Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1892, p. 3

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-à and both these are secured by the ±.R~tAS Icovering of the roots. Thus thec covering Jere Ge, h idreenyi i TE ULTýULE 0F ATS. f h fl l es one lby means of a Use' ren h idrecnl coulter harrow or a cutivator, either of w ont, .Y. aedegyree, i O I EY 15E~RY STEW 5.RT. which acts as a piow would do, whileth wate'poerdtilrfwntree o the nbusinessade mougt altfrc ainfe oat crop is one of tlicrnost useul of common spilce harrow merely stirstflicseed ln n-i uiessad e ofrt aitfr- al flc smll gains andmide the est ul- nd fic sil tgetler wiholandodiwhich f hediwi te dedi tondd couvertrt into tivtin my e mdonue of the mot prft sufficieut cove^rig. able. But its requirements arc not sufficieut- It geswthotsy ht h etse grounid for holdinig temperance campme- TheHo. . . ennmoe s hely studicd. When the characterof the grain os outbesanwn Adasthe grasedin gs. 1 -aucceeded inlugatharing together ,ýýhrîf of entCo.,Del, an lies is wll understood we find that it is enually deteriorates in a warm climate, it is bcst to 000 p 'hople anot irimeetidn, bu fer a Sherif o Ken Co. Del, an li e ehaustive nI the soil as any oîlher grailn, procure scad from a nortberîs and cooler e'saomughmadolsee- at Dover, the County Seat and Cap-btbut hle itre-ires gond iandîng it is re- locabîty. Scotch or Irish varieties whicb igveup luie g 140 to sintesspldeho ital of the State. The sherif is a rkably ýgenernus l inis returu to ,lie iarm- have beau growni a year or two iu Canadagaeptetmercebsrssdhs genlean ify-nine years of agYe, er. Moreover, mnder the best mthod of maelxeletnad, audfotypnos o p became a spnrting mn and his s wat h sas ' ha e sed'iug the land to grass or clover, or both, the bushal la the lightcst that slîould ba Jacnlý Primer Lees, tihe fonuder of tlice city "used your Auust Flower for sev- ' thi id ro be the most favorable cropi aowu Soneo teScotch and Irshiof Sanu lVass disd1"tbe pioncer of pioneers "era yeas inmy amil andfor y o ailthatmaybe used for this purpusa. As varieties weigli over fity ponuda to the Of C al oms,"cdiabopaluS eral yeas in myfamilycadparred with whaat, which is comnlny bushel, and fifty-iix porunds has been 1 Francilco a few days ago. He was 82years ciwn use, and found it does me cousiderad the most exactisse ni al the grains knowu. jOld. H~e but tbe firat bouse iu San Fran- e h il ýofid ha n veag rop of cisco, ýn 1836, sud killed deer and bear mo1re good than any other remedy. wourthersoof, wetfind that an arerage car s have been troubled with what I nats takes msore lertiliiy f roib e land than Exami one oorSed lf ta isbsis tet r Heaace~ pin oresan equivalent yield of wheat. This is shnwn ExmieYo0 ed.nW. 10 mada a ,,great deal ni money dur- "eau Sick ~~by the following figurestknfo h o Few farmers appreciate fuliy the bassesigbs1icbubt inisaeryrs in the back part of my head first, tbainstead reports, showing tbe comspositions ibat occur by reason of iusperiect seed. A Louisi Diebler, "lMonsieur de Paris,' wbo de and then soon a ee.ral headache of tbe dry nintteroif 45 bnsbls of oats aud 30 case lu point may be gven. The writer bad is sonito reliuqiiish lus office because of nId ifuntil I becomne eÀI$- and Vomit. bushels of whcat respecti' ely' prepared four acres ni land at a cost of $40 ag las1 beefor forty years the chiaf "At time, too, Ih~ve a fllness P s. Poii per acre for ananure and fertilier, for a crop ee.2n,,t.,ncr nifrneadlutttmah fteetiaprsueatretg Ash ........................ 