Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1892, p. 6

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PART B8'rRre, My friands, uf stands an Or littie -, angles' wiles yet more beware thea. Jui s P,h a one lu kiss heu dlid ensuare me, Rut cn iog, ýgot wotinds, andi net ambraces. ofwae ld ck caîs with evil faces; Of eutkittans whiteaud sti ha bwauy, My swe tuarwas jusi such alittia fairy, And y,"tse well-uighî scuaiched my heaut te Oh chldi 0 sweet lovae! dean hayond aeh sucasure 110w could thosa eyes su bighl eaddelan de- ceive meh Thut ittla paw su sona a heaut-wound give me! Mykiiteu's tanderpaw, thon soflemrames- ue Oh! couÏia1 ie n yburngl ipsbtprase thea. &-,ylicariiha t h. le ogt bi'd tu death aDnd blase thoe. Iarn very sorry te bave to sey i, yot 1 muet speuk the truîb aven ut bar I love muest; and 1I repeat, what I uiwuys bave maiutained, not only that ghe was corn- 'jetely lu the wnung, but thet she ought te confese ht. 1We bad loved eech other ail unr livas. Ou tahers ware oid broiher-officers and the closet ut friands: and each haing widowad and the ather ut an oniy chiid, what was more, naturel than tisut wheu they left the service and ber fthar seatied un bi% estute, my tathar sbonid take up hie querters lu e pretty cottage on hie fuîeud'a domein%? Whet plane tha two old tellowe usad te make for their ulildue's future! I , of-course, ebonid enter the oid regirnent; and ehe, ut course, ebould mamuy me. Aies 1I I myseif was the cause ut the ehatteianugufthe frstdreama ; audenheequant avanie vary neauiy put an end te ail chance uftihe second's being realized. 1WlseulI bd raacbedtheaeautseventeen, wheu my bralu ougbt te bava beau on flua fou the sound ot the druni, and My sleep disturbed by dreeme utf the gionieasut war, My dean old futher discu)verd-tbrough an intolerubie odouwbicb prevudad the bouse, and wes truced tu a mysîcrione box lu my oroom-unaa m u nenu oweu3 science, end that a maccrating put or the disecting table was more to me Ihan the ex. fýi m -...n f .hA f -'R1. iR . rmi.T Wehl, waii, wa uaad not go over ail ihat stranga, miserabie, bappy urne wben my1 mind wue filled witb doubt aud tear ; wbeu I knew not ubeiber I wus luha be emosi hleed or the mosi wretebed oft us a whetber I wae to stay conteutedly ut borna for the rosi t fny lite, or stant once monre ou my trayais to beale brokeni heurt as.1;hast I could emong foreigu lande andud nknowne faces. I sometimes tancy that if we eouildE but turu beck the " forwaud-flowiug tide ut urne, " 1Iwold ive these weeks ovan agui n. But ai len-,th they cama to an end.. Oua stili Juna evening, whan the Moon wus, but a cuesantinl the eky, and the nightingaies, ware singiug wlth ail the trength ut their tîuy ibroate and ferveur uft ueir great heurts, my 11111e lova laid bau golden head somawhera about the lower adgeofu my breast-pocket, and gezing n lu y tace, prnead tu ovarlook the faut that I wus uuy awbonas aisd nu gallaut officer. "Wchl, yon 50," whieperad the littie voica, "yonune su big and stroug and baud- sume, il le nu use tuying to flght agaînstyou. I love yeu, I love yen! and ut tan ail, you ara my owu dear oid Clinion; and I'd snrry you if yuh wera a sweep, wbich is aven worse, then e doctu."ý And the brave bina eyes lookad up ai mie su pnondly and su trusting. ly, thet I thuught nu man bad aveu betore such luving glances casi upon him. Oh, what a happy tirne wa bed 1 I tbougbt that trouble could nover tonch me moue. As I trode home through tbe sofi air tu tell rny fethen the glud nawe, I feli like un arcb- ungel. 