Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1892, p. 5

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--USE ONLY THE- IZDAIIL BRIAND -0F PUR-- NORWEGIAN Cod Liver Oiu. T4,' - eat Standard Remedy for atlI WeaIknesses and Diseases of the iLungs. Impaired Nutrition, etc. This Oil is Pure, Fresh, nearly tasteless, and therefore most suit- able for delicate digestion, Nona genuine withoutthe narneIZDAIHl, stam.ned on each capsule WHOLESALE BY LYMAN, SONS & Co., MONTREAL. ARE YOu C OING TO Manitoba, North VWest, British Columbia, Cal ifornia, Any Where, G. T. R.,3C. P. R., 'OP. ANY OTHER LINE, We c au sell yo u Tickets vi a Bowmanville or Burketon at LOWEST RATE. STOTT & JURCY. IREADER. When any of our raaders are go- ing to travel they should get their tickets and fu-il particulars from Stott & Juiry, general ticket agents .. ~y beforo star 'ting, thereby 5ftvingktime 'and worry. They sel tickets via Bowmanville, or Burke- ton. eRAaJID TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. 001KG EAST 001KG WEST Passenger.. .4a am Mail....... 543ar Mixed ... .'93 4 Local. 8 20a m Local .... 707 p m Express'.9* 45 a m Mail. l0zl Mxd 312 P M IMail........ 827p ma BowidAINVILLE, FEB. 24, 1892. Local and Otherwise. Good House ta Rent. Apply te M. A. james. 1Mr. Geo. Flter, Toronto, was in town at week. Hlave you any freali eggs to eel ? Try Murdoch Bras. Mr. Wm. Sma Lindsay, ie gueat of Mr. John L. Perkin. Freah oysters and haddies always on hand at--Cawkerý & Tait's. Tie Downs Ëeling off ab cost price at couch, JohuýSton & Crydernan'e. 200 acre farm to rent on ahares to the right man. Apply ta M. A. Jaffies. Mr,. Thcs. Greenwood and M~r. John Douglas, Pontypooiwere in town recently. Mn. Frank B. Stafford oif the Y. M. 0. A, Toronto, proached in Trinity church Sanday. The D. 0. & P. Co., are maklng pro. parations for a grand exhîbit at thei World'a Fair.1 Men'a and Boy's Overcoats selling off1 at cost ail this month at Couch, Johnstan O ryderman's. Dresamakere will find aur stock of dresa liningesnd trimminge always Weil assort-9 ed. Jno. J. Mation. 4jawker & Tait have j ust received a, large, consignment of canned goods which they offer v.ery -cheap. -Capt. K H. Bunt, Hampton, recently deiivered au addresa at the Mjlibrook an the Canadian Nome 4irle. During the stook-taking sale several line" of Drias Goods wiII be aold off at ~less -than cost price at Couch, Johnaton &Crydemmani's. I-. J. Doyle, kImown ýas the found- e em dke Wornan'a Christian Temperanceé Murdoch Bros' coffee the beAt that cana be bought. Sinaîl Farm \Vanted to Rent. Appiy ta M. A. James. Mr. Geo. Laing spent a few days at home asat week. Mr. J. Bell, Orono, wes in Lndsay last week cn business. Our teas and coffues are of the fineal qualities. Cawker & Tait. Good butter will command a gol price, IWho wil buy atMurdoc.hBrO&? a M.IA. JýanZeý who gives, lowest rates. M.and fis. Geo. Henry, Port Ham- mond, B. 0,, are visiting frienda bere. Erypir of ladies kid giavea sold by Jar. JMason ia guaantt ed. Se our laing giove. Readers oi THE STÂTESMAN are invited to eall and make the acquaintance of the newi flrm a ofCawkem & Tait. Mantie clotha at grestly reduced prices in Beavers, Serges, Worsteds, etc., ai J. J. IMason's prior ta stocktuking. 