLESALE BY LJYMAN, SONS 8& Go., Cali at Murdoch Bros' and get Marm- lade Oranges. Did you try Murdoch Bros' for cheap sugar ?(Cash). 1Thanks, Mr. M. Troieven, for English papers and flowers. Mr. Gao. Daswson, Washhurn Island, was in town recently. Rev. Dr. Badgiey preached in Trinity' church twice on Sundlay. Our teas and cofftees are of the finesb qualities. Cawker & Tait. Messrs. Will Adame and Ecison Keat visited Toronto friends recently. Farmors' Institute meeting at Solina, tomorrow <Thursday) atternoon. See notice. A iady's purse coI]taiLlng meney and othor thinga awaits an owoer at STATrES- MAN office. Yon can buy Dinner Sets at Murdochi Bros' cheapier thon any other place in West Durham. Siierin & Kirby have rceceived a very fine stock of Wall Papers. Give them a c Il at the oid stand. A good advt. in THEs STATESMAN ia worth te a iBowmanville nmerchant more thon an acre of circulars. Rev. John Kenner, of Lucknow, has ben very aick with plourisy,,but hiesono0 bore received word this week that ho i3 inlproving. Mr. W. R. Ridell, cf Cobourg, will be crownn rstr at+nh the +In Croac.>,hi,,., 'U SPRING POINTER. The approach of Spring is a reminder te ail good hous3keepers that the time for houso-cleaning is near at hand, andý ail those who expeot te replace their old carpets with now ones should read the" advertisment cf Me2srs. Couch, Johnaton & Crydorman on the flrst page cf this paper. 'This firm, as inany cf our readers know, aiways carry a fine stock of csrpots which tbey import direct from the moat coiebratod and most reliable makers of thesa goeds in Engiand. And as ne ro- tait nor whoiesaio house in Canada can buy the samo class cf goods one cent cheaper, and as the expenseocf conduot- ing a busàiness in Bowmanville is less than in a city, it is roasonabie te suppose that Ccucb, Jobnston & Cryderman can sit carpots ai choapiy (quaiity being the test) and as a matter cf f act they do" soit them as iow as any heuso in the pravince ne matter what their pretensions:may be. Have y ou any fresh oggs toe e'I ? Try Murdoch Bros. Frosh oysters and haddies aiways on hand at Cawker & Tait's. Dr. J. T. Tamblyn formerly cf Ibis' town is iocated in Guelph. Mr. J. McLaughlin, Lindsay, has been guest of Mr. Jas. Nos worthy. Good buttcr wili commnand a good price. Who will boy at Murdoch Bres' ? We woîe favored with a heavy fait of Cleveland's aàKing-Powder Does flot contain ammonia; Costs no more than 1ammonia powders; Lt goes farther; Lt is pure and wholesome. You 8hould use it, S. A. Anniversary. The Bth annual ceiebration and ban- Sons of Tempera.nce. On Thursday evening Mr. James B. I EÈSTINF US Brooks, of Toront, G. W. P. of the Sons- of Tomperance. inatituted Blackstock Div. ision, Nov. 383, with 17 charter members. The officers are :-Wm, Ferguson, W. P. Jos. Ferguson, R. S.; Rev. Wm. Kpnner, Dý G. W. P. At Pinedale on ihursday, Mr. W. H. BeweiI, Whitby, Grand Scribe of the Sons of Temperauce. assisted by Mr and o rthmeberS,of chadito andn P I C O D anr. Jas. Breor,S.,of Sundieandn , o ya Divisions, instituted Pined aie division, No. 341, wittll 18 charter memberp, Ja A Mackie W. P.; Edwar.1 Bott, R. S.; and J. Mackie, D. G. W. P., are the offic3rs M RIIU D LY elected. .T.mitr Nnx Pinc Notices of BIrtits, 25 cents; Marniages. 50 cents; I5eatbs. Se cents, each Insertion -bat FICEE OU CIIAIWI, wheà the funerai cards are uriateilatitig olfce, BIRTHLS. J.ACKsoN-mn Oshawa, March Gth, the wife of Jas. H. Jackson, of a son. CiNN.amoN- On the Lake Shore,East Whitby' F eh. 4, the wife of John Cinnamon cf a sonf. MA ,RRIEID. MCKAY-WINDA'j T-At the residence of the bride's mother. Thorah. by Rev. D. Willims, on Wednesclay. March 9th. Mr. John MûKay, of theo1lownahip of Mara.and MaryA. Windatc. second daughter of the lis Thomas Windatt of Darlington. BiiowN-BicKELL-In Toronto, ait the resi- dence of the bride's mother. Match 10. by Rev. T. ManninGr, Mr. T. A. Brown, eldest son of Richard Brown Beq, Toronto, and Jennie, eldest daughter of the late J. B. Bickeil. .Lovl~Jy LNew r±ilLb> INew Dress Goods, New Steamlooms, New Factory Cotton, New Shirting, New Cottonades. Extra value in Towels and Table Linen. A ~ ~ ~ f nf-JN bolicitor irierson p blishes a oti_______-__________________________NI______Il_ - J1u:aIu1~:L. rente * 'w'înai '.ti1~Cfl, WfllZt ZP~ $~+ ~ .. .,ff .~ ~ tX~L. ~..d L1~cL. +, mllll- --c mi, tue --pêrageni g .!.n -fý 'A ih- -1 -h Corps comeu 1 eQcMýT!rApýLý Qà- 1 l 1 1 e i F 1 r-- P-0-LLON--ST-APËUB-B-y -Rëvýiý . . nnheA fA i ý iintisav. mareti qui. mr. mijiah ionon anci i

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