1Yes, I tuncied my troublas were ut an end -tisai I wes going to ha blessed heyond al birman flsh ; but I did not yat realiza what it la tu ha an engaged mun ! No suoner ware we eefely and flumly htrotbed, thau My young lady coutracted snob a habit of fliriing us made me stand agape. L. main- tain that sa flirtad. Sue insiste ibat ehe dld nul 1 Sha enys site wus ouly makînz -tin. l~eraputs--t t-hemrle--nw-he curules, youtbe fromn Oxford, retired milii- tary men, &c., not us men et ail, but purely A SCRATCH IN PLAY, thns~dthngnupieFanteffea-t-Whx Usepiu lelu osition, the features baing i, repose, it le, carried horîzuntally a emile like a sunbaam, smuutbing course pillu-g,;ï comtortiug sud heurts, calliug smilas to puuchad and faverad lips, and looks ut love to havy eyes. How wus Itit eu e couid ha su tender tu others, eould su burt the heurt that, loved heu ? liuw uuld seeep np ourquerrali'll this trne, when se muet sea how it was wouuding me, killing me ? If ouly sea wussld sey sha wae eoruy sha lsad vaxad me, I sblouid not whisper e word uf blumne. But suy it she wonld.nut. And so the summner- passad * anturncama with is sturn'e and daca1y; and yet wa were nunarar big frianlds1 agein. (TO BE eua'TIirUEn.) QUEER WILD FOUS BINI BRAZII. Fucts &bout -the gavage flotecucios anid Thefr interesting Ways. "The Botocudos ut Brazil areaemotbe,, h Muet iutaresting suvages lu the worid," said un etlog e'Althongh other wlld peu- pl " =vrin parts of the wurld distend ibalu lips and ans wiîh wooden pluge for ornamanialpurposes, Indiens of ibýis race carry sncb prcuLies to ais unparalleiad ex- trema. The pieueiug of the flash fou this objeet le partormed wban tle cbild1 is aboýut sevan yeaus out e a sharp spine frum a kiud ut palm baing ured as e surgicai inistu- meut. Opeuinge huving thus beau made lu the lower lip and lobe ut euch eau bits of wood are insauîad tokaap thani frusu heal- iug, biggau and biffgar place.s heing substi- tuted until the pluge attain a dliamaier sumae- limes ut as mach us four luches. Thase pinge ara out from a treae whicb. furniehes ei wood quite s e ight as cork and of a white cuior. Thay are the quarteus ut au inch tbiick., .4 Phewoodeu disk lu thea hp le wornimuet ut othe tima, but- is from trne to trne, uamnov- ad, whan the, hp bauge lu a bideone loop ut flash aguinsi the ehir, lookinizlîke ea greai worni, and cdisplayiuig the taaih in a horrile grîn. Ordinanrily the' pressura ut t'liep1lug againett he luwet' front taetb puehes thbam ontL _p lace iand causas thaM to falio -* î4 -trta-as oftemgsiiet-r zom was open, and she ha(! nearly raacbed it ba- [fouae the judge couid close the hall door SENTENýOED TO DEATII. It wae laie ut night. Tha walls ut the rorn ut Rockingtuu Lodga were pauallad witb sbadad tarru-cotia colour, liued with magnificeut mirrure, and throwu upaut ha- betweu theni hung pink draperies utfarn- bruidarad muehin., The fturnitura was -rjeb ,and alagant, whiist upon the tabla stood a massive lump, on whlcbhunng a Jupunase rad-colonrad shada, wbich ctus its soft mçl- luw light thronigb thé epacione apurimant. The, circuit judge îsad just aniarad, and in sxa4l a crimuný, high.bucked chair, wvhose cushions losed arounfinhlmwltb a soit and musslike ciasp. ie bande wera folded bafoua hlm, and hie eyalids pressead eloeely togethar. The motion of hie lips, and ie fittul contraction ut bis brow, show- ad ta the'spiiit was busy within. "Thank heaven, I hava dune for tu-day," hae muttaued. -' Pour .tallow, pour tallow, Iý arn afraid it will go bard with hlm !" Hiere the julgepatused, anda&gain sank into e train ut deep thonght, and as hisey es reest- ad upon the flue, their cbuuging axpression wus that ut pi, rningled now and' than witb a stamnar flash, as if hae wara atriving to master the g eutie emoîlon that crowdad upon hlm. 