1 ort Hope Sons af Canada visited Bow- manvilie icdge Friday evoning and were bsnquetud at the Bennetti Rouse. The old license cammissioners for West Durhamt have heetn re.appointed- John Hughes, Rich. Windutt, Heur-y Middletou. AIl-wool Tweed wrth $1 per yard for 78c; ail. woil blenkets for 42c. per lb.; ail- wool Benriettas woath 50c. for 39c. ai the West End House sale. A pleasant and successf ni social wus heid at the residence of Mm.. J. M. Hemn under the auspices of Trinity Ladies' Aid, 'Tucsday evening. Sherin & Kimby have opened oui some loveiy new American patterns le Wall Paper. Cali and sce them ut the old stand, Reid's block. The Grand Councîl Royal Tempiars of Temperance of Ontario which met in Belleville iast week decided to hold their noxt session ai Gui t. Fus-mers. attcntion1 Do you know Mr. W. H- Osborne ila goiug to have a tre- mendous big auctian suIe on March 2ad? Ho huasane valuable stock. Sec big NCTICE.-Ail persons indcbted ta the ]ato firin ai Cawker & Allie will piease psy the surne ta Oco. R. Wcbsler uti th" office ai Hume & Wîight, opposite the Grand Central. Mm. sud Mrs. Allan Hayes, Enniakil- ion; Mr. John Hancack, -Taunton; Mm. sud Ms. Jas. Hancece, Courtice; sud Mm. sud Mms. Bd. Belîman, Bowmanviile, wcre guosts ai Mrs. H. Jcffemy, Picker- ing, lait week, The social ut St. John's church Mon, day evcning of Liai weck wue vemy auccese- fui. The tables werc tcmptingly spread with choice viandeand beautifouliy adore. cd with flowers. Pmoceeds $40 in aid of thse S. S. fond. Bownsunviiie boys are the aluif. Mr. W. C. Manning wasan the rink ai curions in Winnipeg that captured third priza ie the grand challenge contesi, his riuk wln- niug four goid medais, value $50. Thore wcýre 439 ninks cntered. Bowmunvilia Christian Endeuvor sud Epwarih -League, societies are about ta or - gunizo a Lcai Union. A mecling la beissg arranged for ai which Rev. Win. Palier- son, ai Toronto, sud Rev. B. C. Jonces, of Port Hope wilI speak. FRuIT TREEs Fou SPRING PLANTIN.-- Any person wiahing ta exohauige wood, hay, nais, potatoca, or ather' immpro- duce for $5 or $10 wotarh ai chaic6 fruit trmes or other nursery stock ehould se M. A. James for a bi.y bargain. Robi.. Beith, Eq., M.P., huas sold two ai hie hiaokney mures, Conquesi sud Mies Riekell, and Mr. Asa Choute, of Part Hope, has also sold Norfolk Beoata thse saine gent lemnen. They were shippcd 10 Philudeîphia on> Monday lasi with Mm. Wm. Painton in charge. Mr. C. F. Hill who bas beau foremin ie bhim office for bthe pai elghi monts ici b Saturday cvening for Bowmauviiia. Churlie la a yasing manri o sterling quali- iiee, and la sure ta ancceed. Be was very popular arnong the young f oîks hoe aud will be mecS nsissedl by them. lu bis departure the Methodiat choir 'and Rayai aud Good Templur ]odgeseaeue lose s promineut member. -Pickering News. Major Sam. Hughes, M. P., thako. While TIrE STATESMAN le îtroîsgly appas- ed to thse political party wiih- which you are allied, ave cannai bot coâng rauute yau as su old friend, as a joumnaliet, and especially ai a West Durham "boy" for yous- plucky ron sud magnificeni vietory at thse poisa. 1 la a peculiarity avith the boys from. this conby, tIsai they uauaiiy "gel theme" wheu they tny. (The major- ity was 239.) Though elected as a Con- servative ave expeci 10 sec yoe becoine a great Reformer et -Ottawa,, eapecWaly ie re-organizing thse militia depariment..: A FiNE Do.