Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1892, p. 4

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BowmÂNVILLE, FEB. 24, 1892. 0 POLITICAL INOTES. Mi. Fairbairn's înajowity in South Vic-c toria is 228.E Mr, Sam. Hughes is the onhy new jour- rolistic member of the flouse of Coin- nions.t The "doctoring" of the voter' lista is iperatîng nicely in favor of the Conser- 'vatives. Mn. W. Smith's officiai maj ority is 161 votes over Mn. jas. 1. Davidson lu South Ontario. Under the new Ontario Municipal Law clergymen are receiving notices to psy taxes on their incouaca. Mr. Hynian, Liberal, waa elected iii London on Friday by 16 mai ority over Mr. Carling the big brewer. The Empire chaînas that the Dominion Goverament bas 43 najority lu the pras- ent House, with 12 scats vacant. 1Mr. Barr, Reforumer, was ehcted in North Renfrcw isat week for the Local House by a majority of about 175. A GROWING SOCIETY. We believe that every man, woinan and cbild who reads this paper is or sbould be interested in lif e insurance, whicb is our excuse for presenting the particulara con- tained in another article. Just why the Or- der about which we are writing was cali- ed the Ancient Order of United WYork- men we know not, but the society itsef irrespective of its peculiar namne stands at' the beadl of ail the secret or mutual bene- fit organizations that inake a speciai feat- ure of if e insurance in addition to its fraternai characteristics. The phenomin- ai growth of the A. 0. U. W. dunce its in- troduction into Canada in 1877 is a sufflo- jent guarantee of its merit and sbnuld cornmend it to ahl persons seeking con- nection with a higli clasa social and ben- evohent and at the saine time business on- ganization. It bas ma.ny imîtatons but no reai competitors, for it is su far in ad- vance of the other sister orders that their prognesa has scarceiy any appreciable effect upon it. To any man seeking acheap11f e insurance the A. O. U. W. offers special inducements, as a careful penusal and consideration of the report of its 14tha year's operations in Canada will show. SUJCOESSIý'UL MONETARY "Proofs of wholesaie and almost open INSTITUTION. bribery in South Ontario sud the Victorias are accurnulating, " ssys the Globe. THE STATESMAN takes pleasure in di- recting attention te the l9th annual r- The Cathoiic Vote is doingu more for the por ofthe Ontario Loan and 8ýavinu-s Coniervatives.juat now thian the Ohd Flag Co., of Oshawa, wbich we pubish this clid last March.-Toronto News (Conser- week. There is riu better msnagad com- vatîve.) pany in this country, and this report e- vinces as in the past years of this reiable "Support thie-Gmuvernurent--- ~get-nncl±stuon-reu agmnt something" is the lateat cry of Conserva- a wist, ovarsight of its afflains geuerally tives in the bye-ehections and it "catches" and above ail a tendency to f olhow a cou- servative course rather than une calculatý the hungry eectors. cd to increase profits at a time wheu the Dr. Spohn's majority in East Siincoe iu price cf land is at a somewhat low point, March ast was 207, -but -to-day- his _ op - due to causes enumerated. The gratify- ponent Mr. Bennett la warmiug bis seat ing fst licited- that psy enta of iiiterý- est on boans have been uniformhy well on a majority of abont a score. met, this bcbng rightly attributed to a It is now announced that Hou. E. Blake year of pnosperity srnong the agricultural as-ùtuulrae11edfne0 -lse~ wn the- -abondant -crops, agneece Iowich-cîas- coprises -the borrowars to-a *r~ 9',~ ,-fhpvvwhn1u tia-n--Wh coin i -l ~Ù~~i-ui- UNITED WORKMEN. TEEF OURTEENT11 ANI;UAL M]üsrîEo. The annusl meeting cf the Ancient Or- der of United Workmen was held in Ot- tawa Feb. 17 and 181b, when over 400 fflcens and reptesentatives were present. The business year enîda «viithe calendar year.* We give but a brief£samr- mary of the operations of 1891. Number of lodges, Dec. 318t, 1891. 