'At lanigtb hae tartedI upuigbit lu hie chair, whan the door-beil rang witb a violence thut made hlmi start to bis teat. "Nunca Iitwusan accident. Somebody hue iuuchied the bell ;, nuouan can hacuming bersaut ibis hburuof uigbit !" lhe muttaued, siuking baek su the cushions ; but unoiher peal firom the bail, lsasty and sharp, as if soinsaugitaied baud had pulled h wlth un- conscions viôlenca, deprived bim ut ail donhi on the subjeet. liý e pushad buck bis chair, and, takiug a ligbt trom the muntelpiece,z waut oui; but ihough ha waiked tuast, anothar loud paul tuom tha balhastau'd hie footetaepe. A guet ut wind blew ont tha taper us lha opaned the door, but there was anongh ligbt tu ravaul the t orm ut a poorly-cied terne e .wbo stood on thedooustep. Withoutspeuking aword, ik-ln-(g the sa -ofïïuiman faces am a., muffed in a cloak, pressed eagerly onward Though the crowd wao so dense that it ha mura composad ; tiis je vry dieresssng to me, I asure you," ha said, wlsila taure uctuly siood lu bis ayes. The wuateLzad girl covarad heu face witb botb bauds, aud for the fluet time duuiuig the interview buret into tears. Afttar wepIiuýg wih uniestrajned violence fou a fev,, mo- meu te be uucoverad heu face witb a sad0 emile, and euddanly taking the judge's aud' baiwaen hoth bers, kissad it, and leftieI room sobbing bittarly. Bafoue the jndlge conld uveutuke bar sha bad openad thaýhall door and hurtiad ui it i the dat'k igbt. The nexu day wha n the juJge Look hie place on the bancb, thae pactators remuurkad ihat bis eye weue more beuvy thun usual, and that bis face wae pale- almosi, as that ut the prisunier, li a cnt a seauehing idoli ever aman towurds a guuup ut feale wïi- nasses that sut sieur. Tha trial went on, and deep as his intereet had ulways beau lu ihe fate ut the pnisoner, ha now listaned witb, keanar interasitu the proceedinge. Towards the close, wheu the evidenca grew more an d more dac i ted againet the prisuner, the jndige bacame painfully reetlesa; the colou cam-e and went in hie ehaek, and Lhare wus an expression iu bis fine ayes that no man ne- membaured to have seau thera bafoue. Thaprisonar, too seemed lase eoliacted and indifférent than hhaid bibherto beau dnning the trial. instead ut kaapîng bis dark eyes flxed witb a sort of sunuul earnastuese on the jury, as ha bad doue the day bafoue, ha cuet wîstfnl glunces iuwards the group ut females. Huas eyee grew tro'ihied and bull- liant, wbila now and then, as bis baud wus ruaised te wipa the drops frorn bis torehead, thosa whe looked closely saw ihet ih tram- bled., Once or twica ha turuad and casi a saarch- ing look over tisa multitude ut human faces wiib whlcb the roum wue cuowded., The lest trne some u ne saemed tu, rivet bis at- tention, Flua flashed to bis aye, and bis' c hecks wara blood-rad. Ha balt-stuntad te bis feet, droppefi uguin as if a huilai bud clati bis heurt, and fitter une brief shuddar, set usotionlase as bafoue, gazing. Dpeaned h b -t-red4-terms.-lTo-a-greatextent, be h.worke for the 'l gallery ;" his amottr nropre is ernessirp-and what he <issires aear the theatre. And not îrany weeks haed passed before I was as happy as a king, &rinking in ail the new mystaries of my bhosen profession. Ah!1 that first enthus- lasm, why doesn't it last? Why, as the years go on, doas thera corne in its etead sucb utter loathing of each tresh step l I did not in the laast mind the dissacting roomn ; but the oparating theatre-the hospital-the horror of it al.