-Nornun, son af Mm. W, White, Bowmanvlle, bas a ihomough-bred Calle dog which bide fair to rivai Willie Ketchnm's faxeaus dog "Doc." Ou Mon- day, 8this a., avilIsCollia hitched toaa ernuil aleigh, hie aiarted for Oasaca ta vii- it hie uncie, Mn. Henry Gordon, arrivung there before evculng, sud speni Tueaday witS friande. Wednesdayh6 arrived ai hie grandfablsor's, Mr. Charles White, Engiishtaavn, making the distance aitIthe rate ai about seven miles an Saur. Nor- man is fifteen year ofai ge sud weighs one Isundred sud five pounde, a pretty hevy Ioad far s doz. The an 'imai meerned j est as ncSh as if Se had beenai hie ordlnary duties. TIse rlg sud hanesa are ail of Narman's own manufactue. TIse boy ie a goulus. Be hue aiea couatracbed sania- chine for churning with the dog.-Guide IT is NOsT WHAT WB SÂY.-BUt wSait1 Baod'm Sarsaparilla does, thit imakes ih s sell, sud bas given'il such a firmasud lait-m ing hoid upon the confidence ai thse people. 1 TfIe voiuutany siatements ai thousands oaii people prove beyond question tIsat this i preparabion passoeses wonderfui mechan-i ical powver. Hood'e Pille cure Constipation by re- storing thse poritalic action ai the ali- rneniary canai. They are tIse Iest fasnily cazhartie. PALE. IVEAU 'WORIEN neesi a tonte. strengtf la ing. lieus building meedtie tice J1ilburWj Ecef Iren andsi Wle. Attend Bethesda oyter supper ta nigbt Caîl at Murdo-ch Bros' and' get Marm- lade Oranges. Did yau tmy Murdoch- Bras' for cheap sugar î(Cash). Mr. Nortuan Sinclair, Toronto, spent Sunduy in town. Ebenez'cr tzustees invPe tenders for a news'schoilrooin. A lot of splendid new type rcceived ai 'TE STATE5MAN Office. rento and Brucefieid, nt We have had to condense correspond. enco aruiving lute thia week. Cai an" Sec the new stock of veilinga, cheffona, etc., aut Miss Shaw's MrP. J. N. Hooper and daughtor, Exeter, are visiting Misa Neada. Mr, sud Ur,. Wm. Stanley, Pickening, spent Suoday with frieude bore. Mr. Gea. E. Mayeard huasn brood of chiekes-the fir8t of the senson. Messrs, G. Fleming, E. Ruogers aud B. Jewell, Osawa, caUled ou friends hons Sunday. Bouse wauted te buy iu Bowmnvill e -small-$500 ta $800-ior two persone, M. A. James. Mme. Taylor and Miss L. Moorman, Toronto, are visitiug bMrp. M. Marris, Liberty Street. Yeti eau boy Dinner Sets ut Murdochi Bmas' cheuper than any other place in West Durham. Mm. Wm. Eppleti, Toronto, wus rcu ew- ing old acqusintances je towe ovor Sun- day sud Monday. Sherin & Kimby have rc sived a very fine btock of Watl Papeme-. Give thema s oui] ut the a]d stand. The writ for West Northumberlandhuas been issucd. Nouiinations Mameh 8, poiiing a week later. 1 When at our Stare ask ta see aur lic. and 9c. Fectory Cottont. They beat evemything. J. J. Maso[i. <Miss Shaw is cfferinga hem large stock of Màillinery for the nexiteeo daya tcoo cost. Calisud sccuî o harguine. The Misies Dingmun have gens te Toron'o ta attend the Miiliroery O1pening and selecu their rew stock rcady for spring imrade. Our genial cit;zen Mr. C. AM. Cawker has gene to Eupomia, Miesiesipoi, for twc or ihree movthi, cornbining business with pieusure. Mr. W. E. Pethick, D. D. G. P., isati tending the S. O. E , Supreme Lodge at London, as roproentutive fromn \Vliing ton Lodge No, 19. The wutchepring Corset s9ld by Jna. J. Muson la btcoming mosi popular. Wear it once you will have no other. Our 50a. corset cunnot be beaten. Rev. T. E. Msigo, Misàionumy lately from. China, will deliver a lecture lu the Disciple church Fmiday eveuing ut 7.30. The publie are invited. Sîliver collection. New bleached and unbleuched Cattons new blcached aud, unbleached Shcetiegs, new.Pitlow Cotions ie aIl widtha apeeed outut Couch, Johnes ton & Cmyderman's. Do you gwant ta spena any money au your frienIs i Yeî. Then go to Mur- doch B2ros' sud ,buy s Dinner set