194 189 ni mangals. le seed was procurefi from has deapi atad not tewer tsais 900 inurder- aftet pitoftesetm a, nd Nitrogen.-...ýý.......«..«..... 52 45 uDne ni tbeieadiug seed dealers in full confi- ers. is trade bas miade hlm detested by de t he itofthestmac, ndSuiphur ...-................. 8 8 danice of its good quality. Bitî in the axer- hiF ac uaiutances, but lie bas bad the prac- "sunes weioo eee-o ie . ......... 8 cisc ni reasoîsable precaution .Jbe seed was ticali onsolation oni9a fortune of $120,0C0 "up in my throat and mouth. When Li, ....................... 1 carefuliy exsînined, wbenit was found to amass4ýd by if, and for the resi nifIis lufe a "Ifeel thisc-,,lnifItae a Mnesia ........ .......... 9 7 bave beau complefely destroycd by mice pensions will b,- paid hlm. Diebler la uow is cmiPhon ipIitoriae acid.............. 20 23 tbat lsad eaten the secds ot ni the capsules. seveilýy years ni age. delittie August Flower it relieves Cisîrine ......... ... 1........ 6 l adn itecpuesteeWr 2l' IeMhi' ucso tOdr a deme, and is the best remedy I have It la thugseaccuthat 3,978 pouuds ni grain I a w cda ifthe apsdethe wsoe we nty- trbly ahd' ugry snhsound tmdura Fasr deve ae o t o hsrao and straw ni the nais take more of evcry four pounuda.wibca 1,wsinteOswlc hetoAsrasuu a evIrtakenitoand reFormmend it o lement o plant fod from the soil than sanc hecot$9,wsite0rý-2'lradtetoAura nsbd d' th't a agratremdyfo Ds-4,83ponni tegansdsrw wsa an ondition. l{ad the secd been sown made iheir escape. Their flight was dis- de I ake i and ecommnd i tO exccpt dthfefli p run<l n pbwo hoaidand this discovery jot becu made, the crnp èover (! the ncxt day sitar îbey ]cft the lpesi, &."whsch the wlseat talera more tîsan the nais. prepared at tîsis large cosi wnuid bave beau city. A number oi men onu camais wera at a complate failure, sud un evîdeuce would onice ieýnt lu pursuit ni the fugitives, but G»" . eps ,Soe anfatu&r This la very difféeat irom the prevailing hv beau iouud to'place the cause ni it. returuod aiter twn or threa days without opinOn f frmer, wo ae ap tobeleve No doubitIshe faibure ni many cropa mnay havinà seau anything ni tharo. It wifl ha OWoodbury, New Jersey, U. S* .. that nats may lie grown ou uucb lassa f-rtile hia axphaiuad lu the saine way. The f ailure raarbared that for threc days sud nigbits l, and than wheat, The reanît la that Olone rs adcnvrsain uiacmmn ie figi staeldicsat~ ANvary rarely fluds a rcally gond crnp ofinatso rs n lvrseigi ut onotefiistaeldicsaty i THE AN DIN TA ES an sd the Quatity as wahl as the quiaity ni sud boxv mauy ni tisese disappintmrents Khaliýfa accuvsed is other Euroteean captives -THE rai nrduce paracr is areî niay ylhadue to ibis cause ni worthlcss saed9 ni 1lsav7iig aided thie escape, sud for a fcw tlis gaiýi)odued er cr israrlyof ny TI,-,sees ae ni±. r,-,twortliv sitar tbev I ,avs bckent them lun close confinement, but, Bowm.anville, Ont. (Esta16lished 1857.) Imnporter, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Monuiments, Tombs Sarcophagi, Tablets, Headstonies and ail kinds of Architectur- al1 and Cemetery Work in the best Entropean and American Granites and Marbies. Modierate Prices, Latest Designs, Superior Workmanship and Best Nlaterials. WiII be happy to qnote prices on any kind of work. Give me a eall before purchasing. will be found in lis old shop, next door ctoor to Express Office, IB OWMIANVII LL.ÂEg .where ie keeps constantly on hand A LARGIE & COMPLETE AsSORTMFPNT

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