ý Well, it is over; and'to that supercilioult littie figure with the flying hair and the -lenched hands do 1 owe the obstimacy thab larriad me through these four years of sun- ;hine and shadow. Give in, whan she ha&- said: 11I knoto you will hata it. I hope you will give it upl" Shall I give it up? Neveu! Ehe thought of the look of triumph I should in the eyes of that young -girl act ed as a &pur to me. 1 worked On. I hardly ever went home; for 1 was really " keen on" my work, and ;pent most of my spare time arnung the foreign hospitals and schools. Then a seri- bus illness, coming upon me just as 1 had rompleted rny couirse, mnade me decide, on my recovery, to go as doctor on board a great phip sailing to the other ends uf the earth. Bo, thanks to 0on0 thing and anothar, it was pot tilithe slim, awkward boy ofeighteenhad changed into a great weather-beaten man of four or fiva and twenty, that I once more etood on the old walled terrace of the home of my littie love. And by my side was the little love harself ! And suh a little love1 At twenty she was no0 bigger than she was st flfteen ; but oh ! su much prattier. The hiair that had of ten been dragged back in to *,stiff pigtail now waildered iu wondarous waves over hier little head, poised like a flower on hier sweet neck. No more ink- bespattered pinafores and eratched bande no more long thin spindie-shankesbowing ender a short and skimpy skirt 1 No ; see was as dainty as a fairy, and took now as xnuch pains to adoru bier already perfect little self as at une tima she had saamad to Dxpend on trying to personate a scarecrow. Yes; I stood by bier once agein, and knew that I was likaly to be near hier for the rest of our lives. Jior my dear father was getting old, and longed to have his inly son beside hîm. So I was only too de- ligbted wheu the offer came of a practice in bheuaighborhood. Yes, 1 had corne h-ime ; 1to live and die," as my aged nurse cheer- fuiîy put it, in the home of my chïldbood ; and 1 could bardly believa I was not a child igamn, as onc0e more 1 settled into thîe well. known routine; d iued with the two old gen- blemnen; strolk.-d out as of old ou the terrpce with rnyaariy playmate; climbed at nighi,t ouce more to the fariliar room under the tbatcb; and listened as in years gone by to the murmur of the streamn that rau from be' home to mine. Yes, it wae ail the sanie ! Tehe old woman seemned not a day older; the trees vary litie iger the river just esfi had always iheen. Ouly, how diffareut jt ail was ; how differen t the thoughts that thrilled through my brain-the feelings that iihrob?>' d in cay heart Iý "Oh, tbauk yýou su mnch-Tbare, Cap- tain Smytb; that le deligbtnul.yon eau have three more than I promised you ai flut." And witbont witîng to listan to my angry axposinlation, eba saîled awuy ou big unm. 1 knaw I bad beau rude and wantad to apologise ; and tried bard to catch bier eye as abe swum round witb the bandeome capiain, who coudd dance. But neveu once Waua tha long dark lushes lited, neveu once did the old smile play ucrositha sWeet litile face. 1 1 I weut hcme uttarly wýratchad. Ah, how tfhe littie puw could wound ny hi g stupid heurt 1 1 luy uwake ail night, and during the long ,bhurs 1I made up my mind tuý hasian the vary fluet thing lu the morning, to 'muka friands' with bau. I sbouid tell bier 1 wus sorry 1 bud beau rude, but should ulso muke bier nnderstand I bad a good deal of cause te teal injurad. "Clintun," she hean vary quîatly the moment she eutered tha room, "1 arn glud yon hava coma. There ara suma uhinge I muet euy to you. I considar that the wuy in whscb you bave bahavad esince unr engage- ment hue beau muet bumilitiug to use. " " To yon ! 