or a TIoa set. Tbey wit >,ive good value for yaur moncy. Huine & Wri,,ht are eceedinaly well plcased iih the patrona&ge they arc ile- cciying since bg.nning business. They will keep the be'î ineuts lun the town. Reynolds' aid stand. Couch, Johualon & Cryderînan have sotd eut every ane, ai their Ladies' and Children'a Ulstcra. But they atili have aone Lidies' aud children's Jackets which will be soid ai very low priccs. Mr .A, James was re-eiectcd Grand Lodge Trustee for another terrna o thmee yeare at the A. 0. U. W. aunual meeting in Ottawî last week. This is bis third term. Mr. James was aise re-elected on the Board of Directars sud subsequently second viez-prosideni of the Canadian A. O. U. W. Relief Society ai the annual metting, in Toronto on Fmiday night. Mr. J. Colo writing frosu Red Deer,N. W. T. says:-Wo look aroxiously for the STATIESm'AN every week il aIways bringa us soernuch uews from home. W hud an abuodani harveat here last year, nothing damaged by frosi. We have had no win- ter home ta Spaak ai yet, we had a few coid days lu November. On Nov. 161h it -as 28 beslow zero, Sioce thon thero has been vcry ltile catd weather, and the paist thre weeka has bten us pîcasani as Ociober. XVo tum u ot ihe horses and cattie and ihey feed on the prairie aIl day. We have a lîhie anow but net enongh for Eleighing. Ie response te a vcry cordial invitation fromt their friends of Newcastle, the Royal Templara ai Bownille paid, thern a fraternat viait, to the number af nearly oue huadrel. ThrceelUrgo pleasure îslcighms weme captained by' Bros. W. Jouesa and R. Ru)we sud some hall dozan cuiters containing s many maidena and their sweethearts. Arriving ai Newcastle &bout 8 a'clock we found that a concert was lu pragresander the auspices ai the Newcastte Temptars and the large Music Hait vas packed to ita utmcsi capacity. The pragmam, conaimting af several aeiec- toe by the Crusaders, a Royal Temiplar revival team, somne Newcastle baient sud, 'I They Differ. In make Up: Most baking powders contain amn- mhonîa or alum. Cleveland's does flo)t; not a particle.' It is màý of purecream of tartar and bi-carbonate ,* ýida, with a. little flour to keep the strength, n,' ioigelse. Cleveiand's is whoiesome. In streugth: A rounded spoonful of Cleveland's does better work than a hea~bing spoonful of any other. A large saving on a year's bakings. Cieveland's leavens most. In resu its: Cake miade w i t h Cleveland's is fine rained, keeps rnoist and fresh. Cieveiaz±d's Ieavens besi. .Take notice of Treleven a new advt. ou appoAte page. Who keep the bcdt Finnan Huddle? Murdoch Bias. THE STATESMAN hoa no agents; psy aub- acripýtiona ta M. A. James. Special liuo ai crockery ut Murdoch Bros. Ask for Moronie Baud. -FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Inaurance ROsIT. YîIRTUE, Agent, Bowrnanvilie Yow, is the tirne ta boy crockery sud the place is at the oid 'China Hall. Mur- doch Bros.' Thîe West End Bouse is having a cash cleaning suie ai whîch gooda are soid re- gardless oi cost. Give thern a cean sd sec how cheap they une selling goods. Une a hlie moat usetul patents we have accu for soins, ime is a sufety iug-hoider for ý carniages for which Philp & Edger hav'e aecnrcd thse sole righi for Durham and Victoria counties. Every homac owu- er ihoold have one. BAD,' WOaSE, WORST -Cold, cough1, cons;umption. bo cure the firai and second and preveut the third use Hagyurd's Pc- torial Bilsain, thse never-faiJing farniiy medicine for ail diseuses ai the thnoat, iung suld'chesi., A murvel of healing lu pulmonury complainte. Now FRENFRpoar PAIN.