Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1892, p. 7

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GRATFULCOME RIS. UOESON TO THE CR0 WI. ý_e Orlgin the tsaFifeFalisiy -' C reci Baff' EPPS'S COCUA iiey-Mtaking -Des cenadants Oran eAct- BREAKFAST. The Glasgow Mail oi a recent date gv "yaihorough knowledge of the naluralth e history and pedigree of the Fife iamilýy Iaws wit govarn the operationsof 'digesuo's no so neýar the throne of Great Britain. Ut rd nurition. and by a cireftil application L'sa -hE. lamented deatb of the Duke of th ie popertieq elseetdcocil , M ifpshsprovided car breakfast lables with ar-ence bas made bis oldest.sister, the ýoeiicately fiavored beverage which may sv ehe of Fife, the nearest hairtet the nl *mau 1Y hýavY doctors' bills. It je by the" hrneatter lier brother, Prince George. Liicous use of suob articales of diet that a1 coistitution may bc graduaily buit ts unut; Sha may indaed be said to be st ' nding on Btrang enough ta resist every tendency ta! the footteaps of the Throue, as there is only flIsease, iiundrads of' subilemaladies areaaiethtoayotniab omts doati, g ardbnd us ready Io attack whaerever st rong constitution-batween b .er and the there is a weak point. We mayt escape nmany n fatal shafi by keeping aurselves weil fortified higbest position in the British Empire. It with purp biaod &.id a prolieriy nourisbý sasgiiatidcainta hsi etb ram.""CiilService Gazette."dte Ral nFhantindiction lvth a a t h eitb Made simpiy wi h hoing water ar mille. taRylFmiyIafles hte sold only in packets. by Grocers. labWsled thas: uerai ni the Duke ni Clarence the Prince Jli 5 JE Eps e ., uIlllnoopatie te heniofWales. followed the bier with bis, soni M oisdon, Engi sud Princ(?George an bis rivbt band, and his __________________________________son-in-law the Dtke ai File on bis lait, wbila his brothars ansd bratbars-în-law iollowed The Head SurzeOn bebjnd. In tbasa circumstances considarable interest taunot but ha fait in the origin and .nL ubon Medical C3ampany is fltW bistnry ni tiha family wlich may flot impro- at Toronta, Canada, and inay ha con- bably ona day giva a soveraign teo mn coun- sulad etber in person ar by latter an a"î try. chranie diseasas paculiar ta man. Mass, Tiha Duffs ara said in tbe peeraga books to yanng, aid, or middle.aged, wbo fmd the'- ha dascanded irom tho Thanas ni Fifa,onue ni salves narvous, weak an exhausted, wba are the most ancient families in the United braken down fromn excees or overwezrk, Kingdom, whose origin, indead, is blO iin reultîng in many ai the fllawing syp.tisa mists nf antiquity. The earldom ai Fife toms : Mental depression, pramature aid was ofieanunxdt heCw b ae, lmss ai Vitality, los$ of memory, bad JamssI. and tbe main lina af the famil-y dreams. dirunes aisight, papitation of the , - ' -I .".. - -; -ware red-ucad almnst ,ta a sýtete ai star-ratiqn, the KIND IEAItTED NOBEA.Stý not anly sold b;oi isan ornt tsapoor at re duced pricas, but at a pacu.,ïery ms ta binSeali ni£3000) ha impor-tses aalcar- goas 'af grain irom EnALand for týisasawne pus-posa. Hea allowad, besides,adeuto ni 20 par cent irom thairret to t!ise teniants ai bis Highland uatates dnri-ýisg thesc years oi scarcity. Ris nlephe, Jam',11es, tisa ionrtb Earl, in- barited Liss generosity a eiab.ity. Ha iougbt 'during tha Pan'kinLsuLar War witis great distincýt ion in iitba Spanisis ermy, -in wbich ha abtained the 'ifrank ai Ganeal, w as wcunded ait thaBattie ai Talaveria, and again at tha tnrming ni Fort Metagorda,1 and for bis services svas made a Knigisi ai Grand Cross ni the Guelphic Ordar and a Knight ni the Thistie. Ris mamory is still affectionateiy ehieisls'd iu tihe Nüurto inu a,- cnust ni the liberality witis whic ha granýt- ad, on the most modiierato teïms,, allotmeute1 to the traiesînen, macbanics, end lahourar s an bis astates. Thea Dtse ni Fife is tise grand-nephew ni this- ganarous and bene- volant peer, and, as it le w"li known, bas iniseritad botis the shrawd business habits and the amiable and liberai disposition -of bie aucastors. It is corsons, and ont a little suggestive that- the Duka ni Fife's grand mother wae a daugister ai William IV. by Mrs. Jordon, the acirass, 5 that sbould the Duchase suc- caad ta tisa tisone as tisa daugister af tise WINTEIt WRINKLES. Better lata than naver-Going ta bcd. Tise aId-tima fathar and mothar wara fre- quantly a spanking team. Je alous'y wiii creata beartburn, and se will' toa rnany buckIwbaat cakes. Question four t-imes a 1yaar by ise ladias ai Parediea Wbiat's thse naw fesiin wmngs ?" -"Is is really tru- that chamýiipagne will bicacis ipaapla's haîr?'" " Wall, rather. I've sean lots ai peaple made lIgist-iseaded by chaimpagne. " Ika' (siippiug a rinig anliar fingr)- "owwe'rae (ngagad, Rebecca, ain't wae lt ebcc- Not till fader examinas the ring, Ikay." - Soma woman- are juet bundies aicui nsý,ity " said Joues. "Now, tbara's .ImY wIifeï sis'il wake up tbraa times a pigbt just lto find ont wbat time it is." ~ "Pa, bas car naw ma got hydpopisobia ?t" "No, cbild, Wbat made yd';u tbink of tisat ' " "W lsy, I juet iseard bariereay that sisa gaI awinlly bitten tisa day ebai mariied Yeu.' A p lacard pnstad fisrou gh a cnuuntry tawn once anuouncad the apasng aiofthe Theatre Royý'1 ýunerthaeusanagemýent of Miss- nely ecoad and paintad." "Hoi W msny men daas it taka to make a fil cýtnpany, captaits '" askad the visitor to cansp " Oua bartandar can do it in twa. for Infants and Children. ~Oaaow1assowlladpteto hldrethat ICastei4a cures colle.constipation, £trecommend itas superiortoanypacrpton Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,,Eructation, kuown tome." ILA aHiM . Kilis Worms, gives sieep, and proinOff l « H. £Aicms, M D.,gestion, i 80. Oxtord 8t,. Brocky, .Y.IWitout injurions rmedication. T£S (JEWTÀ55E ComsNTÀx, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. FOR SALE BY J. RIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE.

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