1 do net sec whut causa yen have to epeuk,"1 I broka out. 11I1arn goinig to speuk," lheu soft, aven vuica want ou, "Iconsidar yonrunureasun- able jeulouey as notbing short ut an insuit. If yon cunuet trust me, yuu hud better bid me good-bya. Thare -ehano'buppinesin a murriaga withont abeointa trust." I hurdly knuw whut I eaid than, wbethar I laudaed ou upbuaided. I remamber litile utbau bat clititi I1 tonnd myseli stuidîng thuougb the fields, thalu coru-flowars bina lika those angry eyee, and thaîr poppies bigbt lika baur scoruful red iruth. Was it ail ut un end, then, the draam ut my lite? Yes, ut course h wus-oveu, ail ovar 1 I muet get awuy, awuy back to thea eau and the wîld etrauga lande; uway, somewbera, enywere-trom al thie. But rny pour old fthar ! 1 could net leuva Iin. I muet net lauve my work: seime ut my casas wara in critical con- dition. Thera was nu escape. liera Imuet stay ; meet bier custantly ; shsako bande wîth bier ; and yet ha as if the wold tretcb- ed batwaan ns. And the -dreadfnul part ut it all wau thut shaeaaemad noetotucure ona littie bit, Sha was the semae brîght, marry, duinty littie creeture that sha bas îi'eays beau. Why wae she su cruel?1 Why wonld sea net once look ut me with a glanceaut pity, love, rasuiorse?,How gladly, ut lber emalleet ovrtura ut gruce, wonld I hava cuestn ysalt nrtarly ou heu maucy, and vow- ed unytbing ebe chose tu deand ut me. ,But se gave nu rigu ; and I wus tuo prond tuýapproacb bier unlees she hersait eerned tu sumuson me. Wbug wratched 'time ih was! 1Huw flrcly wek y weelr did 1Itry toblarden. my heurt aguinst, ler'*. But evrythîng cou- spired to'maka thut impossible. Hurdiy a cottage dVi1d Ienter but I beard ut bau luv- ing-kind!fass.- Shaeaemad te go about no0 oufer man caun enc itl. The arrows are six feet long, witb shaf ta of strong and light reeds, tipped for use in war with a javelin- lide head made frum the side of a joint ol bamboo. This head, which ls conveit on one side and concave on the other, ie sharpened to a long point, the edga being renderad as keen as a kife, Sueli arrows are employe-d also iu the chasa of the tapir. Thiey are plumed wlth the feather of a large bir. The. woundsthey make are terrible and particularly dangerous, because of the con- cave.shape of the arrow head, whicb facili- tatas bleeding. "For birds and simaîl game the savagles uizearrows wlth blunt points, which stunm the pray, but do not tear it. Thay captutre small lizards with thasa weapons. For eaul- ing oue another in the forest they have speaking trumpets made from the skiu of, the tail of the great armad ilo. While i ra- valling through the woods they build for tbemselvas temporary sheltars of palm leaves, sticking the stems into the grouud ilu a half circle, s0 that the tips of the fronide nrcb together and form a sort of roof. Wblen eucamping for a considerable time in one place they coustruct bouses of tan higenough to hold several families, The furuîsbing ut a Botocuida cabin le extremaely simple, beds beingz made from hark fibre and the lire ha- ing lu the middle of the dwelling. Gourds are used for drinking purposas and. lu the preparation of food. IlThe ]3tocuidos are particularly fond of the flash of mnonkeys, but tbay alwitys sîî- sist upon aut aatars, aligators, and bco n- strictors. Fish they nsually shoot Nith small bows, which thay use with great dIex- terity ; but somatimes thay empioy a poison- ous root, which, put into the watar, soon brings the fish to the surface. Thay regi.rd as a delicucy certain kiuds of huge catarpil- lars, wbich bnrrow in decayîug wood. Thase uupleasapt grubs are impalad ou a sharp stick, a number at a time, and toasted at the fire. This le their usual method of cooking animal food. Frais to them very valuable, bacausa if lost it ean only ha rekindlad wtb graat difficulty by means of the friction of wood, and so tbay take mu2h care that it shall not go ont. IlThe men lusually talue but one wife eaeh.