-DEAR SiRs,- 1, havo bison tmaubicd with Lame Bockr for about six moutha, sud thought I wouid tny Hagyurd'e Yellow Oit, which curcd me. Arn now free frorn ali pains, sud recoin- mend YePllow 011 vemy hîghly. FRANE PALMER, WINONA, ONT. . Oh, whst a'cough 1Wîtt you heed the waning 7 The signai perbupa of ibe sure appmoach ai that mare terrible diseaae Coiiuuption. Atk yoursclveaif yoeeau a-ffoTd fo)r the sake ai savîng 50c., ta rue the risiksud do naihing for it. We kuow fmom experieuce that Shiioh'e Cure wiii cure your coughi. $tu eyer faila. if. ,INSTITUTE MEETING. A mneeting ai the West Durham Fanes- cr's 1t[nsituie wiil be hold iu Solins Son'a hall oit Thursciay 25th isi , ut 2 'clock p. m. Discussions will be led as followe: H. C. Hoar-Cenirul Inetitute; I. L, Brown-Poultry, came andi profit. The question drawcr. Farinera attend and have a profitable meeting.. W. MÔuNT~JOY, JAS. PARE. 7-2w Scy. irest. FARM STOCK WANTED. Perans having fat cattie, milch cowe, sheep, iurnbs, veai culves, hogs anud poni- try i any kind arc riquesied ta 500 or aend word ta sme ut ry residenca and 1 will çail on them. Or add rose S. H. ýRFx- NoLi)s, if by mail, Box 1, Bowrmnville. Horse Wanted, Thse uedersigned le prepared ta buy carniage sud saddle hamacs 16 ta 16ý handa, =ihgo style snd action. 'Witi bey fattoiig hormes; heavy dranght horsea aver 1,600 Ibo., and some 1,450 to 1500 Ibo. JAUl herse! muai ho sohud and ight. Briný harsea early. I wil hoai 'dýFogg'm Hotel,, Sunderland, Wodnes- day' Feb. 24. MihIer's Izotel, Stogffville, Thumaday, Fab. i25. Sheppýard's Baiel, Setton, Fridoy, Feb. 26. Hamilton House, Beavenion, Saburday, Feb. j27.- SKennedy 'e Ie], Markhtsm, Monday, Feb, 24. Benosretti' fliStel, Bowrnsnville, Tues- dMr.1. Ile' ote], Kendal, Wednosday, Mar. ý2. ;Clsinn'a !Intel, Brooklii, Thumsday, Mar. 3. Oriental Hotel, Part Perry, Friday, Mur. 4. Veitch'a Hatel, Lindsay, Saiurdsy, Mur., 5. S. COTTON<, Hlorse ,Buyer. Peimranent' addiemm: 61 Ontario at. To-. ronto4 BQW MANVILLE MÂRKETS. Core tell 1)7 J. NcXurtry, 0v077 Tuseslay FLOUý, VI 100 Ibo .........$2 25 ta $2 495 WHEÂT, FaIl, e bush-.. 000 iô O95 ' Spring,n....0 00,. 08 'Y,ý i-------.-----.-0 00 0 O85 OÂTSI Ji"- .......0 00, ,028 BAFL,ý, V buhNo. 1.... O 00 0 bo 5 BÂL~Y,~'buh, 2Z.. 0 00 î0 45 li î2....O0«00'-,04o. ilTwo-rowed O0 0 Ô45 Buckývheat V' bush------....000iO>40 PBÂs, Blackeyo, e bush... O0 00 n O092 aMummy '4 -... O 82 il 033 sSmali, ' --O0 0'11 060 'aBiue, 0 --.O85 ,1 090 Burna, best table, P 1b... 0 160' O17 Eoee, Iv doz-----------..015, ,017 POTTO]uS, VI bush-------.O 025 te 0 30 PORK 1 Il wt-----------. 5 ",64300 RAT ~on........0 00 t1~0 0 1500 LAMBS WANTEID hy the new' Bowmanville Butchers, Hume & Wright. Call at Reynolds' oid stand. Notces or Blrths, 25 cents; liarlages. 50 cent%; 1eaths. 50 cents, eaels Insertion -but FREE 0F CUARGE, wheu thse faunerai cards are iprinted at this office. BIRTHS. TAYLO.-In Hampton on Eeb. l7th, the wlfe of Mr. Robert Taylor of a son. VAxCE.-IN Cartwright. an Feb. l2ý,h, the wife of Mr. John Vance, or a son. DElVMAN-At 2621 State St Chicago. on Febý l6th. the wife of Mr., 2,W* nDayman, of a daughter. SELB'.'CL1.Ât ti1 Commercial Hotel, on Feb. 17th, by !11 ev. 1W, J. Joltiffe, B2. 0. L. Isaac N. Selby, o0,6c5t0 ani Emma J. Cole, of (Oshawa. DIED. BÂIRRETT.-In Oshawa, en Feb. 12h. LVilià Ann, beloved wife of Joshua Barretu, aged 10 years. RICE.