390; Number of certificates issued 30,481; numnber cf deaths 905; benellciary paàI ont $1,810,000; death rate per annum about 6 per 1,000; cash received from ail sources during the year $361, Cash received on Benificiary Fund, $302,768. This, with balance on handl Jan. lot, 1891, $15, makes a total of $302,. I 783, out of which have been paid 151 deaths lusser3, $302,000, Ieaving a balance of $783. Cash received oni general fond, $25, 212.22, This, with balance on hind Jan. lst,, 1891, $8,381,56, makes a total of $33,593.78, out of which thore bas beern paid $26 287.75, lesviunc a balance cf $7,- 303,C,3, Cash received on relief eall No. 11, $33, 319.90, out ot which thera bas beeu remitted to the Supremne Lodge $33,085.. Q5, leaving a balance of $234,85. 1 Thera were 23 lodges organized during the year, 5 in the province of Quehec, 7, in the province of Manitoba snd N. W.' T., aud il iu Ontario, with an average cf 22 members. Number of heueficiaty ce, tificates issued' to date, 30,481, an increaiso of 3,326 forý the year. Thera have lapsed by annulment, 465,' by death, 165; Buspended, 523, making a1 net increase cf 2,331 for the yeir. Number of beueficiary certificates lu, good sta'nding, Dacember 3lst, 1891, £4, 738; total number suspended, 523; mak- ng i ai 25~51 ~xtificates-in -force at> this date. The average duration of nembership of; members wbo have d-ed during the yearý was 6 years 1 month and 27 days. The, average age of inembers who hav died during the vear was 45 years ad7 mos. m -The-numn-er-ef Z-lcswo p>ied for 1admission in 1891 was 4,001, asking for t$8'092,000 insurance, of which $7,694,-ý 1000 was accepted and $308,000 rejected., - -There--were--13 calls or-sasessmnints cf ' one -dollar- each oir- th-e-mernberia for the VAR/EILT Y HIALL IAn in Leresting social event took pIscu on Wadnesday aftAruoon le.st at Norwood Place, the residence of J ohn Foster, Esq., -when his only danghter, N.ellie, a united in marriage with Mr. Jamnes Brây, M. D., 411 Parliament St., Tirnro. The ceremony was performed at 4.30 p. m. by Rev. E4. Roberts uf Cobourgan old friand of hothi-flamiliesi--inz th, rsne E have the -stock that meets the- expectatim--and gratifies- the -- oLutyythe near reafatves nfthe contract- V V at. - [ w itrs onicaL.mrL.t&feti son, Hamilton; Grand outside watchman --J. B. Taylor, Owen Sound; Gr -and trus- tees-M. A. Jamep, Bowmaniville, for three years; Thos. Sargant, Toronto, for two years; Sherjif f ruyn, Napanee, for une year; 'Executive Commnittea-Thos. C. Irving, Toronto; Henry Taylor, Perth; Dr. J. Bi. Carruthers, North Bay; N. H1 Beecher, Toledo- Dr. J. Mv. Cotton, Lam-bton Mille, wasa ppointed provincial mnedical examiner. Representatives to t'he supxeme lodge in June riext at Hiel- ena, Montana-J . Robertson Miller, To- ronto; John jMilne, Essex,- andti Daniel Spry, Barrie. M. D. Carder, grand re- corder, St. Thomas, was elected alter- nate. The following gentlemen have occnpied the position of grand master workman, the highept position in the gift of the On- tario grand lodge:-R. M. M. Patton, Chatham; Lieut.- Col. M. D. Dawson, London; E. W. Porter, Detroit Mich.; George W. Badgerow, County Crown At. torney, Toronto; M. D. Carder, St. Thomas; J. R. Miller, barrister, Toronto; Warren Totten, barrister, Woodstock; H1. B. Taiylo)r, Whitby; Daniel Spry, Post Office Inspector, Barrie; John Milne, Esi- sex. The Grand Iodge officars, past masters, and the following district deputies com- pose the Executive:-C. J. Williams, Walkerville, A. C. Graham, Lyons; Jas. McDougaIl, St. Catharines; W. Birrell, Hamilton; R. J. C. Dawson, London; John Strachan, Rockwood; George Pst- terson, Seafoith; Dr. Hunt, New Lowell; J. C. .Arnold, Coldwater; Dr. L. G. Briggs, Tara; W. P. Cole, Sutton West; J. C. Forbes, Toronto; James McClelIand, Peterboro; L. T. Barclay, Whithy; J. E. Halliwell, Belleville; Dr. W. Sïankie, Wolfe Island; F. G. McCrady, Brock- ville; A. K. Milîs, Ottawa; S. R Wall- ace, Burgessville; Dr. T. P, Butler, Mon- treal; G. P. Graham,, Morrishurg; Chas. Cato, Carleton Place; E. O. Runians, Brampton; J. J. L'hilp3, Winnipeg. A PREITTY WEDDING. is the place, to get your WýRITINC PA PER AND, ENVELOES a fuil stock of OFFICE SUPPLIES AND 8CHOOL'BOOKSmN Just opened a fine 1cý1 of ValentÂnes at KENNER IBROS& THE LEADINO HOUSEM Quality is Absolute. Price is Relative.

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