* A warrior purchases the woman he wants froin ber father, and there je no fir- ther ceremony. When thehusbaud is angry with bis spouse ha beats ber unmercifiuly and enta ber witb bis knife. So commun is this latter method of conjugal discipline that it se a rare thîng to sea a married wo- man who le not .oovered with the scare of terrible woundseon ber face, back, breast, àhd-arme. All hard work le dune by the wom-ený who are really slaves. They wear for oruamente collars made of bard berry- lika fruits strung on threads, neekîsces of monkey's teeth orthe hoofs of wild pige,*and arm-leta of beade and teetb. The Botocudos bave beau unuted down and massacred by the Portuguesa. -Uudouhtadly thay practice cannibalisnTubre or less. It is aeiemarkable race, but' the last- urvivors are rapiidly pass- ring away." my heurt bas -beau soetfull that I muest speak,'luhe nasous were building une granite wall oit will break." ' Round ou the beautituil church on ihegrean; or They hammerad and chiseled the stoncs inch "Pour girl, what le this wratched man to by inch, yon ? said the juâga, deaply moved. And laid them wlth mortar beiween. IlWhat sle hate me? Irua, trup, every. They made the foundations both strong and body will ask that quîestion ; you are the daep, firat, and 1 arn bere ouly to ausWar fi Lis- And levaled with plummet and lina; tan, sir, listen-I will tell you what 1 dure And carefully wrought thai nu flaw might pear tell, if yon balieva that I speak the truth. To sully the perfect design, Five yaars ago, sir, 1 wae happy. 1 wus And when the 1a4 ibbeautital, crowning e toues young-nottwanty. Thera wae a brig1it, Weaelaid atnd thie wcrk waýdoua, manly youtb, tha eson ut aNv-,lthy man, and Comploe and strong and perfect it stood, I-I, sir, feîl in love witl, that mari, aud it A IessOn fer e very One- was recipropatad.- Hie fathar 80011 discov,.r- A lesson ut daily human life; ed our sacreý,,and forb-ada hlm a var tc cross Wa build though we xnay net see, bis threshold agalu. Naad 1 say, sir, wa For trne aud etornity. day by day, The character that shal 1ha. 1mat clundestiuely, and were married; we flad, andtook up our ubod in tha city. My Bach lutile word, or thoughi, or daed, busbud ouldnotobtin aplomantfora l clipped by the ehisel we wield; 1msbnd culdnctotai empoymut fr aEach loving plan for anoiher's good livelihood, and nuw lha is a waiting tlîat , s wroughtin the'lit a we buiid. mumautary verdict for' the crime ha bas If hunor and truth ara the tandrils which hold commnittad for munay, and 1 lattuloneapalun The purpu,a whau lit e je new; strungars. 1 wrie, toerny parents, aeking And conscience and faith on, the granite bave thair forgivanase and helping hand ; but Thar eaI falt pr n rc my lettar was ratuuned nnopanad. MyTenhayrastyroiwhtercags littla mneans are naarly exhaustad, and uow T w h brng'hyrolwt hei hne 1 shahl starve, or go to the workhousa, Or A manhood both tearless and strong; worsa." The power aud the will to ýstand fast for the The strangar sauk to a chair as she caased 'A right, speaingcoveed ier ace nd huddr AdeCI rmly to stand against wrong. spaaîugcovred ar fce nd suddaad.Andi tha sure reward of a faithful lite, "What eauI do for youuC-low eau Ihal The gu'ai Master-Buildeé will own, you ?" said tha judge daeply movad by bar Whou, our tasks " well doue. " to us shall ha agony. given "'ll me," sha said, "<was bcnnetinsane?" The victor's fadeless crown. lier lips parily opeuad, and baur breuds-- was held back witb intense uuxiaty for bis Attemp)t ta Assassinate a Fsussian Gaver answar. nur. The judge basitaited. Ra confl nut beau Tha St. Paetarsburg correspun lent of the to cruh the lusi hope which the wratched ýTimee says .-Ou Sunday mornîug un at- girl wus clinging. 