-In Oshawa Fab. 12Lh. Matthew Rice, aged 60 years. DEmILL.-In Cartwright, Feb. 16lii. Mary J, Demili, aged 35 years. HILL.-At Prince Albgrt. Feb. I thJ, Mrs. ýiza J. Hill of Darlington. aged 66 years months. VANËTONE-At lot 19. 6th con. Wbltby town- ship. on Feb. 17th, Jeenie Winifred, aIly child or Wim. and Annie Vanstone, aged 10 menthe 3 weecksand Igdays. CRAGO.-In Darlington Eeb. 22, Vianna Cra- go, reflet OC the late John Crago of Bowman ville, aged 88 years. Feneral Thur rdsy f romt residence of Mr. Josleh S. Lick, lo* 3t cn. 7, Darlington. at one oclock ta Perry'a burying ground-cne mile west of Solina. J. E. IHJIBLIi. B RRSTSO L,sNOT- RE ENEWED 00W for @ale. Apply to JPnLip TYLER, flowmanvllle. 7-tf SEED GRAIN FOR SALE-A quant- ks lty of pure six-rowcd BarleyMummy Peas and Timothy Seed. T. H. PoWER, 1Kirby. 8-3w. ORSALE. -A six horse power engine ..' ngood working order., Will bce old eheaD. ÂPP'Y ta JOSE Pu HUTCEIESON, New- castle. 5 f G L BA DOPLOST, between on Sanday mornîng. Einder will please re- turm to the STATESMA.N offiCe and Oblige* 8-tf 1<EY 'TO LOAN,-On farmi secur- L..lyon most favorable terms -mortgages Mng h t. Â pply to RiIIARDl FOSTER, eaSt Of town P.0. ox 19,or JOHN FOSTnR, Dro'rer, -kTOTICE is hereby given that a Dis- ii-' solution of Partnerahsp hbas iaken place between DRs MILLIER and LAMMIMAN. and that ail accounts due the laie Sim upi to Jan. lat 1892 in ust ho paid to DR. HILLIER on or be foie0 the Bith or March next. 7-2w.* 0 ' RENT OR FOR SALE.-The T MithellHomestea21. 200 acres, lt 1 32, con. 6. Darliugcton. 40 acres wood, Maple and beach. 70 acres plowed. For further pamîlculars app'y to MR3. B. MiTCEIETT,, Oshiawa 1-f lý"ARM FOR SALEi-$3,90wili buy IL'"731 acres more or less. Lot 8, rear of con- cession 5, east %Vhitby,Ontario Counsy. Build- lngs in good reDsir. well watered. well fenced. Terms easy. iil be rented if not sold. For particulars apply to JONe Y. COLE, Hampton, 5-3w. SURPRISE YOU want youi- Cottons, Lirons, Flarnels aIways sweet, 013nn1snowy white? YOU wanrt -",the wash 7 done the easiest, the cleani- est, the quickest. the çIep- est way ? SURPRISE Soap iâthe sur-. prise way,." wfithout boilingaor scalding, gives theso aresuts. RIAD the dietioce on the wrapper. CA-UTION. EAC PLIJG OF TUE y rtlo Nayl IS MAREED IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GEUINE, Salesman Wanted. Good,,opening and permanent situation te the right paty, salary or commission. Previous experience not necessary. Out- fit free. We cap start you ta wark at home or on outside territomy if preferred. We are the oniy firm furnishing STIIICTIT FKRST CLASS CA'IADIAN GROWN STOCK Nurseries of 700 acres at Fonthill,Ont. Write for particulars at once. STONE & WELLINGTON, To-onto, Ont. M Ao!' WANilTED T aecharge of a Local Agency. God opening for right ma n. on sal- amy or commii4sion. Whole or part lime, We are the only grawers of both Canadian and Amemican stock.' Nurseries at Ridgeville,Oni.; and Rochester, N. Y. Visiloro welcomne at grounds <Sundays excepted.) BIe quick and Write for fulinformation. we want youi now, BROWý,N BIOS. CO,, TORONTO, ONT. (This Flouse is areabIcC.Pj Capital YALUABLE FARK~ PROPERTY FOR SALE'-'150 Acres, belng S:euth o! No. 9 sud paria!f Lot 10. ie the Smd cou. o! the Township of Cartwrighi, County o! Durhbain. On the preomises are a large bure, stable. drlv. log house and comfortable dwellng. A nover failîug well of wator and 14 acres gond hard.y la1 wood. For particuîass appîy 10 W ILLIAM WOODLEiýABlackstock. 