1 tempi was made at Kasan upun the life of " Speuk," she saîd ; tall me, I beseech the Guveruor. A youaig man named Kote- yon 1"?. churilahin sought un occasion to puasent a Tis judga wae deaply embarrassad, ad petitiou, and wbila handing over the paper it was with difliculiy that hae tonnd words to to the Goveruor drew a revolver and firad undaceive bar. tbîae shots ut- hlm. Foriuuataly nothing "I canuot as an huneet man, I dare not resulted more serions than a slight wound as a eworn juadga, maka a charge on any avi- in the Goveruor's baud. It seeme strauga dence net brought forward at the trial," hae that the, affect ot thrae revolver shois, flrad, suid flumly, but wiih daep commiseration. as they mnuat have beau, point blank ai the "O 0Heauvn, great heaven 1 You cannot Govarnor, while the latter wastuking a deny me this-and se u ne depande on il,. papar trom the would-ba murderar, -hould If yon could but say that thara was anyihing on1y ha to graze the baud, but such je the lu the evidanca te provabimisane, it would account that comas toune fuom Kasan. Laier save hlmi. A buman. lifa! -think bow uews statas that the Governor le slightly swaat a thing it muet bc to sava a manlike wouudad lu the shoulder. Hie assailaut ile that from death-and snch a death ! The 96 years of aga, and was somatimeaugo ex- jury will ha guided by your charge, 1 bave palled trom a school for army surgeons for stndied their faces ever since the trial com- îinsulting ouae of the teachars. It le ulso manced. You will-you will--fou do you siaiad that lun the petition which ha was not admit only for a moment that hae muet handing over ha purticularly decluae that have beau insane? Ouly say that to-morrow liha ouly wishad to excita ganaral attention,' -I ask uothing more !" und net tu kili the Governor. Whether wa The esuneetuase with whlch thae pouir girl have hare anotlier ývietim of petty parseenit- pleudad was agunising; lber eye graw moisi. ion and oppression, driven te dasperation iu bar bande were cuuvnlsively clasped, and lui ordar to bring hie case forwurd, or a lunaîle the euergy of lber, appeal abc eank uneon- or soine othar kiud of individual, is a ques. sciuisly to baer knee, and clingtisg to bis tion that can only ha answered wban it dressing-guwn with botb bande wi ldly urgad pleases the Russiane to let ne have mlore lu ber suit., formation trcm the spot. The judga ralsad ber, and aveu in baur dis- tress she fait that hie bande tem i. l Threce sdr"sp'les maka a dractlimi-, but Muet parformi)g, theoffce.,,'ou the byoys taka the dram first and let the "Be cSforted, mwy-poor yonnig womn- seruplas coma iin ut the - eeoul. Houseucîn axpenses ihave uCen eclownUv.. Among the luxurias whieh are to ha loppad off for a tirne le State subsidized opera'. In other directions thara are to ha drasti eacon- omias. Sir Fraderie Goldsmid, lun a raceut lec- ture ou "1Persia, " says that the great puat, Omar Khaiyamn, who hets, becomie su well knuwn tu Englisb readars thruugh Fitzger- aid e beautitul translation, ile utile known Lun bis own country. Few >peuple thaera raad bis pueme, aud tawau stili nniderstund tihamx. The muet populur and bonored Persian poat ie the Shieik Maslibed-din, wbo wrote lu the thirtaenth century, and bas tbe higbes3t dis. tinction as a poat7aud moralist Hie "Place ut Rosas " is appraciatad ont ut Persia, and it may ha, sean in India, priuited or litho. graphefi in ebeap form, packed in chaste and sold lu hundrade and thonsands ýtr use lu the many schooie whera Persian ie t'aught. Von Multka'e sistar, Fran Broaker, bas juet died ai the uga ut 84. The laie Field Marsbul was ionitu orater to bier lu his let- tare as bis favorite sister. Emprase Williamn sent a wreatb tu hae laid on bier coffin. Miss Amelia B. Edwards, who huse arned almosi us mnch fuma as a travelar and Egy- pt,-logist as