8-m. ARM FOR SALE-TIse nantis balM A NÂ I J oflt22 le the 3rd ecncosion of the Township of Clarke in the couuty of, Durhams cootsiaing 10U acres more or lese. Upon the promises are a good dweîling houso, barn aud stable. Thoee 15 a nover failing îprleg close ta the buildingzs. ageed yoeeg orhrd;Fortersan arialr pp 1t HEL JEWELLER VAMFOR SALE ORt TO RENT- -!Veheirs of the Estate o! the laie James Osborne offer td seli or lease fer a terma o! yeare. that very desimeable place kn own as the -Tuer Homeslead' situated one mile west er Tymone, one mile South of Haydon and seven miles nartît of! ewmanviIle, Township o! Dam. lingtan. and consisting of 93 acres mure or lois ail or which lit ready for next seasoos cmop. A beautiful nover failing apring cmeek runes thmaugh the premises. Theme leaea au excel- lent orchard, large ont buildings. bouts,. etc. The sou jes a Clay loamn and suitable for eiher grain or stock raleing. Tii le ane o. the best farme le the district and ta a gond min very reasonable termes will by given. Possession eau ho given b y the 151h March nexi. For furthur particulare aDply tu MR, W.. J. OS- BORNE, (on the pemisee) Tyrone P. O. 5-if FARM TO RENT OR SEL fly tender, 50 acres (homestead o! the late .NelIson Power) lot 25. con. 7, Clarke, an which are aIl necesry building7, well wateed and !enced. Plowlng ail done, ready for crop. Reasonable termta acceptable man. Tenders muei be ln by March 20, 1892. The lowe8t or any tender not neceasari y accepted. Âpply on thepromisee Satumdaye or by mail to T. H. PowzR. Rirby P. O. 8-3 w. F ARM FOR SALE OR RENT in Clrk. eing lot 35,in the 8th concessionî of the township o! Clarke Weil loeated. one mile west or Lealcard, goad silI. weil fenceci and le a gond e tale o! cultivation. FaIt plow- ing done. Willf be sold on favorable terme, If flot sold at once will be ren, ed. For !uther particulare apply t0 me ai Orono. Ont., or te BORT. MoMENTý, P.M. To Contractors. Sealed tenders wlll bo recelved by the under- signait np ta 12 o'lock noon, saturday, Feb. 275h. 1892. for the di ffereni works requimed le the erecîlen o! a two-room Scheot Bouse in the'village of Tyrone, according te plane and opacifications pmepared by Mm. Wm. Bunney, Registered &rchltect, Bowmanville. Plans and oaecifications can be seen at the bouse o! W. Bunney.Esq..Bowmanvllle,on and afier Saturday Feb. 20, 1892. Tho lowesi or any tender net necessarlly accepted. W. R.. CL.EMENS, Secy. te the Board, 7-1w..Tyrone. Ont. TEn"PNDERS WVANTED.ý CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Tenders' for -the o etion of a brick building te be used as a Sunday Sohool Room ai Ebenezer, Siouth Barlingion Circuit, will b a re- celved by the undemeigned, up te Thumsday March 10, 189-. Plans and opecifications may be Been. at Jas. Conmslce's, Courtice. on and afier March 3rd. Thle lowest or any tender fnit necesoarlly ac. cepted, JÂBEz LiT£LELJOHNS, } ý mite ROBE RT COURTIcE, jOmîte Courtlce, Feb. 23, 181.1 -x A. J. STAPLES, Is ta the front agfaib, and invites everybody ta eaul and see his fine N ZEYW STOCK of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, &c. You can buy -a ine American Gold genu- Watch, and -Gold Filled Chain and Seal, ALJ for only $1S5,CASH. Everything elseý sold equally as cheap. mWe do the business and can ai'- fard ta seil cheap. In Repairing we excel, as everybody knaw s; we do ail kinds and give the bestiaf a- isfactioi.. 1 39 MAYNARD' THEI JEWrLLE1X 3-tf.

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