by lier work as un anthor, le likaiy to ha placad by Quean Victoria upou the list ut thosa who racaive litarary fund pansions as an acknowledgmant of thair ser- vices to the causa ut literuture. Miss Florence Nigbtingale is iii wiîth the guîp lu Lundon. Heu recovary le doubttui as she le now 72 yeurs old. Sha hue beau an iuvulid for a long tina. She bas juet ratunud to London atar a tour months' st.y in the country, fier healih not buving beau improvad by it. Mu. Chaules Villiers, who recently cala- braied bis »~th hirthdey in Euglaud, bad beau in l'arlsamant juet thras years when Victoria uscanded the throne. Ha wus un important figura lu British public lite torty yeure ugo, thougb but uittle ut bis tfa uea descendad to the prasent ganera- tion. ___________ A Mohammedan Evaigion. Youth's Compunion : Accouding tôoune ut the tenais ut the Mohammean religion it is a sin to make a picture of any lîlii~ thiug. A gentleman who vieitad a musqUe li Algiars found that the tules with whleb the building is decuratad, whicb were very ojld and beautitul, adounad witb flights of birds. Ha expressed mu"h surpris" uttiîs, and asked if the conmmund againstet sncbrapre- santation wara a modern adict. , IlO, nu," answauad the pions Ilàe'ian to whom hiea addrassaed the question. "Thesc are not picturas ut living bird s. " " But tbey are paintad as Lf flyiug acrosE the tiles," the other euid ---ase eusih ment. IlVas," the 111esnlmran raphlied. "but de you nut sea that about the neck ut eaeh there is a -fine black lina? That le tu show thas theaurtlst painted only ieuà bird%, and the commax>4 uti the Koxeui te net violated." DEOAFITATION AS OAPrI¶Z 2FIMUS iH 1MENT. îqow tihe Paris Exeautiener botes HRie Werki. M. Dailr the public t.xecuitionar, le ibe lion of tha day, -and ail tha pupaus are tuffil of hlmi. Atiaor thirty-fonu yeurs spnt lun thae art of deapitaîlon it woisld haive beau oîslly natural f- . Sim ta saak repose. Hanice usae repor t1ithut h was goissg ta ratire inito pr.ivate lite. But it uppears thet ha us net yat tiuad f (hIi., a.,as nad hupes te shortan the axiý,eac-e ut many more culin-n ais bafore he -..sItL Nss recoud np te the puýsanta,înonu 'tto 118 bauds-a number ut w1lsicl ha l, e, paps, jutly puoud. Wheu ha huasadit tu 2W0, ha lutande ta tbuow nup the guiillotine, but flot bafoue. The muet ýclbratddava-nt ut bie areer wee thut mwhicb bappveed ut Runnabout, twanty years ugo, wban ha execnted tour sailurs, oudafuter the other, witbout the slightest hiteh. Ha bas nover forgotten ibis fat, and tuik E outît wltb The enîpuis on whom ho anuhu operate have beaunanariy -à41 men, and*,- ibis ha is thankfnl, as ha, hue a weagiiness fou woman, wbu moreuver giva hlm a great deal mure trouble than men. 'II would rather guillotineafifty men than one wumun," ha saye. The lust wuman ou whom ha bad to paufoum bis paîntul dnty wus yonng and bautitul. Sha hed murdered lier futiser, and, accurding to unciaut custom, wus lad to tha kuife with, bad covared wltb a black vail, but ou raacbiuig the fatal instrument struggled su violautly that Deibler and bis assistante-lied to seize ber -by the nack, heu huir having bean uti off, and thr est ber bad into tbe lienette. It wes a terrible task, and for yeare ufier i hunted bis mind. Since then wumen bava not undaugona the deutb penalty. l)eibler, bowaver, shoui;-s nusign ut sensitivenes lu bis deulinge _wlth men. If iu the crurge outihe axcution ha seeme te lack the necessary, sang froid, il le simply bacause ha le utruid ut making a inisteke, wbicb would ha îimndialy made public bv the renuorters. twih om .ha le on env.i- ý_u n m _wnni au _e nipx-eLL-Ln-- i la -r -r ý- r- -r-f M. - 1 LI ni

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